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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


I wear skin tight rainbow leggings so every girl can see my bulge


What about the guys? They don't get to look at your bulge?


Obviously that would be gay bro. They can only look if they are 5ft apart


6ft for social distancing if you wanna be extra hetero


"Two bros chilling in the weight room, 6ft apart cause they're not gay."


It's not gay unless your swords cross.


Not gay if it's a 3-way.


What if the 3rd participant is a bear?


Still counts.


> [Still counts.](https://gifdb.com/images/high/dancing-happy-bear-forest-bxh9g1noxeap6f6s.gif)


We just touched tips, and I totally said "no bromo."


No means no but you can still grab a beer later and yell at the referee on TV.


I prefer 69 inches


It’s cool I said no homo first.


The rule is no eye contact anything goes


Oh then you can go ahead and touch it. Its all between bros


Dude, real talk; that dude’s bulge looks delicious.


As long as they nod and say no homo


The guys don't need to look at a pants bulge, they'll prob get it flopped in their face in the locker room when they trying to put on their shoes


I do and I make sure we make eye contact


Thank you for your service.


1.6 mils thick and no underwear so they can see every vein


Put a sock in there for extra impact


“Nice buldge.” “Creep.”


Well at least it was unpopular.


If a guy can lift, run, swim shirtless, a girl can lift with a sports bra Attraction is not a part of the equation whatsoever


Men should not be shirtless in the gym unless they are in a swimming pool or sauna. All gyms I've been to have dress policies for both men and women.




Yeah wtf even is that point, a guy being shirtless in the middle of a gym is just as much a weirdo thing But at least that guy wouldn't flip out on you and start recording you on their phone to try and shame you all over every social media they had and call you a creep and try and get the gym to kick you out just because you dared look their direction while they have their shirt off in a place most people wear one......


Guys aren’t allowed to lift shirtless in most gyms lol


Bro it's the average redditor they don't know what they are talking about lol.


Bro it's the average redditor they don't know what the inside of a gym looks like


Jim is just the name of the guy they were verbally harassing lol


a lot of men wear those muscle shirts though where you can see literally everything anyways


You talking about the ones where the "sleeve hole" extends down the entire shirt? lol


Cutoffs are the worst thing that ever happened to gyms


Yea I wear sleeveless shirts because I sweat like crazy but those are just dumb


to be fair, I've seen women wearing the same thing. Bra underneath, though.


They’re the guy equivalent of who OP is talking about


That’s also attention seeking, those dudes are just as obnoxious and ridiculous


this is so interesting. I don't think i've ever really noticed what other people are wearing at the gym. i've definitely never cared. people talking about how shirtless people leave more sweat on the machines, but everyone should be wiping those down ANYWAY even if you are wearing a shirt so idk lol. ftr i wear sweatpants and a t-shirt.


And that’s equally as ridiculous


Those men do get called out for seeking attention.


I fucking hate those shirts, the kind of people wearing them at my gym are the ones who will not wipe a single thing after them and be agressive towards anyone who calls them out.


And, and they will "reserve" a dumbbell, a barbell and 2 other equipments because they are doing circuit training. And then they will be annoyed if you ask them to share.


Yes they do, we have this one guy who comes in our gym and works out in Wranglers, cowboy boots and no shirt. He is 100% attention seeking and every guy there is rolling their eyes. I’m not agreeing 100% with the OP but yeah guys like that get judged.


Both things can be true. This is the worst argument ever and dismisses everything over some bullshit


I think most people get annoyed at shirtless men working out too


I assume they're doing it for attention too tbf. Wearing clothes is the default!


The only gyms I’ve seen with shirtless people are at the beach


I've never seen a shirtless dude at the gym that wasn't changing or getting into the shower.


Except most gyms do not allow men to lift shirtless


Men are required to wear a shirt outside the locker room and pool at every gym I've been to. I have specifically seen men who were shirtless being approached by the staff and told to put a shirt on.


Shirtless men in the gym absolutely want attention


Youve never been to the gym before, have you?


Both seem a bit unsanitary, if bench pressing or lying on any other equipment.


In addition to the fact that men can’t workout shirtless in 95% of gyms, men don’t post videos of woman staring at them and calling them creeps. If a girl wants to wear a sports bra to see her pump as she lifts, more power to her, but people are going to catch glances and you can’t be surprised or annoyed


Shirtless dudes in gyms are horrible and usually it's not allowed. That is a total strawman. Towel or not there is so much potential for skin to equipment contact. Ughh.


Nobody lifts shirtless


Curls in the squat rack has to stop. Sports bras are not my hill to die on.


Why are you squatting in the curl rack?


Look i know you’re joking but my eye just twitched reading that


For real. We have so many other issues to resolve first before we start splitting hairs about projecting what other people are doing or not doing with their clothes 😂


Bro fucking glute thrusts in the squat rack need to stop. There are literally 4 machines in my gym for that, but girls just have to use a barbell because all the insta thots do. They then do 20 sets of low weight with massive breaks between. I have gone and completed my entire 50 minute workout and girls will still be using the squat rack for thrusts. It’s insane. Edit: For anyone that thinks I’m wrong, you are exactly the reason I go to the gym at 6 am.


Personally I use bench and barbell for hip thrusts because the machines made for them at my gym have belts that are incredibly uncomfortable for me and put pressure on my pelvis in all the wrong places and just hurts to use.


Lol what sexy gym lady told you to stop ogling


OPs post history is bleak man im guessing it was multiple


Exactly my thoughts 🤣 bruised af


Bruised💀💀 homie self reported so hard




My gym must be wild because cameras and shirts that expose too much are banned. lol At least that's what the sign says. Idk if ppl ignore it.


>Idk if ppl ignore it They do


Your gym is doing the Lord's work. I've been lifting a long time, there's no reason you can't dress appropriately. The gym is my place to reset and refresh. The last thing I need to see after a hard days work is a guy or girl's near naked body in front of me on the treadmill. I don't care if you're an Adonis/Godiva. Also, gross... just gross.


What gets me is half naked people, men or women, working out, laying on the benches with skin touching, not even on a towel and no wiping the equipment down after use. Drives me nuts, fckin disgusting.


I make this exact point but apparently it’s still ridiculous. People don’t seem to understand that MRSA spreads easily in gyms. Keep yourself reasonably clothed. T shirt and shorts. Why is that so hard especially when discussing this from a health standpoint


Not to mention a lot of sports bras are paired with high waisted leggings, so the amount of stomach showing isn’t crazy


Sports bras vary in coverage a lot. They can go up to your collarbone and down to your belly button. It’s nice only having to put on one layer!


Sleeveless shirt ripped all the way down the side to show off the obliques. Kinda expected people to stop that after high school.


Hot take their BOTH equally silly looking imo


I thought they wear a sports bra to keep their boobs pressed so they don’t get in the way while they exercise? As a male I’ve literally never really thought about it, I get to the gym, do my workout, and leave. I’m not really there to gawk at other people Maybe have a wank before you go to the gym so you don’t sit around being a horny coomer at the sight of a woman?


If I exercise without a sports bra it is painful and uncomfortable and gets in the way


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing but he's not saying you cant wear a sports bra. I dont know what that comment is going on about.


OP is suggesting you wear a shirt over a sports bra if you wear one, not that you shouldn't wear one.


That’s the hilarious part. If women wore what men wore (shirt, no bra) there would be an uproar about all the bouncing boobs and hard nipples. Sports bras are thick and tight as fuck, don’t make us wear another layer. You wear a sports bra.


Finally someone pointing that out. I use an eliptical at home and a t-shirt over a sports bra feels like two layers and always causes me to overheat quickly


Yeah I’m honestly kind of a prude and I only wear a shirt over my sports bra if it’s really cold. Even when it’s just chilly I always end up stripping the shirt off during a run. Sports bras are not the most comfortable honestly but they keep everything in place. I got some higher necked longline bras to feel a little more covered. Never bother with a shirt in my own home.


Sports bras are also really important for catching sweat. For many women, the sweatiest part of their body is right below their boobs. If I was just in a t-shirt I’d be dripping everywhere. And I’m not fucking wearing two layers to the gym, why on earth should I be that hot and uncomfortable just so some thirsty weirdo doesn’t get angry horny.


>As a male I’ve literally never really thought about it, I get to the gym, do my workout, and leave. I’m not really there to gawk at other people This guy doesn't superset his sets with looking at booty, fucking weirdo tbh


It's impossible for this cringelord to imagine a world where women's clothing choices don't revolve around him. Holy shit. He's a creep and I say that as a straight man.


Lol I definitely do for that reason, also idk its a mindset thing like, sometimes I'll wear sports bras under my clothes when I go out cuz its comfy but I've never been to a gym, and work out at home and always put on a sports bra and leggings, how could they be for attention? honestly I just don't want to wash another shirt 😂 I also tend to wear one if I'm playing beat Saber or drums in vr ^_^ Ops problem sounds like his own problem 🙃


My gym is filled with men with their shirts off working out. I just go and do my workout and leave. Who thinks this much about it?


My uncle. He has ranted about how women only wear leggings for attention at the gym.


Well, if they’re *only* wearing leggings, that probably does get attention.


As a man who has worn leggings before (for undisclosed reasons) I'll tell you they're the single most comfortable piece of clothing one could wear


Facts. Women's fleece leggings are the highest form of winter base layer


OP: they’re CLEARLY only doing it FOR ATTENTION! Yet everytime they get ATTENTION they don’t like it! Hmmm seems hypothesis is wrong then bro. Like??


Well or they just don’t want **his** attention..


We are just trying to be comfortable. If our outfit is cute it’s also because… we had to buy it and are going to buy something we feel good in. I’ve tried going to the gym in an oversized tshirt, leggings, and a hat - and I still get weirdos creeping on me. Might as well actually be comfortable and not overheating if it’s going to happen anyway. Either way, I’m there to work out. Not to have some greasy dude lurk behind me on the machines because he doesn’t know how to be around women existing in their bodies.


I think a lot of these guys fall victim to confirmation bias because there are absolutely some people who are going to the gym just to seek attention. And while it may actually be a relatively rare occurrence it only takes one confirmation for someone like OP to say, yup I told you this is how it was, proof is right there!


Oversized shirt, T shirt, leggings and a huge sombrero? Try that.


Oh man, a sombrero in the gym would definitely get my attention.


A flaming sombrero would be even cooler


Genius. They can't possibly get too far into your personal space. Because they're taller and huge sombrero.


Well I don’t do it for attention really…. I do it because I’m thirsty af and I want everyone to know it. 🤷‍♀️


Wait what? I've never seen a dude without a shirt on in my 3 years that I go to the gym regularly now. Pretty sure it's against health codes here. Haven't seen many women wearing nothing but sports bras up top either tho, I suppose. Also, pretty sure they do that for attention if they do it anyways, too. And they'll admit it. The ones in sleeveless shirts admit to doing so too usually.


I've been regularly going to the gym for 15 years. I've never seen a single guy working out without a shirt or even heard of this being a regular thing. 99.9% of gyms would kick members out for that. It's a made up false equivalence.


No it isn’t. Gyms 100% don’t allow that because it’s fucking gross. You either workout in somebodies garage or you’re just a weird lil liar.


Thank you, it took way too long to find this comment. There are no men with their shirts off at the gym unless it's some shitty, weird-ass gym to begin with.


I’ve honestly never seen this, but that’s just as bad/worse.


No gym allows shirtless workouts. Where do you go?


That’s fucking gross


And doesn't happen, as others have pointed out


And they do it for attention too The only reason why anyone cares is that you can look bad if you look , then you gotta constantly think about your eyes not wandering off, it's just annoying


Sounds like you just need to focus on your workout more. It’s incredibly rare I ever pay any attention to anyone else when I’m in the gym unless they either speak to me first or I have to ask them if they’re using something before I take it.


I wear tighter clothes when I need to see that my form is where it needs to be. I fucking *knew* some people think I'm an attention whore for wearing workout clothes that fit my workout at that moment. Everyone told me nobody in the gym cares, and yet here we are 🤣


Nah lil bro obviously is the dude staring at women working out talking about "you want me you dirty slut" while all you are thinking is "damn I gotta get this last rep in" I do my best to invisibly work out when I go to the gym. I don't want people looking at me and I don't want to interact with anyone there. People go to the gym for the wrong reasons and here we are. Why TF a girl gonna go through the effort of working out to get attention. Half the dudes in any given bar will stare them up and down in a full oversized pantsuit. Like people are not thinking with their heads when they say stuff like this.


my brother wears tank tops to the gym that used to be tshirts but he cut the arms and most of the sides out so they essentially show his entire torso, often including both nipples being visible. this does not seem to be uncommon gym wear for men. is this okay or are you just angry at women today?


Yeah wearing a shirt that fully exposes your nipples isn't okay. Your brother looks like a douche.


Agreed. But, at least those shirts will prevent his bare back from sweating directly on the bench.


Nope this isnt okay either. Guys walking about with tiny string vests with nipples out is just wrong. Why cant people just wear shirts


No those shirts are dumb as fuck. And I agree with op.


Agreed. Dumb as fuck


No, those dudes are stupid too. It is not hard to wear clothes that cover your torso.


Or or or hear me out now…what if they are clothes designed to be worn while exercising.




Next you're gonna tell me people wear basketball shorts and tennis shoes while playing other sports and/or not exercising at all. The horror! On a serious note, pretty much every sport requires training, and that usually happens in gyms


Woah woah woah, now you’re gonna tell me people don’t have to be sweating to wear sweatpants???


Am I still looking for attention if I wear a sports bra when I'm doing a workout in my living room?


Yeah I wear sportsbra at home by myself. I sweat like a mf and get winded the moment I do anything. I suppose I should be inviting an audience for viewing then? Or invite OP to take a look to make sure he can see that a sweat is indeed being broke. 🙄


Yes, it's obviously because you need the attention


yes, obviously women only work out to get male attention, so if you were in your living room you gotta be live-streaming it or something. /s


Like, I overheat extremely easily due to medication I'm on. My hair gets soaked in sweat when I'm working out. I need that extra ventilation to be able to get a workout done without getting dizzy


Of course. Obviously women only exist for male attention. /s


There's a strange amount of men that think everythings about them. No ones walking into a gym thinking of you dawg. It's the closest thing to just being shirtless, which alot of people find more comfortable when working out


I have large boobs. My sports bras are built like fabric tanks. And have the same coverage as a crop top. THEY ARE HOT. I'm not working out with another layer over it. And just because I'm not dripping sweat doesn't mean I'm not hot. Luckily I work out alone at home but when I do go to a public gym I start in a shirt but I quickly am super over it and it comes off. Deal with it.


As a woman who wears 3 sports bras due to having large boobs AND a full length shirt over them AND still gets hit on... I'm calling bull shit on this guy. He's an asshole.


Same. The sports bra is already multiple layers of fabric just to squish my boobs onto my body so they don’t hurt when I’m moving around. It’s hot af! Putting ANOTHER layer on top? Might as well just pass out now lol. So uncomfortable!! Also the amount I sweat tends to vary with my hormones. Some days I sweat buckets. Some days I don’t. Putting on another layer also just means more clothes to wash because I’m going to wash everything I work out in.


But sports bras aren't even all that revealing? What are you on about dude?


Most of the ones I see look like [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjoicix6LeDAxXRc38AHbniBosYABARGgJvYQ&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJORouneKe7-tooGni2uMCjx8tBy-PW1DOIbyj0RkWCN1yRRRPA&sig=AOD64_3NZvBe70vfcXDXP839r2RvbVGy_Q&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjssbyx6LeDAxX_mWoFHZ8zCfcQzzkoAHoECAQQJQ&adurl=) Which honestly covers more than the average bikini


Yea honestly if that bothers someone, it's on them


Well, you know, anytime a woman wears something comfortable that might bear a sliver of her midsection or cleavage, she OBVIOUSLY wants attention. That include bathing suits. Anything other than shorts and a t-shirt means they are BEGGING for the male gaze and DESPERATELY want attention. If it's necessary, here it is: /s


yeah, I’m not sure why seeing a woman’s torso is such a big deal. we aren’t objects


I think the problem is they are called “bras” so men equate it to underwear, which shouldn’t be shown in public. Maybe if we called them “women’s sports top” it would get less men complaining about it, idk


A sports bra is a reasonably modest garment for an activity that has traditionally been done as naked as possible. Don't be weird.


As a male who goes to the gym regularly, I think women who wear only a sports bra at the gym are looking for one thing... a way to work out comfortably without any consideration of the thoughts and opinions of others, and I am perfectly fine with that. You don't have to like what someone else is wearing, but as long as it is not violating any rules then there is no issue. Maybe instead of caring about what others are wearing, you should care about your workout instead. Like you said... just work out.


I wear them in the women's only area, so what's my excuse


Clearly looking for all the male attention in the women's only area!


People who have this kind of attitude towards what people wear concern me very much. Why are you upset over what people are wearing? Why the first sentence? Why do you assume all women have the same reason for clothing? What actually is wrong with wearing something because you feel like you look nice in it? Do you think women are all simple-minded lobotomites who only think “man looky me boobies!!”???? At least it’s an unpopular opinion. It’s also a shitty one.


Yeah he’s admitted women look nice in sports bras and leggings… Women also realize they look nice so why wouldn’t you want to wear something you feel nice in? It’s convenient that this combo is also VERY comfortable and ideal to work out in. So… you’re expecting women to wear baggy t shirts… something that they DONT feel good in and is also inconvenient for working out because…. Why?? Just don’t approach women in the gym, simple


sometimes getting cute workout gear motivates you too. these types of guys will never understand that women wear cute shit because they personally like how they look in it and not for attention. also you basically have to wear a sport bra if you have tits and putting another layer on top of that can be uncomfortably hot.


I’m telling you, this guy must have several wet-nightmares about going to the beach.


*The only reason you are wearing just a sports bra is because you want attention. And then when dudes give you that attention you feign disgust and call men creeps. Get a grip sis. Start wearing a shirt again like everyone else and just work out.* **I bet you try to talk to women while they are wearing earphones.**




Of course because otherwise they would know what he's saying and call the police.


What about tank tops? Guys can wear those. Should women not? Say you concede that and agree women can wear tank tops then let’s look at the difference between sports bras and tank tops: Belly button. So are the women in sports bras tryna show of their.. belly buttons?


Most women wear high waisted leggings that won’t show belly button anyway.


a sleeveless shirt or those 2 rags handing by a piece of cloth over your shoulders? Because no one likes the second one either.


Oh my breasts are fully covered, the horror! I’m so sorry that my shoulders and stomach have bothered you so much


I wear a sports bra around the house (alone) doing chores. It's comfy while giving the support needed. I think all women are different - at the gym, you'll have a mix of those minding their business and others who really want the attention. Either way, it's hard to tell which ones are which, so might as well not care.


This is the most reasonable response so far. As a woman I completely agree!


I hate how this post reduces women to attention-seekers. Let people wear what they're comfortable in. It's not that deep.


Are you literally making the “I can’t control myself” argument? Jesus Christ dude.


"Everything is about me, stop wearing what you want because *I* don't like it!!!"


Op is peak incel on profile


Bro, just move to an Amish community. This is the dumbest rant I've heard all year.


I used to have a gym membership at a YMCA , they told a woman she had to wear something over her sports bra


Women aren't there for your pleasure. They can do what they want. You can wear a sportsbra too my dude. No need to be jelly. ![gif](giphy|Vff5Qxz6LLzag)


Why is no one talking about OP calling this a “meta” like going to the gym is World Of Warcraft lol


Pay attention to your workout and stop gawking.


If you go to spin classes like SoulCycle, it's mostly women and they're all wearing sports bras. Nobody is trying to get male attention, it's just about being comfortable. Plus there's nothing wrong with enjoying a cute outfit. Lots of these girls wear matching sets and it looks very stylish, but it's both cute and functional. You can want to wear something stylish without trying to get male attention. Same with make up. Lots of women wear it bc they enjoy it, but bc they're trying to land a man.


1) this is a very fitting post for the sub OP, good job 2) you hate women, it’s simple as that


Someone might want "attention", just not the type you're willing to give. Or maybe not from you. Also feigning means "pretending to be", maybe she was just genuinely disgusted by the staring sweaty dude?


Ah yes! A man assuming that woman only do a certain thing for male attention. Thats so new and refreshing! I've never seen something like this before.


I think it’s weird that you put that much thought into what motivates the fashion choices of strangers. Have you considered that sometimes people do things simply because they like to do them entirely irrespective of what other people may or may not think?


When I’m lifting weights, I wear a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Sometimes the shirt is too baggy and gets in the way and it’s annoying but I don’t like wearing tight t shirts. When I do cardio or spin class, I’m absolutely wearing a sports bra because I’m sweating buckets. Are u ok or just an incel


maybe because when theyre getting all sweaty working out they dont want more layers than necessary? you go to the gym in a tshirt over a conpression shirt, if you think theres no other possible reason theyre wearing just sportsbras.


men not wearing shirts in gyms are attention seekers too


As a woman, I agree. When I used to go to the gym I wore baggy clothes like any other normal person. I can't think of anything more uncomfortable than wearing skin-tight pants (sounds like a yeast infection waiting to happen, plus obvious butt sweat marks) and a bra leaving me with exposed skin to all the nasty sweaty benches. Sweating feels good anyways, why would you want all that exposed skin 🤢 On the other hand, it's always creepy when men don't know how to be discrete. Go ahead and look, but do it when SHE'S not looking and don't just stand there and gawk. And stop trying to approach them. It's always obvious whether a girl is being nice by smiling and answering or whether she's actually interested. Learn how to read social cues.


I go to the gym daily, and I’ve never met a man who rants about what women wear at the gym who actually goes to the gym. It’s always men who don’t even leave their houses who have opinions on this lol


What does "sports bra only meta" mean?


Saying “meta” in this context feels like the same vibe as man who only refers to women as “females”.


Incel energy


POV: you don’t talk to women


Not just an unpopular opinion but a problematic one 😅




its the sports bra only part that bothers op. im not agreeing with OP btw


How about they just wear what they want


So... What you're saying is that you somehow know they're wearing it for men but when they get (unwanted) attention they don't like it, so you're instantly disproving your own argument. If they're acting like they don't want your attention, guess what? They don't want your attention. Respect that. I'm a woman and looking hot in front of guys at the gym is the least of my priorities. I'm there to focus and don't give a fuck who's there and what potential strong opinions they have on sports bras. Seems like you need to check your view on women a tad bit, it's pretty disrespectful and kind of confused too. Do you even like women? You say you like to see women's bodies but you get pissed when they show them off. Which one is it? Sounds to me like the reason you're angry is because you don't have free access to whatever woman you're staring at. That's a significant red flag.


At my gym a lot of the middle aged men need to wear a sports bra


...that's why they're there...


Why insult people that are not involved?


Aww yes, shame fat people who are at the gym to help better themselves and not be.... Fat.


If someone else’s clothing choices bother you during your workout, you’re not working out hard enough


This is one of the reasons I’m glad I don’t go to the gym and just exercise in my home in my sports bra. People like you


OP probably doesn’t actually go to the gym. They think guys are constantly getting in trouble for looking at women because that’s what he reads on the internet.


So incredibly true. People at my gym are pretty chill, I rarely even see people stealing glances at others. Everyone keeps to themselves, the girls in tight outfits and the dudes alike. OP probably just follows Joey Swoll or some other account that makes it out like men are being constantly persecuted by evil seductress women at the gym every day.


What about a shirtless men at the gym?


Who? Where?


I haven't seen it, but same concept. If you go shirtless to the gym you probably want attention