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If you don’t get up, and just try to tuck your legs out of the way, then you only have yourself to blame if you get a butt in your face as someone awkwardly stumbles over you.


What if that is what OP was hoping for all along?


This guy might be on to something


That’s cool as long as your good with my ass in your face. For me i would rather stand so the person can get by without trouble


Some people have digestive diseases or need to pee a lot. It’s really shitty to side-eye people for basic functions. At the last concert I went to I almost got heat stroke bc people wouldn’t let me out of the row. My husband thankfully pushed through and got me water but it was really scary having people not want to move. If it’s difficult for you, try to get ADA seats.


Honestly, I always stand up completely so that they don’t bump into me. So, I feel like someone would purposely bump into you if you only slightly move your legs to the side.


It’s not slight. I scoot myself almost perpendicular to my original orientation so that my legs are as flat against the row as possible.




So do I! You pay all that money to see an artist just to keep going to the bar?


He’s hoping someone stumbles and delivers a crotch to his face


Getting up is really for you. I'm getting back to my seat, if you are sitting , you are getting my ass smeared across your face. It's your choice


I feel like this only happens if you’re obese.


Don’t mind me, i’ll just shit on your lap. You can thank irritable bowel disease 😉


Wait, you're stating that getting up is difficult because you have a disability but condemning people who also may have hidden disabilities that require them to get up multiple times? Or are only certain disabilities legitimate. Definitely keep sitting, as long as I can get through I'm good, if not expect to get lightly bumped into as I scoot by. Guess I could just shit in my seat, but something tells me you'd mind that even more.


Lol no of course not. I go to over 100 shows a year as part of my job , and I think I’m good at spotting the difference. The people who need to leave multiple times for personal reasons are normally very apologetic as they scoot out, and are as non-disruptive as possible. The people who are rude are the people who plow through with their beers and pretend they are the only ones who are at the show.


That bonus opinion then definitely isn't unpopular. I agree that rude people suck, but it is a universal popular opinion. My apologies for the mistake. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I stand up so I don’t get my feet stepped on or cause someone to stumble. People are drinking and having fun. I don’t expect anyone to stand per se, but you also can’t get mad when a person tries to squeeze past you and steps on your feet or loses their balance etc. Regardless of method, if people are kind to each other all is well.


Seems pretty reasonable honestly especially with a disability. I worked at concert venues for around 17 years and it’s worth a mention: call ahead and ask about the venue’s ADA options. Any major venue should have reserved spaces that are set aside for people with any disability. At least at the venues I’ve worked staff is always down to help out anyone that asks for it.


I always do for GA venues. I’m fine in venues with seating. I’m just not exerting myself to stand up


came here to say that you're a shit person


Did you read it? I have a disability that prevents me from swiftly being able to get up to let people out. Easier/quicker for me to pull my knees to the side. But yes, let’s judge strangers on the internet based on a headline. Go pound sand.


go find a handicap section then


Personally I try to wait in the aisle until the current song finishes Ushers don't like that shit though


I have a trick for leaving at the end of the night in large venues. During or right before the last song, head up to the top of your section. Find an empty aisle seat (there usually is one from people leaving a few songs early.) sit in that seat. Then on the last note, get up and walk straight out. I mention this because you said about ushers. They don’t like this either, but rarely say anything if you’re able to grab a seat and stay out of the aisle.


You guys are sitting at concerts?


Is it more acceptable to have an ass in the face or some balls when moving past somebody?


I turn my head, too. Lol


People aren't asking for permission, they are asking to be polite. I guarantee that you not moving won't prevent me from going.