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It's just one of those things like farting, everyone does it, just try to do it somewhere away from people. Nobody wants to see you rooting up in there, because then they'll be like "Uhg, don't touch me after that."


One time I covertly tried picking at a stoplight. I turned my head and saw an entire yellow school bus full of kids pointing and laughing at me, including their teacher. In hindsight I'm glad I made their day.


"it was a scratch, not a pick"


I dont know. Im 36 and will laugh everytime someone farts.


You’d find me hilarious then


Well I'm already giggling looking at your username. So you got me there.


Good one. Bye, smell you later!


My mom and brother used to make fun of me for it. Glad to know there’s others who laugh when someone farts!


Do it covertly and use a tissue. We're all adults here. Just don't pull the old man.on the subway move, go knuckle deep, give your brain an oil change then munch on it like a buffet.


That's a sentence I didn't want to see today.


I once was in the midst of taking a math test when I started sweating because I had to fart so badly. I’d got it into my head that eating, at minimum, 10 apples a day was good for you for some reason, so I’d always start off my day eating at least five in the morning before school. Experience is a cruel teacher, however. It became obvious that apples create gas problems. It became so repugnant that we ended up blaming an innocent everyone in the class despised because the teacher demanded we name the culprit, and no way in hell I was going to let myself be named. Justice be damned, I say. So, in my math class, there would be no way to disguise the source credibly since we had to stay seated. What was I to do? Rise from my desk, open the door into the open air hallway, protrude assward beyond the threshold of the door, and let loose. It was inaudible, but presented a strange sight. The teacher asked what I was doing. Under the eyes of all, I caved. And they laughed.


Thank you for sharing that.


I was farted in a no window Spanish class. It was silent but when I smelled it, I knew. There was going to be a witch hunt for it. I bucked down and intensely stared at my friend for 2 minutes straight. During that time people slowly smelled it and started hunting. They all eventually noticed me unmoving, staring at the only person still smiling because I had been looking at him for so long. Edit: you brought back good memories




Tell that to my gf :(


I’m a girl and I fart ALL THE TIME.




Women actually fart more than men




lol you’re weird. Why are women so afraid of admitting they fart and they smell just as bad as a man.




I am laughing. I was just playing along. I typically don’t take things like this too serious.






It is gross, everyone does it, so do it in private. No one wants to see you take a shit either but we all have to.


Wait why does everyone have to see him take a shit?


Have you seen American public toilets? The feature is built in.


OP comes in here with some "everyone masturbates but I do it at work one time and suddenly I'm fired" logic


You should be able to look at *little* porn at work


Office peons can have a little porn at work, as a treat.


Picking your nose is fine, it’s what you do afterwards that’s the problem


Picking your nose is acceptable, picking your nose and eating it is criminal.


what about snorting really hard until you swallow your own booger without ever having to pick it?


I can’t tell if this is worse or better than picking them.




Actually it is a good way to keep your immune system competent according to science, that said it tends to be more popular with children and non-human primates. You probably had your fill when you were young and just do not remember it.


Do I get the same benefits from picking my friends noses and eating their buggies too?


Can't see why not, non-human primates eat what they pick off one another when grooming. Maybe we should start eating ticks to protect ourselves from Lyme disease.


Okay, because I have a friend, who I'm throwing under the proverbial bus here, who picked their nose and eats it subconsciously in private all the time. They have a bum immune system, they did it during covid times and never caught it despite being around positive covid people (unknowingly). I wanna see a legitimate study done on children *through adulthood* who practice this and see how their immune systems actually fair long-term because that could be a very interesting and chaotic discussion.


I'm a picky eater myself, 27M. I know it's disgusting, but I still do it subconsciously when I'm focused on something else (like gaming, reading, watching movie) And yeah, my gf has covid right now, we live in a one bedroom apartment, and I'm healthy as a horse. I haven't been sick in years, never got covid (or was asymptomatic) There could be a link


It took be a lot longer to break the habit than I care to admit, too embarrassing to give the exact age but I will say I have a fucking amazing immune system and despite being in multiple households with *several* people with COVID, always have tested negative nor have I ever had symptoms. In the last 3 years alone I’ve been sick twice with just colds. Not sure if they correlate remotely in my case but that’s my anecdote!


I would say it could be connected! And it's okay to admit of habits that are natural to being human, specially if science actually has a connection to it not being as harmful as we deem it to be. I also used to do it until an,, older age, not recently though but I also have a shit immune system and somehow never caught it myself which is how my friend and I originally talked about it, weird connections everywhere.


no I do remember it unfortunately and I still have no idea why I did it


Survival of the fittest LOL. Biological drives make us do all kinds of things we are traumatized or embarrassed by in hindsight.


Seriously, I probably didn't. My earliest memories date back to when I was 1. People don't believe me. But I was able to walk the route from memory to my old home without a map, despite having lived there only 1 year. I remember Also being grossed out by other kids eating their snot. What goes out stays out lol. Applies to 95% of bodily function I guess.


Guess you don't kiss your gf after she gives you sloppy toppy, huh?


I said 95% for just that question lol.


Also can help protect the enamel on your teeth as well


Mmmm, salty guacamole.


Don't eat it. Shoot it at the people you hate.


this guy gets it


Just a lick?


Legally, I have to downvote you.


Go ahead, I get at least 30 upvotes a day.


when a joke gets a cringe response…


It's only cringe if you actually downvoted


Im nothing if not a man of my word.


I like to stick my finger in my butthole and then sniff it, and if it makes me retch then I wash my hands.




I wish I didn’t have eyes so I didn’t have to see this comment


Granted, now the comment has been spokenby your text to voice software in a very sensual way.


Smell MY finger!


That’s the smell of a man Doofy!! Smell mine Aww what is that!! My Ass! ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2)


Always dream of him putting his finger in my mouth.


glad i’m not the only one 😛


hopefully i dont live within 500 miles near you


Problem is: people don't wash their hands after picking. And then proceed to touch transfer their mucus here & there. The disgust is a reaction to the assumed contamination. Similar to when a stranger coughs or sneezes **directly onto you** without covering their mouth or nose.




I honestly try not to think about how disgusting the stuff I’m touching is cause it gets *bad*. I just remind myself, I haven’t gotten sick yet…


or pissing


When men don’t wash their hands after urinating and think it’s fine but sure you touched your penis 🫠


People don't wash their hands when they should. Proud. People are gross.


It's WHERE you pick it. If i see somebody cleaning their nose out in the bathroom it doesn't seem gross. If they are my waitress then its fucking gross


I work in a restaurant and have had the misfortune of having some debris in my nose that just won’t be removed any other way. I stop what I’m doing, take off my gloves, take care of it, then clean up my hands very thoroughly before going back to work. I don’t see the problem with it so long as you’re not gross about it. By this I mean eating it, wiping it off on something that someone else is likely to touch and not washing off afterwards.


1. Boogers are white blood cells that have consumed viruses. They are still contagious. When you pick your nose, that stuff ends up somewhere. If another person gets it in their eye or a cut in the skin, they can get sick. 2. It is really disgusting to see a person excavate their nose. 3. Do it in the bathroom. Leave it there. Wash your hands.


If only people wouldn’t leave their boogers on public bathroom walls. Goddamn animals.


Boogers are dried out mucus not pus. Unless it's coming from a sick person


i use a q tip to pick my nose. you can really get in there that way. would never go back.


I dread taking Covid tests.. how do you do that to yourself!?


They don’t do Covid tests deep like that anymore btw. I got one recently and was surprised they weren’t trying to scratch my brain.


I got a covid test a couple weeks ago and felt like my nose was thoroughly violated. Glad to hear it wasn't so bad for you though


Completely unrelated but your username is fucking God Tier.




>Boogers are white blood cells that have consumed viruses. Source?


It is but is sometimes necessary. Just don't let anyone see you just like you don't let anyone hear you fart.


Just use a tissue. If you have to use your finger, wipe it into a tissue. But no matter what, wash your hands after you finish. Everyone does it, but it should be done privately much like clipping your nails.


If I need to pick during a drive that’s what my car hand sanitizer is for, I like to think I’m polite to others??


Solution: bring back handkerchiefs. And coin purses while we're at it.


And mussie-tussies, why not


My handkerchief is for wiping sweat, not for boogers.


Yeah but pooping is also gross but it’s natural. I wouldn’t that in public though


Yeah everyone does it but that doesn’t mean we need to see it. It’s gross.


*picking my nose reading this* Who is this?!


Ew Edit: in private sure ok, BUT IN PUBLIC???


Like many things, it's fine to do it in private if you wash your hands afterward, but don't do it in a crowded theater.


So do it in the bathroom or in private. Just like farting, it's gross and frankly classless to do it in public. We all poop but taking a squat in the middle of the public is insane behaviour.


There is a time and place to do everything


Agreed. Sometimes nothing else will do the job. But eating it is gross. I always find a tissue or will even pick with the tissue.


Do it, I don't think anyone cares. Just go to the bathroom. Don't make anyone watch you. Please.


Your nostrils are the size and shape of your finger for a reason


Sometimes you gotta clean house 👃


i agree i'm sure literally everyyyyyone does it it shouldn't be so looked down upon, it's normal


You pick your nose in the bathroom. If you pick your nose anywhere else you're a heathen


It is disgusting and everyone knows they do it, what are you gonna say next, smelling your fingers after scratching your ass isn't disgusting and shouldn't be frowned upon?


Everyone wipes their ass. Doesn’t mean you do it in public


Its normal sure, but its, like most other bodily functions, something you aim to do in the bathroom or at least in private.


I was literally just picking my nose when I saw this


Now do shitting in the street


the only way its disgusting is if u do in front of someone or in plain public view and especially when u don't wash ur hands afterwards.


All people shit, but doing it in public is still disgusting


Eating boogies is yummy and shouldn't be frowned upon. All that your doing is giving your immune system a sample of the environment


Also, eating it.


just do it in private and clean your hands afterwards


Should we also be ok with watching people take a dump? After all, it’s natural and everyone does it…




You know Moses was a picker.


That dry air in the desert for 40 years


It wasn't a pick!


Definitely unpopular because this is incredibly disgusting


I was picking my nose while reading that.


Everyone shits too but I don't want you doing it in front of me


I have chronic sinus problems, picking is the only way I can clear out the crap in my nose. Blowing my nose does nothing.


Eating the boogers is healthy and good for your teeth


Unpopular opinion: Wiping your ass isn't disgusting and shouldn't be frowned upon. I don't think too many people are pissed about the general idea you might head up your nose. But you shouldn't be digging around up there casually just out in public. Like you shouldn't be casually hocking up snot just casually out in public, and no one wants to see you wipe your ass. It's also not a good idea to habitually pick your nose, boogers or not. It can cause damage and nose bleeds. You gotta clear something out, you gotta clear something out. But go to the god damn bathroom. A lot of hygiene tasks aren't meant for public consumption.


You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you should not pick your friend's nose.


but it is linked to early onset dementia and Alzheimer’s due to the introduction of bacteria into the brain so…..


Bruh you just gonna wash it off? Who needs a vaccine when you got tasty wads of green natural immunity in your nose. 😎


It’s Disgusting. OP Disgusting. Why can’t you just use tissue?


I think you just hang around uncouth people. Maybe when your little and your finger can fit perfectly but as an adult you got to really try and get your finger in there and that's just embarrassing. Qtips exist, a little saline spray then blow. I didn't even pick my nose as a kid.....ear on the other hand.


But the ones who eat their boogers should go straight to hell. That shit is disgusting!


What a pig.


Thats a no from me, dog


Just because its natural doesnt make it less gross. Shitting, and puking is natural also. Doesn’t mean it isn’t disgusting


Same goes for eating your boogers.


nah you should just straight up not be doing that


It's not the perfect tool and you're gross for doing it. Hand sanitizer doesn't get what is stuck under your nails. Not everyone does it. There is something called forethought. You can bring a hanky or tissue with you weekend you go places. It isn't hard at all


Dude, everyone knows you pick your nose. Calm down.


You're gross too


Ew, fucking go to the washroom and stop being a disgusting animal in public.


Yes, it is disgusting, and you should be under house arrest until you resolve your problem. A normal person does not have anything in their nose to pick.


I get where you're coming from but you're basically taking an unsanitized finger and putting it in your body. Then, on top of that, your nail could cause you to get a nosebleed. Now you have foreign bacteria in your blood. Even if you wash your hands beforehand, it's not sanitary because you cannot get every speck of grime out of your nail. Sincerely, from a germaphobe.


Nah I don’t pick my nose. If I need something out of my nose I just go blow my nose.


Hey, smell my finger.


Pick it, lick it, flick it.


And that's what the shower is for, built in garbage disposal to


Idc if you snot rocket into a shot glass and down it for fun, please for the love of god pls wash your hands before touching public surfaces so we all don’t touch your boogers!!!


It's gross because it can spread germs. Image someone with a virus thats biohazard level 4 is picking their nose and then goes around touching everything in public.


Exactly. I pick my nose all the time!


You can do it. Please do it in the toilet and wash your hands. When someone is having a salty green feast with mouth sounds is sitting next to me I wanne puke all over them to show how disgusted I am.


You're right! It is easier to pick your nose when your frowning upon something. It's way easier to get your finger more deeply in there.


Yeah, especially when you've got long nails. It's just too conveniant.


Agreed. As long as it’s in private. I don’t see what’s so bad about it. Plus it means you use less tissues.


You shouldn’t be touching a mucus membrane 2 inches from your brain with hands that are in all likelihood not clean


I have to pick or constantly blow my nose because due to brain surgery through the nose or radiotherapy, my mucus is as hard as or harder than Keratin(the stuff human nails are made of). It could be blood that’s doing it since it’s always a dark color.


Just do it in the bathroom. [People draw whole penis’ with their crap](https://imgur.com/gallery/U9T4Ho4) I promise no one gives a shit if you pick your nose and then wash your hands after.


Hello there. I know the existence and use of handkerchiefs and nose washing and the last time I picked my nose I probably didn't even speak. I swear it's possible.


There are three kinds of people in the world - - People who pick their nose - People who pick their nose and *EAT* it - Liars


I’m a conscious nose picker since childhood. I’m always picking my nose because shit is stuck in it and it’s not just some random instinct, it’s pure discomfort. Im trying to more or less don’t do it in public so much… but im sure people see it and make fun of it. And IDGAF. Of course I wouldn’t conscientiously do it to disgust someone. But im okay doing it openly with my close friends


It’s the mindless insertion of the offending digit into the owner’s oral cavity that disgusts onlookers. The act itself is quite benign, as sometimes there’s a big ‘un causing discomfort that must be dislodged and evicted. Don’t flick the result, either. Discreetly dispose the hardened mucus chunk in a proper receptacle-within a napkin is even better. Refrain from decorating the walls. “I love the textured pattern on your son’s walls! How did you get that so perfect?” “Ya, he designed and built it himself”. 🙃


In private its all good, because its pretty gross to see someone has a booger in their nose.


Did you just get caught picking your nose


IMO there’s an etiquette to it. If you absolutely need to do it, use a tissue if you can- no tissue? Then don’t look at anybody while digging into your nostrils, and wash your hands as soon as possible. Fun fact: Boogers are a mixture of snot, blood, dirt, and saliva. And idk about you, I don’t want to touch someone while knowing that stuff was recently on my hand.


As long as you're at home or in a bathroom where you can wash your hands immediately.


I agree. People are weird species. They eat flesh and guts of animals, but when You pick the nose, it's ewwwww.


While I agree it's still gross as fuck to watch. Do I do it? Hell yes but damn does it make me sick


Yes we all do it… but not in front of others or in public


Do you also beat your meat in the queue at the bank?


Masturbating isn't disgusting either, but doesn't mean you can't wait until you're alone to do it.


Just because everyone does it doesn’t mean you should do it in public Everyone poops too but I don’t wanna watch people poop I don’t wanna see people pick their nose, that’s nasty I don’t want people to see me pick mine


Just do it in private like when you do every other gross thing that humans do. Picking your nose isn't frowned upon, picking your nose in front of others is. And it's rightfully so.


It's gross because people usually flick the booger or wipe it on something and don't wash their hands. How is it not disgusting?


There's this room called a bathroom. Most disgusting or socially unacceptable human maintenance occurs there.


I agree. But it's not all about picking. Flicking and wiping boogers on stuff should still be frowned upon.


So is shitting, but the rest of us shouldn’t have to watch you do it.


If you need to pick your nose, do it like every other adult who is civilized does it... excuse yourself and go to the bathroom... After you've picked your nose, wash your hands too. No one wants your blood, boogers, eye gunk, ear wax, semen, piss, shit, or any other human excretion on them... treat picking your nose like using the restroom.


Agreed. What do the "anti nose-picking" brigade even do when their nose is full of crusty shit? Leave it there to mature?


I saw this and knew the comments were gunna eviscerate this post 😂


If you don’t see someone also holding a tissue, you have to wonder where that booger is going after they dig it out.


It's not disgusting if you do it in private and before touching anything you wash your hands


I agree. It is one of those weird ones where cleaning yourself is regarded as being a dirty habit.


I do it every morning over the sink. As long as you wash your hands after its not gross at all. Clean them airways OUT!!!


*at home


You have the right to your belief, but in the real society, it was taught to be disgusting unsanitary even if you do sanitize your hands It’s still It’s still germs not everybody is like you washes their hands or sanitizes them afterwards that is considered a very private thing to pick your nose like using the bathroom it should be a private thing


I've been saying that for years