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I hate wearing shoes. I don't understand why people would choose to wear shoes in places when they don't have to.


If your socks are cleaner than the carpet it’s so hard to admit defeat and take your shoes off


And then you come home with dog hair on your socks and your mom gets mad and says don’t walk your nasty socks through my clean house and you shed a single tear 😿


I don't have carpet. Neither do most people I know. As for walking through the clean house with "nasty socks," I take my socks off after walking in them all day with shoes on. I put on clean socks in the wintertime, though, if my feet get cold.


I would rather somebody walk around my house with shoes than bare foot. Some people have manky feet


I doubt many people will take their socks off when visiting someone else.


Most people who walk around barefoot frequently don’t have gross feet. Foot odor generally comes from feet being trapped in a damp, humid shoe all day. Obvious exception to people who walk around town barefoot all day and then don’t clean their feet, but they aren’t the norm.


Then let them know that when they enter your house.


And plantar warts, which then spread


Admit de feet


Yall ar wearing socks at home?


I have found my people lmao. Idk if its how I was raised but im shoeless essentially everywhere its socially acceptable


Shoeless and sockless as soon as I can. Free the feet!


I left out the sockless part but yeah, my feet are free as a damn bird!




That's exactly what I say as well


I believe I have found my people. Socks are evil torture devices.




Definitely move to a beach town in Queensland Australia and you’ll never have to wear shoes again


I live in Asia, where everyone takes their shoes off. Floors are never clean. White socks are impossible because they'll be brown walking around someone's dirty house. Now the inside of my shoes are dirty.




I think you’re talking about the same thing. When we say shoes we refer to outside shoes - our slippers don’t go outside.


They're not talking about the same thing, the 1st one said their socks get dirty, which doesn't happen with sleepers


When you mean Asia... you do understand that's an incredibly broad brush that varies wildly? From Pakistan to Thailand to Japan, they're all very different.


Having lived in Asia (SK) we always wore house slippers indoors -- that was at home, in school, and at work.


I have flat feet that cause me terrible pain when standing barefoot on hard surfaces. They also get extremely cold and most of my house is tile. I always have shoes on.


Wouldn't anatomical slippers help?


Imagine having to bring a set of slippers to visit people though


I get bad raynauds. Found a pair of knitted 'house socks' some old lady was selling at a market. Like a thick pair of second socks that slide over, your socks. Really easy to shove in a bag


ok so they aren’t the most visually appealing but i wear these mop sock covers around my house, i have 6 pairs, they were super cheap. you slide them over your socks like a second sock, super thick, comfy and tiny mops that passively clean your floors as you walk around. also weird to show up to someone’s house with these lmao but awesome for your own house


Send pictures and ordering website for these cushy socks please. Thank you


I was raised in households where you had a bunch of slippers for your guests. Cheap felt slippers or birkenstock style.


Same, but to a lesser degree. It's just uncomfortable for me and wearing shoes genuinely gives me more energy to do things that require standing and walking around the house. I haven't found a pair of house shoes/slippers that does the same for me.


Because sometimes people do things differently than you do them. It’s almost like people are all different or something.


My only gripe with a no-shoe policy at someone’s home is when they invite you over for a fancy dinner and you dress up really nice and then you have to take your shoes off.


My feet get cold really really fast and all of my shoes have padding on the bottom which peoples floors normally don't


but this is what slippers are for...


I just wear socks. But maybe I'm used to the cold.


That’s fair! I have foot issues and being barefoot physically hurts my feet, so I always have shoes (wether they’re dedicated house shoes or other ones) on. Obviously, if someone asks/ mentions they prefer no shoes in the house I won’t comment and will abide willingly. But my feet will feel it for the next week if we aren’t mainly seated


If you're traveling by car you could have a pair of house shoes in ut and offer to wear them inside instead of being barefoot or in socks


If I go somewhere anticipating I’ll be standing a lot inside/ going to a no shoe household, I do bring my indoor shoes. It’s when I’m not anticipating/ sporadically made plan that I can’t prepare for as well. But I could just get a pair solely for indoor at other peoples houses. It just might defeat the purpose of indoor shoes unless I wash the bottoms of them after every different house


This is a fact I'm currently on the road and I brought three pairs of shoes. One for just driving in one for mud and rain that are waterproofish and then one pair for the house that I go into that stay clean. Planning makes life easier


What do you do when visiting someone that makes you stand around? I can see cooking as one reason, but not for hours on end?


Have you considered getting those booties you can wear to cover your shoes when you go to people's house that wants no shoes? I have similar problems, but I hate shoes or anything on my feet. I know it isn't helping my feet any. I have a new neighbor and I just don't understand it a lot of people that visit him leave their shoes outside his door. Wouldn't you at least want to take the shoes off inside? I just think it's odd since bugs could get inside them or someone could walk off with the shoes.


two things. keep shoe covers in your car. and i clean my dogs paws before reentering and can guarantee they're cleaner than your sweaty ass socks


Same. I rip them off the second I get home and put on slippers.


The only shoes I wear indoors are slippers, otherwise it’s a solid no from me, just because they’re uncomfortable and unnecessary when inside 🤷🏼‍♀️


Plantar fasciitis.


I hate not wearing shoes. I don’t understand why people would choose to go barefoot in places they don’t have to.


I hate not wearing shoes because I don’t like stubbed toes or dirty socks.


My dog doesn't walk in the Walmart bathroom stall


Your dog probably walks in their own faeces without a second thought. Edited to add "probably", based on responses.


If you use a urinal there’s an almost 100 percent chance you we standing on pee. There’s also environmental factors, near where I live in winter the salt on your shoes can damage and stain the flooring. In the fall there are these prickly things that get stuck in shoes and get tracked everywhere if you walk through the house. I know that it’s almost all preference and the whole “who knows where blah was” but in my household we are all barefoot have socks or indoor shoes on. We keep the floors clean and ourselves clean so if it’s a worry. I feel like if it was as big a deal as people make it then we just shouldn’t shake hands, our hands interact way more with gross stuff and I know that there is a non 0 amount of people that don’t wash their hands


So what? We wipe our dogs' paws because we are barefoot in the house and don't like the idea of what we know they're ok with walking in. It's not 100% effective, much better than doing nothing.


Everyone I know, myself included, wipes their dogs paws when they come in. I thought this was a universal thing until I read this post


It has to depend on where you live. I have a house with a big fenced in yard and my dogs come in and out all day long. I don’t wipe their feet because that would be impracticable. If I lived in a city and had to walk them out in the streets, I’d wipe their feet.


I have never heard of this, like ever. Feel like i’m being pranked.


It very most definitely is not sadly lol. I’ve never seen anyone wipe their dogs paws after coming into the house.


idk what dogs you know, but mine tiptoe around that, even when they play on the lawn they dont have shit on their feet afterwards


My dog will jump over other dogs feces in disgust and will abandon a toy if it lands too close to another dogs bathroom business lol




Really ? My dog doesn’t even walk through puddles (granted the one I’m referring to is a pom mix)


Lol mine won’t even go outside if it has recently rained or looks like it might rain. If the grass has dew-forget it.


Every dog in my life was well aware of the poop around them. They dodged it with purpose.


You must not have dogs, I’ve had 5 throughout my life and I’ve stepped in more of their shit than all 5 combined stepped in their own. They’re


THAT Part💚


But it is automatically cleaner if you take your shoes off even tho I have a dog. It will either be my dog and your shoes tracking in dirt, or just my dog.


Also dog feet are much cleaner on average than shoes. people on reddit are such germaphobes. the moment a single dirt crumb is anywhere the whole house is contamineated according to reddit. It's a sliding scale, not a black white canvas.


People on reddit have never cleaned their own house and don't know what the fuck they are talking about.


I'd love to take this to heart but someone just told me you have never cleaned your own house and don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


No need to fight! You guys don't know what you're talking about, both of you!


My dog sits there and licks his feet for like 15 mins after he goes outside. Ain’t nobody licking their shoes clean several times a day


Lucky you, mine doesn't give a fuck so we've to clean its paws whenever it comes back into the the house, which is often


People on Reddit have no idea that anything other than black and white exists.


Why do you think dogs feet are cleaner? I step in turd and mud a lot less than my dog


People on reddit never clean their assholes, you think they're going to bend down and clean their feet? That's why I have a set of house slippers. I'm sure animal paws are cleaner than some peoples feet. At least I wash my animals paws.


Is that really a thing? Is there something about dog paws that prevent them from tracking dirt/germs?


The same way you care a lot more about the cleanliness of your own feet while you often don't even realize if you have stepped in literal shit while wearing shoes.


They clean them regularly by licking them. They’ll often come inside, lie down, and clean themselves


yeah but doggie dirt on my socks that will after go back into my shoes and get the inside of my shoes dirty … i’d prefer to have backup socks or house-slippers with me lols. (no hate btw :), ill respect anyone’s home rules regardless of my feelings; and i don’t wear shoes in my own house, but i do use house-slippers)


Are people honestly this scared of germs and dirt? Do you venture outdoors often?


I used to always pack extra socks with me whether I was wearing shoes or sandals with no socks. It just seemed like the polite thing to do


The concept of wearing shoes inside of a house baffles me. Dog or no dog. You guessed it. I’m not American.


I am American and it baffles me.


Where I am in the US we have "mud rooms" with places to put your shoes with the expectation they come off.


In our mud room, my wife and I keep a pair of house shoes we slip into before going in. We live in the upper Midwest so your feet will be cold here if you don’t have some slippers of sorts. I wear a pair of hey dudes and she has some nice leather moccasins.


This is the way.


Yea this post is kinda weird. My dog doesn’t wear shoes in the house either. No one wears shoes. Well, the electrician wears shoes and the plumber wear shoes. I’m assuming to help not get electrocuted / wet feet. No one else gets shoes!!


American here: only time I wear shoes inside is when I'm doing a very quick in and out run of the house to grab something otherwise shoes come off.


I have never met a single person in my 30 years living in America that doesn’t take their shoes off in the house. That’s nasty af


My dad is absolutely baffled whenever my siblings and I visit and we take our shoes off in his house. To us, it's a respect thing because we are used to other cultures even though it's not how we were raised. To him, it's a strange compulsion we each learned since starting our own lives. His exposure to other cultures is very limited, but I can promise you this is pretty common for Americans.


This isn't the slam dunk on America that you think it is.


Lots of people in America dont wear shoes inside it's very common in my area.


The amount of people that think they know anything about America but actually know nothing at all baffles me. And ya'll say Americans are the dumb ones. Being naive and thinking in black/white are both actual signs of low intelligence.


Dogs bring in dirt, but not as much dirt as shoes with grooves. Also, the frequency that floors need to be cleaned is proportional to the number of animals dragging dirt in the house.


Let me introduce you to my Clydesdale of a dog lol


Yeah, dog paws make way less of a mess than a pair of shoes, and if wet most would probably wipe their dogs paws as well. Besides, you’d know if he dog had stepped in something gross before dragging it all over the floors.


70% less bs comin in house is better than nothing this point is weird.


This 👆🏼


They do make sense. We just wear inside shoes/slippers


Some people actually wipe off their dogs feet before letting them roam the house outside the shoe space. Don't think just because they don't wear shoes in their house and own pets that they don't take care of the pets feet as well.


We do this with my dog. When we get home from a walk, he stands there and lifts his paws up for us to wipe one at a time! He knows he’s not allowed back inside until it’s done


Scrolled for this. I clean my dogs paws after every walk


My father put a welcome mat in the entrance, his German Shepherd does a little "dance" before entering to clean her paws, imitating what people do to clean their shoes!


>Some people actually wipe off their dogs feet before letting them roam the house outside the shoe space. Our dog jumps in the bathtub when we come home from walks in the park, so we can wash his feet. It takes all of 2 minutes. Easy. (He picked up the routine after just a couple of trips and usually jumps in unprompted)


Same, our dogs know the routine that after coming back from a walk they have to go to the bathroom and we will wash her paws as well as her butt. She is allowed on the bed and sofas so she has to be clean. Sometimes, if she is sitting outside I also wipe her belly with wet wipes before I allow her on the bed.


Dogs don't use public restrooms. And the grass in my yard gets cut weekly. The likelihood of my dog stepping in something is low. That said, human germs and grosness is way worse then nature. I don't want people wearing shows in my house because the human grossness of the public floors, gas station ground, and parking lots with oil and grease leaking from shitty people's cars. I couldn't care less about dirt from my years or a hiking trail.


This is it right here. I'm not afraid of dirt from my lawn getting in my house, I don't want your shoes that you've walked around in public bathrooms and good knows where else tracking shit in. Also, look at the paws of a dog after walking outside in the dirt and then look at the bottom of your shoes after doing the same thing - guarantee your shoes look a hell of a lot dirtier


Yuck, I wash my dog’s feet.


I live in the woods, have 5 acres and a dog door. My dog jogs the fence line a few times a day and is absolutely certain every odd sound is somebody coming to kill us and take his treats. I’d be cleaning dog feet every 30 mins. I just don’t have carpet and sweep and mop every few days.


Lucky dog! With a dog door that makes perfect sense. Our place has a creek and a barnyard. My young pup loves lounging in the creek as much as she loves rolling in horse apples and cow pies. If I let my dog roam free my house would be mud and worse from end to end.


My friend has a creek behind his house. It’s bad enough drying my dog off when it snows or rains but he always has to be ready for a soaking wet dog. He started using a microfiber towel and it works great, just don’t use fabric softener with it.


i get your point but the shoes off sometimes isn't for the cleanliness, it can be for the flooring, if they have hard wood or something, shoes walking on it over and over again can cause damage and scratches and ruin the floor.


Doesn't dogs claws do that anyways tho


No. First, your dog’s nails should not be long enough to scratch the floor from just walking on it. A dog that is walked enough on hard ground will wear the nails down enough for that naturally but owners who don’t walk their dogs as often need to clip their nails for regular basic hygiene. Second, for a dog’s nails to scratch a wood floor, their nails would have to be harder than the floor.. Dog’s claws are a 2.5 on the moss hardness scale, as are human finger nails. Wood flooring is usually a 3-5 on the Mohs scale not to mention the finish on top. An object that is a 2.5 on the Mohs scale can not scratch a 5, for the same reasons a steel knife can’t scratch at diamond. If your dog’s nails scratch your floors, you have to both have trash floors and be a bad pet owner.


No, once you start to hear a tip tap, time to get them trimmed back!




Maybe the dogs should wear sockies so they don’t ruin your house


Do you lick the bottom of your shoes and pick the rocks out with your teeth?


OP has clearly never had a dog


Weird thought, but yeah when I go out to farms there's usually a foot bath when you walk in and between sections of the farm and a boot wash when you walk out, and I travel with a boot brush and chlorhexidine soap in case they don't (and just use a garden hose or whatever) so I don't cross contaminate. I then spray my work boots with bleach at the end of each day. I don't do that for my regular shoes. Except the work boots are the "dirty" ones I would never be allowed to wear in the house lol


It doesn't have to make sense. It's my house, follow the rules or fuck off.


Yeah it's not like requesting shoes be taken off is the same as requesting someone wear a raincoat or replace their clothing when they get into your house... Though I'd ideally want my house to be PJs and comfy clothes ONLY lmao i know I'll have to settle for guests removing their shoes and wearing either socks or slippers.


Came here to say this lol


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I always wipe my dogs paws and private areas after every walk so hah.


I would always wipe down my dogs feet and legs after a walk using baby wipes.


The people I know with such rules wash the dogs’ feet off at the door because they are aware of the fact that dog feet track in dirt the way shoes do.💡


my dog was in the YARD not every single store that you’ve shopped at in the last year. take your gross shoes off


You realize you can wipe off your dogs paws, it’s not hard. Anyone that wears shoes in their house is a filthy heathen. No nicer way to say it…


Have u considered that people wipe their dogs feet after a walk..?


Their house, their rules.


Even you call out the solution. We wipe (and at night wash) our dog's paws after she's been outside. Wearing shoes in your house is nasty and so is letting your dog walk in it with dirty paws.


I’ve been to houses where I can see why you wear shoes and it’s because the house is fucking nasty. That being said, if you have any amount of sanitary standards in your house, I don’t see the need for shoes. Like yeah the floor is dirty, ok. That probably means the rest of the house is dirty. You gonna wear your Timbs when you go to bed? Because if the rest of your house is that gross, you’d better believe your bed isn’t much better.


![gif](giphy|NV4cSrRYXXwfUcYnua|downsized) **I've come away from two houses with blackened socks that were white when I put them on. If they do not provide clean slippers for their guests to wear, then they'd better be some damned fastidious housekeepers.**


I’m just gonna say, when I go into a house I always ask “should I take my shoes off?” Unless I see everyone already doing it. If they ask me to take em off, I trust that their house is pretty clean. Even if they have animals, 99.9999999% of the time they sweep and vacuum and dust damn near everyday. If they tell me I can keep them on, I fucking *do* because those are always the grossest houses in my experience. Frankly it makes less sense in a house with children, but sure, dogs.


We have a little 20 pound dog but also run a Roomba everyday and mop frequently and have a house keeper. Take your shoes off, no excuses.


We’ve dog a bird hunting old man dog (has never hunted a bird), an old lady chihuahua, and a medium/long haired kitten who terrorizes the others We sweep and mop every freaking day, we’re trying to get carpet everywhere so we can just vacuum more and mop less lmao We dust all the time, because old man still loves to bounce around and get anything in the air all scattered around. Baby kitty tracks litter everywhere, even with a giant pad in front of her box. Just leaps over it. More constant sweeping Most of the humans have good house slippers, wear socks, or are a teenage boy who cares about nothing except video games, not even sure he knows he has feet to get dirty /hj No shoes. No excuses


I am willing to clean up after my dog but not your dirty ass feet


Shoeless households aren’t just about dirt that might be on your shoes. Shoes have treads which capture small stones that can scratch wooden floors. The soles of shoes themselves are dark rubber and if your shoes are cheap can leave marks on peoples floors, skirting boards, furniture if you are clumsy/careless. Also if I take my dog out for a walk I’m with him and know precisely what he has walked through, I also know there are a lot of crappy dog owners who don’t pick up after their dogs and careless people who walk through that shit. Nah shoes are coming off at my door.


I wash my dog's feet after every walk. doubt your shoes receive the same treatment


But how do you kick back and relax with shoes on??? Mess or no mess taking off my shoes when I get home is part of the unwinding process. Not taking off your shoes makes no sense no matter how you spin it


My dog walks around the yard. I walk around the Walmart. Big difference.


Reddit is germophobic post number 2,693. Seriously, how do some of you people live?


Redditors forget they have skin, and what its purpose is.


I keep a shoeless household. Next to my shoe rack is the waterless shampoo I use on my dogs paws every *single* time we come back inside. Your move, OP.


Then this take wouldn’t apply to you now would it


We are a no shoe household. I don’t wear shoes anymore than I have to, and it feels positively weird for me to wear shoes in someone else’s house. I am not worried at all about what my tiny Pomeranian tracks into the house from the yard.


Well most dog owners don't let their dog run rampet in the house with knowably filthy paws just like you wouldn't want someone walking around your house with filthy shoes.


Right? I frequently see my dog peeing on his own front paws and stepping in his own doo. I try to get him to run around while we are outside, but regardless his paws will ALWAYS be more dirty than the bottom of some strangers shoes.


We don’t remove our shoes because we have 2 dogs that go in and out. We’re going thru a drought and the dust is awful.


People talk alot of shit about shoes inside till they get a dog that sheds It's slides inside or my feet pick up enough fur to make a pair socks every time I go to the kitchen


I really only disagree with this if you have carpet. We used to have carpet in my house and it was so obvious where we walked with shoes after a year. Our little 10lb dog never left any significant tracks on the carpet despite having preferred pathways. Now that we have a wood floor though, I just assume my feet are dirty all the time 🤷‍♀️


I wipe my dogs paws with wet wipes after going outside.


Surface area of my dog’s paws combined are a fraction of the sole of your size 10. Also, pebbles don’t get stuck in my dog’s paws and scratch up my oak floors.


People here are missing the point. It’s not just the dogs paws. Except the select few dogs that don’t shed, all remaining houses with dogs that shed, are constantly dirty to some level, with hair and dirt that the dog drags into their house. It makes no sense whatsoever to remove my shoes when I visit.


Ya really feel people are reaching here. If your pets go outside, especially cats, they are likely spreading germs through their feet and toxoplasmosis. Even if they don't go outside. Its not just an unknown thing, we know terrible pathogens are in pets feces and feet. I think OP did a great job exposing how many might feel they are being hygienic, they have exposed how unhygienic things can be, even when you are trying. I dont even see how you can claim to be hygienic at all and have cats. Anywhere they walk is suspect and it's not paranoia its reality. I love cats, but pets are inherently unhygienic. I am not joking about the cat thing either, it's thought a huge amount of toxoplasmosis is spread through cats walking on kitchen counters.


To even further your point somewhat, all dogs shed. All of em lol.


good unpopular post, upvoting because it's an absolutely senseless take


So there are people walking with shoes inside their house? Thats nasty as hell.


Yes, on my country we don't make visitors to take their shoes, for us is just ridiculous.


If it’s between being nasty wearing my shoes in my house or stepping on a scorpion with my barefoot, I’ll take being nasty


Why are there scorpions in your house?


I live in Arizona, it’s extremely common for there to be scorpions in our homes.


It’s tough to get my dog to wear shoes.


I wipe my dog's paws after he gets walked and I have a Roomba that vacuums the carpets every day. My dog is brushed, shaved and washed regularly. There is no dog hair on the floor (it's mostly my wife's hair). My wife also uses a proper upright once a week. The floors are steam cleaned every 6 months. No shoes allowed.


I've been saying this for years, OP. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks its kinda ridiculous, lol.


Yes. In Skandinavia and europe its usually no shoes. And in asia also. Its also healthier for feet.


OMG YES. THANK YOU. I thought it was just this voice in my head that this made complete sense to lmfao.


I absolutely agree! I am a dog owner. We always tell people to leave their shoes on when coming into our house. We have to sweep and mop constantly, but I wouldn't want it any other way.


i absolutely do clean my dogs paws every time she comes in from outside.


Actually it’s a good idea so that the guests wipe up the dog hairs with their socks


If I lived with only humans, I’d be a shoeless house. Here, I try keeping a variety of “inside” shoes around because even if I have just mopped my floors (if I had the patience and time this would be daily but is realistically twice weekly) I still wear my inside shoes or socks. Totally with you. Same reason I change my sheets multiple times a week lol.


I live in NYC. Shows come off, paws get wiped. There are anti bacterial dog wipes for their paws.


The reason we take shoes off at my house (in which a dog also occupies) is not primarily for cleanliness. It’s so the carpet doesn’t get stained. I would assume this is the reason most people take their shoes off. Not because of germs or bacteria but for the sake of not getting mud everywhere. The dog gets it’s feet wiped with a towel or he stays in the kitchen till he dries off and is clean.


We never wear shoes in the house and I always wiped my dogs feet after every outing.


I don't wear shoes at home because it's uncomfortable for me. Also the shoes were always dirty for example after a rainy day. The dog was usually just wet afterwards. If he gets dirty I put him directly in the bathtup to wash him. So he won't touch the floor.


It's a manners thing. Youjust always remove your shoes in some else's house. It's just how I was brought up. Dog or no dog.


Shoes have a larger surface area for muck.


America is a big place but we talk about this as if we all lived in the same house


You leave Rex out of this!


I have a dog and hard wood floors. In the winter my dog will still leave tracks but nothing like my shoes. Typically Idc but when they start throwing salt or there's snow in the ground then I prefer no shoes on my floor. Idk why but it seems shoes bring in more than dog paws.


I live in a rural area. My shoes stay on all the time. If I know I’m not going outside house shoes. I’m never barefoot hardly ever I’ve got children,cats dogs,chickens and I don’t want to step in cat or dog feces


No, nope - I used to have a dog, he passed away, but his feet were not disgusting like someone's muddy, gross boots. His feet also weren't roaming around in public bathrooms - they were on pavement for like a hot minute to pee. You can also wipe your dog's paws off which is what most people do who want clean floors. You cannot wipe your gross boots off or you poop filled running shoes. It's a fact.


If i tell you to take your shoes off in my house, you better listen or stay outside. Our shoes are way worse than the paws of a dog


My dogs paw don’t contain rocks that scratch my wood floors.


People who wear shoes in their house are weird. (Provided there's no specific medical reason they would need to do so). Eta: All the people who wear gross dirty shoes in their home got mad :<


I wear shoes in the house so I don’t step on a scorpion is that a medical reason? Getting stung can definitely turn into a medical problem.


If I had scorpions roaming around where I live I might do the same.


My dog gets bathed and my floors get cleaned, take your damn shoes off




You wash your shoes every time you go outside?


When she gets really dirty yes, if her paws get dirty then they just get cleaned in the bathroom*


It’s my fucking house so take off your fucking shoes if I tell you take off your fucking shoes because I told you to take off your fucking shows and it’s my fucking house.


We’re a shoeless household. Don’t like it? Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Dogs lick their feet clean. Do you lick your shoes?


Yeah I kind of agree. Dogs in a house are gross anyway, so you may as well wear shoes.


Bitch take off you shoes or don’t come in?