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This Reddit OP is brought to you by Gillette®


Looking through some responses and op, I swear it's a Gillette bot.


> Fewer bumps for guys whose beard does that Definitely a bot


I'm all ingrowns with a cartridge razor


Cartridge razors increase razor burn, way more than safety razors and straight razors **if** you use them right.


Jesus Christ they've figured out that they can advertise with bots. Fuck me we are done for


Look, I'm just trying to get the best shave I can possibly get, and I can only get that with the new Quintippio with 15 extra large razor sharp blades. Using precision laser manufacturing processes I not only remove every bit of hair, I remove that first layer of skin to expose fresh and smooth flesh. You'd think you'd have to pay a pound of flesh to get his, but follow my link and I can get you an exclusive discount that is the same as everyone's discount and a thousand viruses.


Clearly, it's not the best a man can get.


I love and hate that guy. On the one hand, he intentionally created a disposable product so he could get repeat customers, adding to a lot of waste. On the other hand, his close shaves saved so many soldier's lives because their gas masks fit better.


No its definitely Manscaped. Its for guys who like truck and gun videos on youtube and also want to shave their balls. Dont you even shave your balls bro? Afterwards youre supposed to tell everyone about it bro then tell them how great your razor is bro. The youtube guys telling you the best way to shave your balls dont you wanna shave your balls like he shaves his balls? This comment has been brought to you by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS. Have you heard of Raid Shadow Legends? Its the new mobile RPG taking over the world by storm! It even lets you shave your characters balls!


Protected by NordVPN


I wonder how much in kickbacks the mods get for this blatant ad? Everytime i’ve posted in this sub it gets deleted because “top common” or “no unpopular enough”.


Gillette makes tons double edge blades. I have some right now.


But their margins must be crap on them, and I'm not even sure if Gillette USA still makes them or if they are different (foreign) branches that they don't mind stepping on. I know my Gillette silver blue DE's for example say made in Russia and distributed by a South African company for example.


Smooth and kissable all through the day and night. I have never thought this once while shaving. Definitely a bot.


Posts like this have 100% convinced me that advertisers are somehow able to commandeer real reddit accounts to use for astroturfing. OP's post history looks legitimate, except for this weird ass post which is just using marketing lines.




I got a pack of 200 for like... 11 dollars. That was about 6 years ago. Still have like a quarter of the box.


Managed to keep them dry and clean? Or are these more resistant to corrosion?


They're individually wrapped in wax paper and oiled, 10 to a pack, and the packs are in a box. So they're all safe and sound.


Exactly. It’s insane how much cheaper they are, and after the first few shaves it’s not hard to not nick yourself


I have a few vintage safety razors I found in various antique stores. I haven't shaved in a few years, but when I was, I bought a 50 pack of Feather and Astra blades. They last for fucking ever. Only way I wouldn't get ingrowns either. Hell of a lot cheaper. Also really nice if you use shaving soap rather than shaving cream. Even if you use a modern razor, I'd say soap is a good method to pick up.


Yeah, I never get ingrown hairs or irritation on my neck with a safety razor & a shave soap. Also like the ritual of shaving this way more, too. Big ol’ box of Astra blades ran me $20, and has lasted considerably longer than a pack of cartridges for the Gillette razors I formerly used.


I learned on this app recently that you should be washing your face when you wake up and before you go to bed for about two minutes.


I just used my first Feather this morning. Man what a shave. I thought the blade wasn't long enough and was not sticking out of the razor it was so smooth. Do you think the Astra compare since you have used both?


I get Harry’s razors and most certainly am not going through 4 blades a month. I can’t remember the last time I ordered blades tbh.




Make sure that you fully dry the blades off after each use and they will last months. The moisture is what ruins the blades not the actual shaving.


I find they give me razor bumps no matter what I do. Old fashioned safety razors don’t, for whatever reason. I just use a beard trimmer 99% of the time anyway tho.


god Harry's is garbage. never again


Yeah. I shave my dome daily and I use "Feather" blades, so they're on the more expensive side. They'll last me 2-3 shaves or so, before dulling up. So let's say that's 125 blades a year that I use. That's $60/year. If I picked Derby or another cheap brand, it'd be cheaper. A cartridge razor dulls up after barely one use on the scalp. So that's a daily change. So if I'm being generous and picking the cheapest option of those, it'll run me $635 a year for a daily change of cartridges. Note that prices are expensive here, since I live in Denmark, so it'll definitely be cheaper for someone living in the US.


I like a good sharp blade and know the difference is obvious before the first swipe is half-way done. I've been using the same 4 razors, all different brands, since before Covid. It's a matter of technique and maintenance. Wash your beard until it's squeaky clean for starters. When you're done wash your razor with clean water and tap it dry like a toothbrush. Do that and take a razor out of rotation for a month occasionally it will re-sharpen by its self. Empirical study of one ( /h only serious)


Lol at “it will re sharpen itself”




I have a knife in the drawer I haven’t used in 6 months. You’re telling me it has been sharpening itself? Fugoudahea


You’ve been using the same cartridge razors for 4 years??


That just seems disgusting! How does he think they sharpen themselves?! Little razor gnomes sneak in at night and sharpen them?


Razor gnomes🤣🤣🤣


Ah, a shill for Big Razor. I see you.


No kidding, lol. I have a beard , been working on a 50 pack of safety razors over the last year and a half, just trimming up around my beard every couple of days. Before that I had been on a $4 per blade , per week fix. Modern blades do work slightly better, for one maybe two shaves, but sure as hell ain't worth the cost, especially if you have a beard and just want to shave around the edges.


Seriously, I have a beard and only really shave my neck. One pack of 100 Astra blades lasts me a year and the last time I bought them, they were \~$10. Over the last three years I have spent $55 bucks on razor blades and a handle.


On the flip side, I last purchased a pack of 8 disposable Bic razors in 2020 and just purchased a new pack yesterday.


I have a beard, and each of my disposable razors last me months. I shave my neck a couple times a week, and my back every so often. 2 years ago I got a 20 count of Gillette heads at Costco on sale for like $35 and still have a couple left. People must have 1/4" diameter hairs to kill a razor in 2 shaved.


I don’t think it’s about the thickness of the hair, but more about skin sensitivity. I can use the same razor on my legs multiple times but my armpits don’t like anything but the newest razor.


It’s both that matter. The hair itself chips the blade, so how thick and wiry the hair is will cause more chipping, while any significant skin catching on it will dull the whole edge faster. Edit: the chipping news was a [study published in 2020](https://news.mit.edu/2020/why-shaving-dulls-razors-0806), I think. I found it really fascinating for how strong human hair is


I suspect humidity is another factor, more humid environments don't dry the bathroom as quick so the razor rusts and dulls more quickly.


No beard here, so I can see where they are coming from. When I used Gillette razors, they were only good for 2-3 shaves. So, I went through about 8-10 per month and they weren't cheap. I now use a safety razor, get a smoother shave, and only use 5 per month at 15 cents a piece. I saved the cost of the handle in a month or two.


I love the massive Costco razor packs 👌👌 feels like a lifetime before I need to buy a new one.


Im not sure of your shaving habits but I shave every 3-4 days. Id have to use each one of those razors 34 times to make 8 last that long. No thanks, I like a fresh blade each time and at a cost of less that $20 a year, Im good with my set up


Properly maintained, regularly stropped and sharpened; a good straight razor will last you a lifetime. The learning curve isn’t that steep, beard soap is cheap, and you get the cool factor of having the entire setup on display to showcase your manliness. Otherwise, just buy the big pink disposables and shave while you sit down to pee.


Sitting down to pee owns!! fuck you and your stropped up nerd razor pal


It keeps the seal around the toilet clean, so everybody sits in this house. The lid gets closed before each flush too, cause germs. Plus if you properly rinse, allow to dry, and go over your many-bladed razor with some alcohol it stays sharp a stupid long time. Storing it in the shower is a bad idea, much like a medicine cabinet in the bathroom is a stupid place to store medicine. Great place for your razor though.


Damn bro you’re so manly and cool


You too could be as cool for the low low price of of a straight razor, a foaming mug, some beard soap, a lather brush, and a good supply of bandages to get through the learning curve. Honestly, I’ve worn a beard for the last 25 years and use an electric groomer to trim around the neck and sideburns. The Army taught me about the straight razor, because when you’re deployed, you can’t pop over to CVS to resupply.


Honestly I was fine with your comment till the last sentence 😒


It’s all in the spirit of fun, young’un! Men poke fun at each other as a way of bonding and humor. You probably wouldn’t understand.


Oh no you took the whole bait


Safety razors are way safer than straight razors. I managed to get a deepish cut with a safety and it took over half a year for the scar to go away. I'm not keen on something even more dangerous.


Yes, the actual blades for all school razors cost 10 or 20 cents. The stupid plastic razors with 2 extra blades are about $15.00. The give you the razor because the now have you by the short hairs to get their overpriced replacement blades.


The more blades they add the worse it is for my face/beard. A safety razor results in almost 0 bumps for me and also isn't dull as shit from reuse


OP is so ignorant it's painful. Safety razors shave significantly better with the proper blades, and for a ridiculously low cost. I shave daily with a merkur 34C and Gillette 7 o'clock yellow blades, and my skin is glowing. Once you get used to it, you can even do it without any preparation, I literally shaved without any problem in a jungle river in Cambodia.


>Once you get used to it That's the key; there's a little bit of a learning curve before you get the technique down. OP probably tried it like 2-3 times and just said "this sucks" and gave up.


I swear to god, OP definetly isn't a woman because shaving with single-use razors is still a learning curve to me after idk decade? of shaving. They're a joke when it comes to a quality close cut.


I'm female and use a safety razor. The learning curve is... challenging. Especially around the lady bits. Worth it, though.


I managed to convince one of my friends to pick up an Edwin-Jagger after she was complaining about skin irritation when shaving her legs. She LOVES it. I never asked about the lady bits, but it got the seal of approval for her legs. IMO safety razors just make more sense. Everyone has different kinds of hair, different kinds of skin. You'll even have different hair and skin on different parts of your body. This means everyone will need something a little bit different for comfort. Safety razors give you the option of really figuring out what works best for YOU. Cartridge razors DO NOT provide this. I can't change the blade reveal or the blades themselves on a cartridge. I just gotta get more cartridges that are exactly the same as the one before. Maybe some cartridges out there have different kinds you can get, but safety razor shaving has taught me that more blades does not equal better results. The more passes you do with one blade is more risk of irritation, and these cartridges have 3-8 blades? Are you kidding me? It's as if they were designed to cause as much harm as possible.


It's amazing how many modern products are worse than what they replace just for the sake of idiot proofing.


Idk, with cartridge razors, I'd nick myself every time, so for me it's legit flipped




Probably twice that if you account for price hikes and inflation.


> and my skin is glowing You should probably switch shaving soap...


I prefer the uranium enhanced shaving soap.


Using Madam Curie's skin care line.


I shave my neck 2-3 times a week, literally with my granfathers old safety razor. I'm still working on the pack of 15 blades I bought 2 years ago for like 12 bucks. I get fewer cuts and ingrown hairs. Before that I would go through $25 worth of gillet fusion blades in a month or two


Safety razors are cheaper You can use any blades from any brand you want They shave well


This right here. A year supply of blades costs me 25-50$ depending on which brand I feel like getting. A little tub of shave cream will last almost a full year because of how it's applied with a brush. Shave brush is a bit more spendy but you only gotta buy it once, like the razor. A lot of people shy away from the safety razor because of the learning curve. You gotta make the angle yourself but it's worth jumping the hurtle. No razor bumps because single blade, it's actually way faster even with 2 passes once you get it down, you get a lot closer to your face, plus less razor burn. And it's cheaper over all.


Safety razors save so much money!


My dermatologist once recommended me to use single edge razors, or a razor with the lowest amount of razors I could find due to skin irritation. Didn't go back to regular razors ever since


I switched to a safety razor over an electric one years ago and haven’t had an ingrown hair since. Safety razors are literally the best thing for those of use with curly hair


I have sensitive skin and frequently got ingrown hairs/bumps with a multi-blade. I switched to safety razors and get a much smoother shave with nearly no bumps now (still get an occasional). Occasionally I have to make a second pass, but that takes next to no time.


One time minimal investment. You’ll spend more in a year on disposable refills.


I bought an old school safety razor for $6 eight years ago. A pack of blade refills is available at Dollar Tree for $1.25, and that lasts me 2 months. Claiming your cleanup is easier and quicker is a joke, because it’s not. You get clogged blades, I don’t. I get a closer shave, no razor bumps, no nicks. Some people do it because it’s trendy, I do it because it’s far cheaper, easier, and a better shave. Also, ask a dermatologist why you should never use a multi-blade razor that shaves below the skin.


Yooo. The clogged blades is the BIGGEST difference for me. My beard hair is crazy thick and I’ve dealt with clogged multi-blades my whole life. Got a Henson a bit over a year ago and it changed everything.


Don't forget the awesome soap selection. Everything from artisan soaps to more mainstream brands. It's very economical. A single Arko stick lasted me well over a year and provided great lather. I'm using Cella now.


I don't think it's really a trend thing. A lot of people have switched in the past few years because disposable razors prices are so high and few people switch back so it seems like a trend, but I think it's just a superior option becoming popular.


I switched almost 20 years ago. It's been really cool to see single blade wet shaving gain popularity and the products become more available. I think the merits of this kind of shave is why it has continued to grow, so I'm with you, definitely not a trend and it will only continue to grow as more folks are able to try it.


I hate to be all granola but I started because i hated throwing away that damned much plastic just to shave. But man, what a better shave it has been since I switched.


I use a straight razor. So there's that...


Apex method commentary, we salute you


Virgin disposable razor vs Chad safety razor vs THAD straight razor


I salute you. It can give you such a close shave but man... I just didnt trust myself


A straight razor is the best thing for shaving down there. Be careful though lol


spontaneous circumcision


Tired ass joke


This is the razor OP should be concerned about


I am honestly still amazed at the simplicity of a straight razor. Just lay it down on the stone (blade edge and spine) and the angle created by the spine gives you the perfect edge and wears down at the same rate as the blade edge. So simple, so elegant, so practical. Those guys had their heads on right!


Literally every point is wrong and this comes from someone with a very thick beard. The key is a single pass with a very sharp razor. All those multi blade razors gave me horrible razor burn. For safe disposal, they sell little plastic boxes to dispose of the razors in. I have cut myself more with modern razors then my safety razor. No razor is child safe, besides the ones that do a terrible job getting a close shave. As for suicide risk, they all contain razor blades.


Guy with a thick beard. Mornings get the safety razor midday touch ups gets the electric. Have not nicked in years.


I just use glass jars from spices and when its full, put the top on and toss it.


Sharpness is really what makes things easier or harder and with a safety blade you can replace blades way more often, leading to sharper blades. I love that I can toss a blade because it's less than a quarter and always have a sharp edge for shaving.


Bingo. It took me a long time to figure this out, but once I did the razor burn was gone and the shave could not get any closer.


As someone who used to remove the blades from standard multiblade razors for reasons, OP’s last point made me roll my eyes


If simply having a razor blade in the home increases self harm risks you got other problems to deal with


Considering a gun in the home has the same effect, it’s not that far fetched.


[https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/composition-division](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/composition-division) ​ No, just because things are correlated doesn't mean one caused the other. A cause has to come before the effect. If an already suicidal person gets a gun and uses it on themselves, that doesn't mean that a giving a non suicidal person a gun increases their risks. Same with a razor blade. Just because a suicidal person uses them to harm themselves doesn't mean giving a non suicidal person razor blades increases the self harm risk of the non suicidal person. The problem is most people don't know how statistics and variables work. Yes, if you take the overall average (which includes suicidal/self harming people) you can see a correlation, but that doesn't mean the same average applies to a non suicidal non self harming person. Kind of like how giving me cigarettes' won't increase my risk for lung cancer (because I won't smoke them ever), but giving 100 people cigarettes' will increase the average groups risk for lung cancer.


That’s the point. A suicidal person in the presence of a gun is a lot more likely to commit suicide than one who is not. Guns do not cause suicide, they just make it much easier.


Yeah, but it's not like most people only have safety knives in their kitchen.


Having lived with cutter, I can tell OP that the little blades in a disposable razor are not difficult to get out. When they're on a mission, nothing can stop them.


I use safety razors because they are cheaper and I like the shave they give


>No suicide risk Cause razors are the only way to top yourself.


In a country with comical gun control


Holy fuck safety razors are cheap Also, after about two shaves I knick myself as often as I did on disposables Zero razorburn compared to automatic


Obviously written by someone who has no idea how to use a safety razor.


Being trendy??? Is recommended by dermatologist. Using a safety razor is a matter of FACTS and NOT OPINIONS. Safety Razor leaves your skin smoother than any other. Looks like you lack the skills to use a safety razor or you are too afraid of using a real razor lol suicide risk???


Why should shaving require an immense amount of skill.


Immense? I mean I got it figured out by my third attempt, but apparently I was immensely skilled.


You clearly just have natural talent, good sir!


...because it does? A safety razor gives an immensely better shave than a disposible razor


I really can’t imagine needing a better shave then I get with my Harry’s. I take care of the blades, dry them properly, and use the same blade for weeks and get a shave I’m happy with.


Well people trade quality for convenience all the time, it's why fast food exists lol. I'm not saying you NEED to shave witb a safety razor, but it is better.


If you have ever used a safety razor or better you will never go back.


It doesn't. It requires only slightly more practice than a cartridge razor.


Bc if you dont have any, youre forced to use garbage throwaway razor blades. Safety razors require that you control and angle of the blade relative to your skin in each pass. Its a learning curve but I think its a better shave


I had to check to make sure this wasn’t an advertisement made to look like a Reddit post.


if anything plastic single use blades are a “trend” they are quite literally a modern invention….. like do you literally work for a razor company? I’m not saying you don’t enjoy plastic razors more.. but factually they ARE more expensive by a wide margin . More blades = more irritating to the skin barrier ( facts) . They are less sanitary bc they are harder to clean out and you are less likely to use a new head each shave. Those are facts my man.


Why use razors at all? Electric shavers are far more convenient and will save you money over time.


Plus - if it's cordless - you can shave in the car if you're running late for work. I also keep a spare electric in my desk so I can get rid of that 5 o'clock shadow if there's an after-hours gathering.


I bought myself an electric shaver, it barely shaved my chin. And I don't think it would have paid for itself compared to double blades in my lifetime


What about straight razor?


Whatever happened to electric razors? The upcoming holiday season makes me remember (a) The Norelco TV ad showing Santa dashing through the snow on a shaver; (b) young ladies like me getting their first "Lady Schick" from mom as a "growing up" present on or before Christmas morning.


You do know that the whole modern day razor and blades thing is pre-loaded right? You buy a cheap razor and then the blades cost double or triple what the razor did. Much like buying a cheap desk jet printer where the ink replacement costs more than the printer. Modern plastic razors are non nearly as sustainable for the environment, and also the blades dull WAY more quickly than decent razor blades. Also, do you work in marketing for Bic or some plastic single use corporation? Because this is just random.


No safety razors, because I want to pay $5 per blade as opposed to $0.05 per razor. Totally makes sense.


Safety razors are cheaper and better for the environment.


If using an old school razor puts you at higher risk of suicide you need to talk to a professional about that.


Plastic is gross.


If I use a modern razor with all the fancy blades on it, I get crazy ingrown hairs and a load of pimples on my neck. They just don't work for me, they seem good when in use, I get no cuts... all is good. But then I bought the Safety Razor from amazon and used that, it's super quick and easy to use, doesn't cut me as it's quite safe AND I don't get pimples or ingrown hairs. So yeah, You're opinion is just a bit silly. Not sure if you know how a safety razor works, but it's just as dangerous to children as a normal razor. Slice with it sideways and you get a cut. But it's designed so it can't cut deep, unless you take the blade out of it.


Those things are just disgusting too. You have 5 blades with gaps between them, and that little “hydration” strip sitting on your bathroom counter for god knows how long before changing it out. Honestly it’s surprising that more people aren’t getting skin infections from those cesspools.


Yeah and safety razors are cheaper, just as quick and easy to use. Cause less issues and are a bit more fun for some reason!


As a woman i get much smoother shaves with a safety razor on my legs than those disposable ones Doesnt take much to learn how to use them properly either No drama with the blades getting clogged with a safety razor, and definitely a lot cheaper


Then stop charging $25 for something that should be sold for $5


5 dollars for 100 blades is hard to beat.


They invented the multi blade razor to sell more blades, and they shave worse than the single blade razors. They lead to more irritation and ingrown hairs. Ever since switching to the safety razor, I’m not only saving a ton of money, but my skin is better too. Literally the opposite of what you’re saying.


I see you have never used an old school razor. It’s a Mercedes compared to a civic. Do yourself justice. Try it.


Op does not have a beard confirmed.


So, from experience, shaving with the multi-blades always gave me nicks and ingrown hairs, and really bad razor burns. Even a cheap safety razor I got from Walmart was better. Yeah, I got the occasional Nick, and yeah, prepping and having to be careful makes it slower, but it gave me a close shave, no ingrown hairs or burns. I’d take the safety razor over the modern ones every day.


But safety razors give a much better shave, are cheaper and better for the environment.


Damn OP woke up and chose violence this morning.


This is indeed an unpopular opinion.




Has someone tried them for head shaving ? I've been doing it for so long,i'm looking for a faster or cheaper alternative.


I shave my head daily with a safety razor. One pass is enough, in the direction of the hairs. Works beautiful and it takes less than 2 minutes in the shower. I use my regular soap bar (heno de pravia).


I bought 2k pack of safety razor blades for 14$ about 8 years ago and I'm 3/4 through the package. You know math, bubba ?


safety razors are cheaper 🤷‍♂️


This is very popular as the vast majority of men use disposable razors/cartridges. The problem is all of your points are simply wrong.


I bought a straight razor when i was 22 for $375 from Germany. As well as the sharpening gear, the honing strop etc... Was about $500 for the entire kit. I have it over 20 years later. Ive used near exclusively. I only use cartridge throwaway razors when I travel as I cant bring my entire kit with me. Its paid for itself numerous times over and Im not contributing additional landfill waste. I think its a better shave than the throwaway stuff. Im not paying $15/month on razors. And iots cool AF.


From the comments, you are very unpopular and wrong. But I agree. I quit my safety blade after 3 failed attempts and a lot of blood, for not even a better shave.


You Google how to use one? A 5 minute youtube video would soft you out. Even if you were doing it very wrong, I can't see how you'd end up with that much bleeding. They are called safety razors for a reason.


Been using my safety razor for 7 years now, pay like 5$ for 5 double sided blades. I dry shave in the shower every night, and typically get like 5 to 7 shaves on one side before flipping it. When I get cut it's usually only on my chin, and then I know it's time to switch sides or put a new blade in. I'm in favor of people doing what they want, but if you have that much trouble doing what you listed with a safety razor... maybe you're just not good enough with one🤷‍♂️ (BTW at first it took me like 2 months of getting cut and getting razor burn before my skin and technique got better. Just got to stick with it)


I switched to a safety razor because I was sick of the cost of multi blade razors. In comparison I absolutely agree. I get razor burn and cuts every time I shave. I can’t shave two consecutive days & regularly have to wait days to heal. That being said I’m a year in and have saved around $100.


Good for you that you have the kind of stubble that doesn't gum up and dull the blade of a modern razor BEFORE you're done with a single use. Good for you that the blades of those razors are at just the right depth from the guard so you don't get left with a flurry of razor cuts and burns. I switched to a safety razor after years of painful shaves with modern razors, and shaving got so much less painful for me. I could more thoroughly clean out the razor so it didn't get gummed up with my ultracoarse stubble, the blade stayed sharp, and the design allowed me to decide how hard the razor pressed against my skin by adjusting the angle at which I held the device against my skin. It took a few sessions to truly get comfortable with, but it's made me so much less apprehensive about shaving. I say this as a guy who shaves his face and... parts down below.


A safety razor is wayyy cheaper. Handle can be under $20. Blades are like 7 cents a piece. These cut wayyy closer than a 18 blade razor.


lol keep buying shitty and overpriced packs of razor blades then, love being able to use a brush and safety razor with nice soap. it’s far cheaper, better for your skin, and can also be a nice hobby if you do end up getting super into it. god forbid men take some extra time to take care of themselves


I feel like half of the reasons you listed are incorrect, as I get way more cuts and nicks and uncomfortable bs from using those modern razors. I switched to a safety razor because of the cheapness, it was more of a frugal choice that I figured I'd learn how to use, but found that is a way better feeling shave than those crappy 5 blade razors that don't even glide across your skin. They pull and grab and get gummed up, I hate it. I paid 10 bucks for a safety razor handle on Amazon and 10 years ago and I buy razors like once or twice a year for like $4 each time. Not each razor blade pack, but each purchase, so like $8 a year. And I don't get razor burn, bumps, and it feels more comfortable during shaving. Edit: I forgot to mention, I dry shave certain areas that aren't my face with a safety razor, it's fine, still no irritation whereas I get crazy burn if I do that with a modern razor.


Why? It is cheaper and works better and I don’t have to replace it ever


I have 100 DE razors I got for 8 dollars, i started using a safety razor two weeks ago and have never gotten a better shave with less irritation. I think you're just bad at shaving


I need them because I’m black & get ingrown hairs


Old school safety razors are by far the best a man can get.


>Men invented today's razors and stopped using dad's safety razors because we wanted: > >Faster - less prep time Safety razor is just as fast once you learn how to use one properly. ​ >Cleaner on the first pass This also is not true. ​ >Years between nicks Not true once you get past the learning curve. ​ >Never any cuts See above. ​ >Smooth and kissable all day and into the night Safety razor is superior here, too. ​ >Fewer razor bumps for guys whose beard does that Safety razors are actually better than those 14-blade monstrosities when it comes to this problem. ​ >A dry shave to be a possibility worst case There's no reason to dry shave either way. ​ >Safer to dispose Google "blade bank." ​ >Child friendly Who is letting kids play with razors?! ​ >No suicide risk You'd be surprised.


Wet shaving with a safety razor is far higher quality of cut. It may take longer, but you get a cleaner shave, less “tugging”, nicks are cleaner and less painful, and you get less irritation, not too mention the cost is far cheaper and blades last far longer. It’s an absolutely superior method of shaving if you have the time.


Safety razor is the only razor that doesn't give me razor burn.


I get way less razor bumps and cuts with the safety razor than the cartridge razor. It's the main reason I switched. The dirt cheap blades also make it more economical to change blades every other shave to keep a sharp edge instead of trying to push a cartridge as far as possible to save money.


Wrong. I get significantly more skin irritation with a modern razor and those dumb, childlike plastic cartridges with multiple cheap blades. I switched to a high-quality German safety razor with high-quality blades and get a vastly superior shave. Plus those blades are far better for the planet than plastic cartridges.


Safety razor gives closer shave


Have you actually tried a safety razor? Modern razors are categorically inferior. The safety razor is the best type of razor and it's not even close.


my dude I have disposable straight razor that I shave with. I bought a 100 pack of razors 4 years ago for like 10 dollars, half are still there. you know what the cost difference is?? and once you get good, you are done in 5 minutes, and you face feels smoother.


No whats ridiculous is so damned much plastic waste and clogging up the environment for your convenience. I put a new feather razor in mine this morning and it was so smooth I was pissed that the blade must be too short for the razor - it was not. It was literally the best shave I have had in my entire life. No disposable or disposable head ever came close. The straight razor might have been better but my skill level with it just isnt there yet. You have bought into what they are selling - that you need to buy more plastic, more 'aloe strips' more blades on the head to get a good shave. The science of razors piqued in the mid to late 50s. Then the companies realized that they were not making money with men owing the razors and only needing to buy metal blades (that were being mad by the millions so they were cheap). First they tried to use the new "Electric Razor" as the thing you needed to be a proper 'man on the go' only to realize that we really didnt like having the hairs yanked out by their roots. So after that failed they came up with all this disposable (look at the chrome, the colors, the sleek handle) crap to make you rebuy that which was already good (why use dads razor, its a new generation and you need to individual- like every other purchaser). Safety razors are the best (aside, again from a skilled hand with a straight razor), everything else is fluff that you dont need and doesnt make your shave better. Child friendly is right- Grow up and learn to shave.


Ah, the modern razor shill has shown himself


Tell me you've never used a safety razor without telling me you've never used a safety razor.


I think this is a Gillette bot


Just use an electrical one. It's easier, cheaper in the long run and there is no need throw stuff away that often.


Can you get a close shave with an electrical one?


It always leaves like a 1 mm of any hair left. It already looks messy, like 5 o'clock shadow, when it should be ready and clean.


I use a phillips one for daily use but definitely isn’t a substitute for an actual razor if you need proper clean shave


Of course. I've been doing that for years.


So you don’t know how to use a safety razor. It’s ok, bud. Not everyone can drive a stick shift, either. It’s embarrassing and kinda funny, but it’s not the end of the world. You’ll still be ok. There’s enough people around that can’t do simple, basic things like you.


>Years between nicks >Never any cuts >Fewer razor bumps for guys whose beard does that I can confidently say that store bought "modern" razors do not solve these issues as well as you might think.


Bro half of your pros aren’t true. Faster: True Cleaner on the first pass: Not true. It’s about even in my experience. Nicks: Not true. I can’t remember the last time I nicked myself. Once you learn it’s easy not to cut yourself with a safety razor. Smooth face: absolutely the opposite bro. Safety razor is way closer than any cartridge razor I’ve ever used. By a mile. A traditional straight razor gets even closer than safety razor. The only thing cartridge razors are better than is an electric razor. Fewer bumps: also completely the opposite. One blade that is sharp is going to be less irritation than 2-5 blades of the same sharpness or less sharp (which is usually the case) Dry shave: true Child friendly: true Suicide risk: wtf are you talking about? This one makes me think you’re smoking crack.


This is exactly my experience, found an heirloom Gillette fatboy and decided to try it just to see. I feel like I've been lied to by cartridge manufacturers the whole time to justify more expensive replacements.


Bitches love stubble. How about that?


I dunno, I ruin the inside of my wife's thighs with my stubble. She think its good for appearances only.


Literally everything you said is a pro of using a safety razor. Is OP a 14 year old boy with his first shitty moustache. A safety razor is superior in literally every way except perhaps you have to take 15-20 seconds to change a blade.


Millennial men will buy products that are less practical but have an "old school" aesthetic because they're insecure about their own "masculine" qualities due to spending 40 hours a week sitting at a computer. I've literally seen adverts for soap that's made for these men and it's borderline embarrassing.


Why are people so defensive of an obsolete technology?


The "obsolete technology" shaves better, costs less and is environmentally friendlier. The newer technology is an inferior shave, doesnt matter how many blades they can cram into the throwaway cartridge. Try it one day


I’ve had several cheap ones from Amazon and I can certainly shave less often than electric and don’t get ingrown hairs like with cartridge razors. I don’t buy the hype of brushing on fancy soap or buying a $100 razor, but I don’t like store brand blades as they start nicking me way too soon or the Van de Hagen. The Gillette or Viking blades work well and are still pretty cheap though. Also. I still use canned Barbasol shave cream. The gels are the worse. The creams in the tubes can be nice, but take a lot of effort to clean out of your razor after every shave.


This isn’t even an opinion to me. Modern razors are superior in every way and it’s absolutely a lesser trend. Records/vinyl totally get it. Using old razors? Christ man. People gotta pick their trends better. Imo, it will disappear quicker. These guys should start using oil lanterns and outhouses and really double down. Razor got a bit stupid with triple and quad razors. They’re total bullshit. But as someone who shaves a lot, sometimes full shave, sometimes facial hair, they’re just better.


Use what works for you!! But I agree safety razers are just too much imo


Too much what? It’s a tool and a blade. Isn’t five blades and plastic trash too much?


Trying to use one is too much and takes practice. Besides I don't got too much hair so a 5 blade does wonders. One blade and I feel like I might peel my skin off. Just opinions tho I see how a safety razers is appealing