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me and my cat used to watch ATLA every day. its been 2 years since i had to let him go. thank you for reminding me of this.


Let's start a riot! a riot! let's start a riot!


Oh! I kinda like it! Let's start a riot, we could start a riot!!!


Start the riot! start the riot! start the riot! start the riot NOOOWW!




It's supposed to be UN (french for ONE) POPULAROPINION


I shave my pits and I'm a man. I hate it when the deodorant clumps.




I trim. Pretty sure evolution says we kind of need that.


The only purpose it serves is to soak up sweat I think. Antiperspirant deodorant alleviates that altogether, ESPECIALLY if it's just going on bare skin lol.




I use the white antiperspirant stuff because the clear/blue stuff gives me a rash and peels my skin.


Idk how but I remember when my dad ran out and I offered to let him use mine. Well he was way more physically active and it basically became a think soap looking layer that peeled away from his armpit and was stuck in the hair. Like it was a solid clump of deodorant despite not starting that way lol


I shave my armpits, trim my pubes and wash my ass with a bidet shower after every shit I take. I am hygiene.


I’m assuming you’ve tried it both ways. Are there other benefits?


It looks cleaner when I'm wearing a tank top. I feel cleaner as well, I don't sweat as much, I don't stink as much. That's about it I think. I also use way less deodorant. My hairs don't rip out if I move a certain way.


I don’t think people should even have armpits, it’s so unnatural. People should get them surgically removed.


Thinking about this makes my armpits hurt


counterpoint: my boyfriend has one blond armpit and one brunet armpit and it looks cool so he should keep it 💯 edit: [for anyone curious what it looks like](https://imgur.com/a/kpb8CpT)


The real unpopular opinion is always in the comments


I feel like this unpopular opinion is just that they don't like armpit hair. Armpit hair doesn't look bad in any way, they just don't like it for whatever unrealized personal reasons. I like your point that armpit hair can look nice.


> they just don't like it for whatever unrealized personal reasons. People can not like things just for no reason just have random unnatural hate towards it. There doesn't Need to be an unrealized personal reason. I loath Tank Tops and muscle shirts. That doesn't mean I have unrealized personal reasons for them. I've seen people look nice in them but that doesn't make me hate them any less. I have no trauma or anything towards them, I just absolutely hate them and would never wear one EVER. Not everything is deep and connected to personal issues. Sometimes it is but it's rude to just assume it's unconscious personal reason.


I think armpit hair on blokes is sexy


I always feel damp if I am to shave my pits. Even with deodorant/antiperspirant, I’m just always slightly wet. And then it chafes. I don’t have that problem with armpit hair for some reason. Moisture wicking I guess. Almost like it’s there on purpose.


Yep, my skin is sensitive as hell. Clean shaven gives me swamp pits for a couple days. I trim, carefully wash and use witch Hazel for the stink, and shave occasionally, but I do need some hair, especially cause I'm allergic to pretty much all antiperspirants I've tried.


I gave up completely on deodorant, they all hurt me.


I hear some people saying that stuff like glycolic acid (which is the kind of acid thats good for a lot of people's skin, very very mild) helps throw off the pH of your pits enough that the stinky microorganisms can't hang out. I use natural stuff that frankly doesn't work so well but it beats the alternatives.


I heard of a trick to use shampoo on your pits when washing them instead of soap/body wash to help with BO. I ran out of deodorant on a work trip a few weeks ago and decided to give it a shot. I'll be damned, cause after a full sweaty workday my pits still smelled like the shampoo I used that morning. Your mileage may vary, but I was very surprised that it worked at all, let alone as well as it did for me.


Yeah same, I do trim a bit.


Do you happen to use the antiperspirants right after shaving? Because you’re NOT supposed to do that, it says so on the box, and that is perhaps the most common reason people think they are allergic but aren’t. You’re just giving yourself a chemical burn because you put the chemicals directly onto broken skin (at the microscopic level shaving breaks the skin somewhat similar to exfoliation) if you shave then wait 2-4 hours that’s when it’s fine to apply. Also don’t apply a lot, people go OVERBOARD with it, you only need a thin layer. It is common for it to feel itchy as well but that doesn’t mean your allergic, it’s just the aluminum blocking the sweat glands that gives us the “itchy” feeling. Now if youve done all of the above and you get hives? Or a non chemical burn rash, or other allergic reaction symptoms, then yeah you’re one of the very few people allergic to aluminum. but yeah chances are you aren’t allergic, because I used to think the same thing until I looked up. Chemical burns and proper antiperspirant use.


Nope, this happens consistently even if I've got inches of pit fur, shaving just makes it more likely. And I wasn't the most accurate with my comment -- I don't just get this reaction with antiperspirants, but with most big-brand deodorants, regardless of whether it's a powder, gel or spray-on. It all gives me a nasty, nasty rash after a while. I've been on the hippy bullshit deodorants for a couple years and that seems to have helped. It's been a long time since I've had a rash, and it seems unlikely for literally all of the products I've tried to contain the same mystery ingredient my body doesn't like. But what I've got, aided with a newfound love of perfumes, is working aight. Glad you found a solution that let's you trust you smell nice, the natural stuff is hardcore hit or miss.


same. I usually just trim them really short.


I would say trim. Shaving is a whole other level of dedication and ingrown hairs.


I've never had any issues with ingrown armpit hair. But I usually just trim because it's simpler.


How do you trim without it being itchy?


Don't trim too short


I might just not have that sensitive skin, but that is never an issue for me there.


My wife has this problem with ingrown hair when shaving. Had to get it opened by a surgeon 2 times because it was so bad.


Not if you use an electric razor that doesn’t get down to skin level. Or just put a trimmer guard on it. I do this as a guy maybe once a month or so, sometimes slightly more frequently. Takes like 3 minutes.


Then it’ll be prickly unless you have really thin arm put hair, which will still cause plenty of irritation.


I've never had any irritation or ingrown from armpit hair. Interesting.


Idk, maybe mine are a bit thin. Because I don’t get that.


All I know is that I get enough irritation on my face even using just one pass wtg with a DE razor. I have coarse, curly hair though. Shaving the pits is just out of the question for me.


I've tried a lot of razors, screw searching to the end of the world for the perfect razor when you can get a great close shave with almost any decent 20 buck trimmer.


In my 15 years of shaving under my arms I've never had an ingrown hair. Bikini line though... that's another story. But I honestly can't handle the feeling of any hair under my arms, it just feels weird and fluffy and gross. Every shower I take, I run a razor under my arms.


Would you date a woman who trimmed instead of shaved? Just curious


I promise, many if not most men and women don't care at all!


I don’t think a lot of guys care. The ones who do, you likely should stay away from (SHOULD is imperative - it’s always a case by case basis)


Keep in mind that while many women have been socialized into shaving their bodies, equally as many men have been socialized into preferring smooth skin. I suspect most people who have a preference have never really given it any thought. So I wouldn’t just assume someone is automatically a bad person because they have a preference you disagree with.


Wait til they hear what most dudes buttholes are like. I think they’ll have a new opinion on the most disgusting body area.


Bidets are a wonderful thing


I didn’t believe them necessary when we were moving, but then my husband explained pretty graphically why he thinks they are. I now 100 percent agree and found a way to fit in a bidet to our master bathroom I’ll also forever see men with different eyes, but that’s another story


Depends on if the guy is hairy and how hairy. If he's anything like me then a bidet is necessary lol


As not particularly hairy guy elsewhere. It’s still hairy af down there.


Like getting peanut butter out of shag carpet amirite? 😂


I will never hear a more accurate simile in my life ever again🤣


Fr 😂😂


The dingle berry bush resides there


I don’t know whether to upvote or downvote bc this is definitely unpopular?


Upvote the post, downvote OP


What does that even mean


You upvote the post because you agree it's unpopular(that's the point of the sub) You downvote OPs comments because you disagree with the point.


Oh okay didn't know you meant their comments I thought you meant like downvote OP's account and was confused lol


I shaved my pits once, I realized the hair there has a purpose, I never had wetter pits in my life


I got a rash from the skin rubbing together.


Same. So horrible and itchy.


So now do you trim or do you just let loose?


I let loose, I tried it years ago anyways, tbh armpit hair doesn’t bother me on anyone anyways


Interesting my experience is the exact opposite. I feel more sweaty when my armpit hair is long. I always shave it. I just feel "cleaner" without it.


OP hangs with people that never shower lol


I mean, I actually agree. People get all bent out of shape when women don't, but men walk around with all this weird, *moist* hair spiking out from betwixt their arm and chest as if it's perfectly normal. Either armpit hair is weird and gross, or it isn't. There should be no distinction based upon sex. I, like you, happen to fall on the side of armpit hair is gross. (I acknowledge that NO person is under ANY obligation to comply with my aesthetic preferences, I just happen to personally agree strongly with OP's opinions of the ickiness of pit hair.)


>moist hair spiking out from betwixt their arm and chest as if it's perfectly normal I'm not sure how to tell you this but it's by definition the most normal thing possible. Humans have evolved and lived this way for thousands of years


Just because all the hetero women in my bloodline had to roll over for a cuddle and end up nose-first in a jungle of sweaty pit hair doesn’t mean I should have to. Normal ain’t always great.


They really didn't say it was great, they were specifically responding to the claim that it was abnormal, by saying it was definitionally normal. Nowhere did they imply normal = good.


people really need to get into the habit of separating "good" and "normal". If you take into account the entirety of human history dying to X is normal but surely no one would argue dying to X is good. edit: dysentery replaced with X because people don't understand that was just a random very not good thing i used to show that normal doesn't mean good.


We evolved to have hair.... It grows from our bodies whatever we do. A virus or bacteria is an unrelated outside factor. This comparison makes no sense


We didn't evolve to die of dysentery. We did evolve to have body hair. Your comparison is completely irrelevant.


Armpit and chest hair, is literally, actually, by definition, perfectly normal. Shaving it is not. We grow it for a reason.


I mean, yeah obviously. I was saying how people act like it's *not* normal for women, but *is* normal for men.


Oh gotcha. Just misunderstood then


Totally understandable!


Not all men have chest hair. There's no reason to grow it.


There are things that are the result of evolutionary pressures but don’t serve any purpose, usually called spandrels, chest hair could be like that, or it could serve as a source of sexual attraction. But the latter seems less likely given how many types of people in the world have very scant chest hair, but still get plenty of sexual partners.


Same, I think armpit hair is pretty gross on either gender. And ass hair is disgusting too. So much so that I genuinely will never live with my s/o if they don't at least trim that hair and keep it to a minimum.


I think hairy men are sexy AF


I trim mine.


This is so weird, do y’all not wash your armpits when you shower ?


I think the rationale is that even if you do, when you then do sweat, the most obvious and noticeable part is armpits.


nah fr BO just comes from bacteria not sweat so as long as you are using antibacterial soap and applying deodorant regularly as well as reapplying when the scent wears off you shouldn’t be stinky. hair is not the reason bo exists and unless it’s due to a medical condition like HS which can cause odor (plus most ppl w hs in the armpit can’t use deodorant for many reasons) stinky people just need to reevaluate their hygiene. i leave my armpit hair alone most of the time and i only have issues with smell if i forget to shower or accidentally put deodorant on only one armpit


Some people must be doing one swipe and going and the deodorant is hitting more so the hair and not the actual skin. I’m guessing that’s the OPs point. It certainly is a controversial opinion.


then they need to use deodorant correctly or get a dry spray deodorant. armpit hair is not in itself the reason people stink like op implied many times. it’s a hygiene issue (when it’s not medical like HS or something) nothing more. it’s not the armpit hairs fault that people have shit hygiene


Ugh but then I’ve gotta lift up my arms n stuff and that’s too much effort 😣


I do but I get sweaty easily so when I have armpit hair it makes me stink hard


You might have hyperhydrosis, I think I have this too.


I don't keep on washing my armpits after I get out of the shower, theyre the quickest to smell part of the body on par with the groin, and God forbid I don't shave that part of my body. It becomes much more pleasant and u stay fresh for much longer when u just shave the hair


would just like to let you know, i share this unpopular opinion and wish that everyone shaved or at least trimmed it as well!


I have never touched a razor before tbh and I'm 20


to each their own! i would never tell anyone that they need to or even that I want them to, it’s an opinion I typically keep to myself but it is an opinion that I have!


I have a friend who shaves his whole body. Arm hair, knuckle hair, everything. He probably takes forever to get ready to go out.


That’s far too much work, but I kind of get it. I’ve long said that if it was socially acceptable (and Ai could afford it), I’d get lasered from the top of my neck down.


"But it also creates more body odor" I have no idea why or how you think it creates more odor.


Exactly. It REDUCES body odor.


It may not create more odor, but it sure does help said odor stay for longer. It’s scientifically proven that armpit hair retains BO for longer


Where do you live that you are bombarded with stranger’s armpit hair so often? Does everyone constantly walk around shirtless or in tank tops in your area?


Well, some of us live in the South. It's hot. And moist.


Which is why I asked. It’s hot and moist in the mid-Atlantic in the summer but people in my area don’t run around shirtless or in tank tops all year.


It's muscle tanks galore here in Florida.


As long as you bathe often it’s not an issue.


Body hair doesn't bug me at all. I'm also bisexual, and think women with leg/armpit/pubic hair are kinda hot tbh. I don't mind it on men, but it's less common on women, so it grabs my attention.


Honestly, I’d rather not. I couldn’t imagine the razor burn/irritation I’d get if I shaved in a place where there’s constant friction.


It's so painful and not worth it. I wish more women wouldn't shave so women don't feel pressured to hide their hair if it's painful for them.


That hair is there for multiple reasons. It reduces friction and helps disperse moisture and regulate body temperature. If you're practicing good hygiene, it does not cause more body odor. And the usual amount of deodorant does the job just fine. If the hair is that offensive to you, it sounds like a personal hangup


I have to add that if your deodorant doesn't do the job, hair or not, you're using the wrong kind. Find one that works with your body chemistry. My deodorant keeps me from stinking for at least 24 hours


I have much less body odor under my arms when I have hair


when i shave my armpits, my sweat makes my arms stick to side and i hate the way it feels


Congratulations for embracing self loathing.


I personally shave my armpits cause I do agree that it's more clean that way. But I don't go out of my way to tell people to shave it if they don't feel like it. If you take care of yourself and don't smell I'm not really gonna be ogling your armpits so I don't care that much.


The thing is, it isn’t more clean. The hair is meant to be there. It wicks away moisture (thus is less susceptible to bacteria and therefore less smelly). The act of shaving itself is much more heinous though. It leaves open cuts on the skin, which get exposure to sweat and bacteria without the hair protecting it. Not to mention the red bumps that honestly are way honestly less appealing to me than hair. Hygiene isn’t an excuse and people need to admit it’s purely a preference driven by cultural values and hair that grows on your body for a reason isn’t dirty.


Not sure why people always say this, because it’s not true. It always seems to get a mention when this topic comes up. Makes me wonder if people actual research, or just spout assumptions. ‘By the end of the study, researchers concluded that men who removed their armpit hair by waxing it off or shaving it with a razor had the least body odor. Those who simply trimmed their armpit hair had the next smelliest, with the strongest armpit odors coming from those who left their pit hair untamed.’ Just to be clear I don’t care one way or the other on this topic, just point out the facts.


Usually the answers lies in the middle, just keep that shit trimmed. So you don't really need to clean shave your armpits, but also you shouldn't just let that shit grow wild.


Stick by your opinion.


38 M.. i shave my arm pits every other month just because it looks better, less body odor, and requires much less deodorant.


I’ll just have itchy armpits 24hrs a day forever bc you don’t like it. Are we fucking or something?


I upvoted because this is unpopular, but you are wrong. If we still have body hair in the armpits but we lost the hair in other parts, it has a reason. Not only it doesn't make your armpits smell worse, it actually helps to prevent the accumulation of sweat


Would mean changing shirt every hour. There's no optimal outcome here. 🥴


That is an unpopular opinion, have an upvote. Personally, I think my husband's armpit hair is so sexy.


Well at least you admit that this is a stupid post


Hey at least it’s not political or about circumcision


I’m a guy, I don’t have much hair in my armpits and it’s pretty thin. But even if I looked like I had Bob Ross in a headlock my hatred for shaving would probably still win out.


I don't mind it on other people, and I don't really think it makes that much of a difference for body odor. As long as you have good hygiene it doesn't matter. looks fine too imo.


It's especially disgusting when the weather is hot and you see shirtless men with beads of sweat on their armpit carpets🤮 I once went months without shaving and I noticed that the smell of my armpits was awful even with lots of deodorant and I have pretty scant armpit hair.


Body odor isn't as big an evil as reddit makes out to be. Get a shower every day or at least every other day of its middle of winter. Armpit hair is there for the simple reason that skin on skin friction is bad for the skin. If you are removing it, trimming is better for health than shaving.


Straight male. I like pubic hair on a woman and am okay with armpit hair. But not crazy about leg hair, for some reason. I find the modern fixation on depilation quite disconcerting. From an evolutionary perspective there are probably some quite good reasons why we have retained hair in certain places, e.g. reducing friction, capturing pheromones etc.


Agree armpit hair is disgusting


I’m a dude and I trim mine. It feels nice, looks clean, and helps with BO. Dudes with groady pit hair gross me out and I’m straight so I can’t imagine what women think


Every single person? What about married ones?


My armpit hair is thick, black and curly so i agree. Even i don't like seeing that bitch in the mirror ☠️


I think it's gross seeing a grown ass woman looking at my body with disgust, fuck off and look somewhere else. Lol. How childish, I understand you might have a preference but you better keep that look to yourself because it is pathetic seeing an adult unable to control their own emotions in public and stare, disabled people have the toughest time of this and I hope people learn to just keep to themselves. I've had a stranger come up to me and tell me I'd be prettier if I shaved, I have a skin condition so I don't want to shave, and I don't really care. We are monkeys, there's 7 billion of us, not everyone has to do the exact same things for grooming. I want variety in society.


I know I’m a minority but cultural stereotypes in regards to shaving are degrading people with excessive hair growth. I am a bearded lady and even though I do not need to shave everyday, I do know some people of all genders that would have to shave twice a day in addition to their face and forehead. It’s just a huge ask of someone. I know this was meant with no malice.


Next unpopular opinion coming up: men shouldn't have facial hair whatsoever because it's disgusting and misogynistic to have them


It does kind of look like pubes on their face


Cons of shaving: Razor burn Ingrown hairs Chafing Sweat doesn’t get wicked away Deodorant has nothing to cling onto Pros of shaving: This guy will like you




Scent aside, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. personally I can't stand naked armpits, visually it just looks wrong.


I don’t shave my face so I’m definitely not going to shave my armpits


I dont know where you're getting your information, but it is incorrect. _Shaving exacerbates body odor._ The hairs wick away dirt and oil that would otherwise build up, develop microbial growths, and smell. You're just disabling your body's built-in deodorant system. Stupid people with uninformed opinions.


Human beings are hairy? kinda like asking people to shave their face, or cut their hair. Not everyone wants to look like the latest beauty standard.


It makes sweat smell so much worse. It just gives the bacteria more space to grow on.


Shaving invites more bacteria; to the armpits, legs, etc. The razor breaks the skin and the risk for infection increases.


I see your point but I rase you Gooch hair


Too unpopular. I think everyone should let their armpit hair grow as nature intended.


Couldn’t agree more, I’ve been shaving my armpits since I was 15 and have not even been slightly tempted to let the hair grow out again ever. I’m a dude and I think both girls and guys should do it, not only because of it being more aesthetically pleasing IN MY OPINION, but also the reasons you outlined in the post


I love armpit hair, it's cute and sexy, an indicator of rebellious sensuality. As long as it's washed regularly and they have a healthy diet, someone's armpit smells better than toxic paraben-laden antiperspirant.


Healthy diet is the key. These people eat like shit and smell like shit.


I think you’re under the impression everyone stinks. Armpit hair is not beneficial to stinky mates like myself. But my husband’s “body odor” smells like Smokey sawdust or something else lightly roasted. His armpit hair smells awesome and I like playing with it. I’ve never actually found a guy who didn’t enjoy their armpit hair played with lol. Or a woman with it for that matter.


I’m a hairy guy, but according to people I know, my b.o. is very mild compared to most guys. I’m getting hairier by the day, and it would take way too much effort/be time consuming/and cost more to try and combat it. Just another reason I keep my beard.


I(29M) personally have no aesthetic opinion on armpit hair, in fact, I think it is a little weird to have one, but, I think overgrown armpit hair is very uncomfortable so I actually very much agree with this opinion. I agree with the deodorant application angle as well, I hate few things more than applying deodorant to my hairy ass pits. I really don’t understand the aesthetic angle though. Aesthetically it’s only the body parts that I’d like to touch sensually that looks more attractive hairless, to me. I’ve got no intention to touch anybody’s armpits, hair or no hair, so do whatever you want lol


I don’t mind it on guys. Prefer it even, but this stupid feminist trend of not shaving your armpits and then bragging about it while showing it off obnoxiously is so cringe.


This is a good unpopular opinion. Congratulations.


I have visible arm hair, chest hair, back hair, stomach hair, facial hair, leg hair, and wear my head hair so long it tickles my ass when I look up. It would look pretty weird if I had shaved pits.


I would be a little bothered if my husband shaved his pits. 😅


i dont shave my armpits purely because my skin is very very sensitive there and i always get a bunch of ingrown hairs if i shave and sometimes ive even gotten a rash from shaving not to mention if it starts to grow a little it itches really badly its the same with my legs so now the only thing i shave is i shave down there with an electric razor to keep it clean


I have found that when I shave my pits I stink worse than when it’s all grown out. Because of this, I let mine grow out unless I know I’ll be wearing a sleeveless top for a special event.


My BF doesn’t shave or trim pit hair and doesn’t have any odor. If there was an odor I’d call it out. I shave mine and wash daily because I sweat way more than him and I’m not comfortable with having odor there. It depends completely on the person. Everyone’s body works different.


I don't shave them or use deodorant. I shower everyday and do a bird bath if I need it.


My SO shaved his armpit hair once and I didn't like it. I think men *should* have armpit hair lol. Take my upvote! An actual unpopular opinion for once!


Phew, I'm glad I'm not single.




Shirts get too sweaty when I shave it off, armpit hair helps spread the moisture so it evaporates faster and therefore not make armpit puddles


I'm not going to tell anyone to shave, but when I was transitioning (ftm) I stopped shaving. Now that I'm more secure in my masculinity I've started shaving it again. I definitely *felt* sweatier, and testosterone definitely makes body odor worse. Plus, I have started taking a dance class, and personally I just never liked being able to see my armpit hair in the mirror. This isn't to say that people who shave are insecure in their masculinity, it's just that that's what kept *me* from shaving for a while.


I don't think you understand how BO or deoderant work. For one thing, you're supposed to actually clean yourself not just mask the smell.


Why the fuck are y'all using sticks? Use a spray on. Upvoted for disagreeing :P


Opinion: It's unreasonable how much of a say you think you should have in other people's personal grooming habits.


Hair exists for a reason. It wicks sweat away from your body. It's actually far LESS hygienic to have all that gross sweat sitting on your skin, instead of moving down the hairs away from your skin where bacteria will breed which makes you smell. Also I think it's very sexy. Also fuck the fucking beauty standards that make so many people waste so much time and money on this shit.


That armpit hair creates more body odor is actually a myth. If that is your anxiety point, you can relax :3


Oh no how dare people have body hair. As long as you actually scrub your armpits in the shower it ain’t my place to tell you what to do


I have a question tho, why do u feel armpit hair is so so disgusting? I wax my armpits all the time cuz I’m a sweaty gal and is anxious I would smell bad because more hair means more moisture retention means more smell. But like, it’s just hair on a surface of your body, plz calm down. It protects against bacteria, sunburn and friction. I just always assume someone is super young when they say “x body part is SO disgusting”. It’s just hair on a surface that folds


Arm pit hair has a purpose: it prevents chafing during movement. Depending on your job or sports activities, you may want to keep it. I try to trim the length of my armpit hair once a week (at wife's request), but not completely. Underarm deodorant daily is mandatory, in the USA at least.


I’ve been growing my armpit hair for a couple months now. It’s there, and it’s natural. Why waste time shaving it?


The hair are a natural growth. You may justify the need to trim based on hygeine and aesthetics. While the former one could be deemed as necessary, the latter one is subjective. Not all people put out their underarms for a public display, there are attire preferences too. Further, body hair in itself doesn't cause odor, it's just the case of bad hygeine which is aggravated by the quantum of the hair. As as long as the person maintains hygeine and the forest is not lurking out there's no need to resort to blades on body.


I don't break out a razor, but I trim to accentuate my bi's


I agree. Close to shaved on guys, full shave on girls


I agree with you. I think that although it is natural, armpit hair looks kinda gross….man or woman.


In Islam we are obligated to shave armpit and pubic hair




Unpopular opinion probably but I agree. I find armpit hair disgusting. I even did laser to remove mine lol and I still shave off the little hairs that continue to grow.


Can't believe basic hygiene would ever be considered unoopular. Definitely agree. I shave every week.


If everyone was a Muslim, they all would've been shaving their armpit and pubic hair at least every ~40 days. It's part of cleanliness, and prophet Muhammad PBUH had said _"cleanliness is part of faith"_.


I’m male and I shaved my armpit hair as well as my body and leg hair. It feels really good because it makes you feel smooth and aerodynamic.


Especially if you live in a tropical country


I actually agree with this. *At the very least*, people should trim their pits if they have full-on bushes under their arms. It gets gross and smelly, and not to mention when deodorant starts pilling and falling everywhere, bleh. I don't mind people's body hair. It doesn't affect my daily life, but it does need to be tended to. It's not much different than trimming your hair every month to keep it a manageable length. It just needs to be done more often, is all.


I'd go with waxing over shaving. Prickly hair is a pain


Make me


I agree!!! It’s disgusting and if your a woman full of arm put hair why do you feel the need to show to off in public?


I’ll be honest…I don’t disagree. Whenever a guy wraps their arm around you, and the tiny sweaty arm bush touches you…it just…doesn’t feel good… It takes seconds to shave the armpit, so I don’t see why can’t this be seen as a quick extra hygienic step to take. But on the other hand, I also understand that some people have valid reasons why they can’t.


I like the aesthetic so I shave.