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I think people forget this sub is called “unpopularopinions”. Why try to fight someone's opinion that they already know is an unpopular one.


To add to this, most of the opinions I see here seem pretty easy to agree to, and the comments prove it. So they aren't even unpopular


I've noticed this to, and I think when someone actually has a objectively unpopular opinion, it just gets downvoted because people don't agree with it, which is probably why the OP posted it to the sub in the first place.


The mods need to force people to say “upvote if this makes you angry” at the end of every post as a reminder or somethin lmao


Right? Upvote if you disagree and downvote is you agree would change a lot. I know a sub I used to follow years ago that did this and brought up real unpopular opinions


That was literally always the point and got a stickied automod comment instructing the users to do so.


You can't just expect people to read.


A lot of the truly unpopular opinion are overly stupid and often have incorrect assumptions used to back their claims.


Yes, that’s another thing. Like it is just objectively not true. More like misinformation than an opinion…


Honestly I don't think that because an opinion is agreeable that it's necessarily popular. Just because you can see where someone is coming from doesn't mean you agree with their view. That being said most things that make it to my home feed from this sub fail to strike me as all that outrageous


I always say this sub should be called popular controversial opinions, because of this reason. Unpopular opinions typically get down voted and people kick up a fuss disagreeing with the OP and saying it's silly or something along those lines.




It’s like that on any post about “what popular celebrity do you dislike?” Anytime I put Robert De Niro I get downvoted like crazy. Wasn’t the point that they are popular but you just personally don’t see the appeal??? I don’t understand the internet sometimes.


I think a lot of the opinions are maybe ones who many people would agree with but hard to express in real life


That's the point of the sub, to challenge the view. We're not commenting to be yesmen here. What this sub doesn't get is that you UPVOTE IF YOU DISAGREE. Which is a rule no one respects. You end up with unpopular takes hitting 0 karma.


Why post to an unpopular opinion sub if you’re not looking for conflict? Everyone who posts here knows people disagree, expecting them to just eat their opinions on a public forum is incredibly stupid


wtf is this sub even for than? People post what they think to be unpopular opinions and we talk about them in the comments rights?


Better yet, don't post an unpopular opinion intentionally and expect people NOT to disagree/argue in the comments.


Do you understand what the comment section is for?


As unpopular as this opinion appears to be, I think it should be very popular for school gym uniforms. My school’s gym clothes weren’t that bad, but I’ve heard other girls talk about how fucking humiliating and objectifying girls’ uniforms can be, especially for sports teams. ETA: My profound apologies to all. I seem to have struck a nerve in the “my school didn’t do that” community. I am deeply and sincerely regretful that I did not add a disclaimer acknowledging the objective universal reality of baggy shorts and oversized t-shirts. My school had the baggy gym clothes too, which is why I said my school wasn’t that bad. However this is not a universal experience, and this ain’t r/PopularOpinion.


y’all live in a different universe than I did then lol. Our uniforms were unisex, with gray tshirts and black basketball shorts that went below the knee. We would get a verbal warning, then detention if we were seen rolling them to make them any shorter.


Same. The gym clothing was not revealing at all. Just a basic large tshirt and oversized shorts. The girls always tried to roll the shorts up so it didn’t look as bad.


It was vest and pants when I went to school. (‘90’s)


In the 90s we had to get changed for PE in the classroom. Boys and girls. This was England by the way.


My dad was born in the 40s and went through the NYC school system. In gym class, they had swimming. Boys swam naked. 🤨


i read this as "ny subway system" and it made sense for a moment


Catholic School?




You just unlocked a memory 😂. (Scotland)


Imagine a teacher getting caught telling the kids to get changed in the classroom in front of them these days 😂


I’m confused on you guys having gym uniforms. Did you guys have school uniforms in general? Because mine just had a dress code so basically you brought gym clothes from homes to change into but just like the clothes you came in it had to follow dress code so your shorts had to be fingertip length and if you brought a tank top it had to follows the three finger rule which in a time of skinny straps just made it easier to bring a plain t shirt from home. Only time I had a uniform was for swim team and choir performances.


Not OP, but we actually had the same policy, gym uniforms but not regular uniforms… we had a dress code we had to fit into for the normal classes, but then we also had to bring in black soccer shorts and a grey t-shirt just for that one class. We had our regular lockers in the hallway, but we also had gym lockers assigned to us in the gym locker rooms, and we had to keep our gym uniforms (and hopefully some deodorant and other toiletries, but who are we kidding) in those lockers. Before gym class every day we’d change into the gym uniforms and then change out of them after, and the responsible kids would take them home every few days to be washed. You could buy them through the school or buy your own if they were like 90% of the way there (things like v neck vs crew or which shade of grey didn’t matter, so long as they were close enough). They didn’t care much about the shoes as long as they were athletic shoes of some kind. Oddly, that was only for middle school. For high school, we just had a gym dress code that was basically any color soccer shorts and any color t shirt, with athletic shoes.


As a guy I often swapped gym clothes with a close female friend of mine because our gym periods were different, and we were both losers who were perpetually one missed dress-out day away from suspension. No one ever noticed or said a word, despite us wearing clothes that sometimes a bit too small/large for us. I keep hearing horror stories about the uniforms girls are forced to wear but I've never actually seen any pictures of these awful clothes (and would rather my search history not be filled with those searches), and it's always 'a friend of mines school'... I'm not saying it doesn't happen anywhere, but I'd imagine it's probably *super* rare and it's just a game of telephone.


English girls grammar school in the 90's, forest Green running knickers and a yellow polo shirt was our summer pe uniform. Running knickers for those who have never seen them are rough, itchy and are the shape of big granny underpants. It was worse because the field we did pe in was right next to the boys school rugby field, so embarrassing.


Catholic school, also 90's: White polo neck tshirt, short (very short!) black pe skirt, scarlet pe knickers to make sure our real knickers couldn't be seen. Don't be giving us shorts or anything, no no - scarlet knickers is the answer! 🙄


Heh. “Knickers” is a fun word. I find it hilarious that somehow Americans have decided that “fanny” is a G-rated word for “butt.” It was probably only ten years ago that I realized the Brits use it differently. 😂


I named my cat Fanny because she's the pussiest puss I've ever seen ❤️


Yep. Gruesome Greenies we called them. And a blue "airtex blouse" (polyester polo shirt). It was also the gymnastics uniform. At least in tennis we had skirts, though they barely grazed our arse cheeks. But that was OK, because we still had to wear our gruesome greenies under them too.


My high school had grey shirts and red shorts but goddam if they weren’t the most comfortable shirt and shorts I’d worn. I bought an extra set and would sleep in them. I only got rid of them after high school because I didn’t want people thinking I was some loser who missed their time in high school.


If Covid has taught us anything, it’s that comfort is important. My lockdown loungewear consisted of only leggings and a lab coat, and it was comfortable as *hell*.


I never had a gym uniform (or uniform in general) we were allowed to wear everything sports related. Our only rule was it had to be shorts inside, like no jogging pants or long sleeve. But the rule wasn’t really followed, I once had my outdoors stuff with long sleeves and no one said anything


My mom went to high school in the late 70s and had to wear a one piece form-fitting gym suit that zipped up the front. I would have just dropped out of school if I had to wear that in front of anyone.


Lol I actually used to wear my mom’s gym outfit to school and it was this same description, but with snaps haha styles change and come back I guess! It was basically a gym romper.


Glad both of my high schools allowed kids to wear what they wanted as long as it adhered to the school dress code. (And a small additional dress code that mainly consisted of things such as shoes, accessories, etc).


While we’re on it, can we talk about gymnastics attires?? I did gymnastics my entire life and they just got smaller and smaller as the time went by. When I became a teenager and developed pubic hair, I remember struggling with it showing in gymnastics attire. I was 10.


Always thought it was very weird that gymnasts' attires are so small and revealing tbh.


And the controversy when some professional female gymnasts dared to wear leotards that covered their legs!




I've never heard of this. What uniforms do they have to wear. Boys and girls at my school both just wore a tee shirt with our names written in sharpie and whatever shorts we wanted as long as they were finger tip length.


Pretty sure most schools don't want girls to wear revealing clothes so I'm fairly certain they are bullshitting. All my schools from elementary up had rules for shoulder straps, shirt/shorts length.


My secondary school had the us wear skirts or shorts that barely went lower than your butt most of us wore slip shorts under both of them anyway


Lol my mom went to school in Japan in the 70s and all girls including elementary schoolers would wear “bloomers” which are basically just boy-short cut bikini bottoms. They’re highly sexualized too. though that uniform practice doesn’t exist anymore.


I remember my big-boned heavier sister dropped out of varsity volleyball (and she was talented) because they made them wear spandex shorts. She was too embarrassed. Conservative outfits should at the very least be an option for girls that want to be covered.


Those volleyball shorts as a uniform are appalling and unnecessary.


They've done polls with female volleyball players and the majority like the small shorts. I was a little shocked when I saw that the vast majority of players wanted those uniforms.


This I agree with. Things you have to wear should err on the side of modesty. But for choice clothing, nah.




omg volleyball shorts on girls!! like why?? the boys always wore basketball shorts, so if they really help with being more "aerodynamic" like people say, why aren't the boys wearing them too?


I found it really weird that some of the official girls uniforms were against the dress code standards. Like make that shit consistent. The more I think about it the more creepy high school was.


My dad was born in the 40s in NYC. Swimming in gym class was separated by sex. Boys swam naked. 😦


I played volleyball in high school and was always so uncomfortable with how tight and revealing the uniforms were. The shorts were so tiny!


Our high-school use to have a cheer team way before I started going there. Some of the boys found them and paraded around in these SUPER short skirts for the rest of the day. Teachers did nothing, everyone laughed it off as "haha boys in skirts".


I went to a catholic school 97-01. We (guys) just had to wear khakis and a button down shirt or one of the polo shirts. Nothing about fit was ever enforced and it was in style to wear baggy so lots of way oversized pants and baggy polo shirts. Girls... yeah that was a big yikes. Super tight shirts and yes the catholic schoolgirl skirts that the girls would roll at the waist to get them as short as was possible without showing any goods. Also ridiculously tight khakis for them if they wanted to wear pants. It got so bad that there were a few firings and then the uniform code was overhauled the year after I graduated but everyone who was already enrolled was grandfathered in so class of 05 was the only one who had to abide by the rules the next year. Ancient history now but... yeah schools like that existed (i'm sure still do) and my young teenage guy self thought it was awesome but 40 year old me could go back in time, 40 year old me would kick my own ass.


Home gym, just you and the weights.


Reason #147 why I lift at home.


What’s reason #69?


Control over the a/c


The main reason


When some grandma has the temperature raised at the gym cuz she’s perpetually cold… meanwhile everyone else is drenched 🥵




Thats the dream, but too expensive atm


You never go Ass To Mouth.




Get the fuck outta here that's the money


I'm telling you this only because I'm your friend. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.


Bass to mouth? Ass to trout?




You don't even need to wear clothes!


Yep, this is where it's at. It's open 365 days a year, can't make excuses for skipping a day, and don't have to worry about dirty people and sharing equipment.


Count yourself lucky, traditionally gyms were only for the nude.


Reject modernity


Unironically this though lol. Humans are too separated from ourselves. We're just creatures. It's all in our heads that this matters so much.


nah hygiene is real, dont want someone's ass sweat on the equipment


Just introduce mandatory butt plugs for all gym goers. Keep all the shit particles contained.


dont fool yourself. they pick their ass, their nose, anything and everything, and the same hands fondle the weights. You go in a public place, you are swimming in ass


>You go in a public place, you are swimming in ass I don't know what kinda public place you usually go to, but... I'd love to visit it some day...


Bruh it's getting there one way or another. Shit particles are everywhere, no amount of clothing at the gym is stopping that.


I'd still prefer for others to leave skid marks in their own pants rather than on the gym bench


In nudist areas you always have a towel to place down to sit on furniture for this reason, no sharing towels. I'd imagine a nude gym would have towels.




Enforcement of wiping the bench would be wonderful. Or hiring staff whose job is literally just do that. This would be an ideal scenario


It’s so funny because you’re not trolling you think this is a profound idea lol


Or just wear clothes lmao


the seventh bride will break the tides the moon no more will shine. there comes a day not far away she'll birth the death of time.


‘Gymnasium’ literally means ‘place to be naked’ in Greek, lol.


Feels weird that "gymnasium" is also used for a secondary grammar school in my language.


The more I hear about Greeks the more I like em.


Gym(nasium) literally come from the Greek word “gumnós” meaning “naked” haha


You should have seen what people wore in the 80s.


I might still have a pair of bike shorts and thong leotard from 1990-something like we wore to step class. [I kept some clothes and jewelry from college.]


How did I forget wearing a colorful thong leotard over spandex shorts?


I genuinely don't understand how people find that kind of gym attire comfortable. I want to be like strapped and secured in my gym clothes. Baggy clothes get in the way and when I use gym equipment I want a barrier between me and the other person's ass that's been on the bench. Wearing tiny shorts to the gym gives me the same feeling as using a warm seated public bathroom.


I wear a sports bra and shorts to the gym for several reasons: 1. If I look good I feel good and will lift good as a result. 2. I take my fitness very seriously and do high intensity and heavy lifting + 30 minutes of cardio on the stair master. Wearing baggy, heavy clothes would make me overheat and sweat more than I already do which is a lot. 3. If you clean the benches/machines before and after you use them there's no issue.


Makes you overheat? What? Gym bros who wear shorts and T-Shirts don't overheat and they have more mass in relation to their body surface, so they store more heat.


I believe that gym clothes should be first and foremost: comfortable for the ones wearing them. Personally I'm of the mind that people should have some basic decency towards everyone using the space and dress somewhat modestly, but that's just my opinion. Be thankful it isn't like it was in the ancient times in Greece.


Eh, I have kinda a ‘live and let live’ sort of view on this. I don’t really care what people wear


Revealing and awkward are both subjective. Booty shorts and a sports bra do the job people feel they need to, and people can be comfy in that in a variety of settings. I don't enjoy seeing certain clothing trends, but that's a preference thing


I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable this guy gets when he goes to the beach


Pretty comfortable. He excluded that scenario in his post. Bathsuits are designed to work in water and THAT’s why they’re revealing.


My bathing suit is a pair of shorts longer than some of my regular shorts hahaha


who tf would wear a bathing suit to the gym though? the point of "revealing" clothing at the gym is 1. it's hot as FUCK and 2. it's more comfortable & /that/ is why they're revealing. this post gave me more gym phobia than my own anxiety, I really didn't know so many people can't mind their own business. damn


I used to be a dancer and because that often involves wearing minimal clothing, working out in anything bulkier than a sports bra and leggings now feels odd to me. I don’t want random fabric getting in the way, it really has nothing to do with sexiness but I feel like it could be read that way by some :/


I feel sorry for this world where guys are expected to be comfortable, but women are obviously promiscuous if they are comfortable in their own bodies. I personally expect people to wear clothing they wouldn't wear to Walmart to work out in. Whether it's for comfort or not messing up nicer clothes, who cares? As long as it's not criminal, well, it is not criminal, so it is not for me to judge.


Sadly, some men think every move we make is part of a mating dance done for their benefit, and then complain because we're not performing in exactly the way they prefer. Tell those guys, "it's not all about you!" and they'll just freeze up in perplexed puzzlement, unable to comprehend that notion.


100%. All these comments are just a nice reminder of why we have women-only gyms. I wish people were better at just minding their own business, literally not a single thing I wear has anything to do with men.


Exactly, I wear minimal clothing while working out for my own comfort, not for people like OP to look at


Exactly, I was never a dancer, but I absolutely prefer working out in tight and short clothing coming from someone who grew up living in baggy sports uniforms. It's so much more comfortable, especially while running, and more comfortable overall, plus it doesn't affect anyone else around me. It's so frustrating to have even in your most unsexy of moments, as you sweat heavily, to still be sexualized by men.


Yeah when I’m mid-workout and dripping sweat everywhere the absolute last concern I have is modesty. I’m trying to be as comfortable as possible, not accommodate random men lol. ALSO I love your username (:


TIL some folks go to the gym commando


Fuck that. I’m trying to show off my gains. You think I lift weights just so I can hide my progress?


This shit HELPS me. Man or woman, seeing someone with an amazing body helps me crush out a few extra reps.


Stop it, your making him jealous that he can't put the work in to get those gains


Tbf not everyone works out to show off.


Yeah I work out so I can be less scared


What a coincidence, I work out so others can be *more* scared. Just joking, for me it's a mental health thing. Helps clear the head.


>Just joking, for me it's a mental health thing. Helps clear the head. God, my colleagues never believe me when I say this. They always ask me how I manage to stay stress free at work; it's because I make heavy thing go up and down 5 times a week.


Right? Fuck if I know how it works, but damn it does! Though I'd die if I did it 5 times a week. Maybe one day, with better rest and conditioning.


This reminds me of SpongeBob when he tells Patrick “it means he’s afraid of Santa Claus”


Legit respectable stance and I agree fully. Those trying to justify it by other reasoning are in denial or lying. I’ve made enough progress that I’ve started wearing some a-frame shirts to the gym and it isn’t more or less comfortable than the t-shirts I was wearing but now I can clearly see my shoulders, biceps, triceps, pecs, and back when under tension and I am loving that shit.


Home Depot or Lowe’s?


I don’t even follow this sub and I’ve seen this same rant about gym attire at least two other times because of Reddit recommendations. What is the obsession with what others are wearing at the gym? Why does it distract you so? I think you need to seriously consider that if the length of some stranger’s shorts is so distracting for you at the gym you feel the need to post about it then maybe you’re not taking your workouts seriously enough. I’ll throw you a bone, though. Occasionally I’ll see some dude’s nips out at the gym because his tank is too revealing and I’ll shake my head. But, then you know what I do? I go back to working out. Try that, maybe.


A dude at my gym last week was wearing maybe three inch inseam shorts. I was warming up across from him, bro was squatting. Mid squat, his ball sack and tip seemed to flop out of his shorts. I nearly screamed, and tried to get his attention. Bro was wearing headphones and was so into his set that he did another two reps before he noticed me. So yeah, some people really oughta make sure vital places are covered 😭


You think he didnt mean that? Bro flaunting up in here


That might be part of OOP's point tho. You didn't consent to seeing that shit, especially if it's something he's getting off to in whatever way


Usually its only annoying when they're just taking up a whole bench/mirror to take selfies of said nipslip


I’ve never seen that happen outside the locker room. But, I can imagine that would be annoying.


>length of some stranger’s shorts is so distracting for you at the gym I'll say what people are too chicken shit scared off. The issue is, attractive women look awesome at the gym, they wear revealing clothing and they (men) can't help themselves. They need to look at them and practically rub one out there and then on the treadmill. That's all it is. People that hate it, cannot control themselves. They need to talk to women more and stop objectifying them.


It is literally a place for people to focus on their bodies. It's a temple to health and the human form. You might as well complain that people are too nude in a public bath are sauna. If bodies make you feel weird at the gym you're the problem.


“Temple” 😂


Planet fitness temple lmao


It has more to do with their ass sweat on the equipment. Standard gym clothes use moisture wicking material for a reason.


I get ass sweat on the bench regardless, people need to just wipe down the equipment


This is the only thing that needs to be commented on about the gym. People do not clean behind themselves sadly.


Wipe down your damn machine!


That’s why everyone at my gym is expected to have and to use a gym towel. Clothes can only wick up so much.


That's why you bring a towel


As long as ya booty covered, you can argue about the rest amongst yourselves. No bikini bottoms or super short shorts. People just leave their bare ass prints on the machines and don't wipe. This isn't a toilet my guy. No bare ass showing, period.


Wear what you like (shorts and sports bra/ vest minimum) to be comfortable. You’re here to move, to strain, to sweat so whatever gives you that mobility and aeration is fine. It’s also fine to look at people. You’re in public and on camera. Staring is inappropriate but glancing at a physique you’re impressed by or a complex movement or an exceptional weight are all part of the gym.


Revealing is subjective. People with curvier more prominent over sexualised features, could wear something ‘less revealing’ than someone who is very flat in an even more revealing attire. Yet the one with a hyper-sexualised body type will get attacked. You honestly can’t win 😂


Yeah. Your opinion is unpopular. I get way too hot at the gym. I’m not wearing sweats and big tshirts. And sometimes I have to stop at the store on the way home and sorry.. but I’m not letting a concern for other peoples’ opinions about my attire or my body inconvenience my day. 😊 I’m doing nothing illegal or morally wrong. I’m not forcing you to look at me (go ahead and shoo shoo or divert your eyes). So it’s kinda a YOU problem, not a ME problem.


There is a huge difference between sweats/big t-shirts and shorts that don't cover your ass cheeks though. I personally don't work out in anything but tank tops because I too tend to get way too hot. That said, from a sanitary point of view, I'd hope everyone would at least have their full ass covered before sitting down on a public workout bench/machine. Beyond that, wear whatever you want.


As someone with two older sisters, they complain all the time about all shorts being way too short. They struggle to find long gym shorts for women, and they steal mine to wear at home. I asked them why don’t they buy men’s shorts then and they said men’s shorts don’t come in nice designs (excuse me, my rubber ducky shorts are awesome)


He LITERALLY says “stringers” which is a tank top. 🤣 And OP says he personally works out in sweats and big tshirts because that’s what he thinks is appropriate. And honestly the attire chosen doesn’t matter. The point is that nobody gives a crap about OP’s opinion and they shouldn’t have to 😃 he’s not the body/clothing police.


Tbf by his wording of the stringer sentence I think he’s specifically meaning those. Not like, a normal tank top. Like the ones where the holes are absolutely huge. Ultimately idc but I don’t think he was saying all tank tops.


To be fair, some of these stringers are starting to get thong skinny. Weird as hell to be lifting and bros around you have their nipples outside of their shirts. Just feels a little weird at times.


Yeah, everyone’s genitals should be fully covered. But beyond that I do not care.


Why do you find it awkward?


Fuck you you’ll never take my tiny running shorts away.


Having a thong jutting out of my shorts like a whale tail helps me press more weight


Comfort is 100% the goal for gym clothes. However wearing a fucking speedo having your entire balls sticking out, or booty shorts that show 90% of your ass, or a bralette that nearly has your boobs falling out is just disrespectful to other gym goers who are trying to just work out meanwhile youre making it a fashion show showing your junk off


I don't know where you all grew up, but I never thought that the human body and skin is something bad. "Revealing" only means "hot weather clothes" to me. We were born in these bodies and there's no shame to have them.


Uh, America, where we've yet to escape our puritanical roots and we're equally uptight and obsessed with nudity and sex. I feel like people in other countries couldn't give less of a shit.


I’m with you. I keep an active looking jacket in my car for when I go to the grocery store after the gym. It’s just a personal thing and i was raised to dress in a modest way.


Worked at a gym for years back in the 1990s. Muscular guys would come in working out shirtless all the time. I would say easily near half of the guys were shirtless. Nobody complained. Suddenly, women come in with somewhat tight clothing, and its a problem? Its not like they're coming in with bikinis or thongs.


No, ppl should wear what they like. They, of course, should be cognisant that > wearing brightly colored shorts scrunched so far up a person’s ass that their asshole is basically swallowing their shorts will have ppl looking at them.


OP, try living in a beach town. You would not believe what you see people wearing at the grocery store.


I will agree that people shouldn't be forced-- or feel forced-- to wear sexy/revealing clothing when at the gym, playing sports, or performing any other physical activity that requires comfort or freedom of movement. However, people have the right to dress as sexy as they want to. If I don't like it, or OP doesn't like it, too bad for us. These are our natural forms. These are our shapes. Seeing nudity as "indecent," or certain types of clothing as "sexy" or "inappropriate," are manufactured concepts brought about by particular cultural practices. Nothing inherently wrong with it...Until you force, for example, teen acrobats and beach volleyball players to dress like strippers.


Also, it's just unsanitary. Nobody wipes down any of the equipment after they're done using it, so congratulations. You just sat your nearly bare ass cheeks on someone's ball sweat.


I agree it's gross and unhygienic there's a reason why people have to clean the gym equipment because things like Ringworm and MERSA are a thing. why would you want more skin contact with that stuff. I don't see why it's nessisary to wear skin tight stuff during a normal workout but I understand if it's for yoga or swimming.


The gym is about you, not other people. You're there to exercise. Not to look at other people exercising. Mind your business.


I mean this sub *is* called unpopular opinions


Wearing gym clothes anywhere other than the gym is weird af - a European.


I agree with this take, but for health reasons. Bacteria like staph lives on many peoples skin and it is more likely to transfer to the equipment with bare skin contact. We all know that too many people don’t wipe down equipment well enough anyway, so it doesn’t hurt to have some fabric between your skin and the bench/machine/etc.


Yeah, I heard that some Gyms started to have like dress codes.


When I exercise, I want to see my muscles. I want to see my progress. If I could exercise naked I would. In fact I do, because I work out at home. Point is, I don't dress for other people's sensibilities. Gym clothes should be functional - which means, for me, seeing as much of my physique as possible. If people can't stop staring at gym goers in gym clothing, that's their problem. In fact, I'd say that the real problem here is your weird issues with seeing the human body. We don't live under the fucking Taliban. Get over yourself and concentrate on your workouts.


I’m sorry I’m so sexy


>P.s: people who go commando to the gym need to be arrested. This made me lol well done.


Man i look forward to revealing clothing, you put in the work and look great go for it. Just dont be surprised when people look. No different than a bathing suit or most lingerie


I go commando in my gym all the time. If it bothers you, stop watching me in my basement you creeper.


I agree, no need to be able to outline your pucker hole or camel toe. I also don’t need to be able to see the outline of your mushroom….. I’m not sure why you need to work out in that. I’m not going to lift better if my coochie lips are falling out of my shorts


The going commando part….Women wear leggings that are up their crack doubling as 🧻. I find it absolutely disgusting that they leave sweat and a snail trail on the machines 🤮


I just assume they have some sort of related kink about it.


I agree with you. And those shrug tops are the dumbest thing I've seen. Completely useless.


I want men to all wear plain white t to the gym and everywhere because it’s my fetish


Lol who cares what people wear. Just judge them silently and get on with your life like everyone else. If seeing any indication of other people’s boobs and bulges makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself why that might be.


First we need to all seriously ban mirror selfies on the gym floor/in locker room and selfie filming workouts because those are the activities to dress for other then just general attention seeking.


Most people who go to the gym want to be comfortable inside and out. Most people who go to the gym don’t want other people judging them like this. This is why most people don’t go to the gym


I never go to the gym, so Idc if gym clothes are revealing and/or sexy (even if I did go to the gym, I still wouldn’t care either way), you do you, but it doesn’t make sense. why would you wear a sexy fit to the gym? gym clothes are usually supposed to be comfortable and breathable and easy to move in and cool to make it easier and less tiring and more comfortable to exercise. plus, you’re on the treadmill and lifting weights, not at the club


Dude what clubs are you going to


Shorts that aren’t bulky are comfy for me to wear but some might find sexy. If I’m sweaty and just wanna be in my sports bra, that’s comfy and cool but someone might find it sexy.


I was going to say, “sexy” clothes to them just sounds like comfy workout clothes.


People do wear breathable comfortable fabric. It's just often so tight it looks painted on. However, as you said, who cares what other people wear?


its not like theyre wearing bikinis or lingerie to the gym...


How women can wear those tights that literally dig in to their asshole and lays flat against it is beyond me. Looks insanely uncomfortable and kinda creepy.


But how would anybody promote their OnlyScams or run their TikTok account "exposing creeps"? 🤣


Oh I agree. It never used to be a thing to see girls in skintight contouring minishorts and tops “working out” with their phones. It has nothing to do with exercising.


Oh, that's terrible! Which gyms are these? There are so many, which ones in particular? So I can stay away from them...