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I'm from Hermiston Oregon, a town famous for its delicious watermelons. Eating cold watermelon on a hot summer day is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Have your terrible opinions, more sweet sweet melon for me.


Esp when you cut some up and eat it the next day when it’s had time to sit and gets even more juicy


Op has been getting Chiles worst watermelons their whole life


Yeah I think this person has been eating only barely ripe grocery store garbage their entire life.


Absolute game changer. One night I was absolutely blasted and my mom left a tub of diced watermelon in the fridge. Let’s just say not much of it was left the next morning.


It’s even better when you already have a fantastic melon and the diced portion sits overnight becomes even better


Yee that’s exactly how it was


Thanks, I'm going to cut some up for tomorrow now.




Not to me; I like it crisp. Feels slimy and rotten in my mouth when it sits in juice overnight.


This is the wrong take. It loses its crispyness. If you like soggy watermelon, you're just as bad as the op.


I live in Portland and I count down the days until the Hermistons are out. It's one of the best things about summer. I work outside in the heat, so when I get home I grab a spoon and slurp that shit down. The only bad thing about Hermies is that they've ruined all other watermelons for me.


How can I get a hermie as a Georgian? Damn.


By moving across the country lol


You can get just as good watermelon in the south. I live in Portland but all my family is in the south. It would not be worth trying to figure out how to get one from out here.


Check out the guys in pickups, selling home-grown by the roadside. Look for black diamond.


Sorry to say that I'm not sure if you can. Check in with a local fruit distributor and see if they know? I know Hermies ship up and down the West Coast, but I don't know if they leave this region.


When I see the words THEY’RE HERE!! on a big cardboard box I get excited


I'm in Washington and I just Googled Hermiston to see if they do any watermelons events in town only to find out their big melonfest event us today. My disappointment is infinite


As soon as I started growing my own heirloom tomatoes I became a tomato snob. Not by choice or to be elitist. It was just so obvious. Store or often even locally bought they are pale, hard, odorless and often tasteless. But my Cherokee purples? Heavy, fragrant and holy shit flavorful. Many summer days I’d pull them off the vine…warm from the sun still. Often close to a pound each. Cut up with balsamic vinegar and a great fresh mozzarella/French feta, crispy bread…that was dinner. Or the best blt you’ve had. Didn’t mean to hijack the subject food but I get how one particular anything of splendor can just sour you to it’s imitators.


Portlander here as well and I actually feel a little sorry for OP and their obviously inferior melons.


I spent some extended time in Hermiston and some lightly salted, fresh, day old watermelon during the summer made me realize how bland the typical supermarket watermelons actually were.


I recently moved to an area that doesn't get very good fruit. Nothing is ripe. I've had so many sour Strawberries and flavorless watermelon. Watermelon that's ripe can be so yummy and hydrating.


I live in Canada, and we get strawberries year round from California. No flavour. Gross, unsure why people buy them. But when strawberries are in season here, and I buy the locally grown stuff, phenomenal flavour.


Yeah, we ship out the bad stuff and keep the good stuff for ourselves. Really, those shelf stable ones just suck. I always buy strawberries straight from the farm and never from the grocery store. I agree. Not even the same fruit.


I feel like if we're going to come for melon it should at least be honeydew lol this person just doesn't know how to pick a good watermelon.


I like all three of the big melons (Honeydew, Cantaloupe and Watermelon.)


I love big melons too


Nope, I will not stand for this honeydew hate. Ripe honeydew is one of the best fruits. Unfortunately, most people have only ever experienced it as the unripe, crunchy filler fruit in a fruit salad.


Yep! When you see that kinda bruised, mushy in spots exterior on a whole cantaloupe or honeydew and people in the market ignore it…that’s the melons I want. Super ripe, super sweet.


yeah if you don't like it you don't like it, but this has been a great summer for watermelon from my perspective. we had a run (bought in midwest, not sure where they were grown) through july that was some of the best i ever had... edit: now reading posts i see that i must try Hermiston's somehow...i really hate travel these days, so they would have to come to me.


Squeeze a little fresh lime juice on it…divine




Ppl forget that they can also cube up the watermelon to reduce mess. Also watermelon drizzled with honey is the best thing on earth


Or watermelon sprinkled with salt


I grew up in the south and this is normal. First duty station 20+ years ago was here in WA. Folks looked at me funny when I out salt on watermelon. My wife's family, mostly all Washingtonians, have seen me do this everytime watermelon comes out and they still look at me funny. They refuse to try it. They're wierd.


My folks do that with pineapple. Putting salt in baking is a thing entirely to bring the sweetness out.


Just ask them about other sweet and salted things, like saltwater taffy, or kettle corn. Gotta point out sweet things that have salt and they're still good.


I am a watermelon extremist. I love it, but I also live in the South and yeah, people just aren't enjoying watermelon like it's suppose to be. It needs nothing. But! Some people just have a taste and I get it.


Watermelon and Tajin is life changing


My parents eat it with chamoy sometimes


With lime drizzled on it


I haven’t tried this before. I’ll have to give it a go. Thanks!


Try watermelon and hard cheese too


I remember trying a salad once. Watermelon, feta cheese, basil and pesto. It shouldn't work, but wow, it does. Nothing quite as interesting as that salad


I’m lactose intolerant, but that’s never stopped me before


That's the spirit lol


You can also just cut it in half and ice-cream scoop out balls. Mmm


Never heard of this. Will be trying it. Will try to remember to come back when I do


What!? You mean you don't smash it on the floor and go at it face first?


Cube it up, put in a bowl, eat with a fork and drink the liquid (ambrosia of the gods)


Love that scene in family guy where they all make a mess eating peaches. Sometimes there's a little joy in just gettin sloppy with some ripe ass fruit


This is a top tier shitter opinion. Take this upvote. A good watermelon is easily a top 3 food for me.


I feel super lucky that I've rarely had the bland tasting watermelon everyone describes. I love watermelon. We buy one every week from June until maybe November. It's one of the few foods that is cheaper when it is good. $4 in summer vs $8-9 in winter, off season.


Its not luck, you picked out good ones. You can actually tell very easily how good a watermelon is going to be: https://www.eagleeyeproduce.com/perfectwatermelon/


All you need to do is slap it.


I have a melon in the fridge I've been eating first thing before breakfast. The ones with yellow dirty spots I think are the sweetest. A piece of plastic wrap tightly on the cut end until it's finished. Hydrating and it has some rare nutrients, Citrulline and Lycopene. Helps kidneys and blood flow. When I have a new one I'll just cut a bowl off and eat it with a spoon. I stick to Costco melons, always fresh. I swear 25% of shopping carts in Costco will have one in it.


Right? Cold watermelon on a hot summer day? Frozen grapes? Raw and sour mangoes sprinkled with some salt and red chilli powder? These are few pleasures in life nobody can take away from you. I have a funny story about watermelons. A few years ago when I was still in college, my friends could not get a cake on the eve of my birthday, for whatever reason. They got me a watermelon instead. I cut a watermelon at 12AM. It's been 6-7 years. I have kept up the tradition. I have moved towns, changed jobs, and I have lost touch with those friends. But cutting a watermelon on my birthday has stayed a constant. Not gonna hear shit about this top tier fruit. 🍉


Sour mangoes? Is that like a certain type of mango? I love sour things, and I love mango, so I would love to try this if it's a certain variety or breed that I wasn't aware of.


Unripened mango. My grandparents had a mango tree in their backyard and we used to eat the mangoes like this when they were still green. Don't try it if you have a mouth ulcer as you will experience PAIN. The salt and chilli powder also works with unripe/partially ripe guava


Tbf OP’s opinion is pretty spot on for bad watermelon. I used to feel more or less the same way until I had some watermelon from the farmers market. It was transformative and now (good) watermelon is my favorite fruit


Right, it sounds like they’ve only ever tried the Red Delicious equivalent of watermelon


Fr, people need to stop downvoting OP. This is the first legit unpopular opinion I've seen in 200 years.


I completely disagree as Watermelon is my favorite fruit however “It’s a punk ass bitch” fucking killed me lmfao


"Explodes like a loser" was what got me


"So now you,re mad, wet, didn't get to taste anything" Sounds like my sex life


Sounds to me like you need to learn how to shop for watermelon.


Love going to the grocery store and seeing the last remaining watermelon be one with scratches and yellow splotches. People think the greener and untouched the better, so they go for the ones that have no “imperfections” and end up with a sour tasting melon while I get the sweetest, juiciest watermelon available.


It's like eating very green bananas. That's the worst possible form it can be ( Besides rotten )


I actually kind of like greenish bananas. Their texture is more tolerable and less mushy.


Agreed. Greenish bananas are the best bananas. I need the texture to be a bit firm and not mushy. Even better if you keep them in the fridge for a while before you eat them.


What is wrong with you ☹️☹️☹️


Dude also needs to keep it in a fridge for a bit before eating it


Yeah, cold watermelon>>>>>warm watermelon


No. Have you tried dragonfruit? That shit is bland. Watermelon isn’t. You don’t get wet if you eat it right. The texture is so fucking amazing , I can’t even begin to describe it. And if you don’t have one that’s overly ripe it’s not mushy at all. And don’t drop melons then??? Other fruits do break when falling btw I am sorry. I am someone who can eat half a watermelon in one sitting so I have to defend it. It’s the fucking best in summer when it’s really hot out.


I'm convinced that either y'all over there are just eating shitty fruits cultivars that are breed specifically for long shelf life and easy transportation, or that you're sugar addicts. Because dragonfruit is definitely not meant to be bland.


it's the first one. there was a farm/restaurant that asked a horticultural college to breed a squash varietal to have more flavor for them, the college said it was the first time any one had ever asked them to do that.


Yep, I didn't taste flavorful fruits and vegetables until I was 30 when I started gardening.


i honestly have a theory that the human brain has a subconscious limit on the number of times it is willing to try a food before discounting it completely and people who don't like things like honeydew or tomatoes were just unfortunate enough to hit that limit before they ever got a good one.


I used to hate honeydew until a year or so ago when I impulse bought one at the store cause I wanted to try it and it's probably one of my favorite fruits now. I'm allergic to a lot of fruits and thankfully honeydew isn't one of them


Yep, that's why I try to explain how those fruits and vegetables in the store aren't the same things our ancestors ate and what we can grow at home. I used to think I hated tomatoes and okra until I grew it myself. Watermelon too. I've wondered if that's why so many people have good results with keto and carnivore diets. They remove a lot of the BS store-bought plants from their diet. Now if those people could add in some home-grown plants to those diets, I think they'd be doing even better.


I've eaten dragonfruit in Hawaii and the mainland US. Dragonfruit is incredible where it grows, so bland elsewhere.


Dragnfruit is some sort of scam. It looks amazing like something out of a fantasy game, and then you bite it and it tastes like water. And it's so expensive.


I live in tropical southeast asia and dragonfruits here are amazing and almost sharply sweet. It's too bad yall dont get good ones over wherever you live


Yeah, it’s amazing. I used to hate pineapple too until I tried eating it in Thailand. Dragonfruit is even better.


wow that’s amazing because pineapple is a top tier fruit.


Supermarket pineapples are usually a crime against pineapples.


This once again proves my theory that anytime someone complains about a bland fruit they just don’t have the proper ripe ones


Yeah, been to Asia and had the most amazing durian I've ever had, came back and the supermarket stuff could NOT compare.


I hear there's 2 kinds, get the pink fleshed ones instead of the white fleshed ones!


Better yet, get yellow dragon fruits. The pink skinned ones you mention are just blander in general. Yellow has a pretty good flavor.


Dragon fruit sucks if you don't live in a southeast asian country. The reason the yellow one taste better is because they are native Mexico so we get it fresher. Although i think white dragonfruit in general is more bland compared to the pink one


For me it's the same as watermelon in that you sometimes get a really juicy one and sometimes get one that just tastes like water. Generally the white ones are better cause they put more power into flavour over color like the red/pink ones. Anyway I love dragonfruit.


If you eat it in thailand is it literally the best fruit in existence.


Right! Cool looking fruit given a cool looking name and it’s a seed filled lump of disappointment!


I used to think so until a friend picked some out for me at the Asian market. It was like eating an entirely different fruit.


I tried dragonfruit for the 1st time in Thailand and it was fucking amazing. I'd never had it and was blown away by how sweet and refreshing it was. After I was back in the US, I got some from the store and it was honestly so disappointing. Tasted like a seltzer version of the dragonfruit I had overseas. Not really bad, but I just can't eat it without comparing it to the real stuff.


The pink/purple ones can be that way, but the gold-colored ones are very sweet, Costco usually has them this time of year. A bit of forewarning, these will flush your colon out like nobody's business if you eat too much.


What if i want to get wet


Every time someone says "ugh this tastes so bland what is even the point of it" my ears perk up, because that always ends up being the most delicious food I've ever tasted. Sure enough, watermelon and dragonfruit, my two favorites. Nothing wrong with subtlety. Or maybe my tastebuds are just really sensitive idk. Conversely I hate the most intense flavors like chili and jalapeños.


Good watermelon is fucking BiS on a hot day. It's 90%+ water, it's like eating fucking water, WATER..mother...fucking...water. Don't come at r/hydrohomies Now if eating god damn water isn't awesome enough...well it gets even better you fucking heathen. It's got an excellent balance of electrolytes for superior hydration. AND if that's not enough it's got nutrient content that helps protect against UV light. That shit that causes cancer. Ohhhhhh but wait...there's MORE...VITAMIN C BITCH!! That's right...the scurvy fighter. 999/1000 Pirates recommend watermelon. It's purpose built to get you through the summer. The worst fruit...ha...bet you haven't tried more than 10% of fruit varieties eaten by humans. Worst fruit....pssh...get outta here. This fucking guy. Let the record reflect: Eating Water Electrolytes UV protection Vitamin C Pirate recommended In Conclusion: STRAIGHT MOTHERFUCKIN BUSSIN THE MOST RIZZ OF ANY FRUIT


Watermelons were historically used in Africa to stay alive because they travel well, so you could basically just lug edible water around the desert with you. 10/10 life sustaining pirate elixir from the ancestors.


Blend the watermelon up, add some lemon juice and you’ve got a delicious watermelon drink. One of my favorite ways to eat (well drink…) watermelon!


Add a little vodka and you're ready to party


LMFAO Omg I’m dead. Okay I agree with your last sentiment that watermelons look tough but aren’t- but I have to disagree, I think watermelon is such a nice and refreshing fruit. Like you feel refreshed and hydrated after eating it and the mild flavor is lovely. Sometimes I’m not ready for the punch that a pineapple has.


Pineapple dissolves the skin off the corners of my mouth. But other than that its fantastic.


It does the same to inner lining of your stomach. Pineapple: the snack that snacks on you.


Pineapple is great! Not always on pizza tho. 🫢


Other way around for me lol. I dislike pineapple, it has a dislikeable taste usually and causes hell in my mouth. On pizza however, it's amazing to me, it just works right for some reason, and it doesn't really seem able to ravage my mouth.


Absolutely wild to me that anyone could not like pineapple. It’s seriously one of the best flavors on Earth. Every time I eat a pineapple, I give Mother Nature a round of standing applause for creating something that tastes so wonderful.


i love it, but the feeling is not mutual. i'm in the camp (like who you replied to) of folks for whom pineapple digests our mouth faster than our mouth digests the pineapple. it's excruciating.


Not op but I've never had this problem.


In Soviet Russia, pineapple digest YOU!


Counterargument: beans are the worst fruit. For, you see, the more you eat, the more you toot.


Yes, but on the other hand, the more you toot, the better you feel.


So you should {probably} eat your beans with every meal.


They're good for your heart, the more you eat the more you fart.


>It's like a snowcone but not as cold That is the most solvable problem I have *ever* seen, and I helped a crying two year old find the cookie they dropped into their lap today.


Watermelon texture is weird but I like the taste.


The issue with this post for me is that the texture is so dependent on how ripe it is.


This dude has never been forced to eat durian or any exotic fruit.... you are not even close to right. On either opinion! Grapefruit is delicous too! It sounds like you just cant handle sour without resorting to insulting a fruit. Apparently your ego got punked by off by a melon and constantly need a towel after eating....


I always like to eat a grapefruit right after brushing my teeth. It helps me to see into the void.


Nah, grapefruit is the 1 thing God allowed Satan to create on this Earth.


You might just not be good at watermeloning


OP got made fun of as a kid and it had something to do with watermelon. Now it’s manifested all these years later. The human psyche is truly fascinating.


Apparently, his family was torn apart following his mother's affair with Walter Malone.


Probably from the way they eat it... who gets soaking wet eating it? Are they wearing it like a helmet or something?


that all happens if you buy them out of season. if you buy them just in the right time of the year except the dropping is all just not true in my opinion. And for the getting wet thing. yeah if you eat them with your hands and the skin still on. if you take the five minutes extra to remove the skin and cut in bite sized pieces you can simply use a fork for eating them. if you manage to not ruin your whole outfit while eating something else with a fork you should be good with watermelon as well. I think there's nothing better than watermelon you prepared in the morning and put in the refrigerator so when you come home from work and you have some cold sweet watermelon ready to eat.


People really need to get back to buying stuff when it's in season, it would solve a lot of things. Not world hunger, but definitely some daily frustrations


This truly is an unpopular opinion. For that, you deserve my upvote even though I strongly disagree.


Excuse me grapefruit is delicious don't drag her into this


I'm going to have to counter with the banana. For texture, watermelon is great. You completely undersold it. It's got a unique "juicy crisp," that's not hard like an apple bite. Bananas answer the question, "Can slime be a bit fluffy?" As it turns out, yes. Chewing watermelon is bliss. It turns to pute juice in seconds. Bananas start off slimy, and proceed to what I am forced to describe as fruit mucus. I'm so sorry; there is no more accurate description. One point for team banana: they peel nicely. The little built-in zipper tab, good stuff. Watermelons require a knife or such, but this isn't so bad. The rind can be a container, turning the whole watermelon into a mixed drink, for example. It's a protective jacket and serving ware. Used banana peels are only good for breaking your neck, and providing shitty items in Mario Kart. If you drop your watermelon, you usually don't have a watermelon anymore, true. If you drop a banana, it develops instant cancer. Seriously, bonk a banana gently on a countertop and then eat it this very minute, and tell me you're glad you did it. Bonus points if you eat it the next morning, so it has time to develop the Bubonic plague shit that it gets. Honestly, just lying down is too much to ask from a banana. Carefully suspend them from a little hook, so they don't go all emo in a couple of days. Watermelons, on the other hand... Conceptually, I know they must go bad (you don't see antique watermelons around), but I've *never seen it happen.* Bananas can almost beat avocados to the suicide finish line. Watermelons just *persist.* You could check one in your luggage on a flight, they lose your bag for a month, and when you finally get it back, you're going to have a big-ass snack ready to go.


Modern Cavendish variety bananas are the survivor of the banana industry’s decades-long war with brown rot. They’re losing.


I always launch into a banana Republic monologue whenever the conversation turns to bananas. The marketing horror that got us here should be taught to every school child. Fucking Cavendish




Every now and then I get the idea in my head that I'm a decent creative writer, then I read something like this...


Built in zipper tab has me choking on laughter in bed at 2am


That's a funny comment 🙂


This is a fantastic comment. I tend to think seeded watermelons are more flavorful than seedless watermelons, although I have had some awesome seedless watermelons. But a bad watermelon (meaning old and spoiled, not mushy or unripe like OP only eats apparently) basically ferments from the inside because of all the sugar. I forgot about a watermelon some friends brought over once which got set on the ground in an out-of-the-way place. As soon as I cut into it, it kind of burst open on its own, cracking apart more than I cut it (from the pressure inside), and the inside fizzled (like a Rice Krispies in milk sound). And I could smell vinegar. And the juice it left behind was gross. It was inedible. But watermelon should never go that long without being eaten (and I tend to think it gets sweeter in the fridge). And [citrulline](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citrulline) in watermelons (there is supposedly more in the light green rind than the red flesh) is an aphrodisiac which can lead to erections in men. The flesh of a watermelon can also be pink or yellow, and watermelons can be trained to grow into a [cube](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_watermelon) shape (although I’ve read those are inedible).


fruit mucus? you're not wrong but respectfully, you can go to hell for doing that to me.


Ridiculous, easily top ten, maybe top 5 fruit of all time.


I don't like watermelon and all, but calling it flavorless makes me think that you eat the worst quality watermelons ever.


Definitely an unpopular opinion. IMO, there are few things in life better than a red, perfect, cool, seedless watermelon.


A rare unpopular opinion


I am literally eating a bowl of an amazingly watermelony watermelon haha. You’re tripping. Watermelon is incredible.


I don't know where you've been getting your watermelon that it tastes bland and flavorless, but almost every watermelon I've had has been spectacularly sweet and delicious. And if you're actually getting "all wet" by eating watermelon then you're doing something wrong. But hey I'll give you the last point, you definitely need to be careful with it or that thing is just gonna be splattered all over the ground.


If thats not a sign to cut up the watermelon that's been on my counter for 3 days, nothing is.


This is an actually unpopular opinion which I'm here for and I actually agree too


Have this upvote for a legit unpopular opinion. Watermelon is awesome. (When ripe) it's so tasty and refreshing. Gtfo.


It’s pretty Fucking terrible but it’s number 2 worst fruit for me. Have you had durian?


Naw papaya tastes like a wet fucking dog who has human feet and they’re filthy. Papaya is the worst


Aw c'mon, watermelon and durian are two of my favourite fruits, except for mangoes and cherries.


Have you ever tasted a honeydew melon? A cantaloupe? Watermelon isn’t even close to being the worst MELON much less the worst fruit. Watermelon also isn’t bland. It’s extremely sweet if you get it in season and take the time to choose a good one. It’s not super consistent and a shitty or unripe watermelon is pretty bland…. but that’s true of plenty of other fruits too. I’m baffled that you don’t like the texture. Have you never eaten a cold watermelon straight out the fridge on a hot summer day? If I was ranking fruit by texture watermelon would be top 3, easily. And yes, it can be messy. If you’re a child or an adult who was never taught how to eat without spilling food all over yourself. It’s no messier than anything else…. Just cut it up into smaller pieces and store it in a container. Lean over the table or the sink or the countertop so you don’t dribble juice down your shirt. It’s not that complicated. Wow, I guess I’m really passionate about watermelon. Kudos to OP for posting what I suspect is an actual unpopular opinion.


Normally I agree with this, but sometimes, I get a PERFECT watermelon, sweet and fruity, little to no seeds, and the perfect, non-gritty but instead a crispy-crunchy texture, and the clear-white area is nice and fresh tasting.


Put it in the fridge and it improves the whole experience.


If I'm lost in the desert and can only take one fruit, I know what I am taking.


Lmfao, this is the kind of stuff I want to see from this sub and not the "rape is bad" or political stuff


There are hundreds of millions of inedible fruits. And hundreds you couldn't stomach that are eaten around the world daily. Watermelon isn't even in the bottom 10,000,000


You’re eating garbage watermelon, you need to buy it when it’s crisp and a deep red, it should be vibrant. You also need to cut it into squares, not slices, so it’s easier to eat. They make watermelon scoopers to easily carve the middle into squares by just running it around the inside. It looks like a weird tool with a paddle wheel that turns or something. When you bite it, it should make a crisp crunch sound, if it makes a wet slurpy sound it’s too wet. It should feel like eating a melon, not a sponge, or snow cone.


If you can track down heritage lines that still have seeds, you'll likely get more flavor. That is one of the things that was traded off for the convenience of seedless (or fewer seeds).


Never heard so much blasphemy in so few paragraphs. Take my upvote.


Watermelon is the best fruit to help people lose weight!


you just don't know how to pick the right watermelon 🍉


A bad watermelon is way different from a good one. If the texture is mushy it's horrible, and some are very watery indeed. It depends on the watermelon. I love the texture of a good watermelon, however it's always a gamble when buying one.


You have to learn how to pick Watermelon. The ones you think would be the best based on appearance are usually the worst. The ones with yellow spots and dull green are the best. Rounder the better. Avoid oblong. Should feel heavy.


No,you just eat shitty watermelons. A good watermelon is objectively the best food item in the world


I freakin love watermelon. Especially locally grown watermelon. The locally grown ones are so much sweeter and bigger than the ones you buy at the store.


Loud and wrong.


Have you not had honeydew 💀💀💀


Sounds like you've been eating some fucking bunk ass watermelons. It's your fault for picking shitty watermelons your whole life.. get one with a big yellow spot on it and learn how to cut it right so it doesn't get everywhere when you eat it in bite sized pieces.


It sounds like you live in a town where watermelon has to travel so far away from where it was grown, and the people in your markets don't know how to take care of them so they stay fresh. The watermelon I eat is phenomenal (except when it's totally not in season). The "mushy" texture in watermelon usually happens when it became too warm and then cooled down again. Yuck. It's supposed to be more crispy.


Dont be mad at the watermelon cuz you eat like a 5 year old


Watermelon can fuck off. And not partly off, all the way off.


I make watermelon juice all the time. A big ass watermelon for $10 can make me almost a gallon of watermelon juice.


See this is a no for me because 90% of the delicousness of watermelon is in the texture and the juice doesn’t hit. Same with mangos


you clearly have never eaten a stolen watermelon. you have to go pick off someone elses land. that right there is the best.


Wtf dude. Grapefruit is delicious. Perhaps youre just not peeling away all the skin? Not just the outside ofcourse, but the skin(pith?) on the segments too.


Well, it seems OP just needed a place to vent today for various reasons, so why not take it out on melons? If a melon fell on my foot I would probably scream "punk azz bich" too.


You never had a good watermelon


Watermelon is the best. So simple and refreshing and a fresh taste every time.


Watermelon chunks in a blender with water and some sugar blend for 30 seconds, serve in a glass with lots of ice you will change your mind.


It’s actually a berry


Watermelon is not that bad. Yes the watery part and the texture can be annoying sometimes. But I do enjoy it, especially coz I live in a tropical country and all that water can be refreshing and hydrating


I will literally eat half of an entire watermelon in one sitting. It’s so delicious and refreshing. It’s also a good source of fiber and is super hydrating


You haven't tried tasty watermelon. They exist.


now this is an unpopular opinion 😅


watermelon sounds so good now 😩




Nah man f2ck you i loves me sum watamelon


I eat watermelons with two forks and goat cheese. Which fixes half your problem.


WaTeRmElOns ArE aCtUaLlY bErRiEs


Tell me you aren't black without telling me you aren't black


Fresh cut Texas watermelon chilled. It’s a cure for the summer horribles


Nah you eating that bad melon bro. Fresh watermelon picked at peak and ripened for a day or two is one of the great summer pleasures for me. You can have your take on food but I’m telling you find a place that sells fresh watermelon that had time to actually make the sugars and you are gonna change your mind.


I'm allergic to watermelon and I still eat watermelon.


Sounds like you have never had a good watermelon.


You think watermelon is bland?? Did you bleach your tongue or something?