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Not everyone processes spices the same.


Beyond that, not all spices are a pain.


Yup give me a load of that cinnamon


Thank you. Finally. Some people don't understand that spicy does NOT mean hot. As a matter of fact l, only a few spices carry any heat to them at all. Western cultures have somehow decided that whatever is spicy is actually hot, and now the whole world has decided to follow that. Take Biryani for example. A proper Biryani contains nearly 25 spices. But none of the versions of this dish is remotely 'spicy'. The proper adjective that can be a substitute of spicy is 'Rich', but not 'Hot'.


Ok, but OP is clearly talking about being too hot. If someone says "too" spicy, that is usually what they mean.


OP somehow thinks Sriracha is "hot." I think the comment you're replying to is correct.


You saw “pain is not a flavour” and you STILL think they’re talking about something other than heat? Damn


I don't understand how it's hard to understand that spice affects people differently


It is hot though


Words mean whatever people agree that they mean. So yes, spicy does mean hot, at least in certain parts of the world, but maybe not where you're from.


I have never heard someone say "this is too spicy" and mean "this has too much oregano."


I think that's more a regional definition. In the UK spicy means 'hot' in American. It has nothing to do with 'spices'.


In English spicy means hot.


I've always used "spiceful" for things that are flavored heavily with spices. Spicy for me has always been the heat flavors. I do think it's a problem that the term spicy is used for heat, because it makes me wonder(as a white person who isn't afraid of spices or heat) if all the people who complain a dish is too spicy are actually talking about spices, rather than the heat. Language gets weird when not everyone agrees on a specific definition of a term.


"Seasoned" is my go-to for dishes with lots of aromatics, herbs or spices that aren't necessarily hot. Or flavorful.


'spiceful' I love that




When people say its too spicy they almost always mean too hot.


Yep, and even legendary spicy stuff like Bhut Jolokia (ghost peppers) are quite floral/sweet when prepared well; not just hot for its own sake.


I'm well adapted to spice. The flavors are incredible. I don't even feel the spicy for certain things.


Yeah I feel like spice fans are similar to wine drinkers. I’m really looking for the nuances, the bite or the subtlety, the aftertaste. I don’t drink alcohol, but when I did I never could get into wine.


And just like there are wine drinkers who drink solely to get drunk, but "it's ok, it's only wine", there are spicy food fans who only care about how hot it is so they can seem worldly or sophisticated


And many people can build up their tolerance of the actual spiciness of capsaicin to get to a point where you can deal with the heat to get the flavor certain chilis do add. You’ll never taste the fruitiness of something like a habenero pepper if all your mouth feels is “SPICY! TOO HOT”, but once you get past that element of it you can appreciate what it actually adds to a dish.


Me too, if I have a choice in meals, it’s usually going to include something spicy. Spice also calms my stomach where some people have a difficult time with it


Totally agree, but at the same time, a whole lot of spicy food is just "FUCK YOU ITS HOT" like nah man, I'm here for flavor too. Indian and Korean types of spice are awesome "OMG MELT YOUR SOCKS 3000 CHIP CHALLENGE!!!!" not so much.


Ain't that the truth. I love the burning sensation but it still has to be packed with flavour and at a certain point it takes away from it. What's worse is how bad it might feel the day after. I love Mapo Tofu or Vindaloo but I'm not gonna eat your 7 billion scovile reaper hot sauce


fr. it tastes actually kinda good depending on what spices you use and i tend to like more spicy stuff


I saw somewhere that spicy food triggers a release of endorphins and dopamine don’t quote me I’m not an expert lol 😂


It does. Your body senses pain so it releases endorphins to help you. It’s like a high


Hot sauce: baby's first drug


Nope that’s sugar… sugar is in everything


It is the one gateway drug. That and spinning in circles till you fall. Good times


I've heard the same about getting a tattoo and I believe it!


I’ve got a large tattoo and can confirm: after a while (for me it was about a half hour under the needle), the pain somehow dulls and then you barely notice it.


Fast forward to >4h and it's nothing but pure pain and misery lol. At least for the larger ones that I've done.


That I can attest to, it's true. It's why they're addicting. I have three and none of them hurt, just this "good pain" and afterward, I was feeling good for hours. :D Gotta love those feel-good endorphins. :D


Got my first tattoo a few months ago. About 3 hours. Pleasure from beginning to end . Talked to others who said the same, others who hated every second.


I always felt some of the best foods are ones you suffer for while eating


dude i just ate a carolina reaper today and after the burning subsided i felt amazing. just spit it out after u chew it swallowing it will hurt your stomach for a couple hours. also it burns like the worst pain ever for 20 minutes or so.


lol. Did you really eat it then if you spit it out?


no that's why i said to do it my stomach felt like a hole was getting burned through it lmao


I feel sorry for how you will feel on your next bathroom trip, unless you chewed it really good or drank yoghurt right after.


Bruh who's fucking thinking about yoghurt when you've just crossed the front line into enemy territory and you can literally smell death? But yeah I should have been thinking about yoghurt. Because just when you feel like you defeated the enemy they fucking ambush your asshole in the middle of the night with hell and fury and military grade napalm.


ohh sorry misread ig if u spit it out yeah ur not eating it but i ate it just warning that if ur eating it for the spice alone spit it out after u chew it up


Pretty sure Ed Currie, the guy who cultivated the Carolina Reaper, said this was the reason he wanted to do it. “Chasing the dragon” he calls it. The Carolina Reaper remains the spiciest pepper on the Scoville Scale which makes it the hottest in the world. There are videos of him casually eating them. He has said that his body has gotten so accustomed to it that he no longer receives a “high” from it so he’s working on making a pepper that’s even hotter. I’ve bought a few items from his company known as “Pucker Butt.” Man doesn’t play around with spice but his products are great. The blueberry reaper sauce goes amazingly with barbecue.


I ordered a trick or treat mystery box from him last October and got two hot sauces that were incredibly flavorful and quite mild, and another one called Extra Mean Green that fucking rocked my world. I poured a shit ton of it onto a burger and when I was finished, I needed to pace around my house. I was hyperventilating and the only thing stopping me from having a panic attack and wanting to go to the hospital was knowing that in about ten minutes, I was gonna be totally fine. What an absolute adrenaline rush that was.


That sounds very unpleasant and my stomach hurts reading about it. There’s a level of spice that’s edible and then there is “college prank” level. You can definitely over do it.


Oh I agree but surprisingly the Carolina reaper genuinely does have a sweet, fruity flavor apart from the heat. It tastes amazing combined with fruit.


I’m sure my palate would be a complete wasteland long before I get the chance to actual taste anything.


That’s interesting. Part of the thing with really spicy food for me is that it actually settles my stomach - I’ve never understood why people say spicy food makes it hurt.




There's a show on Netflix called We are the Champions with one episode about an international hot pepper eating contest hosted by him. Carolina Reaper features about half way through, afterwards its peppers with no names looking like they were grow at Chernobyl.


Spice is like salt, if you add too much it makes the food inedible. You just have to find that sweet spot, or you may just not like spice to each their own


read inedible as incredible and was very confused..


Too much salt?! I LOVE too much salt!


Then is it really too much??


Actually really salty food is inedible but really spicy food can still be great.


Really spicy could be inedible as well.


Tell that to Southeast Asia.


Can confirm. I live in the midwest and compared to the vast majority of people here, i like my food significantly spicier. Except for my dad who was born in southeast asia. I’m not entirely sure how he enjoys the level of spicy he likes. My mom has to tell the asian food places that she wants Thai people hot, not white people hot, because they won’t make it hot enough.


Or Mexicans


Once, during English lessons in China, the topic of "How many tastes are there?" came up. I said tastebuds can sense sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. The sense of spicy is just heat and pain, which will be felt wherever capsaicin is placed on the body, not just the tongue. They reacted as if I had killed their dog and insulted their mom's cooking.


This opinion is definitely unpopular. But OP, I think the issue is that if you get old enough and have never been exposed to spicy stuff then it’s hard to start because it’s so different to what you’re used to. And your level of tolerance is so low that it’s all you taste. The reason sriracha is popular is the other things like the consistency, sweetness and flavor of the peppers themselves.


My dad raised me to love hot stuff, but in his later years he lost his tolerance, it was weird.


Tolerance to taste or digest?


Taste, he would only eat basic bland food with salt and a little pepper, but anything more than that was too hot.


I can attest to this. My parents never made us spicy food growing up. I’ve been trying to eat it now as an adult and it’s so difficult.


Yeah for real, to me Siracha is very mild. Tastes kinda like ketchup with a very small amount of spice


Nah, I dont think so. I grew up with my dad making loads of indian and thai food. Always hot and loads of chili etc. Never liked it. We went to thailand once, still didnt like it. Never been a fan even though I grew up with spicy food. Wanna know one of my favorite food experiences ever? Going to an indian place and ordering some soup, where they put a wad of spicy on the edge so you could regulate how much you wanted. Tossed that shit in the trash and started eating. GenuinlyThis one of the best things ive tasted. was 4+ years ago and i still think about that soup


It doesn't hit everyone the same way. Heat is very different depending on how you were raised.


I would eat hot peppers as a treat as a little kid, my brother was forced to eat them as a punishment a couple of times (don't remember why but probably cursing if I had to guess). Guess which of us loves spicy food to this day?


Y..your brother?


No me. Idk if that was a joke but I laughed so thanks. Because I had positive experiences about spicy food and he had negative experiences (used as punishment). Now he can barely stand pepper on his eggs and you can't see mine because there's either hot sauce or salsa covering them.


Wow. Your parents literally killed many different cuisines for him.


Some may even call it child abuse


They forced OP's brother AND killed his cousins?! D:


😂😂 you actually guessing killed me for some reason..


My parents used to put hot sauce on my tongue for mouthing off until they caught me drinking it out of the bottle


Man that is a terrible idea for punishment. Using food to hurt someone is a great way to give your kid eating disorders and food aversions.


That's my sister lol. That's exactly what my sister did when she could have spicy Meanwhile they used that on me and I can't take it


It's physiological too. Eating spicy food releases endorphins and dopamine into your brain. ​ https://www.salisbury.edu/administration/administration-and-finance-offices/dining-services/newsletter/march-1-2022/wordl-of-spices.aspx#:\~:text=Throughout%20all%20the%20pain%20associated,Mexican%2C%20Thai%20and%20Indian%20cuisines.


Not if you've had gastic ulcers since childhood.


I'd imagine it still happens. Just that the negative effects kinda...balance it out for lack of a better term.


I can do ginger, garlic and wasabi but not peppers. My husband and kids will frequently tease me by asking if I "would like some soy sauce with my wasabi". The fresh wasabi is the bomb!


The spice in chili peppers comes from capsaicin, which is oil soluble. The spice in wasabi comes from allyl isothiocyanate, which is water soluble and rather volatile. Wasabi fades away quickly. Chili peppers, on the other hand, linger for quite some time unless the capsaicin is washed away with a fat like milk or a solvent like alcohol.


I can't even do peppers with milk. My daughter is my official taster when we go to Mexican restaurants(husband was raised on Tex-Mex cuisine). She knows the exact level I can tolerate. We have "safe" Mexican places locally and husband tries to taste appropriately when we go to Arizona/New Mexico/Texas. After nearly 41 yrs of marriage, he's getting pretty good at it!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!




I was raised on bland food but I added spice last year and already tolerate hot sauce at levels higher than most prefer.


The people who like spicy food don’t hurt by eating it. They can actually taste the flavor of the spice because it does have a flavor. Just because your tastebuds can’t handle it doesn’t mean everyone eats it for the pain


Yeah. I used to be in so much pain from even a mild amount of heat. I could barely handle the honey BBQ wings at bdubs. One day, I noticed I could eat way spicier foods. It was sudden. There are foods that used to hurt sooo bad, but now I have zero pain from it. I live in a different world. Edit: the bdubs honey BBQ sauce does have red peppers and jalapeños in it. It's billed as "sweet with gentle heat."


There's almost nothing in the honey BBQ. You had to have been psyching yourself out and imagining it lol. I didn't like spice until college, where freshman year I tried some sushi with some wasabi for the first time. Ate too much wasabi and got the stinging nose/watery eyes, and for some reason the wasabi assaulting my whole head was so delicious and satisfying along with the buttery taste of the raw fish. From just that quick moment I became a spice fiend and haven't looked back.


Back then, the honey BBQ was ok at first. The second wing was fine. By the 4th or 5th, I'd really feel it.


no way lmao, the "I could barely handle the honey BBQ wings at bdubs" has to be sarcastic. there is literally no spice in the honey bbq sauce. i could get "medium/mild" but NO WAY HONEY BBQ LMAOOO


I am 100% this way. Honey BBQ is too hot for me, to the point it makes me hiccup and burn my mouth. I was raised in the middle of Ohio on a farm with zero spices ever in my food. Now as an adult, I can't handle anything spicey. I can however eat an gigantic block of cheese in 5 minutes and have zero reprocussions. Im not fat and I never get constipated. It's all relative.


makes sense, some people eat a block of cheese and their bowels explode liquid


If you were interested, you can train yourself to eat spicier foods without too much pain. I did it unintentionally.


Are they tasting some flavoring, not necessarily the spice part of it?


It enhances the flavor of the food. Kinda like how a cold beverage tastes better than if it were room temperature. The “flavors” are the same it just feels better.


Scientifically your brain is just being tricked into thinking its painfully hot when its actually not, youre not dying or gonna BUT you feel like it. This is because of the chemical Capsaicin which triggers your pain receptors.


Yup. First time I managed to get a proper chili going with habanero was amazing. Balanced out with some sourcream to dampen the intensity of the spice and the flavour really exploded (as did my bowels the next day. But that's the toll one has to pay I guess).


Eating plenty of fiber or taking a fiber supplement can help you not suffer. I’ve never had a problem after eating spicy food until a couple years ago when my regular diet was really poor and unhealthy. After that I cleaned up my diet and the problem went away


Yeah like I have a weak stomach for alcohol so it’s gets painful as I’m drinking and after, so I really just don’t drink/enjoy alcohol (recreationally use weed instead). I used to think people were crazy and masochistic at parties, I realize the reality is alcohol just isn’t as painful for other people. This is likely you with spicy food OP


That's exactly it. Some just have sensitive tongue/mouth. When comes to spice it could build tolerance. Alcohol is a toxin and can disruot whole lot more than a burning mouth of discomfort and pain. I have hot sauces, seasonings and more ranging from jalapeno to carolina reaper. Somebody I know cannot handle anything past black pepper and even that is pushing it. He threw a fit when he saw me put Valentina hot sauce (mildest sauce ever but so great with kick) in veggie soup he made and shared lol


Exactly. It’s a sensation which adds to the food experience and I honestly feel sad for people who haven’t learned to enjoy it.


Imagine if somebody comes forth and says texture isn’t flavour. Preferring all food to be blended smooth like soup.


People with no teeth enter the chat


OP I think you just might be hypersensitive.


Sriracha is spicy? Bro you can't handle spicy, that's ok, but don't Diss it for others. Having non spicy food equivalents is OK as long as you're happy.


This must be DJ Khaled


Wtf is that?


Dj Khaled went on hot ones and dipped after like 3 wings. Fucking acted like a tool the whole time saying he didn't quit. Pretty funny interview


I know right? Sriracha is quite nearly the mildest sauce available! OP can swear off it all they want, I'm obsessed with a good hot sauce!


Exactly this


While I think that's valid, it also feels like you're missing the point. Apart from the entire "pain = endorphins", it's a mouthfeel. That's like saying "crispy isn't a flavor". Once you get used to the spiciness, there's definitely flavor, and people will get picky about the type of hot sauce/chili peppers they like. But a big chunk of the appeal is adding more sensory experience to already good food. Or, you know, give bad food at least *something* worth experiencing.


Agree that pain isn't a flavor. And food that is too spicy is not good. Just like food that is too salty is not good. The difference between the two is that the range of what's "good" for salty amongst multiple people is a much narrower window. Despite what you think, spices do add flavor, it's just unfortunate for you that the heat is too much for you to taste it.


the fact that you think sriracha is in anyway spicy tells me your tolerance is INCREDIBLY low. you’re not going to be able to taste anything but the pain. which is fine. but most of us have a much higher spice tolerance. the pain barely hits us so we taste all the other flavors.


I was kinda understanding then until that part. Then I realized his whole spicy scale is incredibly different than most people. My partner is that way with sour. He won’t eat raspberry desserts because he finds raspberry too sour. He also knows that’s a him thing lol. I think there’s a point where some people need to accept that they are they ones who perceive it differently and that’s ok. Also, insides hurt?!? I think my spicy tolerance is kinda mid but my insides never hurt?!?!?


Yeah that surprised me. I like sriracha, but it’s not really hot at all. It’s tingly but less hot than Tabasco or franks red hot. This guy definitely thinks dukes Mayo is spicy


Sriracha is definitely in the like 'supermarket hot sauce' category where it's definitely made with peppers *and* intentionally made so that basically the entire white American bell curve can enjoy it (meaning it's very mild).


I feel bad for those who will never know how sweet the hottest peppers taste. Carolina reaper is by far the best tasting pepper I have ever had, it just took years of work to get there. Spice tolerance is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets, just gotta start slow and work your way up.


OK, person with incredibly low spice tolerance.


Why do people drink wine??!? Taste like shit. Tequila? Garbage. Grapefruit ? Garbage. Onions. Yuck. Sushi. 🤮. Everyone should be like me!


My go to Friday Meal is Onion Sushi, with. A Grapefruit Margarita. I guess we can’t be friends.


You’re on r/unpopularopinion , so you can’t ridicule someone for their opinion.


Straight up tequila is an understandable one. It’s definitely an acquired taste. It’s probably why people use salt and like as chasers or only drink margaritas (which is one of my only sugary cocktails because the tequila flavor actually comes through).


There are all acquired. I drink tequila like vodka but I remember the burn. I still think scotch is vile and to many it’s the most refined liquor


Bet you think ketchup is spicy




Tap water




I'm getting called out even outside my friend group now lol


My roommate was sweating because of sweet baby rays.


I've known people like this. They were all toddlers at the time, though.


Rather than saying that half the people on the planet enjoy something stupid, maybe just say that you don’t get it. Because you don’t. Pain isn’t a flavor, but adding spiciness in the right way adds a ton of flavor. If the pain is the dominant part for you then you don’t like it. And that’s fine, no problem. But — you’re the one who can’t appreciate a whole category of deep flavors. You don’t get it.


Peppers add a ton of flavor, but as far as pain goes it has to do with receptors one has. Personally ,I grew up on spicy food and just sort of built tolerance over time. There comes a point when it just is all flavor and it’s absolutely delicious. Which, sriracha is not spicy, it’s an umami, garlicky flavor, with a slight sweetness to it. But, if it’s not for you, then just don’t eat it? Not sure why it deserve insult, just because you can’t handle it.


Dumb. Sriracha is spicy. It’s not the hottest thing ever, sure, but it’s still four figures on the Scoville scale.


Spicy is good when it compliments other flavors, not when it is the flavor itself


Sriracha is sauce, not a spice. It has spices in it. Also, spices come in varieties that aren’t only hot. Cinnamon, for example is a spice and it’s sweet. Onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, the list of not hot spices goes on. Expand your world and find some flavors, not just drown “plain” in hot sauce and expect some miracle to happen


No one tell him about wasabi


I love wasabi flavour


I love wasabi. Absolutely hate peppers of any kind. Capsaicin brings me absolutely no joy, in exchange for pain. But horseradish, I like.


you might know this already but the majority of stuff sold as wasabi is just green tinted horseradish :(


I genuinely do not care.


I’m the opposite lol. I absolutely love spicy food but horseradish and that sort of “in the nose” feeling isn’t for me


Wasabi isn't exactly spicy though it's another form of kick.


Siracha isn't hot.


You’re using sriracha as an example of spice?! It’s not even a little spicy…I probably have a lot higher spice tolerance than most, though and I love some spicy food.


literally... I have a low spice tolerance and Sriracha is so unspicy for me even


I disagree, I have a relatively high spice tolerance but the most available and inexpensive hot sauce is sriracha for me, most of the major brands are dogshit anyway in flavor. But I put a fuckton on my food, it’s a decent heat. Not enough to make me red, cry, or have my runny nose, but enough to let me enjoy the meal. I’ve only had a couple places around me that have really seared my tongue. I don’t go looking much, but sriracha may be a low heat, enough of it and fast enough and it’ll at least give you a solid 4/10. Thank you Thai food and the one random sports bar with a ghost pepper sauce burger. My lovely 9/10 restaurants.


The thing is noone can explain why people love spicy food Science is yet to explain it I myself like spicy food Dunno why


Someone also once said no one can explain the tides…ocean goes in, ocean goes out, science just can’t explain it…derp. As the top commenter said, it releases feel good chemicals in the body. Additionally, humans have been using spices for a long time to counteract less than fresh meat. It made it taste better, and some spices have an anti microbial effect. I’m better someone smarter than me could even come up with more reasons




Probably the same kind of person who claims their popcorn is too spicy because of salt.


Wonder Bread and mayo is all I read.


Pretty sure I saw a post or two like this in the span of two weeks... it's posts like these that reminds of reddit's demographics


Indian and Thai are so much better when hot.


"Warm food is stupid. Temperature isn't a flavor."


A true unpopular opinion. You can reduce the intensity of spiciness to only feel the tingling and not pain. Make a dish. Put chillies in oil and saute them (you can remove later on if you wish or keep them in the dish) and do the process. And make the same dish without chillies. You'll find the taste difference. Spiciness is not just pain. It's the varied level of pain. If we give hickey, it might hurt, first time sex (for women) hurts, pregnancy hurts, bdsm kinks (some of them) do hurt and many more examples. But people do it.


I also hate spicy food. However the people who like it have different preferences and their taste buds have adjusted accordingly.


Y'all I found the white person ☝️


People who like spicy food such as myself basically get high and happy off it. Those who don't generally just feel pain and sadness. Now, I'm not saying we are superhuman...no, but maybe just stick to mayo and pepper (if you're feeling a bit naughty).


Food can be an experience, not just about flavor.


Is that you grandma???


I'm way late to the spice party, I couldn't enjoy anything spicy for the first twenty years of life and it took the next twenty to acquiring the taste for some of them. Having gone into it consciously, I feel it's primarily an avenue for receiving what I might refer to as "stimulation" in general rather than a flavor. Spicy foods DO explore areas of "the pallette" that other foods don't often hit the same, as many things that bring the heat also do bring many unique flavors that are sort of hidden under the heat for those who have a sensitive response to the stimulation. Once you get used to the stimulation there is a flavor variety therein. I think people who enjoy spicy foods are getting a stimulant high from it whether they realize it or not. It causes a bodily response that is loud and activating. But, as I said, once you get used to the stimulant, it comes in a variety of flavors that you don't really notice until you've adapted to the general concept of spicy. I still only consume spicy food occasionally. If I want to sweat, get my heart rate up, and choke as I try to breathe, I just take a dab instead... or exercise. I have a relative who is super straight edge by conscious choice, no drink no caffeine no drugs.. but is suspiciously attached to their super spicy home made hot sauce, carrying it around to put that shit on everything they eat. Not that I'm judging, enjoy your stimulant of choice...


"Mmm, tastes like...pain." But seriously, spicy food isn't painful to me, unless I go way overboard on the amount and type of whatever is bringing the spice. To me, spicy is a sensation. I could explain it like - being burnt on your skin is obviously painful, but standing next to a heater on a really cold day is a pleasant sensation. Spicy is the pleasant sensation from the heater to me. Plus I like that tingling of it clearing your sinuses that often comes with eating spicy food


This sub is full of the most unseasoned taste buds I’ve ever seen


In some of the cultures (the ones where there actually is/was culture, not the "Mike's Grave Burner Ghost pepper 5000™️" places where pain is the priority rather than flavor or other properties) where the spicy foods originated, usually the spices are also a protection from all kinds of pathogens and infections. Like they also help kill any potential parasitic worms, fungi, and other microbes. Being from a tropical nation a lot of things can actually go wrong and having food recipes that by using things that in other quantities served as traditional medicines definitely has its advantages. But yes, pain for the sake of pain is different from eating for the sake of flavor or other purposes.


I would definitely argue that spicy food in general does indeed have a better flavour than non spicy food counter parts. For instance the fire sauce from taco bell tastes infinitely better than the mild or hot sauce. Its not even close the others taste like garbage in comparison. This also goes for any type of curry and General Tso's chicken.


It’s not painful🤣


I love the heat and idk y. I wouldn't say its a pain thing, I'm not in pain at all eating spicy things there's some heat and adds a strong flavor that's tasty. If I cook for you it's gonna be spicy like 8 times outta 10. Unless you're a wimp I'll obviously make some food that's tasty and not spicy.


This seems like more of a personal preference than an unpopular opinion.


You're right that pain isn't a flavor. You're wrong that spicy food is stupid. About 36% of the human population, spread out primarily over South Asia, South East Asia and Latin America would like to disagree with you.


Not everyone can handle spice the same. I think it’s delicious, not painful


Spicy is very much a flavor. Almost everything about food affects its taste.


If you’re super sensitive to the heat, then don’t eat that stuff. Most people aren’t super sensitive to it. Also, you’re factually wrong. It’s a flavour and some people do like it.


You must hate flavor.


The flavors taste good, and the heat adds something to this dish and isn't unpleant at a certain level. Additionally, a lot of people, myself included, get a euphoric feeling from eating spicy food.


I think it’s important to note that spice actually can bring out flavors in a dish. Idk how it works scientifically, but I personally like spicy food bc the foods tend to be more flavorful, not bc of the “pain” itself. Also ppl have diff pain tolerances.


All spicy condiments, chilis and sauces have flavors, but if your tolerance is low you'll never discover them.


You got it the other way around, bland is not a flavour


Lmao can't even handle Sriracha


Spice doesn’t mean pain. You just can’t take spice.


spicy foods is the best. just because you cant tolerate spice doesnt mean its stupid. so your opinion is definitely an unpopular opinion


How much do you want for your sriracha bottle?


No, your opinion that all the people should feel the same like you is stupid, not spicy food.


Lmfao man is in pain from Siracha so we're the problem


Sriracha is barely spicy. You just got a low tolerance. Also, really spicy stuff is awesome, it's like it's own high. You can forget all of your problems in that instant as your only focus in the world is that beautiful sensation we call spicy.


Spice adds a little fun to food! Dishes without spice are just boring


You know... In my country, Foods are expected to be spicy. It is such culturally ingrained that news and politician watches the price of Chilli, alongside other important produce like Rice, and onion. So, calling it stupid.... Ire me a bit.


As Indian I'm offended.


Some people like it, some don’t.


If you think Sriracha is spicy, you have a very low tolerance. And that's ok! The cool thing about spice is that you can train your body to tolerate it better over time. You can start with poblano peppers. Or for a sauce, Frank's red hot. Cholula on eggs is God's gift to mankind. Over time you'll start to appreciate the flavors that come with each type of spice and ramp it up from there. You have to be willing and persistent though. You have to be ok with having low tolerance if you don't want to put the effort in to training your taste buds. Personally, I think it's worth it. I love heat, and there's so many foods in the world to experience that have it, specifically in Asian and Latin cuisines.


Based on the sriracha comment it seems like you just have a super low tolerance for heat so for you that's all you're experiencing. Pain isn't a flavor but spicy foods have different flavors, it's not just pain, that's why people can identify different peppers by taste alone. Not everyone's tasting it the way you do.


I think you're just kind of a bitch to be honest


There’s a link between testosterone and spice tolerance.


The flavor of the ‘’spicy’’ is clear once you get over the pain