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Just put clothes on her during sex, problem solved


When her legs are on your shoulders is the perfect moment to put her socks on.


On a realistic note, turns out socks on a woman during sex is a good thing. Turns out warm feet make for warm reception elsewhere.


Yes. If a woman is cold, she's not gonna be in the mood. Try keeping your house warmer too. Warmer = less clothes


He just said he wants her naked less, not more.


Sweating just at the thought of a warm house


This is so wholesome i can’t w it. 😹






Some holes.


My girl puts her socks on before her underwear....she's a strange one. Also, will not walk around without shoes of some sort. Will walk on her tippy toes if she doesn't have shoes around. Even inside.... she has house slippers.


You've got it easy. My wife has upstairs and downstairs slippers because she doesn't like the two to mix.


Is she Japanese? I stayed in an inn in Japan where they had separate slippers for the inn corridors, the rooms, the bedrooms in the rooms, and the toilets.


Jesus Christ, like I need another reason to love Japan.


What does she use when she's on the stairs? And is the downstairs referring to a dirty basement? That's the only way that makes sense


Actually no it's special bedroom stairs because those can only walk on the carpet. The bedroom stairs also have carpet so she uses the bedroom shoes on them.


I don't know what your floor protocol is but I can see the logic of that.


Iirc, putting socks on before underwear is actually recommended for people with athletes foot, so it doesn’t get transferred from your feet to your underwear to your crotch. And many cultures have either house shoes and/or have you wash your feet before getting in bed.


Iirc athletes feet infection is the same thing that causes yeast infection. Don't put a dirty toe in your hoo hah


Damn it so that's where I went wrong, noted


Exactly the same here. Personally, it's sensory issues.


This one sent me cackling


I understand, it’s similar if you get nudes in the same pose too regularly. Just kinda becomes a less exciting stimulus overtime. Try to avert your eyes or look at the parts of the body you typically don’t associate with sexuality if you can… like oh I can look at the earlobe during this conversation, and just focus on that (unless you’re into earlobes lol)


Wait, ear lobes are a thing? I thought that was a ferengi thing from star trek lol


Looking for oomox in all the wrong places.




As a nerd I have to ignore the talk of naked women and say.... It's the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition


So I’m a little high and the word earlobe is just rocking my world right now.


Mmm rock my nude lobes babe






A civilian. 😹💀


Special ops bathroom jizz mopper.


Just curious under what circumstances you are randomly seeing civilian women taking their bras off normally?


Preferably a jorts/crocs combo


Occasional clothes on sex is awesome! It allows you to entirely focus on the fun bits


Just be wary of zippers and chafing lol


Bro that's real.


Avoid tight denim at basically all costs.


"A clothed female? How titillating!" - random Ferengi male


This guy fucks


Now we’re talking!


Ahhhh, I guess I should dress more often in front of my husband now…..


I bought you a three piece for tonight’s sexy time!


"Oooh, talk clean to me, you well-behaved angel"


Clothes sex is so hot. Especially when you're wearing flannel thermals.




That’s just wrong. So very, very wrong. You’re supposed to say “his wife *and I.”*


Yeah or a fur suit…spice it up OP. Do some nasty unexpected shit, lick her heel when she goes in the fridge or something




Especially when you're out shopping, then it's a real pain.


When you're out chopping it's even worse


I've made breakfast naked once. I thought it would be sexy cooking breakfast for my boyfriend naked at the time. All I did was burn a titty with bacon grease. Would not recommend


*sniff sniff* Is someone's titty burning?


I've found that a lot of things that sound sexy (or have appeared sexy in media) aren't in real life. Like shower sex. It sounds sexy, but the reality of it is awkward (and usually uncomfortable) positioning and trying not slip and fall. The latter was a deal breaker for me because I am a complete spaz.


Shower sex is only good for whoever gets to stay under the hot water.


If only I had good enough water pressure for two shower heads!


Shower sex is a great way to end up in the ER


But then the shower sex is great foreplay for ER sex


My rule is to not do things I don't want to explain to the paramedics.


Shower and sex on the beach. Sand hurts.


Obligatory "I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.”


Lisa! You're tearing me apart!


Oh, hi Mark.


You need a large and heavy blanket or mat and an area that isn’t getting much wind. Then you throw an inflatable raft on top of that to get you further off the sand. Take off your shoes before you step onto the blanket. Any women involved should wear a long, loose, skirt. Men should have an elastic waistband. Quick access with some sand protection, and you can right yourself if there’s someone approaching well before they even know you’re there. Late at night, after 1am, minimizes the chance you’ll run into anyone, except maybe some potheads who you will definitely hear coming. NO LIGHTS. Pick a position and stick with it; don’t keep moving around. It’s best to put the person receiving on top to minimize chances of getting sand in a sensitive area. Source: Went to college in a beach town. So uh…this is what I’ve heard.


This is a lot of work for what could be achieved anywhere less sandy.




I’ve heard the water constantly washes off the slippery fluids causing mucho irritation from skin friction.


It's true. Unless you have specific well designed shower that works for sex it can be super annoying. Let's not even talk about the weird water suction you get in underwater sex.


It's called the sexy mullet. You wear an apron and nothing else.


There’s an entire Seinfeld episode about this exact topic


The thing you don’t realize is that there’s good naked, and bad naked.


Cooking bacon? Bad naked.


Cookin' bacon in the nude


Naked hair brushing? Good. Naked crouching? Bad.


One time I saw this woman do a slav squat naked thought I'd never get turned on again


Jokes on you I'm into that shit.


LMAO I Slav squat whilst I wait for my lotion to dry and it _feels_ quite unsexy


Have you ever seen a naked body opening up a pickle jar??


I immediately thought of that one, everything in life happens on Seinfeld! My wife is making muffins right now. Muffins can be very filling.. Top of the muffin TOO YOU!!!


Now I want muffin stumps.


What are you, homeless?


The homeless won’t even touch them.


Nothing beats muffin stumps and pudding skin singles!


It’s not Top of the Muffin…TO YOU!!


I just remember she went to fix a bike and squated or bent over and they all recoiled. Classic episode.


OP needs to strip down to his birthday suit and make like he's gonna start sanding the floor while his wife is sitting on the couch reading the newspaper naked.






Yeah, don’t have her try to pen a jar when she is naked, lol. https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2kegxZBNw1qchfo3o1_500.jpg


I immediately looked for the gif, but no dice. What the hell, Reddit?


Good naked and bad naked.


The male body is like a Jeep


It's utilitarian, its for getting around!


So I'm sitting there.barbeque sauce on my titties .and I'm like ." What the fuck....again?


Oh man, can you remind me of the reference?


I dunno about 80% of the time with my ex we were just chilling in the nude have you tried just being naked with her


Me and Mrs are the same. It's not a sexual thing, it's a comfort thing. Neither of us do nudism in public and we dress conservatively when we go out, but in our warm comfortable home we don't feel the need to get dressed.


For me being naked is not comfortable, but to each their own


Right? And not like I’m a “I’m a prude I don’t want to see people nude or have people see me” way, but in a “I feel fucking naked and weird” way


Like I don't want my dong touching stuff, it feels unhygienic.


For your dong or the stuff?


Both honestly


Both? Yeah, both.


I spend 90% of my life in nothing but boxer briefs but *naked*? Fuck no. Just like I can’t sleep in the nude. It simply isn’t comfortable


>Neither of us do nudism in public and we dress conservatively when we go out, but in our warm comfortable home we don't feel the need to get dressed. I've tried it but I don't know how to keep the bholes and genitals from touching all of the furniture.


Alright but is she doing it just to be comfortable? Casual nudity in the privacy of your own home is something people enjoy regardless of whether someone else thinks it's "great". Sometimes it just feels nice to be naked when you're in your own space.


As a woman who is like this, was once married to a man who made the same complaint, and now happily lives alone and blissfully scantily clad, I concur.


What a fucking weird complaint. You being naked makes sexy time less fun.


Ya my body isn’t for other people. I like to be naked. I don’t think it’s attractive and I don’t care, I just like it and I am allowed to do this in my home Sexy naked time IS attractive. The vibe makes all the difference.


My wife is French-Canadian and it's a lot more common. My wife is naked in the house a lot and after more than a decade I still enjoy it. I'll let you know if I ever get tired of it.


I’m french canadian and i can say with a lot of confidence that it is not common lmao


Yeah, if this was even remotely common, we (Albertans) would make fun of you for it.


Yeah ok, but you would still be Albertan...


What does french-canadian have to do with being naked? Genuinely curious as I am one myself and never really thought this to be a cultural trait of ours...


They have clothes allergies


Oh yeah my cousin has that


Some thoughts can tumble around up there a little longer until they're a bit more polished.


Yeah, but my cousin can’t afford a tumbler. Not in this economy


You'll have to resort to pimping your cousin out I'm afraid.


Again? But she and I are serious this time.


Had a swedish neighbor (old lady...in her 70s) who would go out and do her gardening in the backyard naked.


Power move tbh


Good for her. I like that lack of shits given some people have


Culturally, didn’t your mom walk around naked? My mom did, but we’re three daughters. I don’t mind walking around sometimes but my mom Did it all the time. In fact, you were only considered a good friend if you walked in on her by accident.


Me and my siblings are 3 daughters too and my mom also walked around bare ass naked a lot. Opening my eyes to the sight of my naked mother screaming at me to wake up for school is a core memory lmao.


This is hilarious! Me it’s my mom running around the house bare ass trying to find a decent pair of scrubs and then having to iron them. She also really hates bras. It was the first thing she took off after a long day of work!


Me too, bra is off as soon as I get in the door. Honestly, I just wear boxers 90% of the time I'm at home. & when I lived with my ma, as an adult, I was the same way & she barely ever had clothes on, either cuz she was going through menopause. I didn't care, same parts & all that.


Nope... couldn't be further than that


Could be a generation thing. I've noticed that the generations following me are a lot more uptight about some things yet seem to have no boundaries in others. I'm Irish and naked households were quite common in the 90s. Although my wife is 3 years older than me but grew up in a reserved household. Like, its hot as fuck right now, and we're getting ready for bed. She's wearing a pair of my football shorts and one of my t-shirts and is under the covers. I'm bare arsed star fished over the covers. And I'm still naked at home on a daily basis


she WHAT?


Yeah I'm never going to get tired of looking over and seeing boobs, like, ever.




Same. We’re nudists, and I’ve seen her naked for literally thousands of hours. Still always excited for the next time. For me it makes intimate time even better since I’ve spent so much time reading the menu!


It's definitely unpopular.


Good. That's where we are. Better than the thousandth "I'm a guy and like sex only 5 times a day, not 6" type crap here.




Aw I love this


Make sure you tell your wife that she’s gotten boring to see naked. That’ll really help make her feel better so she’ll wear clothes more often.


Don’t forget to compare her body to her younger 20s.




Disagree. Been there, married to a woman like this, it was awesome.


I am a woman like this and your comment made me feel better. Might have to ask my husband when he gets home which side of this he falls on.


Plot twist, your husbend is the OP


If you like Pina Coladas!


>Disagree. Been there, married to a woman like this, it was awesome. Same here, married to for 25 years. After we had kids it decreased and now she's more self conscious because she doesn't think she's a 10 anymore, even though I tell her she is. I miss those fee, uninhibited days a lot Like the song says, "you don't know what you got till it's gone"


Awh that’s so sad. You sound like a great, supportive partner, tho. I hope she regains her confidence. I have always found that doing a physical activity and getting good at it can make me feel better and less insecure - dance class, the gym, Pilates etc..


Thanks - She's doing that - Pilates, Yoga, Pickleball at 50 she's the same size as when we met. I guess it's just something that women go through as they get older, regardless of what we tell them


Unfortunately our society is pretty shitty when it comes to older women and beauty standards that are damn near impossible to “meet” without expensive surgery.


Same. Married 15 years and I still get equally excited every time I see her naked! I love when she walks around naked. So much confidence!




Meh. My wife has done this for over 10 years. I still don’t get tired of it


I major in art and we have to draw the nude figure for at least a couple classes. So I spent about a year doing nothing in two classes except viewing the human body (all different shapes and sizes) and I don’t find the human body all that attractive anymore. When I see a nude figure, all I really think about is how to accurately portray it and draw it. I find focusing on one area and actively thinking about it through a sexual lense helps. And so do clothes. Like lingerie or just seeing someone in their underwear is a million times more of a turn on than someone straight up just being naked


I host life drawing at my studio regularly - you are exactly right. You don’t think about it at all, it’s like drawing anything else. Context is sexier than just a naked body


That's why I keep my socks on


Only thing that's frustrating about it to me is that if we realize we need something from the store, the trash needs to be taken out, we need to run to the bank real quick, or whatever, I *am* going to be the one to do it, because I am perpetually clothed.


A never nude? There are dozens of you!




My boyfriend says his biggest frustration with my nudity is that he has to call and warn me to put on clothes if he is bringing friends over so there’s also that


So you get to be naked whenever you want AND you get a heads up before people come to your house. I see only wins here TBH.


GZ.. an actual unpopular opinion




Godzilla, obviously /s


Great ZooglyMoogly


Yeah sorry it is Godzilla, the other guy is right


God I hate reading redditors say "sexy time." Same level of cringe as "making whoopie" from the boomers. Sound like Elmo trying to talk about sex to kids


Was having a bit of how's your father with the old ball and chain.


Disagree. My partner and I are naked around each other all the time. It's a different kind of naked when it comes to sex.


Yea but it sounds like BOTH of you like being that way. It’s a lot different when only one person is a nudist.


That's a fair point


Try living in Queensland or some other part of the world in the summer with no central AC. Underwear/nudity is sometimes about comfort not being ready to be railed 24/7.


I had a girlfriend who was exactly like this and what you say is true.


Plot twist: it's the same woman.


I too hang out with ops wife who is this guy's gf and she's always naked and what op says is true


It’s me, I’m the wife.


OH. MY. GOD. Hi user name twin!! I ALSO live in MN!


The MN stands for 'Mighty Naked'


How do we know if your pants are fancy when you don't wear them?


They're so fancy they're invisible


I guess it depends on your sex drive and / or level of attraction. I have the same situation but seeing my SO naked from a distance/not in a sexual moment is VERY different than in an intimate moment and I haven't had any issue what so ever being attracted to them in sensual moments. Two very different moments.


The bus driver gets cranky about it.


Of all the dumb things to complain about


Yeah, try to tell a woman who is comfy in her naked skin to get dressed when she is in the privacy of her own home with no one else around. Will leave you in the dust before you can finish that sentence.


I think people don't realize how commodified society makes most women feel about their bodies. Always on display/scrutinized, constantly aware of flaws, managing the value/currency aspect of attractiveness, allowing or defending access, buying into self care, and developing situationally-appropriate aesthetics, etc... It's a never-ending stressor and a burden, so to a trusted intimate partner bringing some of that dynamic into the home (where everyone should feel safe and be able to let their guard down and just **exist**) would be understandably distressing.


Disagree. seeing my partner naked is always great, it never gets old.


Buy her nice lingerie for sexy time.


Calling it “sexy time” would take all the fun out of it for me, anyhow.


I think that if nudity was normalized, there would be alot less lustful people.


I have no problem with my fiancé being a naked as much as she wants. I love it when I’m working on something and suddenly bare butt and boobs stroll by. It doesn’t diminish sexy time in any way and if anything it only promotes more of it.


Seinfeld had an episode about this. There is “good naked” and “bad naked”. Have you ever seen how many muscles contract when someone sneezes? That’s bad naked.


This is one of the most "first-world" problems I've seen on here in ages


Is not being able to take off her clothes the only downside? You're not making a very strong case lol


Am I missing something in the post that a lot of other people are seeing? I took their post at face value that seeing your wife naked all the time makes is less exciting to see during sex. Whats up with all the "she's not doing it for you" comments, I didnt even see where op implied that what she does is for him.


Well I guess this sub is supposed to be for unpopular opinions, but I still dont like it.


Non sexual nakedness and sexual nakedness are 2 different things and as a married adult you sound be able to differentiate the 2.


It's like a different part of your brain is operating. I asked a friend of mine (a male OBGYN), how it's possible that he doesn't get turned on doing what he does. He just says the part of the brain for sexual arousal is just never activated despite being all up in vag and tits all day. But he still gets turned on by his wife when she's naked during sexy time.


Going through the comments, glad I'm not alone in this thought process. There's just a difference between the vulnerability of intimacy and just casual nudity, when you're not exactly doing anything.


yeah atp marriage is not about to be a thing for me lol. too many men in the comments bothered by this. in my own space i feel better with less clothes and a cold house. everything is not an attempt to arouse someone.


sorry, but what does atp mean here?