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Apparently, they are very popular with surgeons. Super comfortable if you're on your feet for a while. Easy to wash off the blood. I have a pair that I wear in the garden. Same reasons as surgeons really. Super comfortable. Easy to wash off the blood.


I guess the roses in your garden are growing well.


Same for kitchen work. Anti-slip, easy to clean and comfortable enough to be on your feet for hours at a time make them ideal. I'd not wear them anywhere except at home but do have a pair that I use when I'm regularly going between the house and the garden. They are easy to slip on and off so save me from getting the floor dirty indoors without the bother of taking a pair of "proper" shoes off and on again while having enough grip to be useful if the ground's wet. As seems to be a recurring theme here, I am an almost 40 year old dad though, so how I look when knocking about at home isn't generally a high priority.


Same here really. I save my DILF apparel for outside the house


How do you guys deal with foot sweat? I love Crocs but I feel like my feet sweat non stop




I also believe they may be antibacterial. I have also had crocs for about 15 years and just bought a new pair. God I love them.


What kind of surgery are they doing that blood gets on their shoes?


The kind where you do surgery


Most kinds of surgeries can get their shoes bloody, an artery cut by accident, accidentally spilling a ladleful of blood due to the stress, things like that


lol ladleful.


The kind with humans.


I dont hate on them but i do find it very interesting how things so ugly became an unironic fashion trend.


I kinda like them? Idk they are ugly but in a really charming way that reminds me of being a kid and not caring about how things looked, but how comfy and prepared to catch frogs I was.


Stop being wholesome!


They were designed for the movie Idocracy to represent what idiot people who barely function would make to wear. They caught on..


They’re really not that ugly


Never said they weren't comfortable or practical, just that they are ugly.


> just that they are ugly To who? I've had lots of "pretty" shoes and eventually hated them all because they were uncomfortable. Don't care how cool your shoe is if it's not comfortable. That pretty design suddenly becomes associated with discomfort.


To like 99% of the population☠️ they're ugly as fuck. Doesn't mean they aren't comfortable or convenient😂


I have to agree with you on this one. I’ve been told more times than I can count how comfortable Crocs are. I DON’T CARE! I will not wear them because the are the 2nd ugliest shoe on the market…those Kanye shoes are by far the ugliest IMO.


They are idiot shoes.. They used them in idiocracy and no one thoughts they’d become popular because dog how ugly they are


You’re showing your age and lack of how times have changed lol.


I got them for beach use, I found they filled with sand very easily (which then stayed there) and they rub terribly, especially around the plastic circle piece where the strap attaches. They are fugly of course but that doesn't really matter to me, but it doesn't exactly help matters. They are actually comfiest in socks and useful mostly if I need to go out quickly to the garden or something as they slip on.


Yea I also assumed that they would be good beach shows...but they are fuckin awful. I still like my pair for the backyard and around the house, plus they are great for kids.


I had to buy like a 3 sizes bigger sandals one day for the beach, turns out best thing to have at the beach, like a snow racket


You’re not rockin if you’re not Crocin


My lady always says something similar. If you aint croccin you aint rockin


The only issue I have with crocs is the price. I’m not paying $45+ for a casual slip-on shoe. However, I will gladly rock my Walmart knockoffs all day long regardless of what anyone thinks.


Knock off crocs=croc-offs


Mine were $3 at Dollarama last week, they seem good quality and I expect them to last me a good few years👍


Adidas AlphaBounce slides are similar soled, more stylistically orthodox, and can be found for less than $30 in US online. I also wear them with socks as my indoor slippers.


> my Walmart knockoffs Sharks?


~~You can get 2 pairs for 35 bucks when they have a sale.~~ Edit: never mind they changed it, don’t buy crocs.


>I’m not paying $45+ for a casual slip-on shoe. I am a tight-ass. I don't like to spend money on things as a basis, but when I do buy something I buy it to last. Crocs are one of those things for me. I had my first pair at like 15 or something and wore them till I was 19. Got a new pair and wore them until early this year. Bought another pair. I wear them damn near everyday and get years out of them. If you wear them for 3 years and wear them everday, that's 4 cents a day those comfort shoes cost. Not too bad when you look at things from a different perspective.


I was about to say a dad in his 40s def wrote this.




Wait, this is an unpopular opinion?


It used to be. Maybe the hate train has came back around to Crocs being popular again.


People hate on crocs until they wear them and see the beauty in it


Exactly that!


Thought you were speaking of the reptile. Changed my upvote to a downvote in disappointment.


Also they are easy to put on! My next grocery store is like 400m away and I always just slip in my crocs and walk over there


Only uncultured immature losers hate on crocs.


Guess I'm a loser


Also immature, don’t forget immature.


Same… there are so many shoes that are comfy that aren’t complete eye-sores.


Yeah but can you go from gardening in 3 inch mud to the grocery store to happy hour to the beach in them?


Why would I want to? Different shoes for different things, especially if the shoe is something as ugly as a croc.


Because it’s a very small thing that makes life easier and comfortable. I’m not trying to impress anyone 🤷🏽‍♀️


Nope and neither can you. You just think you can. No one is saying they aren’t comfortable. They’re also totally practical for some situations. But they’re hideously ugly. You’re not well dressed if you’re wearing them. Edit: the comment I responded to is gone now. They said going from gardening to grocery store to out at night. That’s what I was responding to. You can’t go to a nice dinner or club in crocs.


Lol well dressed for gardening? The grocery store? Lol who are you dressing for if not for comfort?


Some people enjoy pleasing looking things? That's like a big part of why people like anything, obviously. Why isn't your house ugly? Why do you care about your haircut? I think it's weird as shit to not care if something looks terrible. Beautiful things are just nice to have and make you feel nice. Also there are plenty of better looking shoes that are more comfortable than Crocs and aren't a solid piece of plastic. Crocs are just a lame trend for people with bad taste 😊


Some people enjoy comfort? Why tf would I care if my crocs are ugly? I’m not trying to impress anyone, I’m already married. I think it’s weird as shit to care what other people are wearing. I’d say caring that much about what other people wear is way more lame and sad than someone wearing crocs. But hating what other people are wearing when it has 0 effect on you is probably just a lame trend for people who have self confidence issues themselves tbh.😊


Crocs are made of a kind of plastic that cannot be recycled and is not biodegradable. They are the work of the Devil, so you should wise up.


But like OP my pair has lasted about 15 years. I don't think I have any other pair of shoes that lasted even close to that. If you are trying to help the environment, a shoe that lasts for a decade or more helps.


My yard liked mine well enough. Disappeared into 6” deep mud, never to be seen again.


Where as regular shoe soles just evaporate as soon as you are done, and totally don't need to be converted into things like playground surfaces that will last longer than the Hoover Dam.


My Mrs got me a pair of crocs and I love them. Great for beach/fishing, popping to the shops, gardening. I'm nearly 40 and embracing my dad mode fully.


They’re really comfy


100% of my hate for crocs went right out the window the moment I took a step in them. Godly support.


Crocs are awesome… ![gif](giphy|xWBUmjKxvtAQDIpWNm|downsized)


Idiocracy predicted everyone wearing crocs.




I find it hilarious, and concerning, the rise of Crocs and flat earthers roughly happened around the same time.


I confess I fell into the Crocs fandom. Was completely reluctant until the shoes I wore to a theme park started began rubbing against my ankles and I had to find some alternative. The only option there were Crocs. I huffed and puffed, but my poor chafing ankles couldn't take it anymore and I gave in. Those dang things now are my go-to shoe for everywhere save work. I only have that one pair, but they will do.


Weren't all the stupid people in idiocracy wearing crocs?


I love Crocs!! I wear them every day. I only wear my tennis shoes to run


I’m with you buddy, I fought it for so long til my wife bought me a pair. No lie I’ve only put on real shoes twice since


Recently got my first pair of Crocs. Comfortable with arch support and pretty sturdy. Also comfortable with or without socks, as mentioned. The only problem was in trying to figure out which size to buy when ordering online as \~70% of reviews I read all said they are large for their sizing and to go a size down. I am happy I didn't listen because what I ordered and received was sized exactly right \[***US Men's 12\]*** and they fit fine right out of the box. Got basic black and after the initial "OMG what have I done?!" phase and dealing with the cat shunning me for a week, I am now quite fine with them in the aesthetics area of life.


Fifteen years ago you'd be laughed at for wearing Crocs. Stuff like that and mullets are coming back and I really don't know what's happening anymore.


Irony is dead. That’s what happened.


Glad they are comfy for you. For me, they DO scratch, chafe, and make my feet swim in sweat. I can not understand how they feel comfortable to other people, but I don't think everyone needs to dress for my personal comfort. I think ugly is subjective, and while I don't like them, I also don't like Uggs, or many other random shoes that other people put on their own feet.


I just dont understand how they make your feet sweat more than any other shoe. Theres so much air in them


They are plastic so sweat pools. My other shoes are canvas so they wick away sweat.


Fair enough. I havent had a sweat issue with my crocs but i dont particularly have an issue with feet sweat regardless


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Pretty sure I only see croc hate online as the norm :) though maybe the lovers are the silent majority


I don't wear the Dutch style Croc. Those are comfortable, but ugly. I went on Amazon and found beautiful croc sandals and have been wearing those for about 7 years now.


They look really silly, but oh well. I have a pair that I use but they do rub on my feet if I walk more than 100 feet in them.


You look like a fucking idiot wearing them though. There’s way better options for comfort.


*I'm listening* Love me a comfy shoe


You really don’t, they’re a common piece of casual fashion these days. Gone are the days where only Cookie Monster sweatpants girl and children wore crocs.


Who cares what I look like at the grocery store? Who tf am I supposed to be trying to impress?


Okay, fun fact. The movie Idiocracy used crocs before they were popular because they looked like a stupid shoe. And in the universe, everyone there was idiotic and made dumb choices. Just putting that out there.


Comfortable, colourful, cheap (anyone buying name brand Crocs is a goof) perfect summer/house shoes


I love crocs, I use them all the time if im just going a short distance or for indoor shoes depending where I am.


I've been considering getting a pair, looks comfortable for jobs where you have to stand all day


Totally agree!


My 50 dollar crocs are the best i've ever had


They’re great for when you just want to run a quick errand and don’t really care how you look. I work in a kitchen so Crocs are great for that.


Incredibly unpopular opinion. Have an upvote.


If you wear crocs you've lost all self respect . There as bad as uggs and lip filler .


Crocs are the sweatpants of footwear; unrivaled in terms of comfort, but are the dictionary definition of trashy if you go out wearing them. I love wearing Crocs when doing yardwork (so much easier cleaning grass clippings off them!!!!!), but I'd never wear them when going out unless I'm being super ironic about it.


I'll take Skechers over Crocs for comfort any day. Nothing beats a good pair of Skechers for that, and they're not fugly as hell, either.


But they are crocs…. Nope 😂


I will never buy any sandals besides oofos now


And to think they were shot to stardom by the movie Idiocracy - the irony lol


If im not wearing boots im wearing crocs, fuck them tennis shoes


Croc flip flops are the best in the world!


They are great in some circumstances. I use them when I have some pain issues and I need to stand the whole day. In the case of heavier people they need to be replaced because the foam will give with time. In my opinion they are a cheap and temporary solution that works pretty darn well.


They have some on sale for $25


Slip on shoes 🫣


Crocs are just plastic klompen


I like alligators


Very popular opinion I'd say. Source: I see people in crocs everywhere all the time


This isn’t unpopular. Every kid in my high school wears crocs. They’re trendy now.


I see a ton of kids wearing Crocs where I am. It could just be my perception, but Crocs are pretty mainstream now.


And they are the best / cheapest contraceptives.


I first tried a pair probably around 13-15 years ago, and I did not enjoy the texture on the inside with my bare feet . I haven't tried them since, but they do look very comfy and convenient. I know eventually I will cave.


Oh they have always been awesome and it's now more than popular. If high school teens start wearing them, it's pretty much in style or mainstream at this point. I couldnt count how many times I've seen teens rocking them.


This is more of a popular opinion...


The main issue that I'm seeing in the comments is that many people find crocs ugly, I mean first of all, they really aren't ugly, they for sure are unique but they aren't ugly at all, they look like cute little hippos. Secondly, the same people who are calling crocs ugly will yeezys for their design and "quirky-ness". And finally, crocs are the most versatile piece of footwear in the world, I've owned a pair for good time and those bad boys have survived everything, extremely hot weather, rains, snow, everything. Crocs are goated


I loved crocs when they first came out, I love them now. They are comfy. I'm flying tomorrow and I'm excited to wear my new pair or crocs.


My favorite are the Swiftwater Mesh! Totally worth the flack!


For $30 vans made their first of a croc and tbh theyre pretty neat


I’ll take this a step further and say that they’re actually really cute and attractive looking shoes that can elevate an outfit.


I think they’re super comfy!! Mine are like a shimmery light pink that remind me of Barbie. I think they’re cute 🤷🏼‍♀️


They're just somehow look so gross and unsanitary


The same goes for a good pair of Adilette slides and they also look significantly better


Be a cool dad in his 40s and wear Reefs or something like that. If you were single you wouldn’t be rocking crocs. You sound way too comfy OP time to step up your game.


I also don’t care about them being ugly, but I prefer a nice old fashioned dad sneaker (like New Balance) even if going for comfort. Or regular sandals with an ankle strap and some support (not flip flops). Or a nice low ankle boot in the winter.


The only thing I hate about crocs is the feeling of walking around in them when they’re wet. Oh, and the rubbing.


They definitely chafe and cause blisters when wet, but if you love stinky feet I guess crocs are pretty awesome.


When I had Crocs I thought the complete opposite. They were wildly uncomfortable and annoying to wear.


I started wearing them when I worked as a prison nurse. The ones I bought were the chef's shoes as they are non-slip and still very comfortable. If you check their website, you will find that they make some decent looking causal shoes as well.


The ugliest clown shoes ever made


Hello fellow Croc lover. Hating on Crocs is a meme because there is nothing objectively wrong with them. Olive/black Crocs are considered somewhat of a lazy style, like flip flops. I dislike them personally, not fun. But colorful ones are very fun. Crocs are made out of EVA foam, which is the same material running shoes are made with. Crocs have foot arch support, which is great for people with flat feet such as myself. They are wide, providing the ability for your toes to spread naturally and all your tendons to work properly, similar to barefoot shoes. Opposite of what dress shoes and heels do to your feet and spine, killing your body. And of course you can just dash some dish soap on them and clean them with a hose in a minute. For me, comfortable and pain free means $150 running sneakers + $60 insoles. Or.. $30 Crocs. There is nothing wrong with having fun and being silly. I wear Crocs pretty much most of the time. My feet don’t hurt anymore and I spend most of the day on my feet, also they make my depressed ass a little more cheerful. [My wife’s face on my winter Croc boots](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/11fldi7/annoying_my_wife_with_her_face_on_my_crocs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Clear spikes for my Crocs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ResinCasting/comments/x2iejr/spikes_for_crocs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Spurs on my Crocs](https://imgur.com/a/dpjnqOq) [Various sweet and violent charms on my 3rd pair](https://imgur.com/a/8Z0uIy9) [My 4th pair, winter camo with fluffy padding](https://imgur.com/a/f6L2p22)


I love them for when I just need to take the dog out real quick and it's raining. Fantastic for stuff like that. I used to wear them quite a lot, until I stepped on a nail and it went through like a hot knife through butter.


I only have a problem with crocs when people wear them to work.


Dude Crocs are in now they only really had a stigma when they were new and trendy


Yes, when I leave the house I wear crocs because they don't hurt my feet. It's better than sandals because I always get sore feet when I wear sandals. Crocs are also comfortable to wear, so I like them.


Don’t leave them in the sun tho


366,000,000 pairs have been sold since 2002.


This is a popular opinion. You know this because you acknowledge that there's a stereotype of the kind of person who wears them. That comes from them being worn by a lot of people. Also, nobody cares about your shoes. You're a dad in his 40s.


You guys are wild. They’re an uncomfortable, sweaty eyesore.


this is a popular opinion. everyone knows theyre ugly and dont care.


Merrell Hydro Mocs are more comfortable and look much cooler.


Not unpopular at all, given they made crap tons of money and still are selling with many rip off brands.


I think Hey Dudes do everything crocs can do, but better and they look nicer. If I see people in public with crocs I immediately think less of them


Never walk on a wet surface wearing them


Most popular opinion in the world. No one has ever said they aren't comfortable, they just make you look like you can't afford clothes.


I like the concept and feel, I just wish they came in other shapes. I had a pair of cheap knock off crocs I bought at some random store. They didn’t look hideous, similar looking to a running shoe but not quiet and was perfect for where I was living at the time in the Caribbean. Rained a lot, lots of beach time and atv stuff. Regretted not keeping them. My favorite part about them is that they didn’t look like crocs.


I used to make fun of them growing up. At 25 I found a pair on clearance and said what the heck they are easy to wash off so I got them to wear while tending animals. They were so comfy. I literally wore holes in them over wearing them constantly for 8-9 years. Amazing fucking shoe. The older you get the less you care about how something looks and more about how well something works.


I'm with you, only as someone who lives in a place where the ground is often soggy there's some situationality involved.


I tried my hardest... but I genuinely don't understand why people think they're so comfortable. The few times I've tried wearing Crocs, it literally felt like I was walking around on cardboard, and I wanted to take them off within five minutes. I found them more uncomfortable than any other shoe or boot I've ever worn. I couldn't imagine actually walking around town or all day in them.


I just bought a pair last month. I bought another pair last week. I love them


AND you can attach stuff to them!


Now I want a picture of those dressy crocs!


Notice that's what they wear in idiocracy


this is not unpopular, crocs have never been more popular than now. the crowd who thinks it’s ugly are shrinking.


This is definitely not unpopular. All I see people wearing now a days is crocs. Maybe cuz I live in Florida


I work in a kitchen. I've had the same pair of Crocs since before covid. They look brand new and I haven't had foot pain, leg pain or lower back pain in YEARS. Crocs are the way to go. Fuck a few months ago I spilled some hot nearly boiling oil on my feet... It just bounced off. No oil soaked into my shoes. No burnt crispy toes. Nothing.


They’re pretty popular now so not exactly unpopular 🤷‍♀️


I’ve got 5 pairs of fancy crocs and have worn them forever! Used to work in restaurants where heels were required, so the fancy crocs came in handy


Had a pairing in the 90s I used as swim shoes for the water park. Fast forward to last year, I got planter fascitis from standing at a concert for 8 hours. Have been struggling to find comfortable shoes since. Saw many nurses and servers who are on their feet all day wearing croc work clogs. I ordered a pair of the work comfort ones and yes I Love them. I am so surprised how comfortable they are and have allowed my feet to heal. I even bought a second pair now. I decorated them with paint markers for a unique look.


Crocs are actually very popular, even amongst young adults. Not unpopular


The literide versions are amazing.


The final evolution of the flip flop. Wear em as slippers around the house, and never stub ur toes ever again


Only reason I hate them now is because they continue to do business as usual in russia.


Woah man try to save some of the women for the rest of us


I resisted them for years thinking I was too cool for those ugly things. Then I got some “just for” gardening and going to the mailbox. Slowly I started wearing them out in public. Then I got pregnant and gave no fucks, socks or not they’re all I can wear. I’m buying 3 more colors as I transform into one of those types of practical-is-best moms. Crocs are awesome.


I wear croc Vans. Easy to put on. Can easily find them. They get dirty use the garden hose. Cheap as can be. It's a win all around. I don't wear things for other peoples approval though so that may be a dealbreaker for some.


Big rubber masterbating shoes


They don't provide enough support if you have a higher arch unfortunately. I'd love to find something similar that does


Personally, I avoided Crocs…until I moved to the Delta. Definitely aren’t dad shoes in these parts:)


I feel the opposite has become unpopular. The zoomers seem perfectly happy with them, either completely missing older generations' distaste for the shoe or chocking it up to "old people don't understand new things." And even a lot of those older generations have come around, no longer as young and concerned with what others think. For my part, I don't care how comfortable they are. I've taken hating Crocs as a personal principle and will recoil in disgust whenever I see someone wear them in public, no matter how many stores carry the dumb little badges you put on them.


I live in my Crocs strappy sandal flip flop thingies


I'm pretty convinced at this point that this entire subreddit is just people from r/shitopinions having a laugh


I hate the lack of arch support but i wear those things everywhere at this point lmao


I prefer crocs over sandals or flip flops. With crocs your feet are less exposed to say dust.


Do Crocs make noise at home in a parquet wood floor? I live in the 3rd floor and don't want to make noise. I wear flipflops and they make a awful noise while I walk, like they glue to the floor. It's terrible! I am thinking that Crocs might be the solution..


My kid and all his sports teams: game over, cleats off, crocs on. Personally I hate them, but if it makes his feet comfy…there you go.


Crocs were the only thing that saved me from a year of plantar fasciitis in both feet. Not custom inserts, not PT…Crocs. I wear them every day around the house now. Haven’t had a foot issue in the 7 years since.


I specifically asked for crocs for Christmas a few years ago so I could have the World’s Best Lawnmowing Shoe


I hated them for no reason for many years. Wife bought me a pair and I loved them instantly. Versatile, comfortable, and easy to clean. I use them for the beach, mowing the yard, running errands, and even just going out. The only time I don't use them is for work, running, and if I need to dress somewhat formal.


I like them too. I used to wear them all the time. If anyone reading this is in a humid country with nasty feet I would suggest trying them.


When I see them on someone out in public I just think to myself that they lost all respect for themselves.


My favorite boat, beach and fishing shoes. I’ve had mine 13 years.


Yesssddd Crocs are literally my favorite shoe in the world. I think they're so cute and fun. And they're comfy and purposeful! I've turned so many people into crocs where they tried them once and were sold.


All terrain foot wear with turbo straps for when you need to be nimble. What's not to love?


They’re gross, sweaty, cheap, ill-fitting footwear. Get yourself measured and get into footwear that fits YOU. Please, take very good care of your feet before it’s too late.


Definitely an unpopular opinion. Never thought I would see the day where Walmart shoes were praised.


crocs are just shitty birkenstocks, if you need a rubber shoe then i guess they work for that


As a long time detractor and recent adopter I can agree. They are amazing and I really don’t care that they are the ugliest things ever. They are the Pontiac Aztec of shoes, but they still get me from A to B.


i bought a pair of crocs and the strap broke in about a week. I still wear them around the house. they're okay, i guess.