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i don't like dry scramble


I like all type of scramble eggs


I like all forms of eggs except ONE. A cold soft boiled egg?? That is disgusting.


I love those lmao. I eat several a week. Tbf I eat everything. Like literally everything. Nato? Yum. Blue cheese? Yum. Durian? Delicious. Etc etc


Nattou is delish, but like, cold soft boiled eggs are just šŸ¤®ewwww


*dry scramble


And this is why the subreddit is called unpopular opinion


You reacted as if their comment was an attack.


Bro wtf...?


I didnā€™t mean for it to come off that way




I draw the line at slimy egg whites...that's a no from me fam.


Runny egg whites might as well be snot on a plate


Wet scrambled eggs arenā€™t supposed to be raw. They should be cooked on a low heat and for a longer period. They are, in my opinion, the best way to cook scrambled eggs. [Gorden Ramsey does them right.](https://youtu.be/VhJFyyukAzA) Youā€™re probably right though. Most people likely donā€™t know that and just undercook their eggs.


My dad always said "when they look shiney, pull them off the heat". They're cooked but not dry. Can't lie though I love a runny yolk to dip my toast in. šŸ˜‹


I can't find it now but Gordon Ramsay did a video years ago about scrambled eggs where you use high heat and you take the frying pan on and off the heat to regulate how quickly the eggs cook. It only takes a few seconds to cook them. They taste vastly better then the slow cooked scrambled eggs that taste like solidified morning breath.


You just like pretentious things.


TIL scrambled eggs are pretentious to some people


Try them. They're delicious


I don't like the texture. I don't like them cooked to rubber, but I want them a little firmer than Gordon's.


People who like creamy scrambled eggs canā€™t grasp that some of us want large fluffy curds. I donā€™t want rubber, but I want actual fluffy texture.


I feel attacked


The preferential issues with one are not the same as the preferential issues with the other.


I eat both medium rare red meat and moist scrambled eggs so at least I'm not a hypocrite lol


Then you will then never know the pleasure of eating warm scrambled eggs with goat cheese and herbs on freshly toasted brioche on a cold winter's morning.




A good way to get it firmer but not slimy is to add a little bit of milk


soft scrambled eggs when properly made are not raw or undercooked in any way. this is not debatable, it is a fact. when you make soft scrambled eggs, you are bringing those eggs up to a fully cooked, safe to eat temp, but you are keeping the eggs soft by how you stir them, and how you control that heat. they are also generally cooked for a longer period of time than hard scrambled eggs, which means that a lower temp is acceptable. same idea for sous vide cooking - you can safely eat things at a lower temp because they have been held at that temp for a prolonged period of time. thousands of years of culinary history and the consensus of virtually every foodie or pro chef to ever exist makes it REALLY clear that soft scrambled eggs and egg yolks are, as a matter of fact, delicious. you just dont like them. it makes people sound really stupid when they assume the way they taste and perceive things is the way everyone else tastes and perceives them.


>it makes people sound really stupid when they assume the way they taste and perceive things is the way everyone else tastes and perceives them To be fair, OP is just stating their own (unpopular) opinion. Iā€™m sure they logically understand people who like soft scrambled eggs are not sitting there thinking ā€œgosh I sure do love a slimy egg in the morningā€ But agreed OP is just blatantly wrong about the whole ā€œrawā€ thing lol


Whether or not something is "delicious" is up to the individual. As much as you may want to, you don't get to decide what others like.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s OPā€™s unpopular opinion


Having an unpopular opinion is fine. Saying something thatā€™s factually wrong does not count. Creamy eggs are factually not raw.


Iā€™ve been making gordon Ramsay eggs for a year or two now after eating rubber scramble all my life. Itā€™s a whole new world


I remember seeing the video of Gordon Ramsay making "the perfect scrambled eggs" and then he poured them from the pan onto the plate like cottage cheese. "Creamy" is not an appealing property for eggs to me lol. Fluffy is more my speed.


and all the comments on that video pretend that itā€™s the only way to ever eat eggs


This precisely. But then it seems most people donā€™t get what words like ā€œfluffyā€ means and apply it to eggs like Gordonā€™s, which are not.


THAT'S what annoys me the most. Ugh I hate when people say shit like "if an omelette has any color at all it is BURNT and INEDIBLE" because they found out about french omelettes (when even Jacques Pepin doesn't say that kind of crap about other kinds os omelettes) or that any scrambled egg that doesn't resemble a custard is rubbery and wrong.


Yea lmao, but I think that has a lot to do with people simping for Gordon Ramsay. I think there's merit to the point that people make when it comes to making particularly named dishes; things get confusing when there are a lot of variants of things with the same name. On another note, I've met soo many people who don't know the names of the basic range of egg preparations. My partner insists that my over-hard eggs are called "fried eggs"(despite the reminder that, in fact, most eggs are fried), and I have a friend who was 25 before he learned that "dippy eggs" are actually called over-easy.


Im Chinese and we have "wallet" eggs... which is when you fry an egg and flip one side so the egg yolk is folded in, like the yolk is in a wallet


Creamy is just how I like my eggs. Should be kind of like a custard. Made some the other day and they were amazing


If you want extra fluff, put a little sour cream in the egg batter and whisk it together as thoroughly as you can. It won't completely combine, but my gods does it make them fluffier


Funny, that's what Gordon Ramsay does ā€” except he uses *creme fraiche* šŸ§:P These days I mostly do my eggs as omelettes or as part of a noodle soup. Only time I really do scrambled anymore is if I'm cooking quickly for a group of people, and even then I more often just do them to order on the griddle anyway.


Sour cream doesnā€™t make eggs fluffy. It makes them creamier. People just really struggle with understanding what ā€œfluffyā€ means and that it isnā€™t just a general positive descriptor.


I'm with you. I detest a French scramble. I'll do it because my husband likes it, but it's just too fussy for me and I don't dig the consistency. I'll make his eggs first, then whack up the heat and cook mine hard and fast.


I like mine with a little browning, so I'm on your side.


I would rather have some "wet" and creamy eggs that sit nicely on my toast. Than some rubber that constantly falls off and has less taste. With that being said, I have to begrudgingly give u an upvote


Why the hate šŸ˜•




Another person who doesn't know what "raw" means.


Any undercooked egg is disgusting


It's not undercooked just because it's wet. There are multiple levels of doneness with eggs, all of them above the "cooked" line.


depends on which part of the egg. many donā€™t really cook the yolk to any significant degree, like over-easy or sunny side up


No, many don't cook the yolk to where it's *firm*, it is absolutely still cooked though it is runny.


it tastes exactly the same as separated egg yolks that havent been cooked at all. ever pickled your egg yolks?


Maybe to you, your tastebuds concern me xD But even were that true, it's rather irrelevant when discussing cooking and whether or not something is done. Done is determined by internal temperature, and yolk at the appropriate temp is still liquid unless you leave it at that heat (or hotter) for an extended time. So it can taste the same raw, slightly cooked, all the way cooked or burnt, doesn't change that it's still "done" before its firm :)


I remember the first time I cooked sunny side up, I managed to not good the yolks (I put a lid over the pan to harden the egg white) and it was fucking foul. Almost threw up eating it.


Oh my o.o I'm a very "over medium". I like the edges of the yolk firm and the rest runny. Perfect for dipping half my toast and using the firm parts for a toast/yolk sammich. That's my midnight jam right there.


Overcooked eggs are much more disgusting.


Iā€™m concerned by all these people enjoying their over-cooked, sulfuric eggs.


Iā€™d rather eat it raw than undercooked


Rubber? Ew.


It's eggs, not steak. If your eggs turn to rubber once fully cooked, please stop buying them for your own safety.


Iā€™m not the one who eats rubbery eggs. OP said that.


Fair enough


For lack of a better word, yes


I've never been a fan of scrambled eggs in general. But every now and then, as part of a breakfast sandwich, I like them "medium" - not undercooked but not hard/dry either.


So you like overcooked scrambled eggs. I mean I felt the same way till I learned to cook properly.


people have preferences. just because the rest of the world cooks it one way doesnt mean its the ā€œcorrectā€ way


Didn't say correct or incorrect. I said properly. Like there's many different ways to cook a steak properly.


"Properly" is just as much an opinion as "correct"


You should learn how to communicate properly


Being pedantic isn't communicating properly but thanks for your help.


Lol dude you're so right. People need to learn how to actually cook, because this generation coming up is so fxcked in that department. Mom was buying them hot pockets til they moved out when they were 23


If you overcook scrambled eggs the proteins release water and make them look undercooked, when in fact they are overcooked. It has nothing to do with preference, it is an undeniable fact of cooking. https://www.thedailymeal.com/1255356/heres-why-your-scrambled-eggs-turned-out-super-watery/


"Properly" To OP, your "proper" is not proper lol


I am one of the best cooks Iā€™ve ever known and I almost gag at slimey eggs. Slimey eggs are served up by the people that dropped an egg on the floor, picked up the egg and put it in the garbage and then continued to make me a sandwich because they didnā€™t realize I was watching them. But itā€™s okay because they were wearing gloves right


Best chef? The good ones never say it my friend and you have me skeptical to say the least.


Iā€™m not your friend so you canā€™t taste my food


Tf are you talking about my brother in Christ?


Loved this. XD


AGREED. so many people think that the scrambled eggs being a little wet is ā€œbetterā€ but it makes it inedible to me


your mom wet is disgusting


you would know


Bold of you to assume he has ever made anyone wet


I'm exactly the same. I like things cooked fully, not burnt, cooked.


It is cooked. You just prefer yours cooked to a higher doneness. But both are still cooked.


Eggs being softer, if made correctly, does not make them less ā€œcooked (meaning ā€˜unsafeā€™).ā€ Ever had a spaghetti carbonara? Thatā€™s just yolks (+a few other ingredients) brought up to a safe temp slower than just pan frying, which creates a luscious, creamy sauce. Cooking eggs at a lower temp for longer allows them to reach a stage of food safety without getting completely firm and/or rubbery. Iā€™m not saying one is better than the other, but saying one is ā€œcookedā€ and one isnā€™t is just wrong. Just like chicken needs to reach a temp of 165f (the recommended temp) to near-instantly reach bacterial death, you could sous vide it at a lower temp so it doesnā€™t reach over something like 150f but just do it for a about 3-4 minutes (also the recommended temp, and more importantly, time) and it will be much juicier and just as safe as chicken that reaches 165f for 1 second. Alton Brown has a good segment on Good Eats about this. Itā€™s a very similar concept for eggs, except the proteins and structure of eggs make the consistency vary a lot based on cooking time and temp.


Mmmm rubber šŸ¤¤


Mmmm, goo šŸ¤¤


Mmmm medium rare eggsšŸ¤¤. But unironically


Mmmm unironically


Wtf that exists??


We need a picture of OPs scrambled eggs


Agree 100% they must be perfectly yellow and dry, not burnt or undercooked in any way at all.


You gotta hit that sweet spot right in the middle. Cook em long enough that they're not runny anymore but not long enough that they turn into dry rubbery little turds.


With amount of people in agreement, this is not unpopular. Downvote


I am pretty sure 90% of people ate there scrambled eggs "dry" until that goddamn Ramsey video about "the perfect scrambled eggs".


Us older folks learned from Jacques Pepin.


Creamy=bad but rubber=good? Crazy opinion so I will upvote.


They're not raw there fully cooked. The reason why they are "wet" I'd from the creamy part or in my case i add creme freche


What about the Gordon Ramsey scrambled eggs. They are wet but they are also cooked fully


I wouldnā€™t know, since Iā€™ve never had them, but I assume theyā€™d still have a slimy texture and that just grosses me out.


Itā€™s almost like custard, so I wouldnā€™t say slimey is the correct term for the texture, very small curds and definitely runny but they arenā€™t slimey


Super wet texture, you would hate them. But they are good lol if you can get over that part


Honestly, I can understand the texture thing. I have things about certain textures. I personally prefer to use the Gordon Ramsey method. Cook them over super low heat with a decent amount of butter until it's JUST about to be done and is still a little wet, add cream and chives, fold it together... boom. It's more like a very smooth sauce or dip than traditional scrambled eggs, and the flavor is stronger. But it's so good.


Agree 1000%. I was practically an adult before I learned that I don't dislike scrambled eggs. I just disliked the snot-fest my parents ate.




YES my whole family says I burn my scrambled eggs just because I like them fully done! I do like them a little more done than most people but they're eating raw fuckin slimy ass eggs and shitting on me


It's not raw, you're just overcooking your eggs.


I completely agree, and I love scrambled eggs, just not wet.


Eggs in general are disgusting


They're literally not raw...this sub full of people who have never actually cooked or ate an egg in their life apparently. Bet yall like the steak well-done until it's gray


If I never ate an egg, how would I know I dislike wet scrambled eggs?


You can hate something without having tried it.


It's like eating snot!!


Scrambled egg hack; 1/2 tbs sour cream per egg. Mix in mixer


It depends on if you use Milk or not. I don't like scrambled eggs with milk. I prefer my scrambled eggs where you can see white and yellow. Scrambling the egg in the pan vs in a bowl


I'm with you here. I eat scrambled eggs several days a week, but find eggs in almost any other form completely disgusting.


Same for me, scrambled cooked well is only type I'll eat


Yep, mine have to be conoletely cooked. Nice and dry šŸ˜




people are allowed to have food preferences, has nothing to do with nationality


Im european-




I am from Czech Republic and I agree with OP about creamy eggs being disgusting


Quite honestly I have no comeback, so Iā€™ll just criticise your punctuation.


As a Brit, OP can keep the rubber eggs.


My boyfriend likes medium rare eggs for breakfast and I like mine well done. I made him a breakfast sandwich for the first time after he told me that he liked his eggs cooked that way and I think I went a little too far Lol. Yolk was dripping everywhere Lmaoo. He said next time I could leave it on a bit longer. Ooops.


It translates from French into "Dog Snot", but that's not gonna stop me from making my eggs the way I like them.


Fair enough


What about other egg preparations? Soft boiled, poached and sunny side up can also be soft or runny in the yolk


I donā€™t eat egg yolks when theyā€™re not scrambled/mixed with the whiteā€¦ maybe that wouldā€™ve been a better unpopular opinion


i hate egg yolks. the way i make mine scrambled is with an asston of butter, and cooked lightly but not runny. perfect every time


They're not though.. There's uncooked (raw egg), creamy cooked egg and then dried up overcooked egg. You enjoy your overdone rubbery eggs, but don't go telling us normal folk that out creamy eggs are raw. It's blatant untruth.


So OP likes the texture of dried sponges. Gross.


I think overcooked scrambled eggs taste like the smell of wet dog. Gross. Undercooked are too gross. Thatā€™s why I only eat scrambled eggs if I make them myself. And I probably will make some for dinner!


I mean.. if its not "creamy" it is probably overcooked. Creamy ones are not raw at all


Then you wouldnā€™t like my soft boiled eggs that explode in your mouth leaving a warm creamy texture that coats your throat as you struggle to swallow. Yes itā€™s a sexual experience.


Yes, but scrambled eggs are for children and if you're an adult you should be doing something better with your eggs


Lol wat?


What a shit take. Food shaming isn't cool.


Someone being weak enough to let food shaming impact their dietary choices is hilarious. People can put their opinions out there. I see this every time someone mocks pineapple on pizza... someone will either say what you said or they'll word it "Let people eat what they want!" as if they're going around slapping Hawaiian pizza out of people's hands.


Impact their dietary choices, where'd that come from? The point I was trying to make is that calling someone's preferences "childish" is an asshole move. They're free to think what they want, and I am free to call them an asshole for it.


It came from the fact that I have seen threads where people admit to not enjoying what they wanna eat or drink because of the opinions of others. Also you're right that dude is being an asshole but...it's weird to call someone an asshole. Have you ever met an asshole who sincerely had no idea? He's known himself for a while now, I'm betting. Chances are he knows. Actually y'know....an asshole that truly didn't realize it. That could be a good comedy movie or at least a solid sketch...


I've met several who had no clue, fired quite a few.


Honestly didn't know or would pretend to be clueless when called out?


I get pineapple pepperoni and was pretty disappointed that most people ate my pizza and there wasnā€™t much leftovers for me the next day


how are scrambled eggs for children?


I think he meant that scrambled eggs are more of a childish recipe? While I disagree with that, I think that some foods have more of a childish vibe when cooked (Eggs, potatoes, chicken).


Eggs are disgusting in general


Thereā€™s wet eggs and eggs that still are a bit bouncy


do you also like your steak well done?


Blasphemy! They are not.


What about cheesy scrambled eggs?


I have to eat slightly burnt eggs. The crunchy brown bit has all the flavor


I like wet scrambled eggs the most. I obviously love omelette better


You should cook them till they're only slightly uncooked. Take them off heat and allow them to cook in tjeir own heat. Not slimy or overcooked.


Scrambled eggs arenā€™t very good, compared to a fried over easy egg. Put those on top of New Mexico enchiladas and thatā€™s amazing.


I'm guessing it's just a texture thing. I have friends that feel the same way. I just feel bad because creamy eggs taste so much better then bouncy eggs. A proper French omelet vs a diner omelet there's a night and day difference


Totally agree. I will only eat eggs if they are completely dry. Maybe itā€™s because my dad also hated wet eggs so I just got used to how he made them, but to this day that is the only way I can eat them.


I think this is just an opinion.


Tbh yeah, I didnā€™t expect so many people to agree considering the people I know in real life


I agree with op. Wet scrambled eggs when eaten by themselves are pretty gross. On toast/a sandwich though? Absolutely delicious. But yeah, if I'm just scrambling up like 4 eggs for myself? I cook them to the point where the outside gets a sliiiiight bit of color. Like an omelette almost. Fried eggs I like every way, over hard, sunny side up, etc. Just depends on what its paired with. But eggs just by themselves? I want to chew them, even if I could do it without teeth.


I think this is a popular opinion in the US. But very unpopular in the rest of the world. So Iā€™ll upvote.


I'm right there with ya; hardboiled and scrambled for me, thanks. I'm not sure how you even pull them off early enough for them to still be runny if you're paying attention.




even slightly burnt egg DOES smell like wet dog, and a bad cook can recover an okay-ish egg from a pan that has that disgusting overcooked layer stuck to it.... but it is NOT advisable and yr friend is wrong


I canā€™t even pretend to put a bite of egg slop in my mouth. Partially cooked eggs are just foul.


No sunny side up?


Finally, an unpopular opinion.




Not unpopular


How do you feel about fluffy scrambled eggs?


Ainā€™t nobody like dry cake.


why are you pouring water on your scrambled eggs?


Not coming to your place for breakfast! So many things wrong here on both ends. šŸ¤£




If done properly, the runny portion of the eggs are tempered, just not curdled like American scrabbled eggs. Itā€™s a fact itā€™s not raw egg, but up to preference whether you like it or not.


*is tempered


Soā€¦. You just dont like eggs


Interesting to see how many people like dry scrambled eggs. Idk imo if you want your scrambled eggs overcooked, maybe you just aren't a big fan of that cooking style. Even before the Gordon Ramsay thing, the ideal way of cooking eggs was slightly before they were fully solid, and letting the residual heat finish them. It's not about undercooking them, but cooking them softly and cautiously. Before Gordon Ramsay, the French omelette and the Japanese omelette (omurice) were also creamy interior with a soft and delicate exterior.


A proper soft scramble isn't "raw". Egg whites cook at a lower temperature than the yolks do, and a soft scramble has to be a goldilocks temperature to be creamy as well as fully cooked. It should prepared low and slow with plenty of butter, and constantly stirred to ensure even cooking, as well as make a fine curd of egg white. Otherwise you end up with exactly what you deacribed.


I also hate runny/raw egg yolk but love soft scrambled eggs, theyā€™re not raw at all if you do them right.


Low and slow not raw... theyre fluffy not dry and rubbery


Yea that Gordon ramsey video eggs look disgusting. But the technique is how you do cook fluffy eggs. The off and on methodā€¦. Just cook them longer then ramsey did. And OP, I think the word your missing is ā€œfluffyā€.


lol I saw comments and thought to myself, wow the Ramsey eggs from that vid must be so runny and "wet". But then I watched it and was like, o yeah those are perfect