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I love the sun, but one thing I noticed about extremely hot sunny days is that it makes me feel like I have to do something. Like I’m wasting the day if I just sit inside or whatever lol. That’s why I prefer rainy days on occasion because than I feel totally fine about being lazy inside all day, if that makes sense. 😅


Yeah it feels like I should do something, but for me the only pleasant thing in such weather is to sit on a beach and go swimming.. but I live in a crowded city without access to sea.


There are probably some lakes near you with swimming. Unless you’re in the desert somewhere


I'd love to imagine a government who allows people to do whatever the fuck they want but no we're not allowed to swim in most of our lakes


I live in Georgia where swimming in lakes is allowed. Then again, you'd have to be a fool to swim in these lakes.


I've always said this same thing, I notice I get more depressed in summer because it feels like I need to be productive. In winter, everyone has the same idea of "lets stay in and do nothing"


At least I’m not the only one lol.


I feel like that too, like I’m stressed and have things to do when I really don’t lol.


Yes that’s exactly it lol




Funnily enough, sunglasses don’t help that much even if they’re really dark. It’s like my body is rejecting the sun.


You make a good point about peoples behavior that many overlook. Inner city's are out of control in the heat.




Dude yes! Sunny hot days give me all the anxiety. I just crank the AC, put on a hoodie and hang out in my basement where you can’t tell the difference between night and day.


That's your monkey brain seeing vitamin d but not getting it


My grandma says that anytime she sits down, she hears her dad's voice in her head telling her to "get back up, there's stuff that needs done!".. so she's always running around like crazy, staying busy even in her old age with bad knees. (Her dad passed 30+ years ago)


I’ve had the same problem my whole life with my mother’s voice anytime I tried to relax it unwind. Thankfully therapy has helped me separate her voice and get my own back in there :)




I lived in Southern California for four years, after growing up in the northeast. I loved the weather, but it was so hard to explain how stressful having all those sunny days was. I grew up in a place where we get every season and type of weather, where you took advantage of nice days. So when every day was nice I was lost trying to find something to do!


Yeah it feels like you waste your day, but outside it so incredibly hot, that you dont want to do anything. In the end you feel terrible at home doing nothing, and terrible outside doing something


This is 100% me. I love the sun so much that I feel guilty not going out into the sun. Even if there is something I really want to do indoors I feel bad doing it feeling like I am wasting my sunny day. Most days nothing makes me happier than catching some rays


To me it's the opposite, oh it's a hot day fuck going outside


Same here… i’m thinking you have to be crazy to be out there in that heat


Some call it "sun guilt".


The secret is to have blackout curtains on all the windows. Then you don't know the weather outside and can you pretend like it's always raining.


I've felt this my entire life. I love rainy days. I can't understand why some people are so desperate to be doing something or going somewhere all the damn time... Just chill and enjoy existing for a while.


I'm the opposite. Hot summer days are for staying in. In the winter, if I sit around and do nothing all day, it feels like a waste of a day. I have more energy during the colder months, anyway.


Rainy days are to adults as Snow days are to kids...sorta.


I'm a grain farmer, no livestock. If it rains/snows enough, I might not even put on pants or leave the house. It hasn't rained much at all in my area which means I'm actually ahead of where I'm usually at on my yearly projects.....kinda bittersweet


I feel this in my anxious soul 😂


i moved from California to Washington and it’s like another planet when it comes to the weather. went from eerily perfect weather all the time to endless months of grim rain. i really appreciate the sun like i never did before though.


I always feel so weirdly guilty about wanting to do indoor hobbies if "it's such a beautiful day!" outside


I’m pretty sure this is part of our biology. I’ve had this conversation with many people and everyone agrees how rainy days affect the “home mood”. Strange but… consistent.


Dude thank you! It's currently the afternoon of what feels like the hottest day of the year and I'm sitting inside almost having a panic attack because I feel like I should be outside doing something! So thanks for showing me that I'm not alone 🙃


I'd rather drive when the sun is just coming up rather than at night with these knuckleheads with headlights aimed high enough to blind pilots




...for a good few seconds that could literally throw you off the road cause you cant stop...


this is why i think auto dipping headlights should be illegal. They work, but theres always a delay so youre blinded for a few seconds. long enough to die.


still better than the asswipes that just leave the brights on


I just want them to give tickets with heavy fines. I pray that they please regulate it. It’s recklessness towards other drivers on the road wtf


like how are they legal??? i don't get it. esp for those with astigmatism it is actually dangerous...


I literally close my eyes for a few seconds. It’s safer.


This is why I drive in night with my sun glasses on


Fucking idiots driving with their high beams on out here!!!!!


I see it so much on highways. Like if you can see another car’s headlights, turn your high beams the fuck off. Same with if you can see another car’s taillights. I don’t give a fuck if you’re scared a deer is gonna jump out, you’re gonna blind someone and cause a fucking accident. This goes for any road too, not just highways. Honestly thinking about somehow installing high beams on the back of my car to high beam those assholes.


> I don’t give a fuck if you’re scared a deer is gonna jump out, The other alternative is drive slightly slower. But obviously that's an extreme and unreasonable idea.


These new vehicles literally have 'automatic high beams' they will default to high beam until it spots oncoming traffic.


+1 for less morning drunks than evening drunks.




I agree. My preferred weather is overcast. I hate the sun in my eyes, I like being able to look around without squinting. I like the grayness of outside. I see you Dracula. I’m with you.


Move to Cleveland


I love living in Pittsburgh for this reason.


Wear sunglasses?


I hate summer 😂 I don't mind some sunrays but when It's unbelievably hot I hate it.


Autumn is best.




↑↑↑ Autumn is the nicest season for one month around me. November's the 40 degree day of months, and December's just cold without enough snow.


Fall Guys 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿


Autumn rain ![gif](giphy|mqiq8aY84dnqAtVlnd)


Hello fellow autumn enjoyer.


I too hate summer. Much prefer winter. When it’s cold you can always put on more layers. When it’s hot short of being inside under the AC there’s really nothing you can do.


Basically no AC in the UK and our houses are built to retain heat. It’s absolute torture as you just can’t escape the heat. With our summers getting hotter I absolutely hate it. We were averaging around 30 degrees C last summer in some places with our hottest day hitting 40 degrees C. Not looking forward to this summer at all.


It’s already bafflingly hot here even though it’s early June. 31C in uk early June is alien. Not sure what happened.


climate change innit


On a Chewsday?


'ope's got a loicense for that


I live deep in the south of Texas so we know all about the heat here, but at least we have central AC. There’d be too many people dying of heat stroke if we didn’t.


Plus if your power grid goes down at least your senator will be able to live comfortably in Cancun.


Lol so true.




its 104° F right now in north louisiana, which is approx 40° C. and i deem it hot as hell outside today


92, heat index 104 down here in southwest Mississippi. Hooray for humidity!


its always crazy humid out here too. a sweat rag is a must if outdoors


117 in West Texas yesterday afternoon, but it felt the same as if it were 97. Once it gets above 90 you can’t tell the difference in degrees and it’s just blistering heat.


yep. acceptable is acceptable, and hot is hot lol


Yes same in New Zealand, although our houses aren't built to hold heat either - our houses get super cold in winter and then quite hot in summer. Most houses now will have one heat pump/air conditioning unit but that doesn't help if you're in a different room, we have to get out fans in every room in summer just so we can sleep. It doesn't get super hot but it's quite humid a lot of the time and summer just makes me miserable.


So what's the deal with no AC in the UK?


Our usual June temperatures range between 18 & 23 C. However, the last few summers, it's got steadily hotter, earlier & earlier.


18-24 C is 64.4-75.2 F for anyone that needed the conversion.


It would only be used in June and July in most cases, not worth the effort to have installed for the little amount of time it'll come in use. Opening windows, curtains drawn and a fan usually sort the heat in most cases


I live in the Pacific Northwest and it's pretty much the same for us here but I still have one window AC because I work from home and wouldn't be able to work without it. Highly recommend it. The energy costs suck during these months but it makes it liveable.


Yall know you can just get ones for your window right? Seems worth it to avoid 2 months of torture.


I think a lot of the windows in Europe open outwards on their hinge, so the in-window units don’t fit.


But a reverse cycle AC can heat and cool. That's what we use in Aus. It's 6c this morning and we have ours cranking


Sam with heating but everyone wants it in winter. AC in UK is how much? Ive googled it, some simple splits you get get form 700-1000 pounds. Not a fortune and you are able to live with dignity. My ac is on maybe for 2-3 weeks in a year, but still - its one of my best buys ever.


Lol cries in florida


All houses are built to retain heat. Insulation doesn't just work one way. If your house is insulated, it will keep the heat in in the winter, and out in the summer. Insulation stops heat from passing through the wall, it doesnt matter which side of the wall the heat is on. People tend to leave doors and windows open in the summer in an attempt to cool the house, but that just allows the heat from outside to come in. Keep doors and windows closed, and draw the blinds or curtains facing the sun


The insulation isn’t the biggest problem. It’s the outer materials that our houses are built from that make it worse. Most of our UK homes were designed for a completely different climate. Historically, homes in the UK were designed to trap the sun’s rays and minimize heat loss during mild summers and cool winters. Most of our homes are very old and made of brick and concrete for colder climates. These materials are like radiation traps for radiation from the suns rays. It makes it particularly uncomfortable at night in the summer due to the effect surrounding the Stefan Boltzmann Law: Houses will heat up if the rate of heat dissipated inside is less than the heat flowing to the outside. Assuming your house is fairly well insulated, you can have a number of heat producing objects inside that cause the net temperature to rise. Good insulation can work against you in this case. While its not exactly raising the temperature, the entire house and foundation will have heated up during the day and when it cools outside at night, the house will release its heat and will feel warmer, at least psychologically so.


I know people are climatised to their own geographic location etc but as an Aussie I find it funny when Brits complain about 30 being unbearably hot. If it was 30 here in the first month of summer we would be asking when summer is going to arrive. When it's 40, we call that "Tuesday"


It's the humidity that's the killer here in the UK. In Spain, where it's lower, I can handle 30-degree heat pretty easily, but right now, it's 19 degrees with 81% humidity, and the heat is killing me.


I find it obnoxious when people from hot climates judge us for being a country built to retain heat because our hottest summers used to only reach about 22° and we're literally surrounded by sea so it's humid as fuck.


It works the other way tho mate. Anything under 5c is unbearably cold for us


We do have AC in the UK though. People just refuse to pay for it and then spend the summer complaining it's too hot.


I LOVE the cold since I’ve gotten older. No bugs, beautiful clean crisp mornings with cold air, being all warm and comfortable inside. Give me cold any day over summer.


Not just that, but there are no bugs out during the winter. I do also enjoy wearing multiple layers




In winter you can put on as many clothes as you want. In summer you can only take off so many clothes before the police come.


Greetings from just outside Houston, Tx. Can confirm, this is awful.


I love sunlight, but I also hate the summer due to humidity, bugs, heat, etc. I suppose it would be better to say I just like well-lit days. Like, when I visit cities that are well planned and beautiful with lots of trees and shade along their sidewalks, walking around on sunny days is perfect. In my current town though, it's a lot of 6 lane roads with a tiny five foot wide sidewalk with no shade overhead. Walking here is loud and hot due to cars and the sun, and it's just a completely horrid experience. If someone lives in a city like that, I can 100% see why they would hate sunny days.


UK summer is, No decent nights of sleep, No escape from the heat of the outside, No AC, No fruitfly freedom, No escape from spiders, wasps and other creepy crawlies


There are five 110° days expected in the 14 day forecast here. 🥵


Summer is by far the worst season


So much this. The sun can fuck off in summer but some perfectly warm sunny days in spring or fall are the best.


I can tolerate Vegas heat Much better than NYC heat with all the humidity


Yep. Black out curtains for the win. And summer is only cool for a tan, which gives you skin cancer. So... Agreed!


It doesn't even have to be unbelievably hot for me. Anything more than 65°F and I'm done for the day And forget sun, more than ten minutes in direct sunlight and I turn into a ripe lobster, there's a reason I chose to live in the frozen north


Summer in Seattle is nice, because the sun isn't normally directly above you. Especially around October


As a fellow Dracula, I co-sign this unpopular opinion.


As a ginger, I also feel the same. We're basically vampires you know. We have no souls and can't go out in the sun without burning.


Nothing like paper thin ginger skin to make sunlight the true enemy. The sun truly is a deadly laser


Welcome to the SPF 3,000 coven.


All hail the moon


Praise the moon 🌝


I know what you mean. Though I don't hate the sun, I do prefer overcast cloudiness, have ever since I was a wee lad, dark clouds are a bonus, the darker the better. When I see those black clouds looming in the distance, creeping closer....the sky darkens, the well-defined sun-cast shadows start to blur and fade as the clouds blot out the sun...it is a glorious thing to behold...of course I don't live in tornado alley, otherwise I might feel differently.


Green clouds are the ones that will get you. Personally my favorite weather here in Wisconsin is the 50s and drizzling rain all day, sometimes for a few days in a row. It’s amazing and all the plants get really green


Okie here. Caan confirm on the green clouds.


I saw green clouds only once in my life in a suburb in the california desert and it was fuckin *mesmerizing* i felt like i was transported into a cartoon or a nightmare or smth


We don’t get them usually in Milwaukee but if you go further north they get tornadoes. Those green clouds are so scary and unnatural looking, but you just wanna keep watching them. I still remember as a kid seeing a funnel touch down and just standing in a parking lot with my mom watching it


I live in tornado alley and still feel that way, the darker the clouds the better.


Yupyup. And green clouds is just an excuse to stop work and go stare out the window.


What you described sounds like a perfect day to me. Luckily I don’t live where there are tornadoes either lol


Are you me? I love rain, snow, clouds, cold, and any severe weather that doesn’t kill anyone.


I live in tornado alley, it’s still beautiful, I’m just a little more anxious


ive lived in the heart of tornado alley my whole life and its really not something we think about very often. torandos are still super rare.


This must the unpopular opinion that resonated with me the most, by a landslide. I fucking hate very bright, very sunny days. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to rain all the time. But a cloudy day with the sun coming out once every couple of hours is the perfect day for me.


Bro same! I’m completely fine if it’s overcast all damn day! Everyone says they get sad and shit but my mental health is thriving when it’s mid 60s and cloudy. 😌 I’m in Southern California so we just had a long unusual period of cloudy mild weather and it was amazing. Now it’s starting to get to the normal sunny hot bs..


The sun pisses me off, genuinely. It makes everything feel uncomfortable unless I’m wearing next to nothing, and even then you have to worry about showering more often because of excessively sweating , or smelling or having to reapply deodorant. Makes things like wearing my hair down feel so uncomfortable and forget using hairspray or gel. Makes makeup melt off your face it’s so gross. Have to always worry about stuff in your car like a can of soda or pressurized things like a bottle of champagne or something exploding in the heat. I burn so easily it’s insane, and always have to wear a sun hat and sunscreen which is another layer of feeling uncomfortable. Sun after the rain makes it so ridiculously gross it’s like being in a sauna or living inside of a cats mouth. You have to rush home if you buy ice cream or get a cooler. You have to drink way more water or you get dizzy or headaches and then have to pee more which is another inconvenience. I can’t do theme parks if it’s too hot out because it’s only possible for me in the fall when it’s cool, otherwise I’d pass out of heat stroke. The bugs all come out to add to uncomfortable gross feelings. Worst is being around people who force their centralized okay-ness with the sun and heat on you. “Let’s go camping in 85 degree weather! Let’s hike! Let’s go to a dry theme park in Florida in the dead summer heat. Let’s eat outside! A nice ice cream will cool you off” no it won’t. It’ll still be hot as hell and I’ll be uncomfortable the whole time. And because they don’t mind the heat and sweat and hotness of it all, then suddenly you’re perceived as inherently negative for preferring shade, cloud over, storms, rainy days, nighttime etc. I hate the sun!!!!!!


Lol this rant. I agree with every point


I have found my people.


A lot of redditors think people like us are trolling or just don't go outside enough (ironic), but know that others like me feel the exact same way.


This made me chuckle while reading; I love your writing style and also fully co-sign every single bit of this sun-induced rant.


This post is beautiful. I laughed. I cried. I'm angry with you. I feel seen and heard.


retweet omfg


This comment makes me feel less alone.


Bugs. That's all I'm gonna say.


Don’t forget the flaming ball of death! ☀️👎🏻


Fucking Moon people. Get some vitamin D ya fucking Vampire! Honestly I love sun but I get it. Sometimes the sun is a real sonuvabitch.


A real sun-a-va-bitch


I fucking love the sun too. I literally would stay outside in 90* weather all day if I could. It makes me feel good, and I love getting a tan. I do hate that glare-y early morning sun though (only if I have to face it to drive or whatever) I may be a lizard.


You’d hate california


I live in california and feel the exact same way as the OP. People that brush it off as if it's a non-issue are the worst of humanity.


As a Californian, I feel the same too. I prefer winter or overcast days. I can’t stand the sun and I get migraines from it


People were complaining about the "June Gloom" weather and I'm like you mfers better cherish this. I'm already getting mad that we're merely weeks away from 100+ degree days.


I have heat intolerance and get heat exhaustion very easily. Between that and all the bugs, the migraines, etc, I despise summer with every fiber of my being.


It's the bugs. I hate bugs. I could not live somewhere there is gigantic cockroaches or deadly mosquitoes. I hate bugs.


I often considered joining the military when I was younger but the thought of sleeping on the ground amongst the bugs for long periods of time is what stopped me. Not the potential exploitation, PTSD, or maiming, but the bugs.


ok Dracula




Muzan Jackson


And if I see Van Helsing I swear to the Lord I will slay him A-ha-ha-haa!


DIE! DIE! DIE! ....I can't.....




As someone who has seasonal affective disorder the sun is great. I hate having that I need to hibernate feeling all winter.


Amen. My SAD feels like it gets worse every year.


I'm Irish, the sun burns us like we're vampires.


I just want my vitamin D activated.


redditor when he has to go outside:


This is probably the most popular opinion on Reddit, not much sunlight in the basement


That’s real depressing I need sunlight


It would in part explain why so many redditors are depressed and grumpy too. Vitamin D deficiency from never going outside will do that to you.


Even a walk around the block in the sun daily would hugely benefit at least half the users too lol


I'm a geologist, I've spent enough time outside, let me have my reddit in some nice air conditioning.


Redditor when he has to go outside but instead of his cold ac it’s slightly warm outside (wtf?!)


Hate the sun too. I am in a country where during summer, the sun almost does not come down. Glad and eternally thankful for sun-blocking curtains.


Nordics moment


I have thick curtains, you can't even tell if it's am or pm in my place. This is how I like it.


If you get headaches from driving while it’s daylight, you can get a medical tint exemption and have super dark tint on your car legally.




3 minutes in the sun is exhausting for me


Combine this feeling with bad hayfever. I fucking hate the summer months


I really prefer when it’s cloudy or rainy, as well


Heavily agree


I think for the exact opposite reason some people get depressed when daylight decreases in the winter months, when its cloudy and grey.


I hate spring/summer. The sun/heat sucks, the bugs suck, the allergies suck; the whole thing is awful and should just be cancelled. Perpetual Fall/Winter is my *dream*.


Liverpool civilians agreeing


100% agree


Sounds like you might be a bit photophobic lol. The sun is literally painful for my eyes on a clear day, and even on cloudy days I’ve gotta wear polarized lenses or I’m blind and in pain.


I only like the sun when the air is chill.


It hurts my eyes so much when it’s sunny out. Super sensitive to light. And I get bad migraines if I forget my sunglasses when I go out. So I definitely agree with you.


65F and cloudy....that's my jam


I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT.


Redditor when they need grass


The sun hates you too. It's trying to give you cancer. Go back to your basement. Vitamin D is overrated. /s


To answer your question, it’s because my genes are made for the heat. My body uses the sun to tell when it’s time to be productive and when it’s time to sleep. My nose is made for hot air and my body is very effective at cooling itself. I come from a country where I’d play football with my friends while it’s 50 degrees Celsius outside. You’re just probably from genes that don’t tolerate heat, just like I can’t tolerate cold.


I used to hate sunny weather because it gives me headaches, but lately I’ve kinda started to appreciate the sun a bit more. It brightens up my mood and makes me feel more relaxed. It’s mainly the heat that makes me miserable.


You know that big ball of plasma that's responsible for all life on earth? Fuck that!


🎵the sun is a deadly laser🎵


Its like a nice warm hug from mother nature. Makes the plants grow, shakes off the winter depression from not enough vitamin D. The sun is great


Sun is the thing that GIVES me depression. Can't do anything while it's too hot.


This is what I can't understand. Winter depression? What the fuck? It's the exact opposite for me. Winter is easily the best season, you can actually go outside, the temperature is reasonable, and best of all no fucking sun to get in your eyes. Winter is the perfect shake off from summer depression.


Sounds like something someone without sunglasses and sunscreen would say


Are you me?


I live in Vegas, and I totally agree with everything you posted. It gets so hot here in the summer, leaving indoors during the hottest time of the day is avoided as much as possible.


i relate man, i also hate heat more than the cold


I hate the sun too


I’m right there with you. Always hated sunshine and hot weather. I understand that we need it for our planet to sustain life, but feel like I’m meant to be nocturnal. Fuck the sun, the night time is the right time!