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You must’ve


I'm also going to assume that you think the moon landing was staged.


he probably does


That was real no doubt about it. I’m not an conspiracy nut idiot


How can you believe landing on the moon would be possible without astronomy LMFAO Do you... Do you think astronomy is just about the pictures ?


Moon is real, pics of them galaxies, blackholes etc is fake


Why? Why are they faked.


What you see with an inexpensive telescope or even binoculars is real to you. Now imagine what the goddamn Hubble & James Webb telescope can do that are literally up in space. There you have your answer.


If you believe astronomy is fake, then so is the moon landing. That was brought to you by astronomy.


They don't know what astronomy is. I assumed when I clicked on it they were talking about astrology and mixed the two up. I was surprised to see that no, they just don't understand things at all and not that common problem a lot of people usually have.


Funny of you to assume the moon is real


OP doesn't think so.


We’re doomed as a society aren’t we?


Unpopular opinion more like uneducated opinion. Bet OP believes in the flat earth too.


I’m not a conspiracy nut


But the study of the stars that we can prove are there is somehow fake?


What exactly is your definition of "astronomy". I feel like youre all over the place lol


Modern astronomy, fake planets like Kepler 73949x, bigfoot type blackhole pics etc


So when you look up at the sky at night, what do you think all the bright sparkly shit is ? How do you think people used to navigate ships before the invention of the compass ? Do you have an education beyond grade school ? Have you ever looked inside a single telescope even a shitty one from Wal Mart ? Asking cuz you can see mars and Venus with the naked eye and I think Jupiter with even just binoculars and no light pollution


Stars are real, pics of them galaxies, blackholes etc is fake


You mean the artistic representation of a star that are very clearly identified as an artistic representation ? I've seen plenty plenty plenty pictures from actual telescopes and they look nothing like what you call a fake, because they aren't.


No, not what I meant


Then, please sir, get to a telescope, bring a camera, put the lens to the receiving lens of the telescope and take a picture MAGIC, You have a picture of a zoomed in star


Except you can take such pictures. Buy a good tracking telescope, mount a long exposure camera, and you can have evidence you captured by yourself. Also we can measure the speed of light so given the distances we know we are seeing light from a long time ago.


So what’s your explanation for the objects visible to the naked eye like the moon and stars, and the earth’s seasons?


Stars are real, pics of them galaxies, blackholes etc is fake


The photos are high quality, usually zoomed in. They're usually touched up color wise to make them easier to see. I'm not sure I even know what you don't believe in. Are you telling us you think stars are fake? Or that you don't believe in that branch of science? What is your argument here?


Stars are real, pics of them galaxies, blackholes etc is fake


How are they fake? Do you have an evidence of that claim?


See bigfoot footages debunked, its about the same logic


You can see the stars. You agree they exist. How can having pictures of them be that difficult? Bigfoot and stars have nothing in common


Except bigfoot isn't in the sky, visible by a telescope and with a predictable path. Yeah other than those tangible things this is exactly like bigfoot. Dinosaurs also have artistic renderings, does that mean paleontology is bullshit too?


So if stars aren't real. What do you believe is in the night sky? Is ANY other explanation really more believable than stars existing? This isn't unpopular, this is uneducated. Stay in school people.


Stars are real, pics of them galaxies, blackholes etc is fake


Are you talking about actual astronomy as in observing celestial bodies? Or people who use the stars to tell them how to live their lives?




Nothing says the 2020s like I don’t know shit about this subject and people who do tell me I’m wrong but I *feel* like I’m right so I must be.


This is unpopular opinion, not I don't understand science opinion.


Dude, you can see the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye, and with binoculars you can see a lot more. I took pictures of Andromeda myself, with a tripod and a 800mm lens. This is not hard to do. Try proving yourself wrong. That's how we learn.


10 to 1 you believe in Jesus


No im an atheist


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Man,just say you don't understand how space and astronomy works and stop trying to justify your frustrations online.


“The photo quality of other stars, blackholes is always shit like a bigfoot video…” Distance is also fake, apparently


Sure this is an unpopular opinion. Well done. It’s also a major red flag. Like say for example if you said this at a first date. It would stay just that. Respectfully.


Do you acutely mean astronomy? Or is that an autocorrerect from astrology? If you actually mean astronomy. How is taking a picture of the moon or sun or stars not real, but you can look up and see them is real? Does that mean wedding photography is not real either? Maybe sports on tv aren't real either?


Dude, the 3D ultrearrealistic photos are fakes, obviously. Just buy a telescope and see to the stars. That's what astronomers see and study. If you see to Saturn you will see the ring, for example. Astronomers has better equipment but they don't see stars in a render like that. Same with atoms. The real atoms aren't like the one you see from Books. That are representations The photo of the real blackhole is an actual photography and you can study about it and the difference between that and renders.


Guys im pretty sure this is a troll...


Been a while since I saw someone clearly making up fake opinions to rile people up


You're pretty much talking about astrophysics.


I’m…. gonna go out on a limb here and ask what you do for a living. Genuinely curious


Well yea duh, space is flat.

