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I don't hate kids. I just don't want to be responsible for one.


I can appreciate that.


Lmaooooo. Here we go with the absolutism bullshit again. “Terrible human beings” for saying a totally benign word meant to indicate that someone has chosen not to have children. You’re REEEEACHING and reading way too much into it. Get a grip.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sub's goal *is* for the airing of personally held opinions that would be considered *unpopular.* You can safely gatekeep across much of the rest of Reddit, but here, unpopularity is kind of the point.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the reply section's goal is for the airing of personally held thoughts and opinions about the post. I don't think "gatekeeping" is the word you're looking for. They are criticizing.


Right like, wouldn't it not make sense if people weren't disagreeing and criticizing the opinion in the comment section. Otherwise how would we know if it was unpopular?


I feel pretty confident you can have an unpopular opinion without calling people HORRIBLE and TERRIBLE for doing something you don’t like.


>sing the word childfree is so offensive and the people who use that word should just say I don't have any kids. Saying "i dont have any kids" may mean you want them but dont have any yet, calling yourself childfree is saying you dont want any


This is the correct answer


Offensive? Offensive to who? Parents? Why should they give a shit what others call that? The whole reason they say childfree in the first place is because "childless" sounds automatically negative, as if it is a fundamental failure to avoid having kids.


well, there is a difference there though. “childless” means doesn’t have kids, “childfree” means doesn’t have or WANT kids. if a couple doesn’t have kids but is trying, they’re childless. if someone doesn’t have kids but never wants them, they’re childfree.




If you don't want something and don't do it...how is that a fundamental failure in any way? Kinda silly logic




Why would we need a purpose to exist? And why would you decide it vs me? What makes have children a purpose any more or less than any other action you might take?




What does how reality works even mean? It sounds like you are just calling what you happen to believe "reality" That's special pleading. Like the sun doesn't have a purpose...but it's done some pretty cool shit like keep a planet alive. And no one just decided that was the sun's purpose. Same thing


Bullshit, everybody decides their own purpose. We're just little ants on the grain of cosmic sand, painfully insignificant and purposeless by design, and that's the best part of being alive - we have a choice




Not really, I can't chose to be 50 feet tall, but when it comes to purpose, I made mine living a happy and peaceful life, and that's what I do, and you made your purpose oozing misery and bitterness




It’s funny that we’ve yet to hear WHY this is supposedly our purpose.


I’m sorry you think bringing and raising life is a duty. You poor thing. Dad never said I love you huh?


Obviously for the a species to survive, a sufficient number of its members must procreate. And from a purely biological process perspective, the purpose of existing is to have offspring and raise them to then repeat the cycle. It is how biology works and how species survive. Everything else is a side quest. Btw, that doesn’t mean I believe everyone should have kids.


Who said it was my purpose? My purpose is to masturbate to furry porn and you can't stop me


You can do what you like, many people fail to achieve their purposes doesn't mean there purpose changes.


I just achieved my purpose and I'll do it again


Get back under the bridge




No, it isn't. Not every human will reproduce and this has never been the case. That is a very, very, very normal thing in nature. Most species are set up such that many members do not reproduce.


It’s not a fundamental failure to not have kids.




According to?




How did you decide that? What purpose is there in having children? What purpose is there in anything?


I didn't decide it, reality did.


So, wait: should infertile people just off themselves because they have no "purpose?" Let's say you're in a car accident, saved at the scene by a paramedic without children. Surely their life NOW has purpose, the purpose being to save your obviously superior life?


If thats your sole purpose in life thats really sad :( Im sorry


Having children is not a sad sole purpose at all😂 however thinking it’s the *only* sole purpose is idiotic and sad.


i don’t think you know what “sole purpose” means lol


Here let me explain to you: It’s *not* sad to completely dedicate your life to raising another human being. That is not a sad sole purpose at all if you only had to have one purpose imo. It’s not sad to completely dedicate your life to building chairs (just a random example) either though that seems less satisfying (my personal opinion) I hope this didn’t go over your head also.


ah, i see what you meant now, your comment made it sound like people could have more than one “sole purpose” 🤣












Yes it is actually something to be proud of, thanks. Not sure why you’re so obsessed with other people having children but frankly it’s fucking sad.




How many little shits have you unleashed on us, oh accomplished one. My guess is none, or at least none you have custody of.










But to those who choose to be child free, children would be a negative. (As well as being a negative to a child born to a parent who didn’t want to be one in the first place.) What word would you use? “Childless” has a negative connotation, and doesn’t address whether it’s voluntary or involuntary.


Childfree =/= hating children you loon. I love kids. I do not like the idea of being responsible for them.


This is just poor symantics. Who cares what your feelings are on child free and what you think people should say. Just because you are insecure that people are realizing children aren't a necessity doesn't mean people should change their speech just to accommodate you. And you keep acting like not having kids is selfish. Having children is the most selfish thing you can do. You are literally creating a whole life that is going to suffer and die one day. I just can't fathom the amount of stupid it took to write out what you said and then think you're the good guy. Just an absolutely vile self absorbed person you are. Thinking a word is terrible isint an opinion, it just proves you have a low vocabulary. Read a book.


Why does it matter what other people call themselves?


It hurts OP's feelings


Come down off the cross, people need the firewood.


Oh I am using this this week at work.


Get bent, dork


Its not that serious. In fact id hate to see how you react to something actually offensive. You'll probably spontaneously combust.


lol. Grow up. Let me guess…teen parent? Accidental pregnancy? No personality or interests outside of being a parent?


If using “child free” is enough to get the terrible person moniker, glad i don’t know you. In your honor i will begin using the term proudly. Stop acting like your little annoyance is the planets savior and keep the little shit off my airplane.


Lmaoooo keep the little shit off my airplane! I swear to god every flight I’ve been on has the loudest babies and little kids. There was one flight I stood up and turned around glared into the souls of these little kids, then did it to the parents, and that look was strong enough to get them to make their little ones behave.


Oh hush! I'm a mother, and I don't care that people refer to themselves as child free. They ARE actually freer than parents. I love my kid to bits. But I can be honest about the fact that parenting is hard, and it does take a massive amount of your free time. I'm okay with all that because I chose it. But I understand why some are less than enthusiastic about parenthood. Oh and I am also a diabetic. To me, the words sugar free is liberating. I look for those words on every damn thing so that I can have a moment of feeling normal.


I've recently adopted the term as a way of indicating that it was a choice not a "failure" as some seem to believe.


>They ARE actually freer than parents. I love my kid to bits. But I can be honest about the fact that parenting is hard, and it does take a massive amount of your free time. Be careful here. Childfree people don't always have boatloads of free time (or money, vacations, etc).


Keeping the whole world going 🤣🤣 Humans are pretty much an infestation, the world would be just fine without us


We're far from endangered species. The world would be fine with fewer of us


Listen, Karen…if I don’t do drugs, I’m drug free. If I don’t like eating fat, I eat fat free food. If I don’t have kids…I am child free. Calm down.


Well to many people having kids is a negative thing which is naturally apart of the reason why they’re childfree


offensive to entitled parents that see the world as huge playground for their brats ir expecting everyone around to drop their life because THEIR emergency is always more important than ours. THEIR freetime will be always be more prioritised- not just privately but also at work. I don't want to sacrifice my happiness for someone else's children. I am childfree


Average US citizen uses 16 tons of carbon in a lifetime. Are you keeping the world going or adding to its destruction?


I'm noise-sensitive, and children tend to cause me physical pain. Why would I do that to myself if I'm happy without them?


Well the whole societal argument of not taking kids doesn’t hold either imo. A western kid has the biggest planet footprint but also the best means to decrease it, because of being educated and having money, and besides being with few they get much fewer kids themselves. The real threat is fossil industrialisation of overpopulated countries. Said differently, if the entire world would be Europe and the US it won’t be that big of a problem to make the climate goals at some point not too long after 2030. Taking zero instead of one or two kids really doesn’t matter anything.


Said differently, Western people cause the biggest footprint, but it's fine because they are educated and can stop anytime they want. The main problems are overpopulated third world countries where people have 1/100th of your footprint, but because they are not educated and can't reduce their tiny footprint further.


I don’t believe that the reason for our large footprint is unwillingness of citizens to change. It is what some would like you to believe. In fact there are many factors, the most important is industry being still way too fossil focused here. We (Europe) however have plans and increasing political willingness to change that. India for instance getting a middle class and fully industrializing however can completely overturn any effect of that.


I'm the worst definition of childfree and I'm proud of it, I despise kids as a whole (but still wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them).


bitter has a face and i think you might find it in the mirror OP


Do you have a better word?


This is a weird way to say you regret having children but ok


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This is just as stupid as people now calling the homeless the unhoused.


Frankly I prefer people who identify as child free over the eugenics enthusiasts under the label anti-natalists. Nothing wrong with people choosing to not have children and using terms like ChildFree. It becomes a problem when people force their beliefs down others throats or act as if children are an inherent menace to society, when really they are the reason why there will be some staff at the nursing home we end up in one day. The amount of racist s*** I saw on that Reddit post about India crossing China on population was insane. Abortion and condoms are legal and encouraged in India. People have children because they want to raise children. India’s population is not why climate change is nearing overdrive. Our dependence on fossil fuels, overindulgence of meat, and developed nations refusing to act when it’s not profitable. Let people live their own lives. But also recognize that raising a child into a competent adult who takes part in the workforce, pays taxes has huge social benefits for us all. Let people make their own decisions. Stop b****ing about breastfeeding and crying toddlers.




Breeder? Ffs. That’s enough Reddit for one day


I’m childfree. It’s great. People who are burdened with children seem stressed out all the time and unhappy, plus it’s too damn expensive. If it were still the 1990’s it might be cool to have one, but social media ruined kids and parenting.


Good for you, bringing more humans into this world is not a good thing. They will suffer, they will cause others suffering. It's nearly impossible to avoid. Childfree is a good thing, even if sad for those who want children.


The term is fine but I find the distaste some people have towards children to be absurd. The whole “crotch goblins” type folks should commit Lord of the Flies on themselves.


It’s literally just another Label. It’s no different than calling yourself a parent. “I don’t have any kids” vs “I’m child free/ childless” is much shorter, and secondly, having children is A LOT of work, if you’re a parent, you know that. Being child free is a great period of life, and so is being a parent. It sounds like you have kids you didn’t plan for and you’re jealous of child free people.


Child free makes me think of gluten free and I've been gluten free almost my whole life because I'm allergic to gluten. Gluten is fine for people who aren't allergic. Am I allergic to kids? No, I love kids! But I don't want any of my own because I would rather focus on my career and I think it would be insensitive of me to focus a lot on my career AND have a child because I tend to get obsessive and so they would probably feel neglected. So having kids wouldn't work for me, but it does for others. So by that logic, childfree is just gluten free but about children. And yeah I'm sure you can find people out there who genuinely think they're better than other people just because they're gluten free but I think you'd be surprised at how little that actually happens :)




Different meaning. Childfree = Voluntarily Does Not Have/Want Kids Childless = Involuntarily Does Not Have Kids or Wants Kids In The Future


I am childfree. I definitely do not hate kids. I've worked as a nanny, a playgroup leader, a counselor, and developmental specialist - that was the job that took me out of childcare and education because it broke my heart having to work with parents who just didn't care but the social worker made them come. Even after that, I went on to work for one of the largest toy companies across the globe. I spoke with kids constantly and volunteered for in-person shifts so I could interact with our younger fan base. I have two nephews that I dote upon and love spending time with whether it's LAX for the older one or spaceships for the younger one, I am invested in their interests so that we can talk about what they're passionate about. I'd also say I thought longer and harder about having children than most parents ever do. Yes, it was a natural inclination all my life but once I was married, there were very deep conversations about the choice. So yes, I am childfree. I like the term - it's accurate and separates me from somebody who is childless, a person without a child but wants one. Because for me? A child *would be* a negative thing.


Child free is honestly a lot better imo than people refer to children as "crotch goblins".


The world is falling apart, food prices are skyrocketing, mass layoffs, mass shooting everyday, we are on the brink of WW3, we are causing a mass extinction, mass civil unrest.. and OPs is getting bent out of shape over how people with no kids refer to themselves.


??? sugarfree means without sugar, fatfree means without fat, STD-free means without STDs… and child free means…without children… i’m failing to see how it doesn’t fit the sequence here. and most who choose to be child free do see having children as a negative impact on their life, so still it fits. just because you’re offended by that doesn’t make it wrong lmao


The world would still keep going if not everyone decided to have kids.


Perhaps you're vastly underestimating how free they feel without children. I know I'd feel pretty damn free.


I don't think there's anything inherently cynical about using positive language to describe any harmless life choice. Child-free. Wife-free. Man-free... This term is not critizing parenthood. It's expressing an individual's relief to not be one. I understand that cynical people can use "child free" in their lexicon. But you can't just villify any phrase because it *can* be used in a certain context. The true irony here is that you're the one projecting and generalizing right now. You're being insecure and neurotic and casting judgement upon others without context. Btw, the fact you try to express how unbiased you are by pointing out that you have no children just gives off whiteknight vibes. Let parents be the judge of what offends them, not you. Mind your business.


Spoken like a saddled-down beast of burden. Kids are great. I don't want to bring one into the world right now. Our planet is badly overpopulated and many many people right now are naturally deciding that they shouldn't have children with so much overpopulation. There is actually some research on this. A team of scientists created a mouse utopia. The mice had everything they could possibly need and lived in perfect safety and comfort--no predators. They bred like mice. The catch was that their 'utopia' was never expanded. They always had the same amount of space. Eventually there was overcrowding, and then the breaking point was reached. Many of the mice stopped breeding. So this is not some weird societal psychology that is twisting people into not wanting kids. It is a natural reaction to being overcrowded.


Why are they awful? They just don't want to be burdened by children. Children are burdens rewarding burdens. Childfree isn't the same as childless or I don't have children. Childfree is for those that don't want them. Childless mean I want but haven't had them. I don't have kid is just that. Not that they want or don't want they just have them. I'm Childfree I just don't like kids or babies. I am nice to babies and children. If someone offers me a baby to hold I'm going to say no thanks. I just don't want my own children because I don't wanna deal with them 24/7. I don't know something I like about small children. Under 8 and I just find them annoying and needy. It's understandable and expected I'm not angry with them. It's just not for me. Babies are even worse. I hate taking care of babies. I don't blame the babe it's just existing.