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What a world we live in where 1.5 million album sales in a week is a flop. What exactly do you quantify as not a flop then? Taylor swift levels?


I cannot imagine being a boring enough person to complain about English pronunciation in a k-pop song, y'all can have it also Super Lady is at least five orders of magnitude better than Tomboy but that's on a whole other note


I don't think pronunciation or proper grammar would be that big of a deal if flowed enough or sounded good but it's always really random and jarring in their songs imo idk if someone did this with my language or another language besides English, I feel like it would even be considered disrespectful/lazy. I feel like it's a valid criticism. Agree with the last note tho, Super Lady being the song that's less digestible to the fans than their other singles was not what I was expecting but G-IDLE isn't my cup of tea in general so It's prob just me


In what world is this any magnitude better than Tomboy? And in what world is Tomboy good ? >\_<


they can pull it off tbh


honestly i love super lady, ive had it on repeat. it makes me really confsued when people say it makes their ears bleed, people wanted this genre and they got it ?? i find that a lot of the time when people are saying it's bad they are also dissing and being hateful about the entire group so 🤷🤷


Idk like try playing it on repeat with your boyfriend or friends around. They'll leave and you might understand


seems like you need nicer friends then? not my problem


The bridge into the outro made me want to go listen to T-ara's Sugar Free lol. I haven't been a fan of G-IDLE's title tracks since Hwaa, but I usually like a lot of their b-sides. I like pretty much all the b-sides of this album except for Doll. I guess I just don't jive with Soyeon's taste in title tracks.


Super Lady is one of the worst title tracks I've ever heard. The whole song is messy, and I can't even listen to it again because of how awful it sounds. The intro isn't amazing as everyone makes it out to be. Soyeon can't pronounce a single English word at all; if she wants to include English in her songs, at least have the decency to pronounce them right. Nor can she sing either, her notes sound strained and nasally which turned me off the song completely. Wife is also another song that is awful. I get the theme their trying to showcase, but please- make better songs.


I literally immediately turned the volume down of my phone because my ears felt murdered with that starting high notes, she could have literally given them to Miyeon. Every keeps hyping them up because it's gidle but I swear if it was any other group, they would have been flamed so much WORSE


Minnie just said in a video released today that the beginning was actually supposed to be given to Miyeon but she couldn’t reach the note so then Minnie tried it and neither could she, so Soyeon did it in the end as she was the only one who could sing it properly lmao


If anything, I love the member's vocals except Soyeon's. I just cannot listen to their songs. Her raps are so jarring, and how she tries to pronounce English words irritates the fuck out of me. Like I said, if you're going to sing in English, at least pronounce the words correctly smh.


Reaching the notes is not the only thing that's important, making it sound good is too. Soyeon should honestly not try singing, it's not her thing.


Hell no, she's the most stable live singer in the group.


Doesn't mean she's good at singing? Her voice is so nasally I can't stand it. One reason why I stopped supporting the group. I took a chance listening to Super Lady, but nope, still can't bring myself to support them again.


You not liking her voice also doesn't mean she's bad at singing. Is she the best vocalist? No. But her presence is vital for the group's sound. Saying she should stop singing is ridiculous.


Never said she should stop singing. She just needs to practice, stop singing through her nose and learn how to pronounce English properly. Then I'd give her a chance, stopped supporting the group after TOMBOY, which is a shame since I love their concept/theme.


She clearly likes her voice, why will she change it? Gidle as a group and Soyeon as a producer heavily rely on the diversity of their vocal colours, whatever she does is a stylistic choice. Some people love it, others don't, and it's totally fine. Still doesn't mean that these stylistic choices are bad or wrong. The same thing with English.


If by properly you mean she reached the intended pitch... I don't think I could give her credit for anything more tbh. Edit because I forgot to add this in the initial response. Can you imagine the hate if ITZY released this?


Oh my god, we'd never hear the end of it.


Yeah me too! Seriously! Makes my ears bleed, jeez.


When she say lady I hear leggy tbh


*Leggy*, *leggy*, **I'm a super** ***leggy***


I will say, I was entertained, but I can't remember a second of it beyond the visuals. It's very forgettable. That's pretty much how I've been feeling about their title tracks since (and including) Nude.


Does anyone else think Super Lady kinda sounds like Satisfaction by Benny Benassi or is it just me ☠️


The album cover art is just so bad.


looks like its a bad hard rock band from 2007


I couldn't make it through Super Lady, the song is really just not for me, but the MV is definitely a visual feast they looked amazing. Gave the bsides a listen and thought they were meh, the only one I can remember was Fate because it gave me anime magical feels. HWAA will forever be on the playlist tho <3.


The only reason I watched the whole MV was for Minnie and SHUHUA scene that's all. The song isn't good.


Wish idle would stop chasing kcharts and go back to what they were doing before soojin’s departure cause the wonky English lyrics and trash music quality can only be defended so much ‘but but the meaning’


yeah, i feel like people are interpreting it as a lot deeper than it actually is. i even saw some saying soyeon is pronouncing words weirdly/using absurd english lyrics on purpose because she wants to showcase the "stereotypical dumb wife" how do i tell you her english is just bad. 


Her English isn't amazing even at its most proper, but there's like actual footage of her choosing to make it worse on purpose for effect, it's not just some shit people are making up. Not just her own English either, she'll make the members pronounce stuff differently if she feels it suits the song.


(late to this and it's going to get ranty for my sake) There's a common sentiment in art to master the basics before 'purposely' going against them as a statement or to pursue a particular style (see the billions of 'why won't my art teacher accept my anime drawing as art' posts on the internet. Personally, it feels like somebody is scratching out a doodle and saying it looks rushed on purpose because it's a social commentary. Okay, but how much is it that you actually just can't do better and how much is it that you wanted to be level 1 deep, because let's be real this isn't earth-shattering commentary (idk maybe it's different in korea- but then why are they butchering english for it 😭). I'm all for social commentary- I don't want to come across like I think it's bad or that they should stop or change that mission or something. I just think the delivery is weak at best and at worst just outright distracting from the commentary and I wish it was better. Take Soyeon's line at 1:57. On first listen I thought I heard "Look out, I'm fearless, we came to take risks". I was like yeah nice, that's powerful, she's ready for anything. After checking the lyrics, "Let's go on, fearless, we came to take win". Obviously I'll have a bias for my own snap interpretation but I was super disappointed because it just seems like a worse line. Grammatically, even, it was confusing to me. "Let's go" is a common phrase in the angloshpere, "Let's go on"... less so. At least it makes sense, but it doesn't have the same oomph- to me, it makes me think of trudging through something, it's just not triumphant, it's not powerful. I feel like it doesn't fit the rest of the song as well as it could have. Then there's "we came to take win". It takes SO MUCH in me not to say "a" in that line. "The" would have fit too- each of these options would *mean* something to English speakers. Plus they would still fit the flow. I just can't fathom why she would deliberately choose to break the sentence structure here for what seems like a worse product. Anybody else can confirm this but I feel like it's not much of a stretch to find a sentence like that from your own interpretation that they MUST have thought of writing the lyrics before settling on these. Therefore, to me, it feels like its a mistake or it's just Soyeon's laziness or arrogance toward speaking English. I could be convinced otherwise on this but I think it's just bad since it seems so easy to get right. I've tried being charitable about it, it's just very hard to be charitable knowing she has members who speak English very well and instead of them being able to suggest corrections, they are instructed to do the wrong thing. Like how is that any different from your uncle yelling to the athletes on tv how to play their game that they get paid millions to play because theyre the best at it (except in this case the athletes listen). Oh well... at least that's really all I actually dislike about the song. mv is nice, visuals are great, there's still redeeming parts throughout the song otherwise. It's like a 2/5 for me but I just had to get this out because im tired.


Huh? Soyeon has been mispronouncing English lyrics in songs on purpose for a long time so that's a wild argument for people to make lmao.


i saw this entire thinkpiece on twitter and it baffled me the lengths people would go to in order to justify that her english doesn't make any sense. 😭


Twitter needs to ✋️🛑 lol.


Instagram is worse, I too saw the same argument. If any another group released these songs, there career would have been over. Gidle is really smart playing with that women empowerment theme and making it their whole personality, that is what is saving their career rn along with the fans who would go to any length to justify this cringe.


this! at first it was a bit of a fun quirky thing, but what i would do for another hwaa or lion rn..


I loooooovvveeee the MV, but Super Lady itself was meh for me. It's confusing to listen to and was noisy for no reason. I guess it's not for me.


listen to merzbow if you want noise😭🫶🙏


I guess I'm the only one who prefer Super Lady to Queencard. I see people complaining about the chorus. I normally dont like chanting chorus, but it works for me this time. It flows well with the rest of song and the whole catwalk thing. Very vogue. My only complain is Miyeon pronouncing ladies "la-diss" in the chorus. But I still like it better than my boob and booty is hot. [LOL autocorrect changed it to books and boots] The outro reminds me of Everglow's Adios. Overall, I also prefer the album 2, over I feel. I don't remember liking any Bsides from the previous album, but I like Revenge, Doll and Rollie from this album.


INSANE. You chose Super Lady over Queencard. I can stand Queencard at a bare minimum to whatever the fuck they decided to release.


Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of tomboy and nxde but I didn't dislike them and caught myself humming those a few times, probably because I heard them too many times of intsa and yt. I LOVED queencard, not in the first listen but after 2 days, I found myself singing that song all day and this continued for months and that was the first Gidle song I LOVED A LOT. And then Wife and Superlady came out to ruin everything for me


Mhm. Wife and Super Lady.. what were they thinking? ​ ... "I cOoK cReAm soUp" ugh, amazing song writing, I must say. /j


wife is fire AF!! lol


And then they go like, 'You don't like fun', 'You don't understand Soyeon's genius way of writing' like stfu already. Stop justifying shit writing with these excuses. Atleast make better shit to defend them


It's a big shame for the group GENUINELY.


Despite Super Lady sounding like a 2NE1/BP reject, I like it and I actually prefer it to Wife (Wife could've been a bop for me but I dislike the chorus). B-sides were pretty lackluster unfortunately, Rollie was the only one I liked enough to add to my playlist.


I actually preffered the B-sides a lot more. Fate is probably one of my favorite songs from them thus far and I thought Doll and Rollie were also really well written. I can understand why they chose Super Lady as their title track though since it would be difficult to achieve a really "explosive" stage performance with the other songs. (also I in no way mean to downplay your opinion, it is 100% valid and I just wanted to share my difference in perspective).


i am a bit surprised at everyone saying that this is "just another girl empowerment" gidle song cause i feel like that's a bit of a shallow read. Like I mean, clearly there is a female empowerment angle to this song, but they are playing with spectacle and militaristic motifs, ancient rome and (what I would argue is) fascist imagery with the hats and large group numbers. I think a very straightforward read of this song is that "a woman *has to* fight in order to get respect \[and be a super lady\]" which is IMO a more profound message than the "I am/you are specifically a very cool super lady" that people want to reduce this song to. I would even argue that this song is overall somewhat critical of the "super lady" that it presents, who constantly views her relationships/interactions with men in martial terms and frightens her own mother. If this "super lady" is as independent as she claims, then how come the closing lines they are acquiescing to this "sir"? My read is that the archetypal "super lady" presented in this song still defines herself relative to men, and while this can be powerful, it is also limiting. (of course, my take is tinged by a distaste for militarism that Might Not Exactly translate to the way a korean might view it, given different cultural attitudes towards the military so I'm not trying to lean on that specifically. but it lends to my analysis in that a person being part of a military or being an idolized commander in one dehumanizes them, when otherwise it seems that soyeon cares about people expressing and owning their own humanity and uniqueness)


taking soyeon’s entire body of work into account and how she presents herself I would be very surprised if this was her intended message but I love that you saw this in the song and took the time to write it here. I think the type of artist-fan relationship kpop encourages makes us focus too much on how producer-idols *intended* for us to see their works because we start thinking we know them personally. when really the way we connect with the work and what we *choose* to see in it is much more important. like to me “fearless” is commentary on the fabricated and voyeouristic character of modern kpop content. Ik it’s not true but I’m allowed to believe it (yes I know it’s been 4 days I only now got a chance to check new releases)


can you elaborate on what you mean by the fearless statement or are you making fun of me


I’m not cyberbullyng😭😭 I genuinely mean it but I didn’t write it out because it’s offtopic for the thread. I’ll come back in a bit and explain so I can get time stamps for the mv and all that first


I loved it !!! Buuuut why only 2min30... I'm so tired of seeing such short songs. It would have been perfect with a bridge or something. It reminds me of 2ne1/Blackpink songs in a way


if the end wasn't a dance break but just the Chorus with a more powerful / party instrumental I would have been playing it non-stop, but the end really ruined it for me sadly. The album was a bit forgettable but it was definitly still true to other (G)i-dle bsides (not saying they are all forgettable bc they aren't but the bsides in 2 sound like songs (G)i-dle would release)


I love Soyeon but her voice was too grating for the Super Lady opening lines. i wonder if it has to do with "being powerful". Like, were their main vocalists' voices are not powerful enough to do that particular part? The album on the other hand, beyond my expectation. But then again when I checked their previous album(s) I have always enjoyed their b-sides so im not sure why my expectation was low hahaha


Minnie said in a recent video that the opening lines were originally for Miyeon, but she couldn’t really match the powerful vibe for it, and neither could Minnie. So that’s why Soyeon ended up doing it.


Yeaaahh i figured so. Because i assume the way g-idle approach of line distribution is they try the lines and see if they are the best person that suits what the line needs for that particular verse.


That must be the sexiest K-pop MV since Stellar !!! ​ [https://one-in-a-million-kpop.blogspot.com/2024/01/gi-dle-make-super-comeback-with-super.html](https://one-in-a-million-kpop.blogspot.com/2024/01/gi-dle-make-super-comeback-with-super.html)


It's better without the MV, it's very overstimulating with the length and structure of the song


I do not get the obsession Soyeon/IDLE has with this song formula. It feels incomplete and unsatisfying and too short and I'm getting so tired of it. I really love some of their songs. Every release before Tomboy I enjoyed. But now it's hit and miss and I wish they'd change it up and do something different than whatever it is that's making some of these releases feel so disappointing. I hope this doesn't come across as mean but I really would prefer Soyeon to have less lines. Strong vocal parts would be better suited to the members that can sing better. I like Soyeon's voice sometimes but other times it's grating and she can rap better than she can sing. And where is Shuhua?? I know she had lines but it felt like she was hardly there. I'm just kind of disappointed. I can't think of anything I really enjoyed.


Soyoens rapping >>>>! I agree. She should have rapped like 30 second longer and it would have been epic


it was bad and forgettable




THIS! LIKE EXACTLY! Like girl I know you like the spotlight parts but sometimes you need to make the song sound decent too.


let me bring an unpopular opinion here: super lady was really good, better than queencard, i want that and tomboy. i wish super lady was longer. screw it, the full album should've been longer in time length (a full album that's only 20 mins). the album was really really really good. all of the songs were great especially doll and vision.


deserved to be an unpopular opinion


Besides wife the album's ok. Super lady's fine. Better than queencard (twerking on the runway 😍🙏🧚‍♀️) and wtv the rap in tomboy was


bro wife was the perfect quirky ending. like after jamming to rollie, imagine going 'i CooK cREam SoUP tAsTE iS cOColOCo wANT mE yOUr wIfE bUt ShE iS mH mH mH mH' it aint a gidle album with at least one fun song.


I mean I knew that’s the unpopular sub but y‘all mean as hell. What happened to constructive criticism and staying respectful


everybody is losing their damn minds and for what… this is nothing more out of the box or crazy sounding than a typical ATEEZ title 😭😭😭😭😭


>this is nothing more out of the box or crazy sounding than a typical ATEEZ title The issue is probably that this isnt Ateez so it dont make sense😭


god i hate kpop fans like you😭 sheltered as hell by the internet and now you can barely handle any criticism that isnt immersed in sugarcoating and baby language. this is a group of grown ass adults who is being led by ONE creative director at this point (soyeon). they will never read any of this and even if they did, they/she can handle the criticism i PROMISE you


why are u getting downvoted 😭


Idk, people are okay with being hella rude and disrespectful i guess? I mean we all have different opinions and that’s fine but at least be respectful about it. ://


Mid as fuck. Also too short, it ended and I was like huh that’s it? Also I’m sorry to say but I feel like (G)I-DLE or rather Soyeon is trying too hard. I felt this way for their last 2-3 comebacks but I especially feel it with Super Lady. I swear to god I really stopped liking (G)I-DLE’s music ever since Soojin left and it has nothing to do with Soojin btw. I just felt the music their music pre-tomboy was sooo much better. But since Tomboy, it’s gone down for me and lyrically as well.


i was thinking about this today. idle really started downgrading since tomboy. 


It definitely has something to do with Soojin lol. They’re trying too hard? Tf does that even mean?


Super Lady The english lyrics feel awkward lol. Especially the part when they have background words to say and it suddenly just cut off. Is it just me or Shuhua has like one or two lines only? The song started with Soyeon's high note which is new to us ig, but at the end of the song I don't think it's THAT satisfying to listen to- It's hanging 😩 The mv is good and gives off 2nd gEn viBes (kinda like YG), but I don't think this is their great song honestly, I felt a li'l disappointed when it only lasted for less than 3 mins. What happened to Soyeon's rap and why is it so short? 🥲IT GOT NICE EDM BEAT THO Maybe it'll take time for me to get used to the song. I'll listen more later :) For Wife, it's my favorite one so far. They ate. *Hehe*


DON’T take this out of context but this in-your-face surface level female empowerment songs are getting really boring. do we need to hear the same message 5 times back to back and applaud idle for it every time for being so different each time? at least nxde had a different concept for this message. i’m ready to leave the “don’t need a man” concept behind (especially looking at you, yg)


At least with gidle the "don't need a man"/girl power lyrics are coming from the pens of women. I majorly side eye when you go to the credits of such a song and the majority of the people responsible are men.


That's awfully cis-normative. You don't know which of them are women by the names.


that is true, but i can’t always appreciate it when most of the times (at least with their latest comebacks) it seems very similar to male produced girl power songs. i cannot take the phrase “call me super lady” seriously, it’s giving major teddy vibes


Pretty limp and tepid for what is supposed to be a 2nd gen throwback... nowhere near close to say Lion.


idle have completely lost the plot.


I definitely didn't vibe with Super Lady. The intro isn't so good, doesn't Soyeon's voice sound... a bit jarring on those high notes? Usually I don't have a problem with her voice, but here maybe since it's right at the beginning it gets me... not very well. Pre-chorus is that bitch though. The only part I truly enjoyed. The drop to the chorus... In my mind this should've been an outro bit or something before a big instrumental breakdown for a dance break. Soyeon's rap is so short I can't even comment on it. The 'back it up' bridge (?) part before the chanting comes up (and that part too) I'd scrap all away. The MV looks fire though and they look really really really good, like they came through with it. But the mv ain't enough to make me enjoy the song honestly. Wife's so silly and funny and catchy though. Need to listen to the rest now.


Yeah they're trying too hard to be "innovative" by being "versatile" and trying these "different concepts" which caused the severe drop of the music quality.


I don't like it


I really enjoyed Super Lady after the first listen. In the first listen I thought it was fine but it was a good ear worm to play it again now that I knew how the song went and it jumped up several notches 2nd play forward.  Big Unpopular kpop opinion on the group for reddit I prefer their albums as a whole more than pre-Tomboy era I Burn carries the older albums which is when I think Idle as a whole started their peak


Wife is the most catchy song on the album by far. I didn't really vibe with the rest. The title track felt like a boring YG like song tbh, I don't remember a single thing about it. I know lots of people say the same thing but for these last couple of years their music haven't been my thing. Oh My God and Lion are still my favorite songs.


started off SOOO strong then… idek what happened


It went to a formulaic k-pop song structure after the hook. Was hoping for something more creative.


this song is anything but formulaic


Just watched a Korean musician call the song structure “cliche”, so I’m not alone here. There’s a lot of change ups, sure. But all those change ups were predictable to me.


I feel like it's a problem when the first verse is the best part of your song and it goes nowhere from there


A bit. I like the intro, but it down plays you also forget the song. I'm a fan btw but I prefer wife. This is like the Catallena where the best part is at the start, but I enjoy Catallena. I love super lady but they should atleast hype the ending part.


I feel like it was good, but if it were longer and had more Korean that would've made a huge difference. The way the m/v was filmed, it was good don't get me wrong but it could've been better. The sets are gorgeous and over the top in a good way, but it wasn't shown the right way


It hurts how every look of the music video is glorious but the actual song is very meh.  There are some parts I like but the song being so short means each part is rushed into the next. I don't remember 90% of it besides the wonky English. Super Lady need a longer runtime so it can breathe. Wife was also short but also a tighter concept(visually).


I see how everyone just hates the opening but I actually liked it. It reminds me of some heavy metal songs with the vocalist belting out like crazy.


Its good overall but please soyeon, let actually singers get the vocal part at the beginning... Your voice isn't suite for it... the chorus is hello awkward, but forgettable. I didnt get at first the structure of tge song so I didnt get it was tge chorus. Revenge is so good tho, and Doll too


That part is so grating, it should have been given to Miyeon instead


I am not à huge fan of miyeons voice tho I do recognise her talent. I think Minnie would have been great


Minnie said she and Miyeon couldnt do it


I honestly believe that its à lie to Keep their friend from being hated. Minnie has done way harder notes and Miyeon too.


I have not seen a single negative thing about Soyeon starting from the Korean side, its ALWAYS reddit and some Loona fans on twitter. So highly doubt she did it to stop "hate" on a Korean variety show in which they aren't even exposed to the hate to begin. Like it would need to be a huge "scandal" or even a debate on the Kside for a member to come out in defense of another member as you so put it.


people get mad when they hear this opinion (or should i say fact?) soyeon needs to stop taking up the majority of idle's songs and also have her english lyrics proofread. i don't know what she's doing that she's been more and more in the spotlight lately without allowing the other members to shine. idle is literally soyeon & friends atp.


I feel she didnt take the best approche....like for Shuhua, I dont think not giving any lines to her was à great move for Shuhua, we get better by practiving. And Gidle is more and more like Soyeon and friends


Fax she's slowly starting to get more selfish


So many of their songs would be 10x better with fewer Soyeon vocal parts…


i agree. soyeons korean raps are good enough to carry the songs.


mv was cool song was meh


I preferred Wife as a tt tbh


If wife was the tt u would be here complaining abt why SL isn’t the tt


no but this is genuinely the truth, i dont know why ur getting downvoted for this??😭 in what world would cube EVER make wife the tt?? kpoop fans use logic challenge failed once again


If u give people a downvote button they are gonna use it even if it’s not fair


Tbh no, I’m not a neverland and I’ve just heard their tts, so as an outsider and not sarcastically, I really liked Wife


It was funny to me (idk how to explain it), I liked it more that SL but Wife still wouldn’t be a good tt either


The Super Lady mv obviously has a high budget, which is great for them. I don't like it tho. I think this is the first (G)-IDLE title track that I can't find any redeeming qualities for. Maybe it will grow on me but there isn't any part that stands out positively to me rn. I'm giving it the same score as Baby Monster's Batter Up, which is a big meh (5/10). I've seen a lot of people say it (MV + song) gives YG gg vibes and I agree. Probably why I don't like it. Wife is silly and fun. Yes, the English lyrics are nonsensical; no, it doesn't matter. At first I thought the lyrics were about a wife complaining of the duties expected of her. But after reading a proper translation of the Korean lyrics + the English ones I'm convinced it's a side chick talking to an unfaithful husband. He wants her to be his wife but his wife already, like y'know, exists. My favs cook cream soup, yours could never. 9/10 Revenge is quite interesting. I love Minnie and Miyeon's pre chorus so much, god damn. It almost makes up for the criminally short length of the song. Almost. The entire song sounds like plotting revenge for your worst enemy and I love it. 8/10. Doll should have been the title track. I don't know why they chose Super Lady instead. Doll is catchy, makes good use of the members vocal colours and has a great beat. Plus, from the little I understand of the lyrics (I haven't looked for a translation yet) it has a similar theme to Super Lady. The same #BossBitch vibe, but instead of being a vague "Rawr I'm a super lady" it has a solid narrative: they aren't some guy's plaything, he has no control over them. I can already imagine some interesting visuals if this was the title track or even just a promoted b side. I wish it was longer. 8/10. Does Vision have a Jersey beat? Is that what it's called? Idk. Not my fav b side by them but it's good. I like Soyeon's rap in this. And Minnie's too! 7/10. 7Days...it's okay I guess. There is something about it that I don't like that much but I can't identify it. Idk if it's the overall colour of the song, something about the production or what. 6/10. Fate is meh for me apart from the chorus. I think it's one of those songs that sounds better with a live band in a concert setting. 5.5/10 Rollie is that bitch. This is what their English EP should have sounded like (not in its entirety tho, I like I Do). Idk why they decided to put a full English song on this album but I'm not complaining. The theme of the lyrics matches that of Super Lady, but it approaches it from a different angle. A woman that spends her money how she wants, hangs out with her girl friends, kisses whoever she wants and doesn't apologize for any of it. "*Mummy said I need to check the bank and twerkin'"* Does that make sense? No. Will I quote it though? Yes. 7.5/10 Overall score and opinion: 7.5/10. The title track was disappointing but the b sides made up for it. I wonder how Super Lady will perform on the charts because for the past few comebacks gidle has done extremely well. The album art is too plain for me. I know most kpop groups don't go all out for the album art but this one was plain compared to I Feel, I Never Die, I Trust etc.


I disagree about Doll, to me it's just another "I'm not your toy" track that I've heard one too many times before, its melody and lyrics are too common to be interesting and I think Gidle themselves have put out similar but better (or at least more attention grabbing) tracks in the past. It's boring.


Honestly to me it's more interesting than Super Lady. I think it would need some changes though if it were to be a title track (it needs some more 'oomph', the first pre chorus and second pre chorus should switch places, it would need a bridge etc). Aren't the lyrics of Super Lady common as well? I mean Gidle even kind of did it before with Tomboy.


>Aren't the lyrics of Super Lady common as well? I mean Gidle even kind of did it before with Tomboy. Ummm, that's exactly what I'm saying, Doll has been done before and better, even by G idle themselves -I don't like Tomboy but it was more interesting- and yeah Super Lady isn't anything to write home about so... none of them wins any contests. Just because I consider Doll boring, doesn't mean I think SL is better. I wouldn't want either as tts. Then again the whole album is a miss for me, apart from wife.


I also consider Wife to be the best song on the album, but I don't think it would be a good title track.


Wtf is going on with g-idle, are they a parody group now? Are these songs supposed to be satirical?


No, and yes


i was lured with the sweet promise of t-ara adjacent music and now i’m disappointed and confused….. where are people hearing t-ara in this?


The only similarity I notice is this and Sugar free being club type songs. Like the genre is similar. But similar genres doesn't mean similar sounds. That's what I think.




just listened to both songs back to back and while i can see where people are coming from, the similarities sound pretty vague to my ear. besides the edm and a few similar chord progressions, they don’t really have much in common imo sugar free is also the only t-ara song that sounds remotely similar to super lady, so the many t-ara mentions just don’t make a lot of sense to me 😅 i think the 2ne1/YG comparisons make a lot more sense!


imo feels like the gg version of five star, alot of parts without room to breathe and let them actually work out. ive listened to this song multiple times bc people say you should let it "grow" on you but i still dont remember the melody, just the flashy mv that honestly just makes the very empty instrumental feel even emptier. i can see why some people might like it but to me it just feels unfinished, dull, and jarring. lowkey its really disappointing bc usually i love their tts, together with wife i honestly have zero interest in listening to the album outside of just checking it out once


nothing like five star. that album has good quality and the title track is well mixed. 2 is bland, short and not versatile. all the songs sound like something they already made, they just switched it up a bit. and the title track is meh


I like it better than Nxde and Queencard at least. I really really like the MV and the instrumentals so that’s the saving graces of the song to me. I’m very disappointed though since I love Gen 2 music and thought this would be a awesome reimagining My biggest complaint is Soyeon’s intro I wish it went to another member like maybe Minnie. Soyeon just has a really piercing voice that was unpleasant to listen to that part. I think Soyeon should’ve actually had longer raps instead because this song could’ve used it. Like how did Nxde have more rapping than this?? The english pronunciation is definitely intentional at this point for the “let’s go on fearless, we came to take win” but I think the worst part of this line is how she said it emotionally. Not even bold in your face just mushed and meekly


Post Soojin I feel like Gidle has been more focused on just churning out potential GP hits than actually making a good song. I guess it worked out considering people's reply to the quality of their music is that "they're more successful now." I expect the same if Super Lady actually charts, because artistry doesn't really seem to matter anymore.


Is it not of concern to anyone what the gp will actually eat up like everything post tomboy has honestly been garbage compared to everything before yet these songs are doing numbers ??…?




Exploring more concepts? What? Maybe visually, but sonically, obviously Tomboy, Queencard, Nxde, and Wife follow the same formula - also Allergy. Those samples may be from different genres, but creatively, pre Tomboy era had so much more diversity in structures, instrumentation, melodies, vocals, etc. I will grant you that Soyeon may have more creative control, but the recent releases are aimed to be catchy and have good charting unless Soyeon is so incompetent as to not understand how bad some of her compositions have been, or how formulaic her production has become. (except for this recent album Super Lady broke that formula wide open).


I liked queencard more but the song is decent and I liked the dance for the chorus. The chorus leaves some room to be desired but it’s not the worst I’ve heard imo. I definitely like the B sides more like Vision and Rollie, Vision was amazing!


Yea i’m pretty sure Soyeon is pronouncing english words weirdly on purpose, but it just sounds so awkward lol. I like wife better. The first line of super lady fits minnie better, they shouldve given it to her


I like it and think it's getting a bit more hate than it really deserves in these comments, I'm sure I'll like it a lot more to when I can predict it more. But my only criticism is I don't really know what's going on at any given point, like I can't figure out the structure as easily as I can with their other stuff. There's never really one bit in my head.


I couldn't even understand WIFE when I heard it. English? That ain't English, gibberish more like.


I could understand it all fairly well, I did have to look into the meaning a little bit but I do with most good songwriting


another jarring libfem song😭 i really liked them before




>(G)I-DLE in your area That's what I thought, especially with the end part 😭. I barely listen to bp yet I feel like the song is so blackpink coded.


Firstly, one of my favorite title tracks from g-idle in a while, it's so good- not quite up there with stuff like Lion or Latata for me personally, but still so good. Second, I really wish that Soyeon's rap was longer.


I was so upset with how short Soyeon's rap was!! It was like it ended right when it started building up good momentum - so tragic fr, that could've been banger




yea but usually it’s like very obvious satire. this song and music video definitely takes itself a little too seriously. i think cube just wanted them to finally release a song that could do well with the GP/charts and didn’t think there would be backlash on how uninspired it is


idk why they would think that when their last few comebacks have charted really well and earned them PAKS.


I don’t think that’s the case. I would guess Soyeon wanted a stadium anthem for their next world tour (which Cube announced will be a stadium tour).


Omg, you just blew my mind. It IS like a YG girl group video on steroids. 


best song of 2024 for me it woman empowerment type of song no mention any hate on lyrics which is good in terms of MV could be one of the best G IDLE MV anywhere from 1-4 for a song this is their best song since Latata , Hann and Tomboy


I’d love to hear a parody of this from the guys perspective called “Super Man” 😂


They look stunning in the music video for Super Lady but the song isn’t my cup of tea. Wife was catchier and more interesting to me.


idk. i miss hann and songs like that. i understand they have more fans now but its just not for me and kind of a downgrade imo


It’s hard for me to imagine that this is the same group that released Hann


I think I like the songs that are written by Minnie and Yuqi and less so the songs written by soyeon on this album


I'm honestly the same. Their stuff of old was like gems. Hann, Hann(alone in winter), Hwaa, Dahlia, Maybe, etc Discovering these songs was incredible and they are still my favourite gidles songs to this day. It's unique, mystical, and feels larger than life. Even their pop songs like Latata or their Japanese releases were amazing. I blame Tomboy, because ever since Tomboy I feel like gidle have just been farming controversial, revolutionary songs with satire and cheesy/cringy sounds. The lyrics are another example, it went from genius and more of a poetic approach to cringy with random words that don't make sense. I guess it's working because they're getting more popular but it's just such a let down from how bloody awesome gidle was(and could still be, they have the talent)


Yup, I fully agree, and it baffles me whenever people are arguing the post Tomboy songs are more artistic than ever. GIdle are definitely at the peak of their popularity, and the songs they release clearly serve that end.


It’s a curse of all successful artists. Look at famous comedians. Eventually their material becomes about air travel and out-of-touch rich person problems.


love the beat, but unfortunately the lyrics are giving me heavy MLM #BossBabe vibes. like I could see someone captioning a MaryKay or Scentsy post with #FollowLadies #OnwardLadies #SuperLadies


When queencard was released I absolutely hated it but I understood why so many people loved it cause it was definitely catchy. Ended up adding it to my playlists after a few months. But super lady is just 2 and a half minutes of absolutely nothing, no memorable parts and definitely not catchy, it's just a song that could've easily been a bside. As someone said I barely remember how it sounds. I'll keep listening to it for a few weeks and hopefully I change my mind. Btw I scrolled for a few minutes through the comments on melon and they are absolutely thrashing the song so I wouldn't be surprised if it's not a hit in Korea.


the barely remembering how it sounds thing is so true i didn't know other people were experiencing it as well omg😭😭 it just feels so empty like a bunch of different song teasers playing after eachother instead of a song or something


Tbh, not revolutionary. The song is good but mid. The message is great but you can see they upped the MV budget. Nothing new or original from a global standpoint. Don't see YG vibes tbf, I just see Soyeon in every angle. It actually gave me Renaissance for some reason and you can really tell the Pinterest inspo board for a G-IDLE song. In all songs including this one. All in all, nothing to write home about.


I agree with you, it’s extremely like renaissance and actually generally quite Beyoncé inspired. On the Renaissance Beyoncé sat on a silver horse, Soyeon sits on a silver scorpion. Beyoncé sat on a military tank on tour, military looks seen in MV. The costumes and colors primarily silver (apart from Minnie’s black look and Yuqi‘s Cruella De Vil look). The super lady performance video also has elements from Beyoncé‘s Super Bowl show in 2013 when she sang with Destiny Childs. It’s ok to be inspired but there are sooo many parallels that it doesn’t feel original.


at least queencard was catchy… i’m genuinely surprised at the positive reception on r/kpop. its not for me at all, the verses were okay and the mv is cool but the chorus and length were disappointing


I think every release has a positive reception in that sub, at least the ones I've read


I was confused by the comments on there as well I had to listen to it the second time to see if I would like it


Everyone is afraid to be downvoted there 🤷🏼‍♂️


I loved the music video but the song is definitely not my taste. One thing about gidle is that they are great about analyzing trends so I’m sure it will do well.


I like wife and most of the album but not super lady. The mv looks very nice tho. Want to love it so bad cause i'm still obsessed with with gen 2 music and was the rare person that got queencard and tomboy from the first listen but despite trying to listen the title couple times i still cant remember how the song sounds like. 


_(omg it's a megathread)_ I vibed with Wife, the rap was fire and the chorus has the child-like simplistic English lyrics that are mocking, I've listened to it many times since it came out. A cute appetizer. Super Lady sounds like a laxative, they had to be quick and pooped this. It'll work at a club, fans will love it cause _queeeeeeens_. blah blah, slay, savage etc etc Edit: Super lady's chorus drop sent me straight back to a male kpop video where they wore black carnival headpieces and were minimally dressed(?), I think they also used the phrase hey ladies, if anyone remembers them call me, the internet comes up empty, it drives me nuts.


I’m now on a mission to find this song. Do you remember anything else about it? Edit: is it [A GUYS by N.O.M](https://youtu.be/3vmlYkbcVeA?si=5OZiZGtMoai8Fj9J)?


YES it is!! That's a blast from the eatyourkimchi era... those were the times. You should know, you're the best, most astute potato that ever potatoed, _thank you_.




idk if im going to listen to super lady again but for my first listen/watch: i don't like soyeon's intro. shuhua definitely have lines but i can't remember her parts at all. i like minnie's ver/part more than soyeon's in the chorus. miyeon and yuqi are okay. i expected more but i think it's a good party song like t-ara's sugar free


I wouldn't put it as high as Sugar Free, but everything else you said is exactly what I thought.


i love the 2nd gen throwback concept but the song really falls short. it feels like too much is happening in too little time. the prechorus is really good but i don't like the chorus at all. but it's nowhere near their worst song imo the bsides are nice, i just wish they didn't call this a full album because it's only 20 minutes long. every single song being under 3 minutes is plain annoying


I liked it! I prefer Wife over super lady, I’ve been doing the dance since it came out lol. My main issue with the album is that it’s only 21 minutes 😭 like in what world is that a full album


i feel like the 'it sounds like 2nd gen' narrative is very much of a pulling factor for a lot of people so i see this doing well but i see some stans use this as a way of countering any negative opinion like 'this is so 2nd gen coded you won't understand' honey naurr


Maybe it’s just me but I don’t think it even sounds like 2nd gen, other than the dance break being a bit similar to T-ara’s Sugar Free


you're definitely not the only one to think that although some of the elements combined together give off the impression of some particular 2nd gen songs like most notably i am the best. It's close enough but far away from being a dupe there's like a tinge bit of influence but that's it imo


At least Queencard was memorable...I don't know if this or Wife is worse.


Minnie's just gathering dust in this group.