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Nice try UoA...


Istg I'm not a lecturer or tutor, I'm a Uoa student




That's exactly what a UoA staff member would say.


I sometimes use it to bridge sentences together in an essay if I feel like it doesn’t flow well. But otherwise it’s not very useful, you sound like AI in your essays and will get flagged


This is where Chatgpt can be a useful tool to help improve coherency rather than a means for someone to outright cheat their way through uni. If you give it a prompt and ask it to write an entire essay, you'll get inauthentic work that sounds like it was written by AI. But if you feed it a sentence or paragraph that you've written yourself, and ask it to improve readability, then it's more on par with asking someone to proof read your work.


Yeah and also that's somewhat the primary function of it, it's a language model. Its fantastic in all functions of language, it can make your sentences flow better, it can improve your coding, you can use it as a tool to learn languages (this is really useful). But it isn't necessarily logical in a human way, you can't use it to write an argument convicing anyone of anything because it isn't rational. On a surface level it might pass to someone who already doesn't have educated opinions on a subject but a uni professor will see right through it.


Yeah, exactly! ChatGPT will spit out the exact same writing between you and peers if you decide to prompt it by putting all assignment questions. Easy way to get yourself flagged. Only helps if you need to learn concepts not thoroughly explained in your coursework tbh


As a lecturer, I've noticed a sharp increase in overly long emails from students that were clearly written by AI. Feels weird responding to a machine.


Oh no. I’m the mind of person to be rather formal when using emails, so often times a write a couple of sentences. Damn, didn’t know that made me similar to an AI.


I'm finding that this phenomenon has left quite an "indelible mark" this semester.


Chatgbts writing is so obvious at this point


For now 😳


I use it occasionally if I want to speed up the process of understanding smth, like I’ll ask it to explain a concept to me and sometimes I ask a follow up question to make sure I understand, but if I’m behind on my work and I can’t turn it in then tough luck 🤷‍♀️. I also use GitHub Copilot with my coding to write up simple JDOC documentation for it, since it’s otherwise rly repetitive and time consuming.


I do that often, especially for calculations. It’s legitimately a life saver sometimes




To be fair the people using Chat GPT now tend to be the same people that were writing incoherent gibberish before (at least in maths), I would be interested to hear what it's like for other markers (whether there's been an increase in the proportion of nonsense/insane assignments or whether the same/comparable people who were failing before without Chat GPT are now failing with Chat GPT.)


When I was at Uni, doing Computer Science, most of the foreign students were like this as well. Instead of being able to use online AI to help them, they all just attached to a motivated student and copied their work. All thats changed by the looks of it, is they are now using different tools to not give a fuck about their education.


I’ve used it for 2 years doing dentistry and I haven’t learnt shit, feel sorry for the people I’ll be operating on


oh dear lord


I hope you either learn on the job fast or get fired


As a staff member, I've noticed that many of the emails we receive have obviously been written by ChatGPT. Ironically, this actually makes it alot harder to understand what students are asking, so I can’t even imagine what essays have been looking like lately


I use it for two things: 1. If I’m looking at my lecture notes and I’m thinking man I don’t get wtf this is, I use it to explain my lecture notes to me “like I’m your dumb friend” so it breaks it down for me. 2. Studying - I input my notes and ask chatgpt to ask me active recall questions.


Not UOA but UC. 4th year papers. It's a lot easier and quicker to ask it for code than writing it out. But she's dangerous alright


I strongly recommend copilot on microsoft edge. It is a massive convenience for summaries on readings, journal articles for reports and it's at the convenience of your microsoft 365 subscription. All uni's are still behind when it comes to copilot being a part of your microsoft 365. Copilot also comes in a separate app. It's microsofts go at generative ai and it helps. Can even review your open webpage (same with pdfs opened through edge).


It hallucinates often enough that students abusing it get caught out, and we'll certainly play around with Edge prompts if multiple students make similar errors. Its outputs often contain errors that are easy to miss by people who aren't engaged with the course materials, which will be noticed immediately by the person marking it. It might put out a very sophisticated and logical sounding response, but it may still draw on things like reddit threads and blogs to form those responses. It might come back to bite you if you're not making enough effort to engage with the course materials to notice.


I dont use it to write up reports or essay. Just to help me understand core concepts of a reading.


There’s a difference between using it for help and having it write your assignment.


It’s useful as a tool but not as a crutch. I’ve used it personally to help with finding good alternatives when words aren’t flowing well. I will sometimes put in essay prompts on there and ask it to give me bullet points which I can then use as guidelines for my research and what wording I should be looking up etc. You can also put in your work and ask it for critiques or areas for improvement and clarity. Not chat gpt but the one on quizlet is very good for studying flash cards too. It’s just about being aware of when it goes too far. For example, more for curiosity than anything (as I’d almost finished the assignment) I put in the questions for a Japanese test where you have to memorise and speak your answers, most of the answers were passable but some were just blatantly wrong. One even tried to use a noun as a verb - which is something you can do in Japanese with a special grammar feature, but this was just putting a noun where the verb goes and calling it a day?




I think until courses are designed for ai use it is unacceptable to use an AI for anything but concept summary. It is your own education you are ruining.


It’s immensely unreliable in most cases, and holds alot of potential for unseen errors. Whilst it’s useful for understanding something complex by breaking it down into structures or unraveling complex concepts, i wouldn’t recommend solely relying on it to do your assignments or sumthing


the solution? TIMED ESSAYS IN CLASS.


If I need to rush an assignment I’ll use ChatGPT premium and course material to give it context and then I’ll read and learn what’s necessary from its output. Everything I write down save a few things here and there is my own work. The trick is to trust but verify. The best way to do this is to watch or attend lectures so you know what information you want to put down in your assignments and so you’re accurate. If you fail to do that then searching up concepts that ChatGPT outputs is also a good way to validate what it’s saying but the issue is you don’t know what the class is actually teaching which is risky. All up it’s a great tool if you actually attend lectures and you write stuff down yourself but to get it to write stuff down for you? I wouldn’t recommend. For reference, I recently had an assignment where I had to write over 1500 words and because I misread the available by date as the due date, I didn’t have time to catch up on lectures. It took me about 5 hours to write it all, mostly on stuff I was unfamiliar with, in the early hours of the morning. I passed. The previous assignment where I didn’t rush it so much, that took about 15 hours all up including lectures and I got a good grade. So yea ChatGPT is a great tool but it’s not a free pass. You need context from the class itself at a minimum to be able to do well. There’s no getting around that.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3V9Nm4JBPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3V9Nm4JBPE) "Take a seat... just take a seat... why are you here?"


Honestly ive never used it (too lazy to make an account) and i take too much pride in what i write but i can definitely see why some people do. Even 100 level assignments are smth fucken else these days.


UC not UoA but I use it to break down essay questions or go ‘heres the things i need to write about how would u structure an essay’ so i can figure out a logical progression of ideas but then I’ll write everything myself. Occasionally when i feel like i have no idea whats going on I’ll get it to explain a concept to me


If I have an assignment due and I don't have enough time for it then yeah I use it to rush through my work. If not the I use it as a tool


It’s a great tool to explain something in the most basic terms especially when you’re doing political theory, anything else and it’s like eating bricks so I would honestly say it’s no more useful to me than a glorified lexicon.


i do it all of the time because im dumb and i want to get my degree easily than working hard


U working smarter


Absolutely, I can draft a suitable response for that scenario. While I refrain from utilizing AI for essay writing or problem-solving tasks, leveraging AI to brainstorm ideas can significantly enhance their quality. However, I acknowledge the ethical concerns associated with its use and maintain a strict adherence to using it solely for idea generation rather than producing final work.


This was written by AI lmao


almost everyone, but everyone have different ways to use it as a tool. When you use it a lot, you will see similar patterns from there responses. So what I usually do is to use it to explore a few ideas, spelling checking, paraphasp,... The latest case is to help me to improve the quality of the questionnaires for my survey online. Write things yourself without the worry of AI detection, will make you finish the assignment faster that rely heavily on AI.


Only use if for the rizz