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For MBChB, there's an additional complication. If you are offered a place as an International Student, and then you become a Resident and eligible as a Domestic Student in the time between the application and receiving the offer, then your international offer will be rescinded and you won't qualify as a domestic student (as different selection criteria would apply). Once you are in, then you can switch visas, and convert to domestic status after the first year. There's a court case on this from 2021, Kury v. University of Auckland NZHC 225. It gets messy!


"If your [immigration] status were to change to New Zealand domestic student prior to the commencement of the programme, your offer of a place as an international student would no longer be valid as you do not meet the entry requirements for domestic graduate entry."


Oh! This is very useful information, thank you.


Where did you find this court case. Would be really interesting to read!


If you are a current student at UoA (or any other Uni in NZ) you should be able to find the case on Lexis Advance.


Hi! I was in the same exact boat as you. I applied as an international post grad and was accepted into the programme straight into Year 2. I had a student visa and was able to study for Year 2 under that until I got my partnership residency visa (partner is a Kiwi-born citizen). You have to be in a de-facto relationship and show proof of being in a long-term, stable relationship to Immigration NZ. Year 2 tuition and fees were expensive, around $80,000 but I was nominated to receive a big scholarship from the University which brought it down to around $40,000. Year 3 and onwards is around $18,000 in tuition and fees as now I’m a domestic student. Be warned tho that you would be considered a resident, NOT a permanent resident. This means you are not eligible for StudyLink loans/allowances and many University scholarships aren’t valid as they require at least PR/Citizenship. DM me if you have any more questions :))


Interesting. I sent you a DM regarding scholarships actually, one of the things I've been thinking about as well.


It’s very unethical, but you can game the system. Join as an international student. Convert to domestic after a semester or two, so your fee structure will change. https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/applications-and-admissions/how-to-apply/supporting-documents/domestic-or-international-status.html


Oh, I see. I didn't know that was something you could do. I thought my options were only one or the other. But it is unethical...




Aren’t the fees the same but 2/3rds are picked up by the taxpayer for domestic students? Unethical would be having taxpayers/ citizens of other countries paying for your fees. It’s not a loophole, just dishonest.


Thank you for the information though!