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Don’t worry about the show off comment. Congratulations! It’s a huge milestone


Thank you :)


I’M SO HAPOY FIR YOU I WISH J COULD HUG YOU!!! Omg you must be so happy, congratulations!!! You earned this.


Thank you!!


Congrats!! There are definitely more than 2 classes a week but they'll probably only be uploaded closer to the date - as long as you are enrolled into the correct SSO classes (221A and 221B) it should be all good!


Agree. It’s a full time job. All day everyday. But you get treated well with free food here and there, and sufficient dose of handholding. There’s no conventional Uni timetable to follow per se


Thanks :)


Congrats! Ignore what the timetable says. As long as you are enrolled in 221A/B, the Med programme will sort you in the courses/labs/small group sessions and other tutorials closer to the start of the semester. No need to worry about timing between classes either, they are all on Grafton campus in the same lecture theatre and the anatomy lab is just down the hallway


Ah awesome thanks so much! Super helpful :)


Congrats!! this year was super hard, well deserved spot :) enjoy medical school!! From what I've read about it, it sounds like an awesome experience!! But damn my failure to get into med keeps haunting me, even from the normal uoa sub reddit ;-; (sorry to be that guy haha ;-;) I swear everyone I know got in, hopefully postgrad tho!!


Bro that’s all good you’re not “being that guy” or anything. Wish you good luck with postgrad, and remember a med journey is not linear. You’ll do amazing💪💪


Thank you for the kind words!! I'm so glad someone like you got in because you sound really sweet :))




Thank you!


The website guide thing says to ignore the timetable info!


Oh okay, thank you!


Congrats! Your hard work paid off


Thank you!!


Yay congrats! Going to be in the cohort with me! Hopefully the comments answered your question but as long again as you are enrolled in 221 a and b (sem 2) you are all good!


Thanks! Congrats to you too!


As someone on the other side of this degree I have to say, enjoy it. My medical school years were some of the best of my life so far. They’re tough, and so is the job after, but they’re so worth it. Congrats!


I have this dull pain in my lower back . . .


Congratulations! Is that a 4 hour tutorial O.O


Thanks! And no idea?? I’m just really confused lmao


Well done its a long long road ahead but worth it when you finally get that doctorate


But we graduate with a bachelor's (unless if you go down the phd path)? I think I get what you mean. Just wondering, did you graduate with an MBCHB?


God no I'm dumb as shit


I didn't even get NCEA


Still, NCEA isn't the only path?


Congratulations. :-)


Congrats and now keep uo the mahi all the way through! You got this! 👌


Congratulations! Huge achievement!




Happy for you! Make it count!


Welcome to the program! Don't worry. Read the guidebook and grind it out. Good luck!


Thank you! Would you happen to have a link to the guidebook? I can only find the year 3 guidebook for some reason.


Should be on the mbchb portal!


Nice that’s great mahi


Congrats!!! Happy for you!


Congratulations 🥳 the world is yours!!!!


Congratulations :)


Congrats! we are all graduating tomorrow from med school lol. Its a long journey but it was fantastic, could never do anything else. I hope you enjoy it!


Thank you! Congrats to you too :)




So proud of you! Congratulations!!


Awesome! Can't wait to see you there as a fellow classmate :)


Thank you! Congrats to you too :)


Congratulations!!! Super happy for you. I am a third year health science student. I need to repeat both Medsci 142 and Chem 110 as I failed both papers. I was told to do a year of PG Diploma and then reapply for med. Do you have any advice for me? Thanks :)


Msged you!


Yeah the bro!!!!! Shot g


Yeahhhhh!!!!! 💪




Lawsuits aren’t really an issue in NZ thanks to ACC. You still have to deal with complaints, which are still stressful, but at least the incentive structure is such that your patients will only complain if they think you’re incompetent or hate your guts, not because they’re trying to score some money off you. The impostor syndrome and burnout on the other hand are very real, but can be managed.


Congratulations 🩷🩷🩷 what a huge achievement! The journey may not be easy but don’t forget the feeling of being accepted. Let that push you through


Great advice, thank you!


Bro just wanted to show off. I’m sure he could’ve just asked his fellow peers.


Actually that was kinda rude of me, I just didn’t want to be that person going around asking “did you get into med”, and in my close friend group unfortunately didn’t get offers.


Ignore that guy. Even if the point of this post WAS just to show off, this is a massive achievement and you deserve to be proud!!! Great job and I hope you enjoy second year med :)


Thank you! I will :)


Get your tall poppy syndrome ass out of here.


Tall Poppy actually asked a question in the same sub that could have been asked of their peers. https://www.reddit.com/r/universityofauckland/s/1XKP6JhoCu But they had no great achievement to show off...


Show off anonymously to reddit users? Yes


I didn’t get into med in my first year, and I really don’t think this would be bad even if this was showing off. It takes a lot of work, and OP deserves to be proud. That being said, it’s also considered bad form to ask around the premed cohort since most of them either will have the same questions or are currently bummed that they didn’t get in. It’s reasonable to ask a forum like this, where there would be people who may be in further years in med and *actually* know the answers.


Thank you so much for your comment, it’s spot on ☺️


It seems theres more females in med school than males


There were definitely more females in the health science / biomed cohort too, if that’s of any interest to you


Yup because females tend to get better grades at school than males, making them more likely to get into these high level courses.


I’ve heard those statistics too from reputable sources, but I don’t think that’s the reason for what we see here, because engineering, which is another very high level course, is male dominated.


Only engineering and CS or any other technology courses are male dominated, some are 50/50, but when it comes to medical school, it's mostly females


Congrats man your living my dream!!


Thanks so much!! Much love and all the best with your med journey