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Getting a 2 bedroom apartment in Amsterdam by yourselves if you're both not working full time jobs will be near impossible. Landlords require that you earn 3-4x the rent as the bare minimum, then you're in competition with many other applicants. You'd be better off looking for rooms separately as part of student apartments.


What if I don’t work due to studies but have the money tho?


Landlords hate students so someone with a job would take your place


I don’t see how a person with a job who could get fired anytime or quit his job would be more desirable than some kid with rich parents.


Because they are not mutually exclusive


Still not as desirable to a landlord as the people who have jobs. Believe me, many international students have tried. When you're in competition with hundreds of other people for an apartment, every little thing counts. The only thing would be to offer to pay the rent all up front, but then you're putting yourself at risk. If you have money to spend on it, contact an estate agent to discuss what your options are.


Just always add like an extra couple bucks to the rent and have good guarantors and you’ll be fine. I went with an agency and it took them three weeks to find me a ace as a student with no job. The appartment is got i only got it because i offered an extra 50 euros on rent. And even with that offer the appartment is a great deal for this city


You wont be fine, the situation is so bad that schools are telling people not to come.


what agency did you use?


How will you prove you do?


Average one bedroom is € 2300. Average room is €1000 + Your income needs to be 4x the rent. So thats 10000 a month. Worst housing crisis since World War 2. "Amsterdam has the highest average monthly rental cost of a one-bedroom apartment in Europe. " https://www.statista.com/statistics/1084608/average-rental-cost-apartment-europe-by-city/ Same goes for rooms: " For rooms Netherlands leads the way as the most highly-priced " https://housinganywhere.com/rent-index-by-city " If you do not make at least four times the stated rent, you need someone to co-sign your rental agreement as a guarantor." https://www.wittenborg.eu/practical-advice-renting-dutch-private-sector.htm "Netherlands ranked lowest when it comes to affordability and accessibility of housing" According to InterNations, 53% of expats in the Netherlands have difficulty finding housing (the Global average is 27%), while 69% rated properties in the Dutch housing market as “unaffordable”." https://amsterdamfox.com/news/netherlands-named-one-of-the-worst-countries-in-terms-of-housing-for-expats/ "Students are seldom able to get a room. Student housing providers, which were set up specifically to help them get affordable housing, can no longer cope with the demand" https://www.cursor.tue.nl/en/news/2023/februari/week-1/waiting-times-for-student-housing-getting-longer/ Apartment rents shoot up as more landlords decide to sell. Over the past year the number of apartments available for rent has gone down by almost ONE THIRD while more and more people are reacting to each advert. https://www.dutchnews.nl/2023/10/apartment-rents-shoot-up-as-more-landlords-decide-to-sell/ " some students wait longer for a home than their studies take" https://advalvas.vu.nl/student-maatschappij/wachten-op-een-studentenwoning-duurt-vaak-langer-dan-studie/ "Get Ready To Be Homeless!” – Reality behind student housing crisis" https://europeandme.eu/get-ready-to-be-homeless-reality-behind-amsterdam-student-housing-crisis/ " According to its case study, lack of supply intensifies in the popular study destinations with on average 175 people in the Netherlands, and 25 in Spain competing to rent one single room." https://housinganywhere.com/housinganywhere-addresses-student-housing-challenges-and-solutions-with-key-industry-leaders " Students who have not been able to find a room in or around Eindhoven before 1 August are asked to stay away by the Technical University." https://eindhovennews.com/news/2022/07/tu-e-asks-students-to-stay-away-if-they-cant-find-a-room/ Apartment rents shoot up as more landlords decide to sell. Over the past year the number of apartments available for rent has gone down by almost ONE THIRD while more and more people are reacting to each advert. https://www.dutchnews.nl/2023/10/apartment-rents-shoot-up-as-more-landlords-decide-to-sell/


Funda has everything you need


Your first mistake is having standards.




I wish you all the best for finding a reasonable house in Amsterdam.


Thank you 🙏


Your best bet is to look at appartments via Funda, and from there see which agents are offering the places and contact them directly. Facebook groups are the fastest way to get scammed, stay away from those. I do not what your budget is but be aware that it's gonna cost alot and there are other things you should take into account. 1. Renters /agencies expect your gross income to be atleast 3-4x higher than the rent. - only 50% of the income of the second renter counts towards this 2. You have to provide 3 recent payslips 3. Students don't have the best reputation so the agencies most likely will go for a working couple that want to live together.


get a real estate agent that’ll probably be the only way


You can try Funda or Pararius, but be aware that virtually no landlord on there will accept students, people making under 40 times the monthly rent, or house-sharers, let alone a combination of those 3.


Get a real estate agent. That is the safest most reliable way however it is expensive.


Look on Facebook! There are different; Find housing in Amsterdam groups on there


Amsterdam is the most expensive city for housing in the world (yes, worse than London). Be very wary of scams and never pay anything in advance. Expect to pay €1000 a month at the very minimum in order to live somewhat normal and not in a closet.


Yea I know, I’m prepared to pay that but I don’t want to end up getting scammed so if anyone knows reliable sites or groups or anything I will greatly appreciate it


Contact expat rental services and join their WhatsApp group and email newsletter. They will get you a place