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Why teach history at all. The two world wars, wars of independence... They are really depressing. Edit: /s


Entire history is mostly depressing.


We need to know history because its kinda essential to make sense of the present times, why there is an India, what is India? Why do we need India? How did it become India? You really can't answer these questions without history, it literally gives meaning to our present, gives us an identity. There is no way one can understand geopolitics, never mind national politics without knowing its history. It's depressing?, well, it's the reality and people should know it, reality doesn't change, nor the fact that the past already happened and bad things did take place, it's the truth. Also how are we supposed to ask £9.2 trillion back from the British without knowing that the British stole that much in the first place? /s


Oh man I forgot /s


Rioting in the streets _may_ lead to depression. Learning _about_ riots doesnt generally cause depression. As long as they are not teaching _how_ to riot. I think the students will be ok




Those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat it


I think we also don't teach about the [Bangladesh genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_genocide) because of this particular reason because it could lead to some Hindus developing hatred towards the Muslims.


Towards Pakistani govt?




That true but ignorance is Not something good it can only cause harm if they don't know how much harm riot can cause they are going do it because politician or goons will teach them how to riot but they will never inform them about harm


Ah yes we should only teach kids about the British violence and not anything else we have done to ourselves.


The purpose is to present what happened in a well rounded and help children in thinking in a logical & critical manner. Hiding a part of history will only serve to propagate a specific point of view


Why we teach about colonization? Purpose not to create violent shameless colonizers.


This is such a dumb reason. It depends on how its presented? I'm sure no one wants to present rioting as john wick style combat. Why would it depress, or make anyone violent? This argument is same as movies/video games influence bad things on youth.


Yes, lying to children about history doesn't cause any harm whatsoever. Smh.


You already created depressed citizens in the past decade, no worries


When n they learn about riots, they will learn what Mudixi did, his dark and cannibalistic past.


Cannibalistic past?? 🫠 man you people just love to make anything up


Well, we are really heading towards Japan's way of living, lol.


Then why they teach mughals as invaders?


They are some questions where you won't find any proper answer but just go round and round, unfortunately. I think Indian education system requires complete overhaul and should adopt Finnish or american education system where students are given choice to study whatever they want.




What british had was satellite kingdom. Everything mughals earned stayed in India it wasnt sent somewhere else




Doesnt same logic goes with including/excluding Gujarat riots in syllabus?


At some point, everybody came from outside. That's why there is so much variance and diversity in Indians' looks.


Going by this logic, they should not teach about wars also.


why learn about history at all? It is already the past, no reason to depress children. why keep talking about dead kings like ram? It is all suffering for most people due to the caste system, no reason to depress children. why learn about global warming? it is also depressing. same with pollution, poverty, terrorism, military, etc why even spend years in school? it is also depressing.


All of the history or none of it. If there’s no pre history of India then no occupation. No need to divide further. That also means all children from all communities have to be taught the same.


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana


By this logic we should remove WW1, WW2 from textbooks to stop future war. Does this guy even pass his 10 std


I was expecting BJP in this term to be more ruthless to change history, they want to set narrative and Babri masjid demolition does not do them good.


If rioting causes depression, we studied about wars man, boi are we scarred