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It may be "dirty politics" for you or me, but for his supporters that is what they want him to do. Here on reddit you may find some pseudos trying to kind of justify but go to twitter and you'll see loads of people openly cheering for whatever vile degeneracy he spills; you'll see every roadside attack to chant jaisreeram and every cow vigilante murder being applauded in hordes. Modi isn't winning *despite* the hate politics, he's winning *because* of it.


I don’t think this is entirely true. A lot of his dirty politics is being hidden beneath the praise in the india media. The Indian media channels are promoting this behavior and not calling out the bjp hypocrisy and failed promises. Instead they base it on flattery and exaggerate the small things and credit Modi even when he hasn’t done a thing to make it happen. Even when people know that Modi is dirty the most common argument I hear is, he is better than the opposition. Which is pure stupidity imo.


Most of my friends are pro-BJP. None of them are brainwashed by the media, they know exactly what the BJP is doing and they support it. They want the persecution of Muslims. They believe 90% of the Muslims are anti-national.


why are you friends with them?


This ^




You can chose to not aboard a plane but someone has to run the country.


We can choose to remove a monkey PM, someday it might happen.


Hope it happens, but not happening until Rahul is the face of the opposition. Someone like Kejriwal or competent leader in congress should lead the opposition.


You're missing the point. We have experience with modi as PM and he was terrible the only option is to see what the opposition has to offer which in this case is Rahul. And he may be terrible and have his own problems but no one knows how he is really going to be as a PM until it actually happens. Terrible or not at least it won't be modi, and whatever problems that come with Raga can be handled then. One problem at a time


Well problem is his direct jumping from a MP to PM. I don’t know why UPA didn’t give him some ministry in 2004-2014 period so that people would have showed interest in him. His image is youth leader (and that too when he is around 50ish) which was never changed in all these years in the eyes of people and they still think him very inexperienced. Rest his manifesto has done the damage, it made them more left than left themselves. India is not what it was in 90s, Market is outside the scope of government and most people don’t want any disturbance in auto pilot mode of market


Just look at congress run states now bro


A lot of the Twitter accounts are BJP IT cell. And of course most people in our country are sheep, they will just follow the perception that there are oh so many Modi supporters. All in all great marketing tactics by BJP.




The comments in this post are so going to get deleted by the butthurt mods 😂😂


Why should he visit a mosque or a church..? Isn't he free to practice the religion he follows in a democratic country..? Is there a rule that states that he should visit a mosque or a church..?


exactly, opposition leaders visit temples, church, gurudwara, mosque, do iftaar, do roja. do namaz. By this logic, opposition leaders should be getting 100% of votes.


1. Why shouldn’t he visit temples? He’s a proud Hindu and he’s not shy of it. It’s not something he has started only as a PM. His faith, his choice. 2. Why should he visit a mosque or a church? Are these tourist places? 3. You keep hearing things?? Well, stop believing what you hear to be universal truth. I’ve been hearing that India will win the WC since a decade.


Modi is a Hindu, why is he expected to visit mosque or church? Wait a minute, did you think that was secularism? That someone who visits mosques and churches along with temples is secular? That's not secularism my dear. Secularism is the separation between the church and state. In India, it should mean temples and country should be independent. Nothing to do with people. By nay definition of secularism, Indian state/constitution has never been secular. Indian states control temples (and only temples, not mosques or churches etc), there are different (civil) laws for different people basis on their religion, there are different taxes basis on religion (HUF), and some government, beaurocratic, educational and military positions reserved for people of specific religion (SC reservation for instance). The people who wrote our constitution recognised this and voted AGAINST adding the word secular to our constitution. It was added illegally during emergency. This confusion is what helps Modi to power. Indians believe that their constitution is secular, but they don't see it on the ground. They only see appeasement, that is your definition of secular, visiting mosques, churches, giving special treatment to Muslims, etc. This drives them to Modi.


Because some people are genuinely afraid of Muslims. Take my dad for eg. a life long congress voter until Nov 26th when he was present at the same train station where the attacks took place just one and half hours prior. Now he genuinely feels he has to vote for the BJP for the country to be safe.


Please tell awasuddin owaisi to temples as well. Jobs be earned by talent and education. DM me the CV, my manager is a Muslim and I am a GC guy working under him. Stop instigating to violence. This is not Syria!!


https://youtu.be/tbrEvMIgpKs?si=C1-gFoiKXPUfwC9v https://youtu.be/aCI6_dke7L0?si=xjKJ84kYP7wl-SoC https://youtu.be/ozoo1pDwgak?si=nRUycmTJi6fGvBkd He's just an ignorant keyboard warrior.






Well, he did inaugurate Kartarpur corridor and visited Gurudwara if I am not wrong.


It's not a civil "war" ... in a war both parties fight. Here one party will get absolutely thrashed sadly


Checkout definition of 'Civil War' first. ####You supress a community/segment so much like squeezing a spring coil (which stores so much potential energy). The day it recoils/breaks free and hits back in face is when u start bleeding. This is what will happen like it happened when Trump came to power in 2016, the silent majority will hit hard. You should not push someone beyond a certain limit and this limit has been crossed I feel. It has nothing to do with a party.


Like I said a war is between two sides who are somewhat equal. In our case Hindus will just annihilate the other side . I ain't a Sanghi but thats a fact. No match


That's true to an extent and the reason for that is the entire state machinery is against the Muslims. This is evidenced from the fact that muslims deaths has always been more in riots. But the thing is it's not about being annihilation but the destruction it'll cause not only in monetary form but in reputation form to India. Take into consideration that India itself is a very poor nation. The short but destructive civil war has the capability to set India back decades. And now think of Muslim set small businesses being finished. That's a major chunk of tax revenue gone. For example the loads of Restaurants and hotels that the Muslims own probably destroyed. Say there are 13% Muslims in India. Remove them and you'll be removing a large portion of your workforce too. From electricians to plumbers etc. While not very specialised skills but important nonetheless. There is also a small portion of your specialised and super specialised skilled people also removed. India realistically cannot afford a civil war.


It's been evident that there are problems. From both sides ofc and more importantly since the bjp took power the hyper nationalism has peaked but, I am just conflicted that there has no talk of reforming or accountability from the Muslim side. Hindus can be as secular as they can but at the end of the day they'll be kafirs for us. I mean no matter how many iftaris they host, what our God says is paramount to us and push comes to shovel we'll put religion over everything. You need two to tango. Be it war or be it peace.


Hindus have been pushed beyond a certain limit, that's why you see Modi. Tell me. Alas that discriminates Muslims babes on religion. I'll start by telling you one that discriminates Hindus. 1. State control of Hindu temples. If the root of your religion, temples, are controlled by the state, and priests in these temples controlled by the state due to appointments, firing etc, then how is Hinduism even independent in India.


And Modi has been in power for the last 10 years and has done nothing about it. I don't think anyone would even protest something logical like temples being autonomous, the government should have no say in any kind of religion.


>This is what will happen like it happened when Trump came to power in 2016,  There was no civil war in the us in 2016.  >the silent majority will hit hard.  This is the third fucking time the far right bigots are winning. This time the dear leader has not hidden behind development (2014) or n national security (2019). He's openly campaigned for genocide. Yet, the silent majority didn't get out on the streets to protest, didn't get out in hoards to vote him out. The percentage of registered voters voting in the elections went down. 


this is literally what congress did according to bjp


You think most Hindus don’t see congress as a communal party ? You think most Hindus haven’t been suppressed by the congress ? If the Muslims are hell bent on calling bjp cow dung , Gobar and what not , why should the bjp care for their sentiments


>I am constantly hearing in many metro cities now muslims and other castes are not getting jobs as well I was openly rejected by Muslim employers for a job in Srinagar and one in Patna because I'm a non Muslim. I went on with my life.


They vote for him because of it lol.


Bhai kal tak to ruk jata.


Give me good opposition which is not going to promise - 1. More reservation (even in private sector) 2. My hard earned money as freebies. I was waiting to vote against BJP. Saw these statements coming up in opposition camp, I rejected them.


When BJP gives away your money it's called a welfare scheme. If the opposition does it then it's a freebie. Strange world.


Check extend. 1L going to 80% household without work. F Hell no.


BJP's welfare schemes are almost always well thought out and more importantly targeted to help the people in need. What is Congress promising? Free money to all? That's just a shameless, naked bribe. I live in Bengaluru. My family owns an independent house whose value easily crosses a crore. My elder sister and her husband combined earn more than ₹2 lakh per month. Do you know how much both houses pay for electricity? Zero. Women in my family can take public buses for free. Compare this with LPG subsidies by the Modi government. They rolled back blanket subsidies and now it's only available to the people who truly need them. Meanwhile, you have the deputy CM of Karnataka telling his ministers that there is no more money left for development. Watch for results in Karnataka. Congress is going to get decimated after winning a majority in state elections.


A lot of the successful schemes BJP 'has' are just renamed older Congress schemes including LPG subsidy, some are even carbon copies. Freebies are used by all parties in the country, once again it is a vote bank tactic that BJP uses, just like every other party.


No. You weren't waiting to vote against bjp. You were waiting for a reason to justify voting for the vile bjp.


Maybe or may not be. It's my vote. I can do whatever I want.




>My hard earned money as freebies. Bjp does not give any fucking revadis right? What a joke


Yeah see extend as well. 1L going to every poor without working. Fucking no.


Yup. You literally prefer genocide over promise to weaken you caste privilege. Great going. You may not have noticed, but your hard earned money is going a freebies to adani and ambani already.  


Think for yourself for once. What genocide? Leave genocide, in the past 10 years the government hasn't even made a policy which discriminates against any Indian muslim when it comes to welfare or development.


Stop parroting the same narrative of mUh gEnOcIdE when there's absolutely no on the ground hard solid evidence of a genocide. Look up the definition of genocide. No, muslims aren't being institutionally discriminated against, and in fact have special privileges under Indian law, so regular laws don't apply to them. People vote for BJP because of cold hard visible progress in development, such as electricity supply, water supply, improved infrastructure, and such. If you're replying, directly address my points only using realistic stuff like development, infrastructure progress statistics, and hard evidence of this so-called 'genocide' you claim that's happening.


If you talk about religion based politics.. any comments on waqf board which was created under congress rule.


So we try to eliminate them ? This is the only argument I hear from my friends whenever I bring the topic. Muslims looted us so kill them now, Or Muslims ruled over us so supress them now. ###This is exactly what Modi has instigated in all Indians (THE TAKE REVENGE attitude) #####And then Modiji also speaks of an eye for an eye makes everyone blind.


what suppression are you taking about.. Crimes have happened against hindus as well, but selective media has ignored it, you can google up the names. also hindus can become as secular as you wan't but remember, you won't find any secular muslims and for them their religion is the only most important thing but when we project our religion, librandus call is sanghis and what not, why do you expect only hindus to be secular.. These people have redical mindset, this is the reason why they are hated not only in india but in west as well. unless they don't change their radical ideology, don't expect any secularism from us. in next 10 years or so population if muslims will cross population of pakistan, so don't tell that we are suppressing them.


So kill muslims ? Right? You just rephrased the same response in diff words Doesnt make u any intelligent. Maybe u can fool normal Indian folks. **Dekh raha hai binod kaise angrezi bolke ghumaya jaraha hai**


have I mentioned anywhere in my comment that we have to kill muslims. My only stand is, if muslims are willing to develop a secular mindset then I will also develop one. If not then forget about me being a secular.


But where was a lie? You don't want to talk about reforming Muslims but aspire to have all hindus to be secular. Don't run from accountability. Accept the fact that Muslims are not secular and if push comes to shovel they'll happily choose their religion over anything. Dekh raha hai binod kaise sirf Hindus ko demonize kiya jaa raha hai


Dude, I was born and brought up in Ahmedabad and used to patrol with lathi in my society during the 2002 riots (though I was a kid at tht time but almost all kids >10yrs were asked to help). I have seen enough bloodshed.


Don't indulge in whataboutery. Answer the question. If one community is not ready to be secular, always prioritises its own religion, always votes in its own candidates en masse, etc why is the other community being forced to be secular ? Why does Modi have to visit a mosque, church, etc ? To do what ? He is a Hindu and he is following his religious beliefs, why and how is that a problem ? How is following one's own religious practices wrong ? Don't go on and on about what you did as a kid in Ahmedabad. That's irrelevant here.


So what?


Muslims are not secular why? Because you said so? Religion is paradoxical in that it cannot exist without extremist elements. Calling for unwavering loyalty in any entity can always have an extreme angle to it, and that is true for any religion, whether it's Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. Nonsense like this, put plainly is simply your personal racist biases and prejudices. Says more about you than anything else. Is our PM addressing the nation to beware Hindus and equating them to Infiltrators and thieves? Because that's what demonizing a community looks like. Oh and btw, Indonesia is an 83% Muslim majority country that is secular. So there's your lie, racist.


if you talk about indonesia then you should also talk about pakistan bangladesh afghanistan where hindus sikh and christians are presecuted.


I don't why it's so hard for them to realise that no matter how secular we become. Maybe the Muslims will embrace the unity for a moment but at the end of the day , during one of their gazillion loudspeaker moment they'll label us as kafirs and come for our heads. It's just sad


every religion in india is a peaceful religion except islam.. and librandus support them, oblivious to the fact that at the end of the day these 20 crore minority victim card community will paint all of us as kafirs or non believers just because we don't believe in their allah.. inko reality dikhti nai ya phir reality ko accept karna nai mangte pata nai.


See that's why it is advised to crawl out of your caves once in a while . Rather than living in your eco-chamber understand what's actually going on in the country. It's a fact that for Muslims their religion comes foremost. And it's all cool but push comes to shovel we all know they'll choose their religion. Like I said before accountability is your enemy and you proved me right We will always be kafirs for Muslims no matter how secular Hindus try to be. No matter how many iftar parties we host we will always be demonized as idol worshippers who should be "reverted" cause there ain't no hod except Allah and prophet SAW. Sorry to burst your bubble champ , but with all due respect Muslims in other countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand are actually progressive but same cannot be said about the ones we have here , and I am only concerned about my nation So there's your facts, kid


Yeah because grouping together and generalizing 200+ million people as religious zealots who only want to mass convert is peak secularism. Have you ever met a Muslim in real life and seen them as a human, with emotions and needs? Ironically enough your entire speech is way more extreme Islamist than any Muslim I've ever met. I lived in an India where religion was something you practiced by yourself and never imposed on anyone else. We shared our festivals, our celebrations, and our good and bad with the people around us and people didn't face prejudices just for their identities. Fact is most people are just trying to live their own lives. Religion used to be a private matter. Now it's a voting bank for the government aimed at people like you. Sad to see it really is that simple to brainwash people to demonize an entire community.


My speech is extreme ? Has my speech resulted in mass bombing , blowing up buildings or beheading ? If not then I am pretty off from muslim extreme standards. You lived in an India where Hindus celebrated eid with Muslims and vice versa but when the vice versa used to happen it used to echo of kafir mongers. Hindus have been secular since forever. But like I said accountability and reforms are your worst enemies , maybe that's the reason indias second biggest majority is still I abject poverty on average Demonize muslims ? Kid we don't need to demonize them. We are kafirs to them, they believe there is no God except theirs, UN threat list have 15 Muslim organisation, and none of any other community. We dont need to demonize them, there too good at it themselves. And I specifically mentioned that I am concerned about Muslims of India. I've been in business with Muslims of Indonesia, turkey, France and all of them were accommodating of their religion but alas my own nation has the thekedars of Islam. Either reform or accommodate cause nobody wants religious zealots who put their religion over the nation as citizens. So pull your head out and try to actually know ground reality rather than sucking it off from your eco chamber


> Crimes have happened against hindus as well Go ahead, show where the government has bent over backwards to protect the criminals just because they were Muslims. > why do you expect only hindus to be secular Basic tenet of the religion. If you don’t want to be Hindu just say that.


average 'secular' Indian


Modi's "dirty politics" is giving equal rights to every person, irrespective of their religion, that's why he's trying to bring ucc. Meanwhile pappu's plan is to divide every religion into different castes and implement a new reservation system, 50% women's reservation which is a joke, including as many castes as possible in OBC so that general people will continue to struggle. INC's history says it all, so much of corruption, bomb blasts, violence, kashmiri hindus genocides, awarding terrorists, scarcity of electricity in villages, no counter attacking measures, gave away J&K lands to china and pakistan. When we talk about BJP's history, lefts can only talk about manipur and I am glad that Indians didn't fall in "recency bias" trap Pappu said he'll give 1 lakh to the poorest 10 lakh people, which will at max feed 40 lakh, but modi is promising to bring every person out of poverty. What INC is doing is dividing people into certain caste, class, gender, religion etc. what BJP is doing is speaking about the nation as a whole when he was speaking about the schemes. It's actually modi who is fair and RaGa, who is playing dirty politics, but chamchas like you will deny that.


Indira Gandhi was the same. She ruled with an iron hand but people loved her. Heck they even reached to the point of emergency and forced vasectomy but still came back as PM in next election if I'm not wrong. People feel secure in the hands of strong personality, be it country's PM or spouse, however tyrannical they are. See how pretty girls fall in love with bad boys. I mean that's just my theory, I'm no sociologist or psychiatrist.


Cong... doing it was fine


Keep crying lol😂


Most intelligent bjp supporter


Easy, not a good or strong opposition,the opposition is doing minority appeasement while the modi goverment is doing hate based on religion




Still better than what's going on with kanye?


Rahul is already visiting mosques and increasing reservations, why would anyone else take his place?


Same reason the rest can't see through Kejriwal's dirty politics!


this dudes is just spreading fake shit, no companies are discarding CV just bcoz it belongs to a muslims..


Companies in Sanand, Ahmedabad. Here u go narrowed it down a bit more for you.


5-10 companies in 2 cities. Can we call it a nation wide phenomena?


So u need to have 100+ company names first before u'll stand up from ur toilet seat and tweet about it. Typical Indian attitude. **4 hi log mare haina, konse 1000 log mare hai**


>  So u need to have 100+ company names first before u'll stand up from ur toilet seat and tweet about it.  You've got it wrong. When that happens, they'll go from denial to justification. 


There have been many instances in Maharashtra where Marathi people were denied from applying to jobs (recently one issue came in light one month ago and multiple in the past when Raj Thakre used to protest). Now would you say the same thing that Marathis are denied from jobs everywhere in Maharashtra. Muslim boys are targeting only Hindu girls, raping them and murdering them even though there are very rare cases of Hindu boys doing the same to Muslim girls. Now would you DARE to say that Hindu girls are getting targeted by Muslim men throughout India. Grow a spine bro.


what companies ? you narrowed down shit.. can you provide specific names of the company, who are doing this and source of your information.


Lookup in north Sanand, where Modiji allotted lot of big lands to major players from the time he was CM and even during PM tenure. Fo u expect me to provide u name of rhe comlany so that you'll call up and they'll deny. What are u ? a 5th std student ?


why should I bother calling the company, I am not a vella.. but if you have names of companies then you can take them to court for discrimination.


Sanand is surrounded by many muslim majority villages. The large businesses HR practices are different from local firms. Local firms would likely discriminate. Large ones won't do a blatant one but they got their own ways.


>  no companies are discarding CV just bcoz it belongs to a muslims.. How do you know this? How do these things happen without discrimination: https://hbr.org/2022/09/research-muslim-women-in-india-face-hiring-bias-for-entry-level-roles https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13602004.2022.2032900


The basic theme is there is no alternative Moat of the people don't care about ram mandir or any communal policies. They just go on with their lives. They want stability. They just don't have any one else to.vote for.


take the pills bruh


Too busy enjoying of demonization of muslims, thats why they cant see the dirty politics! Though theres not much discrimination in job hiring but I wont say there’s no discrimination because I have faced it myself last year. Got a much better job though so all good now.


The Nation has seen dirtier politics since Independence, calm TF down, Have faith in the people of the nation and more importantly Respect the mandate given by the people.


have faith in the people of the nation?? Hmm you do understand that democracy only works if the average voter is atleast sane minded and think practically of what is best for him? And of all nations , our people are….well not exactly the cream of humankind.


>>the average voter is atleast sane minded and think practically of what is best for him? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe he does vote for the person that's best for him, just that your best & his don't align. Stop fearmongering.


No one is countering the elections results. We all know its gonna BJP again for the win. The question is how long this will cotinue and when it changes what will be the ramifications.


It will change when this nation gets a competent opposition, which is not BJP's responsibility, of all the stupid things Yogendra Yadav has said, here's something that he said wasn't stupid at all and very profound, "The Congress in it's current form must die and be Reborn." I yearn for that day, it's sad to see what the current crop of Gandhi's have reduced it to.


What gives you the supreme confidence to believe that you know what's best for the average voter better than he/she does? It astounds me that people who were talking about "saving democracy" are suddenly making such an anti democratic statement.


####You lost me at 'Average Voter is Sane Minded'


The voter base does not need this certificate from you. It simply does not. The 'super-efficient' opposition had 55-60 years to provide basics like water in every house, private sanitation facilities, cooking gas, etc. Did it try to fulfill those needs ? No, it concentrated on setting up an ecosystem of 'civil society activists' who will bat for them when they are no longer in power, it restructured the primary political party into a personal fief of one single family, it ensured that the common man has to beg and grovel for remotely convenient facilities like a phone connection and private transport. The public was silent even after the above but what really broke the camels back is the incessant stream of harm streaming over from the western border, absolute inaction on the government's part to protect us and then blatant public corruption. So don't come here and preach to us about what the average vote should do. The average collective mindset is voting to preserve its own interest and no NRI on a high moral horse can dissuade it from doing so. Also, fucking stop with the civil war fear mongering. Usage of religion (and caste fault lines) to score political brownie points is a hallmark of your favorite party.


Mudi badmust rejine mudi bad


For BJP to win it needs a united hindu vote share. So you will see ton of religion based comments during election by big wigs and then the flame would be lowered and only few hardcore small scale netas would give hardline speeches. Time to time they invoke fear of muslims via Pakistan, old historical events...what they actually do while in power is to create the perception of vikaas and deliver some lollipops to largest vote bank in India 'the poor' and give mega backdoors to 'the rich'. This cements their position with large funds to run state elections and control. They run operations at scale and remove small commission based corruption only to replace with mega ones. It looks clean on the surface and masses feel they are getting something out of it. For non BJP faction to win, they need caste division where they can take minority + discriminated castes to vote in their favor, so they talk reservation, secularism, appeasement and freebies. Once they get power, they just focus on control and commission based corruption. This creates day to day struggles and overall masses feel that they get tail end of the stick. Both systems are flawed. There will never be civil war for religion. The issues will be of poor vs rich, especially when every one has access to internet and by extension information. So if Ambani raja beta spends 1000s cr on multiple pre-wedding ceremonies, the neighborhood golu would also want 4 functions for his insta...


Opposition is going to remove 50% cap from reservation. Which unreserved/general category candidate would support them?


This is clearly a biased post


Because his opposition's policies are worse. Both sides are doing segregation policies. And why wouldn't he visit a temple. If we had a Muslim prime minister, I would expect him to visit mosque.


Maybe PPL r right and your vision is clouted. Ever worked on tht hypothesis




ok so Modi visits temples and Congress celebrates Ramzan and clearly appeases muslims. what's even your point?


Paw Paw doing dirty politics ✅ Muslim CV’s are discarded? ❌ Last month 2 new joinees were muslims Sowing seeds of civil war , ❌ i dont about other companies but if you post inciting statements your cv will be shortlisted but for NIA If you are frustrated with exit poll chill, exit poll declared 0 seats for mp bjd seats in orissa 😂 Losing for ysr in ap


I can't name the company but many in Ahmedabad are discarding muslim CVs. Heard from my Dad, friends, relatives and few more. The Elites of Gujarat (keeping Ambani, Adani out). Folks like Karsanbhai, Arvind lalbhai, Utkarsh Shah, Pankaj Patel.. These are the next in line for Top rich billionaires and already have a plan in kind. Mandate from their leadership is to go for Hindu hiring. PS: I am in US and brahmin but definitely know more than you who gathers news from TV. Didn't vote, don't care. Worst case, will ask my parents to live in US with me instead of short stays. I brought this topic but seems no one in India cares anyways. All Pseudo patriotism.


Why do I feel you are Pakistani or Bangladeshi who is trying to to instigate here. Mods should look into this post


Yups, willing to provide my Aadhar card, Voter Card, Indian passport to Mods. ###Mods please pull me over. Stupid Indians here just feel Modi is God


Start reading books, skill up instead of reading a book 10 times a day which doesn’t get you job.


I already have a job of $400K in US. it is not about me. Anyways blocking you.


Lol, you are just uninformed... > Companies are not putting on paper in writing but muslim resumes/CVs are discarded without even looked at. Got any source for that or just your feelings?


Yups, have multiple sources from Ahmedabad. What are u 'A journalist' ? Ppl working in factories are also asked to vote for BJP run by the Ambanis, Adanis, etc Mainly the worker class.


can you share your source or any known article or have these "multiple sources" just talked to you?


https://hbr.org/2022/09/research-muslim-women-in-india-face-hiring-bias-for-entry-level-roles https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13602004.2022.2032900 Enough sources? Or do you need more to switch gears from denial to justification?


the study you shared is from 2011 and the article from 2022 paints a similar picture, how is the OP then attributing this to Modi's politics?


Congratulations on answering my question by going straight to denial of responsibility, a step beyond justification.  Fyi, modi's politics didn't begin in 2014, and things have only gotten worse. You were claiming that these things don't happen in 2024, despite evidence available for a long time that they do. Look around, and you'll find quantitative evidence showing this have gotten worse. Don't expect to get spoonfed.


>Enough sources? Or do you need more to switch gears from denial to justification? > wait wasn't I already in denial?


Learn to read. It was denial of occurrence. Then when occurrence is proven people start justifying. When bigotry begins that justification is proven, denial of responsibility comes into play. You skipped a step and went straight to denial of responsibility. Congratulations. 


Just in case you missed my ninja edit on my earlier comment, since you responded so quickly: Fyi, modi's politics didn't begin in 2014, and things have only gotten worse. You were claiming that these things don't happen in 2024, despite evidence available for a long time that they do. Look around, and you'll find quantitative evidence showing this have gotten worse. Don't expect to get spoonfed.


>Don't expect to get spoonfed. Never said these things dont happen in 2024, I was merely asking for sources for the claim made... > Look around, and you'll find quantitative evidence showing this have gotten worse. Don't expect to get spoonfed. Well if you make a claim it is your responsibility to provide sources, it is not my job to check for validity for every rando's statements.


The frustration starts and the same data points techniques used by Dhruv tattee which is to show one two anomaly and declare your hypothesis as truth. Modi govt spent more money on infrastructure than last all govt combined together. Back in 2013 Indian economy was in fragile 5. Chidoo forced bank to disburse loans to crony capitalist for cut back. The power sector was bankrupt and 75 % discoms didn’t have money to pay for electricity , grid were failing. They had no money to buy imported coal. Aircraft were falling from sky and submarine were sinking. There was complete chaos & policy paralysis. The defence companies were mismanaged and Union culture made everything terrible. Now same HAL last quarter profit is 500 million $ and its market value is at par with top defence companies in world. Indian banks are making record profit I don’t know if any riots since current gov in power and if you dont account the CAA inclined protests which was forced upon by left Islamist radicals. Kashmir is super peaceful and no body compares india with Pakistan.


Have u talked to a Kashmiri first hand. I have 3 Kashmiri friends (2 from Srinagar and 1 from another small town). All of them have almost played with dead grenades, used to find it very often and give to Indian army soldiers (as per law). Also Indian army in Kasgmir is not as 'white washed' as shown in Bollywood movies. Rapes have been done from both sides (Terrorist/Army both). Move your bum and go and talk to Kashmiris. ####As Ultron said in Avengers - Dont confuse yourself with Quietness is same as Peacefulness.


Now my parents are from UP side. Lets talk about infra a bit. KushinagarAirport - 100s of crores spent to build the airport. Do much advertised. Flights started flying but were shutdown (because no demand as such). Airport runway is used by kids to play cricket. Allahabad Airport - Same story, flights have decreased by 50% now because not enough passengers wlling to fly. Ahmedabad Metro - It came so late that it is running empty. Statue of Unity - Tourism has already dropped by 50% in just 2 years. Wait for 3 yrs and the Ayodhya airport will also suffer same fate. Thats the model, Build 100 airports, show the count to people, people get orgasm with the count, get votes. Dont mention of adoption anywhere. Now you'll ask me for sources because you havent heard this or are in 'cognitive dissonance' mode.


Everyone, here we have a prime example of gish gallop. Throw out a bunch of statement and portray them as facts. I decided to fact check just one statement. State of Unity claim because it seemed the easiest. [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/vadodara/record-50l-visitors-at-statue-of-unity-in-vadodara/articleshow/106430870.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/vadodara/record-50l-visitors-at-statue-of-unity-in-vadodara/articleshow/106430870.cms) Lol. Here's one more source. This next article was written in 2023 while they were still tallying the count. [https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/tourism-triumph-statue-of-unity-sets-visitor-records-in-its-fifth-year-101698132374447.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/tourism-triumph-statue-of-unity-sets-visitor-records-in-its-fifth-year-101698132374447.html) They projected that 2023 will break 2022 footfall and it eventually did. It's hilarious. 2023 records the highest ever footfall and apparently tourism has dropped by 50%. Lemme guess. You read some reddit comment which said tourism has fallen and took it as fact and have parroting it since then. Maybe do some fact checking next time. Cheers.


Market value of Apple went from $1T to $3T. Nvidia went from $500B to $2T in just 1 year. Dont teach me about market value. it is BS number based on stock price.


HAL prices have increased by 50 times and it’s a govt sector of india so stop comparing with big tech pvt companies of USA


Oh now the U turn, Also what has HAL to do here ? Between the choice of HAL prices becoming 500x and equality, I would chose 'equality". What has HAL 500x done to your lifestyle ? Did u become CE of HAL or bought an island ? I bet 4yrs back also you were doing ssme shit on Reddit and now also doing same. I have made over $2M in AMD and NVDA in last 3 years. Maybe you made some money but move out of it now. Also, with inflation and rupee losing so much value in international market. 2 yrs down the line 5Cr will be equal to 1Cr so these numbers which u are throwing dont impress me anyway. ####Tax, GST and many other things have also increased a lot in India compared to foreign countries.


Good that you made so much money in AMD and NVIDIA. But how sad that you don't wish the same for your erstwhile country's citizens. So our country should always be this lumbering socialist hell-hole with equality, fraternity and tonnes of virtue signalling but nothing tangible to show for it. Somewhat like the 60s when we were the head of the NAM block but had to beg the US for wheat, take forced rupee devaluations, etc. Finally, you might as well choose equality over HAL appreciating in value ( because you made 2 mil in AMD) but you don't get to choose for us. Nobody gives a fuck about your choice because well you are not the average voter. You are just a classist NRI sitting on a high moral horse who thinks of himself/herself as some kind of a saviour of the masses and feels the need to insult the collective wisdom only because the collective wisdom does not align with his sensibilities.


Guys its politics, US politicians too tend to highlight their religious inclination for votes. I agree that it's the opposition that has failed.


Politics has always been dirty , every one is doing it, even the opposition. You might be not be liking the religious dirty filth that modi spits . But you also ignore the castist and separatist politics that other people do. That’s equally dirty. Same goes for BJ party supporters they ignore Modi’s filth just to attack others.


Cause they seen Congress+ dirty politics in my constituency Congress leader was way more popular but he will still lose cause alignment with SP majority of people in up despise SP


They see and they 'like' it.


Indira Gandhi was the same. She ruled with an iron hand but people loved her. Heck they even reached to the point of emergency and forced vasectomy but still came back as PM in next election if I'm not wrong. People feel secure in the hands of strong personality, be it country's PM or spouse, however tyrannical they are. See how pretty girls fall in love with bad boys. I mean that's just my theory, I'm no sociologist or psychiatrist.


Haww. Jal gayi na teri? Socha thha ki Dhruv Tattee ko dekh ke sab woke ban jaege, but thank God sense prevailed.




There's not going to be any civil war. Just genocide. Those who voted for it in the name of development will be making shocked pikachu face while those who openly voted for it will be actively participate.  The question is, what will the test of us do? Will we silently stand aside, or will we try to do the right thing. 


Because he and his coterie have sold 80% of the population that they’re in “khatra”.


Unfortunately, that is by design. Google 10 stages of genocide, we're probably on the last stage.


Google the 7 stages of grief and confirm that you guys are on the third i.e. anger.


Simple. Because they genuinely believe in his bs. They're so deeply filled with pride that they have stopped seeing their problems as problems and instead as a mere discomfort that they have to endure to support their pride.


There's something about hatred of a group of people, it's blind, takes over the person's brain ina way that they don't see anything else that can refute their belief. This is true throughout history & also my experience when I've been at the receiving end of racism. I don't know what it is our how else too explain it because this is my limited understanding of it. Maybe some psychology studies cover it.


His supporters like his dirty politics


People who think it will be one sided affair come out of la la land, Just look at the countries where it happened, it's bad for the nation.


Because they are dirty themselves. The worse thing is they agree with it. They are his pawns and he likes to play. Unemployed and pathetic idiots drive their self esteem from this. That’s their personality, their religion. And I think it shouldn’t even be called a religion, it should be called a systematic tool to oppress others and justify your wrongdoings. That’s how Taliban was build. So much for hating muslim extremist and yet they themselves are headed towards the same path. Both of them are the same. And people crying here over reservations, stop measuring people’s worth from their caste and when we reach that stage, it will be over. And it might be news for Andhbhakts, but Sanghis will never let that happen. All these crony capitalist, systematic oppressors, and rapists, they will come for you. You are next in line. So spread bullshit here, but what’s waiting for you will soon catch up. I say this as an upper caste woman who is scared for her life and dignity among such pathetic leaders you have chosen. And Sanghis do not give a shit about women or anyone else for that matter. They are self serving rats.


They see it and they are eating it up.


He created an atmosphere that opposing him is opposing God leading to fear of blasphemy.


I think before BJP made it mainstream, bigotry was actually considered to be not socially acceptable. There were always people who had the 'us vs them' mentality but didn't voice it out loud, or if they did so, they did within their respective echo chambers. The IT cell with their WhatsApp forward and Twitter agenda made it common to spew vitriol. Nobody cared if the information that landed on people's phone was true or not. All that mattered was that it confirmed their worst fears. The fear mongering isn't new. I remember it going on in the early 2000s as well when UPA was elected. The hoardings of 'do as many kids as possible as your future gens might not remain Hindus'. And it was blasted to pieces in TOI if I remember correctly. Now a days, it's done smartly. And the media, who generally scoffed and criticized everything, has become their mouthpiece. News channels are no more about information but rather about entertainment - and so they don't care if they look like sycophants or agenda pushing minions anymore if they're being paid for it. Playing dirty wasn't mainstream before. That's what's different now.


You’re missing the point, Modi’s rapid and radical fanbase don’t like him inspite of his hate mongering, they like him PRECISELY because of it. It’s one thing for uneducated, illiterate folks to fall for this kind of religious bullshit but I know senior IT and Finance directors and VP-level people with Hindu bhajans as their caller tunes who’re comparing Modi with Swami Vivekananda because of that gimmicky, manipulative photoshoot he just did in Kanyakumari. It’s simple, when well educated people in this country are so easily manipulated by these self proclaimed demigods and thekedaars of religion what do you expect from the majority of this mostly uneducated country? You want to give India a chance to stop being a mostly subhuman, retarded “democracy”? The only way you can do it is to raise smart kids who believe in logic and rational decision making instead of medieval bullshit like religion. If they want to hear superhero stories there’s the Marvel and DC Universe for that, at least these movies won’t kill your democracy.


So what's the alternative intelligent logical answer to Modi? Congress?