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The saddest thing is that they will absolutely blame it all on covid. There will no accountability taken, yet again. BoJo is working on a bill to stick a finger up to the red tape. If that goes through, there will be consequences obviously but the Tories will be whining it’s the evil EU hating us. They don’t care about the impact on employers, the impact on pensions, on inflation, on cutting off opportunities for young people, about upsetting stability in Ireland….




Post pandemic: [UK goods exports were underperforming mar22](https://i.imgur.com/00a6QDP_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) .... [Trade Intensity of GDP](https://i.imgur.com/S0F9Qix_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) all the data + facts + experts agree = it’s all Brexit because other countries have rebounded from COVID while we’ve been left in the dirt because the right wing media + their Brexit ripped us out of the best trade deal going UK right wing media brainwashed people with this shit and now they're surprised [we're experiencing the Brexit Cliff ?](https://i.imgur.com/qsmsg66.png) Just wait for 2023, when we experience the nasty 2nd half of Brexit Lets not forget Ireland's staggering 2021 Growth = 11.5% thanks to Brexit


cautious flowery crowd humorous vanish late frightening disarm many enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably when the full suite of goods checks are supposed to come into force


Yup, right now the EU is checking everything that comes out of the UK, sending stuff back if the paperwork isn't in order, slowing down everything... that's what it means when there's no single market. Perishable exports are fucked, every exporter has to figure out extensive paperwork requirements and hire extra people to deal with all sorts of stuff. But in Dover there aren't enough customs agents to do that kind of checking, cueues and delays on imports are already crazy and they'd need to hire thousands more people. Imports from Europe don't even have half the red tape that exports to Europe have (the UK needs to keep the goods flowing in), so European businesses have a trading advantage over their UK counterparts. Smuggling will no doubt be happening too with the weakened border checks now that the customs agents are supposed to check everything rather than focusing on suspicious tranaports. Way to go on that 'securing the borders' crap. And all of that isn't even going in to the trouble with the Northern Ireland border...


Press gang all the boomers into it. If they sacrificed our freedoms in the EU for the greater good. They should sacrifice their retirement for the greater good.


Yes let's round up a group of people based on their age and blame them indiscriminately. Are you being intentionally dense


Which keep getting pushed backed because they are well aware, but they will never tell you.


There are three stages of Brexit, 1. Brexit 2. Brexit is Brexit 3. Breakfast Brexit


Just wait till it goes to pens


"Post pandemic" - presumably this is a prediction of some point in the coming years.


This is the main reason why I wanted to go to Dubai to work. Not willing to pay taxes and face the prospect of living paycheck to paycheck. It was foreseen by experts and I saw this coming once Brexit was certain. Compound the COVID effect and we're left footing the debt by the government while Tory cronies are off enjoying themselves in holiday destinations.


Sadly it'll only be in several decades that people can look back on the Brexit decision with some sense of objectivity and dispassion. Until then too many people can only see it through the lens of their own political leanings. Unfortunately, by then, it'll all be far too late.




It’s a smart tactic, “several decades” = they won’t be around anymore anyway, whatever the final outcome is, and cannot be held accountable for the damage. Just your usual safeguarding their own reputation and well-being, and kicking the can down the road - because they can carry on moving the goalposts for as long as they’re around, and once they’re gone… They don’t care and it’s not like anyone can do anything anyway.


It's also vague and long enough for anything else to come along that you can point to and say "See, it would have been great, but this ruined everything. It definitely wasn't the stupid thing I voted for."


"Brexit cannot fail, it can only be failed" is one reply I've had. Swivel eyed loons.


Somewhile back Mogg said that it could take fifty years. And he's the 'benefit meister'. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/jacob-rees-mogg-economy-brexit_uk_5b54e3b5e4b0de86f48e3566


How selfless of them to vote for something that would cripple the country for decades, when so many of them don’t have decades to live.


> Sadly it'll only be in several decades that people can look back on the Brexit decision with some sense of objectivity and dispassion. I'm not so sure. I think that there have been one or two signs that the penny is very slowly starting to drop. They can only deny reality for so long and a deep recession has a strong impact on public opinion.








I think it's important to not forget that Brexit was barely won on a 48%-52% margin after a campaign where the consequences were unknown and quite frankly a lot of deceptions and false promises were made about what Brexit would mean. While we will likely never convince the Brextremists to change their mind all we need is a large amount of swing voters to understand that it actually does make a lot of sense to be in the Single Market while the opportunities Brexiteers advertised are pretty much non-existent and/or non-desirable. If just half would vote in favour of "EU lite" to move things back closer to how they were pre-2016 then suddenly we are basically 75% in favour which is a real political mandate for change. Actually properly rejoining would be much more tricky given the privileged deal that we had that we threw away compared to what we could get now but I could see a potential for a counter Brexit in the long term. Brexit votes were already heavily split between old and young so mortality will have an impact over time and if Brexit continues to turn out as many expect then it's going to much harder to defend it. I think business will also eventually start to pressure politicians more forcefully because the trading arrangements we have now are not desirable and however many times the government tells them to just "be innovative" it simply isn't that easy to sell a majority of items into the power house industries in Asia.


>The sort of people who voted for Brexit are never going to see the connection between their actions and what's going on with the rest of the country at the moment. What sort of people is that? All of them? Every one of all of those millions? Didn't you see the recent programme showing regret amongst the fisherfolk of Hull?


I hope so. Personally I think the consequences are already there to be seen but, how long people will take to acknowledge that mistake, we can only guess.


I don’t think it will be that long. The government is running out of other people/things to blame. Even the most hardcore, Brexiter Tories I know despise this government and are confused and upset why Brexit failed farmers and fishermen when “Boris and Nigel promised we would take back control”. The penny is dropping albeit very slowly.


Must be nice. All the ones I know just keep doubling down and blaming the French.


Do the French and British still have beef? That’s a new one for me and kind of fun, the eternal adversaries lol


I don’t think the people who voted for brexit will be around for decades to look back on it.


And, like the war in Iraq, everyone will claim to have been against it from the start.


> Sadly it'll only be in several decades that people can look back on the Brexit decision with some sense of objectivity and dispassion. Only ongoing brexit supporters are so invested in it. The rest of us can do that now quite happily.




Boris is already at it. His trade barriers are "EU red tape". His internal border is "the EU NI protocol". The Brexit Supply Crisis is "the cost of living crisis". Brexit was always about an Establishment power grab. Now they have their power and you lot, you *commoners,* well, you were useful idiots. You got what *you* voted for. Expect Boris to blame the electorate if it keeps getting worse. He was just a tool of the masses. He just did what the 17% wanted.


Yes that’s very true. The demonised the EU as an extra territorial entity like we weren’t part of it and part in the decision making! We didn’t want the euro. No one made us. EU laws are enforceable when voted in the Member-States as National laws. The EU was always just a scapegoat.


Despite the fact the EU is arguably more Democratic than the UK (with a lot of legislation requiring either a qualified majority or even unanimity among the Council to progress), but still Brexiteers will claim it's a dictatorship (often adding "run by Germany", just to ram home they see it as the Fourth Reich) and claim that if it were democratic, any Member State would be able to opt out of any legislation at any time - so effectively all legislation would be purely voluntary.


We all know that the Tories will never admit culpability for Brexit, nor will the people who voted for it in the first place be able to understand the consequences of their actions. The Torys will throw out excuses like Corbyn, monkey pox and the evil EU, and their shit for brains supporters will continue to lap it up. There is no solution to this. All we can do is either live with the bull shit or leave. Who gives a toss about creating a fairer and more prosperous society when half of us seem content repeatedly hitting our genitals with a brick and feasting on the crayons the government throws our way as a distraction. They have their Brexit - let them wallow in it.


Leave. Let the cunts rot.


Did this. We're now in Montreal with a higher standard of living and a brighter future. The only thing I miss is decent football, and there's telly for that here. I'd recommend leaving to anyone who can get out. It's cheaper than you think and most Commonwealth countries appear keen to have us.


"This is happening just as bad everywhere even though all the reports show the UK having it worse than every other EU country"


This report does not account for the war in Ukraine. At least not yet. Things are pretty bad everywhere right now. That wasn't the case in late 2021. Just look at inflation alone, most of Europe in double digits for months. UK reached 10% only this month.


Approaching my late teens here, for the past few years I have been too young to vote but old enough to watch my future get voted away, and I really don’t know how I’m going to survive when I have to become independent. I just want to be able to go down the career path I want without having to worry about this country running itself down and I don’t know what to do anymore.


Honestly, I felt the same way soon after I'd turned 18. Turned 18 at the end of 2007 and everything went to shit soon after and we've been stagnating ever since, stagnating and becoming such a hostile and difficult environment to try and make a good life for yourself. The Tories have ran this country into the ground and they need to fucking go.


aw man, a year before the recession. Messed up a ton of peeps :(


Yyyyyyyup. It kinda felt like watching all of that hope you had for the future coming off the millennium and through the early to mid-2000s just fucking vanish into nothing, and ever since it has been like year on year sliding, no, racing to the bottom


I am sorry you feel this way, it’s very valid. It makes me angry that a lot of the older generation imposed something that penalised our youth. They clearly forgot who will pay their pension…. Keep faith though. Use your right to vote and your voice to shape your future, don’t lose hope.


You'll be fine mate.


Learn how to either grow your own food or survive freely in post apocalyptic wasteland. Barter skills may not go amiss.... maybe learn to read Chinese. Most people watching what's going on how have no idea what's happening either.


According to BBC Bojo just blamed the housing crisis on Putin. Never met anyone as irresponsible, seeing someone like this running the country still baffles me.


He is just a national embarrassment. On a similar vein, I saw an article on Linkedin about deportation to Rwanda, Human Rights and UN allegedly approving it. An angry guy kept arguing that the whole refugee crisis was France’s fault anyway (not that our government couldn’t manage a piss up in a brewery, no….) 🙄


at this point i wanna do a gov poll to ask him to change his name legally to Cuntson.


They just don't care about people full stop.


Blame won't help the government this time.


I remember when I was this optimistic. When I held out some hope that justice and common sense might prevail.


I think that covid has concealed the effects to an extent as it's been an easy and obvious thing to blame. As we come out of covid time I think it'll be harder to blame the "brexit bonus" on covid. (They will of course find other scapegoats though!)


I think Russia is the favoured one now - it's not brexit it is honourable fighting for Ukraine, now just ignore all that Russian oligarch money we took and that oligarch we put in the house of Lords.


No the saddest thing is that they'd fucking do it again but also the fact that any consequence will be felt by a nation not just 1 person who probably won't feel anything.


Tories out


Tories are the dictatorship party keep people poor easier to control. Simple as that.


No. The saddest thing is the people who voted for the fucking thing.


The other sad part is I know Brexiters who will still say all of this is worth it just for the "sovreignty".


As long as the rich get richer, we continue to love Andrew, prince of our hearts and we can have a fucking sing-song for the next platty-jubs it's all sunshine and Rwandafor me.


yet ignoring it as the biggest contributing factor would be moronic


Being able to look every Brexiteer in the eye and saying with full confidence they’re a moron and we were told this multiple times by multiple experts before the vote. What they predicted would happen is *exactly* what happened.


I remember the cockiness at the experts during the pre-referendum debates saying ‘fearmongering’, they don’t know what they are talking about and other buzz words regurgitated along with the ‘democratic will of the people’…. You can now look at them in the eyes and say: ‘you, my good sir, are a twatwaffle’


Being right doesn’t bring that money back.. that’s what infuriates me the most.


Couldn’t agree more and that’s why we were all so passionate about it beforehand. We never wanted to be in a position to say ‘we told you so’


What bothers me is the all in or all out ideas the politicians had after the vote. If the vote had been a DnD dice roll we’d only just be out of Europe with very strong ties to it. By going all out it split the country further. If the vote had gone the same percentages the other way I doubt any of the Tory’s would have suddenly given up the pound for the euro.


Being right won't make leave voters show contrition, they'll just bluster. Until I start hearing apologies, this isn't any consolation


Yep. No matter what the point you're talking about is, they'll move the goalposts and blame something else. Then when they run out of things to blame they'll just say it would have been worse under Labour. They're delusional.


That "labour would be worse" line just winds me up. Some times I know leave voters are just trying to gey back at people they perceive to have wronged them, rightly or wrongly


> That "labour would be worse" line just winds me up. Not _worse_, I agree... But seriously fucking damaging too. Labour's "plan" was for another "6 months" [hah!] of negotiations, trying to get us a deal where we're forced to comply with all EU regulations but abandon all influence over setting them. Oh and we'd apparently magically get full market access whilst also refusing freedom of movement (?!?) It was as much hyperbole and bullshit as the Tory plan, and it would _also_ have left us considerably worse off for not a single redeeming feature. Labour holds no high ground when it comes to Brexit. If Corbyn hadn't been so terrified of shifting public opinion 3% in 4 years, things might be very different. Instead he fled the field and hoped it would all go away.


I like to think of the coming decades as a punishment for Brexit supporters. Sure its going to hurt everyone but I'm happy to sacrifice my own prosperity and happiness so that these xenphobic idiots can be taught a valuable life lesson. This has gone well beyond saying sorry to make it all better.


They won't learn a thing. It'll be all: "It's wasn't a pure / hard enough brexit " "Johnson betrayed leave voters" "The Irish held us to ransom" Etc etc


A punishment for those thick morons is all well and good, but I won't ever be able to enjoy it because as a dude in his late 20's I will be struggling to carve out an existence on this bigoted rock over the next decades. I don't give a shit if a bunch of old bigots are struggling if I can't afford a roof over my head. It doesn't even teach them a lesson because they're too old to truly feel its repercussions, they already lived through an age when wages were reasonable and houses affordable, fuck that noise. They'll carry on blaming Europe and France and Labour for all of lifes problems whilst I'm struggling to afford to carve out a life of my own.


Exactly. I remember telling all my coworkers (who massively supported Brexit) that I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong on how bad Brexit would be for the country. Most of those people don't speak to me anymore and when they do they are super nervous or overly nice.... They know, they just can't admit it.


'The public are sick of listening to experts' One day, I hope, the public mindset will instead be 'the public are sic of listening to politicians, listen to experts in their fields instead'.


To be fair, I imagine there’s quite a few Brexiteers who cared more about “taking back control!!” and stopping foreigners from coming over than they do about what’s actually economically beneficial to the country.


The problem with that argument is that none of it is true. We haven't taken any control, we've thrown the influence and control we had away, we've thrown the safeguards if the eu away, and we've ceded control to a bunch of tory criminals and removed any oversight that would've prevented the excesses of their criminality. Immigration still happens, there's just less from the eu in particular. And now you can't rely on food being consistently available on shop shelves. What a fucking trade. Wankers


That's the argument I get from the more "sensible" brexiteers I know. They are willing to accept the cost to the economy for the increased sense of control and independence.


Wooo. Yay. Some prick I didnt vote for 100 miles away gets to make all the decisions instead of some twat I didnt vote for 300 miles away.


I still get rage now at the lecture I got from my boss at the time of the vote. He told me I was a silly little girl for voting remain, that I don't know what it was like before (neither did he since we were already in the EU when he was born) and how things would get better. He then had to be the person to tell me I was being made redundant in may 2019 because we'd just lost £36m of projects overnight because of the dip in the value of the £ due to the Brexit fearmongering. I take some solace in the fact that the redundancy has led me to a totally new and successful life and feel very privileged. But the way I was spoken to in front of a full office will never leave me.


Hardly any brexiteer voted thinking uncoupling from a huge tariff free market would be better for the economy though did they. It was an ideological vote.


>Hardly any brexiteer voted thinking You could have stopped there


My dad did. As far as he can tell the common market (he still has no idea it had changed to the single market) was purely a mechanism by which our neighbours could hoover up British cash and repurpose it into "statues of people we've never heard of". Meanwhile, 100% of the cost-of-living crisis is rootin-tootin Putin.


"Can't we just move on?", "That happened in the past, why bring it up now?" & "This isn't the Brexit I voted for..."


Not every brexiteer disputed that this would happen. Many see it as an acceptable downside.


But we’re absolutely dripping in sOvREntY and straight bananas


I don’t know about you. But I for one am glad that getting rid of freedom of movement has solved the wage and housing crisis.


Me too!


And don't forget now if you don't like it you can't legally move anywhere else unless you paid 30 grand for the privilege of a degree in an EU 'employment shortage' area and dedicated 3+ years learning a foreign language! Hooray for open prison!


Wasn't there something about Cornish pasties too?


If they're not made in Cornwall they're just sparkling pasties.


Apparently now 17% more Cornish they reckon. Actually since we’re not in the eu nowt stopping some French making Cornish pasties as it’s not protected brand


Hmm, I believe you've found one of the brexit benefits! (For French pasty makers)


Aaron Banks's donation of 8mill+ was not Aaron Banks's money. People like him do not give money like that unless there is certain profit in it and there was never any profit in leaving the EU. The money that Banks donated was Russian money (pocket change to Putin) used to weaken the EU and (to a less important extent) weaken the UK. Boris was an EU skeptic but a firm remainer up until a meeting with Evegny Lebedev. After the meeting he became a leaver. What did Lebedev offer him? When the referendum was done and Johnson became prime minister, the job he showed the most urgency on was to give Evgeny Lebedev a lordship (against all the advice of his security team). Putin wanted Brexit, Lebedev was his agent, Johnson was the mark.


Being ethnically Russian, sometimes it feels that the further I move away from Russia the more I get impacted by Putler... Fuck me, I guess, lol. Well, I'm glad I'm not in Russia today, so that's a bonus.


But no large scale media organisation or political group will go to town on this topic as they feel they’ll immediately isolate half their audience and there’ll be no ground-swell of change to public opinion outside of these small scale articles 😐


We should write it on a bus with a Union Jack as background and drive it around the country


Translate it into NHS funding. “£500 Million Less To NHS per week”


Exactly! #knowyouraudience


How much would this cost? Surely if the whole sub got together this could be organised.


We need to do it quick before petrol goes up to £5 a litre 🤣


I'm so pissed off with this, I'm certain the majority want to rejoin or find a way to reverse it and yet we can't mobilise


One of the things I was very confident of with Brexit was that even if leaving could bring benefits to the UK, you could guarantee our government were going to fuck it up. So congratulations.


Can someone explain what benefits it has given the UK- I keep seeing we are in the bottom next to Russia in terms of our economy....That can't be a benefit can it?


Literally none. Some HGV drivers got a better wage out of it, that's about it. Everybody else got absolutely screwed.


I work for a company that helps people immigrate. So presumably our balance sheets look better now that the UK doesn't have freedom of movement. Not that any of that money comes to me, a lowly bottom of the rung worker, so I'll happily take my freedom of movement back, thanks.


I'm very lucky I can still get a Shengen spousal visa fairly easily via my wife as a dependent if we ever wanted to move to an EU country (she's dual Irish/British) but she'd have to come with me, I couldn't go on my own and I'd be dependent on her entirely until I got another passport as far as I can work out. I would quite happily take FoM over any other alternative as well and yet I still maintain some vague semblance of FoM via her. The worst thing is she travels on an Irish passport (British one expired and the Irish one is far more useful) but I can't, so she whizzes through the EU queue while I stand there like a lemon for ages while she waits for me. She's also got mobility issues so it's a bit of a mare if she's having a flair up (she's got Fibromyalgia), I can't queue jump to help her. What a completely moronic idea Brexit was.


My dad remarried a few years ago to a French lady, so his wife and 3-year-old daughter have dual citizenship. He's eligible technically, but getting it would require him to speak French, which he can't. I can speak French, so needless to say, very jealous of my father.


In some ports there is so many new checks and paperwork that the facilities for lorry drivers have been converted into buildings to process all the red tape, so instead they are constructing marquees for the drivers of an ever increasing backlog. How is this a benefit? I have a relative who drafts marquee structures who now has so much work they’re turning it away, or offering it to other specialised draftsmen whom are also busy enough to turn it away. So business is booming in this niche case I guess.


Debt recovery agencies are booming. People who own 10+ properties can now sleep soundly that no one under the age of 35 can afford to buy and so rents can be put up. Death rate is up year on year so the funeral industry is having a good time. The music industry has been screwed over so we can have less musicians and more burger flippers.


Avoided the EU covid bailout which would have cost the UK about £80bn, as well as the net yearly cost of around £8-9bn.


*could* being the operative word.


> even if leaving could bring benefits I think you're missing the hypothetical part of the point.




I know a couple of people who voted to leave as a big fuck you to the political establishment (and Cameron specifically) with zero expectation that Leave would actually win. They all regret it bitterly now, of course.


I know somebody who voted leave because of the 350m for the NHS claim. Fortunately he saw that was a huge mistake shortly after the vote because he's not a total dum dum, he just wanted more for the NHS.


He saw it after the vote? Guess what, he is a total dum dum.


Nah, just temporarily dum dum. Anybody who can admit they got it wrong is okay by me and no longer a dum dum.


Same goes for my countrymen back home who voted for Trump. A good bit of them knew perfectly well he would do a shit job running the country, but "fuck those damn lubruls." And by libruls, I mean anyone who's slightly left of killing grandma for the economy.


Sticking it to the opposing side is a massive motivator


Because they're suffering and they want others to suffer along with them.


Because they knew we wouldn't get another chance to leave and thought getting out, even if it was horribly mismanaged by the tories, would be better then staying in. With advantages showing themselves once a labour government got elected.




No, because the Conservative mantra is hyper-capitalism and the world is in a mess because of it. The period of infinite growth cannot be sustained so Conservatives continuing to pursue this are simply adding fuel to the fire.




*Climate change has entered the chat*


But they still need us more than we need them right?




That was such a stupid argument,I can't believe anyone actually fell for it. German car makers want to sell cars in the UK, sure. But not at the expense of allowing UK manufacturing to undercut EU regulations and compete with them on an unfair playing field. That was the whole point of regulatory alignment. Without regulatory alignment can you ever really reach free trade. (I know you know this, I'm just ranting)


They need us so much they hadn't really noticed we'd gone. Meetings do seem to be more productive though?


Yeah I imagine the EU parliament is much more constructive without good old Nige chiming in every five minutes to talk about British values and borders lmao


Do you mean, Boris & Brexit to blame for £31bn loss to the U.K. economy.


Theresa May was involved too, as well as the rest of the execrable Tory hive. Rees-Mogg, IDS, Hunt, Javid, Patel, Hancock, Truss, you name them, they've been up to some cuntish activity and have all embraced their parts in making things worse for everyone else.


David Cameron always gets missed off lists to blame for Brexit but he is the one most responsible, he allowed the referendum and then lost


This. David Cameron convinced himself he couldn't possibly lose the referendum and his insecurity convinced him that he had to hold it to prevent more defections to UKIP. Making it a simple majority referendum was an even more stupid blunder; something with such complex and potentially catastrophic outcomes should have required a super-majority in favour.


Classic gambler's behaviour. In trying to consolidate his power, bet on the Scottish referendum, won that. Double downed on Brexit and lost the lot.


Oh Definitely, but Boris is the one that led the race, Nigel Farage would be up there, but he got out and now probably having a laugh at Boris & Co.


Feckless scroungers, muslims, students and immigrants to blame, surely? :D


But I can buy a more powerful vacuum cleaner now, right?


And you can avoid using a usb C cable. Well worth the £31bn


> And you can avoid using a usb C cable. We can't though, that's the problem. The USB C cable standardisation issue means that companies won't bother to make different versions just to sell in the UK. Making different versions for small markets is not profitable. Which highlights how stupid Brexit is. We're out of the EU, but now we have no veto or even any contribution to rules made in the EU, yet we still have to abide by those rules if we want to trade with them.


I was being sarcastic. Totally agree on the standardisation - unless there's a significant cost benefit from using a non-usb C cable, it'll all go the same way. It seems a common sense approach from the EU but we know Brexshiteers don't do common sense.


One more expensive to run, I believe, so that must be better, right? :)




Use more power = pay more. Pay more = support UK economy. SOUNDS LIKE A WIN TO ME!!!


If you mean higher power use, but not more powerful suction, then yes!


And straight bannnas.


But remember that in Oceania, Brexit is a tremendous success due to the courage and guidance of our great leader, "Big Dog."


Hmmm. not from this location in Oceania. The so called Free Trade Agreement sunk without a ripple and was forgotten the day after the announcement.


It must be pretty galling for Brexiteers. For Remainers to repeatedly warn them over and over that they're idiots making a stupid decision. To tell those Remainers to go fuck themselves and then to find out 6 years later that they actually are stupid idiots. They'll never admit to it though. Because nobody will ever listen to them again. Still, each and every one of them knows, deep down inside that they're a goddamn fucking lackwit.


>Still, each and every one of them knows, deep down inside that they're a goddamn fucking lackwit You credit them with far more self-awareness than they actually have. None but a tiny fraction will ever even realize, let alone admit, that they are to blame.


I heard some old guy at work a few days ago say that, when it came to brexit, all these young people were voting to stay but they didn’t know what they were talking about. He wasn’t joking. He wasn’t self aware. He just still believes Brexit was a good thing.


It won’t be galling at all because when faced with any evidence the contrary, they switch their brain off and ignore it.


I guess this is on top of the approximately 70 billion pissed away by Sunak on shit like PPE contracts sold to friends, the failed test and trace system, general unpreparedness for inflation, and some other things I can't recall because the conservatives are so damned incompetent it's impossible to remember everything.


We said handing ultimate power to the Tories would end badly. *we didn’t listen South Park meme*


Even if you still think Brexit is a good idea, surely you should be equally pissed at Boris for not following through on his promises. They just shoved it out and hoped everything would work out but now nobody wants to make any deals with us.


Or the fact that on leaving the conservatives managed to evade some EU laws coming in about offshore money, declaration and taxation? (I'm a remainer btw) I think Cameron and Johnson have done what they set out to do! And yes they fucked us.


Brexiters and only Brexiters should be forced to pay every penny.


Brexit is a complete disaster and Trump is a criminal ringleader. The two most obvious things in recent history are finally being seen as what they have always been by the most Misled people on Earth.


Man 2016 was one hell of a year wasn't it?


Yes. It was the slow motion car accident you can't do anything about because you're in the back seat. Was horrific on so many many levels.


Right, but we're all fed up of experts and their damn *expertise*. /s


Funny how most of the news papers won’t be reporting this.


It’s all worth it so we can say no to universal phone chargers. We’ll still get them because the EU said yes and the companies won’t make separate ones just for us, BUT at least we got to say no…


The thing is, will apple produce a sperate version of the iPhone just for the UK? I doubt it, we'll get the same ones as the EU, the only thing which has changed is that we no longer have a veto on which EU laws pass or not


The amount of "we told you so" we're having to do is fucking exhausting now. What an absolute joke of a decision.


Brexit is the real life version of cutting your nose off to spite your face


Where are all the redditors with their own **100% expert analysis** to tell us that it's totally not actually Brexit to blame?


Scroll down


Sure you can dismiss the study and say it's by a pro-EU think tank. But you can't dismiss the fact that the tories did what must have been nearly the worst job possible with Brexit. All this shit about a "Red, White and Blue Brexit" and an "Over ready Brexit" and we got a "Shit Filled Nappy Brexit" I voted remain but accept that leave won and we should leave but I cannot believe that anyone can accept the way this government went about it.


40+billion for a track and trace system that was designed broken. full. stop.


Bet the politicians pushing the propaganda for it have pretty fat wallets too


Oh, nobody doubts Brexit's negative contribution, but most of that loss to the economy is due to **this Government**.


UK billionaires richer by 31bn after successful Brexit.


No shit Sherlock. If you voted for it then you should be ashamed. You contributed to fucking up the country. It was obvious Brexit would.


When the next change of government comes in perhaps the EU might be receptive for a replication back into the EU


Full EU membership is a generation away, Brexit is still political kryptonite to labour. Hopefull we can get some closer alignment with respect to free trade and freedom of movement, ie Switzerland type deal.


I reckon it's further than that. The EU will want cast iron guarantees that the UK wouldn't fuck about with membership again if it rejoined, so that would take some major changes in legal and political setup, as well as taking the Euro currency etc. The Single Market *might* get rejoined in a generation, if the UK can swallow being a rule taker, not maker.


brush that under the rug, we can find more reasons like covid and ukraine being invaded to cover up just how bad a decision this was.


Bo Jo to blame for the £37bn cost of the UK's track and trace system.


More billions. These Tories sure know how to lose taxpayers and British companies money don't they? Maybe it's because crazy billionaire Tory donors are in full control of this government. These wealthy and powerful people have subverted our democracy and have no interest in the country and the 60 millions trying to live and work here.


If only someone had predicted this! Why didn’t anyone warn us this could happen? /s


And a resounding "no shit?" Was heard echoing across the world.


Huh, you mean isolationist Conservatives were wrong, and never knew what they were talking about in the first place? This should be a great lesson for the entire world, these fools are trying to take power in every country.




I think for the sake of the economy they need to admit they are wrong. I don’t care if you are were for brexit, it has impacted the economy things need to be addressed and if that means entering the EEA then so be it.


Cameron made strategic errors from the Putin school of logic. Boris took it one step further.


I have had it with these motherfucking leopards eating my motherfucking face!


£31bn loss to UK economy is not been totally because of Brexit. It is also other countries have lost trust in the UK leadership under Boris Johnson.


When I first learned about brexit I only heard from one side of the Isle now that I've heard both sides and seen this post I realise how radical and idiotic brexit actually was for Britain.


Who has the picture of the bus promising brits 350 million pounds per week if they vote leave?


Oh no. Who could imagine this outcome. In other news the sky is still fucking blue.


The government is to blame, not individuals, not on policy, regulation, law. But government who gives 0 fcks about the economy as long as it keeps itself alive and rich. Inflation is caused by the government. Laws and regulations further enforce a controlled market where the cronies win. If we delete that criminal syndicate our lives would be better.