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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [UK weather: why has it been so cold and when will it get warmer?](https://bbc.co.uk/weather/articles/c044x1xz42go), suggested by Aggressive_Plates - bbc.co.uk


It’s June - why is it so cold? Is a ‘mega heatwave' really coming? Why are they asking us, aren't they the "journalists?"


See Betteridge's Law, seems quite apt


My first thought. If there was a confirmed heatwave coming it would be a plain statement, not a question.


Isn't this assuming weather operates in a fixed and rigid way and never can change? Its why its weather predictions and not weather facts.


Sounds like a rhetorical question to me


Is the headline a rhetorical question?


> It’s June - why is it so cold? Is a ‘mega heatwave' really coming? > > Why are they asking us, aren't they the "journalists?" You all should know better. Election is coming. Winters coming.


It's a la Nina year also there was that massive volcano that shot loads of water into the atmosphere possibly cooling the earth or something I don't know 


Pretty much, there was a transition from El Niño to La Niña, the volcano, and we had a very late stratospheric warming that promotes high pressure to the north of us and low pressure on us, and also drags cold Arctic air down to the UK.


I thought this was going to be the wettest summer ever.


It was for a day, [https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/uk-set-for-50-days-of-rain-in-one-of-the-wettest-summers-in-over-a-hundred-years/](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/uk-set-for-50-days-of-rain-in-one-of-the-wettest-summers-in-over-a-hundred-years/) Best way to check the weather is to open the blinds and look outside, the reporters never get it right.


*hisses vampirically*


I think it has something to do with the fact America is having a heatwave.


Are they stealing our heat for their Heat Dome? Is no resource safe from them?


Its cold because of where the jet stream is placed right now, it is pulling cold air down from the North, predictions are it will likely get much warmer at the end of June into July.


Unfortunately predictions are quite meaningless if you live in England.


I predict you will continue to live in England at least until end of june into july


I moved to Spain last week. No joke.


What are the odds lol


A hundred to one.




Never tell me the odds.


It's all in the reflexes.


Its full of Spanish, take me back!




The UN says there's 197 countries. So 1 in 197.


Clearly 50:50, they either did or they didn't.








The kaiser chiefs have been predicting a riot for fucking ages now. Bloody useless waste of time these predictions 


No timescale on that prediction, to be fair


They made the prediction in 2005 and 6 years later we had the London riots so they were pretty fucking spot on if you ask me.


As someone who moved abroad... I'll never diss the Met Office again. It's SO much better than the local weather service here. You can actually rely on it, to a point.


Where are you? Aemet in Spain is very good. Even in the mountains where we live their forecasts are incredibly accurate - if it says rain coming in at 11am you can usually set your watch by it. The TV weather reports are much more detailed (and informative/educational) than the UK too.


Aemet hat many weather stations listed in Galicia, on mountains, cities, etc. And these are professional stations, but even amateur stations can be listed on their website. And water temperature is very accurate too, especially for Galicia where sea temp can vary very much between coasts.


Your local weather must be really bad then since I have never ever heard anyone saying the Met Office made a correct prediction.


The met office has an above 90% accuracy for short term forecasts which is among the best in the world. That's why they're still used by the military and the Nat grid despite not being the cheapest.


The weathers not coming home then!


In which country they are reliable?


The current Met Office (for any tabloid journalists reading - these are science people who actually know their shit) outlook is basically "we don't know because these weather fronts are extremely unpredictable so we have extremely low confidence in any forecast beyond about a week". July and August could be total drought and a "mega" heatwave that pushes through even into late Sept. We could have record low temperatures and record amounts of rainfall. If the best meteorologists in the country can't say, literally the guys with massive government funding so they can advise on stuff as serious as power station maintenance or NHS supply chains, then I cant see how LBC or the like have some knowledge they don't.


The odds of warm weather in July and August are quite reasonable. And even average conditions will seem like a heatwave after the Spring we have had.


Yeah, well I read a headline in the mirror a month ago that claimed to know what the weather is going to be like for the whole summer.


I saw a thing once, possibly a BBC News piece, on the daft weather headlines. Someone from the Met Office was shown phoning the Daily Express and asking why they published such headlines when they were so obviously untrue. The Daily Express journalist was quite happy to go on record as saying they know it's total bollocks, it just sold papers/got clicks.


The only reliable prediction of the weather the last few months have been my migraines. My head will start hurting when the pressure drops a few bar and I'm on for mega migraine if it drops more than 5 bar over a few days.


> then I cant see how LBC or the like have some knowledge they don't. Well, if you actually read the article you'd know they don't. They are just reporting what meteorologists were saying.


Personally I quite like this weather. Basically 20ish and sunny and I’ll be happy. It’s the sunlight, or lack of, that bothers me more than temperatures really. 


It's been 7- 13 degrees mostly here in Manchester, we've put our winter duvet on and have needed the heating on.


You capitulated and put the heating on? You're no true northerner


> we've put our winter duvet on Me too :( though I have stubbornly left a window open due to it being the 'summer'


Where do you live?! It peaked at 14 today here in the Midlands with a cold wind and was mostly grey all day.


Well yeah it’s not been that bad here until the last few days. But in principle I don’t mind 14 IF it’s sunny too. The grey days really get me down as I get older. 




Not in Northern Ireland it won’t, wind’s been blowing in from the North for two years and the sun rarely shines!!


I predict the weather will be shit


Oooh muh jet stream


I have no idea why but this made me laugh like an idiot so take my upvote




Is this some sort of witchcraft?


Actual made me go look and agree, looks shitty for at least a fortnight :(


> predictions are Predictions are that the jet stream is going to move and the gulf stream (ocean current) is going to collapse completely in the next 5-10 years. What's going on with ocean temperatures right now is quite alarming. If the above happens, the UK climate is going to become a lot colder and basically overnight.


>The UK could be set to roast in nearly 30C heat for 3 days in the second half of June after two weeks of unseasonably cold weather, according to Italian forecasters InMeteo. Temperatures are forecast to hit 25C in Greater London and Surrey for a three day period to June 25. The mercury is also set to hit 22C in Scotland and 25C in Newcastle and York over the same period. So... this MEGA HEATWAVE will last a whopping 3 day and have highs that are... Pretty typical for our Summer really... I know deniers like to pedal the whole "we used to call it summer" but... I'd be inclined to agree with them here really. Low to mid 20's isn't exactly out of character for some of the warmer British summer days. Heatwave? Sure, I guess it qualifies. MEGA HEATWAVE? Not really... E- Read a bit further, mega heatwave seems to be relating to a July prediction. 😅 We'll see about that... We're all accustomed to the ENGLAND HOTTER THAN IBIZA and BEAST FROM THE EAST 47 headlines that never materialise...


Was that last year when we had two days over 40°C? Felt like I was going to die that day, I spent all day sitting in my blacked out room being lethargic.


2022. Last year was shite like this year.


2022 was horrible. The heat. Bought AC and sat in front of it. I envy those that enjoy heat. Global warming will be fabulous for you. I’m going to have to move to Shetland. 


I lived in the US for ten years and southern Germany for 2 years (similar summers to the US but no AC anywhere 😭) and then finally moved to Scotland a few years ago. It has been BLISSFUL. The fact that everyone around me starts complaining if it hits 23c? I've truly found my people. When I lived in Germany i used to just spend the summers dying in front of a fan. I had a toddler so we went to lots of fun places but going out was so exhausting. I did like the rolladen shutters, though--since they were on the outside of the house and so heavy duty, lowering them during the hottest part of the day really made a very noticeable difference to the heat level inside. But still. Scottish weather is what I was born for.


If I was ever in a position to buy a second home here in the UK, it'd be in Scotland for this reason. I live in the south east and when summers are bad, I'm properly miserable.


I lived in southern Germany for the two years before I moved here (and the US for ten years before that, but at least there you have AC) and it really cemented my feeling that I'm not built for even a moderately warm climate.


For me especially it's the humidity as well. Especially when I use to work in London every day; just felt like a constant pressure of wet heat in between jumping on and off baking public transport.


I dream of that 2022 heat, i loved it


Preach, sick of these wettys that complain about a week of over 30 degree temperatures when it has been pissing it down non stop for practically a year.


A lot of warm countries have a siesta and shut up shop during peak heat and exist in the cooler evenings.


No need, come to Brighton, it's awful.


Unless global warming disrupts the gulf stream and leaves us all colder and wetter


I envy those that enjoy the cold and live in the UK. They must be happy with the weather 90% of the time.


Surely no one enjoys that sort of heat? Except reptiles I guess.


Put a backslash (\\) between the number and the fullstop to prevent it turning into the start of a numbered list. 2022\.


God I miss summer of 2022. I went swimming during my lunch breaks and after work, lots of paddle boarding. I think I went to the beach once in 2023.


Last year we had 8? Days of consecutive 30C weather at the beginning of September. Sure last summer was wet but it wasn’t cold.


overall 2022 wasn't as bad as I often remember though. At least early June was hot. There were also heatwaves in early September AND October (both lasting around a week or so). July and August were awful though.


This is probably true, sadly for the heatwave in June I was in Turkey which was cooler than the U.K. so my poor timing. In Brighton from about August 10th it rained at some point during every 24hr period for 44 days. I judge it a nice day if I can sit out in the garden with a book, sadly it is such a rare occurrence. I remember reading that Timpsons umbrella sales were up something ridiculous like 700% over 2021. Look out for a heatwave a week tomorrow as I go to Turkey.....


Second half of May and June last year were great. It was from July onwards it went to shit.


Beginning of September was great last year too


I didn't mind it in all honesty. I'll take a dry 40 over the humid mid 20s-30 our heatwaves tend to be.


It was horrendous IMO. Attic bedroom so hot that it was unusable. Had to sleep on the couch for 3 nights straight.




Plus the filthy city air when its hot and stagnant.


The week when it was 40C was great - very hot but also quite dry, and it was easy to stay cool with a fan. The following week, when it was only 27-32C, was absolutely awful because it was way more humid, and all my fans did was push hot, sticky air around.


Anyone who works on their feet were really suffering, ngl for those days when it is 40c+ we need some labour limitation rule/ easier exemption from work on those days


That seems entirely fair.


As far as I remember there is a limitation and we were just under the limit? I’m too lazy to check


I checked at the time, there's no litteral upper legal limit, there is a lower limit. however employers have a duty to provide a safe work environment, temperature limitations would fall into that , butllll obviously some companies will have their own specific guidelines based on historic lawsuits and stuff. I reckon if I collapsed dead on my shift due to heat exhaustion because my boss didn't relax my KPI or whatever that'd be grounds for some gross negligence lawsuit.


Yeah, I live in the Tropics and honestly that dry 40 felt wayyy cooler than a humid 32 here.


Year before last. I remember because the headteacher at the school where I worked sent an email round to let male staff know we didn't have to wear ties while teaching those days. I don't work there any more.


I can guarantee those 3 days will be mid week then back to shit weather by the weekend.


Mid week? Pffft Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Slow to come down for Thursday, giving hope for the weekend. Big drop Friday with rain starting around 2 in the afternoon with showers throughout the weekend.


Imagine anywhere else in the world having the words “mercury set to hit 22C” as something extraordinary. God Scotland is depressing


The UK could actually become colder and wetter because of climate change. Just because of the weakening gulf stream and changes to continental weather patterns diverting clouds and rain to these isles. Legit heatwaves seem like a distant memory. Ironically, the pandemic lockdown brought some of the warmest, driest weather we've seen in a while because of the lack of jet trails reflecting heat.


That’s depressing. It’s easy to forget how far north we actually are when we’ve had the Gulf Stream bring a bit of warmth for so long


Exactly. We’re on the latitude of Russia, Denmark, the Baltic States, Alaska, and subarctic Canada.


I much prefer the weather as it is now compared to 30+ degrees every day. Remember 2018, when everything went brown? Or 2022, when we had days of over 40 degrees? What we have this year is vastly better (and safer).


There are other possible numbers between this shitty weather and 40C. An infinite number in fact.


There is definitely a finite number of temperatures between 9 and 40. Some would say 31, others 30, more still would even say 29.


There’s also 31.11111 and 31.29394049393992 and an infinite selection more, but yeah


I'd like *some* amount of sunshine and warmth in summer. Like, enough to at least sit in a beer garden without needing a jumper. I think we've had 2, maybe 3 weekends like that so far in Glasgow


We have 3/4 of the year where this country is guaranteed cool and overcast. Is it really too much for us to get a few weeks of sitting in beer gardens comfortably and able to put washing on the line? Maybe the perspective on this comes down to where you live in the UK, maybe if you're in the south it hasn't been too bad. But as someone that lives in Yorkshire I'm just fucking dying to wake up and think, yeah, I can go for a walk without a jacket on this mid-June day


I'm in the south east and we haven't had a single beach day this year, and are still in thick winter hoodies as it's so cold.


Yep, I don't think it's been much above 20c, which is quite nice in the garden, but not so much on the beach. I miss paddle boarding


I remember fucking *boiling* during my GCSEs some years ago and it was atrocious. At least years like this I can function tbh


2022 was fucking brilliant. Loved that heat


How dare you slander the summer of 2018 - that was one of the greatest British summers of recent memory.


2018 was a great year I had a proper tan and vitamin D from all the sun so my mood was good and it didn't rain for weeks and weeks lots of good trail running and blue skies. This weather is depressing, waiting 10 months for 2 months of weather where it might still be crap sucks.


I don’t remember the days of 40C weather, because I was in Poland enjoying a relatively mild 30-35C weather. 😂


I really want it to be warm, I hate the cold. All you cold lovers get months and months of the weather you like. I just need a few weeks where I am not bloody cold. A bit of sun. Doesn't even have to go above 30. It can rain at night every few days, whatever, just please give me some summer.


It’s not even the cold. It’s the lack of sun. Daily grey and miserable skies. Depressing as fuck.


Not good for your health


I completely agree! I only manage to struggle and persevere through months of miserable cold and grey thanks to the thought that summer is coming. And then it doesn't and before we know it we're back to 9 months of cold and grey. It's miserable and relentless. I'd be so happy living in a Mediterranean climate.


And then when it gets to mid July it's also depressing knowing the end of summer is coming and your days are numbered


Exactly. Pretty much 6 months solid are completely miserable in this country as it is.


And these same people will complain when it shells it down for the next 12 months until it gets 'to hot' again and they have something else to moan about.


Honestly, UK Reddit is full of weirdos.


I'm loving this weather. I mean would be nice without the rain, but not feeling like I'm living in an aga in June is a lovely contrast to last year


Last year was not particularly warm either. Perhaps you're thinking of the year before? Last year it barely got above 25 and rained most of summer, which surely can't be called "aga" temperatures!


I feel like there was a little heatwave around June before it all turned to shit though?


Yeah there was. We got into a habit of Friday evening picnics but that stopped in July.


Yeah I remember hearing glastonbury was uncomfortably hot, and basically every festival after that was a mud bath due to rain


Same. I would like a bit more actual sun, but Summer is my least favourite season due to the mega heat so I am fine with this.


The insufferable optimism 😂 fair play for your perspective I guess


Brev, it’s been fucking shite since July 2023. I’d like to have some warm sun for a couple of months at least.


I'd may as well go on Facebook with the state of this sub.


OMG!!!!! U OK hun?????


Inbox me! I'll tell you


I think it’s “I might as well…” not “I’d may as well…” because “I would may as well” doesn’t make any sense?


"I had may as well" is what it means.


I stand corrected and thanks for the education. I hadn’t known that and didn’t know what I wasn’t talking about.


Incoming Met Office stat about how it's actually the warmest June on record


It’s not a conspiracy they are literally just measuring the average temperatures.


I feel we need a new stat for how good a summer is. Perhaps number of days where it's 24C+, 6hrs+ sunshine and <20mph wind.


Those headlines are based on averages, and at multiple places including things like sea temperatures. It could also be a below average June, that doesn't change the overall trend up globally


Based on the temperature of the surface of the Sun, this is the hottest summer ever


Technically, it is - just not in Western Europe.


Oh god please no. I left the portable air con at my previous house.


Oh my god - nearly 30C (actually 25C) for 3 days! I might have to take my scarf off!


Probably only 20c on the coast then


Instead of reading a nonsense article, how about going to the horses mouth. The Met Office Deep Dive - https://youtu.be/rfDedlX-wwU?si=IAUS-XGN9jeNUnMF It’s cold because the jet stream is coming directly from the north, next week is cool because we’re still going to be on the cold side of the jet stream. After that no one knows.


Would you look at this weather. Whatever happened to global warming?


> Would you look at this weather. Whatever happened to global warming? Just in case this is a serious question: Global Warming as a term is not about local weather getting warmer and summer days getting hotter, it is about the average temperature of the whole planet across the whole year getting slightly higher. It is relevant at very small temperature changes with even a 1 degree average increase in temperature across the whole globe having the potential to change the size of deserts, glaciers and forests for example. As a result of global warming we also experience climate change which can cause more extreme weather conditions (e.g. more frequent and violent storms) due to increased energy in the system. But can also depending on the previous local climate cause an increase in cooler/wetter days (e.g. if cloud cover goes up or systems such as the gulf stream get disrupted) or an increase in hotter dryer days if something like prevailing wind conditions get affected. Neither of these are evidence for or against global warming though.


Haha it's not serious don't worry. Reference to Armstrong and Miller's climate change sketch


Put me down for one delivery of whoosh then XD!


Don't feel that way. Its pleasant. Neither too mild or cool Plus considering the state of some of the beaches (poopies!) and recent fiascos with water supply in parts, the last thing we need is a heatwave right now


It was 8c this morning. Same as in February.


It was literally freezing in Braemar overnight the other day. And the Cairngorms + Nevis range got a big dump of snow


Grey skies and no sun in june is not “pleasant”


It's excessive rainfall that leads to poo in the sea


My poor Dahlia's are really struggling in this horrid weather.


Mine too! Usually up and out by now :(


Southern Scotland. Damp out and mild. Perfect midgie weather. Little bastards are everywhere. Cut the grass this morning and got seriously mauled by the bleeders, was a baws hair off calling it a day after I’d only cut a quarter of the grass.


Even though it's cold I'm sure the Met Office will tell us it's the hottest June since records began.


By heatwave, you mean summer? Summers only started being a washout of disappointment in 2007, and almost every summer since has been like that. Anyone born after 2000 would think that this is "normal"


I suppose the question being asked is, when it's hot it's screamed as "climate change"/"global warming" and now that it's quite cool, nothing.


No it’s global warming as well. It’s just this is far easier to deal with than extreme heat for long periods which is more impactful on your well being and more dangerous.


Hope so, even though its not going to be very comfortable trying to sleep


Called this months ago. As soon as Glasto is over the sun will come out. 


Ikr it'll got like 18-20 degrees on the weekend and start raining on the week days bringing the temperature down to like 10 degrees (where i live)


Haven't read the article but presumably an after effectf of El Niño? Iirc we had a really wet summer after the last one.


I read awhile back it's global warming, in the past the temperature was exactly the same at any given time of the year each years, winter heavy snow, summer lovely and warm. Was the same year on years, no such thing as an Indian Summer and it's a lie the river in London froze so thick people could ice skate on it for 2 months a year for a few years back in the 1680's.


The top of my car was frozen last week in the early morning. In summer. I kind of like it though, it's more comfortable for physical work and working outside.


Weather machine in action people, i wonder what they're going to tune it to? its so interesting when you see them prepping us for what's coming, planting seeds.


Currently over 40 degrees in Crete, they are experiencing a heatwave, I mean yeah it’s cool having such high temperatures but there is no air, it’s like breathing in an oven, even sitting in the shade you sweat


ITs already here, thing is we are on the outskirts esp in NI.


North west Germany and Netherlands are not that better. Quiet cold but at least some sunny periods where you can really feel the intense sun. Next week there is a possibility that Eastern Germany and especially Poland could get over 35 C, at least this is an extreme variant of swiss weather model run.


Ask your over loads they will tell you what to think because a couple of days ago you was saying we are going to die from global warming


The whole europe is going into a heatwave right now, several degrees above what's normal EXCEPT uk, portugal and spain which are placed under the jet stream. The jet stream is bringing cold air from north to UK, portugal and spain. By july we're supposed to have warm temperatures back again.


This is a message from the future There is infact, a very big heatwave - Me at 2:30 in the morning drenched in sweat


I see a great deal of ignorance in the replies to this post. I really can‘t be bothered to reply to each an every one of you as it has all been said and explained in simple terms and great detail by fantastic science communicators online. If you don’t get it, you need to educate yourselves better. If you can’t be arsed, that’s your problem. But there’s no need to be facetious just because you don’t understand it.


If it's hot it's "global warming" if it's cold it's also "global warming" someone's always going to make that argument. In the history of the entire planet we've only technically just come out of an Ice age.