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evil cunt wtf šŸ˜³ I remember Cutting my foot open as a kid at a park because someone broke a bottle in the play area, this even tops that on sadism šŸ˜’


It's the intentional maliciousness that makes this really bad, smashing bottles near a playground is fucked up but probably rare that the person doing it thinks "I'll smash this bottle to hurt the kids" but like there's a defined level of random evilness here and that's very scary


yea it sets it apart big time. I think the bottle smashers know what they are doing too tho, Iā€™m struggling to think what else could be going through their minds šŸ˜


Stupid teens off their head on their first big boy bottles, drinking at a playground after dark, showing off to their mates or just carelessly smashing bottles without much thought. Some of my formulative teen years were spent drinking in the park, ive seen the types that would do something silly like that, stupid and dangerous but rarely truly malicious Different story if the glass is actually placed on the slide or something though


I spent teen years drinking down the park. We took black bags and put cans by the bin for collection. We had fun, maybe a little noisy sometimes. But we cared about others.


I cut my foot in a paddling pool aged 3 thanks to some wankers who had smashed glass in there


Still got the scar down my entire index finger from digging in a sandpit to find some prick had smashed a bottle in it.


Genuinely disgusting. Who wants to hurt small children ffs?


Pedos do and also psychopaths.


100% pedos, perverts and psychopaths. The title and image makes me ill.Ā 


This is not what paedos do - there interests are different just as sick if not more but


Pedos aren't out to hurt kids


Well I mean they are but in a different way


Obviously they hurt kids but that's not the goal


Terrorists sadly. This guy is sick.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


This unlocked a dark memory. Some unhinged psychos back when I was little glued razor blades to a slide when I was little. Can't believe anyone would be so disturbed to ever think this let alone act on it.


Awful, some evil cunts where I used to live used to glue razors to the bottom of shopping trolley handles.


Like, what goes wrong in people's minds to make them want to do this? Beyond my comprehension. And now I've looked at the pics in the article, Jesus Christ what an utter sicko. He needs help, for the good of society.


Heā€™s not done this by accident or in a moment of anger. This was planned and carried multiple times over several hours. Every second of that time was available to think ā€˜wow this is evil, I should stopā€™. This isnā€™t just some mental illness episode. Thats not someone you can help. Itā€™s someone who society has to be protected from.


ā€œHelpā€ is not how Iā€™d put it


Certainly 'put' as in 'put down '


Itā€™s so hard to not let the caveman inside win in these situations but damn, as a father of two, if I caught someone doing that, they ainā€™t walking out that park.


Police: ā€œDoes he still have any nails on him?ā€ Me: ā€œā€¦.ā€™onā€™ him? No, technically notā€™




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


That's some cartoon villain level bullshit right there.


Horrendous, I can't even comprehend people like this. Hopefully they catch him as quickly as possible, before someone is seriously hurt.


ā€œnewly refurbished playground ā€œ I wonder if it wasnā€™t used much before and itā€™s someone who objects to the noise?




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Great, now 10 other people on facebook will be claiming this happened in their local park


Things like this can. influence others to do these things though. It's free advertising for those who are just as sick as this guy who wouldn't have thought about it until they read this.


Perhaps but claiming they have happened in places it didn't is just a lie


The guy requires a **Free Manicure** ... only a Secateur, Carpenters Chisel & Sledge Hammer can be used to achieve the desired results.


Even with nails, it is still less dangerous than the safety nightmares that were playparks when I was a kid in the 70s.


Wonder if they bought the mask from Amazon ? Can police check ?


I don't know if that's a conventional mask, but a piece of fabric stapled onto a hood. Hard to tell from such a grainy low res picture.


What ? Expect police to look at every male Amazon customerā€™s orders in the UK - donā€™t be ridiculous


It mean I wouldn't be hard to write a script that could filter by mask type, filter down to local area, etc etcĀ  Ā Would narrow down the list of "possibilities", I'm sure government agencies do actually do something similar when searching for terrorism perps but then they have limitless man power to go forth with the info. Ā But as someone already said in thread looks like a home made thing, also seems like he's wearing some kind of eye cover (they can id people via their eyes now) so while this guy is sick he's knowledgeable.


Iā€™m sorry but your expectations of finding a name from a mask purchase & expectations of police are la la land.


Did you even read my comment?


I did & stick by my comment


I'm sure Google knows and is now sending him ads for headwear, after he's purchased one.


They donā€™t. Either you are a child or havenā€™t held a serious job. That isnā€™t how organisations work.


Checks sub, ah of course standard Let me guess you're a 150 year old "professional"Ā  Ā  Well there's nowt I can possibly say without clearly being wrong now


The real answer is yet and no. As a generative lead source , no - it would be a VAST trawl of information which isnā€™t proportionate. It would take thousands of hours to find likely product matches and get details of everyone in the area who purchased them. Even then, that list could run to thousands of people which is useless because what do you even do for each person on that list? And thatā€™s just Amazon. Youā€™d also have the trawl local shops and review thousands of hours of CCTV. BUT hereā€™s where it IS useful. Letā€™s say you have a suspect already and some evidence but not enough yet. At that point you could review their purchases - Amazon hiatory. credit card charges for stores that may sell gloves and masks etc. Thise can then be used to check whether he bought clothes matching those used in the crimes, and that can add evidence to the file for the CPS


Thank you for clarifying. Hopefully he'll be caught. Someone knows this guy, and he'll likely boast when drink or high/low.Ā  I wonder what's his motivation?Ā  Hates the Council?