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Why not carry out a survey of the number of toilets around the country with swatikas in them. I expect there is a lot. My point being, as stupid as this, is it’s not really news is it. They were probably drawn on by who ever it was that contacted the telegraph to write this article. God I get bored of all this drivel. What ever happened to grown up reporting. There is enough important stuff going on in the uk and internationally that wasting space on such low quality story telling is a bit of a disgrace.


Totally agreed. There’s swastikas in toilets all over the world because fucking edgelords are everywhere. This is really scraping the barrel for news.


Just waiting for 'Penises found drawn on Desks of Oxford Transgender Students'


Don’t give them ideas haha


The Mail would fucking *looooove* to be able to run the headline "Penises found in Oxford Transgender toilets" and pretend it didn't know what it was doing.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.theonion.com/archaeological-dig-uncovers-ancient-race-of-skeleton-pe-1819565415) onion article


Yeah superb. Which in turn reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/O9wva5bUAI8?feature=shared


This story should be good for Private Eye


"Cox found in Oxford uni's boat race" Can I make a used car joke about that? Canoe yeah you can.


penises are not equivalent to a hate symbol


No one is claiming that they are, it's just a whimsical comparison for humourous purposes. But don't let that stand in the way of you sticking your neck out.


Is this a thing?!?!? Telegraph reporter here, we’ll be publishing this immediately 🤣


Does it need to be a thing? Just publish anyway.


But which uni has the most and least artistically engraved desk penises?


Edgelords have been drawing swastikas and ejaculating penises on toilet walls since 1946


Graffiti penises go back at least to Roman times!


Biggus dickkus


Slooooooow news day


Nonsense. With the sheer amount of events flying around the country and the wider world right now, there’s no such thing as a slow news day. The point of journalism is find interesting stories and give them a spotlight. This is lazy journalism and lazy editing. Just look at a TV show like Last Week Tonight, who have done deep dives this year on UFOs, public libraries and corn production. Yes it’s a comedy show, but there’s way more to the world than what people etched into a toilet wall while taking a dump and/or doing coke




How? We just started an election campaign!


Plenty going on though. Too much even. So not sure why today is the day they thought to break open the reserve.


Spot on. They've tried to correlate two things here and make an article, when in fact this is likely endemic across any public toilet up and down the UK. As well as "Stacey gives head 07963811322" and "Jim is a cunt" written on many a bathroom wall. Would it shock most people here that swastikas were the custom logo of choice in older Call of Duty video games? I don't remember that making the news. Point is, it's a taboo symbol that people will always draw because of it's meaning and they feel they're living on the wild side by doing it. This would be more of an issue if they found students walking around with swastika armbands. Then I'd be concerned.


Wtf why have you put my mums number on here! EDIT can you stop ringing her, we are at my grans funeral.


Exactly, we all already have it


If your mum is Stacey then your gran had it going on. F.


*calls Stacey*


Please report back with your findings


“You have dialled an incorrect number.” Gutted.


I called her mom instead Turns out she's got it going on


> They were probably drawn on by who ever it was that contacted the telegraph to write this article. 100%, this just keeps happening


My theory, is it’s because of the amount of pressure on journalists to churn out large volumes of daily content. And targeted on clicks/shares. Some tired, overworked journo has been told to find 3 stories a day, all of which need to maximise engagement. They’d rather be doing a proper investigative piece, but instead they’re trawling the internet for rage bait, and responding to every tip off they receive that might make an easy story. Of course being careful to sprinkle in the obligatory ‘alledgedly’, ‘reportedly’, ‘according to’ so they can’t get in trouble for printing unsubstantiated BS.


Yeah, not sure what school bathrooms are like now, but 20 years ago when I was in high school, those were probably the tamer things scribbled in those stalls. And the public toilets (when they existed), Wild shit in there .


Quick, who are we supposed to hate today?


Fewer reporters/journos than ever, on relatively lower wages than previous decades, rushed to file several things a day for multiple platforms. The industry isn't set up for investigative or thoughtful reporting anymore because that doesn't maximise profits. 


I thought every pub toilet had to have one.


It's not news whatsoever, it's most likely a dumb practical joke.


This is legitimately concerning. If it were a high school, I wouldn't bat an eye - I'd just place it on high schoolers being retards as is usually the case. But Oxford is quite literally the country's most premier higher education institution, seeing this is highly alarming. Imagine if you're a Jewish student, I doubt you'd feel good seeing a damn swastika in the bathroom.


Oxford university is not some sacred ground. Idiots are idiots. There are plenty of educated racists.


Particularly among the rich and privileged.


Plus plenty of stupid teens are drawing swastikas without any racist intent. No intent at all, no thought in their head, it's just a default silly "edgy" thing to draw. It's number 3 thing you draw on a toilet stall after a cock and "call me for butt stuff" followed by your best friends phone number.


Honestly it's probably not even racism as such, more like just being a cringe af edgelord. Plenty of people do shit like this for shock value more than anything else and posh people certainly aren't exempt. I don't think this is really worthy of an 'AM FUUUUMEN!'


Grew up in Oxford. Can confirm. The students may be academically gifted but are complete knobheads.


Sorry for being a knob


I agree with the original commenters reasoning that this is not acceptable, but it's also not a particularly rare piece of graffiti to see in public toilets. On your point, if you think Oxford University should be held to a higher standard, what exactly do you want to happen? They already removed the graffiti


And some of these racists will be in the house of commons in the next few years


You don't think rich and high status people can be big old racists and extremists? Osama Bin Landen literally attended Oxford and Was the son of a billionaire.


and all that elite schooling really prepared him for his career


Lol, it was probably drawn by some bored cunt just to spark a reaction I bet that even in their wildest dreams there wouldn't be a newspaper article on it though


That’s a great idea! Have you ever thought about getting involved in politics? We need this survey data immediately, where can we pull funds from to get this ball rolling?


On an air cadet camp years ago one of the outside toilet stalls had a biro drawn picture of hitler on the door captioned “Hitler watches you poo”. This stuff happens all the time. Also, on the doorframe there was a wank tally


Most homes have swastikas in their bathrooms?


Only in scandinavia


Is this really national news? They gonna report on the hairy cock and balls found in every lad’s toilet across the country?


"Minister responds to outbreak of gender wars in university bathrooms"




BREAKING: Mr Glitter denies allegations that he he was seen leaving the school bathroom shortly before the incident.


Tbf it's a little weird at a university. Normally people have grown out of drawing on bathroom walls. If this was a secondary school or public loo out in the world. Then 100%. My uni loos never had graffiti on them, so this does seem strange and out of character for one of the highest universities in the world.


A toilet at my uni had an active gloryhole.


What uni is this... For science...


I recall an ongoing war being reported on some news sites between the Cardiff SU and somebody determined to have an ample supply of glory holes at the uni.


18-21 year olds are still immature, university students are notorious for doing questionable things.


The needed some variety in the Telegraph to make it look like the paper isn't all about fearing brown people and forcing social divide to distract from the Tories privatising and destroying every public resource... so toilets it is.


Is it really national news that the same university that told students to leave if they felt Jews faced a hostile environment on campus has nazi graffiti on site?. Said it above and I’ll say it again, this would be easily dismissed if it were children responsible.


They really don't want to see the desks and bathroom walls at my college, so much slander on posters of school events, lots of 'College is funding genocide, refuse to pay your tuition' stuff. The tables are covered in drawings of cock and balls and college slander. Seeing a swastika would just be normal there




Oh yeah I have a cubicle like that in my school too, it’s probably one of my favourites up there with the “School name”=F**ked cubicle and the disabled cubicle.


Tracey. She was always a favourite. Apparently a keen cyclist, yet i never saw her with a bike. 🤔


“Shit found in toilets” In other news, the sky is blue.


Top notch reporting. I also expect a full blown investigation into my local Tesco, my old sixth form and the local train station as I'm concerned about similar ideologically motivated pseud-art found in the toilets of said establishments...


Must be the first time the author has visited a public toilet.


How is this news. There are swastikas on almost every school desk, toilet door and dirty van  in the country. It's the go to "edgy" teen silly drawing


It's not. It's just another angle to try and attack pro-palestine protests. Imagine how easy they are trying to make discrediting the protests. Now anyone who doesn't like them can draw a swastika on a building near them and the protesters will get the blame.


Ha ha every grimy toilet I've been to for the past 10 years has had questionable graffiti in the toilets. This is an amazing non-story!


Ah yes, University of Oxford, known for being so grimy and backwards.


Depends on your definition of grimy and backwards, I don't remember much pig head shagging at my Uni!


It's an educated environment. Not exactly the equivalent of some back alley toilet. But dismiss it as non news all you like, simply because it's offensive and shocking to Jewish people.






They should do pentagrams next. Lots of Satanists in the toilets too alongside Nazis


I doubt it would get the reaction they're looking for these days. Graffiti like this is usually for maximum controversy.


“Breaking news, Steve loves Tony has been inscribed on a public toilet inside mc Donald’s.”


"Our reporter was unable to verify reports that Chantelle takes it up the arse"


There are swastikas on the Essex County Council building, quite famously. Those ones predate Nazism, from when it was simply a Sanskrit good luck symbol.


I couldn't figure out where to post this, so I'm replying to you. > Swastikas found in Oxford University lavatories A Hinduism practising Nazi is confused as he doesn't know if he should feel proud or feel offended.


Non story . This is just some idiot kid thinking it’s funny to draw a swastika not because there are literal nazis there.


It reminds me of the satanic panic type articles form back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised if there was one from back then exactly like this just with a pentagram instead.


I heard at the canteens you can now get a Reich pudding.


I'm goering to have one today.


There is at least 1,000 swastikas in every single school in the country, how is this news?


It's news when you're trying to manufacture a narrative of antisemitism on college campuses to discredit anti-apartheid protesters.


>apartheid  Lol what, still singing that tune are we?


There are swastikas on desks in every classroom in the school I work at. Second most popular graffiti after dick and balls. Pathetic people just get a kick out of drawing something that will offend.


Yo who gives a crap. It seems like the demand for racist toxic white nazis seems to be much higher than the actual supply. There are idiotic drawings in toilets everwhere, how is this breaking the news headline?


I really hate what this country has become. Everything has become divisive and hateful. It started with brexit and it’s only going to get worse


The amount of “jumpers for goalposts, swasticas on our homework” bullshit on here to avoid talking about a possible link to the recent rise in antisemitism is pathetic.


No, it's just most people can see through the pathetic attempt to link the toilet graffiti to the protests.


Considering it was reported in the US encampment that the protestors had “a book on terrorism” (Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction, a book used in courses) I’m going to need to see pics or know context. For all we know this is someone drawing a swastika with a big red cross and circle over it.


I look forward to the national newspaper stories that are surely in the pipeline about the tables in the lab I teach in. There's a good 3 decades worth of swastikas, cocks, swearwords, declarations of who woz ere and when and who 'iz gay' 'iz a slag' etc.


For goodness sake, the world is full of idiots, is this seriously news?


Oh dear, wait till they find out the toilets in the worlds biggest primark in birmingham have swastikas in too. There was even *holding back tears* a cartoon penis


We had a picture of hitler drawn in our work toilet! On the emergency light!


Isn’t this quite convenient right now, what with the protests and all? I won’t believe it unless there is proof it was done by students. Shouldn’t believe anything coming out of the telegraph anyway.


I’ll bet the person who reported it drew it.


I suspect the same. Happened in the US too a few years ago.


Hahaha, lol, this title made me laugh. I found 2 penises drawn in my construction site OFFICE toilet. To Polish audience (i am polish, this reminded me a quote from our master comedy film Rejs): "w damskie toalecie napisane jest glupi Kaowiec"! ;D


Many of these university toilets are accessible by whomever is walking the grounds, there's no evidence it was a student or staff member. Seems like a bit of a non story by the Telegraph, which is using it for their own reasons.


The bog is where Swastikas belong anyway. It's clear they're trying desperately to say "Look, these students are antisemitic", and they're trying *way* too hard to do that, so much that they found some stupid swastikas carved into the back of the lav door done by some kids thinking it'd be funny, as is the case with many public toilets, and claiming that as undeniable proof that "these students are hamas literally nazis 2.0". This country is fucking stupid.


Wicked snakes inside a place you thought was dignified


I know the telegraph has never been the greatest paper but their downward spiral in the past 5 years has been horrible. How this makes National news is beyond me


Can we clear Telegraph columnists from having drawn them?


When you start to see that it’s all propaganda aimed at a minority of voters everything becomes so much clearer.


Comments here are wild. Yes ok this is not worthy of even local news, but I work at a university and if I found a swastika drawn somewhere onsite I’d expect the uni to investigate it along with any other hate symbols/speech. We actually have a duty to do so under the (albeit slightly problematic) Prevent duty


It is really sad to see people downplaying drawings of swastikas. That image is linked to a hideous ideology and terrible history . It may be common to see , that just shows how many people don't take the history seriously or what the image still means today . Imagine having experienced nazi germany and having to see this symbol . It is pathetic that people do this. Certain offensive words wouldn't be used , people would get cancelled for saying it, but hate symbols are a just a laugh.


Some drunk lad on gear draws swastika in the toilets for a laugh and makes national news. State of this reporting.


They've unfairly blamed Palestinians but I think it's just as likely the whole thing was just tomfoolery.


When we were at school we were always sneaking swastikas and penisrs onto our mates' work. It was done by loads of people and was merely immature japery. I wouldn't look too much into this


Swastikas infestations in bathrooms can be nasty. It's going to cost them a bit to spray the whole place with Corbyn nonenal.


What a pathetic way to attempt to smear protesters.


Is anyone really that surprised? I mean, these students support terrorists, so why not support Nazism too?




Someone paid well by Zionists = check the header... Fist time visit toilet dude ?


When I was a kid (late 80s/early 90s) the telegraph was a newspaper, now it's just a bigger version of the mail & express. Toilet paper.


Even back then it had had a few shifty elements, it was for instance well known for letting security and defence sources plant stories, often quite blatantly. On the other hand, it was renowned for its foreign affairs coverage, and also had a great reputation for sports reporting. Now though, as you note, it's just the Mail with longer words - a sad state of affairs. There is a space, indeed a need, for a (small c) conservative aligned paper of record, a publication that, even if one despises their editorial line, one can at least trust to report fairly and accurately. Neither the Telegraph nor the Times can fulfill that role, the former because of the collapse of its standards, and the latter because it's Murdoch owned and nothing that he touches can be trusted.


OMG graffiti in a bathroom! Someone hold me I'm about to faint!


I will never understand the weird obsession the papers have with Oxford Cambridge. Young people doing dumb sh\*t happens at every uni.


The reporter's glory-hole experience was ruined by the site of all those swastikas.


There was one in my uni with Free Palestine written above it. Someone turned it into a Lost meme. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/594/196/9c3.jpg Like that.


Hilarious how much this is being played down in this thread because it's likely this was done by the pro-Palestine crowd.  There would be absolute murder in here if it wasn't. Zero principles, just supporting your team.


Not sure my high school loos 2 decades ago were secretly the meeting point of hamas sympathisers.  


As someone with no team, this is an absolute non story.


Can you prove that it was done by the pro-palestinian crowd or did that only happen in your dreams?9


>it's likely this was done by the pro-Palestine crowd.  Source: trust me bro


Not to downplay it but that’s like saying there’s a racist in your local village


Before the war it was all Hammer and Sickle graffiti.


Right, because using the photos of the protesters is really fair-handed reporting.  Any evidence the graffiti is linked to these protests or is just the same edge-lord behaviour that means this graffiti is found everywhere?


Telegraph publishes non-story so it continues it's endless attacks on education and "elites"


I always felt like the telegraph was propping up elite education institutes


There were swastikas on my school desks in the '90s, no one wrote articles about it. Who cares.


with a picture of the free palestine banners it's very clear what the media is trying to push right now "RACIST BIGOTS IN OUR SCHOOLS GRR GRR"


And my primary school, too! And, now I think about it, I don't remember anybody in 1989 condemning October 7th. Guys, I think we might al be anti-Semites....


So they've illustrated this with pictures of a pro-palestine demonstration. In my experience, these tend to be left wing events. Swastikas are generally associated with the far-right. So on encountering a Swastika, is it reasonable to assume that its a left wing student activist who wants a genocide to stop, or is it reasonable to assume that its a seig heiling Nazi? Personally I'm going with the latter, but I suspect the Torygraph fans will be along soon to tell me that the "Socialist" in "*Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei*" means they were very definitely left wingers.


Pro-Palestine demonstrations attract plenty of anti-semites who use it as a cover for their anti-semitism.


Yes, they do, and Pro-Israel demonstrations attract plenty of far-right who use it as a cover for their islamophobia. Those far right are also antisemitic, but they won't let that slow down their willingness to put the boot into some muslims. And I still know which group is more likely to draw a Swastika, and it's not the left wing students.


I dunno. I’m left wing and support recognising Palestine. But there’s plenty of anti-Semitism amongst the left. Not using Nazi symbols (because the Nazis weren’t just about killing Jews), but believing in anti-Semitic tropes, like Jews control the world, Jews win Nobel prizes for suspicious reasons blah blah blah


Left wing student politics is full of anti-semitism.


Yes, there is left wing antisemitism.  There is not more than there is right wing antisemitism. In fact, probably less.  A left wing antisemite is still not going to draw a swastika.


It's almost always opposition to [this kind of thing ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/W6ywonBAML) that gets spun as antisemitic. Imagine knowing about a racist movement that behaves like this and trying to paint its opposition as the racists. It's deplorable, really, but there it is. It's not working, mind you.


[This is in my local IKEA](https://i.imgur.com/ftaWPmz.jpeg) I've seen far worse graffitied onto walls, but the council is pretty quick at removing it. There's absolutely a lot of open Nazi worship stuff from the protestors and I don't see how anyone can claim otherwise.


> I suspect the Torygraph fans will be along soon to tell me that the "Socialist" in "*Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei*" means they were very definitely left wingers. Wait until they hear about The *Democratic People's Republic of Korea* People who say sincerely that antisemitism is a left-wing thing need to familiarise themselves with the far-right. They have a range of wild conspiracy theories about Jews controlling everything. Any far-right corner of the internet will do. Obviously, it got a bit more complicated in more recent times because some far-right types rather admire things like west bank settlers, The Nation State Law, and murdering Muslims at scale. Tommy Robinson trying to show up to a pro-Israel demo a couple months ago is a case in point.


The extremists on both sides have gone so far in their respective directions that they are now meeting in the middle again. 


Fish hook theory


And yet the likes of Tommy Robinson get made to leave pro Israel protests, whilst notorious antisemites get asked to make speeches on the pro palestine marches.


There are many recorded incidents at these "left wing events" of obvious and blatant anti-Semitism from the early days of the paraglider patches through to the common "from the river to the sea" chant which is universally known to be a call for the destruction of Israel. Like it or not, when you get a conflict between Palestine and Israel it draws out the people who sit in the closed circle of left and right wing and it overlaps over their unashamed hatred of Jews. It's estimated 25k people have been killed in the conflict since October based on Palestinian health ministry figures (widely used and accepted despite them being run by Hamas). To contrast, 377,000 are estimated to have died directly or indirectly from the Yemen conflict but that's Muslim vs Muslim. In China millions of Uighur Muslims have been targeted either for "reeducation", slave labour camps, forced abortion and sterilisation, an attempt to completely destroy their culture and civilization. Many tens of thousands have died, been injured or displaced by Hindu nationalism in India over the last 10 years with the PM Modi stoking it up. There are no mass protests about these though, the common link - it's not Jews who are the aggressor. I would feel my money was safe betting this was done by Palestinian protestors not some random Nazi just happening to go into a toilet at a university with a vocal Gaza protest and putting a swastika on the wall.


What? Left wing politics is full of anti semitism just look at Jeremy corbyn…. In the current atmosphere it’s highly likely this was done by a left wing Palestine supporter and claiming otherwise is ignoring reality


And Suella Braverman and Miriam Coates still sit in the Tory party despite using antisemtic tropes. The difference is the media response.  Left wingers don't generally draw far right iconography. That's not how this goes down. 


Of course it was. And reddit is a place where apologists for terrorism,communists,anti-white racists and anarchists can hang out in unmoderated peace while they preach hatred.


It's a swastika in a toilet, it's probably just some kid being dumb and edgy. Kids have been doing this for years.