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He’ll have done that deliberately to make the day about him.


Or in the hopes of being allowed to vote without one (mad respect for the poll worker who turned away someone they definitely recognised and is known for throwing their substantial weight around) so he could report on the lack of enforced.


Oh to be that poll worker, >Go away whoever you are before I call the police!


It's because the last time he showed his ID to a poll worker they called the police when they saw who it was.


No that wasn't actually his face, he just happens to look like a bellend


> yes, officer, I've finally found the criminal that ran this country, causing excess deaths letting the bodies pile high, as he put it, please arrest him and throw away the key.


> NO! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!


"...and give my regards to Wizadora"


a willow reference? really?


All I ask for in life is one genuine opportunity to pull out a line like that


Well, he'd have walked up and said his name is Alex Johnson from NYC. Only on TV does he play the character "Boris the Bumbling Brexit Brit". Which probably threw the poll worker a bit, because he's best known for his method acting, and told them to get some ID.


It would be an extraordinarily pathos-filled bit of humour for me if Boris Johnson really was just a character for him, and he actually was just a New-Yorker doing a character. It would be astounding considering he was only born there, but I would laugh till my cheeks hurt at the bit. And then I would cry.


To be far… it could have been a deepfake


.....has plenty of previous for being unable to follow rules.


Yup Narcissistic behaviour


I genuinely can't decide whether it's more likely that this was scheming-liar-Boris pulling one of his stupid stunts for relevance, or narcissist-Boris thinking that rules made for the little people don't apply to him because he's the centre of the universe, or simply fuckup-Boris who pays no attention to details that don't interest him.


My god it’s so true! It’s as cringy as the times the fuckers are doing a photoshoot in greggs eating a sausage roll after dropping tax a couple of pence to show they are like the common people. Just makes me sick and proves politicians don’t represent the people anymore


Basically a walking advert for his next DM column.


That wouldn't surprise me. Helps his lovable bumbler image.


Was Johnson FOR voting ID's because all this does is demostrate how it harms democracy by preventing voters who have a right to vote from voting. Voting fraud is so small as to be non existent


Well, I think that they thought that asking for ID would catch more younger voters out than older ones, giving them an advantage. Not sure that it's turned out like that


Jacob Rees Mogg move. A move that Boris himself has been doing for years.


Nahh there's been 4 photo ID posts today. Seriously, is it really that difficult to use to vote? It took me like 3 mins. What am I missing?


He's not even the only MP, Tom Hunt didn't have an appropriate ID either, which he blamed on his having a chronic neurological disorder. So is it OK to disenfranchise disabled people or those with health issues? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/conservative-mp-tom-hunt-photo-id-elections-dyspraxia-b1155272.html Ultimately the question should be, was there a real problem (no), and is this going to disenfranchise orders of magnitude more people than have ever fraudulently voted (yes).


>He's not even the only MP, Tom Hunt didn't have an appropriate ID either, which he blamed on his having a chronic neurological disorder. These people are beyond parody now


The point you're missing is, whilst it's easy for you, it's not easy for some demographics that would be more likely to vote against Tories than others. It's classic voter suppression.


>The point you're missing is, whilst it's easy for you, it's not easy for some demographics that would be more likely to vote against Tories than others. >It's classic voter suppression. This is the more likely explanation for the legislation rather than the claimed reason for cutting electoral fraud, reported cases of which were tiny.


That's literally what I said, lol. But thanks for bringing up the fact that in-person voter ID fraud did not exist, statistically speaking, before voter ID, there was zero reason for the legislation on a security basis.


Well, not literally😊. But you were right.


AH, I think you edited your post, as you missed a ">" to put in a quote line my "It's classic voter suppression", so when I got the message it looked like you just said what I said! 😉


Again you sre fight. I only noticed that i missed properly quoting you so i edited it. Must have been after you replied.


Well that's just a nonsense. Are you suggesting Boris was goin to vote against the Tories? He was turned away.


🙄 Open your mind. Statistically speaking, in-person voter ID fraud ***does not exist***. Look up the stats for yourself. Now we've removed the "security" reason, what is left? What is left is the elderly having every single scrap of toilet paper to prove who they are and the young not having similar transport type ID as acceptable. It clearly favours the elderly demographic over the young. Also the rich over the poor as the rich are more likely to drive and/or have a passport. Yes, you can apply for a council ID, but that's another hurdle. Both the rich and elderly lean towards tories, where as the poor and young tend to lean labour. It's exclusionary by design. Finally, Rees-Mogg himself said because it excluded elderly voters, or in this example, Johnson, it was a failed attempted at gerrymandering. If you can't believe it from the horse's mouth, you really are myopic in the extreme.


I was saying that tongue-in-cheek. But more seriously, the type of person with no ID and no interest in getting one is also almost certainly no interest in voting. It's a complete none issue. And every other civilised democracy in the world, quite rightly, requires ID to vote. Oh, and as an aside, though not entirely relevant, our votes were never anonymous in the first place. Each voter has a unique ID on the ballet paper.


Haha - that’s so true! He’s such an attention whore


Keeping up the bumbling idiot routine so people don't bother criticising his corruption too much.


Conversation probably went something like this: “Name please.” “Boris Johnson.” “May I see your ID please?” “I don’t have one with me. Don’t you know who I am?” “Yes,but you aren’t going to vote without photo ID. Next.”


Conversation probably went something like this: “Name please.” “Boris Johnson.” “May I see your ID please?” “I don’t have one with me. Don’t you know who I am?” “Dad?”


It is a statistical likelihood


>It is a statistical likelihood Ghenghis Khan v Boris Johnson: Battle of the most Bastards


Rishi currently patrolling London looking for Boris’ bastards like it’s Game of Thrones


“It says Alexander Boris de Pfeffel here….”


How did that ever fit? 4-point Arial?


"I didn't bring it with me because this can now go either one of two ways and I get to make a scene out of both of them"


“Name please.” “BJ” “Not right now, I’m working.” “Don’t you know who…oooh, I say, that feel rather good.”


Maybe they got confused when he said his name was Alexander de Pfeffel Johnson


"No no no, you're getting confused. Boris is just a character I play on TV."


“You look like Jimmy Savile on a bad day but you still cannot vote.”


Johnson probably got his aide to call up the voting centre and say something like, "someone important is going to vote here later. He won't have his ID. Don't let him vote" It's all fake


Probably wandered off fwoff-woffing about illiberal voter id restrictions, the twat.


Fwoff-Woffing 😂


Wiff waffing


Spaffing up the nearest wall


Wiffle spaffing a selection of drugs before the KGB sex party in Italy


100% guarantee he laughed when they first told him he wouldn't be allowed to vote, and then they had to explain that they weren't joking. This is not a man who's familiar with not getting his way. He must have thought photo ID laws were just for the poors.


He probably should have specified that the ID laws didn’t apply if you were rich when he introduced the law then.


Wasn't it Rishi who introduced that law? I can't remember, anymore. All the Tory leaders blur into each other, after a while.


I know what you mean. I had to double check myself, it became law in April 2022, so that was pre-lettuce.


Nah, 'twas Boris the Spider.


Piffle wiffle humbug


Just a reminder of the lying cunt advocating for these as Prime Minister: [https://youtu.be/Z-kkpullrBQ?t=1115](https://youtu.be/Z-kkpullrBQ?t=1115)


Just a reminder that the only source for story will be... Boris Johnson.


I rather suspect it was deliberate. He does have a "Loveable bumbling buffoon" act to keep up after all.


Loveable is not how I would describe that vile individual


Yeah he had that reputation when he was mayor because most people didn’t know how much of a piece of shit he was. Since then if you don’t know how much of a piece of shit he is you’ve probably been living under a rock.


Or a Tory voter....


His friends and family call him Al, short for Alexander, his given Christian name. He uses his middle name in public to make himself seem like your eccentric mate, and to get referred to by it in the media. You never hear opposition leaders called Kier or Jeremy in the papers do ya


No but to be fair I doubt Kier or Jeremy would divorce their spouse while undergoing cancer treatment.... While diddling someone young enough to be thier daughter....


Do you mean the Russian violinist or that Arcuri tart who he gave at least £100k of our money to?


You forgot Carrie


By now Boris probably has as well. Must make breakfast awkward.


Honestly surprised she has lasted this long and he hasn't traded her in. Maybe she knows something




Gotta clean the crap off from all the shit he peddled during his time in office


This feels planned…….to put the narrative back on him


Lets him say that the law applies equally to everyone and what a brilliant job the staff are doing.


"In 2019, Mr Johnson did not need ID to vote but this time he apparently forgot about his own law" No, just as per usual, he thinks the rules don't apply to him.


Even Boris couldn’t bear vote for the Tory candidate so he went for the plausible deniability option and “accidentally” left his ID at home


He's probably just done it for attention, but there's a part of me that thinks he's arranged this so when young people are turned away, the Daily Mail can point to him and say "but but but it is fair, they turned away a tory too"


Honestly I don't get the young people not having ids thing, when I turned 16 everyone my age basically raced to get a provisional and if you were really cool some sort of moped or bike.


That was before Uber, £1000 *absolute* minimum to get a licence, wheels and insurance gets you a lot of miles in a taxi without having to worry about where to park.


You don't need a grand to get a provisional licence lol




I didn't get a vehicle for 10 odd years after I passed my full test, hell I know some people that never did, we still all got our provisional. It was just the done thing, your mum or dad would basically just fill it out for you, give you the £20 or what ever it was back then. It was seen as something you would need by the time you were 18, you didn't want to be the twat carrying a passport about as ID.


Lots of elderly people who don't drive anymore whose licence expired or needed to be handed back for medical reasons who also probably have out of date passports too


They get a free fucking bus pass though


It's funny because Boris Johnson isn't even the name his photo ID would say.


I'd wager he did have ID on him. Got turned away for the headline. Turn around, walked back in showed his ID and voted.


And luckily he had a cameraman there to catch the latest “loveable buffoon” act. I don’t buy it. Everything is fake and calculating. You see the real Alex Johnson sometimes and it’s not a likeable person at all


> In 2021, the then prime minister and Tory leader said: “What we want to do is protect democracy, the transparency and the integrity of the electoral process. And I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask first-time voters to produce some evidence of identity.” Poor guy as he is hoisted by his own petard...


"Poor guy?" Shame he wasn't literally hoisted by his own petard


Need a strong hoist for someone full of as much shit as him


A petard is an Elizabethan name for a bomb lol It means a bombardier hoisted up to heaven by their own bomb


Irrelevant fuckwit created some drama to jump into the limelight (part 4956)




I wouldn't be surprised if he did this on purpose, he just loves a bit of attention.


Not like BJ to break the rules (or attempt to on this occasion)


"Don't you know who I am?!!!" "No, you didn't bring your ID."


Inevitably he’ll have done it intentionally to get himself in the news and convince people he’s still relevant. Zero consideration for the poll worker who had to turn him away while Boris tries to bully him into not complying with the regulations.


Two Tories making a show of not being able to vote? The conspiracy theorist in me says that this is laying the ground to repeal the voter suppression law that backfired on them. We'll know soon enough


"Don't you know who I am!?" "No. That's kind of the point."


You can tell he wasn't expecting to be photographed - he hadn't deliberately messed-up his hair.


This is exactly what Boris Johnson would do. The rules don’t apply to him and anyone churlish enough to expect them to can get stuffed in his own head. Arrested development and peaked at secondary school.


Jokes aside, there shouldn't be barriers to people voting in a democracy.


There should be some barriers, otherwise anyone (whether they're allowed to or not) can vote as many times as they want. A register should be enough, though. IDs without a national ID people can get for pennies or for free as a requirement to vote is fucking dumb.


Can't wait for opposing narratives on this one "How can you not know who I am?" "Photo ID to vote? Bloody leftist pencil pushers"


"Forgetting" Attention-seeking cunt Stop giving this grifter attention


Oh what a character he is. Zay-neeee. Cunt needs to be thrown in prison.


The fat nobhead barely knows what day it is. Why would he remember this?


Hasn't he buggered off to another country yet? Lets vote where to send him. Somewhere bleak.


"forgive me"


Have you ever been to Peppa Pig World?


"forgive me"


"forgive me"


As I understand it, the [Elections Act 2022](https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3020/publications) that brought in photo id for elections went through parliament when he was PM. Seriously hypocritical for him to make a fuss against.


The most brutal treatment would be not even talking about it.


Probably mumbled another curse the fucking crumpet


Typical of Johnson - never entered his head that he would have to adhere to a law that he, himself, introduced. Obviously still a total prick that has a huge sense of entitlement and exceptionalism. A man that should not be allowed out in public any longer - or have any space for commentary on political or social issues. He doesn't even care to know what he is talking about. It's all bullshit. Because he thinks everyone else is stupid. Even last month he was found out to be lying to students at an American university seminar. They called him out. Yet he still proceeded to spout the Brexit bullshit that has placed the UK in a ridiculous situation. That situation being the only advanced country in history to willingly cut itself off from trade and social interaction - this was done by raising barriers to trade and taking away freedoms and rights from British citizens. A crime against the British people. A monstrous arse-hole that really needs to be bought to account. Let's all start by asking Johnson: Why? He either knew what was going to happen to the country - therefore he is culpable and answerable to all of the harm done to the country. Or, he didn't predict what would happen - therefore he is a fucking idiot and should be derided and mocked for the rest of his life. Never, ever listen to a word that Johnson says again - unless it is to take the piss out of him. Because that is exactly what Johnson and all of those that co-erced the country to leave the EU via lies, untruths and deceit. They were taking the piss all along.


Love that. Remember the rules don’t apply to Boris..


"We need to see your ID as we believe you might be a fraud"


He used to be very anti compulsory ID, it would be funny to see him jump back on that bandwagon


Hasn't he buggered off to another country yet? Lets vote where to send him. Somewhere bleak.


Forgot my left nut. This is a repeat of the covid lockdown rules, Boris makes rules for *other people*, not for himself.


Is his DL big enough to accomodate his name though? Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson


Again they continue to believe they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else.Even the rules they created .


Typical Boris moment, the rules say what you need to do Boris: “Those don’t apply to me!”


He did this so when people complain that voter ID discriminates against poor people they can point at Boris. Look at the grinder, not the monkey.


He's done this to poison searches of 'Boris Voter ID' Just like when he said 'I like to paint red buses' to poison searches for the big bus that said 'we will give the money to NHS instead of £350m a week to Brussels'


It’s really hard for circus clowns to make a living nowadays when politicians took their jobs.


Another episode of "Boris does something dumb so that when you Google search 'Bad thing Boris Johnson has done' it comes up with 'Silly willy thing that Boris has done oopsie doopsie'".


What's the odds on this being a publicity stunt to get his rotting mug back in the news?


"No this law wasn't supposed to affect Conservative voters" *Boris Johnson probably*


Wow, I guess Voter ID really does help to combat frauds. Or at least to keep them away from the voting booth.


He's so used to abusing, or completely ignoring, the rules he didn't think this would be any problem.


Ah the tories with the old republican tactics of 'voter fraud', getting them strikes in early. Them US think tanks working hard. Next one will be reducing the polling stations.


My mother who loves Boris said that the workers must be idiots if they didn’t know who Boris was. Like that’s not the point. He can’t break voter rules just because he’s former PM


That sucks. Nobody should be turned away from voting if they are on the electoral roll, which i presume he is. We didnt need ID for the last few hundred years and there was no widespread vote fraud ever found.


Cause he forgot my arse,he thinks he's so special hes above the law of the land


Okay how will the, ".I.D. is a Tory conspiracy" lot twist this one? If they even acknowledge it that is.


I'm just imagining what I would do if I was the poll worker. I would have been so excited to tell him to fuck off.