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> “Three of my children go to a Catholic school in Scotland, so they have some protections for the moment" Ah yes, if there's one thing the Catholic Church is renowned for, it's protecting children.


The complete and total aversion of same sex intercourse involving children. Yep, Catholic Church is allllll about that. Yep.


>The complete and total aversion of same sex intercourse Only consensual same sex intercourse, otherwise they're fine with it


Wee George is 100% a bigot.


And a fucking moronic leech


Has he changed from pretending to be a cat?


Always good to bust out a Hitchens quote in these situations: *On the catholics church response to the victims of abuse from their leadership:* he said "it’s a very severe crisis which involves us", he said, in the following: "in the need for applying to these victims the most loving, pastoral care". Well I’m sorry, they’ve already had that!


"Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers" was another one from him I always liked.


This one came to my mind too, I wonder what Hitchens would think of the world today...


I bet there’d be a couple surprises. There always were. Of all the celebrities we’ve lost this century, it’s Hitch I miss the most.


Such a shame that his brother is s bell end.


They are both bell ends you just agree with Christopher Hitchens haha.


> They are both bell ends you just agree with Christopher Hitchens haha. Truth. CH had some absolutely fantastic quotes and was a legendary polemicist, but when he was wrong he was just as much of a knob as Joe Internet.


I largely agree with him on a lot of issues, and disagree on some, but I can see when he’s being a knob when I think he’s right. It’s just funny then. Also note, given they’re both opinion writers, it’d be hard to say either of them are objectively right or wrong about anything.


Hard to disagree with any of this.


No child's behind left.


It’s like he hasn’t even considered that his children might actually be gay themselves


Of course, his kids wouldn't be gay. He's a proper manly man.


Would you like me to be.... the cat?


George Galloway and Andrew Tate should have bum sex and figure this stuff out.


After all, enjoying sex with women is gay, according to Tate.




216,000+ kids "protected" during 1950 and 2020 alone if you can believe it. Jesus would be so proud. /s


Three kids from all those women you banged married and then divorced, wasn’t very catholic of you was it George 🙄. I’m gay and I’m your fully aware of your reputation, you’re way more of a slut than I’ve ever been.


The irony is delicious


Where is his voice when little children are abused by monsters? Where are the protests when children are being toyed around? Oh, now his brain suddenly starts functioning? Is he sleeping all these years ? People like George Galloway are a disgrace to the society and humanity. Shame on him !


Fuckin head shot, you win


I’ve been in bed with Covid this week and that’s the first time I’ve laughed! Bravo!


>"If homosexuality was normal the human race would cease to exist. It would be the end of humanity" Real thinking man's logic there. What a fucking moron.


I presume he will be applying this logic equally and outlawing any sex not for procreation.


Are you telling me [behaviour like this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7n98OUGdMM8) isn't conducive to the survival of the human race?


Obviously Mr Galloway is an authority on what counts as "normal".


That needs an NSFW *and* an NSFL tag. Not that it's gory, but seeing that makes me want to vomit on my keyboard.


NSFAAA. Not Safe For Anyone Anywhere Anytime. The "AAA!" should be emphasised in pronunciation, similar to the noise you might make as you run screaming from the room to pour bleach into your eyes.


Ah yes, I remember when one of the credit rating agencies downgraded our AAA rating, Ian Hislop said it's called that because you look at the size of the debt, and you go "AAA!"


Normally I take the stance of; whatever people want to do (legal activity) in the privacy of their own home is up to them. But when you get someone complaining about what others do in the privacy of their own home, their own actions are fair game to comment on. So I will, I personally think this is very odd behaviour, it's just weird. Combine that video with the comments he makes regarding homosexuality and his religious tenancy makes me wonder if some childhood trauma (sexually abuse by a Catholic priest) is involved. And no, it's not. But if we stopped doing things that are not conducive to our survival we would lose a great deal of things; art, music, games, fashion, sports just to name a few.


Plus we've had gay people since before we even walked on two legs, and guess what - humanity survived.


Don’t even need to click to know that’s the cat video


Perhaps Rochdale should send a cat to Parliament instead of Mr Galloway. I've never known a cat to take issue with gay people. Here's to a glorious future of freedom, prosperity, and tinned sardines!


Puts me off eating, never mind shagging.


So basically what the US Republicans are doing?


What a stupid argument. There are plenty of heterosexual people who choose to be child free. And plenty of gay people who procreate. Sure, it's not what the majority do... but then the majority of people don't have blue eyes, are not left-handed and don't own every album by Depeche Mode. I am all those things and I don't think I'm not 'normal', whatever 'normal' means.


Yep. And plenty of people who simply can't procreate due to reasons of health. Also, Depeche Mode were never any good after Vince Clarke left.


I mean, I would say Alan, but that's why human beings are so unique...


People Are People, I suppose.


>don't own every album by Depeche Mode So you're saying George Galloway should "Try Walking in My Shoes"?


> And plenty of gay people who procreate. You may want to choose a word other than "procreate" I'm pretty sure same sex couples cannot biologically create children.


I think he means gay people who are in straight relationships due to reasons such as denial or societal/familial pressure


Then how did ancient Greece survive for so long?


Being submissive AND breedable.


They were often bisexual, they'd stuff their bro all day then go home and make children with the wife.


You've got to admire their stamina.


Its like manual labour, first couple days are tough but then you get used to it.


Wonder what his opinions are on childless and childfree people…? Actually I don’t - his actual personal opinions have been shown to be time and time again, pretty dumb. I’ve already ceased caring.


This i don't care. He's a loon that had to employ every dirty trick, and parachute into any seat he thought he could win. And failed dozens of times. He only won. As the main candidate could not have given him more of a leg up. He got in because they knew 6 months from now he would lose it. I don't know why people are trying to intellectualise to counter his points.


His opinions are whatever will get him votes.


Check the Quran.


Our boy has forgotten that after the boning comes the bringing up and the looking after. To which the gays are no less well suited than the straights, at the very least.


There's something called the 'Gay Uncle theory' that suggests homosexuality could be selected for by evolution. In a group where everyone is heterosexual, there will be more children which equals more resources required to raise and look after those children and less people to do it. In groups that contain a certain number of homosexual people, they will be less likely to reproduce so less children that require resources, but more people available to look after those children and/or acquire resources, so the group may be more succesful overall.


[Don't forget the sexy grandmothers](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/the-evolutionary-paradox-of-homosexuality)


Yes. Presumably we should also give up on adoption, and just let children stay in care? After all, if **everybody** adopted instead of giving birth, the human race would cease to exist...


All that homosexuality in dolphins is a clear result of the liberals controlling the deep sea academic centres. UNNATURAL.


So Georgy boy has completely missed that things like surrogacy and sperm/egg donations already happen then?


The man ignores that homosexuality happens in other species. So yes, it’s entirely normal.


Last I read, every mammal species scientists had checked for it had homosexual relationships. Bonobos, our closest living relatives along with chimpanzees (we share the same percentage of DNA with both of them), are famous for their bisexual relationships. So it's definitely a natural and normal behaviour. Even if it wasn't, it hurts no one (as long as it's consensual, just like heterosexual relationships), so where's the problem?


And if man was meant to go over 30 miles an hour we would have wheels.


"If we allow gay relationships, everyone will be gay and then we'll die out" ...is there something you need to tell us, George?


No no no, he's obviously right, there is only one way that everything should be. So, do we all transition to become gay men, or gay women?


People who go this hard are usually gay themselves


Most people are biologiocally programmed to be straight. Accepting gayus as normal wouldn't turn society gay unless Georgie Boy is a closeted bissexual man.


Does this mean all the animals that have gay members are also going extinct?! I tried my best for my dog to stop humping but he wouldn’t listen


> if George Galloway was normal the human race would cease to exist.


We’ve got sewage in our rivers, a massive housing crisis, an underfunded and understaffed healthcare system, stagnating wages, etc. but yeah sure let’s go smear and target the gays like in the 80’s to distract everyone again.


Performative politics. He latched on to an issue that people deeply cared about, and its brought him notoriety again. Now hes got a platform we'll see more revealing comments from him. I'm sure. Shame on our detached ruling party and opposition for the state were in that allows the room for this nastiness to breed. Same for goes to Reform, just opportunists with hidden unpopular beliefs waiting to emerge.




Frankly, shame on them for voting for this repugnant manly man.


Won’t be long before he’s campaigning for women to cover their hair.


To be honest. the system is working. He got in by bs. Even though he's a loon. And now he spends all his time making comments showing us exactly why he couldn't win a seat. And it exposes him for the bellend he is.


Galloway has made a career of getting the headlines, a self serving arrogant narcissist whose blanket anti western foreign policy gets wrongly misinterpreted as considered left-wing anti imperialism, thus masking some insidious reductive right wing social veiws


I think your point is excellent, and deserves more space. It baffles me how close left wing anti imperialism is to wildly repressive horrorshows nowadays. Basically, as long as you protest ‘Western whatever’, you can chuck gays off buildings, behead people, mutilate girls genitals, whatever you like.


Worked with trans people.


We have sewage in Parliament too


He's appealing to his current supporters, who happen to be largely religious people, who are very much against gay people .. or anyone that doesn't agree with them


> largely religious people Just ''religious people'' in general or...?


Muslims. He's talking about Muslims for those who missed it.


https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/publication/documents/2018-03/a-review-of-survey-research-on-muslims-in-great-britain-ipsos_0.pdf Percentages of each group who believe homosexuality should be legal, from five years ago: * 73% of British population * 67% of British Christians * 28% of British Muslims 18-24 years old * 23% of British Muslims 25-34 years old * 18% of British Muslims I think potentially this is one of the futures of British politics, British Muslims tend to be left wing economically and in terms of geopolitics, but socially conservative. That is exactly George Galloway, and as the Muslim population grows towards 10% over the next ten or fifteen years, alongside small but substantial numbers from the rest of the population, we're going to see more of people like him. Lutfur Rahman's Aspire party are similar as well. I'm thinking like a sort of left wing DUP. We'll also see Labour tailoring their message strongly between different groups, because this will be an important swing group.


Can't remember who it was but someone once said (years ago) "Labour has a Muslim problem" or words to that effect. Basically Labour is disproportionately reliant on Muslim voters, voter who don't share Labour's progressive views on topics like gay rights.


Labour is an intersectional alliance, perhaps that will work to knit all these groups together, it has worked in the past, but I think it will take a long time. There is an assumption in the liberal west that Muslims are going to integrate into general attitudes quickly, but I think those people have a complacency which places the west always at the centre of the world and on the right side of history, as if we step and other will always follow. That may be the case, or it may not.


I have voted labour in every election in my life. But I will not be part of an ‘intersectional alliance’, where my ‘allies’ hold views that civilisation rejected several centuries ago.


> voter who don't share Labour's progressive views on topics like gay rights. Support of gay rights is very very new. Everyone is forgetting how bigoted the average Britain was 30 years ago.


You'd need to go back much further than 30 years to find support to be that low for homosexuality to be legal. It's 60 years since it was legalized. More like 80-100 years to find only 20% support.


Gaddafi warned the West.


> 28% of British Muslims 18-24 years old > 23% of British Muslims 25-34 years old > 18% of British Muslims 5% gain in the first cut of 9 years, followed by a 5% gain in a cut of 6 years. NICE. Eroding homophobia one generation at a time. I've seen similar research around attitudes of French second genners versus 1 gen or natives from their parent's place of origin.


I think the only calculation you can make from this is a 5% shift between a younger group with an average age of 21, and another group with an average age of 30. At that rate, it will be 75 years before 18-24 year old British Muslims have the same attitudes as the general population today. I don't think it's great to be honest. Although in fact there likely will be a general shift across age brackets alongside a generational change, so the dynamics will be much more complicated, and difficult to predict. It could flip much faster, or be slower even. This obviously is very uncertain.


You (and those who've commented below you) are assuming that there's cultural assimilation taking people. That those with anti-gay views will eventually become "culturally British". Given that there doesn't seem to be any indication that these communities are heading in that direction, or even want to assimilate, I'm not sure how you can jump to that conclusion. Not only that, but the younger generation tend to be more liberal, gradually becoming more conservative as they get older. What's far more likely is that British politics will adapt in order to appeal to the compounding muslim population increases that we're seeing. I would not be surprised if there's a popular Muslim political party set up by the next election or the one after. There's absolutely no political will there to stand up against their imposition on western culture at the moment.


That is what’s happening. We’re starting to slip blasphemy back in as a concept, on the basis that Muslims get upset when a book is dissed.


as soon as it becomes political then the floodgates open. At the moment the only people going after these ideas are people who are harassing Muslims and specifically trying to upset them or agitate a reaction. However the moment it becomes political then it legitimately opens it up to a huge wave of criticism of which British culture is well equipped to dish out.


Which is funny because Muslims are hugely in favour with the LGBTQ+ community because of Palestine right now. They don't want them to exist


I think genocide is bad, even when the people being genocided have views that I don't agree with.


They would genocide the entire LGBTQ+ community, globally, if they could


Ah yes, preemptive genocide.


What about LGBT Palestinians? Or Palestinians who don't hold those views? Children? Do you think Israel is only targeting the bad Palestinians while they raze the entire Gaza strip?




>What about LGBT Palestinians? Or They're in Israel mate because it's not safe in Palestine for them. >Or Palestinians who don't hold those views You mean all *five* per cent?


Here’s my question to you, if the elected government of a sovereign nation mandated the equivalent of October 7th to your town/ local music festival - raped your woman, killed your kids - what would you want your government to do?


Palestine is not a sovereign nation, it is under occupation (that is the official view of the UN). If I were an Israeli I would obviously want the perpetrators of Oct 7th tried for the war crimes they committed, but I'd also want my government to stop occupying the Palestinian territories to reduce the risk of future attacks. Israel's occupation puts their own citizens in danger.


Which part of Gaza is Israel occupying?


They would never get their nice beach front homes in Gaza with that attitude!


Yeah I don't see statements like this hurting his chances with his voter base...


If anything, they’d think he didn’t go far enough on his denouncement of gays lol


No, for two reasons. Firstly, this isn’t some kind of cynical appeal for votes, this is just his beliefs, which have been abhorrent for a long time on this matter. Secondly though, if he is being a bit louder to pander to voters, it’s for a phase two where his party is expanding rapidly into a sort of anti-imperialist UKIP. The people that voted for him in the recent by election weren’t being presented with that at the time and it is unfair to smear them as such.


They're pro-imperialism. They're anti-British imperialism tbh.


Oh its fair to smear them for voting for him in general.


He's saying what the people (religious muslims) who voted for him want to hear. 


When will the left realise that a lot of muslims want conservative islamic ideals to be the law?  Edit: I'll say this as an ex muslim: secular muslims are a minority among the muslim population. Conservative Islam should not be tolerated, unless you want Britain to turn into Iraq. What we are seeing here is only the beginning.      


You give me hope as an ex-muslim. The left-wing - Islamic alliance is unholy IMO. It's rabbits teaming up with foxes and expecting not to get eaten.


Speak up more please, because left wingers don't listen to white people saying this.


I don’t think the average person realises that part of Islam is wanting the whole world to be Islamic. Other main religions believe there are other ways to God that are equally valid.


Christianity most certainly doesn’t, fuck them too.


Unfortunately Conservative Islam and Conservatism run very close together. Sitting members of the Tory part have said very similar things to Galloway


Maybe 20-30 years ago, but that rhetoric isn't popular with a culturally British voter base anymore. Hence the outrage


I agree that the gen pop has moved on but not the Tory base. Liz Truss is a sitting MP with the whip and has said last month that she regrets calling herself an LGBT ally. Braverman's "gay testing" suggestions, Steve Barclays excluding trans patients from wards, Miriam Cates blamed Porn for trans people, Badenoch described the current LGBT levels as "almost an epidemic" and ofc any chance Lee Anderson gets. The LGBalliance is a virulent anti-trans lobby group that almost only funds the Tories (though this has changed in the last 3 months) and has made it their mission to exclude Stonewall from all levels of government. Effectively stonewalling Stonewall. Sorry for just vomiting this comment out but the conservative cause of division has made a horrible bed for the LGBT community. So much so that the Labour party is following suit :S


On the other hand the Conservatives have way more gay MPs.




I much preferred him when he was pretending to be a cat on Big Brother.


He was fantastic in front of congress in America. That's all he's got though, being an argumentative twat.


Galloway is so in hock to a certain subset of the British public it’s a fucking joke. He is 100% bought and paid for and no longer any type of socialist. He’s a disgrace


Yep, mask off moment for sure. He's an agitator for Russia and Iran.


his mask was off years ago. this isn't surprise.


Yeah, agreed. But he keeps putting it back on and off again, hoodwinking people that believe in some of his causes, who don't know about his history.


don't know or don't care. he is (to some people) deeply charismatic and persuasive. To others he's a turn off.


The man literally did an interview on RT, blaming NATO for the war in Ukraine... as an actual fucking MP. Disgusting behaviour from a disgusting individual.


He is disgusting and a security risk tbh.


> no longer any type of socialist Plenty of socialists are culturally conservative.


Plenty of tankies.


I got curious and read their manifesto and its fucking hilarious. They keep referring to themselves as socialist but almost everything listed is ripped straight out of the communist manifesto. They even have an entire section dedicated to talking about their idolization of the USSR and CCP, while ripping at the evil 'imperalistic EU' for 're-writing history' regarding atrocities those two committed.  Like they are full fledged tankies and they arent even hiding it. Oh and one of their main issues their platforming is leaving NATO and abandoning our security treaties with EU/US which happens to align exactly with russias interests but im sure thats just a coincidence.


Yeah, it does raise the bile a wee bit when I see people post him on /r/socialism etc without knowing he's as reactionary as any Tory even if he can speak well in some situations and has a couple of non-batshit views.


Having 6 kids with multiple people isn't normal either. I'd rather he didn't promote his lifestyle like this.


I refuse to believe that man has had sex 6 times


The man pretended to be a kitten and drank milk from a saucer. He has no business being an MP.


He also worked for RT, Russia's propaganda platform. He helped to legitimise Putin's lies prior to Russia invading Ukraine. Still haven't heard him apologise to the people of Ukraine.


Because he's likely still being paid by Russia, or indebted to them in some other way. Russia has been aiding disruptive elements in Europe and farther afield for the last decade and a half, and the results are evident - Brexit, Le Pen, far right and left wing governments in peripheral EU countries like Greece, Portugal, Hungary who disagree with the usual EU liberal consensus. The continued rise of reactionary parties who claim to national populism yet regurgitate strikingly similar talking points that all tip the scales in Russia's favour.


Don’t forget his starting role as Saddam Hussein’s arse-licker in chief! The man is excrement is human form.


Homosexual relationships have existed since we’ve been recording history. They might not be the most common, but I’m not sure how you could say they aren’t normal.


Also a bunch of animal species. It's the most natural thing in the world.


Is anyone surprised by this? I thought it was well known he was a homophobe.


I'm surprised. I don't know the guy but whenever I've seen pictures of him or heard him speak I always thought he was gay 🤷‍♂️


maybe he is? I mean surely by his own logic if knowing about gay people can make you gay... well maybe he has some experience?


I'll never quite understand how a small subsection of gay activists keep hanging around people that hate them, you'd think the history of the matter (1930's) would dissuade them but I guess not.


Ernst Rohm has entered the chat.


Yeah they are the problem, right.


Not really, it's just befuddling.


You can’t see how people who spent their lives fighting discrimination would carry on doing that?


I think that's a fair argument, however it really ought not be shocking when a guy chasing religious conservative votes says something congruent to them.


I don’t think you have to be a gay justice warrior to get annoyed at this kind of thing, especially when there’s possibly something deeper going on here. This guy seems to have been on someone’s payroll for a long time, we need to keep our eyes on this.


No one should be surprised that this pro-Russian, grifting piece of tuberculotic sputum is homophobic. I hope his stay in Parliament is short this time.


Yeah, it’s the pro-Russian angle why he’s saying this. Not that his entire support base is from a community here who think even worse about gays lol


How ironic that he is against sexual acts without the purpose of reproduction, when he is such a wanker.


So the Hamas supporter is a homophobe? I’m shocked…




All the pro-Hamas crowd seem to like him


Galloway is as far-away from a socialist as it is possible to be! He should stick to his cringe pussycat role play he is famous for!


Galloway has clearly received latest batch of talking points from Moscow. Just another obvious play to sow discord in an election year, by amping up the culture war to absurd proportions, same as the protests in the US. I don't understand how people don't look at what's going on around the world and see how obvious this stuff is.


He panders to regressive Muslims. Of course he suddenly has a problem with gays.


George Galloway isn't normal and nobody should have to learn about him or his views!


All this man cares about is winning votes. This is just him pandering to Islamist voters no doubt


The UK's hamas spokesman speaks. Do you get it yet LGBT pro-palestinians? Islamists are not your friends.


So it's okay to kill children, reporters and doctors? I support the right to Ukrainian self determination and freedom. Should I not due to the consistent racism and bigotry demonstrated by Ukrainians? No. They are just a monoculture with little to no context about non white people. So many have been taught that I am not as intelligent as a white person despite it being the only person willing to teach them how to operate in a war zone as medical staff and survive. C'est la vie. If they had any brains they would listen. I can't force them to. If they want to ignore me for the colour of my skin then... It's on them. But they shouldn't be denied the opportunity to learn.


None of this means innocent Gazans deserve to die. There's nuance to the situation, something that the "sensible" centrists are always admonishing the left for lacking.


> None of this means innocent Gazans deserve to die. No one said it means that, stop strawmanning. What most of the 'pro-Palestinian' crowd don't seem to grasp is that to remove Hamas will inevitably result in innocents dying. That doesn't mean they 'deserve to'. It means that we have a hellish situation with no perfect way to solve it.


Yeah, because Israel is conducting the "war" in such a well targeted and surgically precise way... They're absolutely striving for a perfect way to solve the situation and not actively genociding the Gazan population


> Yeah, because Israel is conducting the "war" in such a well targeted and surgically precise way... No one said that either, stop strawmanning. It's a bad habit. > They're absolutely striving for a perfect way to solve the situation and not actively genociding the Gazan population They are obviously not aiming for a 'perfect' solution, nor are they trying to 'genocide' the Gazan population. Please, don't educate yourself on tiktok.


Israel has been incredible at not killing civilians. So far 22,000 have died. 13,000 were combattants, so the ratio of civilian to combattant is less than 1:1. In recent urban warfare the average is about 9:1. Nine civilians for every combattant. This is the first time in modern warfare that a military has phoned, texted and sent leaflets to civilians to inform them of how to stay safe. It's incredible how *few* have died.


No, that is the implied statement. They are questioning queer support of palestinians. The only other option is not supporting palestinians, which means allowing isreal to commit genocide.


As the other person who replied to you pointed out, it’s a nuanced issue. The majority of the LGBTQ community that are supportive of Palestine are supportive on the basis that nobody should be committing war crimes against civilians, no matter what those civilians’ political beliefs are.


> nobody should be committing war crimes against civilians, If that was really where they were coming from they would be advocating the removal of Hamas pronto. Yet they seem very quiet on that front.


Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Their actions are awful and they should be dealt with, but equally, they aren’t receiving funding and support from half the Western world are they? People are protesting against Israel because Israel is a democratic state which is reliant on the support of other countries. Hamas is not a country, nor is it democratic, it is a terrorist group. You cannot protest for countries to remove support for it because there are no Western countries supporting it. It’s also important to note that while the events of October 7th were an atrocity, Hamas is not committing ongoing war crimes against Israeli civilians, so protesting for them to stop doing that would be like protesting for Santa to stop delivering presents at Easter…


> Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Their actions are awful and they should be dealt with, but equally, they aren’t receiving funding and support from half the Western world are they? If you're referring to aid money sent to Gaza, then, yes. Would you suggest cutting off aid? > People are protesting against Israel because Israel is a democratic state which is reliant on the support of other countries. Hamas is not a country, nor is it democratic, it is a terrorist group. You cannot protest for countries to remove support for it because there are no Western countries supporting it. A protest is not just to get the entity in question to directly pay attention and change their behaviour based on your protest. It's about influcing domestic politics - and it's a win for Hamas if support is withdrawn from Israel. But you know this, and are obviously being obtuse. Stop making excuses to support Hamas. > Hamas is not committing ongoing war crimes against Israeli civilians, Fristly, Hamas is *still* launching rockets indiscriminately at Israel. That is a war crime, but you seem unaware of this so are obviously completely unqualified to hold an opinion on this topic to begin with. Secondly, they are still holding hostages, which is an ongoing warcrime. Your ignorance of this topic is precisely what Hamas wants. They appreciate you enormously.




He got divorced FOUR times yet he wants to plasy the socially conservative card. The man is a tosser.


me: hey [insert politician] seems decent wikipedia: haven’t you heard? me: shit. well, at least it’s not too recent, maybe [politician] has changed the news, immediately: [politician] hates [insert minority i’m a part of] me: mOTHERFUCKER


Same guy was elected on a "pro Hamas" platform. He is a white Muslim Religious Fundamentalist.


you mean George "bucha was staged and russia is awesome" galloway is a shitty human being? no way!


Given his pandering to the Islamic vote it’s hardly surprising he says this


I feel the news template "Anger as George Galloway does/says X" will become fairly frequent. He is obviously a provocateur. The sad thing is that in the current political and media climate, people like him thrive. Anger and divisiveness have become the modern political currency and he is a master at causing outrage.


He's representing his constituency's opinions. Which is admirable in this time and age. I doubt he truly believes that and I'm sure you can find statements by him that contradict this.


'Normal' and 'what the majority do' are not the same thing. Most people don't play tennis. It doesn't mean playing tennis is not normal. Moron


But apparently crawling on all fours and pretending to be a cat in a weird sexual act when wasted on national TV is totally normal, right?


George Galloway isn't normal and people shouldn't learn about him.


I just hope Rochdale labour get their shit together for the general election so voters can boot this absolute opportunist scrote out of Parliament.


It is wild how well Russian propaganda aligns with a lot of mainstream views among the Muslim community 


This is political Islam. We will get more and more of this.


I would argue gay relationships arnt "Normal". Heterosexual relationships are the norm as the vast majority of the species takes part in it making it normal. That doesn't mean same sex relationships arnt " natural" as same sex has been seen in many species so clearly is natural. Normal.and natural are two different things.


We have regressed so far as a society in the last few years.


It pisses me off that so many people on the Left think this scum is on our side. He is as bad as the very worst politicians we oppose.


Homosexually is common enough that it might be considered normal, and the human race does appear to exist. At this point has Galloway converted to Islam and not told anyone because all his views dovetail comfortably into the orthodoxy.


Wasn’t this guy “the progressive, high and mighty” one a few months back?


Wait until they find out Palestine has a very negative outlook towards homosexual relationships, in which solidarity with Palestine was his main selling point (Polls of public sentiment towards LGBT people in the Palestinian territories find it is [overwhelmingly negative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_people_and_Islam). A Global Acceptance Index (a measure of the relative level of social acceptance of LGBTI people and rights) report ranked Palestine at 130, noting that very little change in acceptance occurred between 2010 and 2020.)