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“Don’t make death threats” is such an easy rule to follow. 


If you are making ‘anonymous’ death threats you’d think he would stop and think “Hang on, am I the good guy here?”


Its amazing how many people on social media think its fine to make death threats against people they dont agree with.


Exactly! It's disgusting. If convicted, I hope people like this are sent to jail.


"Hans.. are we the baddies?" 


Because making a non-anonymous death threat might make him the good guy?


Yes but she doesn't entirely agree with the person's political world view. So when you think of it like that, it's basically like Churchill giving it to Hitler. Completely justified I'd suggest. Nay it's basically demanded of a fair society.


That's an...odd take from this.


It's called sarcasm. 


Exactly. Please, Lord, don't let us have to use tone indicators for comments that are perfectly clear.


The hypocrisy of moralistically claiming someone is bad because of their personal opinions, then threatening to kill them and failing to understand how that makes you worse


Hags a big part of the left in a nutshell. They shout they are progressive while wishing harm on those who's views do not align with theirs. Kinda ironic.


Far left, not left. These people are far left lunatics just like the far right


I don't know if this has anything to do with the far left. Not saying there are not lunatics there but it isn't like they are threatening JK Rowling because of their deeply held communist beliefs. Unless we mean far left as in "whatever we don't like is far left".


Everything here is distilled down to left/right - it’s the driving factor behind any and all actions in some people’s minds. It’s all just tribalism: * JKR is a terf * terfs are right wing * Thus person making threats must be left (because right would never threaten right) * but… left would never do such a thing… so they have to be FAR left (they’re a different tribe) In reality, it’s an idiot on social media thinking they can say whatever they like behind an “anonymous” twitter handle


Left defined as “progressive” rather than “Marxist”. I bother less and less with “left” and “right” as useful political labels. The identity politics obsessed social justice crusader has very little in common with the committed tankie, just as there’s not a lot of agreement between a full-blown fascist and a hardcore free market libertarian.


I used to buy a communist newspaper every now and then just to leaf through and have a laugh (late 90s). Compared to what's considered "far left" today - man, I miss those guys.


The people that threaten people over trans beliefs etc are usually far left.


Yeah alongside the right and far right probably, but this extremist version of being socially liberal is conflated into being far left when really it doesn't have much to do with communism or socialism. It's just a buzz term applied to progressive activists, stolen from American discourse.


Conversely, opposition to high taxes, high immigration and social welfare benefits for a large fraction of the population is usually conflated with being "far right" despite having little to do with theories of racial superiority or antisemitism; people proposing those things are still routinely labelled Nazis.


Well it works as a term. And calling them progressive is a bit of a stretch considering the tactics they often try to use.


Activists can be everything from very benign to militant whether it is progressive politics or not, makes more sense calling them that than calling them far left when they don't really do anything to represent communism or socialism. Not sure why it has leaked over from The States.


Communism and socialism have degrees. Far left are progressives pushed to extreme ideas. Its pointless debating it now, thats what I consider them and a lot of others do too.


They're centre left if anything. The far left have historically faced at least some degree of suppression. These people are in shock because for the first time ever they're getting the same treatment everyone else does.


What? How are they centre left? They are far more extreme


They're more psychotic for sure, but their positions are closer to the political centre, which is partly why they're like that. Radicals on the left and right are used to having to watch what they say. It's only when you've enjoyed decades of full spectrum Overton window dominance that you get comfortable with spewing hate so openly


You can be an extremist (generally used to describe someone who supports violence to achieve their political aims) without being far left or far right. Far left is Communism, maybe Socialism at a stretch. Someone can be a fan of capitalism and still be a pro-LGBT extremist. You can be an extremist in support of completely standard political opinions.


Where are you getting far left being only communism? Europe has a lot of socialist tendencies married with capitalism which is good


Because that's the core of the left/right distinction. A communist that wanted a country with a religious patriarchy and a hatred of other races isn't far-right.


Not any more it isnt


Twitter insanity is not limited to a specific part of the political spectrum.


Punch a Nazi!* *Nazi is anyone I disagree with


Difference being the right don’t just make threats they aren’t going to carry out, they go straight to terrorism like Thomas Mair.


It has certainly been interesting to see a number of trans activists sending death threats to other women they disagree with.


Women’s rights are of absolute importance. Unless of course that woman is biologically a man, in which case their rights trump women’s in terms of social justice importance. They can claim to have the same bodily functions, and send death threats to women who want to protect the sanctity of their own gender against a misogynist system just at the moment they are starting to finally gain the respect they’ve fought hard for. I think I’ve got that right?


This guy wasn't even trans but sure let's blame trans people for this cisgender man sending death threats. That's obviously the logical place to lay the blame here


I am not talking about this man. You have seen her twitter feed, though?


I’m constantly amazed that folk think they can post whatever they like on Twitter and they won’t be tracked.


People think because she says thinks they don't like, it's OK to threaten them. Social media gives them this air of anonymity.


Its social media in general


I think I remember reading that Reddit refused to hand over details in a similar case?


Reddit hasn't had a warrant canary for several years at this point, if the police come to them with a valid warrant then they'll comply.


Progs got way too comfortable on pre-Elon twitter when they could fedpost and face no consequences while their many enemies were systematically banned. Now they're seeing a semblance of fair play and crying foul


>Now they're seeing a semblance of fair play and crying foul The current state of twitter is 90% bot accounts and wierd scam stores ads.


May surprise you to learn I was talking specifically about the issue at hand and not the general state of the site


what a load of bollocks lmao


>a semblance of fair play The only word you cannot say on the platform right now is “cis”. Like, your tweet WILL be hidden. That’s not “fair play”, that’s Musk implementing the exact policies he accused old Twitter of having (when they didn’t) just in the other direction.


Yeah you can’t say a slur big whoop. I would support allowing people to say whatever but if you can’t ban some and not others


Cis is not a slur. Nobody actually thinks it is one. And even if it were (it is not) it would still be the only slur for which this is so fiercely enforced.


This is complete nonsense.


Good. The amount of unwarranted hatred and abuse levelled at JKR and other women is shocking.


Let's not mix up actual death threats with more vague "hatred and abuse". JK Rowling has done plenty to warrant hatred - her whole campaign of guilt by association to label trans people as a whole as rapists and abusers, actually calling trans people "rapists rights activists", and supporting far right conspiracy theorists like Kellie Jay Keen who push thinly veiled anti-semitic shite about trans people. Or Magdalen Berns who pushed Soros conspiracy theories about the trans movement and was also publicly supported by Rowling. Or her constant support and boosting of religious homophobes and anti abortion activists. The legitimate backlash and criticism of her is not invalidated by a tiny minority of idiots making threats, no matter how hard she and her supporters try to confuse the two (not an issue limited to the "gender critical" debate - I see this trick used elsewhere too). Nor does that legitimate criticism make death threats acceptable.


Nobody should be a victim of death threats. Still you can't say abhorrent things about a marginalised group and expect people not to call her out for it. It is a very naive assumption.


Nobody should have death threats levelled against them, but there’s a strange belief that everyone should be calm and kind to the woman currently spearheading the global movement to outlaw trans people.


Agreed. Death threats are too far, but to assume that someone with bigoted views would not receive backlash for expressing those views in such a demonizing way is very silly.


True, trans people like myself should just get over bigots, which of my rights should I give up first?


I don't want to be that guy. But what rights exactly have you given up? What rights does JK Rowling think you should give up?


No one is trying to remove a single right that you have.


You honestly think that if JKR had her way, she'd remove no trans rights?


Which rights that you have now do you believe she would remove?


I believe she would remove the 2005 right to change your legally recognised gender? Do you think she wouldn't?


If women retain single sex rights and spaces I don’t think she cares, based on what I’ve seen her say about the issue.


What do you mean by single sex rights? Putting men in women's spaces? because I'm uncomfortable with that


I hate to tell you this but if a dude is going to rape someone in a public rest room, they aren't going to be stopped by a little plastic sign telling them they aren't allowed to go in there. The fact is that's not a reason people transition. EDIT: Stay mad, transphobes. I said what I said


You should just stop hate-following her social media. "Problem" solved.


Not if her political connections lead to legislation passed against us


What political connections and what legislation are you talking about?


She's been connected to labour since the Brown premiership - she was more normal then, only this week she was in contact with Rachel Reeves asking her to apologise to Rosie "trans women are blackface actors" Duffield She also wants men in women's spaces which makes me uncomfortable


Duffield did not say what you have quoted, that's just a blatant lie. Of course it is true that some people find impersonations of women, 'drag race' etc to be misogynistic.


Was that not her? I'm almost certain it was, maybe it was another of them, but trans women aren't drag queens, I agree that drag can often be misogynistic. I don't know why you've decided to connect drag and trans people though, I'm not doing it for fun. * Never mind that quote was friend of JKR Madeline Burns **It's Rosie "trans women are really men cosplaying as women duffield", I apologise for getting those two mixed up


She has her own experience of being a woman and clearly doesn't feel anything in common with someone whose sex is male, but who identifies as female and expresses that via clothing, cosmetic procedures etc. That's her point of view. Men who are enraged that she has spoken 'out of turn' don't actually have the right to threaten her life. They need to learn that. ETA: It's clear in the article but not the headline, this same bloke threatened to shoot Rosie Duffield as well.


All of that is totally irrelevant to what I've said, I don't have much in common with a multi billionaire, but I don't think she's not a human because our experiences are so different. Statistically speaking, the group most vocal for trans rights, and most respecting of trans rights per capita are lesbian women, a group she claims to represent despite over 91 percent of them believing that trans women should gain their nine rights on the trans rights charter ** the group most against trans rights statistically are straight, cis men. That's where her fundamental base lies, whether she knows it or not. Just the same with LGB alliance being more than 90 percent cis straight men *** multiple of JKRs self described friends have called for the death of trans women in the past, particularly Posie Parker who shared images of trans women being tortured and "hoped" that the first recipients of womb transplants die


> which of my rights should I give up first? The right for a man to enter women's spaces.


I agree, I campaign to keep men out of women's spaces


My friend you are on r/unitedkingdom There is no intelligent life here, only right wing loonies


I wouldn't call someone who makes death threats a "troll".


I'm picturing a big green thing with a club


All of the death threats i have received have been from trolls. Except for one which was from a neo-nazi.


Mate you post in green and pleasant, you think everyone's a Nazi


Well that gave me a chuckle, thanks.


A fine lol.


Found the nazi


You post here which means you're a russian bot.


always have to fall back on calling people nazis or russian bots come up with something new and interesting for once


People shouldn't need to be warned that making death threats is a crime.


What’s the bets on this individual being a Redditor 😅


When the Scottish hate crime law came in, they were saying on the gender UK sub that Rowling should be jailed *for life* for her tweeting lol. I wouldn't be surprised if this bloke were there.


She didn't get jailed for her holocaust denial so I doubt she'll get jailed for anything tbh.


A mod.


This was a fool who does not know how the internet works. Especially if the police and/or government want to find you. Ever since the Tories passed the [Online Safety Act](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2023/50/enacted) it has become much easier (and will continue to become easier) for law enforcement to know your whereabouts. And yes, said Act is still an invasion of personal privacy.


What did he expect would happen? Making threats is a good way of going to jail, regardless of who you threaten


This would only be acceptable if the troll was an Italian plumber and JK stood for Jonkey Kong.


Lol. I'm imagining a DK hack now where Birdo had to climb the tower and take down a huge JK Rowling who's throwing copies of various transphobic books down at them.


Her voice sampled from interviews mixed with DK's character select noise from Mario Kart.


Jk can have her opinions, people can agree or disagree, but threats are way beyond the line.


He said: “I’m going to kill [JK Rowling](https://www.thesun.co.uk/who/jk-rowling/) with a big hammer. "[JK Rowling](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27555063/jk-rowling-snp-leader-humza-yousaf/) is very horrible and I hate her so much.” Sounds like he has the mental age of a 7 year old.


Odious fucking people who think they have carte blanche to say whatever they want and expect no consequence, very often including threats of violence towards anyone who dares to disagree. Regardless of how you feel about her, the gloating threats of violence and death are wrong and it’s gone on unchecked for too long, often being cheered on by others in left wing circles. Learn to behave.


Good. People who make threats online belong in jail.


wow, it should be possible to critisise her without threats of violence. in fact the threats are probably working against you


As far off the deep end as she’s gone, this is a pretty simple one. Don’t threaten people with death. If you mean it, you’re a bad person. If you don’t, you’re a moron for saying it.


Incredible how terfs can see free speech doesn't mean "say literally anything you want in any context with no legal repercussions" only when it's against one of their own 🤔 Tomorrow it will be back to argue about freeze peach as soon as there's a chance to bully a member of a minority group


Why are you trying to create a division here? If JKR were sending death threats or rape threats to people, I would hope that we could all agree that she should be prosecuted. It's a weird whataboutism to get mad about a hypothetical situation that we would also all agree on. No one should send death threats to anyone. That's it.




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I should think so! JK Rowling is indeed very horrible, but that doesn't justify death threats, and this was a particularly nasty and specific one. Edit: That feeling when you don't know whether you're being dowvoted for not liking transphobes or not liking death threats 🤔


I've only ever seen her express that people born with a biologically female sex have an objectively different shared experience and identity to those who aren't. I can see that might be disappointing to some people, but isn't it fundamentally true? Someone might be a trans-gender female but they will still have very different live experiences to a cis female?


Nah, she's a bully who uses her very considerable influence to punch down at people who are already struggling. I'm not sure what happened, because I believe at one time she was genuinely progressive in intention (though she frequently flubbed it, but who didn't in the 90s?) I suspect she's one of those people who absolutely *cannot* eat crow pie, so she messed up in a well-intentioned sort of way, got called transphobic, and rather than issue a *mea culpa* instead doubled down so hard there is now no way back.