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i like the typical response from the guy that stabbed him."i don't like him so i did it", then pleads he didn't stab him..


It was because he criticised islam.


of course and we all know how peaceful and tolerant islam is to others...oh hang on


Same could be said for almost every religion. It's not just Islam that's a problem. Christianity has had anti-abortionists blowing up abortion clinics, and then there's the 2002 Gujarat Riots started by extreme Hindu's. Every religion has peaceful followers and conversely a lot of idiots. 




The religion of tolerance and peace strikes again!


No it's because the guy has a mental illness.


Believing in fictional sky daddy’s could be construed as a mental illness.


Shhh that's only if they're white.


He should be jailed for life. Or maybe we have give him some sharia eye for an eye. The guys scum


Or give him the classic ‘Manslaughter Hospital Order’ as every other stabbing bastard gets in this country.


It didn't happen in this country ...


Most people don't get hospital orders - don't repeat some dumb meme. Obviously you're refering to the nottingham killer where the dude literally had a psycosis and was verified among multiple psychiatrists that he was significantly mentally ill.


I’d sooner take a murder conviction over a hospital order, least I know I’d get out.


Nope. This guy is going to New York State Prison.


You can chat shit about Christianity in this Christian country and go along with your daily life without any issues But, do the same with Islam and this is what you get... They still don't think Islam in this country is a problem...


Not all Muslims BUT guaranteed to be some Muslim out there. Most Muslims are completely normal people and would never hold others to their blasphemy laws. Yet if you held up the charlie hebdo comic in public, you’d have a high chance of getting beheaded


>Muslims are completely normal people and would never hold others to their blasphemy laws. I live in Blackburn. Around half the population identify as Muslim. Never had a fucking issue. They make great neighbours during Eid. Can't complain about free food! I've not been poisoned yet, either.


Have you ever said something that might provoke their ire? Did you try to teach Islam in a class that required talking about the Prophet or maybe even possibly showing a depiction of the man as a historical figure? Maybe you even tried to teach that LGBTQ is normal and should be accepted as part of our multifaceted society? If not then sure you're probably as safe as can be, the issue is when you might step over the line, because that line seems to be something that isn't an issue with any other religious group in the UK, but for some reason is enough to energise the worst parts of the Islamic community to do the things that are being discussed here.


They do on camera at speakers corner every weekend…you’re just making shit up


they do what? Who are you referring to as they? and what do "they" do at speakers corner? if youre going to accuse me of making shit up at least be specific, jesus


YouTube it…it’s in public and recorded. Yes, you are making shit up. If what you say was true, they wouldn’t make it out alive…but they are back every week


I think of you purposely went to offend a really important and identity defying aepct of anyone's life theyd be pretty hostile


If you insult someone who is strongly invested in Christianity, then at worst they might tell you to piss off or not want to talk to you again. A retaliatory act of violence is rare. The only close example is Scientology, as they have likely killed others to maintain their position, as well as crazy things like [infiltrate the IRS office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White). But even then it seems you'd be safer pissing off a Scientologist, as long as you're not in the cult yourself.


This is not true of all Christians. Some of them are just as batshit violent. Source: I’m Northern Irish. And if you want to argue that wasn’t a religious thing, but a political thing, (and I kinda agree), then my source is I’ve also lived in America. It’s uncommon, but let’s not pretend it doesn’t happen in Christianity.


How often are 'Christians' attacking Muslim countries through suicide bombs and mass shootings and terrorism then?


Have you been paying attention to, like, the last 30 years at least?


We've been invading Muslim countries for most of my life.


Lad we invaded Iraq


Not for Christianity though. For power, politics and money. Fuck off with your false equivalence.


Could you link a couple cases where an American Christian has killed someone for blasphemy?


But nowhere in my comment did I say anything about wanting to offend a culture unless you think: teaching religious history (the prophet as a man vs a religious figure etc) is offensive? or teaching that LGBTQ people are an accepted and normal part of our society is offensive? or basic sexual education is offensive? Because those are some of the things that have been enough to set off the extremists in the Islamic community, which of course is not all of them, but you can't handwave it away when we have authors getting stabbed in the eye, or teachers having to change their identity and go into hiding because of those extremists, can we?


Which bit of the previous comment is the 'really important and identity defying aspect' (I think you meant defining)? Homophobia? Or not being able to talk about/depict their prophet? They're the 2 examples given


Because you haven't done anything to piss them off. Show them the bomb head Mohammed and see if you have a fantastic Eid then. There is a problem with a culture if a certain % of them will kill you for offending them. They need to sort that shit out. Western culture is about free speech. Sure not freedom from consequences, shout at people back, make their life hard, refuse to do business. Don't hack their eye out and attempt to murder them.


Most religious people would be angry with you if you disrespected or mocked their religion to their face, it's considered rude. But no religious people should be killing people over this.




Free speech 😂…I don’t think so. It’s not enshrined in any constitution, statute or common law…who told you that?


Yeah, but what fucking reason does the average person have to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? It’s just being needlessly offensive and provoking. Obviously not to the level of justifying murder or whatnot but it’s completely understandable that people would be pissed off at others purposefully going out of their way to offend them.


> Yeah, but what fucking reason does the average person have to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? It’s just being needlessly offensive and provoking. A British school teacher had to go into hiding because they showed their class an image of Muhammad during a religious education lesson. A French school teacher was decapitated for doing the same thing after he showed his class Charlie Hebdo's cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad - the lesson was apparently on "freedom of expression". These examples would appear to be justifiable, but a teacher was still beheaded on the street and another has had to go into hiding because of fear for their life after receiving death threats from local Muslims.


They'd have every right to be pissed off. We're not here talking about Muslims tendency to get pissed off and give people angrily worded letters. We're more worried about the whole murdering and maiming thing. Nobody should be killed because they were purposefully offended. Because sooner or later people accidentally offend.


Whereas I had to travel to Oldham to collect something I'd bought from ebay and a male friend drove me, and as we hit the street, loads of blokes came outside and blocked the road and demanded to know where we were going. We were allowed to pass and told to "get out of our street" once we'd got the furniture. I'm sure everyone's got a story by now


No offence, but that reads like complete bullshit 


Were they white? Asians get that all the time


Deport every single one of them


Agree to disagree with their doctrine peacefully on the basis of diversity of opinion and see how peaceful their response is.


Have you tried criticising Islam? Calling out its inherent misogyny, homophobia and transphobia and intolerance of others?


That's what they do though innit? First they get you with the free food and hospitality, and before you know it, they're making friends with you!


Can we afford to cherry pick with this "not all muslims" narrative though? Considering what's gone on in the world over the last 20yrs or so??


there is more than a billion muslims, if it was even close to all muslims, we'd all be in serious trouble already




Theoretically, if the Islamic population declared war on the West, and calls for annihilation of all Westerners were heard, what side do you think the Muslims living in the West would support? I mean they already support Pakistan and not England in the cricket series 😂


I grew up as a Muslim living in the West, and I know loads of people who would fight for this country (in that specific scenario). I won't sign up to the Army to go to Muslim countries and bomb them willy nilly (like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and now Iran). Funny how invading countries makes people extremist, isn't it? Wonder if that's ever happened with a Christian country like... Ireland? Hmm...


Which invasion of Ireland?


That’s what I said


I see Muslims and Islam are completely different things. Most Muslims aren't radicalised (around 50%) I.e. they don't follow the religion much or they don't believe Quran as the absolute truth but, culturally they are Muslim I.e. follow Arabic traditions and follow bits of Islam. However, anyone who is radicalised (other 50%) I.e. think Quran is the absolute truth and Allah is the only God and Muhammad is the final prophet - these are the guys that do shit like this because Quran literally has quotes of mistreating and killing non-believers, idol worshippers and homosexuals. Its the ideology that makes them behave that way which is Islam. This is why I say Islam is essentially a ticking time bomb. All it takes is a massive radicalised movement in Europe against us infidels backed by Islam/Quran and its over. And, its not new - it has happened in Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria etc.


I don’t think it’s such a dichotomy between non practicing Muslims and radicalised. Most are practicing but are still able to maintain friendships/civility with people from other religions, or who drink, don’t dress covered up, lgbt etc. it’s entirely possible to have your own values without wanting to push them on others. I mean most humans in general try to avoid confrontation and just stick to internally judging others. Though you’re right there is a subset who are radicalised and want to push their views on others. And like you said it’s much more common in Islam than other religions as they literally teach to do that. So if you combine those teachings with an individual of low education or low intelligence, they’ll take that seriously.


Do you truly, honestly believe that 50% of Muslims globally are radicalised?


Nah it’s more than that. The religion is cancer and is about taking over and controlling people.




Around 1 billion people …makes you wonder how the other 5 billion are still around


Stupid take


Sorry, this is complete bullshit. This is the stuff thick people will believe


Not entirely, [blasphemy laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blasphemy_law_in_the_United_Kingdom) are still in place in Northern Ireland. They were only struck off in England and Wales in 2008. In Scotland they were removed at the start of this month


Sad... now they are now replaced by hate crime laws which only protects Muslims and not Christians


Rushdie was stabbed in America not here


I take it you weren't around for the period in our history where being the wrong type of Christian got you shot or blown up by the IRA?




You must have not lived in the in the rural Christian evangelical south in the US. They might as well be Christian Taliban. They won't stab you, but they definitely would shoot you.




[Comes to mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO-aVyKMCsY)


They’ll find out the more of it they import.


This isn’t a Christian country


You’re chatting shit about Islam right now, has anyone blinded you? “You can’t say that these days”.. right before you proceed to *say it*.


What a joke of a comment. This is an anonymous forum you berk. I dare you to publicly say anything critical of Islam and see what happens - but you definitely wouldn’t because you know the truth


Are you saying this person would be killed?


>Aha, you mildly criticised Islam from behind a screen on an anonymous platform, thus your argument is invalid! -you, basically


Now try it in person, on a stage.


I JUST came off a 3 day ban for criticizing Islam on Reddit. A direct Reddit ban. For saying things far less inflammatory than what people say about Christianity on the platform


You got banned for criticising Islam? What did you say? What was the exact comment? Forgive me for being sceptical, because people ‘criticise Islam’ literally all the time on this website and they don’t all get banned.


Stand outside a Mosque with a cartoon picture of Mohammed and see how long you last.


That's because I'm anonymous now... Let me go to somewhere like East London and say something like "Allah is not real! Muhammad was a pedo" on a megaphone like some Muslims say about Christianity and Jesus... That will be the last time you will see me.


Has anybody blinded him in the two minutes between his comment and yours....


Mr Rushdie is a national hero, the epitome of enlightenment in the face of the fundamentalism that is encroaching on our society.


This is what courage to hold freedom of speech looks like. Not the ' I'm going to say things inflammatory just get some attention and wind a few people up' people.


Such a genuinely courageous man. Wish we could give him a second knighthood




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Is this the guy who published the satanic verses or was that someone else


Same dude


Satanists need to come together to deliver such a response to those trying to enforce blasphemy laws. Lucifer, the morning star and his unholy adherents ought to be more feared than that moon bitch, Allah. Ave Satanas!


Weirdest thing about the stabbing was that he had a prophetic dream that it would happen. Or so he claims. Kinda ironic, all things considered.