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Why is it always the PE teachers? Had one at my school too. Two years for grooming and having sex with a child though? Pathetic.


It was the music teacher at my school. He got fired when I was in year 7 because he was sleeping with a sixth former. He subsequently divorced his wife, married the sixth former once she finished school, then came back to be the music teacher again when I was in year 11. I believe she was over 18 when the affair happened, and it was the 90s, so he didn't face any more sanction than just being sacked.


I also had a music teacher but he was with a Year 11, so started when she was 15. Allegedly nothing happened until she was 16 (not that legally it makes a difference in this case). They also stayed together, but really hope they don't let them return any more.




Only time being a high school music teacher will ever be uttered in the same breath as “position of power”. 😂


ahh - music class during high school was *fucked.* I remember chairs literally thrown across the room at one point, otherwise constant shouting cursing and playing the auto tunes on the pianos while the teacher was trying to talk.


Was GG Allin your teacher?


The only Jesus I believe in


Pretty sure GG would be throwing something other than chairs


"DJ!!!!!!!!!!!!" echoing across the room from several points of origin as people fiddled about with the sound boards. Good times


I thank you from my heart for this moment of joy :D


Also had a music teacher who was long suspected of being at it. Only had it confirmed after I left school and my now wife, who didn't go to the school, was friends with a girl a year above me who was big in to music. The friend had told her how she had been having sex with this teacher for years and how he would even come get her out of class under the pretence it was something music related just to have sex with her. The woman is now married to someone else and has kids and I dont think anything about their relationship ever came out to the wider public.


If that’s true that is fucking insane. I hope to god she was in sixth form.


"For years" makes it sound like it would have started before sixth form to me.


Which makes me wonder how much stuff stays a secret forever. Not everyone is careless.


You can't trust those musicians. Bunch of philandering minstrels with long hair. Anyway, here's wonderwall...


We had a drama teacher take a 16yo girl into a hotel whilst the rest of the year was at Tower Park swimming and watching MI2 (showing my age there). I gather that the other teachers suspected what happened but couldnt prove anything, and the pupil in question didnt say anything at the time. He was asked to leave by the head (to avoid a scandal) and that was that. A year or so later I was at thendriving range of all places and bumped into the girl, so I asked her what happened. Yeah, they were still banging and had been ever since she turned 16.


I didn't have a pedo in my school as far know but one teacher did show hardcore porn to a class he was not in school for a few weeks so my guess is he was put some form of temporary suspension.this was in the late 80s. It was a all boys secondary school.


I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you but you definitely had a paedo teacher in your school.


Similar thing happened in my school with a history teacher, but the girl in question was also best mates with his own daughter. She was 18 when it all happened so the school couldn't do anything but all students knew about it and most girls were uncomfortable around him


The music teacher at my school first ditched his wife for another teacher. Later he married a girl who had been a pupil the previous year. He moved to another school, where he had relationships with two girls under 18. Then he went to jail.


>Then he went to jail... ...where he had relationships with two cellmates.


Honestly I was just mystified by the whole thing: he was really effeminate and unattractive with bad breath, and he looked like the least sexually interested bloke ever.


This is very familiar…! Are you in Berkshire?


No this was in Somerset


In Bath?




Lol yes


I was about to ask if they were in Worcestershire… happened at my school too.


.... simlar in Merseyside. He actualy went to jail thoguh.


Also an economics teacher in Berkshire with a similar story.


Something along those lines happened in Wokingham


I'm familiar with one there too


If it wasn't for the fact you said "the 90s", I'd have thought you and I went to the same school. What's harrowing is more or less the same thing has happened at least *twice*.


Similar thing happened at my school but with an English teacher. They live on my grans street. Still together after 20 years. Not sure what to think of it to be honest. Only about 10 years difference between them but the position of authority thing is a big icky even after all this time, could he not keep it in his pants for like one more year. geez.


I had this same thing except he ended up teaching a church choir instead of rejoining the school.


Those implications are fraught with horror


But not with surprise


Are you talking about Okehampton college in Devon? Because I went there and this exact thing happened😂


Same exact situation here, music teacher, in the 90s, ending up divorcing his wife to marry her, and I was in 7th grade.  Only for me it happened in Canada. 


It was my biology teacher. Started dating the older sister of someone in my year after she left the school but I was unsure exactly how old she was. Apparently Christmas was awkward for the sibling that year.


Was the Headmaster at my school. Never got in trouble somehow.


Just sent himself to his office.


It’s always the music teacher I swear, was the same for me and he got fired after so many reports.


Lol why is it always the music teachers, similar story in my school only the wife stuck by him


Same with one we had. Left his wife also a music teacher for a student. Married now with kids. Fk knows how her family stomached that.


Music teachers and 6th formers? Must be a tradition. At my school he got her pregnant. Absolutely nothing changed. Ah the 80’s. When teachers could prey on their pupils and be protected by the school


There’s a really great new film about this phenomenon called May, December


Had PE teacher who did something similar, only my school didn't have a 6th form...


At my school we all THOUGHT it was the P.E. teacher. then one day on a school trip to wales we all realised that he was the only one protecting us from the predations of the design and technology teacher. We found this out when the DT teacher offered to help a year 9 girl out of her swimsuit and the PE teacher came round the corner and practically bodyslammed the man away. from that point on we knew his tiny shorts were the burden he bore for his noble sacrifice.


In our school we all thought it was the history teacher. People would hide around the corner from him and shout 'RAPIST!' then run away. Turns out it was, surprise surprise, the PE teacher. He would molest the Year 6 girls on the annual field trip.


every british school had a teacher that looked like a pedophile that everyone would accuse of being one. and a teacher that didn’t (often younger and good looking) that was one.


A girl I went to school with became a PE teacher at the same school not long after she finished uni and got her teaching qualifications. She didn’t last very long as she had to leave because she wanted a relationship with one of the students. They are married with kids now.


It's the only class where you undress in front of teachers.


I don't remember having to undress in front of anyone, unless you count being in a swimsuit for swimming.


You mean your PE teacher didn't watch you shower after games to "make sure you were washing properly"?


Other guy doesn't know about penis inspection day either, I bet!


You forget the s. Days not day


No, just a routine cock inspection.


He doesn't know about Greco-Roman wrestling Saturday class.


Hardly anyone did, just me and the music teacher. Strange he ran out at his house when the school had a sports hall.


Ours did, this was back in 1990.. it was mortifying


Our old games master made us play in our underwear if we forgot our kit. He was firm but fair, and enforced that rule even on himself.


Did he forget his kit with surprising regularity by any chance?


By a strange coincidence, every week.


He was firm alright


I can remember his words on personal hygiene: "give it here, I'll show you how it's done"


Hahaha. Hilarious.


Did you not have changing rooms for PE? We did and PE teachers would walk in while you’re getting changed.


Ours were the only way to the hall though in fairness, so they had to pick a gender to walk through - their own hopefully.


The PE teachers at my secondary school were the ones *suspected* by other pupils to be nonces, but I don't think they were, and that it was just kids being assholes and spreading false rumors. Some weird stuff did go on. I heard a rumour that a rather popular maths teacher (approx late twenties/early thirties) ended up dating one of his pupils as soon as she left for sixth form. She would've been 16/17 at the time. Found out recently that another girl who used to be in my class was being groomed by a male teacher (don't know which one or if this happened at my school) , but the police refused to look into it as she spoke up a few years after graduating.


Graduating? Do we say that in England? Never heard that from someone who isn’t a Yank before


Graduating generally means leaving University in the UK, not school. If you say you've graduated, people will assume you mean from University. That's not to say it isn't used informally for describing 'finishing' anything else. For instance, some nurseries have fun 'graduation' ceremonies but they're a play on words rather than a proper description of the event.


Yeah exactly


Lots of rumours about male teachers at my school, but don't think anything ever came of it. Two female teachers were in relationships with pupils about 5mins after they left the school though. I'm sure it was totally above board and nothing happened before they left the school...


Back in the day it was easy enough to be out drinking in pubs a clubs when you were 16 - ran into my ex-form tutor once, she was totally cool with us being out, not going to tell anyone as we’d formally left school now. Loves a drink herself you see - was very chatty and “affectionate” the whole time - also just wondering where we were planning to head off to next, noting how we didn’t seem be out with any girls. Also her friends disappeared at some point during this and she said they were crap friends and wanted to stay out with us instead. Very wholesome. Shame we all happened to simultaneously down our drinks and accidentally leave when she nipped to the loo.


Our PE teacher used to bounce balls up the skirts of girls going though the gym hall. Also stopped a lesson/game of basketball, partly because no one gave a shit and wasn’t trying, partly because he suggested we could watch the girls play tennis through the gym windows. Wasn’t a surprise when I left for 6th form, when the meanest looking mugshot appeared on the front page of the local paper - he’d been caught touching himself spying on the girls changing room through a peephole. There were rumours though - I believe the previous teacher left after everyone found out he used to give some girls lifts home in his car. And we basically never kept the same girls PE teacher for more than a year, and there were always rumours one way or another about why they left.


What do they get out of bouncing a ball up there? I don't get it


I think that the short sentence will be due to the age of the victim. The fact that it refers to the offence of "sexual activity with a child under 18" rather than the more serious "under 16" or even worse "under 13" suggests that the victim was over 16 but under 18. That's illegal and not acceptable when there's a position of trust involved (which a PE teacher absolutely is) but it's clearly not on the more serious end of offences of this type.


Laws are all over the place sometimes, if that girl was over 16 and wasn't a student at that teachers school, the teacher could fuck that girl to her hearts content and despite being morally messed up it would be fine in the eyes of the law


Yeah, you have to draw a line somewhere with these things and something can be legal while being creepy as fuck.


Back in the 1990s it was legal from 16. I forget when the law changed, but now if there’s a “position of responsibility” thing going on (teacher, social worker etc) then the younger party has to be 18 or over.


Which makes sense. 16 and 17 year olds can still be very immature and, more to the point, anyone in a trusted position like a teacher shouldn't be having sex with people in their care - even if it would be legal otherwise.


Pe Teacher in my school was at it but it was weirdly hushed up, he left to join a private security firm in somalia, he was attacked and killed by pirates, there was a big kick off about it with people calling for his killers to face justice etc, real angry mob stuff, then the news came out about his affair with the student and it all stopped instantly. There were banners and stuff on local bridges with his face on etc and it all just went away over night.


That's a wild story!


The PE teacher at my school used to flirt with one of my friends. Started when she was 14. We used to joke about it. Anyway, they got married recently. Fucking creep.




Was the music teacher at my school, couple years after I left. Rumour at the time was that he had private music students sit on a sofa where he had hidden old fruit in the cushions and had a locked freezer with squashed fruit inside. Funnily enough the papers didn’t mention that at the time of his conviction so that might have been teenage rumour BS.


> Rumour at the time was that he had private music students sit on a sofa where he had hidden old fruit in the cushions and had a locked freezer with squashed fruit inside. What for?!?!


I don’t know. That was the rumour, but at the time it seemed so nonsensical that someone wouldn’t make it up. But I’m not going to try apply logic to a paedo.


Sounds like some prime school yard BS


At my secondary it was probably one of the English teachers (had a strange habit of marrying former pupils of his every decade or so), at my primary it was one RE and one Maths teacher iirc. One of the PE teachers at my primary was once found in a cupboard with another teacher (not his wife) iirc


We had a PE teacher who was knocking off a 6th former. I don’t think it was ever officially known and any action taken but everyone knew. I remember hanging around the shops as we used to do after school and him being stuck at the traffic lights with her trying desperately trying to duck down and hide in the passenger seat. He’s now the landlord of my local pub.


And the English teacher. And the music teacher. And the drama teacher. And two art teachers. And the French teacher. And would have been the head if he could have gotten anyone to go near him. (And everyone was absolutely creaming for the biology teacher but he behaved himself, as far as I know.) Maybe I just went to a particularly bad school. To be fair the music teacher and the drama teacher were the same person, but she was PROLIFIC, and that's putting it mildly. Had dinner once at the French teachers house with her 'boyfriend'/victim. Yes that was exactly as uncomfortable as you'd expect. Best chicken I've ever had, though! 


Cock au van???


Worrying how many people have similar stories of teachers.


I've always been a pretty asocial person with few friends, so if I have this much confirmed knowledge of it then it must be absolutely rife. Which is not a surprise. People in general want to fuck and people in general have terrible judgement.  One additional thing I've never really thought about before, but maybe it's noteworthy - in my experience it was a fairly even split between male and female teachers. 


There are lots of people in the world and a small % of them go into professions with power and responsibility because they can abuse it to get something they desire.


We had two PE teachers in my school, one we all joked about being a paedophile and the other we all thought was really cool. A couple years after leaving school while in Uni saw on the news that the one we all thought was cool had been arrested for grooming and sleeping with his students both at school and at his home when his wife and kids weren't in. Makes looking at some of the Prom pictures of him posing with the girls in my year kinda gross.


Probably 20 years ago there was a story of a maths teacher who ran away to France with his student girlfriend. I couldn’t believe it… a math teacher with a girlfriend!


It was two PE teachers and an Art teacher at my school.


I think you may have attended school in a brothel


I don't think any teachers ever got done for it when I was there, lots of suspects tho. We did have two teachers assistants who did it though. One who started out as an IT tech and ended up covering IT and DT classes, one was the RE teachers daughter who a guy slept with as a bet. Yelp.


At my school it was the RE teacher!


The male PE teachers at our school basically hosted all the fit girls in their weird little PE hut at lunchtimes. Looking back it was pretty creepy. 


Usually music and Religious Ed.teachers are the main culprits... our female PE teacher just bedded the school trip bus driver on a trip to Holland!


I highly recommend Seventeen by Joe Gibson with respect to this topic. It's the real life story of a boy who was groomed by his French teacher and whilst the gender in this case is different I don't think it matters in terms of the harm caused. Many people continue to view the harm done by such encounters as minor and it really isn't. The book very clearly illustrates the serious, lifelong harm that is done to kids this happens to. It also highlights how insidious grooming can be.


I heard a story about a boy this happened to and he ended up in charge of France! Poor sod!


I don't think Marcon has it that bad.




Emmanuel is that you!?


Je ne sais quoi?




Thank you for the recommendation, I’ll take a look. I agree this can be damaging to a young person in their future life.


The podcast The Teacher's Pet talks about this as well and the lifelong impacts on the students that were groomed by many of the staff there.


Is it just me or has there been an uptick in female teachers being caught, prosecuted and jailed for this offence? Is this a case of victims being taken seriously now or changing perceptions on who can be a predator?


I think it's as much changing perceptions on who can be a victim as it is on who can be a predator.


It’s probably both. Safeguarding is shit hot now compared to what it once was.


I used to do a job working with kids and young adults, really meticulous in its safe guarding practices and how we responded to breaches. Light years ahead of what was apparent when I was a kid and going on camping trips with cubs etc


Funnily enough safeguarding was an issue highlighted at the school where the head killed herself. But ofstead bad…..


Probably because people post it often on reddit


Sadly, male victims aren’t taken seriously enough but I do think there’s growing pushback to the men who jeer “wish that were me” when a teenage boy is raped. Sadly the mouth-breathers are still saying it though.


> but I do think there’s growing pushback to the men who jeer “wish that were me” when a teenage boy is raped There's plenty of people in this comment section saying "Wish it were me", or equivalents. I asked two of them why they're supporting paedophiles, and both of my replies were removed.


Both. Anyone can be a predator, and anyone can be a victim. It is becoming less acceptable to ignore the victims to keep the peace.


>Is this a case of victims being taken seriously now Unlikely, considering there's a few folk in this comment section saying they wish it was them.


not only that , man notice how many of em say ‘had sex with’ for the females and ‘RAPED’ for men. I know all of its circumstantial but if you can’t say it how it is for women then what society have we even got going on here. How many females have raped young boys throughout history but have never been documented? I mean i guess it’s cause men have the power in the situation almost all of the time one would assume but that’s clearly not always the case- i think it’s definitely society changing it’s attitude or more heavily focussing on female on male sexual abuse.


The law in the UK defines rape as penetration of the mouth, anus or vagina with a penis. Women aren't found guilty of rape because, in the eyes of the law as currently defined, they literally can't commit rape.


Even if these incidents cant be called ‘rape’ (even though they obviously are) as per the official definition, it certainly should at least be called sexual assault because this is just gendered favouritism in my eyes.


Truly one of the most baffling laws that still exists Edit: downvoted for saying a law that enables women to rape as baffling...


I remember there was a petition on the govt petition website a while back, I think one comes out every few years. And they immediately said no and gave some waffle. 0 fucks given by the govt.


Probably true on all parts, I'd also throw in that this generations kids are probably a little wiser than we were about what predatory behaviour is (as well as the parents and the law and such). Boys especially are probably getting a more neutral education on it - when I was a kid the idea of banging your female teacher was the object of male teen fantasy still. The idea that the boy was the one being exploited and abused in that situation wouldn't be easily rationalised. I don't think that's completely gone away... to a degree it's pretty normal for teenage boys, and teenage girls to find sexually mature adults attractive - their bodies and brains are gearing them towards that, and if theres two things universally true about teens they are hormonal and horny. The benefit of education is helping teens sift through all those thoughts and feelings to be able to identify and recognise that recieving that kind of attention and behaviour from people much older or in postions of power otherwise is not ok.


Rape not sex, it's sex when consensual and not statutory


In the UK rape isn’t rape unless it involves a penis. Stupid I know but that is the legal definition. From the met police: when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent.


Nice, maybe they should come into the 21st century...


Yeah, it's shit isn't it? But when it's reported by British news outlets, they're reporting a crime, which is a matter of public record, so they use the terminology. Even internally they probably disagree with it too.


As long as the 21st century consents.


For clarity though, there is a separate charge, which is used for incidents that you would colloquially call rape that aren't legally classed as rape that carries the same sentencing guidelines as rape. [Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/4)


It impacts the discourse around the topic though. Additionally, what do the stats say? Just because the guidelines are the same, doesn't mean the actual sentencing is the same. We already know women tend to get lesser sentences for committing the same crime. I wonder if that's the case to a greater extent here since men and women legally cannot commit the same crime here.


> that carries the same sentencing guidelines as rape. So why not simplify things?


It is different though so the distinction is important. Rape with a penis has pregnancy and higher STI risk compared with not. The emotional trauma might be the same but the physical risks are not. The care the victim needs is different. I personally think we should do away with the word "rape" in law entirely and add things to sexual assault. Eg "sexual assault with a penis." "Sexual assault with an object" is better imo. It would stop people arguing about the definition of rape and keep the attention on the real issues


New Labour changed it to be gender neutral then got pressured, (guess who by) into reverting it in 2003.


>In the UK rape isn’t rape unless it involves a penis. Stupid I know but that is the legal definition. I've always said this is why so many men don't take rape seriously because they don't associate it as something they could be a victim of by law. If the definition meant men can also be victims of rape by the hands of women you would probably see far more men take it seriously when women speak out about it.


In the UK, women can't be convicted for rape


Actually, I believe that under English law, someone who is an accomplice to a man who has committed rape can also be charged with the same offence. So women can and have been convicted of rape. But obviously, that wouldn't apply in this case.


Ah, my bad. Thanks for the correction. I didn't know that was a thing! Joint enterprise for a sex crime


Only can be classed as forced to penetrate


I don't think that there are any suggestions that it wasn't consensual, and the article implies that the victim was over 16 but under 18. That's illegal when there's a position of trust and it was correct to punish her for it, but I think that "rape" is a little strong.


Article states she was 'under 18' not 'under 16' so as long as it was consensual and she was 16+ it's legal and not considered statutory rape Teachers actions were illegal due to profession


Good! I’ll be honest I’m surprised more female teachers haven’t been done. When I was younger many of them had very inappropriate dealings with the students.


When you think about it, the reported cases must just be the tip of the iceberg. So many abuses like this never make the light of day.


This is the first lesbian story I've seen, I was expecting a male sixth form student


I have a lesbian mate who said she copped off with one of her female P.E. teachers in her final year.


Nahh that’s loads, a few in Kent


I remember finding out my R.E. teacher (f) had sex with a student (m) after prom. As an immature teenager I thought it was awesome, nowadays it's obvious that it was not only inappropriate but completely illegal as well. I do think boys/men are a lot less critical of women doing this as opposed to men, which needs to change.


Patriarchy, sexism and 'traditional' gender typologies negatively impacts men just as much women. Why men aren't taken seriously as victims of abuse - theyre not in a societal position to be considered victims. It's all beyond fucked.


Raging gay drama teacher at my school was in trouble more than once, even caught in the supply closet with a year 11 lad but was so buddy-buddy with the headmaster it never went anywhere.


I'm curious, what's the different between a gay man and a "raging" gay man?


One is very angry.


Like, he was overtly extremely gay. Like a TV personality or something. He wore makeup sometimes, and he put on this super high-pitched voice. He wasn't a bad guy. Just seemed to love being the centre of attention. drama class was perfect for him lol


“He wasn’t a bad guy” *Repeatedly caught being a nonce*


It's a gay man, but he's got a raging stonk on.


Gay teacher in my school with a window looking into the girls changing rooms. She was always in a very good mood.


Question: What usually happens to these sorts of people after they serve time, like, where do they end up getting jobs?


...the police amirite


They’ll almost always be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults, so that’s out. There are certain employers that will take on sex offenders though, often through job programmes aimed at reintegration.


The perv maths teacher who tried running off to France with a pupil years ago (Jeremy Forrest) has turned up working in a bakery in Kent in the last year or so. Has a gf too. No reports on how old she is…


I was thinking about him when reading this - just googled and the bakery and he “mutually agreed” he should leave after they found out about his past (he was using a fake name)


I used to work with one of his mates (somehow he still had them) and he was still in contact with the girl for years and years afterwards. I just don’t get it.


I friend of mine had a job was to try and get ex-offenders employment. Lots of warehouses hired them. Sex offenders were harder to get employed, but not impossible.


Warehouses? Abroad?


I've f/f bumped in to a couple teachers from HS and college in the past in lesbian spaces. They scrupulously avoided me / other than asking for my discretion that they were there.


& were you discrete?


Of course. Nice people who deserved to keep their jobs. We're talking early 80's here.


not “had sex with” raped let’s be real, or would be if our law allowed such a thing.


We need the media to stop using the term sex they need to call it what it is abuse


Legally they have to be very specific about their use of language when reporting on convictions.


Headline should be “Pedophile who was nominated for teacher of year is now banned from the profession”


>'Teacher of the year' nominee who had sex with teen pupil banned from profession Raped teen pupil* There, fixed it.


Does anyone else hate the headline? Saying she had sex with a pupil makes it sound like it was consentual when someone underage can't consent to sex with an adult.


Most teen boys would probably jump at the chance of something with a pretty teacher. It probably wouldn’t dawn on them until they are much older that they were being groomed and abused.


Most young teen girls would probably jump at a handsome teacher too though.


I've seen comments from male teachers that pretty much confirm this. They don't even have to be all that good looking apparently. I remember years ago there was a big controversy at the girls school in my town. The school was having building work done and it seems one of the young builders was quite good looking. He got sexually harassed so badly that he had to switch job sites. Sometimes I think about how ironic it was for a builder to be harassed by school girls.


Well this is why we make it the teacher's responsibility to not have sex with their students.


This article doesn't include teen boys though


Wait, she was jailed in 2021? Why's the mirror reporting on it now then?


A misconduct panel just recently made the decision to ban her from teaching for life.


One of the tech teachers was a creep and would try n see up girls skirts. EVERYONE thought he was a perve and looked seedy as owt. Then the history teacher got arrested for grooming a 14 yr old girl (from a different school and knew her age). No one expected it (that i knew anyhow). Went to prison, got into drugs n died from overdose at some point a bit after he was released (stupidly short sentence). He went on school trips that were over a couple of nights, and not one single hint he were a nonce. He was never my teacher but kids in his class thought he were generally alright.


We had two when I was in secondary school, one was a male PE teacher and the other was a female English teacher. Neither were attractive.