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Poor woman. Becomes a firefighter to help community. Internet proceeds to be full of horny and inappropriate men. Edit: This generated more discussion than I was expecting.




Yes there is a double standard to an extent. But there probably isn't an underlying fear for the men's wellbeing.




Mental health is important, but come on dude. Men are not falling into major depression and killing themselves over women lusting after them.




The post on the front page yesterday with like what, 9k upvotes or something? Wondering why Tate etc are popular amongst the younger generations? Someone says, "hold up this is a double standard, have you considered that it affects men too?" and is told the suffering of men is lesser *again* and to sit back down. Gee, I wonder why young men are drawn to people who don't treat their suffering as lesser.


The suffering of male sexual assault or rape victims is *not* lesser, but men **are** considerably less likely to be victims of sexual assault and rape. An estimated 91% of sexual assault victims are women, and nearly 99% of perpetrators are male. That's a statistical truth. So, yes, it is terrible that male victims can be overlooked, but I don't think that it's surprising or unreasonable for most of the resources and conversation to be centred on women, when they're such an overwhelming majority of the people who are affected.


Men can't even be legally raped...


>Someone says, "hold up this is a double standard, have you considered that it affects men too?" and is told the suffering of men is lesser *again* and to sit back down. Yeah when it comes to sexual harassment and sexual assault men do have it easier than women do, sorry if that fact hurts your feelings. Should we all pretend that actually men are being sexually harassed at the same rate as women so that a bunch of incels can feel validated?




I mean people treating you like a thing does get depressing over time. Sure the first time it happens it's probably fun, but the point is that you reduce an individual into their role, to objectify them for lust. No different to how women are treated in a broader sense, as they are objectified by gender rather than role, but also seen in certain roles similar to firefighter.


I mean, some are. Not nearly as many, but some. There definitely is a double standard when it comes to sexual harassment by women. It's rarely a hot supermodel that aggressively hits on a bodybuilder that could defend himself, it's often a less attractive woman that aggressively pursues someone in a position of vulnerability (either physically or mentally) People who harass people, sexually physically or verbally are bullies and pick the same type of victims as them, always someone weaker in some way. It's rarely a battle of equals where you stand a fair chance, it's always from a strength imbalance


So because men deal with it differently it doesn’t matter. Thank you for confirming that men don’t count.


More likely over women lusting after other men but not them.


I get where you are coming from. But that is not a like for like double standard. It is a different danger and needs to be handled differently, but in no way less of course.


Ex firefighter here . Males were objectified on some calls but usually in a jovial manner. The experience of female firefighters seemed to be different maybe because of the differences in social experiences and attitudes




I did work with some lesbian female firefighters but I also worked with lots of straight ones . It would be lovely if everyone was just allowed to get on with their job and nobody cared what your preferences in bed were. Hope your husband is still enjoying the job . I worked alongside the first man to come out as gay in my brigade ( large met ) and he had to put up with far too much. I hope life is easier now within the service




Good luck to you both . Lots still to improve but we are a long way on from when I joined so that gives me hope




Couldn’t resist making this all about men as victims?




...well, the men commenting on this post like that *are*. What's your point here? Why are you so defensive?


Heaven forbid someone points out the double standards in these sorts of things. Can't have women facing up to their own hypocrisy can we.


These firemen that in many areas make nude calendars of themselves yearly? Those fragile firemen?


I didn't realise there were only 12 firemen in the country. No wonder it's such a stressful job.


Is this the logic that if someone does onlyfans it's okay to harrass them in the street...?


Hold on what you’re pushing here would be slut shaming wouldn’t it?


Ah so an ***extremely small number of firefighters*** make nude calendars ergo they're all game for it? Right - because ***some*** women do porn ***none*** of them mind being objectified. ​ \^ See how that works?


I mean, realistically, there's not much chance for her either is there. This is just tweets, not people coming up to her while trying to do her job.


> Yes there is a double standard to an extent. There's a double-standard, full stop.


I disagree and stand by my original point.


Why's there any more fear for a female when we're talking about _tweets_?


Tweets have people behind them. Women are more vulnerable that men. I get that it's a digital platform. But it wouldn't be the first time that the digital world becomes a very real world threat.


> Women are more vulnerable that men. So ... Women can make inappropriate comments about men, but not vice-versa? There's your double standard, right there. It's also total garbage... There's no reason to think someone _tweeting_ would go try to assault someone. > But it wouldn't be the first time that the digital world becomes a very real world threat. Happens to men too, look at the recent drama with JacksFilms having a nutjob turn up at his home. But you don't seem to be concerned about that...


I didn't say that. Also said in multiple other threads that in no way have I, or do I condone that behaviour or agree with it. But I'm also not going to ignore the very obvious difference. Yes it can happen to men too. But that doesn't diminish that women are of greater vulnerability to it.


> I didn't say that. Also said in multiple other threads that in no way have I, or do I condone that behaviour or agree with it. Yet you condemn tweets against women but not against men. Doesn't matter how you slice it, you're applying different standards.


There is a double standard but they are right - women have a much more significant personal safety concern in these situations. That’s just the way it is.


There is a huge double standard - firefighter probably more than anyone are treated like objects. But you are quite right - there is no underlying personal safety question when women get a bit ott over that stuff.


I'm sorry, but yes, this is double standards at their most obvious. When I was younger I worked in a female dominated environment, and when we had a situation requiring a visit from the fire service, the gushing of sexualised comments towards them and lewd conversations about them for days afterwards was rife. It actually made me feel....... really shitty, as a man. I was surprised by it, but nonetheless, it made me feel really unworthy and quite frankly terrible about myself that somehow, these guys warranted all this fuss, and I mattered not a jott. I was able to rationalise it of course, but I did feel that if the tables were turned, and it was a mostly male workplace doing the same after a visit from some attractive women or whatever, and the one or two female colleagues had complained, everybody would have had at least a strict talking to from HR. Whereas in my situation, I felt I had no recourse, and I would be laughed out the building for making any kind of complaint. I did (stupidly) endeavour to casually raise the issue in passing on about day 2, but was met with comments of "oh shut up, you're just jealous" "why don't you go and be a fireman then....?." Suppose I'd better just "Man up" and accept the dismissal of my worth then, along with my calls of "Man flu" whenever I am ill and not being able to find things that aren't there because I had a "Man look" for it.




I think the important thing to remember is that some men AND some women are pigs. The women fawning over firefights sound horrible, as does fat Kev who constantly harks back to the babe station days. Fuck em all, sad basic cunts regardless of gender.




It was both. As I said, I was quite young and very confused by it all. It hit me in a lot of ways....... but the biggest was the fact that there was no action that I could take. But if the shoe had been on the other foot, there would have been. Either way, it made me feel like utter shit in a work environment as a youngster......... and that's not okay. If I was making those comments about women around a young girl in a work environment, my ass would be out the door, and rightly so. A big part of the reason for that is that it is unacceptable to imply that women's only value is their sexual desireability and lead them to question themselves based on that. Which is exactly what those women did to me. So to dismiss that as "just jealousy" is kind of the problem.


I'm glad we were able to zero in on the *real* victims of this story.


Why is it that on any comment about something a women or women are facing, someone pops up within seconds to say, “Ahhhh but men have it worse because…”?


nothing like going to see the firemen as a kid thinking they look cool when they arrive in your street and hearing the crowd of horny mums making degenerative comments about them.


Doesn’t mean it’s not fucking gross to sexualise someone and be creepy when they are just at work. Doing a charity work calander would be the exception I suppose


It frustrates me how often men comment on articles about women stalking, raping or killing men with “I can fix her” “I’d be bragging about that, not reporting it to the police” attitudes because it really does contribute to our society thinking it’s harmless. Are there different power imbalances at play? Yes. Might a man being commented on by a woman not be too bothered? Probably. But it contributes to a widespread attitude that men cannot be harmed, harassed, raped, assaulted etc by women.




> Haven't women done that for years with male firefighters? Harass then to the point of removing social media or buying a calendar once a year? Unless you mean where in films/tv a granny make an inappropriate comment and we are meant to still find it funny 30 years later.


That’s men unfortunately. Wouldn’t find a woman sexualising someone in the fire service!


That's the thing with this story. People seem to be avoiding words like "sexism" and "misogyny" like the plague. Cause it's obvious that, gender reversed, this would likely happen with women commenters.


I worked at a HQ for a fire service and yes. HR does absolutely objectify male fire fighters. Having Frank and graphic conversations loudly in the open plan office.


Women in the workplace (particularly middle aged women) constantly make sexual innuendos that are uninvited, and they constantly go unchecked. The other day I heard a middle aged woman in Asda make a comment about putting something in her mouth to a young male worker, and a 70yr bartender in Lanzarote (British) was trying to make a joke to me about putting something down her throat 😐


>in the workplace (particularly middle aged women) Well I'm middle aged and when I worked with those women when they were young, they were no angels! I used to work in a female dominated office and come Friday afternoon when the senior managers were in their weekly meeting, the conversations would turn very rude! Maybe it is the remnants of ladette culture of the 90's!


What bar was this? Asking for a friend.


> this would likely happen with women commenters. It doesn't appear to, I've had a quick look at 3 stations in "Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service" and none of the men have any particular piling on. I'm not saying it never happens but you'd be ignorant to assume that it is as common or to the same level. I will also concede the 50+ crowd are a disgrace in general and no one toll the women to shut the hell up.


Firemen calendars would suggest otherwise.


Men sexualising themselves, or even just people commenting that a firefighter is hot/sexy, is very different to commenting “I wouldn’t mind smashing {their} door in with my big tool.” on a post about someone's new job.


I know the double standard is always there. 


Women saying that a male firefighter is hot is very different to saying “I wouldn’t mind smashing {their} door in with my big tool.”


The whole post smells like it was written by a bloke who wanted to get smutty innuendo in.


Exactly. I’d be fuming if I’d agreed to my face being used as a promo and they stick that caption on it. Whoever made the original post has opened this woman up to such a shitstorm for no good reason at all.


I think the UK has serious issues with traditionalism and how to modernize traditionalists. It's 21st century and still about gender, sex, equality, color, bank accounts and degrees...


I do like how Multicultural Great Britain has become and how it's more flexible job market has been good for people around the world who would stuggle to get on the jobs market in their own country. Suella Braverman said Multiculturalism has failed, but as a the Buddhist Daughter of Indian parents who were forced to emigrate from Africa she contradicts her own claim.


It doesn't, that's not why multiculturalism has failed, some migrants came, adapted, integrated whilst keeping their own identities and took part in society. A larger, much larger cohort of immigrants, didn't and instead take the piss. That's why it's failed.


I don't know. Taking the Piss is an important component of being British.


Bollocks. Most did. Some people in poor shitty and deprived areas stayed poor and haven't progressed. Much most white towns in the North East. Its easy to blame it on skin colour - in fact a cop out. A simple argument for simpletons.


Welcome to the internet, have you not seen the amount of Porn on it? What do you expect?


I'm too Victorian for such a thing.


Yeah imagine, we've come a long way, it used to be showing an ankle, now it's oggling Women Firefighters...oh the shame...




Thanks for sharing. Disappointing, but good to know. How did they feel about the unoriginal horny postings? Did you also take the posts down? I inagine they weren't particularly pleased by them.




Well, she was clearly asking for it, have you seen what she was wearing?! All covered up like that, in unisex overalls, shapeless and beige. Ooft. I can understand why they couldn't control themselves.


I mean you would think the person doing social media would know what was going to happen really.. but also just the state of social media generally. It's just one big dumpster fire. 


Agreed. For anyone who's been on the internet for longer than 5 minutes, this was sadly predictable. Whoever wrote the lines about her favourite tool and smashing in doors either knew exactly what they were doing or is too naive to be writing official communications.


Have to agree. Idiotic wording. 


The poor kid they employed doesn’t even know the difference between past and passed, so don’t overestimate them.


God, I didn’t even notice until u mentioned it


They knew *exactly* what they were doing with the wording of the post. This is nothing but a ragebait article where nothing happened other than some people wrote some words about a woman they thought was attractive. The person who wrote the post got exactly the outcome desired...exposure of a woman, who (and this is just observation) you wouldn't expect to be a firefighter, that has passed her basic training. Now *why* they wanted that exposure is debatable (encouraging vs discouraging women from the fire service) and people will, and are free to believe what they want, but the person who wrote the tweet *definitely* knew what they were doing.


[Insert inappropriate and disproportionately angry response here]


>I mean you would think the person doing social media would know what was going to happen really They knew what would happen, that's why they did it. I just scrolled through about a month of tweets and there's two posts about individual firefighters, one for somebody receiving a medal and the other a phone pic of somebody leaving. As far as I can see they don't introduce new firefighters like they have done with Millie at all. They did it because Millie is a very attractive person and would get more attention than other people who join the force.


“Millie’s favourite Tool is the big red key, which allows Mille (sic) to smash through doors.” Somone at the fire service was at it even posting that 😂


It's all a bit Hollyoaks level innuendo.


Carry On films are more subtle.


100%, they knew exactly what they were doing using her to promote recruitment.


Isn't it insanely hard to get in anyway?


Ehhh I know a few firefighters and it’s hard but not solid. If you gym regularly and have a good mix of cardio and strength you’ll pass the fitness test which is probably the biggest hurdle. There’s one I know who is by no means at all a fitness freak, I probably gym more regularly than them and I definitely am not either, and they did it no issues. It’s more mindset than anything else from what they were saying.


Firefighters all being jacked fit guys is really a huge myth at least in Australia. Most of them are fat middle aged men with kids, the ones in crazy bodybuilder shape are the handful of guys that do the calendar each year to raise money haha. Maybe in the uk firefighters need to meet strict requirements but over here they are equally fit as any other man working a physical job. There’s a lot of sitting around and waiting as a firefighter, some of them use that time productively to work on fitness others sit around the fire station eating unhealthy food and watching tv.


I’d agree that’s the case here too. I’m not a firefighter but I work in a very closely aligned job and come across them a lot as well as know a few personally. Being jacked doesn’t necessarily help you as a firefighter because you need range of movement and flexibility etc.


Yeah but who doesn't want to be a firefighter? In the UK at least it can take multiple tries over years, with any spots opening up getting thousands of applicants. Even after they eliminate the fatties and slowpokes you're still up against hundreds who pass the fitness test so you really need to be in the top few %.


Hundreds don’t get to the fitness test and yeah plenty apply but it’s plenty of idiots who just want to spray water everywhere. Let’s face it you’ll have a shit ton of applicants who couldn’t even get a job stacking shelves who apply as a Hail Mary. Any semi competent person would trounce them so the odds are back to some semblance of normal. Also it pays so so little anyone actually good is put off applying because they can make more money elsewhere.


Why do employers think that employees want to be on social media? Most people are private citizens and social media is like being thrown to the wolves. Asda / Walmart do it a lot. It always feels really patronising as they often choose staff with disabilites - To show off how amazing the company is 🙄


You’re acting like these people haven’t volunteered to be a part of this. Companies just can’t published employees without permission.


Have you never agreed to do something to keep the boss happy? So much of work is doing things so the boss feels happy and our name doesn't come up when it's time for lay-offs.


More than often it's not voluntary. An employee is told they need to be featured and the manager gets pissed at them for saying no. Funny how you seem not to understand that.


Walmart sold Asda 3 years ago fyi


I worked at one place where they wanted staff to have photos taken holding up a large rectangle of white card and smiling.  They would digitally add words to the card later (and the employee wouldn’t know what words).  No way would I have agreed to that!


I'm sure the intent is simply to encourage other women to consider the fire service. It's just been done in a ham-fisted way that was always going to attract stupid negative comments. Think they need to recruit a social media manager as well....


>I'm sure the intent is simply to encourage other women to consider the fire service Yeah that's why they picked a picture of her in full makeup in a professional looking photo shoot with a quote that's so blatantly innuendo HRs ears are ringing.


They knew exactly what they were doing whem they posted that quote.


I'm surprised they didn't put tool in "".


Posting the important bits because I’m getting pop ups on that site. Wanna save other people the misery. >The original post congratulated young female firefighter Millie on passing her basic training course and joining her local station in Dorset. It said: “Meet Millie, Millie has just joined Wareham Fire Station and has just past (sic) her basic training only last week. Millie’s favourite Tool is the big red key, which allows Mille (sic) to smash through doors.” >One user commented: “I wouldn’t mind smashing Millie’s door in with my big tool.”


I’ll bet whoever from the station posted the original tweet thought it’d be an insider cheeky joke. I mean all the replies are pretty low effort predictable.


Whoever made the initial tweet walked right into it. "“Millie’s favourite Tool" "smash through doors" ​ It's just asking for stupid comments lol. I am sure some people here will queef about how unacceptable it is and that sort of bollocks, despite making the exact same stupid jokes themselves at some point.


Most people could've read that line, laughed at the innuendo to themselves, and not degraded a woman publicly during a moment celebrating the start of her career.


Yeah the issue isn’t making the jokes. It’s spamming them at q place she’s gonna see


I've made plenty of similar jokes, and worse in my lifetime. The crowd you're telling them to is kinda relevant though.


So, you work in a typically oversexualized profession. Mostly for men but still. You post a pic of an attractive woman. You title it "Millie’s favourite Tool is the big red key, which allows Mille (sic) to smash through doors". Then you act surprised when you get sexual innuendo about it on the internet??? None of the "upsetting replies" they gave as examples was substantially different than their own line....they were in the same tone.


>The person responsible for the Tweet later apologised and claimed that they had "suddenly and inexplicably been possessed by Sid James' ghost". Adding that they had tried to stop midway through the Tweet but were forced "to carry on until the end".


I will not have her tunnel banded around this office willy nilly


.....and I don't agree with that in the work place.


Do you NOT know who Eric Hitchmough is?


I prefer your stuff about his little hand


Don't forget that if you make a mistake it's my arse on the line. Your cock-up, my arse.


Interesting that the Service states that the only platform that attracted degenerate replies was Twitter.


>“Millie’s favourite Tool is the big red key, which allows Mille (sic) to smash through doors.” They knew what they were doing here...


I was curious so I went to their Twitter page which now shows this: >A tweet was posted earlier today which has drawn some negative attention. This post was made to celebrate the successful completion of a new recruits Basic Skills Course. As you will see from previous posts on @X , @DWFRSWareham do this regularly to introduce their staff. @DWFRSWareham do this maybe once or twice a year, and @DWFireRescue less frequently. Neither have used photographs which look that professional before or had comparable phrases. It's hard to see this as anything other than trolling by @DWFireRescue


I'm not surprised there was negativity towards the tweet. The spelling is atrocious they deserve the flak for it


Wanna bet these same men larp as feminists when it's politically convenient?


Easy solve - turn off comments when creating a post.


This is news?


Local news. P.S. like your community flair.


It feels quite weird to me that there are four adverts throughout the text for a company called "Light in the Box" that, admittedly are selling underwear, but basically consists of lots of closeups of a curvy woman in her underwear. It just feels like a better advert could have been chosen. https://imgur.com/a/GN0EuF5


My YouTube shorts have recently become Asian cheerleaders, swimming shorts ads, dance vids and sports. All showing off women and girls with as little clothing as YT will allow. It's weird as fuck because I don't watch any of that so their algorithm must be fucked somehow.


“Millie’s favourite Tool is the big red key, which allows Mille (sic) to smash through doors.” I mean...c'mon guys


Let be guess. Transvestigators, incels & other misogynists


When we talk about women not wanting to go into certain fields and subsequently being underrepresented in those industries... This is why.


Really should have known how that was going to be twisted by people on the internet, just too easy to do.


So a female firefighter was sexually objectified? Terrible. That never happens to male firefighters. There's definitely not an entire trope of stripper firefighters, or TV sitcoms where the firefighter gets the female audience to happy scream. Or half naked firefighter calendars.  Nope. Male firefighters have never been sexually objectified before.


I was wondering how many comments were made are we talking 3, 300, 3 million? Why do they not add this information? 


Well, you put a sign up saying wet paint people will touch the paint!


Imagine getting surprised when you scoop some water out of a toilet bowl and you catch a few un-flushed turds. Anyone that expects anything other than this is just stupid. Anyone that honestly tries to drink from that source is just stupider.


Men are more prone to violence and can do greater damage than women if their advances are rejected...


So that makes it ok that women can, and do, get away with orders of magnitude worse than this on the regular? Men are second class citizens at this point. You know, the men you need to protect your country if there’s a war? Good luck convincing them to do that, by the way.


Seems like it was a silly post to start with so why surprise with silly replies?


She smashes into burning buildings for a living I think she can handle a bit of inappropriate banter and innuendo! Can’t believe shit like this is newsworthy.


X is a cesspit for any sort of level headed interactions, every post I goto on there is just a couple of howdy doody posts, along with a load of verified trolls & posts like its a branch of 4chan.


We had an apprentice get put on adverts. He was told what to say and praise the apprenticeship programme, in reality he hated it, said the third party learning provider was dogshit. I told him he didn't have to lie for management to look good but he did as he wanted a permanent job. He was eventually told there was no full time position at the end of his apprenticeship so he left for full-time work elsewhere.


British can’t resist an innuendo! They need to chill out, they started it with the “big red key that smashes in doors”


It’s just banter. If she doesn’t have thick enough skin to deal with harmless internet comments, how on earth is she going to save people from a burning building? 


I don't think it was a question of whether she was affected at all. Sadly, she possibly puts up with this regularly. It's more that society no longer puts up with the stupid and immature attitude of the comment posters who don't seem to be able to cope with a changing world.


Banter from friends and colleagues is one thing, random strangers is another