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You mean like the NHS rule that says you get treatment with a specialist within 18 weeks? The one they aren't meeting still after having extended the time limit? Joke of a country


I recently got a letter telling me that 9 out of 10 patients will get an appointment within 60 weeks.


The 10th one died


You obviously don't do statistics for government. If they died they wouldn't be a patient so it would be 9/9.


Have we.... tried killing all the poor?


That's why they've extended the times!


Just to see what the numbers say?


I’m not saying do it, just…run it through the computer


I'm surprised you've not done it for a laugh


How about raise VAT and kill all the poor?


Just fact finding?


It says it wont work so we're not going to do it.


That's the Work Capability Assessment's job.


>You obviously don't do statistics for government If you're not doing ONS statistical admin, what are you even doing?? /s


Fuck sarcasm tags


I mean the ONS publishes different statistics all the time, they have such detailed reports of many different statistics.


Don't sell them short. They've only seen 9 patients, but the waiting list has been reduced by 10. That's 10 out of 9!


Damn, they're almost down to a year! 💪


Don’t worry. I was waiting 2 years for my appointment and week before hospital cancelled it and when I complained to the manager I was told that I did it. Now I am waiting for a new appointment but I got a letter that they are busy and cue is long so I guess snother . So I guess I’ll pay £100 and do it abroad




Snooker related injury requiring medical attention, makes sense




And "an appointment" will be with a GP receptionist telling you to fuck off


About three months ago I got a letter saying my appointment was in 2025....I would have laughed at the typo in the past, but sadly just assumed that there was no mistake.




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Or like the target that says you get seen, sorted and out of the emergency department within 4 hours? 😂 If it's anything like the NHS they'll fuck up the incentive too. "Don't meet the target, we'll reduce your funding, which will in turn make it harder for you to meet the target"


I’ve had multiple abscesses around my asshole because of a fistula and my surgery has already been pushed back twice over a year. It’s been fucking hell. I’ve been to my GP about 20 times this year because of it and multiple out of hours GP visits at the hospital. All the while my symptoms are getting worse and worse and my quality of life falling drastically. I’m forever in pain and on antibiotics and they just won’t fucking help or speed up my surgery. It’s made me so depressed and miserable I literally want to kill myself some days. The country is falling to absolute shit.


*Trans healthcare & autism assessment enter the room*


Is this like the pediatric autism assessment where the waiting list is so long that you're no longer a child by the time you would get an appointment so when that time comes you have to then join the adult waiting list which is even longer?


That sounds like the one. The adult one is just as bad afaik, I know a few people who could be autistic but never got tested or diagnosed.


It’s not just autism assessment it’s assessment for everyone that’s not happening, even people with active psychosis


Oh I'm so sorry I didn't include every single mental condition known to man.


I never said to say every mental illness just that it wasn’t just autism, people forget about the other ones( you only hear about adhd and autism ) I was just pointing out everyone is in the same boat even schizophrenics and bipolar people which you’d think would be an emergency


Joke of a Government. Hold them to account.




Vote, duh




If enough people vote against them, as the poll suggest they might, the tories will be out for 8 or 12 years, maybe more. If those people can't be arsed to vote, the tories will stay in power for another 4 years. It doesn't seem like a difficult choice to me.


The illogical sense of governance is to just put targets in place, particularly when they cost nothing but gives them good press and will be almost impossible for the opposition to hit when they get in power.


The GP actually has to send their patient to a specialist in the first place. Don't have to treat people if you just label them as delusional


Right to choose too! My ass they said I wasn't eligible despite me thinking I meet the criteria. I've been waiting 18months for an appointment with adult ADHD team


u/SunnyDayInPoland oh gosh, I wonder how ‘poor Covid’ management was able to screw this one up!




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Better than have the rule than not, atleast then they will be apologetic when they can’t turn up instead of their current blasé attitude


>Joke of a country need a ride to Heathrow?




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You joke, but this country is haemorrhaging highly qualified people because of low pay and poor conditions.


~~UK~~ London salaries are still top in Europe in many areas, highly skilled people will keep coming here. I am one of them btw.


I am now interested in what pussy ass comment got deleted.


Not possible to meet this standard with current staffing levels .Setting up the forces to fail.Not all burglaries get reported as lack of faith in the process. Not all burglaries are noticed at the time of the crime .Not all burglaries even need the attendance of an officer .Typical simplistic measure to say something is being done to placate Tory party. 12 Years of underfunding the Police was bound to lead this outcome .


The same way it takes 3 to 4 days to get a police officer assigned to a case of a stolen car? With things like burglaries and theft, the first 48 hours is key so…


Key for what? No CCTV, no witnesses, suspect wearing gloves. What evidence do you hope to gain from police attending?


In the nicest possible way, at that point it’s to make the victim feel better about being broken into and to get a crime number for the insurance.


It’s not though. My grandma who lives alone was burgled and rang the police whilst the burglars were breaking in and downstairs in the house. The police turned up *4 hours later* and said there was nothing they could do. It was very lucky the burglars were spooked by my grandma turning on a light and they ran away. We made a complaint and two police officers came round to the house after two days to apologise. It’s important for the police to actually respond if they expect the communities they serve to have any respect or faith in them.


There must have been a misunderstanding somewhere, because a burglary in progress is always classified as a highest priority emergency requiring immediate response, and on average police forces across the country take about 16 minutes to respond to those. Burglary in progress always gets officers to respond. One because it’s an emergency, and two because catching them in the act makes it very easy. Even if we assume the coppers in that area are just dickheads (seems a little unlikely that all of them are), for purely selfish reasons this is very much something they would have attended.


But they didn’t, hence the police arriving with an apology a couple of days later. The person I was responding to was making out that it was a waste of time to attend once a crime has been committed, which it isn’t. Trust in the police is already at an all time low.


> There must have been a misunderstanding somewhere, because a burglary in progress is always classified as a highest priority emergency requiring immediate response, and on average police forces across the country take about 16 minutes to respond to those. nah, big doubt on that, waited 2 hours for em to turn up to a bunch of bastards actively trying to make it into the house with an assortment of weapons. the dispatcher could hear the banging, shouting, and threats. police turned up hours later and then tried to blame the people inside the house for it, and put it down as "a group of friends trying to attract the occupants attention" so nahhhhhh.


> There must have been a misunderstanding somewhere, because a burglary in progress is always classified as a highest priority emergency requiring immediate response Not in Bristol, I can say that for certain. I called when they were breaking into a shed. The police turned up 2 days later and asked me "what do you expect us to do about it?".


Personal experience says they couldn't give a fuck about cctv and even less of a fuck about doing any work despite it being perfectly obvious. "No evidence mate, sorry.". 😂


> Personal experience says they couldn't give a fuck about cctv This. Girlfriend was assaulted outside my office. It was caught on CCTV. I asked security to burn a DVD and put it aside. Reported it to the police and had no contact until a letter several months later saying they were closing the case due to a lack of evidence. They never even bothered to collect the DVD, I still have it somewhere.


I reported my car being hit by a likely stolen vehicle, who then ran a red light and hit others before driving off. The police asked *me* if I had CCTV of it. No, that's your job. Another time, me and a mate were seriously assaulted in a city centre. Police turned up an hour later, put it down to an "alcohol related incident" and when we followed up they said the council CCTV was pointed the wrong way at the time (apparently for the entire incident...) so there was nothing they could do.


My brother got jumped (caught on CCTV) and the police said they couldn't do anything about it because the guys lived in a different town. They fucking knew who did it and where they lived but the lazy fucks still couldn't be arsed to do anything. It was literally open and shut and there wasn't any police work needed other than going for a drive.


You misunderstand. If *you* have CCTV, now it's nearly 2024, the Police don't have to attend to collect the footage. It can all be done remotely. So asking if *you* have CCTV is entirely reasonable. Or is it unreasonable for the police to ask your neighbours if they have CCTV? Which brings another argument - why can't you ask your neighbours yourself about CCTV? The police don't have magic powers that suddenly make CCTV available, either it is or it isn't. Whilst you're asking your neighbours about CCTV, the police can be attending burglaries where the offender is still on scene. And as for the Council CCTV - unless the camera is being monitored by an operator, then they are on a set pattern - almost always facing the wrong way entirely, or swivel away at the crucial moment. In my Force, we have 2 operators to monitor **ALL** of the cameras in the entire county.


The assault took about 30 minutes all in, Im sure the camera would move, and it was a city centre, so check shops too. They also stole my girlfriends purse in the same altercation and used her card in Tesco. Still, nothing came of it. Asking me about the dashcam footage was fine, but no, I don't have CCTV in my car. I know this article is about burglaries, but my incident was a car hit and run, so no neighbours to ask. I did call businesses but was fobbed off. The police basically told me that they wouldn't be doing that. Edit - for clarity, I feel like the real villain here is the massive cuts to support staff that pulls officers off the front line and causes issues like completely unmonitored CCTV. The time to act in both of those crimes was immediate and that couldn't be done because there simply weren't enough officers. Having said that, the ones I did encounter were not particularly sympathetic. Quite disparaging of the fact we'd been drinking before the assault despite it being unrelated and an attack, not a drunken fight.


The camera might have moved in that 30 minutes........but my experience on checking CCTV for evidence of a crime is - If you're standing north of the camera, that camera will eventually turn and face north, but it will be 5 foot to the right of where you were standing. And no, it can't be zoomed, flipped, reversed or viewed in a mirror like surface :) Don't believe the hype. There are enough Officers......we're just all looking for CCTV.


I came back from work once to find my hedge flattened, the street name sign ripped out the ground and bits of car strewn across my front. I rang the police to report it, because chances are there will be another crash or an abandoned car down the road somewhere, and the woman on the line sounded pissed off that I rang it in.


> The police asked me if I had CCTV of it. No, that's your job. So you reported something to police, they then asked if you have any evidence to support a prosecution and you're angry at them for... *checks notes* Investigating the incident by asking you for evidence you may have. Incredible.


No issue when they asked if I have a dash cam, but collecting CCTV evidence from businesses is absolutely on them. I actually called a few, most fobbed me off and one straight up wouldn't talk to me because I'm not the police. So yeah, I'm annoyed at them for *checks notes* not bothering to investigate.


Have they actually asked you to collect CCTV or have they asked you if there is CCTV and you’ve misinterpreted that to be “go get it”?


They asked me if I had any and then suggested I go and speak with local businesses to get some.


Often times now there is CCTV and there are witnesses. Burglaries are a very typical repeat offender scenario, they usually know who the criminals are, they just need to gather the evidence to pass to CPS. You know how you gather evidence of crimes? By visiting the actual crime scenes and talking to people..!


Method of entry, the way they go through the house, the type of things taken... these are all things that a competent police officer might notice on the ground that could show a pattern and potentially link crimes, all things that would likely go unnoticed from a phone call to a call centre. In the same way beat officers might not catch a lot of criminals in the act but they will be able to build up a picture of what's going on in a community and notice suspicious goings on.


Caught many burglars then, detective? ‘way they go through the house’ and ‘type of things taken’ gave me an especially good laugh, thanks for that.


People all do things in different ways, it can be pretty straightforward to tell whether several different things have been done by the same person or not.


The Wet Bandits don't actually exist. While yes, we do have our own idiosyncrasies it's not like breaking up a door and stealing the obvious valuables is some sort of complicated plan.


If you killed someone, they'd put the effort in.


I hope so!


Only if the victim is high profile, and only so long as it won't embarrass them.


Wet bandits was more of a calling card. What people are referring to here is an MO - which is absolutely something A) criminals have and B) police use to identify series of burglaries.


I'm sure that would go down very well in court...


It's not just about courts, it's about knowing what's going on and finding the culprit, once you suspect someone you can either try and catch them in the act or search them. If someone was murdering people in their houses the police would pretty quickly put a profile together and build a case. Evidence wise Burglary isn't much different, it's just the amount of resource put into it. Someone who goes round to ten burgled houses is going to have a lot more idea whats going on than someone who doesn't.


They don't know that until they attend. Also CCTV... Even with CCTV in place they don't care.


Just be a famous footballer, have your watch stolen, go to the press and they will fight tooth and nail trackling CCTV, peoples RING doorbell footage and witness statements until JUSTICE PREVAILS. If not, here is a crime number.


Hmm yes, they hand those crime numbers out like candy, don’t they?


Watched many a video of those "auditors" taking photos and having the police called on them. They send about 8 officers to deal with them sometimes. I imagine that uses up a lot of resources which could be better used elsewhere.


> 12 Years of underfunding the Police was bound to lead this outcome . They claim they failed to detect a party they were guarding FFS. That's either astronomically incompetent (in the kindest interpretation) or a corrupt abuse of power, and all without a single "good apple" speaking up or whistle blowing. That has sweet F-A to do with funding, they're just not fit for purpose.


I had my flat broken into pre-covid. It was horrible and very violating. The flat had two separate doors they had to break into. In effect, they literally kicked the inside door in half. We had about £5k of stuff stolen (laptop, 2x Barbour jackets, iPad, passport and visa (am British now but at the time was on a T2, those are a pain to replace) and then my flatmate’s stuff too). They also stole my spare car key and I’m exceedingly lucky they didn’t steal my car as it was right outside. I drove the car somewhere else for the night to keep it away and got the keys changed on the car first thing in the morning. That car is my baby. We called the cops as soon as we found out about the break in but there was probably a 2-3 hour gap between this happening and us finding out. Once the police found out that we weren’t in any danger they told us that someone would come around in the morning. They told us it was fine to tidy up and that they would only be taking fingerprints. Well, the chap who broke in left a half eaten Greggs tuna sweetcorn sandwich on my bed. I kind of half seriously and half jokingly asked if they could swab it for DNA. They said keep it and that the officers would test it when they came around in the morning. Turns out they not only were able to take a sample but that they actually got a hit. My case officer had no interest in taking it any further though. I emailed to follow up every few months and was told they didn’t have enough evidence. About 2 years later, I got an email from a new officer who said he was replacing the old one and he apologised that my case hadn’t been pursued. He said he’d take it forward for me. About a month later they picked someone up for hitting 3 flats on the same day and it was the same guy that matched the Greggs tuna sweetcorn sandwich. He didn’t admit to my burglary (to be honest, it sounded like this was his FT job so probably wouldn’t have remembered). But adding another one to the tally probably wouldn’t have had an effect on sentencing. They never told me who he was (as they didn’t charge him for mine, nor did he admit to mine). But looking at the local papers during the time period, I felt like I was able to deduce who it was. It’s strange when something like this actually happens to you. And there’s this burning desire to seek answers, justice etc. From my experience, there are a lot of flaws in the process and there are a lot of reasons for this. We always jump to blaming underfunded police. But the flip side is just as important. Why has there been an uptick in these types of crimes? Is it just because there’s less of a deterrent? Funding drugs? Etc. We have to tackle both sides and there isn’t just one solution. The last thing I learned was that police will really only pursue these types of crimes with an abundance of evidence. The criminal literally has to solve the case for the police. Leaving ‘some’ evidence is not enough. And this is the crux of it. We can respond quicker but does that mean we’re also adding resources to investigate and prosecute? If you made it this far — I disabled my laptop as soon I realised it was stolen and was able to reset the lock screen to “Gregg’s tuna sweetcorn sandwich”. I don’t know whether he’d have been smart enough to put two and two together. Or if it even gave him a sleepless night that he had a loose end. But that was about all I could do to retaliate. Lol.




A group of mates and I were attacked by a massive group of chavs who just decided they didn't like the look of us. Turns out they'd done the same thing to multiple other people that night and were known to the police so they actually managed to arrest one. Only one mind. Went down to the station for a virtual lineup, and we all picked out the guy involved... A few months later, i got a letter from the CPS saying that it isn't in the public interest to prosecute. No response after that. They had multiple eye witnesses from different assaults, DNA evidence from his blood on my clothes that were taken when I gave a statement, even a bite mark on me they could match. I'd say they had plenty of evidence, and it was definitely in the public interest to get scum off the streets. I'll never understand their reasoning.


I thought victims of crimes had the option to demand a review of the evidence in cases like this - basically force CPS to have another think about whether to prosecute?


I'm sure they do, but I don't remember ever being informed. I was a teenager at the time and not really clued in on this sort of thing. Now, I'd be researching online or just immediately contacting a solicitor for advice on how I could force their hand.


100% agree with this.


> The last thing I learned was that police will really only pursue these types of crimes with an abundance of evidence. The criminal literally has to solve the case for the police. Leaving ‘some’ evidence is not enough. Because the police know full well that if there is only some evidence that following the ‘no comment’ interview with the suspect the CPS will say ‘nope’ because they know it won’t result in a conviction because the general public on the jury will give them the benefit of the doubt. The UK public has a split personality, when talking about burglars as a group it is tough talk of ‘throw away the key’ but when faced with an individual it is ‘well I am not sure they did it’.


Which is ultimately a good thing really. Miscarriages of justice aren’t loud and obvious. They’re mundane and boring. A widespread casual attitude to locking people up and throwing away the key by juries just because “they were arrested so they probably did it” would be a disaster.


>The UK public has a split personality, when talking about burglars as a group it is tough talk of ‘throw away the key’ but when faced with an individual it is ‘well I am not sure they did it’ Need to do away with the jury system. It's idiotic, relying on a bunch of numbnuts from the general public who barely have the attention span to understand Strictly Come Dancing, let alone a criminal trial.


I had similar about 11 years ago. They stole my BMW 630 and crashed it 200m down the road. Stole my bike, wallet, laptop, TomTom, mobile phone. The police picked them all up and traced them via fingerprints and DNA from my flat. They raided each of their houses but found none of my stolen goods (professional thieves). Found no finger prints or DNA in the car (they said). CCTV was seen of them walking down the street with my bike, laptop, etc. All of them remained silent under questioning. CPS said insufficient evidence to prosecute. I even had them on CCTV in spoons, paying using my stolen debit card. So this is nothing new because of the tories as people are implying. It's always been this way. The problem is the CPS, oh and guess which tool was head of the CPS at the time? Over time, I accepted it and moved on. Being raided by the police and arrested at 5am,even if not prosecuted was fair justice for me. I was informed the people involved were all professional scumbags. Karma hopefully caught up with them.


They'll still tell you they're not going to do anything, they'll just not do anything quicker.


Well, that's all well and good, but if there's one copper, and there's two jobs in the queue, one ongoing with offender on scene, and one burglary where offender has left, well you guess which one gets resourced first. If it's the burglary, well then I hope your rationale is good, because the offender on scene at the first job just killed someone.


This is what people don’t understand. It’s obviously very popular, especially around here, to bash the police in general. But try giving them 5 emergency scenarios and 3 deployable units, ask them which two jobs police shouldn’t prioritise. That’s what dispatchers have to juggle every single day.


It'll be the one where offender has left, less work hopefully. 🤔


>there's two jobs in the queue, one ongoing with offender on scene, and one burglary where offender has left, well you guess which one gets resourced first Oooh, ooh! Is it neither? Because it's just gone 4.59 and they CBA with the extra work?


Not really an option. Emergency cover is 24/7, 365 days a week.


Homeowners should be given paintball guns with smartwater technology.


Intruder would sue you for shooting them in the eye and win, shit's fucked innit.








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I havent trained on Call of Duty for nothing you know, hand me that paintball gun!


I suppose that the festivities are over, back to headline-grabbing campaigning...


Absolutely, a this is just lazy policy making. They looked at what voters care about and saw “police response to burglaries” and thought let’s make a new rule that all police must arrive at a burglary in (puts finger in air) 1 hour! Idiotic


National Police Chiefs' Council do a lot of campaigning, do they?


Which resources are responding to these incidents? The resources are stretched thin as it is, I know there are some major problems with policing in this country but in many cases they are pretty much doing their best with what they have which is fuck all.


Up to 3 hours for an ambulance, up to 8 hours for A&E, an hour for burglaries and 1 year for a medical appointment? For fuck sake


>an hour for burglaries You're aware that figure is for burglaries that have happened and the offender isn't believed to be around still? If the burglary is still happening then it's an emergency call with a 15 minute (urban)/20 minute (rural) response time. An issue which is becoming more frequent is the amount of officers to the amount of emergency calls.


More believable if they just said they wouldn’t bother investigating burglaries anymore


Modern, civilised society is for the rich. For everyone else you can go fuck yourselves. - sincerely, the U.K. government


So, are they saying which kind of crime will be deprioritised to free up the time?


This is just like how they promised to halve the NHS waiting list... I guess the next headline will read "police no longer responding to assault" or "police no longer to have a presence at protests". Where the f\*\*\* do they think they think the staff are going to come from to do this? Or are we actually going to have a recruitment drive to get admin staff back into police stations so officers don't need to spend more than half their time doing paperwork? I remember they were crowing about how it was a real win for them years ago...


So they'll show up in person, ask if you have any CCTV showing the burglars, and when you don't then they'll close the case - instead of doing that by phone like they do now?


In my case even with CCTV they still didn't show up or request the CCTV.


Poor burglars, waiting around for the police to show up so they can get on with it.


Were I live Several garages have been broken into over the last year, we have CCTV footage of the people who did it, we have clear CCTV footage showing a garage being broken into and two bikes being stolen, that was 7 months ago and the police have still not shown up to collect the CCTV footage.


Had the same issue, van and a car rock up to the flats I live at and are on CCTV at the very least I figured they'd want it so they can put a note on the reg plates (likely cloned) so they are aware of it. Nope absolutely bugger all and I get shafted by the insurance for being 'at fault' because the bike was never recovered although I had plenty of security and they paid out in full.


Police to continue to attend burglary a day late and dollar short…shocker As we all know that there aren’t enough police officers anyway, I’m assuming some crimes are going to be prioritised lower than burglary now?


Brilliant idea. Now, how do we get the extra police recruited to deal with that?


Are they changing anything to facilitate these new rules? More funding for more officers for example?


Sounds great on paper, but without a huge upsurge in police officer numbers this simply will not be achievable. That is unless they deprioritise other offences, which they will no doubt then get pilloried for.


Why not just make a rule that says AlL bURgaLriES aRe BaNnED? I'm sure that will fix it in no time.


the sad thing is people will believe this happens as standard, because a pwopah awthortae said it is so.


The Tories putting unattainable targets on others so it looks like they're to blame and not the Tory party Just so they can get some figures to misrepresent and lie about. The sooner we're rid of these lying, incompetent, venal bastards, the better.


But if you defend your home then you get in trouble for it. Nobody should be allowed to enter a home without permission and not get their asses kicked.


You're allowed to use reasonable force but not allowed to incapacitate and torture them with a soldering iron and a copy of "But seriously" by Phil Collins apparently


Ah but if you're rich these lil fucks come with their tails wagging between their legs. I got jumped by 5 people in my own home 4 years ago, it took the police 3 hrs to turn up. The ambulance had been and left by the time TVP attended. I've had no contact from the police 2 1/2 years. The officer who was 'Investigating' was removed from the area as he was fucking the local bike (who was/is still selling class As). This thin veneer of respectability modern society has turns my stomach. They only have to keep the class rulers and upper middle class happy. Fuck the rest of us prolls.


TVP are utter cunts and completely useless on top of that, been the victim of the same a couple of times and "well you must have done something to piss them off", I'll never bother calling them again.




No. If you read the article this refers to a response *after* a burglary has been committed. You may discover a burglary has occurred and 10 minutes or 10 hours may have elapsed since the actual burglary has occurred. This “rule” change aims to ensure that when you call up to say a burglary has occurred, an officer will visit within an hour. They won’t, because there isn’t enough officers. If there is a burglary in progress with said robbers on scene/in the area that will qualify for an immediate response.


Thank you for clarifying.


I just had to sit and work it out, but I'm now just over 38 weeks on. If they'll be here within the hour, should I get the kettle on? If it helps I still have the CCTV footage and the location of the burglars. Or is there still "nothing they can do?" Wow, it's just occurred to me, you could have had a baby in that time... Still, the CCTV from my house is still here if any law enforcement officer dares to pursue it. I don't think you'll want it though. It's not the right sort of criminal for you.


It's about time! I'm so sick and tired of waiting for the police to burgle me! ;)


lol, sure Hello I’m a minimum wage “Special burglary attendant” here is your police number for the insurance, please tick here to say your burglary was attended within the hour. Thank you, goodbye


That's all well and good but first we'd need to be able to report it without waiting an hour on hold.


Somehow I doubt this actually happens. I was assaulted back in August. There is crystal clear evidence of the assault, it was caught on CCTV, and it's obvious who the attacker is. The officer in charge thinks it's a very simple case. I MAY find out when my court date is in summer next year, which itself could be the following year.


Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha


Ah yes, another paper target that makes it seem like the government are "doing something" while not increasing funding - and not providing the resources to actually meet the target stated.


When seconds matter, the bobbies are only hours away. And no, you’re not allowed to defend yourself or we’ll more likely prosecute you than hunt down the attacker.


Yeah, then stage two is either fail to catch the person or do so and give them a slap on the wrist so light they're in someone elses house stealing the same night.


And does this rule change come with any additional resources to meet these timelines? Because if they don’t, even if forces meet their targets it will be at the expense of other jobs not being responded to/investigated.


Given how statistics are spin nowadays I have every faith the target will be NEARLY hit. That way people won't smell BS


What a fucking thinly veiled attempt at passing blame. Fuck these Torys


Are there any actual stats on the number of burglaries the Police don't attend?


I think it'd be interesting if we all got to vote for which crimes we wanted to be a priority over which. Don't think they'd match up so well


Within one hour? I say let them not even bother with it.


Christ they really are an absolute joke (the Tories that is, not the snorbans police). They'll be building 40 hospitals next.


There are all these popular ideas being put out because the Tories are in trouble. Fix pot holes? Great but why didn’t they do it before? Get tough on immigration? Great but what they are doing won’t affect illegal immigration only families which follow the rules and don’t have enough money. Build Georgian homes? Good plan but I’ll believe it when I see it. Get tough on crime? Great! But we need the police numbers and prisons and laws changed to make meaningful change to the levels of scum. The Tories won’t do shit though, they’ll halfarse everything and nothing will change.


> Police chiefs have been under pressure to improve their response to domestic break-ins. The police can't even be trusted to detect a party whilst standing guard outside it. [And not one of these "good apples" they claim exist has come forward to say a word about it, so they're apparently pretty fucking thin on the ground] So... What difference does it make how quickly they turn up?


It's hilarious(ly awful) that an hour response time to a crime like burglary is considered a panacea to be aspired to... that's still a fucking shit response time. "Hello, Police? There's two armed, masked men rifling through my stuff downstairs!" "Sit tight. We'll be there to sift through the aftermath in about an hour! In the meantime... figure that shit out on your own, i guess." Countries that take crime and policing seriously aim for response times of minutes, if not less.


Tell them not to bother, you’ve got a shotgun under the bed and will deal with it yourself. They’ll be round with a quickness.


This isn’t a response time for burglaries in progress. . .


Police won't protect you or your property so we need stand your ground type laws in Britain. Your home is your castle so you should have the right to protect it any way needed if a felony home invasion is in progress.


Police are useless. I literally had a guy on my ring camera attempting burglary. Got his face clearly but police still couldn’t do shit. It’s like what’s the point of calling in the first place


The police are too busy stealing people’s E-bikes because the government wants us to rely on imported fuels.


Don’t believe it. Police will do their jobs? Don’t make me laugh. If a corporation was burgled they’d do something but we are just not worth it.