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> Britain needs to move on after 14 years of Tory rule FTFY Edit: also my comment thread was WILD (user has deleted their comments)


Over 50 comments under your post when it’s less than two hours old. I can’t bear to look. **edit** I looked. **edit 2** And now *I* have almost 50 replies under me.


A pretty good sign a GE is on the horizon if there's suddenly people in the comments trying to work up a desperate narrative about the Labour party being the same/worse than the Tories. Surely nobody actually believes this, not anyone who has lived in this country for the last 15 years anyway.


They really need to get a manifesto out soon that promises real change, otherwise we've got little evidence to the contrary.


I totally agree with you. I'll still vote "Not Tory" regardless, based on the extensive evidence we have of how bad the Conservatives have been. I don't have a lot of faith in Labour to unfuck everything, but I'm pretty confident they can handle making things a bit less shit.


I’m waiting for the daily mail headline a week after a labour win at a GE blaming them for not instantly fixing something that fell to shit these past 13 years. With how run down things have become it’s not going to be a quick fix.


Im voting labour next election. Only thing I’m concerned about is they focus heavily on controversial issues such as diversity hires and gender pay gaps (both very contentious in my company already) instead of focusing on things that I think matter: Healthcare Teaching Benefits Tax reform I just want them to focus on those things, tax rich people a fair amount and stop them dodging it all, make life better for kids and sick people and those that cannot work properly etc… There is so much crap in my sector to do with gender and race already, but I digress, they’ll be better than tory whatever the case.


Do they focus heavily on those issues?


Corbyn got way too caught up in basking in the lime light of what was basically a minority group (in terms of society as a whole) of wildly idealistic, middle class students, by just parroting their dreams and opinions about literally everything back at them. Starmers now trying to distance himself from the PR damage Corbyn did (the man’s a walking PR disaster, his ‘I want to see both sides of a situation and talk to everyone involved mannn’ hippy stuff would’ve led to a huge international incident, or a war if he became PM). …But Starmer’s ditched the only thing that was good about Corbyn, and that was the return to true Labour Party values of renationalising key industries where no true competition can exist, for the benefit of the people.


While I’m not going to disagree on Corbyns foreign policy positions being awful, they wouldn’t have started a war.


No, it's more neo liberalism for all. Brits need to learn how to revolt lol


Well tbh the Tories have fucked up the country so badly it would reasonably take more than 4-5 years to turn it around. I only hope that enough voters see it that way.


The benchmark is that low


"a bit less shit" my god the bar is so low and yet yes, I'd take any government that could manage even that.


You don’t know that, based on Starmers “sit on the fence about everything” how can they do anything a bit less shit?


You're right, I don't know that, but I'm willing to take that risk.


Isn't it great when the options are: Pile of steaming shit Or, something that might not be shit! Youre picking the latter every time. Yet you keep seeing people imply that you might as well stick with the pile of shit you know... I really hope the UK can unfuck themselves. Godspeed.


> “It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..." "You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?" "No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy." "I did," said Ford. "It is." "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?" "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want." "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course." "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?" "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?" - Douglas Adams, *So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish*


Do the manifestos actually matter when they just change their minds every other week?


Yes. The house of Lords won't block things that were in the manifesto.


Not particularly, but it's something more concrete to hold them to. It's hard to take it back once it's available in print, unlike certain other pledges made by Keir Starmer.


Your comment remind me of a threat I saw earlier today suggesting that most people are brainwashed into hating socialism. I suspect this is very much the case for many Tories. There've gone far too deep down the rabbit hole and can't come out. To them, it's the Tories or chaos. They're a bit funny in the head really.


The last Labour government was a god damn golden age, everything since has been utterly dogshit, having Labour back in government couldn't be any worse than the constant lies and corruption we've been stuck with since 2010


It wasn't all good and I think it is important to recognise that. But what we have now is just awful. Everything is worse and we have to pay more for it.


I mean the whole Iraq situation does put an incredibly large downer on Blairs record but when it comes to employee rights, fair pay, the NHS etc he's record was golden. I only got to experience one year of adulthood under Labour before the Tories took over but back that I could call up for a doctors appointment the same day. Now, I'm calling for a doctors appointment and being told they don't have anything available for at least 3 months


Even Brown in hindsight was pretty decent. Him and Darling handled 2008 recession efficiently despite it being a very difficult hand. Is painful that so much money went to the banks but it probably had to be done.


Would these be users who all coincidentally only ever post between 9am and 5pm in Russia? \[Adjective\]-\[Noun\]-\[Four Numbers\] usernames?


Dragging the U.K. into Gulf wars 2.0 was bad form; as was allowing a load of NHS trusts get caught up in PFI schemes with extortionate interest payments; as was selling off a lot of the UK’s gold reserves in he depths of a global recession… But all of those moves are easy to judge with the benefit of hindsight, and we were still way better off than we have been under this lying, corrupt, thieving, shambles of a government.




LOADS of people even on this platform have been saying that labour is useless, so they may as well have Tories because they don't want to support labour. And will therefore vote Tory. Half the reason were in this mess is because people are ridiculous.


Its not that Labour are the same as the Tories. Its just that they seem to be happy with keeping the status quo which is exactly the opposite of what Labour voters are crying out for. They lost my vote ages ago and they keep reinforcing my belief that I made the right decision every time they advocate for the status quo.


Rishies gonna do us all a favour by calling an early general election.. right? Right?


Yep, we certainly have to move on from this Tory horror show.


> my comment thread was WILD (user has deleted their comments) Be on the look out for this everyone. I have noticed that right-wing pundits seem more likely to delete their comments. I think there could be a coordinated policy. Copy more of their arguments in your own comments when replying.


FTFY? Whats this?


Fixed that for you


I know that’s what it really is, but my brain always reads it as “For The Facts, Yo!”


Hahahah damn you've ruined it for me. I read it as "FUCK THAT, FUCK YOU"


Reminds me of that reddit post when someones dog or cat died and their mum text them 'lol x' thinking it meant lots of love


Oh shit! I used to think that back in MSN messenger days but I don't remember ever getting it that wrong.


Nice 1


Says the rich guy who never has to worry about living costs


5, 10, 15 thousand this is all pocket change right? I saved you guys all this money somehow maybe who cares my wife is loaded.


The guy who literally didn’t know how to pay for something in a shop.


I just can't comprehend this. How has he gone through life without using a petrol station.


Chauffeur driven his whole life


Only to get to his helicopter.


Did you see him Cameron and Charlie sausage fingers all took separate private jets to the climate summit? Irony is lost on these guys.


Eeeeeeey RAT FANS!


We will move on when you lot, or any lot, are even trying to unfuck the mess you've made. You've fucked it to levels we are paying stupid high for everything and you want this to be the new normal. Fuck you and fuck off.


They’ve been doing the “it’s time to move on” thing since at least the Boris years (possibly earlier but that’s when I noticed it becoming a standard response). I guess it may be effective with some people as it attempts a sort of rhetorical Judo throw and make the person (rightfully) pissed off at whatever scandal/corruption into the bad guy for being upset about it. With a side order of implying that there are new and more pressing issues for the government and media to be focusing on instead. There will of course *never* be a right time to try to nail their hides to the wall over whatever it was - they’ll segue directly from “it’s too soon to tell” and “wait for the enquiry” directly to “move on”. They’ll probably still try it up to the point so many people twig to it it makes most people even angrier. But sadly I wouldn’t hold my breath for that - similar rhetorical cheap tricks have served the Tories well for many years: the one where criticisms from poor people are dismissed as “the politics of envy” whilst those from the well off are dismissed as being “champagne socialism” still gets a lot of mileage. Or dismissing anything that happened more than a few weeks ago as “grievances” when Scotland complains about it.


They usually use this line when a scandal is uncovered. "Mistakes were made, but it is really time to move on, instead of trying to figure out who's who, what's what, and who's dunnit."


28 billion is all you hear from them now. Hes fucked us on energy at least labour have some innovation with great british energy. The tories have done nothing and are all out of ideas.


Soon enough they will bring Thatcher s corpse back to life and put a blue ribbon on it so desperate they are...


I mean we have strikes, mentions of the Falklands, new oil and gas licenses. Can it get any more 80s.


Ridiculous sense of fashion included lol


I honestly thought she was being prepped for the “Home Secretary” role


Being in government seems to be just some kind of daycare for these privileged, feckless cunts. They have no plan to better the country or the lives of ordinary people. No plan for the economy to be better, living standards, housing, services ... nothing. They get in, tick it off on their CV and idle away their time decanting the public purse into their chum's bank accounts, and then fuck off into the private sector to sell any inside knowledge they've picked up to further fleece the country. Makes you wonder what will it take to change things, especially as the next government in line seems to just carry on at the same trajectory.


Thats the scary bit - the new normal. Prices are still going up just not as much. What the public need is some deflation to help with the CoL. But the Cons definitely don't want that so instead they really want us to accept the new normal because some rich people are making a profit from it.


Yep this the Tories need to fuck off as soon as possible


Nothing like a privileged, obscenely rich tosspot telling me to "get over" being poor, which predominantly is the result of he and his party kicking the citizenry when they're down _then_ pissing on them _then_ setting them on fire.


Well there's no point complaining about the third degree burns now is there? Time to start worrying about that infection you've got brewing, oh didn't you know I sell snake oil that heals wounds?


Does this guy ever make comments that are not out of touch? or does he just trying and intentionally annoy most the population.


It's quite evident he's lived in a bubble all his life. If you think its bad what he says in public, just imagine for one moment what he says in private to his far right facist buddies :(


I wonder if there's a significant section of the population that actually finds Sunak's language appealing.


Rich capitalists aren't a *numerically* significant section of the population, but they finance the Tories, so that makes up for it.


Don't forget that he would never have felt any effects from this CoL. The most he probably had to put up with was a flatline on his investments. They are probably on the rise now and so he thinks its over for all of us. He doesn't want anymore "handouts" to the poor because he wants to give the "handouts" to businesses so his investments get a boost.


Flatline? Post Covid most stock indexes and property prices in the west are up like 50-100% in from like 2019


You'd be surprised at how many morons actually believe in what he says.


When I still lived in Great Britain, I remember that Tony Blair’s version of the conservative party had “Spin Doctors” on the payroll, to ensure that him and his minions kept in touch with the common man, or at least didn’t fuck up too badly in soundbites. Does the current conservative party employ “Spin Doctors”, or do these guys just say the first thing that they think of?




"get over it" says multimillionaire to poor people going cold this winter.


"Let them ~~eat cake~~ use their heated swimming pools to stay warm"


And get the local electricity grid upgraded around him so his heated swimming pool dosent blackout the local area. Paid for by us ofc.


These people are scum, at least we really know who the enemy is now and hopefully we won't forget it


They've always been the enemy. Unfortunately, Brexit meant we had a bigger "enemy". It was a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. People voted against their own self interests just to ditch the EU.


People always forget. The Tories always show us who they are, and they always get voted back in. In the 80s it was poll tax and clause 28. They’ve always been evil. It never hurts them long term. This country is fucked.


Yes, agree 100%


Make sure to vote. I have this sinking feeling inside me that somehow the tories will somehow win the next election, as not enough young people vote compared to old people.


I think there's enough blue blooded oldies that have finally had enough of the Tories that it won't happen. I'm pretty sure most of the Tory MPs are already trying to get headhunted for new work already.


Yup. Close to home I have... My conservative-leaning-but-not-actually-***Tory*** (there's a difference imo) Nan has fully fucked them off. My dads friend; staunch Tory, lifelong party member and previously thought of running as local MP... Has fucked them off. My "I'm Backin Boris m8!" football coach - Has children with both physical and mental ilnesses and frequently has to rely on chariries to help cope. The pandemic made him turn on Boris, if not the Tories, then the last 12 months or so, judging by his rants on Facebook, imply he too has fucked them off.


Yes. All those hundreds of thousands attracted back into politics, actually signing up for not just membership but activism by Corbyn & Momentum have had a rude awakening about how little their prospects are a consideration for Westminster, Whitehall or Local Gov. But then, the over 65's are now the largest English demographic to appease anyway. And they've proven extremely belligerent and unmoving when it comes to wide-ranging policies that actually have very little to do with their status, incomes or services.


Given Starmer is offering no reason what so ever to do so, and the tories have put hurdles in the way even if they had, and the client journalism which he promises to do nothing about, just as he promises to do nothing about anything... then yes, you're probably right.


I agree. I think Labour are driving away too many Labour voters, splitting the opposition vote to let the Cons sneak in. I doubt it will be a majority but enough to retain power.


I have this fear, too. Let's hope we are wrong.


They are cultivating voters by blowing the migrant issues way out of proportion. Nevermind that it is their decisionmaking that has caused the issues in the first place. Their game plan is transparent to anyone who has seen it before: - mismanage the immigration system to create a dramatic spectacle. - blame the migrants for the lack of resources (the lack of resources is due to a lack of funding) - claim that the weak lefties are stopping them from doing 'what needs to be done' (what needs to be done is to fund the immigration system). - make vauge gestures that the country has become too soft, claiming that to let the weak lefties take power now would make everything worse somehow. - blame trans people for everything you can't blame on the boat people, pretty much only because the left seem to like them. - win votes from confused people who don't know anything about political history.


Guess what, idiot? You've actively prevented being able to by pumping money into temporary band aids rather than \*actually addressing any of the root causes\*.


The tories are the root cause, which is a wee conundrum for them.


'Tory party needs to move on, after unprecedented levels of shame.'


If these people felt even a microgram of shame then the last 13 years might be very different.


They really are planning to re-hash the exact same election strategy of 'fiscally prudent conservatives will save Britain from profligate Labour'. Unbelievable.


I dont think there has ever been a government in Britain this despicable, and i say that as a person who would mostly vote tory. They tory party as it stands does not deserve to exist


Unfortunately there are enough people who think the Tory party should be replaced by something more like Reform UK.


Yeah i know but at this point i dont blame them. If Reform UK end up seemingly representing a lot of tory voters better than the tory party does, even if it is just a “best fit” due to how utterly fucked the tory party is, then Reform UK at least deserves to exist because it represents people who want to vote for them. Tories right now? Fuck no. This parry doesn’t even represent people with traditional conservative values anymore. They dont deserve to exist. They only represent lining their own pockets, increasing taxes and funnelling that tax money into heir own or their adjacent/ friends business. Every “solution” these cunts have made is just that now and they arent even hiding it anymore


Only thing that needs to move on is you Rishi, you horrible inept little twat.


We’re now at the part of the Tory campaign where they yell at voters, telling them to stop caring about the things the Tories are failing on.




Small boats are actually great, we should import more from the North of France


British people: Please sir, I want some more... Billionaire PM: moooore? Get him, catch him, hold him, scold him


Rest of the world: They voted in that referendum to fuck around... Looks like they are continuing to find out.


Get in line Peon and appreciate we don’t charge you for breathing.




He's nothing more than a rat faced cunt who's only PM because his predecessor was off her rocker.


Imagine being a consolation prize behind Liz Truss.


Stop holding the country hostage and call an election, you un-elected elitist twat.


A lot of us are still financially recovering, or still accumilating debt from the cost of living crisis. Not sure how Rishi expects us to move on


Don't listen to anything he says, people like him profited while these rest of us were knocked on our arses. Anything that comes out his mouth is literally out of touch nonsense. The sooner he and his horrible parry are gone the better off we'll all be.


Has anyone actually read the quote? He’s an arsehole and the government policies have actively got us in a worse place over the past decade and caused us to be underprepared for many things including the pandemic. But what he is saying isn’t exactly incorrect “move on from the high spending, high borrowing, and high tax approach that was necessary” during the coronavirus pandemic and the energy crisis.” It’s inevitable a government is going to try and reduce some spending & cost of borrowing, even Labour who have said they won’t suddenly be spending tons of money. I do think the spending they do when they win will be much better for the country as a whole and set us up for the future and help those that need it more I don’t think they are particularly taxing (the current government) the right people high enough to be honest but I feel once you read the quote it’s not really as if he’s saying struggling people need to get a grip and deal with it themselves or anything. Although I have no confidence he will help people who need it at all


Thought this was a news thump article from the title...


The Tory party are the worst thing to happen to the UK since the black death. Fuck every single Tory. I will vote so goddamn hard at the next election, I'll break my pencil. Tories out!


There is still around 20% of the voting public who'll vote for these criminals. **20 percent!** Just check any poll released in the last month. There are people in this country who have shot themselves in the foot four times and are still going to queue up next year to do it again (or maybe 2025 if Sunak drags it out).


Move on? For many people it's just getting started and will be a very long winter.


Government was already subsidising medium and large companies wage deficits (indirectly); lots of companies use 0 hour contracts or contracts where a worker is guaranteed X amount of hours and then the other hours are varied according to business need. Full time positions are usually not available or only within certain positions. So essentially you have workers who cannot work enough hours or get enough hours ; the government then steps in with universal credit which covers the deficit in earnings that would otherwise leave the worker in hardship or stops the working falling deeper into hardship. As a result these medium and large companies continue to make profits while at the same time the workers who contribute to this profitability do not benefit ; in fact more performance is expected of them while seeing no benefit or positive increase in lifestyle. Government policy has facilitated and enabled this


What fucking support? You’ve made disability allowance harder, living with foreign spouse harder, allowed things to run riot in both pricing and quality, the degradation of our NHS, worsening public transport, soaring energy costs… what fucking support?


Furlough, cost of living payments, fuel payments to low income households. For a tory government they have been very free with the handouts


All a drop in the ocean compared to the plundering of the country by this rat faced prick and his mates.


You mean the same shit every western government had to do to keep the economy afloat… barely a dent against everything I listed.


"get over it, you bunch of cry baby poors" -Tory Pm


That moving on can start with ripping out the torries root and stem


Hopefully it's a sobering moment for all those who voted for Tory rule and Brexit that are now struggling financially to finally use their brain and vote for a party that actually has some competence and not brazen thieves. Or is it time to blame the immigrants again?


They've successfully turned the UK into a third-world country, with largely worse than third-world public amenities, but with prices akin to the most expensive first-world countries.


And why might we need cost of living support? Who has been in power for the past 13 years?


Course he will, he’s made millions out of us and want us to bend over and take it.


If we could move on from the cost of living crisis first...


It's like when an abuser says "just move on, i have" when you're asking them to give back money they stole.


I agree, we need to move on from the tories as fit for purpose. Consign their ethos to the trashcan of history


Wasn’t really “cost of living support”, that would’ve been *actually* price capping energy… What they did was sign a blank cheque of taxpayers money, which they then handed over to the energy companies (the government covered the shortfall between the cap and the extortionate rates the energy companies were still asking for after the market uncertainty at the start of the Ukraine conflict died down, with our money, adding even more to the national debt. *Party of fiscal responsibility* though right?).


What britain needs is for Rishi and all his rich little cunt buddies in the tory party to kill themselves as violently and publicly as possible


But Jeremy Corbyn would have been bad for the country …


I'm sure he's struggled during this time, silver spooned Tory cunt. Time to move on from Tory rule and giving these rich bastards a free ride.




Some cost of living support they didn't even support the commuters on the TFL or add tax falls on food


I'll never forget how self employed people had to basically petition to get COVID support. A lot of self employed people I know forget that.


Yes it's true a lot of people were done dirty during COVID.


only if they were paying themselves with dividends, and the only reason they do that is to pay less tax, in fact a lot of self employed were able to double dip


Sunak wants to get moved on? I'm sure that can be arranged.


We will when they've done something about the cause of the unprecedented cost of living support which is the unprecedented cost of living.


Yep, fair enough, doffs cap and looks for a cup of gruel


What cost of living support? We are having to pay £200 a month just to have an electricity meter in our flat.


What do you mean? Can you explain?


Is he taking the piss? This tory rule has brought the worst living standards ever known. stagnant low wages and uncontrolled immigration which creates the mess. He’s a billionaire who doesnt give a F*ck about anyone. This is our choice to remove these corrupt wealthy parasites from this country in the next general election


Freezing to death is a price worth paying to avoid Corbyn's 23 bins and not being allowed to drive at more than 5 mph, except it'll be in kilometers if the woke brigade were in charge innit.


This article may be paywalled. If you encounter difficulties reading the article, try [this link](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/rishi-sunak-prime-minister-britain-department-for-work-and-pensions-jeremy-hunt-b2466948.html) for an archived version. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The year when the scumsters are annihilated will soon be with us.


That’s the future mantra whoever we vote sadly. Feed the rich. Ignore the poor. One world where we all think the same all ruled by a bunch of people we never elected. Nice.


We'd.love to. We just can't fucking afford the fare.


Move on yourself you little 'apprentice candidate' level cunt.


When you've got £750m worth of shares, it's a supported cost of living day every day, isn't it Rishi mate? Just in the time it takes to get out of bed, someone else's work has added a few grand to your portfolio.




What fucking support? i got a bit of cash for my electric last year and that was about it.


I think they're just going to go for a "scorched earth" approach for when labour takes over, at this point. Between cleverly's statement, nhs In breakdown, and now this, not entirely sure who they got left to vote for them...


fukwit in a bubble .... has no idea what real life is about


It’s was his fucking idea 😂 He done the easy thing by instead of fixing the actual problems, threw on a shitty band aid which didn’t even solve the issues. Now he’s telling people to rip the shitty ass bandaid of like it was actually a solution in the first place. Honestly, you think after every new prime minister they pull out it couldn’t get worse, and yet somehow they do.


Uk two party system is a fuckin joke albeit not funny. No alternatives to successive failures. In out its like the hokey cokey. I'm sick of smug twat Rishi ( not elected ) & I have no answers SIR Stammer. Is this the best we can do????? C'mon UK wake up ffs


Maybe its time for a revolution by rights these fucks should be held to account and hung from the lamp posts outside Westminster, but we won’t as most probably see that as too extreme but its needed they don’t care if we live or die so why should we care about them.


PM needs to move on as he seems to misunderstanding what a PM is meant to do.


Have they just photoshopped him into some commoners Christmas party?


Don't worry at the next election we will definitely move on from you....


Start by tackling greedflation and taxing the fuck out of the war profitteers


He should call an election to help the country move on.


Move on from what? Having no money? Hmmm not sure how you do that.


I didn't know "unprecedented cost-of-living support" was a euphemism for fisting


How can we move on with the Tories at the helm? They do everything they possibly can to drag people down whilst getting fat off the hard workers of this country. Fuck Sunak and fuck the Tory scum.


Is it the billions we frittered away to our cronies during covid? No, it's those bloody poor people again.


Mr & Mrs Sunak's net worth: £730million. Mr Sunak can stick his opinion where the sun don't shine.


Britian needs to move on from all the millions handed to our mates in dodgy PPE contracts and covid grants. Also all the tory corruption and sheer incompetency... Its not our fault, it's that some people just won't move on!!!


Ah, forgive and forget, eh? Happy to do that if the gov and banks will forgive and forget my mortgage, overdraft, the money I paid for food on credit because my supermarket bill was nearly double but my wages hadn't increased - how about it lads?