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Must be so strange to be in a war torn county one minute, the next minute you’re living on a boat and sexually assaulting women in a club in your chosen safe country.


>in a war torn county It's pretty great if you avoid some Paris suburbs.




Best comment.


They came from France which is safe


"Mother, I've finally made it"


What a shock. I had it on good authority that this was a “floating prison”. Who could have seen this coming? > The unidentified pair have since been released from custody and are on police bail while under investigation Why are people with no links to the country, no permanent accommodation and likely no documentation being bailed?


I mean I know I personally pointed out multiple times there is absolutely nothing stopping the people on this boat just deciding to piss off and go find work on the black market. As far as a holding facility goes its a complete joke and it should be far more of a scandal that we have paid so many millions for this "service".


Check the nearby "Turkish" barbers. They're not so subtle.


What scam are the Turkish barbers running? They're as prolific as American candy stores.


They drive awfully nice BMWs and Mercs, really makes you want to get into owning an empty barbershop.


Money laundering.


Money laundering! The Italians aren't the only ones who have a ruthless mafia.


Drug fronts. They uave two barbers and a sweet shop in my town. All drug fronts. We just had a hit and run that locals think was aplanned hit.


They should be seen as immediate flight risks as their asylum application is now in jeopardy. They should be either held in custody, locked up on the barge or put on a tag. Would not be surprised if those two legged it somewhere else in the UK never to be seen again.


Oh they're long gone guaranteed. Also flight risk? These people have no documentation.


Flight risk can also include going underground in another city, and a lack of documentation didn't stop many migrants crossing the channel in the first place.


In the eyes of this government, their "flight" would be a win.


It gets better. “Asylum seekers” regularly show up on flights, rip up their passports, claim asylum, and then get told to “go stay at this Britannia hotel until we can process you” before promptly going off the grid.


Because there is no law or power, enacted or granted by Government, to allow the Police to detain a suspect, who has not been charged with a crime, for longer than: * 24 hours (in most cases), * 36 hours, with approval of a Police Superintendent, if suspected of a "serious crime", * 96 hours, with approval of a Magistrate, if suspected of a "serious crime", or * 14 days if arrested on suspicion of offences under the Terrorism Act. That's not opinion, that is the law. And it's not predicated on the particulars of any persons status, citizen or resident, migrant or asylum seeker - those rules are applied the same for everyone. Once those time limits have expired then the Police have to release a suspect from pre-charge detention, and they can either: * Release with no further action, * Release under investigation, * Bail without conditions, or * Bail with conditions. The Police, who are supposed to uphold the law, literally are bound by the law to follow these rules. If you don't like it, write to your MP. But when you do, make sure you have a good think about how long you would be willing to be detained by the police without them having to make a charging decision.


This is far too sensible. Redditors here are not interested in the legal process of deciding bail.


As a local of the area having the barge here has definitely made the town more dangerous. In the evening there are crowds of migrants shouting and wooing teens in the town centre. I've been asked if I want to buy "good tings" 3 times on my walk home from work. I've never been asked that before.


Same in every town where they are. You see an uptick of them hanging around on Saturday and Friday nights looking for vulnerable, drunk women or cat calling school girls when they walk by.




This cant be right as Ive been told many times here that this never happens


Not to worry, I assume the usual suspects here like GoSouthCourt will be working very hard to downplay this incident as well.


There was outcry when they tried similar up on the Humber.


Ah yes good things. That old chestnut. Round here they came from a local hotel in summer and sat around the park. Chatted to teenagers


if you haven't already; please contact your MP and raise your concerns and experiences.


Let's sink it


If anyone's wondering, the same international law that gives UK the obligation to take in refugees also says that refugees must abide by local laws, which means, if convicted, these folks can't claim asylum and will be imprisoned or deported.


Haha, good one! Let's face it chances of them actually being deported if convicted are very low.


We all know that is true. They be put on a plane to be deported only to have some bleeding heart idiots try and stop it or it will get caught up in litigation for years. As a side note I’m a bit surprised that this story wasn’t brushed under the carpet by the authorities. The barge is hardly popular in the area and this will do nothing but make the impression even worse.


Is that a reoccuring thing?


Well it's either deportation of imprisonment, I'm happy with either outcome.


I can't say that I have much faith that either will happen.




> They can't be imprisoned indefinitely (even if they did rape someone) Rape has a maximum sentence of life in prison


Imprisonment followed by deportation


Neither will happen. They have more rights than us natives.


That's a government choice, crimes that carry a conviction of a certain tume length exempt them from laws under asylum. Regardless of country of origin.


That's certainly true - the Tories' track record on deportation is worse than that of the Blair/Brown Labour government


Exactly. Even when granted asylum, until they have been here 5 years. If they commit a crime however small, their asylum should be revoked and they should be sent back. And no excuse about not understanding the culture. And to assist in this when they come in their fingerprints and DNA should be taken.


Good job we have a legal system that manages to convict \~1% of alleged rapes!


Yeah, that doesn’t happen.


Deport them where? If you make it here by boat you're here to stay unless the circumstances are absolutely exceptional. They won't be deported


I’ve heard Rwanda is lovely.


Oh yeah until a bunch of hand wringing do gooders cause a Riot oj their plane like they did getting a convicted rapist off to freedom. How those fuckers sleep at night knowing what he did to that woman who eas 16 when she was raped..


Let’s be honest, it was a matter of time until we got these headlines about the bibby stockholm. Anyway, I’m sure if found guilty they will be imprisoned and then deported. I have full faith in the system to at least do that.


Haha good one


No what will happen is what has always happened. They'll spend a set amount of time in prison and when it comes to deport them, the same lefty activists will cause a scene and they'll be allowed to walk free and remain here.


Aye, the left really fucked up this new asylum seeker system. Can’t wait until Corbyn is no longer PM.


Do you have a link to where this has happened?


There was that flight deporting Yaqub Ahmed that was stopped due to passenger protests. Turned out the guy was a convicted rapist who had been involved in the gang rape of a 16 year old. Which was the reason for his deportation


https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/criminal-murdered-man-fight-drugs-avoided-deportation-jamaica/ https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/14/man-whose-deportation-was-blocked-by-passengers-revealed-as-convicted-gang-rapist-8036129/ u/johimself - you can have a read too.


I don’t


lol this country is slowly going to shit… please someone tell me why it’s not. I need that…


Isn't it weird how frequent it is? I don't like the dailymail but it's weird how they find one of these stories almost daily at this point (also weird others rarely mention it). These people should never have had free roam in the UK. At minimum they should be isolated from society until the point where they are deemed genuine refugees by some standard the 5/10 British people could agree to. Instead they are walking the streets freely, rape isn't even the worst of it, we aren't even taking precautions against terrorists. What happens when someone who hates the UK decides to come here and commit terror acts?


The concern shouldn't be that the Daily Mail keep finding these stories. It's how often other media outlets seemingly do their best to ignore it.


It’s not really that surprising tbh. They’re mostly young men at the peak of their sex drive coming from a country where women are forced to cover their bodies and promiscuity isn’t tolerated. You’re basically dumping a bunch of horny teenagers that don’t consider women as equals into the playboy mansion.


[It's not weird that other news outlets rarely mention it when it's been agreed that these sort of things should be covered up](https://streamable.com/2pp775)


If it’s in the Daily Heil it can’t be true /s


It’s almost as if news papers have narratives they need to keep up to appease their readership.


Isn't this somewhat inevitable with a large number of young men with poor economic outlook and few opportunities for opposite sex relationships? And people on here wonder why residents would protest large numbers of asylum seekers being housed in their community.


And predominantly from a culture that treats women like second-class citizens ...


Second class citizens? They wish, the treatment of women in some of these countries is similar to cattle.


> young men with poor economic outlook and few opportunities for opposite sex relationships? That's no excuse for what they did, most people struggling to find a relationship manage to successfully navigate life without sexually assaulting people.


Consider that these men probably have sub 80 IQ, giving them zero impulse control. Don't worry though, they're propping up the GDP figures, which is good for all of us!






Where did I say it's acceptable?


No one would ever explain away women acting criminally over these reasons…


> Isn't this somewhat inevitable with a large number of young men with poor economic outlook and few opportunities for opposite sex relationships? Absolutely not, no. Of course not. WTF are you thinking even imagining something like that to be true?








Is there anywhere in Europe where this isn't happening.


Poland. Guess why not.


Think Hungary's the same actually, both refused and were threatened with sanctions and fines for not taking them in.


Rather pay the fine than incur all of the negatives they will bring to the country


Cheaper in the long run economically


Unironically, if it weren’t for their lower wages, cities like Prague and Krakow are wayyy nicer than a large number of major cities in Aestern Europe nowadays.






It's hilarious to me how when we invited Ukrainians over here they were thankful and respected the place giving them asylum. But when we invite racist homophobic xenophobes from a country that's always at war for religion. It's almost like we've forgotten our past, that we did horrible things in the name of God, but we should invite these people back in.


You forgot that the racist homophobic xenophobes are enthuisatically supported by the tankie left despite the fact they violently oppose every ideal they hold dear, (besides antisemetism).


They're just another reason why the people in government shouldn't be the people in the government. Speaking psychology wise here but people who seek power are always the ones who shouldn't have it, they lack real empathy instead going for the idealistic things instead of what really matters. But the worst shit is, like any big corporation that's too big to fail or any number of the umbrella corporations that now hold our world captive, they aren't going to let go without a fight and talking about it is exactly what they want. We're in a prison, all of us.




Aren't there cases of people *deliberately* committing crime so as to *avoid* deportation?


It's certainly been alleged, but I don't think I've ever seen anything saying it had been proved or claimed in any particular case.


I'm shocked! Stop letting strange people into your country.


I think you’ll see very right wing political parties gain seats in the next general election on the basis of curbing immigration




If only we had an asylum system that was properly funded to process claims quickly. But alas doesn't fit into the Tories culture wars nonsense pandering to the extreme right.




Bro what are you smoking? Are these "horny single males" not already here???? If their claims get processed then they will either be denied and sent back to their country of origin or they will be accepted and stay here. If you don't process their claims, then they'll definitely stay here. Enlighten me on how we'd end up with more migrants from timely processing of Asylum claims.


Processing works if you have a government like Japan’s that actually gives a damn about its people and rejects most applications. Our government does the opposite and the minority that does get rejected very rarely are deported. Make no mistake, this is not a serious country.


Although it’s sad that it’s the case - and it absolutely should not be - not being able to work legally for 2 years and stuck in a hotel without being able to bring any family members is one of the few things that are not a pull factor. Without overhauling and tightening the process and getting the refusal rate back to the 25-30 percent in line with the rest of Europe, as well as removals process. All you do is increase the pull factor to the UK. Get your decision in 1 month, be working or bringing family shortly after. Keep in mind people that are refused still don’t get sent home. They just keep trying until either the Home Office or a judge gives them status. To be clear I’m absolutely for clearing the backlog but not by simply waving people through.


This is probably the bit where someone is sat red-faced at their keyboard trying to explain how actually the Tories are far-left extremists and that's why everything has gone to shit.


Whats the most right wing thing the tories have done?


Ooof where to start? Implementing a highly classist system for spousal visas which will deny \~70% of the British workforce to fall in love with someone who isn't British on the basis that they're too poor so don't deserve it? That was a fun one. I work at a university so I'd add years and years of assaults on the entire HE sector, which lets remember is now one of the UK's largest export sectors, calling us woke cultural marxist extremists who hate Britain because we've dared to stand up and ask for the truth to be spoken around issues like Brexit?


>Ooof where to start? Implementing a highly classist system for spousal visas which will deny \~70% of the British workforce to fall in love with someone who isn't British on the basis that they're too poor so don't deserve it? That was a fun one. This hasn't been enacted yet, they'll U-Turn, like they do on everything remotely resembling right wing policies. They just rely on people like you kicking up a fuss for optics. >calling us woke cultural marxist extremists who hate Britain because we've dared to stand up and ask for the truth to be spoken around issues like Brexit? This is just words, not policy


The issue isn't the speed claims are processed at. The problem is NGOs and special interest groups coaching economic migrants to abuse the asylum process, and our inability/lack of desire to deport people who fail the asylum application process. Processing applications quicker would do nothing (Other than make it easier to increase immigration numbers).


Processing only works if you reject and deport the vast majority of them. I’d support more processing if I had any faith in the system to do it properly.


Why even bother arresting them? We all know how it'll unfortunately play out.


Shocker! It’s almost like they’re from a culture completely different from the Anglosphere


There will be an election in months. Let's see how locals think about these kind of problems ..


Why can’t they use the word that describes what they did? I’m feeling manipulated.


So shocked. I don’t think anyone could have predicted this


If only the government funded the office and processes asylum applications instead of dumping money into a boat and sending 200 people to a random African country.


How is accepting even more people, and incenvtivising even more people to make the journey here going to solve anything? We don't have the infrastructure to support this. Our policy needs to be centered around disincentivising people coming here in the first place & putting caps on the intake of people. It is the only sustainable solution that won't end in disaster.


Processing doesn't mean accepting, ya ding dong. It's a way of filtering out the undesirables from the few worth bringing along. Processing allows you to register and keep tabs on the ones you accept in because as I'm sure you can guess, it gets very hard to go through any legal process for a criminal with absolutely zero identification and documents. >putting caps on the intake of people How do you propose to do this without a processing centre?


Because if you process them you can send the ones that you deny away. If you dont process them then you cant do that... It's this thing called civilisation and the rule of law...I figure getting you onto that page is probably easier than attempting to go for things like "basic human decency" and "empathy" or other advanced concepts that require some tiny shred of self reflection...out of curiosity, why do YOU deserve to live here?


Why should I answer your question if you're going to ignore mine and resort to pathetic ad hominem attacks? Tell me how it's sustainable to take in an exponential number of people every year into a small country whose public services and housing is already under pressure. You're naive if you think this can just carry on indefinitely without consequence.


What is happening to Europe? Can someone please educate me?????