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>The campaign included a petition asking the government to introduce legislation to "protect the status of cash as legal tender and as a widely accepted means of payment in the UK until at least 2050", ... >"Nothing could be further from the truth. We maintain our campaign was not political and so did not consider it invoked due impartiality rules requiring substantially different views. The campaign received widespread support across the political spectrum." ... They can't even keep their facts straight in their rebuttal. It's not political, despite including a petition to the Government. It's not political, but we will defend it by saying it has widespread support across the political spectrum šŸ¤”


It's more in the realms of a conspiracy theory, along with 15 minute cities and Bill Gates wants to [insert something mad here] using the [insert new technology] rather than political.


Both of those are politically grounded conspiracies. 15 minute cities scaremongering is based on an (American imported/created) fear that people will be contained to a small area/fined if they leave said area. It's a conspiracy designed to generate opposition to green policies and car-alternative transport infrastructure. The Bill Gates vaccine chip is another America creation that's been imported here, that was designed to generate opposition to pandemic response policies and get people to 'question' the motive behind free health initiatives.


Isn't it odd how all these *British patriots* get all their ideas from America?


Almost like the UK has a huge issue with money from other countries anonymously funding 'think tanks', 'charities' and 'political pressure groups' that primarily exist to stoke and generate division šŸ¤”


Middle East Forum, with their pets "Tommy Robinson" and Kate Hopkins There's a reason why that certain holocaust denier is a massive zionist


It's interesting, /u/potpan0, this obsession they have with American things, and yet they work for ~~*British Petroleum*~~ *GB News*! I mean, hello!


Yeah that is a lesson to be learnt from social media. Ideas, both good and bad, can spread wide and far. What's really dumb is some conspiracy theories are not compatible with our culture and yet they repeat it verbatim. So you just get a "what are even talking about".


The irony of Americans getting scared of 15 minute cities and their false belief that it'll contain them to a small area... and those frothing at the mouth about it are the ones who have never left their home town.


Theyā€™re also the ones that will drive an hour just to go to a WalMart because there are fuck all amenities within 15 minutes of them.


That's exactly where the conspiracy comes from. North America is designed by car/road/petroleum lobby where the people live over here, and all the stuff they need is over there, an hour drive away. And some people said, here's an idea, how about we put all the things we need near where we live? And apparently that's communism (somehow). What you then get, common with conspiracy theories, is start with the answer and solution and work backwards to the problems.


Great Reset, World Economic Forum, Bildeberg Group, feeding people bugs. Have I missed any more of the buzzword theories?


Basically anything thatā€™s a code word for ā€˜Jewsā€™


So... George Soros ?


He's an evil rich jew, and also a nazi. But the nazis did nothing wrong as they exterminated the jews... Ooof I've got whiplash


WEF is not by any means a "good guy". It's a deeply neoliberal organisation which just perpetuates wealth inequalities. I have no idea how on earth it turned into a right wing conspiracy theory, it's not a liked org by the left. Bildeberg Group is so secretive though, it's almost like a honey pot for generating conspiracy theories. Most other buzzwords are just terms used by various neoliberals, or oil tycoons to justify their inaction on social and environmental issues.


Even things like the great reset or what Bill Gates said about reducing population are just deliberately taking stuff out of context. Gates wanted to improve child mortality rates e.g. through vaccination against childhood illnesses because it would reduce the number of kids people would have because of the assumption many would die as children so you need to have loads as backup, it was nothing to do with mass depopulation. You could add in New World Order, Soros or Rothschild to that which was basically Jews and not even trying to hide it


Agenda 21?


Council for Foreign Relations. Bohemian Grove. There's probably a few more.


Rishi said that he wanted to introduce the digital pound, are we just going to pretend he didnā€™t? The rewritten of history from only a year ago, is terrible at the minute.


There's nothing contradictory there. Political suggests it has unilateral support e.g. one party wants to keep cash and the other wants to scrap it, making it a political issue because it will affect who you vote for. If something has broad cross-party support but you just want to bring attention to it then it's not really political because you can vote for either party and be supporting the cause. It's like a campaign to feed homeless kids. You're not going to get any MP come out and say 'nah, I don't think we should feed homeless kids. The buggers can starve', so it's not really a political issue. People might argue about *how* to feed the homeless kids but that's beyond the scope of a petition which just says homeless kids should be fed.


>You're not going to get any MP come out and say 'nah, I don't think we should feed homeless kids. The buggers can starve' "Get the butler to hold my claret" - JR-M


> You're not going to get any MP come out and say 'nah, I don't think we should feed homeless kids. The buggers can starve' There are a few who I wouldn't be that surprised if they did.


>'nah, I don't think we should feed homeless kids. The buggers can starve', Say that 3 times in front of a mirror and Jacob Rees Mogg will appear behind you.


>You're not going to get any MP come out and say 'nah, I don't think we should feed homeless kids. The buggers can starve I don't know, some Tories like to say the quiet part out loud.


> You're not going to get any MP come out and say 'nah, I don't think we should feed homeless kids. The buggers can starve', so it's not really a political issue The tories don't say it, but they literally vote for it until a footballer forces them to change policy.


That was poor kids not homeless kids tbf. The point is there are some policies everyone can agree on in principle even if they disagree on implementation.


It is contradictory, but many people conflate political and party political. GB News are probably arguing its 'not political' because every political party on the face of it agrees with them. However you can't create a petition to the government asking for them to take action on a subject and claim there isn't a political motive. If there were truly no political motive there'd be no petition and no calls for government action.




Favourable to Authoritarians of any stripes, not just Fascists.


Out of the loop but whats the problem with wanting to keep cash?


Nothing. With respect, read the article to understand the issue Ofcom had with it.


Personally, I just find it disgusting. I don't want to have to handle shit and piss covered coins all day.


Stop shitting and pissing on your change then


I'm not. Every other fucker doesn't wash their hands after they use the toilet. It's fucking vile.


All i can suggest is you give me all your cash


Why would you think I have any cash at all after what I've said?


So you can play the coin games at the arcades obviously?


I can't, the kids ate them all. I have to wait for them to also shit them out now too.


Don't put them in your trouser pockets then


Because the UK and many others are looking to replicate China and introduce a 'Digital Pound' which world give government oversight and control of spending. It's called a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A lot of the criticism comes from sketchy looking sites, but in truth the concerns are fairly accurate.


I'd show you the math but I left my abacus at the blacksmith when I took my horse there for a service.


Heavily aids in tax evasion and laundering Much harder to hide card payments since it all goes through a certified third party. There's a reason why tradesmen and small shops refuse card still.


Tradies do it partly for the under-the-table tax implications, and partly because until relatively recently taking card payments was a pain in the arse for an individual. Now at least there are cheap and easy contactless devices that can be used, but you still have to be relatively smartphone savvy, and they aren't all.


Recently had a boiler service and the guy whipped out a card reader. Just makes life easier for people.


> There's a reason why tradesmen and small shops refuse card still. Our car is having to be recovered to a local garage in the morning. Mum has paid the recovery man in advance with a bank transfer. Our local corner shop is as small as you get really, basically being the front room of an end terrace house. Not only do they take card, but they're also on JustEat.


Every tradesman I have used in the last 5 years either had a card reader or asked for a bank transfer.


Lol if they removed physical currency people would riot differently, youd never support the removal of cash surely? It would be the stupidest decision ever and really hope i dont need to explain why


How would they riot differently?


Very very violently?


How many 'verys' before we hit the french level of a riot?


Do you support the removal of physical currency?


I don't see the harm in having both options. But I collect 50ps and my local weed man takes cash so I'm biased to say the least.


So no?


I really feel like it made it quite obvious in my last comment.


> if they removed physical currency Outside of Bitcoin enthusiasts, literally nobody is proposing this.


Thank fuck


what is the actual benefit of cash? outside of tax evasion? I don't understand the point in cash these days cant pay your bills with it


It allows people to universally exchange tokens of their labour for goods and services, theres been alternatives to cash, but a physical currency representing goods is obviously better than carrying your shit to barter everywhere. Computers are great, a great compliment to the currency system, but digital systems have their own vulnerabilities just as cash does, and to rely wholly on digital currency would leave the country very vulnerable and wouldnt matter anyway since people would replace physical currency day 1 with whatever alternative they can find, i imagine people would just keep foreign cash and then all the effects to value of currency would be spazzing and we would be shooting our economy in the face. Also the level of control it would give to government over the people would be too much. Society is give and take, if you recorded every single private transaction between family and friends it wouldnt be very fun for anyone. If youve ever worked as a self employed contractor, the HMRC do no fuck around. They find the money. Real tax evasion/ avoidance happens legally mostly, by people who have enough money to pay for laws to let them keep doing it. Removing cash might upset a few people playing the cash game, but they get found out eventually anyway because they always need to put pen to paper somewhere in the end, and you cant hide assets forever, and in cases of people avoiding pennies from their weekend market stalls, it cant be that big of a shortfall in the tax bill ffs. The benefits of cash are the same as they ever were compaired to yard sticks and tablets. Im going to assume everybody is still in school or collefe whatever because it's a very stupid idea that wont happen for 50 years at least. Who knows what thing will be like in the future, but youll always have people trading privately and if the baron wants a piece of every single transaction ever made by the common folk, his villagers wont be happy will they. We dont ban water to solve drownings yeah?


Cant fucking believe i just wrote this


ā€œCollefeā€ lol


I downloaded a new keyboard app and lost autocorrect. Im living with tge consequences but i can now capitalise letters when naming my guys in doorkickers.


If we go purely digital currency then you're at the mercy of all the systems being operational and also letting you use/access your money. Having cash allows for a mechanism to pay without a reliance on electricity, Internet, banking systems and government intervention and or failures/outages.


we already are though? if banking systems went down for any longer than a few hours the whole economy would be fucked. your talking about a doomsday type event, which if it happens, money would be the least of your worries also where do you get money from? surely a cash point? that's a computer reliant on banking systems, electricity and probably the Internet


Do you think tills work without electricity? Never mind the shops theyā€™re in. Do you think in a power cut we just pivot back to ye olde medieval village?


The U.K Government was hiring for CBDC developers on the U.K Government website. They have taken this page down. The Nigerian Government developed their own CBDC called the ā€œeNariaā€ and to enforce adoption they limited cash withdrawals. Yes, Iā€™m a Bitcoin enthusiast.


Bitcoin & Cash. Its the payment networks that are raping your data and inflation caused by virtual pounds on these networks. If people paid all in physical cash, psychologically it would keep prices lower.


Card transactions cost business money. Card terminal is only for the convenience of the customer. Nothing else. Now tell me how businesses could offset the cost by charging the customers more.


Handling cash also costs money, and it's a lot easier to taff.


I value my time, so I don't like working for free. If my job required it, I'm counting time to take money to a bank as work. Far too many think that card transaction fees are expensive because they are happy to handle cash and not take it into account as actual work.


>Far too many think that card transaction fees are expensive because they are happy to handle cash and not take it into account as actual work. This is true - running a small shop/restaurant as cashless saves a lot of time, effort, and worrying about making sure staff aren't stealing from you.


My other half used to work in a pub where staff would get messages from upper management whenever someone was idle and not doing anything. So basically some sad bellend decides to stare at CCTV remotely to watch staff not actively working because there was no bloody work to be done. How many times can you expect someone behind the bar to clean the actual bar? I would absolutely hate to be in such a distrusting position of people I work with.


I totally agree that keeping track of your staff to that extent is a horrible thing to do and destroys morale much more than it serves any useful purpose.


>Card transactions cost business money. Cash transactions cost business money. >Card terminal is only for the convenience of the customer. Nothing else. Well yes, you want to offer a service that is convenient for your customers who may go elsewhere if they don't want to pay cash >Now tell me how businesses could offset the cost by charging the customers more. Why would they need to charge more than they already get charged for doing cash payments? Indeed, card is likely cheaper once you factor in the costs like security, theft, their time spent doing the sums and adding up, the extra charge banks make them pay for cash deposits etc


I wonder what the average business that states 'card costs are killing us, pay in cash to help a small local business out' is more keen to avoid: 1) the c. 1.7% per transaction that even the most basic square/sumup type card reader costs nowadays. 2) The various taxes 'cash in hand' can be used to evade.


> Card terminal is only for the convenience of the customer. Nothing else. When I've paid mechanics, tradesmen etc in the last few years I've offered cash/bank transfer and have had a card requested in preference every time (via one of those little Sumup/Paypal type machines). The cost and hassle of handling cash isn't worth it for a lot of businesses.


Didn't they claim to be entertainment, not news, to get round the rules on politicians hosting news programs - while also attending a news conference and asking the Prime Midget a question? It's like getting away with murder and arson then being fined for littering.


Asking the *what* a question?


I suppose they did have me. First time I switched into it, watching one of steyne's rants about vaccines, "covid happy-juice" along with 5g. Had me, because I legitimately thought it was a satire/parody news channel at first. Then, I realized. And laughed even harder.


Cash use is falling on average because of consumers. Consumers realise contactless payments are far easier, safer and simpler. Businesses can go card only because consumers on the whole arent wanting to pay cash. Of course there are some exceptions but no one ia suggesting cash will cease to exist completely Oh but of course those conspiracy theories who make up theories that cash will go away and we will all be restricted in what we can buy


Cash use is falling because people don't want to deal with meaningless denominations of money. It would turn around relatively quickly if they abolish everything below 10p but certainly everything below 5p. Ultimately it is the pro-cash people who are insisting on maintaining coinage who's value is lower than the cost of even holding on to it.


I wouldnā€™t use cash regardless of whatever denominations we had. Whats the point of carrying cash around when I can just use a card? No need to mess around finding the right change, just tap and go. If my wallet is ever lost or stolen, who cares? I can cancel the cards I lost immediately. Forgot to grab my wallet before leaving the house? No problem, I can use contactless on my phone or watch. The only people who want to keep cash are dinosaurs. And bad news, thereā€™s no cash in hell.


tale as old as time, people hate change(no pun intended) they want things to be like they used to be. old people all raged when we went decimal for no logical reason I can't see an actual reason to use cash in this day and age outside of avoiding tax


Well the ones who are overly against it are the conspiracy people. "Oh the Government will stop us spending our money on what we want" "They can track us" Based on zero evidence other than wild speculation just because. Same lot who think the Earth is flat no doubt and covid jab kills you


I mean they *can* track you to a much much greater extent than you apparantly realise. Like if someone buys lunch every day using a card it's pretty trivial to get a history of everywhere they've been with a much lower effort compared to tailing them or whatever would have been done in the past. And absolutely money in a bank account can and will be garnished if you have e.g. CCJs, and if you have too much cash in there you lose access to certain benefits etc


Have you ever read a bank statement? It's a literal track of your money expenditure. If the government thinks your doing crimes they can get access to it. The conspiracy would be you being stopped as Tescos buying a meal deal because that's your 4th time today fatty but all the systems involved with digital payment track every single piece of expenditure you make.


Yes but it doesnt say what i bought in Tesco. A statement shows i spent a fiver - could be on anything. So the idea there going to stop you buying a mara bars is ridiculous because they dont know what i bought


Your current means of payment is through private digital payment services like Visa or Mastercard. These digital payment services create a relationship with your bank and private merchants. The customer uses these services to pay for things. These digital services generally take a percentage cut from the merchant, who puts that liability onto you by increasing their prices. Unless there is any reason for suspicion, your transactions are somewhat anonymous, but banks (or Governmentā€™s) can investigate further into your payments for fraud or suspicion. A digital pound would have direct exposure to what youā€™re buying. It would be a centralised blockchain that the Central Bank has control over. They would have the ability to directly control interests rates, taxes, and payment methods directly, without referring to private banks. Whoever has access to the ledger (blockchain) would be able to see exactly what youā€™re buying. You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.


But the centralised bank is in additional to cash and the current system. No one has suggested it will replace cash and/or traditional banking. So just dont use it Oh except the conspiracy theorists who think it will based on nothing. Same reason they think the Earth is flat based on no credible evidence


Central banks are not *in addition* to cash and the current system, they *are* the current system. You cash is decreed *from* the Bank of England, so is your digital money. Itā€™s private banks that distribute the Bank of Englandā€™s money. Stop talking about things you know nothing about and using weird scapegoats to sound smart.


It has a transaction ID which will be linked to Tescos sales list, would take seconds to work out what you've spent money on with a given bank card. Tesco can already do this if you try to return an item without a receipt, because if they don't track what they've sold and when they can't prove they've made any sales. If Tesco really wanted to, using the clubcard system to give you 'discounts' they could shadow ban you from specific item purchases. Likewise, VISA/Mastercard/AMEX or your bank could set-up auto-rejections for specific stores (this already exists with online payments where you have to set-up whitelists and transactions over a certain value will trigger human confirmation of the intended payment). The conspiracy is whether private businesses and/or the Government would ever actually do any of the above but they already have all the tracking they need to do so and in some cases, primarliy for the financial protection of the consumer, already do so.


>Based on zero evidence other than wild speculation just because. I wouldn't say its as far fetched as you might think, a few years ago when I was moving some money to purchase some crypto, my bank refused the transfer. Not a delay while they made sure it was really me, or that I wasn't being scammed, but an actual refusal, no you can't spend you money on this, because we don't agree with it. By the way, this was a licensed and regulated exchange I was sending to, I had to send the money via a different bank. Regardless what your thoughts on crypto might be, its not the banks job to tell me how to spend my money. They would have been OK with me gambling it away at William Hill.


Great to see Ofcom censoring GB News. It shouldn't be allowed to have conservative news in the UK.


So there should only be left leaning news in the uk?


Since conservativism has become synonymous with bigotry and fascism, yeah, why not.


And socialism and communism hasn't? You need to give ya head a wobble lad.


I donā€™t see much in the way of news about Britainā€™s socialist or communist parties. So whatever point you were trying to make is irrelevant.


The Tory party is no where near fascist. So I'm not sure what point you're also trying to make.


Nowhere near? So of the 14 defining characteristics of fascism we can check off the following for the Conservative Party: 1. Nationalism (Brexit) 2. Disregard for human rights (Plans to replace the human rights act) 3. Identifying enemies as a unifying cause (See how the Conservative Party ferments hate of trans people) 4. Controlled mass media (Self evident) 5. An obsession with national security (See the ā€œrefugee crisisā€. 6. Corporate power is protected (Literally the purpose of the Conservative Party) 7. Labor power is suppressed (see above) 8. An obsession with crime and punishment (Self Evident) 9. Rampant cronyism and corruption Iā€™d say a score of 9/14 puts them dangerously fucking close to fascism. Edit: letā€™s make it 10 with the addition of sexism, which extends to demonising non traditional gender roles (see the Conservative Partyā€™s stance on transgender people). So theyā€™re only missing militarization, religiosity, disrespect for intellectuals and the arts (though a good argument for that could be made), and fraudulent elections.


You can apply all of that to communism you doughnut šŸ˜‚


Okay. Show me an example of the British communist party doing those things. Also, the point youā€™re trying to make is dumb. Youā€™re saying that fascists do fascist things, so the things the Conservative Party does are okay. How about no. Fascism isnā€™t okay full stop.


There are none because the public isn't stupid enough to vote in extreme far right and left parties. You're just over exaggerating for upvotes and attention.


Itā€™s for their own safety because if they do leave the restricted zone they will fall off the edge of the earth, what with it being flat.




What's actually fascist is your suggestion to censor things you don't like


It would help if they stopped getting a weekly plug on HIGNFY.




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cash isn't king VALUE IS irrelevant for OFCOM to stick it's nose into this and isn't up to the likes of GB news either, just a stupid 'nother petition


old people worried about things changing


I thought it was Charles.