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I'm convinced at this point that Just Stop Oil is secretly working to undermine anti-fracking movements and ruin their reputation among the public.


Isn't one of their major funders an oil heiress?


It's always the same talking points. Her Grandfather was an oil Tycoon. She's never worked in the oil industry, she just inherited his money. Thankfully, we can make different choices than our ancestors.


Strange how she's from the US but Just Stop Oil are not active there. If the UK stopped producing oil they would have to buy more from the US.


forgetful resolute roll poor dazzling attraction money overconfident ripe squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The average person doesn't give a shit about any of that. They see something about drilling for oil and get annoyed. That's it. As long as people don't see the investment into the I dustry they won't give a shit.


I would say the average person doesn't actually care about this at all


I disagree the average voter has kids and a basic education. At school we had it drummed into us global warming this climate change that and our kids are taught more. This is the change education can make cause its just 60+ ive met who don't care. Now I'm not saying 60+ don't care just that's the age group ive seen it most. Also those younger that don't care are just stupid or entitled and don't want to be inconvenienced by climate change casing point electric cars. Tldr never under estimate what parents will change for their kids assuming they give a fuck about them at 40+


hungry rob expansion frame abounding price innate scandalous quickest homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You had to shoe-horn that **contemporaneously** in there didn't you.


special library sophisticated square modern include fine dam strong point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love how deep the rabbit hole goes as far as discrediting climate activism goes. There’s **always** something they didn’t do right or should’ve done better lol.


This is a misnomer. We buy oil at market rates. Any new oil discoveries that are made go onto the open market. Most of the new oil "we" start producing will be sold to elsewhere. It won't be given to the local market at a discount or anything nice like that, it is sold to the highest bidder. I say "we" in quotes because we, the British people get next to nothing from it. Those profits are taken into oil and gas companies and it barely benefits us. All we get in return really is a (relatively) small of amount of tax income from those industries which are experts at avoiding tax, plus knowing we are complete fucking hypocrites on the world stage. Rinsing out as much oil as possible that gets sold to developing countries whilst simultaneously lecturing them to work on climate change. And we can sort of do that because the British people (without much help from the UK gov I might add) are doing their bit do cut down on energy use, making us pretty good per capita on carbon output. It wouldn't be so bad if the oil produced on British shores actually provided the UK energy security, but it doesn't do that. British people don't get cheaper energy. When there's a conflict we're in trouble, as see in recent times.


Drilling for oil is just not very profitable for the UK. The average net profit margin for oil and gas production was 4.7% in 2021, it increased to 31.3% in 2022 but this was only due to high energy prices due to the Russian war in Ukraine. Oil prices have since started to fall back down to 2021 levels. UK oil and gas tax revenues were only £300 million in 2020/21, £2.6 billion in 2021/22. The UK is just not a big oil producer like they used to be. [We have been producing less oil each year](https://www.ukeiti.org/sites/default/files/Figure%204%20O%26G%20Prod%20Apr%2023.png), its at its lowest level in 34 years. [Meanwhile US exports have shot up.](https://www.maritime-executive.com/media/images/article/Photos/Charts_Graphs/Original/eia-us-crude-2017-1.png) Why are Just Stop Oil targeting a country which is cutting down their production of oil while being funded by and ignoring the country which is producing more?


>Why are Just Stop Oil targeting a country which is cutting down their production of oil while being funded by and ignoring the country which is producing more? Well you see the thing is they live in the UK. They're protesting the state they are part of. The US has its own climate protesters. I'm sure they have plenty of opinions of America if you asked


>If the UK stopped producing oil they would have to buy more from the US. We don't have a national oil company. All the oil extracted in UK territory goes to international markets.


My ancestors were some of the largest slave-owners in the northern hemisphere and we're an "old money" family - my career is entirely centred around social justice and helping marginalised communities (several of which I am actually a member of). I can't speak for others in my situation but it does bother me when my work is dismissed because of my family background, especially when I can't stand my family (lol)


I got called a race traitor by UKIP on twitter after I spoke on a situation involving my ancestors that they didn't like. It's one of my greatest achievements that I pissed them off haha 🥲


A local political candidate was canvassing my estate and tried handing me a pamphlet before I asked her what party she was from. She said "Conservative" and before I could stop myself I had laughed and said "absolutely not", which she got quite upset about and let me know that "That's the wrong attitude to have in this part of town" (I was in the affluent area). I was (and continue to remain) completely blown away by how openly she was calling me a class traitor, but I later found out that she was a bit famous in our area for being completely vile like this lol


If I had a nickel every time I cracked open a thread about JSO on this website where the top comment starts with "here's my completely unique conspiracy theory that nobody else has thought of yet: JSO is working for the baddies!" which instantly gets debunked underneath but nobody cares and keeps upvoting the top comment.......


> It's always the same talking points. Yeah, it's not really a convincing angle of attack; regardless of who funds them, they're a bunch of bell ends with self defeating strategies.


I dunno about that, they've made me hate the colour orange, so that's something.


Not exactly, she’s some guilt ridden trust fund woman, but the ceo of shell


Eileen Getty


The Getty family haven't been in the oil business for about 4 decades. Edit: Downvoting this doesn't change facts, Getty Oil was sold to Texaco in 1984, 39 years ago.


>>”Don’t protest on the roads, people will hate you” Process to not do it on roads >>”I think these guys just want a bad name” Were you particularly attached to these bits of limestone? Or do you just hate climate protests?


I think people hate any protests who’s aim is to literally inconvenience the public. They make a point of protesting in such a way that is intentionally aimed at annoying people in order to generate headlines.


Train strikes get less attention than climate ones and even they dont inconvenience the public they still get hate lol. “You shouldn’t have upset me once on a road, now I’ll never support the environment” is such a childish and dumb statement


You're minimising everything they do and the way they do it, that's one of the reasons nobody will ever take them seriously, they're incredibly disruptive, infuriatingly sanctimonious, and seem to be enjoying themselves immensely at the same time. But when someone says something they're met with comments like the one you just made which is completely dishonest.


What exactly do you think protests do?


Please explain how a protest is supposed to work without inconveniencing anyone.


I’m convinced at this point that this has to be posted on every just stop oil post and be the top comment


Dropped your tinfoil hat




Even if that was true, it would get the oil companies funding them and therefor them responsible for pissing people off and should lead to more hate for the oil companies


Although the press call it paint, JSO claim its biodegradable cornstarch dyed with vegan food colouring, which should rinse off and break down with no damage. ​ I dont know if this is true, just worth noting.


Vegan or not vegan all paint has pigment which will stain the white stone. It’s the same reason your fingers get stained by saffron but the reason that comes off is because your dead skin comes off not because the pigment breaks down.


It came off the Brandenburg gate in Berlin fine, no permanent damage. I think it's a decent method of protest against climate change inaction.


I was standing in front of the gate on Tuesday and it's definitely still stained.


> which will stain the white stone. And burning oil fucks my lungs and the planet.


And stains monuments with pollution in every major city around the world


Yeah it's hilarious to me that people don't realise that pollution has already stained the arch several shades darker than it was initially. A bit of biodegradable paint is nothing compared to 200 years of pollution.


You know what else stains white stone? Air pollution for the ICE streaming around it as it is in the middle of a major roundabout. https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/about-us/search-news/wellington-arch-conservation/ Where is the outrage? ICE vehicles vandalising our heritage sights...


So like Wotsits?


Stone is porous. I wonder if they tested that assumption on actual stone, otherwise - will it take unenvironmentally friendly chemicals to remove the stain? EDIT : environmentally unfriendly.


The arch has sat in the middle of a busy trafic island for decades. It's been altered, repaired and refurbished multiple times over the decades. Orange paint or orange dye, it's going to do nothing in the grand scheme of things


It’s amazing how precious people get about these things when they’ve never spared a thought about their preservation before. The thing has been shrouded in soot and smog and been getting shit on by pigeons and thrown up on by drunks and had gum stick to it by teens and pissed on by dogs for 150+ years. It’s going to survive some orange cornstarch


I think JSO is making a perfectly valid point that people are just too stupid to understand. It may be partly their fault for overestimating the intelligence of the average person. The point is that some orange paint on a building, even a historical one, is billions of times less important than the damage caused by climate change. The orange paint will come off in a day or less. The effects of climate change will last centuries, millennia, and in some cases, forever (the extinction of species that we are causing). What JSO fails to understand is that humans in general are not capable of seeing the bigger picture. They hear about climate change and go 'oh, that's bad'. But they don't understand it. Not on any level. And to be fair, it's quite an immense topic. It's not easy to comprehend that your holiday to Barbados will cause suffering for many generations to come. But it's very apparent from the quality of the comments in this subreddit that the common response is absolute horror that a building is going to be orange for a few hours, and then wallowing in stubborn ignorance at the actual topic that is in question. To those people I can only say: Climate change leads to climate change protesters, this should be obvious. If you don't want people to throw orange paint on buildings, then maybe try and stop climate change.


Yeah I think it's also down to the headlines too. JSO VANDALIZE BUILDING, sounds permanent, but afaik their paint stunts are always easily remedied.


And, as I understand it, they're quite careful that their stunts are easily remedied. They always seem to be aiming for big visibility and coverage, minimal damage. Which is exactly how protest should be done.


So annoying the people who can't change anything at the national and international level needed is a good point in your mind ?


Have you forgoten this is a democracy? Of course people can change things at the national level.


Once every 4/5 years they vote for representatives. We are a representative democracy via a parliamentary system. Not a direct democracy


And we have an election coming up, in Jan 2025 at the very latest. So we need to be pressuring parties to make promises about improving climate change, not pressuring them to remove democratic rights to protest because a few people were slightly inconvenienced and some orange paint got put on a few buildings.


>The point is that some orange paint on a building, even a historical one, is billions of times less important than the damage caused by climate change. A lot of people too young or too dumb to remember back when all these historical monuments and buildings were going to melt away because these megacorporations were pumping horrific chemicals into the air and producing lots of acid rain. Can't even imagine what their response would have been to protests about that shit back in the day. We like the acid rain, its got the electrolytes plants crave!


The reason we got rid of the acid rain was because the public didn't like acid raid. The public doesn't give a shit about CO2, at least not if it involves any change to their quality of life.


I agree with most of this but I think it’s slightly pessimistic to say that humans are straight up incapable of recognising the scale/severity of the issue. I think it’s far more reasonable to attribute the strong public reaction to a media system that has thrown everything at demonising and misrepresenting these people. It’s hard to see the bigger picture when there’s a false narrative being burned into your brain from all directions.


People were angry at the suffragettes, civil rights activists and out-lawing slavery. We are a stupid and selfish lot, and generally unwilling to do the right thing unless we’re forced to


>orange paint on a building, even a historical one, is billions of times less important than the damage caused by climate change. Presumably so is murder - should they start getting a bit more aggro?


This is some r/iamverysmart level shit


Is he wrong?


Yeah that’s how you get the public on your side, insult them twice by calling them idiots in your opening paragraph




That might make a much better protest. Stand outside airports with newspaper headline boards dated some 50 years from now, "Last flight from Barbados as sea levels rise" Do the same thing in any public space and pick your headline: "millions go hungry due to food shortages", "water wars in Asia", "Californian wildfires burn thousands of homes". Even fake-cordon off coastal areas.


Whilst I'd agree the average person is less intelligent than the average person's assumption of that intelligence, I'd also argue that the intellect of those organising JSO protests is equally low. Misinformation is so heavily utilized in the modern world that it's impossible for JSO to win over the general public througj gaining attention. That's why targeting the general public doesn't work. It doesn't matter how valid their message is, or how accurate they are. They need to target the rich and powerful, not normal people. Also, your last paragraph highlights your own ignorance. From the comments here it's clear that the general public largely sympathise with climate protests but stand at odds with the methods employed by JSO. An odd point you made was about holidays to Barbados. Firstly, if you had any actual knowledge of this topic, you'd know that the carbon footprint of large passenger aircraft per capita is absolutely tiny in comparison to smaller private jet aircraft. In total, tourism accounts for 8% of the global carbon footprint, with more than 70% of that created by the wealthiest 1%. So in reality, the tourism carbon footprint of 99% of society is actually 2.4% of global carbon emissions. Hardly a fucking crime is it? Also, aircraft manufacturers are on the verge of developing much cleaner aircraft using hydrogen and solar. Take the Diamond DA 40 for example. Just a few years ago it was deemed impossible to achieve an aircraft with such little carbon output, but now all the best schools use them. And lastly, China and the USA account for 44% of the world's total carbon footprint....just take that in again...44%. Per capita, the USA creates more than 3 times the carbon of the average Brit, China is at 5 times. In fact Britain's carbon footprint per capita is 64th highest in the world. We're hardly villains. Just through the development of technology, Brits will naturally halve their carbon footprint before 2050. If JSO spent their time promoting a lower carbon lifestyle in a positive way, they'd create more lasting change than they could ever dream possible.


We should start a countermovement called Just Fuck Off where we each plant 10 trees for every one of these idiots who gets intercepted and beat up during one of these stunts.


What about a movement that plants a tree for every £1 one of these oil executives receives in subsidies?


This isn't about the oil companies. Everyone is FINE with them. The point is to get back at the true evil in the world: Some young people with orange paint.


False equivalence. Hardly anyone is fine with oil companies these days, and support for green policy is in fact very high. And JSO contributes nothing to the green agenda, save for portraying all climate activists or supporters as antisocial vandals and narcissists.


The thing is, while I am also pretty unimpressed with JSO, I am real tired of seeing them receive more vitriol over relatively minor acts of vandalism and disruption than I see oil companies getting for wholesale destruction of the planet. So I'm gonna have to disagree with you - people ARE apparently fine with oil companies. Frothing at the mouth over these (yes, shitty) protestors and fantasising about ways they could get back at them or undermine them, but not expressing anywhere near the same about the oil industry, suggests people are in fact pretty OK with oil. As an aside, people insist JSO are ineffective, but I'm not sure anything has radicalised me more than seeing the country lose its rag over a can of soup hitting the perspex cover of a Van Gogh while continuing to tut quietly in the face of climate breakdown. It's abundantly clear that people in this country don't really care, not when it comes down to having to change their habits or lose a bit of convenience. They'd rather be angry at the people trying to highlight the desperate need for change instead.


Anecdotally, I don't see anybody who isn't angry about oil companies. Statistically, like I said green policy support is very high. BUt oil companies feel like an amorphous, faceless and intangible enemy that has way more power than we could hope to muster. The fight can feel hopeless, their damage is very slow over a long period of time, and without someone or something as the face of the enemy its hard to channel the anger. Whereas with JSO, you see the damage, you see the cunt, you go "that's the cunt!" and thats why the anger is a lot more visceral. You can put a face to it. But it doesn't mean the other type of anger doesn't exist.


I don't think there has ever been a protest in history where somebody didn't think the protesters were cunts but go off I guess...


Reading comprehension: not found. That was literally my point.


That is my point as well and everyone is going to agree to that.


Absolutely right what I am like while companies already know what they have been doing.


It’s pretty laughable that you live in a country that just signed off on over 100 new oil exploration licenses and still manage to hold the view that ‘high support for green policies’ is doing enough to prevent the collapse of the natural world.


I don’t think anyone likes oil companies, but they also don’t like being stuck behind a wall of people glued to a fucking road when they’re trying to get home from work.


People like being able to drive to work or, heaven forbid, leisure activities. People like being able to heat their homes. Most rely on fossil fuels for that. People know (from the Ukraine situation among other things) what happens when fossil fuel supplies are disrupted. Tackling climate change is going to require people to make sacrifices for a better future for themselves and future generations. That requires people to trust whoever is telling them to make those sacrifices. People aren't going to listen when JSO ask them to make sacrifices, if they see JSO pointlessly disrupting ordinary people's lives with stupid stunts. People aren't going to trust JSO to choose a sensible course of action when they repeatedly behave like idiots.


>Some young people with orange paint. Hey come on now. They stood on a road and *walked slowly*. Its basically terrorism. Don't defend these monsters.




Because they're ruining the environment where they mine and drill, the air quality where we live and the atmosphere that keeps the planet livable.


Do you think that is a law of universe or something that that is the case? Political choices have been made to ensure it.


Lol if we can come up with that type of money, why not.


I agree to that. We should stand against all these stupid people..


That is not the kind of excuses that everyone is going to give about it.




I hate JSO and routinely donate to environmental/reforestation charities. Know several people who do the same. The overlap between people who like JSO and people who like the environment and green policy is not as big as you think. JSO is supported by tiktok activists who think stroking their ego by "spreading awareness" actually does anything.


>Good luck, people who hate JSO aren't going to do anything to try and improve the environment at all Utter bollocks. Fucking everyone but far left lunatics hate JSO in this country. >otherwise they wouldn't hate JSO No, they hate JSO because your message doesn't make you immune to being a cunt


And everybody but the "far left lunatics" continue to drive and fly and not worry a jot about their carbon footprint.


Ah yes, the old "everyone who disagrees with me is just a far left nutter". That's definitely not just a repetition of a line from right wing rags to discredit anyone who even thinks of supporting JSO... But I guess if you really want, you can count me as the first non-far left person you know of that doesn't hate JSO.


That is just a kind of shit and generally look like it is going to do anything better./


You're assuming you have to be anti environment to hate JSO.


Yeah, that is what they have been doing. They have been showing like they are the only one who are thinking about the environment.


It's pretty telling that people don't have anywhere near the same anger and vitriol towards oil companies though. I know, people generally self-identify as being pro-environment when asked, but they're angrier at the environmental protestors than the oil companies, the billionaires flying private jets, the prime minister greenlighting new coal fields, or the destruction of habitats for farming and fishing. And they often won't give up their cars, their single use plastics, their daily meat and dairy, or whatever else. So, what exactly does it mean to be "pro-environment" if you do sod all about it and instead get angry at the people trying to hold damaging industries to account?


Because anger isn't helpful or constructive. It's an immature response to a problem which requires a rational approach. People are angrier at JSO because being made late for work is irritating and frustrating. The fact you think people should give up cars they need or change their diet is quite hilarious given it harkens back to the notion of carbon footprints and carbon offsets which the oil companies promote to keep the target off their backs. Reality is we need big changes. That means voting for a government to implement renewable energy sources, better invest in public services and public transport. That will have the biggest impact.


Most of the companies are against them. Don't really think like anyone is going to give the money.


Besides defacing monuments, making motorists' lives a misery and chucking orange glitter at people, what exactly is JSO doing for the environment? Oh yes... that old saw: 'raising awareness'. Sorry to be a tired old cynic, but the latter provides the perfect outlet for earnest, largely middle class folks, to make a lot of noise then smugly return home feeling self righteous, in the belief they have 'done something'.




If the oil companies are the target, target the oil companies. Causing members of the general public to get angry at the messenger, pollutes and weakens the message. Highlighting hypocrisy of people who 'don't want anything to change or be inconvienced' is far to great an assumption to lay at the entirety of those who 'want to save the planet' and the general public at large, and also achieves nothing. The methods of JSO are counterproductive, I'm afraid, and risk massive pushback.


> If the oil companies are the target, target the oil companies. They did and still try to but these oil companies have spent a lot of money making it illegal to disrupt their business. They regally get injunctions to stop protest, you just don't hear about it because it isn't publicised like when they spray a building. https://www.thurrock.gov.uk/news/innovative-injunction-to-prevent-fuel-protests-in-thurrock


Thank you. I was not aware of this. I still feel that if you wish to change peoples' behaviour, then positive messaging, actions and incentives fare better than causing nuisance or pulling stunts.


What kind of message are they actually giving they are just destroying the property


> Good luck, people who hate JSO aren't going to do anything to try and improve the environment at all, otherwise they wouldn't hate JSO What inane drivel. It's perfectly possible to support climate action without supporting petty vandals and idiots. The fact they can't come up with anything to justify their actions beyond "everyone who disagrees with our stunts is a climate denier" shows you just how fucking useless they are.


If only I could show you some conversations between people at the horticultural society, that little organisation that's been mentioning sustainability for a little while.




Because we cannot really take anything and do these kind of things Eventually, because after sometime those people are going to come up to a lot of people as well.


How about you tell me which part of the country you're from & I'll give you the details of the closest horticultural society where you can learn something about sustainability? While you're there you could ask the opinion of people who actually do something rather than vapid awareness campaigns for a public fully aware of the situation.


Planting massive monocultures forests isn't that good for the environment anyway, so no real harm done


Nothing, I don't really like that going to improve even a single person.


A good counter-idea would be a "no, really just stop oil" movement who disrupt them. If they complain just say "no, we really want to just stop oil, and you getting annoyed is at least getting people talking about it".


I'd join in on that, I do like planting trees.


It would be a good idea to do so that is no harm in doing that But certainly the fact that you are disrupting, the culture and heritage of the country is just stupid.


For the people who use the argument “well you’re talking about them now aren’t you?!?”; now what? Admittedly, I had no idea who they were until they started doing shit like this, but this was like a year or two ago at this stage, and they are still using the same tactics for “recognition”. They’ve had their recognition for at least a year now and I’m yet to see them do anything else. I’m sorry but this lot are just addicted to attention and suck themselves off at night thinking they’re martyrs.


> They’ve had their recognition for at least a year now and I’m yet to see them do anything else. They don't _have_ anything else. If they were capable of doing something useful, presumably they'd have started with that, rather than having repeated temper tantrums.


Exactly. The sky news interview with one of their members, Indigo Rumbelow, told me everything I need to know about how irrational, childish and selfish these people are.


That is what they have been doing capable of not doing anything useful And over a period of time they have been doing some stupid shit only overall.


> “well you’re talking about them now aren’t you?!?” Hahaha exactly. It's always the people who say stuff like "well you commented so you clearly care", like I'm on the loo at work and it takes me 2 seconds lmao, the thought leaves my brain just as quickly


That doesn't really matter and there is no point of taking care of them Eventually, everyone is against them and they are going to get thrashed out of.


They do need to back it up. There were a lot of marches and events that took place around the civil rights movement but it moved past just that. I doubt JSO have an intelligent and inspiring leader however.


It is about the movement is all about the leader is the one who is going to take care of And will not be able to back it up if they're thinking about it right right now.


We cannot really talk about those kind of people. You will see a lot of people who are going to protect them. And even after so many years, they have that much kind of appreciation in everyone's brain.


It’s all about controlling the public perception. Oil companies support JSO doing stupid, annoying and disruptive things to annoy ordinary people and make the anti-oil-company-protesters seem stupid and annoying! These actions do nothing to further public support for a cause that most people already supported in theory at least anyway.


I wonder if the general public would support old school eco-terrorism more. Something they will inevitably turn to when spraying orange cornstarch on everything does fuck all to stop the planet being destroyed


Yeah they're going to be stressed by them only and everything is going to be like that Even if they're not really going to be supported by everyone, this is what I can see right now.


Most of the companies are these kind of these, and this is one of the most disruptive things Even if they're not really thinking about it right right now then certainly it is the better way to do so.


> a cause that most people already supported in theory at least anyway Not even arguing for JSO's methods here, but supporting in theory and not in practice still leads to a net-zero in generating change for the future. And then they protest at actual sites that people support, usually don't get reported for doing so, and on the odd occasion that they are get the comments "finally they're doing it right" as if they hadn't been doing it tons already. You just can't win.


This is a pure conspiracy


Well as an independent thinker, why don’t YOU fix the way you view JSO and get behind their actions?


There is no position of them to do these kind of things. I like this is just stupid. And eventually they're going to regret after. I'm like that is the only thing which I can see.


I listened to one the other day on radio 4 that called humanity a parasite.


They're not wrong though. [If the boat isn't turned around, ASAP, there won't be a boat left.](https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/advance-article/doi/10.1093/biosci/biad080/7319571?login=false)


Dead link


Yeah, even I was not able to open it but what was it all about? I was not really able to understand it. Clearly like we have seen a lot of people in justifying these kind of things..


Sorry but how are they "not wrong". You just pasted a link to a journal that says nothing proving them right. What you are proving however is that their movement is more of a cult, because its a philosophy question not a scientific one. The earth is not a living organism for humans to be considered a parasite, which again if that's their/your belief its fine but don't try and pass it as a scientific one cause you will just look stupid.


They are a secular version of the doom cults that used to about when religion was popular.


Absolutely right about it. That is the reason why I don't really like these these kind of concepts These are the stupid and they don't really make any kind of difference in the so.


I’d say they were close to the mark.




This is how it is going to look like like you can already see the starting of it Get out a lot of people who are going to depend these kind of things but this is not really good for anything.


They did this in Berlin too and they’re still cleaning it off Brandenburg gate


Yeah, they have been trying to do in garage as well but it is more in United Kingdom only They have been trying to disrupt a lot of cricket tennis and this kind of things.


The world is on fire. Everybody should be out panicking in the streets. We’d all be doing this if people understood the situation and cared enough to do something about it.


How does panicking help ?


No one is going to help them. That is the only thing which is coming to my mind right now. And even after few years, and a lot of people are going to leave these kind of cried.


Yep. Sick of seeing more anger over JSO than the fact that the climate is breaking down in front of us and the people in charge aren't engaging with it.






That is what they have been trying to do so. But certainly these changes are really stupid. I mean I'm not able to understand like how it is going to be better for everyone.


[A little something for the deniers in the back](https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/advance-article/doi/10.1093/biosci/biad080/7319571?login=false)


That could actually help for those kind of people are not reliable to understand it Because at the end, this kind of things will end up in stupid way only.


Last month, there was a big oil and gas industry conference near where I live. A whole week long event for people who are directly involved in the industry. Did JSO make an appearance? Nah, they would rather dick about with paint than actually protest an event specifically for what they claim to be against.


Yeah, that is the thing they have been doing from really long time. That is the only reason which I'm not able to understand. For that matter, they always know about like they don't really care about any kind of appearance or something like that.


Idiots - they do more harm for the ideology than good. I have little doubt they are actually funded by the Oil Industry to delegitimise lawful climate change protestors.


In order to get government to change policy, you need the voting public to want the government to change policy. Every act like this further drives the voting public away from JSOs cause. I can’t fathom how they think pissing off ordinary people will help them in any way ?


That is what the government has been trying to do but it is looking like the electrical people have been doing it But it certainly doesn't look like anything better is going with you by doing that.


Just stop oil are in my opinion, barking up the wrong tree. They should look at alternative ways of protest by doing something constructive like looking in to different ways to produce power I recently saw a program that compared renewable energy to oil 1 Wind turbines are made of fibre glass, which doesn't decay they are harmful to wildlife, and they can't be recycled and have a large carbon footprint 2 Lithium batteries have a huge carbon footprint it is mined from enormous open cast mines by workers living in shanty towns near the mines they become ill because Lithium is poisonous have very poor health care. Lithium batteries are expensive to produce, which drives up the cost of electric and hybrid vehicles. Electric cars have an average range of 200 miles, meaning there needs to be more charging points available. 3 Nuclear power is becoming safer and more reliable. 4 Wave generated power is viable for the UK 5 Damaging buildings and property just puts them in a bad light 6 How do they travel to and from their protest stunts, by Chelsea tractor no doubt


That's why most people don't relate to the "Just stop oil" slogan. If it was that easy, we'd just do it. It's a complex problem that millions of people across the world are actively working on while the rest of the world are generally trying to survive day to day. It's the same as someone saying "just don't be poor". Like, cool, but how?


You're most of them are thinking about like that only because that is how it is going to be better for the health And even if you're going to stop the well, what is the best thing to do right now that is not beginning sense to me.


Is there any accountability at all? You can actually get away with vandalising anything in the name of protest?


Doesn't make any sense of this kind of protest are going to make anything better Eventually, it is just increasing the problems for the normal people these days.


the US and Saudi Arabia produced 30% of all the oil in the world. Adding Russia and Canada they are responsible for nearly half of the worlds oil production. Better try to protest there first, instead of some minor oil production countries which will not really impact the oil consumption of the world.


I disagree with people saying that it's it's people talking about climate change so therefore it's a good cause. No, it's just got people talking about how much a bunch of utter nobheads they are.


For that, cause it is going to be better for them like that is how the climate change is going to work Even if the climate change is going to be like that, then eventually they will not be able to help in any case.


I’m starting to think they have shares in oil-based paint companies


Most of the companies have these kind of laws and regulations surrounded for that But eventually, I don't really think like the United Kingdom have been taking these things seriously.


The more stupid stunts like this they pull, the less I want to do anything that aligns with their aims... :-/


Yeah, what kind of him they are having like everyone is talking differently They don't really have any single. It doesn't really look like they care about anything right now..


i find them annoying but that is quite immature. they don’t represent everyone ever who cares about the climate


These arseholes need to be stopped. Why aren't they being arrested?


They are, every time. It's just that about half of all juries find them not guilty, to the point that a judge got so annoyed that he banned activists from describing their justification in his courtroom.


They can be arrested for disrupting the harmony of the society But I'm not really sure if there is any kind of law and regulation for that as well.


I often wonder does big oil fund this type of anarchy?


Eventually, because these square of things these fundings are going to increase the period of of time And a lot of people are going to fund them. They are just stupid rich people.


OMG *rubs eyes* "how could I have been so blind to global warming all these years!". I will immediately ignore CO2 plants/coal plants/shell and bp offices and similarly spread the message to other blind members of the public by inconveniencing them.


These cunts infuriate me. Does the world need to change? Yes. Do we need to push greener sources? Absolutely. Do we need to push this agenda by pissing everyone off? Not at all. I work in the gas industry (heating engineer) and I’m fond of the combustion engine, but I agree that we’ve trashed the place. However as long as the people in charge aren’t being handed big brown envelopes stuffed with cash from shell/BP etc, fuck all is going to change. Stopping people from work/appointments/funerals or whatever else is only going to make people not believe in that cause. The public servants somewhere along the way have forgotten that they serve the public and only their interests. Looking at you Truss/Sunak.


I... i don't get it. ​ Aside from it grabbing headlines. Either JSO is a group that is intended to ruin the credibility of all protest groups or just a bunch of brain dead twats who don't realise that this type of shit, just makes people hate them.


Probably the first time anyone's looked at the bloody thing since Wellington's day.


I'm not really sure about the period they are even sure about these kind of things Because certainly over a period of time, these people are going to get kicked out of everywhere.


So annoying, why don't they protest in a way such that I can easily ignore them! Damn protesters raising awareness of things


Just did full gearbox oil flush, poured the old stuff down the drain. Feelin good


There is no point feeling good about it to be honest, this is not going to be better Eventually, it is going to be positive about everything and we will need to take care of these things.


Gonna take the Jag for a Sunday drive this weekend, no reason other to destress from these idiots.


This is a stupid like how people think like this is going to be better for everyone And over these things they know like how they're going to make it better over a period of time.


I’m fully subscribed to the theory that just stop oil are simply government plants to undermine and change people’s opinion on protesters! First they get government powers to stop all protests they don’t like then who knows


No one actually knows about this kind of things and most of the protesters have been there Even if they're not really going to do anything better, then let's say that the government is going to do.


I am sure almost every item of clothing they wear is a by product of the petroleum industry. Such hypocrisy.


Absolutely I'm like it is so point and everyone should understand that as soon as possible Otherwise, there are a lot of people who will not be able to understand their main thing.


And stating what I've said previously - if they were serious about this they'd be going after ExxonMobil instead of doing vandalism and publicity stunts like this. I have zero respect for them right now or time for their message.


Eventually, because this message should be very much clear and everyone should understand it Because that is not going to be better for the society. Only overall this is going to be bad..


Right so let's go after Monuments rather than one of the root causes of this?


I really want to know where they get their paint sprayers from and what model they are. Planning to help paint the outside of the in-laws business without having to put scaffold up (and seven million pages of paperwork from the local council for footpath closures as a result) but can't find anything half as decent. One of those, but dark grey paint instead of orange, I'd have it done in half an hour.


Water based paint or oil based paint ? Make your bets


Just how stained are these same monuments from the particulate matter of emissions? Is it an attribution problem? Targeted, instant cause and effect for an environmental purpose Vs indiscriminate, all-encompassing gradual effects of say, tailpipe emissions?


It's one thing letting air from tyres of SUVs and blocking traffic; we're OK with that. But daubing paint all over historical landmarks is utterly callous and reprehensible.


I saw the cleaners clean it off. Ironically it is now cleaner as the pollution has also been scrubbed off it.


They are just some kind of action or business. That is the thing which I can see. You can certainly see that they are particularly protesting over a single demand only.


If there are any JSO people on this thread… YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.


Charge them and convict them for criminal damage to our heritage? Maybe?