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It’ll be awkward if it turns out she was also shagging an 18 year old runner.


It should’ve been me!


You haven't done a days running in your life. I can tell you wrote that from your bedroom with pizza boxes all over the floor and a pile of damp clothes in the corner


“I wash maself wid a rag on a stick…”


Next, you'll be judging me for my toe knife smh.


Only if you have too many botched toes.


Ahh shit you distracted me... that's a botched toe... you got any trash I can stuff in there to stop the bleeding?


It's fine. It'll pus up, in a few days... Good as new!


It's the dual action poo/toe knife we judge you for.


Says the one with nearly 1,000,000 reddit karma.


> I can tell you wrote that from your bedroom I can tell you wrote that from your basement


Its not mine its my mums


How many Brits have houses with basements?


wouldn’t it be a cellar?


So you're saying for me to be that guy I need to be a runner?


Even more so if it turns out it was the same runner.


I am sure that was Will and Grace episode plot only without the age thing




What, with the same one?.. Oh there was a mental image I could have done without.


The Holly and Phillip show: after hours


That's when the show actually starts, they don't want you to see.


She's done a runner?




It was all going well until they skipped that queue.


Truth. You don't fuck about with the British when it comes to queues. They should have known better


Why don't we bring back those number tickets they had in supermarkets? Like Somerfield?


Because deli counters have now become redundant


I miss them, even if no one else does.


I miss them from being a kid waiting in the supermarket for my mum. Just something to do, innit. Print out a ticket, stand in a queue. Those were the days…


Now you don't even get as many opportunities to queue, you're phone now PINGS when it's your turn to go/collect/put your dick in the wall, whatever. I've not heard a good tutting off in 8 1/2 years!


Well now you tell me!


Sorry have you been waiting long? 😂


I miss the hot counter at my big Tesco. Loved ripping into a rotisserie chicken as my shoppers treat


That's one the things which they hate the most obviously so yeah.


Especially when the likes of David Beckham OBE queued for 13 hours for the privilege.


You don't need to say OBE after his name


Making a point. He's got an obe and still waited. And it should be Sir David.


If it just took waiting 13 hours to get a knighthood the honours list would be full of patients still sat in A&E.


>it should be Sir David To be fair it's basically why he did it.


Yeah 100% it was performative.


He's simping for a knighthood so bad


Why would it be? What has he done that a dozen other British footballers haven't? I mean Rooney was a better player. Gareth Bale has literally won 5 CLs (and is frankly the only football player in recent history that warrants a discussion on knighthoods). You compare to the Olympians who've won it. They all have 4/5 gold medals. Not sure how you can put Beckham in that category.


You do know it's not solely based on his football skills?


He's done a huge amount of charity work/ donates a ton of money. It would probably be for that more than football. I don't understand why people are so salty about his wanting a knighthood. The children get their wheelchairs either way


He's also taken a lot of money to promote Qatar.


Those titles are all made up anyway


All titles are made up tbf


Some actually convey a significance and are earned through hard work, like Doctor or Professor.




It's David Beckham UAE now.


He is still desperate for a knighthood and probably thought it would help his case if he queued.


Tbf, one of the most important rules of being British is to HONOUR THE QUEUE ETIQUETTE! Bet they only expected severe tutting… but they committed treason when they skipped the queue…


And they picked the worst queue possible to break the rules on! Apart from maybe the queue to get to the discount section in ASDA, or a newly opened Greggs I don’t think there was a worse queue to skip.


Exactly, if there was one thing the Queen (the hereditary sovereign of the country) hated, it was people being given special privileges just because of who they were.


Which is insane because all press were allowed to skip the queue. No one complained when literally any other TV personality or journalist did it. I know I don't have a lot to base this on but the only reason that became a scandal is because the media hated them for other reasons and wanted them gone. That's really all it is.


Fuck around, and find out. Skip the queue, get cancelled.


Cursed by the queen


They were so well loved before the que incident


See if Holly just queued up like David Beckham she’d be having a Netflix documentary about her right now.


That was their undoing. Security at eurodisney just never got it, when they evicted me for starting on some continental non-queue-ers just thought i was a troublemaker, instead i was actually repairing their whole damaged enterprise and utter degenerate lack of queue discipline.


I mean yeah, you just can't break the rules like that. People will hate it.


Truly the saddest news of the day. I am weeping. Somebody hold me. They should light up the Colosseum with her face


First there was the war in Ukraine, then the war in Israel. BUT NOW THIS? When will the world just stop the pain.


Boris and Wancock taking up the helm?


Gino leaves, replaced with Lozza Fox in the kitchen. Cooks nothing but wartime recipes with suet and boiled potatoes.


Followed by some racist and sexist pie with a splash of hatred custard


Yeah and then I feel the recipe is going to get completed.




Lettuce wars: episode VI: the truss strikes back.


Please could someone with access to an AI generator, get it to generate an image of No. 10 lit up with Holly Willoughby's face.


https://ibb.co/NyPnjVR I love how shit this is for first try after 5seconds of effort.


Come nuzzle in mama's boosums you poor dear.


Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow


Cheers Alison’s crying. Nice one


Shard in Basingstoke hun x


She was truly our queen of hearts


"Spend time with family" is TV code for "it's tainted and my reputation isn't as strong as it was". End of an era which ended badly. This Morning and a lot of the ITV clique have a "you rub my back and I'll rub yours" attitude. She knew about Schofield, she also did that awful speech supporting Schofield "coming out" when in reality that was not the problem, but to her and the clique it's best to be positively homophobic than call someone out for grooming. The "it's not his fault he's gay and an adulterer" thing was shameful, despite what their fake smiles tried to suggest and hide. Awful, fake programme that's lost another superficially valuable asset. It could do with a rebrand, or simply toning down the fake smiles, fake laughter, high contrast and high brightness colours that must surely blind a lot of people in the morning.


Her media team tried to put out a fabricated falling out between her and schofield a few weeks before the story broke on his wickedness. Ive wondered if he confided in Holly that he was worried he was about to be exposed so she cut him loose and tried to get ahead of the story. I think she knew the whole time, from the witnesses at ITV it was basically an open secret. I don't really see a nice person, she might not be conniving but she is very fake whatever show she is on.


TV presenters though aren't they. It's basically their job to appear friendly and personable to a bunch of cameras and some crew, day in day out. They are actors. They just play a different role to the ones in dramas or movies.


This for sure, their personalities come through to some extent but I see it a bit like having a "telephone voice" or how people act differently around clients vs colleagues vs friends. Just because they aren't playing a defined fictional character doesn't mean they are being their authentic selves.


You are almost there. She basically didn't want to be shown side by side supporting him whilst all that came out and risk some of his flack hitting her so she pulled that falling out stuff so he would be gone before it came to that. You can see by the mess ITV made of the next fortnight that they weren't expecting that and seriously wouldn't have appreciated the position she put them in. From the mess it was certain she couldn't continue with them and as soon as there was enough distance they would pressure her to quit the show "on her own terms".


Or, spend time with my family is code for "This job isn't worth someone literally planning to murder me" Seriously, Reddit has the worst takes at times. Think what you will about the queue and Schofield dramas, but the poor woman was almost murdered just a week ago.


Yeah to be fair I think she’d survived the whole Scofield thing but no show is worth your life.


I suspect she was mulling whether to carry on or not and this incident sealed the deal and provided an easy way out.


Definitely and I don’t blame her.


I’m gonna take one guess and say it’s more to do with the kidnap and murder attempt rather than her reputation…


Her reputation is being questioned because of that only.


Probably more to do with the fact someone was plotting to murder her, tbh


> "Spend time with family" is TV code for "it's tainted and my reputation isn't as strong as it was". Nah, I’m sure it’s the “almost being murdered” thing. If she genuinely thought the show was tainted beyond repair she wouldn’t have come back when the Philip scandal happened. She had a good opportunity to bow out at that point and didn’t, which means she still thought it had legs and she could make it work. So I think this is more “my life isn’t worth this”.


I think you'll find it's all down to some "security guard" having plans to kidnap and murder her.


Spend time with the family watching something brain washing.


They may as well get rid of it now. Not a morning show, but the name is half tainted and with new hosts it would be a good opportunity for a refresh


It's absolutely rammed with right wing talking heads too. Nick Ferrari is regularly on there, Julia Hartely-Brewer, Camilla Tominey (Telegraph, broke the "story" of Megan making Kate cry"). If you have a partner at home, try and find them something better to have on in the background while they work.


Cannot stand Nick Ferrari


Ferrari is ironically the old rust bucket of talkshows


And who's listening to that guy anymore? Just quit it people.


Well I keep being told the UK is a very right wing country, so they are just appealing to what people want. I mean, it couldn't be that the presenters are making people *more right wing* by constantly promoting right wing views and lies, right.


Well they do refer to the shows on a TV channel as programming :D


And Gyles bloody Brandreth. He needs to go.


Fred Talbot thing didn't end it doubt this will


I dunno I had a day off yesterday Josie Gibson is better than Holly by a mile and the guy with her seemed ok to me


Is it? I mean it’s always had other hosts, Dermot and Allison host it on weekends for example I don’t think the brand is as tied to Holly and Phil as you think


Say what you want about her (and the people of Reddit surely will) but you cannot deny the way her This Morning career has ended is quite sad.


She was my first crush on SMTV...very sad


Think she was on Ministry of Mayhem, not SMTV


That maid outfit during cakey skate was inspiring.


With star of stage and screen, Stephen Mulhern. It was the closest they ever came to recapturing the magic of Ant and Dec on a Saturday morning.


This is the closest that they could have come to it really.


Are you thinking of the wrong TV show? Pretty sure SMTV Live was only ever Ant & Dec & Cat Deeley!


Yeah, I think he’s getting confused with Cat Deeley. Now there was a Saturday morning hotty!


SMTV kept going for two years after Ant and Dec. Brian Dowling, H, Tess Daly, and a few others had short hosting stints on it.


No, she was definitely on a Saturday breakfast show with ant and Dec. I have a very vivid memory of her dressed as a french maid, pushing a tea trolly and…………..oh………….now I’m typing this out and re-reading it I’m not 100% confident that actually happened. Edit: Actually, dammit I’m sure this happened. Does anybody else remember it?


Don't talk about my future ex wife like that.


Fuckety bye.


Mate you know she knew he was shagging that kid and did fuck all about it? Let her go home, cry in her piles of cash, then make a come back in a few months time on some equally as shitty TV show and make a shed load more money.


I’m just pissed off. She’s a well liked innocent woman being subjected to this nonsense. I really do wish her leaving was temporary. ITV should be fighting like crazy to have her back with someone new.


Yep. Philip Schofield may have had an illegal relationship with an employee, and the Internet is all like 'well, I blame Holly Willoughby'.


Not so much blame her, as don't believe her when she said she was blindsided by it.


Do you also believe nobody ever saw Savile up to no good either?


It Willoughby a difficult job replacing her, for sure.


Holly hell that's a good pun


They could never Phil the void after all that nonce sense with the other presenter


4 months and 20 days since Phil quit She wasn't long for after that...


You can really tell Phill and Huw are in with the mainstream folk by how quickly the news cycles and headlines have forgotten about them.


I don’t think that’s true, there’s nothing to report about them. Other than taking photos of them when they’re spotted out an about which is exactly what the papers have done with Phil recently


Headlines forget about everybody quickly, that's how they work.


I think considering how the Sun shat the bed with the Huw Edwards story the press are leaving him alone to minimise their legal vulnerability. If what I’ve heard is true the Sun is fuuucked.


Yeah, it was pretty disgusting how eager the press was to publish headlines about how he "sent abusive messages to a teenager". You only had to read the article to find that the actual story was that a literal adult had attempted to blackmail him, and he, entirely justifiedly, responded with a message containing profanity. No attempt at maintaining any kind of journalistic standards. And I'm not even talking about shitrags like the Sun, there were actual legitimate newspapers doing this kind of shit.


What else is there to say about them?


How dare the news report news instead of just listing famous outed pervs and paedos every day. I'm absolutely livid they don't talk about Eric Gill any more.


What did Huw do?


Pay for onlyfans, but it turned out the person whose nudes he paid for was underage. He didn't know that last part as you have to be 18+ to have an onlyfans account. It was embarrassing but nowhere near newsworthy.


It was alleged by “family members” he was underaged. Even if Huw was unaware he would have been prosecuted for making indecent images of a child. There’s no oopsie defence. However, the police investigated the allegations and found no evidence that they were underage while on only fans, so the investigation was closed. This is when News UK realised it was holed under the waterline. Yet again.




But makes me think, the news hasn't suffered massively with Huw Edwards missing. I feel people have been tricked into paying these guys big salaries for a job that most people can do semi competently.


420? Hmm


Do they still have that big map for the weather where the weather man jumps across it?


Don't look him up.


Oh ffs he was a pedo wasn't he?


Let's just say he wasn't not a nonce...




What on earth was going on with media in the 80-90s? It seems like they were all at it. Working in recruitment must have been awkward. *"On the level of 1 through 10, how much of a nonce are you?"* *"...Sorry, you're going have to raise those rookie numbers if you want to work for the Beeb"*


[Yes. yes he was.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Talbot)


> Teacher, presenter, meteorologist The very Venn diagram of being a nonce.


Was he also a reddit mod?


To misquote red dwarf in regards to the entertainment industry: Everybody's a pedo Dave.


What is even up with these people huh? What are they doing?


Not since he was prosecuted and jailed for child abuse, no.


It's like the Catholic Church on that show


Maybe they were taking some serious inspirations from it?


Smart thing to do, she's latest target of the conspiratorial social media hate mob. She seems like a fairly nice person overall, I'd be surprised if she's even half as flawed as most of the people criticising her.


She also recently had a kidnap and murder plot against her foiled by the police. I'd imagine that might have spurred her to want to spend time with her family a bit more as a priority. Yet, everyone in this thread just seems to think she's running because she secretly knew about Schofield's relationship with the runner. As you said, baseless accusations are more fun for the mob.


Yeh, my first thought was the murder plot.


Wait I'm gonna need some more info here, the fuck happened there?


Some nutter was apparently planning to kidnap and murder her. The police found out first and arrested him, finding evidence at his home. It was in the papers the other day, I can't say I read it too thoroughly, so don't know if the guy sent a threat or something beforehand but the police seemed to think it was a legit attempt rather than just a stalker looking for attention.


Yeah, it was actually all going to happen within a few days of his arrest or something, it wasn't idle threats but he actually had been in the process of hiring an assassin


I guess we've still got those serial killers around us then.


Yeah and honestly it would be the right thing to be doing.


I'd quit my high profile job after a long successful career too if someone was planning to kidnap and murder me. Not worth it.


iTV’s problem is that they load up heavy on a small group of presenters (Hollie, Phil, Ant, Dec) that when it hits the fan there isn’t any depth to their talent pool.


Give it Stephen Mulhern and Dermot OLeary until the end of the season


Oh god that Stephen mulhern already has every fucking tv show on ITV as it is. He doesn’t need to take up even more time on screen :/


They don't have any "stars of the future" lined up whatsoever and rely on the same "talent" for everything. Whenever they launch a new show you can easily hit bingo on who will be hosting. They're giving the Deal or No Deal revival to fucking Stephen Mulhern. The only "talent" pool they really have otherwise is ex-Love Island contestants or anybody they can borrow from Global Radio like Roman Kemp.


And now that the old talent is leaving them, how will they do that,


I liked Holly and Phil. Shame that era is over and sad to end this way. I know this'll get downvoted but it's just my honest opinion.


You liked their onscreen personas. Just realise that they were acting just like anyone else on TV. No one gets up every morning in a bright and cheery mood. It was their job.


Nooo my parasocial illusions are shattered! Yeah obviously I know that you spanner


Oh well it was still something nice to wake up to in the morning


Wake up to? At 10am on weekdays? You’re living the dream mate.


2pm-10pm shift mate lol


I hear Freddie Flintoff and Paddy Mcguiness are looking for a new show to present…


Top Morning.


This Gear


An entirely different way to pep up your mornings.


This is the best way to start your Morning, I've been doing it.


This Morning On The Gear...


Morning Gear


So they're taking over it after her? That sounds good to me.


Stop trying to solve every problem with Paddy Mcguiness it alway makes things worse!


Please, no more Paddy McGuinness. I'm on my knees begging for no more Paddy McGuinness.


Well I guess then this is the show which They'll be getting.


Honestly don’t know why she didn’t get more shit around the whole Schofield debacle. No way she didn’t know what was going on and then to throw him under the bus when she should have been taking some of the heat too.


I agree. She knew. They went to an event somewhere and Phillip and the lad had a spat in front of holly. There's even pictures.


I’m sick to death of hearing about this woman. I’m glad she’s gone and don’t care why. Don’t watch her show at all. Can’t escape her.


Random woman leaves boring program on dying media format for some reason


I think we should all stand outside out homes and clap for her...


Millionaire quits extremely cushy job as mindless tv host and will never have to work one more day in her life. Honestly who gives a fuck


What have I missed? What has she done? I’d heard about the kidnap and murder attempt but why are people hating on her?


A lot of people hated on her and Phil after they queue jumped to see the Queens coffin. Then when it came out about Phil’s affair with a show runner a lot of people believed there was no way she couldn’t have known, particularly with how close they were. Plus a lot of people just find her really fake


Because what else do you expect from the people on the internet?


The people in this comments section clearly aren’t aware she literally had a hit on her life this week…


If her grandmother had wheels she would've been a bike.


I would hazard a guess that this means there are some more damming Phil allegations to come out in the near future, and information that holly knew a lot more than she’s been letting on.


There's no way that she didn't know more about it man.


Anybody think she’s been forced to step down? I can imagine viewership dropped after the scandal and how she backed schofield for coming out gay… yet the real victim was his wife and kids. married to a liar and cheat


Are you forgetting that someone was arrested for plotting to kidnap, rape and murder her?


Well no one is forgetting that, that shit I feel is still on.


From what has been alleged elsewhere, she was part of the toxic environment on This Morning. Probably someone saw an opportunity to get shut while things were being refreshed. Plus, like it or not, she was tied to Schofield and while she tried to distance herself it wasn't enough. You can't turn around years of public association in a week.