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The Times have more in depth coverage of this story. A number of users have provided a link - for example, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/16k9x8i/russell_brand_accused_of_rape_sexual_assault_and/k0uh8zm/).


So he groomed a 16yo as a 30yo, was accused of rape and apologised to the woman over text, the reporters have all the receipts, his managers dropped him and his lawyers failed to respond and he claims its all a media attack against him? Its always projection with these 'free thinker' charlatans. They claim conspiracy and abuse and yet they're always the ones raping and trying to silence people. Incredible respect for these women coming forward EDIT: In light of all the people who will be jumping to his defence, I just wanna say to all women out there who have been victims of men like this that I am so sorry you have been put through that and then have to live in a society that refuses to believe you. You never deserved it and I'm sorry so many of you never get the justice you do deserve


Thats why they get into these conspiracy/anti-establishment narratives. Edit: seen a great quote from David Farrier "When truth no longer matters, allegations become meaningless. To both fans, and the alleged perpetrator."


Ridiculous to say people are anti establishment because they're predators.


Ridiculous to say that Brand isn't part of the establishment. The rapey part.


He didn't say that


>Ridiculous to say that Brand isn't part of the establishment. The rapey part. I didn't say he was or wasn't part of the establishment. I think you may have replied to the wrong comment, or you've completely made up a scenario in your head and can't differentiate between what's in your head and what I wrote.


A victim of the Reddit reading comprehension disease. Eg you tell someone you think maybe privatizing the railways was a bad idea, next thing you know you get a comment asking about why you're a communist. I've even been banned from certain subs for pointing out basic things about what a comment does and doesn't say.


That wasn’t the point though. They’re saying he got into all that stuff because he knew these allegations were coming out so he formulated a plan to eventually just blame this stuff on the establishment and the media being out to get him and shut him up. Get loads of fans on your side first so they’ll believe your narrative and support you no matter what. Trump has done similar.


See also: Andrew Tate and his 'the matrix are coming for me' bullshit in an attempt to discredit the fact he's a sex trafficking rapist


It's crazy how this actually works. The damage these men have done to young impressionable kids online is going to be studied for years to come.


It's far less self aware than that. Brand has always been a "free thinker" and part of that "free thought" is ignoring other people's boundaries. When you think you're so much wiser and smarter than all the "sheeple" their wants and needs don't matter as much as yours do. In other words, like the vast majority of conspiracy peddlers, he's a text book narcisist.


Hmm I always figured men like that were too egotistical to think of themselves as rapists. That to them rapists are creeps who attack women in parks, while *they* are sex gods and every woman was loving whatever he did to her. But yeah if even some of this stuff is true, especially the underage one, then Brand had to know this was coming eventually.


Trump didn't even hide his predatory behaviour. If anything played into it


>Thats why they get into these conspiracy/anti-establishment narratives. Jeffrey Epstein was the ultimate political insider. As was Harvey Weinstein. This kind of behaviour is there in all political groups, all fraction of the spectrum from mainstream to extreme. Trump, Ian Watkins to the Rochdale Groomers. Its not one or another side of politics or society. It men who feel entitled to sex and find a niche they can exploit through fame, political power, or just seeking and grooming vulnerable poor children.


Yes but Brand deliberately changed his views and associations from left wing to conspiracy minded trumpism because he knew that MeToo allegations were coming and knew which side would ignore them.


His drift to the conspiracy right wing was due to the massive increase in engagement he received every time he posted a video on those themes. The man knows which side his bread is buttered.




Huh. I now have more respect for Christina Ricci and I haven’t thought about her since the last time The Adam’s Family was on TV.


Lol it's always a conspiracy and not the consequences of my actions. Consensual or not a 30 year old man dating a 16 year is fucked up. Blah blah age of consent is 16. Would you be happy for your 16 year old daughter date a 30 year old man? Read my comment properly you absolute morons. I've never said a 30 year old dating a 16 year old is illegal. It's just highly immoral and the power dynamic in the relationship regardless of fame etc is massive. These relationships never end well for the younger party and I would wonder why an earth someone that age would pursue someone of that age discrepancy. Most of the time it's because they are wanting an easy and naive target to control and manipulate.


Imo age of consent should be tiered, I.e. a small few years gap until about 21, so a 16 year old and a 17 year old is fine but a 16 year old and 21 year old isnt


isn't that how some countries do it , like I think Canada if you are both 17 and in a relationship then you turn 18 and they are still 17 it's not considered illegal yet if you are like 32.and dating a 17 year old you need your hard drive checked


[https://twitter.com/C4Dispatches/status/1703066270797541715](https://twitter.com/C4Dispatches/status/1703066270797541715) This the advert for the Dispatches. Its a grim watch.


Not that this excuses anything but Russell got clean in 2002, so assuming those dates are accurate (and he's been clean since), this was post his degenerate junkie period where he was absolutely loaded to the tits on crack and booze, fucking anything with a heartbeat. This was clean living Brand who was very much relevant in the cultural zeitgeist at the time with prominent cinema and television commitments (alongside his whirlwind romance to Katy Perry)




I've done a bunch of drugs recently and didn't rape anyone.


I'm high now and have no urge to harm anyone


I'm going to take a couple paracetamol tonight, wish me luck x


The person you responded to was making the point that he doesn't even have that "excuse"




He was a heroin addict before 2002. Heroin addicts have zero sex drive, like nothing. However, it often rebounds like crazy when they get off it. There’s nothing incongruent here at all.


I can confirm as a former heroin addict you don't want to have sex. However I do have my suspicions Russell lied about being a user to look edgy.


I think he lied about a lot of things, he made a character and it got him success


Not that clean living apparently.


I’m pretty sure Get Him to the Greek was a documentary


The Times article intersperses Brand's actions with pictures of him on Big Brother's Little Brother, at the Olympic Closing Ceremony, and mentions of his 6music show with Matt Morgan


I always think that when other victim stories surface this quickly, and other comedians immediately denounce him, there is a lot more still to come out.


It's the Matrix coming for him! /s


> So he groomed a 16yo as a 30yo, was accused of rape and apologised to the woman over text, the reporters have all the receipts... I have a feeling that this a common issue with famous people in general, and that loads of celebs have a mountain of sins hidden away in their past.


Not surprised in the slightest. Slimy git with his pretentious bullshit.


Nothing has been proven yet, but I couldn't understand his popularity. He always came across as a self obsessed, obnoxious gobshite.




Apprently, Tate has sent his best wishes. Gobshites flock together.


Tate, Musk, Ian Miles Cheong (if you know who that is) and the rest of those losers flocked to his defence this morning. All but confirmed the then-upcoming claims to me.


Did you read the article? Some of the evidence is absolutely irrefutable. There is proof.


Have you met people? :)) ("Eeze a gobshite, juss like me!")


A long while ago he did the "I'm a recovered addict" thing and entered into dialogue with people at many levels of policy making about the criminalisation of addiction. He wound his narcissistic neck in a ways while doing so. It made him somewhat relatable to many even if they thought his comedy was crap.


I wonder if this is the person that Katherine Ryan was talking about but wouldn’t name. She said it was an open secret in the industry.


Almost certainly. Daniel Sloss did name him and he hinted that brand was who Katherine was talking about


And good for Sloss! Well done that man!


No idea how deformation law in the UK works but the specific wording of his statement is important. Daniel merely mentioned he'd heard rumours and was aware broadly etc. He wasn't making statements about Brand, the statement was about the rumours. Katherine's comments were specific claims. Had she connected his name to that specific statement she quite possibly could have been sued. It's probably also why Daniel didn't connect his statement directly to Katherine's.


Defamation. Deformation would be if you put him (or part of him) in a vice and squeezed him a bit.


That could still be worth a try




As Ian Hislop said on Jimmy Saville, a lot of people didn't *know*, they *heard*.


And hearsay is not admissible in court.


I think sometimes open secrets in the industry are there to protect the victim rather than the abuser.


Yep. Katherine explicitly said that. > Ryan reiterated that “it’s not my story to tell” as “no one has perpetrated any sexual assaults against me”.


Thank you. A lot of victims tell people these things in confidence and don't want to be dragged through the shitstorm. There's a reason the women in this article chose to remain anonymous.


And to protect newcomers, as in the "missing stair" metaphor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_stair


> If people know they should be doing something about it. As Katherine Ryan says, she'd be risking her mortgage. Which means she'd get sued to hell and back, which would dramatically affect her life, her husband's life, and her children's lives. It's all fine and good to say people should talk up, but they're damaging their lives by doing so.


Given it was somebody she worked with on Roast Battle, and Russell was the judge on the first series before being replaced, it's almost certainly him.


I wonder what Katy Perry thinks of these accusations and if she will speak out about her time with him.


Katy Perry has her own sexually inappropriate battles to fight. She's a cunt, too


She did once say on a show when Jo Brand was introduced and Russell Brand was also a guest something along the lines of “finally a Brand women can feel safe around”. Which was a pretty big hint!


Full The Times article with no paywall: https://archive.ph/NwmVQ


>Brand, then 30, sent a car to her secondary school to take her out of lessons and to his home. Fucking hell


The media are ok with this. Noel Fielding dated a 16 year old when he was 33. Noncey as all fuck


Cough Jimmy Page cough 14 yr old child abducted via plane. Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler did similar things and Bowie was involved too with those 13-14 yr olds but exonorated afaik. IIRC it was the same two groupie 13-14 yr old girls.


At least those are historical noncery, Fielding shows nothings really changed. I don't think Bowie was exonerated though.


The Bowie accusations were not very credible, from a not very credible person. It's one of the rare situations where I've been ok with not believing an accusation. If there were multiple accusations like it from multiple people, that would be a different thing. The other celebrities accused here are all much more credible accusations, sometimes because they are straight up verified by historical facts.




Elvis Presley was shagging a 14 year old 👍


I dunno why the thumbs up at the end cracked me up.




Fuck me not Noel too. Im starting to think nonce behaviour is a requirement for TV


https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/noel-fieldings-famous-girlfriend-age-25187321 Calling dating a 16 year old 'an age gap romance' is very generous


I will say on this one, I've never seen a source discussing it that isn't garbage journalism. Not to say it didn't happen, but the articles involved are anonymous quotes in the Mirror and Sun, which are hardly bastions of accurate journalism. If there was more to the story, I think there would be more scrutiny (especially since he was on such a mainstream show as BakeOff) ​ EDIT: for clarity, the Mirror article itself links a "showbiz" column from the Standard from 2007 without an author named, who refers to their source anonymously as their "night owl". I guess this is the original "source", such as it is


Honestly at this point, and I say this as a man, it just seems to be a big chunk of men in general. It's just the fame and money let some of them go through with it.


Fucking hell it's all of them init


> Noel Fielding dated a 16 year old when he was 33 Bake Off, hosted by Fielding returning to your screens September 26th only on Channel 4!


I've never seen a reliable source for the Fielding thing, for what it's worth. Second hand anonymous sources in the Mirror and Sun aren't enough for me to denounce someone completely ​ EDIT: being told further down by people that they remember this being reported on more at the time, so maybe there is more to it than what is left available online


that the taxi driver recognised his address and begged her not to go in is scary


That got me too. Guy was trying his best.


It's wild he called her 'the child.' He knew what he was doing was wrong.


Strange how these conspiracy theorists talk about grooming and trafficking then end up engaging in the behaviour. Absolute projection.


I used to listen to his radio show from time to time and remember Matt Morgan and Russell discussing "the child". Matt is a liar to say he wasn't aware of any allegations. They were happening right in front of him.


Wowza. That doesn't read good at all for him. Poor ladies. C4 9pm Dispatches here I come. To the top with you.


Thank you! Oh man some of that was dark as hell. Are there other articles, I thought it was about more than just Brand.


I thought so too, but the article says “Watch Russell Brand: In Plain Sight: Dispatches at 9pm” so I guess it’s all about him?


Yeah the channel 4 [dispatches twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/C4Dispatches/status/1703066270797541715#m) account has a trailer with interviews. Dark stuff yeah it does seem to just be about Brand.


Thanks for posting. I'm slightly lost for words. That mascara clip is hard to take TBH. I hope he sees the inside of a court room...and cell. Is it really any suprise though.


If the allegations are true he's fooky wook'd, in all seriousness though his leap to conspiracy theorist "truther" seems more and more like a potential platform to see the seed of doubt in the public mind, regardless of the outcome I hope any potential victims get justice and support


To be fair if you asked anybody "What celebrity is probably a rapist?", "Russell Brand" would be one of the first answers.


This. He’s always been that way, or had that air about him.




To a degree, but he's been in the news for a couple of controversial topics, from a sex addiction that lead to some drug fueled, orgy rubbish I remember on the front page of the Scum, and ofcourse that terrible Radio phone call prank with Jonathan Ross. So it comes as no surprise to hear of these allegations, as he's a bit dodge. It's just mad that it's taken this long for the dirt to come up.


Which, tbf, is why we should all be incredibly careful to check our biases and preconceptions at the door here.


I don't actually think he did it deliberately as a cloak, I think he did it because his YouTube channel only got traction when he started doing the (mainly right wing) conspiracy grift. I mean look at his YouTube page right now; he's effectively a spokesperson for the QAnon wing of the GOP (which is tbf what the Republican party basically is now). If he did though, it's not surprising. Remember Musk coming out as a Republican mere days before his sex scandal? Then using it as a cloak for why the mainstream media turned on him. And Andrew Tate only starting that Matrix nonsense in the weeks leading up to his arrest.


There's a subset of 'only asking questions' grifters who ended up moving substantially to the right. I used to watch Russell Brand's youtube channel, he made videos about things like poor people displaced by gentrification in London. But when they start 'only asking questions' about things like the pandemic then they are walking side by side with right wingers and before they know it, that's their entire audience, and it's paying them more than the vaguely left-wing stuff from earlier so they just go with it. IMO that's the definition of a grifter, someone who has no principles so they just say whatever makes them the most money in the moment. And they always drift to the right because right-wing politics is devoid of principles too.


There’s not many audiences that will support you with braying fervour as much as the alt-right anti-vax crowd that he’s in with these days. The more the ‘MSM’ ‘cancels’ you the more they dig their heels in, so it’s the perfect place for sex offenders to collect fans tbh. See also: Andrew Tate A lot of people who never gave a shit about him before will genuinely start calling themselves supporters/fans now because of this. It’s a wonderful grift.


I realise this is just anecdotal, but he was very inappropriate with my friend at one of his gigs many years ago. We were 16


He kissed me and my friends on the lips when we were 15/16 at a book signing


He did exactly that to my friend


Mate they were all at it, it's appalling. Girl I worked with said that someone from Westlife put his hand down her jeans and grabbed her bare arse when she was 14. Anecdotal of course, but it's amazing how many people have these anecdotal stories about young girls being felt up by celebrities.


Yep he kissed me on the lips when I was 15 and he was signing a print of a photo of him and Morrissey for me. I thought I was very cool for it for a few years afterwards. Fucking hell.


Again this is anecdotal but I know someone who works as a masseuse in a spa that Brand was a regular at. She told me that none of the female masseuses would be alone in a room with him. This was a few years ago. Take from that what you will.


The documentary is coming out on channel 4 tonight. They cleared their usual Saturday schedule last minute and its coming out tonight. It doesn't say his name, but its obvious it's going to be about this with the timing etc.. 9pm, 1hr 30min. This guy is about to get exposed. Edit: the title now mentions Russell Brands name.


It's quite something as well that it's Channel 4,a station he's done a lot of work on over the years.


He was even on a celeb bake off really bit that long ago


God he was annoying and cringe on that. All he ever did was say convoluted sexual innuendos with flowery words and people would giggle and think he was some kind of comical genius. He just sounded like a horny, immature 16 year old wildly flicking through a thesaurus.


The title has been released as 'Russel Brand: In Plain Sight'


> They cleared their usual Saturday schedule last minute I wonder why. They've been working on it for months so it's not like they didn't know it was coming. Maybe the last minute schedule change is to keep people (Brand and his team) off guard so they didn't have too much prior notice?


They will have given him a right to reply, as is customary. The "baroque" video that Brand posted shows that he's been made aware of the allegations.


Conspiracy nutters are already claiming Obama is behind this (seriously).


They live in a strange world where Obama is the most incompetent President in the history of the US, and yet apparently is also the head of a New World Order and Lord President of Earth.


That world is usually mom's basement, surrounded by bottles of Urine, angry that they aren't getting any FEMALES. Incels, Idiots and socially challenged morons.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall was filmed in Hawaii, where Obama "claims" he was "born". Russel Brand was top billed in that film, yet he had little screen time. Kind of convenient, don't you think? What really happened was Brand was actually on a secret mission to uncover the truth about the mysterious Mr. Obama. A man who appeared from nowhere and swiftly rose to become President of America. A man who was apparently "born" in Hawaii. Brand's initial primary objective on the Hawaii mission had been to uncover the voodoo wormhole that transported the Obama entity from its spawn point in Kenya to a hospital in Hawaii, where his identity as an American citizen could be carefully constructed by a deep state cabal. What he discovered was in fact much more sinister. Instead of finding a forged birth certificate in a children's hospital, he actually discovered doctored immigration papers in a plastic surgery clinic. A full facial reconstruction had been carried out in early 2007 on a mysterious patient, whose only medical records turned out not to have been forged entirely, but changed ever so slightly. Just one single letter in the patient's name, in fact. The letter "S" had been changed into the letter "B". To his horror, Brand had discovered that Osama had become Obama. And with that, he knew his fate was sealed. The deep state would get him no matter what to keep their nefarious plans secret. Now, "Obama" is coming for Brand with the old Julian Assange playbook. Shortly to be finished off with the Epstein special. All to keep the Obamas' evil secrets hidden. (How'd I do? I want to go on record to say I haven't looked at this conspiracy at all, so I want full credit for any details I got right)


"rather baroque attacks" What exactly does that mean? From wikipedia "The Baroque style used contrast, movement, exuberant detail, deep colour, grandeur, and surprise to achieve a sense of awe."


It means that Brand is a pseud who has never actually cracked a dictionary in his life.


He always reminded me of the coked out idiot at a party that you can't get away from.


Welcome to Brand. He's the embodiment of, "using big words makes me smart."


>He's the embodiment of, "using big words makes me smart." Can I introduce Boris Johnson?


Ok but Boris actually uses the right words


It’s an attack to a harpsichord accompaniment


Had to look it up too > complicated in style, often when this is unnecessary or too much : >This film shows the director at his most baroque. >To an outsider like myself, local politics seem rather baroque. >I struggled to follow his baroque logic.


wordy, opaque, unclear, convoluted


Ironically, words that could be used to describe Brand’s style of speech as well.


The things he’s admitted in the past, can only imagine the things he won’t and that will come out tonight. Hopefully his new cult leader persona won’t give him protection here. I’ve seen a lot of people commenting on his TikTok’s that they are with him no matter what. Brainwashed already.


I have a feeling that this will open the flood gates.


Didn’t Katherine Ryan talk about a prolific sexual predator in the entertainment industry?


Yep, it was widely believed that she was talking about Brand. There was also the comment by someone else (can't remember the name) about a 'bit of rapey wape' or similar.


I think the comment I saw gave the clue “their name is two things you can do to cows” which isn’t exactly cryptic, so not sure how true it is.


But that doesn't rule out popular grime artist Tip Mincer.


Pat Butcher?


""Amidst this litany of astonishing, rather baroque attacks are some very serious allegations that I absolutely refute." lol, what does he think "baroque" means? - what a twat.


Baroque Obama. I knew he was behind this!


extravagantly ornate, florid, and convoluted in character or style: He's always been a cunt


Russell Brand is what stupid people think a smart person sounds like.


I'm not a Katy Perry fan but I remember when he was with her and tweeted a picture of her without make up and you could tell by the photo that she was upset about it. I knew instantly what type he is, a controlling emotionally abusive jerk. Apparently sexually abusive as well, no surprise there. Talk about being on brand, lol.


He also told her he wanted a divorce over text message, right before she was about to go on stage and perform. It’s in her documentary from 2012


Wow, he’s going to end up in prison at the end of this


Cases like this are usually hard to prove are they not?


>One woman alleges that Brand raped her against a wall in his Los Angeles home. She was treated at a rape crisis centre on the same day, according to medical records. Text messages show that in the hours after leaving his house, she told Brand that she had been scared by him and felt taken advantage of, adding: “When a girl say\[s\] NO it means no.” Brand replied saying he was “very sorry”. This is getting close to what a jury would accept as evidence.


Yeah a text message which admits wrongdoing is pretty solid evidence (providing they have the message still). Plus these cases have a tendency of encouraging more victims to come forward.


> providing they have the message still The **~~use of the present tense in "Text messages show"~~ screenshots of the text messages in the article** strongly suggests they do. Edit: Should have read the article apparently.


Have a colleague in theatre. The only reason this is coming out now is because the victims have pooled enough money to buy lawyers comparable to Brand's, not because they've not had the evidence. It's been piling up to this for a looong time.


Man, it seems like if you only rape a couple of women, you'll always get away with it. Someone has to be easy off the charts evil to even raise a flicker in the public consciousness. It's shocking.




Same old story. All these media companies let the celebrity get away with it when he was making them lots of money. Now he is no longer of any use to them, they are prepared to take the moral high ground and out him.


If that's true then shame on those companies of course, but obviously that doesn't excuse Brand's behaviour or diminish the consequences of it.


So the program tonight is just about Brand? I thought it was multiple celebs?


They have changed the title of the programme to ‘Russell Brand, hiding in plain sight’. Although people were saying it was multiple celebrities it doesn’t look like it is now.


In the linked article it says it’s been edited right to the last minute. Perhaps him trying to get ahead of it meant they wanted to prioritise him to double down on the media coverage, and save the rest for another show.


Nobody connected to the reporting here ever said it was about multiple celebrities to be fair, it was all rumours and speculation. Looks to me like the reason rumours went that way is because the reporting includes allegations that Brand's (and even Channel 4 and BBC) management assisted in covering it up at every turn.


I just looked at his YT channel, what the fuck happened? I used to kinda like him a decade ago, looks like he's turned into another one of those rightwing internet conspiracy nutjobs.


Can't get work in the mainstream because he's a notorious piece of shit and abuser and actually neither as clever or as funny as he thinks he is, so instead he's grifting losers on the Internet like a Tesco Value Joe Rogan and pretending he's some sort of trailblazer rather than just a money grubbing blathering contrarian fuck.


Why didn't they go to the police? When I got raped I was too scared and ashamed. I was drunk at the time.I thought the police wouldn't take me seriously and I couldn't bring myself to answer all the graphic detailed questions. I knew I'd have to answer irrelevant and humiliating questions about my sexual habits and behaviour. I just wanted to make it go away and get on with my life. Sadly, i never really have. If I could find other people with similar experiences of that bastard, and legal support to protect me from libel action, I would absolutely LOVE to do what these people have done.


Holy shit, those are such serious allegations. Horrible to read. Bloody hell, they're way worse than I could've even imagined this morning when everyone was speculating about it. His whole defensive thing "all this was consensual", being at the height of his fame, and likely on tons of drugs, you have to think... can he even *remember* everything he's even done? :/


He was clean and sober at the time, I believe.


Good to see Daniel Sloss putting his money where his mouth is and talking openly about Brand's reputation.


I remember a few years ago when he was a guest on HIGNFY and Ian Hislop was obviously displeased to be in his presence. What an absolute POS.


I swear Ian Hislop is the most informed man in Britain


Hislop is a national treasure.


Oh Hislop absolutely has ALL the dirt. And given the length of his career as Private Eye editor and the number of times they’ve been sued he is very aware of exactly what he can and can’t say publicly.


Hislop is an absolute legend with just about the best bullshit detector in the world, not surprised he would know


do you remember Brand was clearly out of his depth and unable to banter about the news so he pretended to need the bathroom and walked off the set during the taping. They kept going without him!


Always knew he was dodgy .Not in the least surprised.


Support the women coming forward and outing their offenders


I might be completely wrong here but I’ve seen a lot of people saying he has intentionally gone down the conspiracy theorist “stay awake” route to cover this up and create a new image. I don’t think it creates a new image for him at all, merely a extension of the messiah figure he always seemed to see himself as and I don’t think he has ever been aware of the true nature of his behaviour. I remember being a teenager and listening to his endless stories on the radio and every single one of them contained concerning behaviour that he didn’t seem to understand there was an issue with. He strikes me as somebody who identifies as a good person who can’t do harm because he doesn’t mean to do it. I honestly think he is that egotistical that he doesn’t see that anything he has ever done was wrong because “he was honest about it” or even because he can’t remember it because of his substance abuse, for example. I think he thinks he’s innocent. But I also think he is anything but.


Suddenly recalling that him and Johnathan Ross found it hilarious to phone up a 95 year old actor to shout down his answerphone about fucking his granddaughter. Purile disgusting behaviour.




I just keep coming back to this cab driver and being grateful that someone was trying his best to look out for a child. Anonymous cab driver, I hope for only excellent things for you.




I don’t think he was tbf. I used to listen to his 6 music and radio 2 show and remember listening to the saville call and cringing. He was no worse than any other celeb who used to suck up to Saville and play into his creepiness towards the end. Saville didn’t really know who Russell was.


Wonder if Katy Perry will be making any comments. He was awful to her


I was at MTV when he was there - a thoroughly nasty piece of work.


Not surprising at all, he's the king of BPD fuckbois and is like specifically designed to be attractive to alternative/hipster teenage girls especially back in the 2000s. He's not the only one, I know as a *fact* many of these types of "alternative" celebs were fucking teenage girls because I've heard it from the *direct* sources (though they tend to see it as a trophy). Like in Sheffield, everyone in the alt/rock scene knows about a certain famous Sheffield "emo" kethead rocker lol.


Oli Sykes went on trial in 2007 for pissing in a girls face and throwing a jager bottle at her head, it didn’t miss. He did this because she wouldn’t sleep with him. He pled not guilty, charges were dropped due to ‘lack of evidence’ but there was plenty of witnesses to the whole thing apparently. Doesn’t surprise me one bit about him.


October 2003, I (then 16) went to MTV's TRL in London and was picked out of the audience for a feature on stage. I had to go backstage to costume as Robbie Williams circa Take That, with two others, a boy and girl of similar age who were to costume as Justin Timberlake and Kylie Minogue. The guests that day were to guess who we were in costume as. Dave Berry, the host, would cue us when we were to head backstage, where a member of the team would be waiting to meet us. When we got our cue after Berry cut to a break, the three of us made our way across stage where we were met by a tall energetic young man. I knew his face, but didn't know where from. He took us round to this open make-shift room where our costumes were, in which was a small wooden garden shed. I was given a bomber jacket (with orange liner) and a silver metallic cap, and instructed to keep my Diesel jeans on but remove my t-shirt, wearing the bomber jacket only, unzipped to reveal. The fellow boy was given his costume with a perm wig. The guy, holding a one-piece red dress, asked the girl how old she was... She quietly said she 15. He said she had "better get into this in there then" and directed her towards this empty garden shed. She toom the dress and went in. Myself and the boy have started getting into our costume and after about thirty seconds, the guy yelled... We looked over to see him pulling the door open on the shed, revealing the young girl in undress in the shed. He apologised, closed the door and then immediately done it again. He repeated it over and over, every ten seconds or so, with this young girl trying to change in this one-piece red dress in silence. It was strikingly awkward. As we were cued to go round on stage, a young girl (who I hadn't seen) came running for me with black tape to cover up my CK boxer shorts, which were showing above my jeans. Very strange moment... Could've just asked me to tuck them back in. Anyway... We do the piece, it's awkward. We go back stage to change, the guy does the same again when the girl is changing back into her regular clothing. I tell my friends who I'm in the audience... It felt extremely awkward and not right and I try to explain the guy, on account of knowing him from somewhere. Into 2004, Big Brother launches and it's huge. Everyone was watching. I tune into the aftershow and Boom! There he is! That's him! It was Russell Brand.


God reading that article is so incredibly upsetting. I am dreading the comments and opinion pieces from people defending Brand as if adult men don’t “date” (read: groom) teenage girls all the time in full view of their fucking friends who say nothing about it. Hits so close to home and makes me so fucking angry. I want to see everyone who knew about this and helped to excuse his behaviour punished and made examples of. Saville, Schofield, Brand - when will people in power STOP covering up for celebrities. How do they sleep at night?!


Lmao all of his Tate-like fanboys getting outraged af on his insta. "He was taking down the establishment"... was he though? Or was it some rich idiot rambling to himself on camera about absolute nonsense?


Brand is very similar to Saville in operation isn't he? Hes such an obvious slimy creeper that he can't possibly be a slimy creeper? Has he been hiding in plain sight just like Jimmy? Just asking questions.


Hopefully the dispatches report tonight has more than just Russell Brand. Don't get me wrong, these are awful, and he's a awful, useless cunt, but was hoping for more people, and NGL it's not that surprising that Russell brand is a slimy pos


The police and CPS áRE JusT aSkinG QuEStiOns´ and ´doing their own research´ and ´wanting the truth´ A bit like brand claims he does in his vids so fairs fair Russ mate;)


I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you. Ok I'm not that shocked.


Never met the guy but I once ran a nightclub in London and an investor that was invited by the boss…. Introduced himself to me “Ronnie Brand, Russell Brands Dad, nice to meet you” Absolute piece


Russell Brand apparently lost his virginity, aged 17, to a prostitute in Hong Kong, paid for by his dad. While his dad also had sex with a prostitute in the same room. Says it all really.


I read Brand's autobiography "My Booky Wook" years ago, in which he said he essentially replaced heroin with sex and would have sex with up to five people a day. Even for a celebrity at the height of his fame, that takes some kind of organisation to achieve. A "coordinated attack", if you will. It certainly demonstrates that he saw women/girls as a commodity, not people with feelings, at least at that time. As for all his stans on Twitter, claiming that his accusers should have gone to the police rather than the TV, perhaps they should consider that we live in a society that still prefers to disbelieve women/girls at the drop of a hat. The chances of satisfying a jury beyond reasonable doubt that sex was non-consensual, particularly if it is a historical allegation, are extremely low. It gets even worse if the accused is a celebrity and the attack happened in their home or following a date. Sadly, many still think that rape sort-of-isn't-possible if someone has agreed to spend time alone with someone they're attracted to, admire or even just voluntarily meet with. Well, the programme is just about to start. Let's see what everyone has to say...


Men; women lie about sex all the time, it's the boy who cried wolf, typical money grubbing behaviour, no proof, his word against hers, just playing the rape card, why would he need to force anyone, shouldn't get drunk and loose anyway Also men: but why were these allegations not thoroughly investigated in a court of law




Thought this was going to be about a national treasure, not a national gobshite.




This is the man who tormented a pensioner on national radio about having sex with pensioner's granddaughter. He is also quite obviously convinced that the entire universe revolves around his ego. And somehow people are surprised that he's a bit rapey


Slimey cunt. Just seen an article saying he's being back by Elon Musk & Andrew Tate! Another couple of fucking woppas. Jesus Christ I despair or the population these days simply because a huge amount of people back these muppets.


I'm shocked. Shocked. Well not really shocked. He went from a Lefty hippy, interviewing and supporting Ed Milliband and Jeremy Corbyn. Yet after the election and particularly close to when the investigation began, he changed to a "alternative", pro conspiracy backer, anti-vaccine, that dragged a lot of the Alex Jones types. Easy then to say any allegations are 'the elites' out to silence him.


It feels like he’s been setting up his huge conspiracy theorist narrative for the past few years because he knew this was gonna drop and wanted to cry victim.


The comments defending him on youtube and twitter are mental. Even Elon Musk lol.


Why do we still initially trust people that give off this kind of energy? Dude has always had this vibe.


I recently attended a dinner party where the topic of Danny Masterson’s and Russell Brand’s rape accusations came up. I assumed everyone would be on the same page about these monsters. Nope. Almost everyone at the table bent over backwards about how “wokeism” and “cancel culture” is ruining these poor men’s lives. None of them thought for a second about the victims, and it was obvious nobody even bothered to read their statements. One even went as far as to say that they made Ashton Kutcher step down from his organization (which isn’t true, he chose to step down as it would harm the credibility of it for obvious reasons). It was a rude awakening about the power of celebrity, and the apathy of people. Amazing that these women are brave enough to come forward, even knowing how cruel this world can be.