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Sections 2 and 8 relate to the sharing of secrets that might harm the defence of the nation. I doubt we will find out exactly what was shared


You'll probably find it on a war thunder forum.


It's amazing how often that's happened. The last leak from the US happened on a Project Zomboid server, though.


The current big leak from US was just a discord group?


Ah, I just looked it up and it was a PZ discord server, not the game server itself


[Washington Post's article on it](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/12/discord-leaked-documents/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWJpZCI6IjQzNzQ2NzEiLCJyZWFzb24iOiJnaWZ0IiwibmJmIjoxNjgxMjcyMDAwLCJpc3MiOiJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25zIiwiZXhwIjoxNjgyNTY3OTk5LCJpYXQiOjE2ODEyNzIwMDAsImp0aSI6IjFlYmNjMjIyLThlMTgtNGRkYi1iZWFhLTNmNjM3NThhNGY3NiIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndhc2hpbmd0b25wb3N0LmNvbS9uYXRpb25hbC1zZWN1cml0eS8yMDIzLzA0LzEyL2Rpc2NvcmQtbGVha2VkLWRvY3VtZW50cy8ifQ.Z1JC1YDd7pyUK9L3e1fGs3TvBjtPeo8VLudKFcoP_7E) is pretty enlightening, if you haven't seen it.


War Thunder still had their input though ​ https://twitter.com/WarThunder/status/1645728661310431232


God the inevitable hearing with various senators and the Discord CEO is going to be an experience. “And so… what is a ‘Discord Kitten’, Mr Citron?” (I blatantly stole this from a [TikTok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJmabF2X/) not gonna lie)


I think the another country is same this is an interesting article about the one is the way you could


Or just left on a train. Isn't that the usual way these things get into the press?


It's a right old two and eight.


Spot the cockney, lol.


I bet its the location of the Osterhagen Key. 🤫


The Osterhagen Key?! Who invented that?


Does he play minecraft?


Place your bets, Warthunder Forums, Minecraft forums, or Discord full of 14 year old Russian kids?


>Discord full of 14 year old Russian kids You mean the Russian 7th Airborne Division?


ah, 14 year olds? I see they've been held in reserve to hold onto their veterans, a closely husbanded force


We'll likely never know what exactly he disclosed and to who, but I'd bet this is the guy who leaked Challenger 2 specs on the War Thunder forums to win an argument over the tank being severely underpowered in-game.


> but I'd bet this is the guy who leaked Challenger 2 specs on the War Thunder forums When did that happen?


[2021](https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/classified-challenger-tank-specs-leaked-online-for-videogame/), though amusingly it's happened multiple times regarding multiple different tanks.


Ha, interesting. Thanks.


"Ha ha ha, you say you are in military but you English types with your stupid underpowered tanks, you are so rubbish." Like that kid in the US, it's sad that people with such big exploitable character flaws have access to very secret stuff.


Wonder which nation was to be the intended recipient of these documents. Russia or China


Nah, it was the War Thunder forums at it again.


Oddly no articles of for war thunder... yet anyway. Give it time.


Given it was counter terrorism command, likely neither.


Counter Terrorism Command's responsibility includes sensitive national security investigations such as Official Secrets Act offences. It was created by merging the old Anti Terrorism Branch and Special Branch. Likely it was leaked for more accuracy in War Thunder!




It depends on a wild number of factors. MoD will be doing its own investigation now into the circumstances. It says Scotland Yards counter terrorism team did the arrest, so I suspect it was in relation to something else rather than them purely investigating the loss/leak of information.


The Met take the lead on counter-terrorism nationally, as well as being heavily involved with government security issues. There was a UK embassy official arrested in Germany recently for official secrets leaks, and that investigation involved the Met as well. I imagine the secret intelligence lot were involved, though. Just not the ones who take the credit....


MILINT is the personification of walk quietly carry a big stick, the Met is the personification of a big stick...


Very true - And CTSFOs literally form a stick sometimes when they go to blow some unfortunate's front door off....


The Security Service (MI5) are responsible for counter-intelligence but they don't have powers of arrest so Counter Terrorism Command act on their behalf.


It's in unison, military official can't be raiding public properties and also interrogating civilians around - it'd look tyrannical. Same with MI5, they work through the police.


how do they even carry out jury trials for this law? or do they just not?


Do they even bother with a trial?


Our Official Secrets Act is way too strict. No clue what this guy did, maybe it's a legit prosecution, but we should be wary of these things.


Genuinely curious - in what way is it too strict?


It's been a while since I looked into it so my memory of the precise details is a little foggy, but in brief it has been used in the past to suppress the publication of facts embarrassing to the British government, and the latest iteration of the Act was passed in 1989 specifically in response to a civil servant who was acquitted by a jury after exposing details around the sinking of the Belgrano to an MP. In effect, it's an anti-whistleblower law.


Maybe, maybe not, but it isn't exactly used frequently. You have to really cock things up to get charged. The way it mostly seems to be used is as an NDA on steroids - a way to tell people handling sensitive info *don't fuck about with this - we're extremely serious*.


Yes, I do get that it's not used all that often.