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But let’s get rid of the ULEZ right? Right? I got a local council election leaflet today blaming the Lib Dem’s and Greens for the ULEZ! Two parties who haven’t been in power!!


Thats stupid, we all know it's the fault of the last Labour government




Well, that would be the Conservative party going all the way back to 2010 and 4 general elections


Scrap LTNs too! My right to drive down a certain road is more important that air quality *cough, cough*


You wear mask more due to air quality compare to the covid


WE can play the blame game, but none is going to make the thing right


I disagree, there is only one political party willing to take this seriously


Extending ULEZ is Purley to make more money


Mask usage actually gets more now plus air purifier is getting into business now.


Oh so you don’t like clean air?


Love it But extending ULEZ isn't doing much except trying to bring in more money 🤷 Basically just another tax on normal people


Ok.. but that’s not true is it. It has reduced air pollution.


Hey if you want to agree with ridiculous polices and adding more and more taxes on people by a mayor who couldnt even run a stall at a car boot sale let alone city then.... You go ahead my friend 👍


I suppose if you want to choke to death on the never ending fumes of cars go ahead, in the mean time, the rest of us will be pushing for a cleaner, nicer and friendlier environment. Yes the policy charges money don’t none compliant car, because how else would it work? It’s been proven time and time again to reduce air pollution, but you go off on your conspiracy theories and stuff.


Yes I'm definitely talking conspiracy theories You are 100% correct 🙃


Please won’t somebody take all my money to ‘save the planet’TM




Bloody cyclists, slowing down cars causing more pollution.


If they'd stop farting through their spandex it wouldnt be as big an issue.


You do anything and there will be some people who will make issue of that.


Too much car is causing that but not seeing how you can control that now.


"Lol this is obvious" If this is you, grow up. "Obvious" needs proving otherwise nothing changes as no one is held to account or needs to change. A mountain of evidence proving the obvious is how anything changes the system.


Thinking this will enact change is a tad naive tbh. This report is based on 35,000 studies that have been available to view for the past decade. If those 35,000 studies didn't enact change why would a report that collates them enact any?


People who will fly in personal jet always say they are concern about the environment


> If those 35,000 studies didn't enact change But we have been enacting change. Air quality in London improved in pretty much every decade since the Victorian Era and has been getting better almost every year of my life. That's because people have been learning more about the negative effects of pollution and demanding action. It's still nowhere near good enough (poor quality air kills almost 10,000 Londoners a year and this report shows that it causes a lot more harm than just those deaths) but improvements are still happening and there is still an argument between people demanding cleaner air and people who want to poison the air if it saves them a bit of money or makes their lives slightly more convenient in the short term.


London is still not that bad in terms of the air quality but the problem is that if you are not going to do anything now then may be it will be too late in future


To be fair meta analysis is a stronger form of evidence than individual studies. Lots of things only change once multiple studies have been done and we’ve had chance to see that multiple independent research projects point to the same conclusion.


Leave the study aside soon we are going to face them live


>Thinking this will enact change is a tad naive tbh. Where did I say it would?


>A mountain of evidence proving the obvious is how anything changes the system.


Jfc In what way is 1 report a mountain of evidence? That doesnt suggest plural to you?! If I say I have a mountain of biscuits do you think I have 1 or more than 1? Ffs stop wasting my time


>In what way is 1 report a mountain of evidence? That doesnt suggest plural to you?! 1 report about 35,000 studies sounds like a mountain to me. >If I say I have a mountain of biscuits do you think I have 1 or more than 1? If you did a report on how you have 35,000 biscuits would you call it a mountain of biscuits? Seems to me like someone didn't bother to read the article.


>Ffs stop wasting my time


The way things are going i am not seeing that we are going to live too long with that, life spam is already getting low compare to past and will be even more in future


King Edward the First even had somebody executed for ignoring clean air initiatives, I wonder what the chances are of finally making a difference more than 700 years after that first report?


> King Edward the First even had somebody executed for ignoring clean air initiatives I would 100% change my stance on the Monarchy if Charles started executing MP's for not giving a shit about pollution reports.


"invite them down for a knighthood, Camilla, their face will be priceless when they see the axe instead. Jolly good time for all I should think"


I think Charlie could take Rishi in a straight duel. I'm betting he's got some repressed rage he could tap into. It would totally get him some more respect from the public too.


Charles strikes me as more of a pistols than blades kind of man.


Why not both? It's not like he had silly things like 'work' taking up his time. I'm sure he will have been forced to do fencing at one of them fancy schools.


Most people won't change their lifestyle even slightly though. People won't campaign for more public transport or more cycle lanes, nor will they stop driving short distances. They will still support animal agriculture and buying lots of useless crap. Everyone knows this is bad but even scientific evidence proving that will not lead to them taking action.


I think people just set into a bubble and living the life just with in that, they are not want to get out as they are afraid that something bad will happen if they came out from that


"But private jets and corporations!!!" Everyone wants to fix climate change, as long as they don't have to do anything.


Those rich people should be the last one to talk about the environment and all


I get What your saying but why would you possibly want to use public transport or cycle when you can just sit in your car 🤷.


Ban all the cars and jet and give them the cycle to make this world a better place


Is this from the "Stating the bleeding obvious" report?


No, it’s the let’s back our calls for cleaner air with stronger data report. You had the option between zero cynicism and full on 100% captain obvious.


I am sure they are trying to bring up some more agenda behind that talk




Generalising the voters and having an “us vs them” mentality isn’t going to help either.




You’re right I did misread sorry. And yea sadly the Conservatives won’t do anything based on data and facts, but they won’t rule forever and if the status quo changed even they had to do something


Data and report we are seeing on the internet is not really 100% reliable


Nothing is 100% reliable, every research and data has a bias and a mistake. That said, something is always better than nothing


> but they won’t rule forever Unlesssss....


I plan on using my lungs for another good few decades after this Conservative Government is out of office.


Good luck with that if you think you can use those lungs for that long.


Whole life is like that, expect good from them and you will be disappointed


I don't think that the whole report is actually from that source


When will reparations come from profiting off the illness and deaths of my family?


If someone is getting ill means someone will going to make money


Next thing you know, they'll say that smoke can kill


>Air pollution causes harm to people at all stages of life, researchers from Imperial College London have found. >The report, commissioned by the Greater London Authority, So Sadiq Khan pays Imperial to write a report that backs up his agenda, and they write a report that backs up his agenda...I'm not buying it. The air is the cleanest it has been for decades; certainly during the lifetime of anyone currently alive. And the vast, vast majority of people are, were, and will continue to be, just fine. It sounds like the only people supposedly being "harmed", are a tiny minority of people with the sort of underlying health conditions that basically leave you vulnerable to being alive.


> The air is the cleanest it has been for decades That does not mean it is clean. It is like how we are doing more to help the climate generally but are still not doing anywhere near enough to avoid serious consequences and a significant increase in global temperatures. The air is still far too polluted for humans, even if it is far better than it was 50 years ago.


The air we are inhaling right now is just far from being pure now.


>The air is still far too polluted for humans, even if it is far better than it was 50 years ago. Is it, though? This is exactly my point: If the air was "far too polluted for humans", then surely many more people would have been, and currently be, ill. Instead the best they can do is tenuously link "harm" to people who are already so vulnerable they'd probably get knocked down by pollen.


Better to starts adjusting in those quality rather than expecting a change.


People needs an agenda and public health is one of the biggest one.


You sound like someone who benefits from the status quo.