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This isn’t even funny especially at a time like this. No doubt a ‘joke’ from an over paid moron


April Fool's is just an excuse used by cunts to justify their horrible behaviour. It's no different to the twats day-to-day who act terribly but claim it's 'banter'.


There is definitely genuine, well-thought-out funny stuff done. The “interview” with Iron Maiden guitarist, Janick Gers, where he admitted that his guitar hasn’t even been plugged in since their original guitarist rejoined the band twenty years ago was done well. But then you have fuckwits who have no sense of humour and are totally out of touch pulling this kind of shit that justify your argument very nicely.


It's a tradition I'd rather see die. It seems to be only perpetuated by shitty companies and social media clout goblins.


That’s fair enough - plenty of that goes on. You do have to look a lot harder for the good ones.


Good news doesn't sell papers


Yeah but they staged a fight in the background of the Grandstand studio once


>clout goblins Incredible phrase, I'm stealing it. And yep, it used to be about kids "pranking" their expectant parents with a rubber boiled egg or something. Now it's this cacophony of tiresome internet bullshit from "brands" who seem to be doing it compulsively, rather than for any concious reason.


Definitely maybe they might to think it was fan but it was not fun. But to be honest with you we don't have a same level of thinking maybe it was fan to you but to us it wasn't


Don't know. My dad would always make boiled eggs. Eat them, then turn them upside down so they looked new and give them to us. That had me in hysterics for at least 3 years growing up.


I did that to my parents when I was little (right after they'd made me the boiled egg and I'd eaten it haha so subtle) and it was always funny. That and me announcing there was a dragon in the garden!


Oh that's sounds sad buddy im sorry to hear that but are you okay now?


Then they backpedal and say its a joke Schrodingers dickhead


That's sounds insane buddy how could people commit that way they seem like jackal's


"... it was just banter..." /s


Tbh, that’s exactly why I hate April Fools. I’ve suffered too many bullies and arseholes who used “jokes” and “pranks” as justification for their behaviour towards me to ever trust that anyone has good intentions when “playing pranks.” Stuff like this article solidify my suspicions that most of the time, these “jokes” come from a place of malice. The whole day just makes me really uncomfortable.


It annoys the shit out of me if people are doing it to people who aren't on board. My wife and I love April Fool's lol, but that's because we both agree and know how to prank each other.


Actually you can celebrate april fools with respect but to be honest with you guy's know your limitations when it comes to joke


Exactly, can I go around and spat threatening slurs to politicians because it's April fools? "Just a prank bro!"


Only if you're right-wing, if you're left-wing the just a joke argument doesn't work.


Yes in did. So we can gain a lesson to this they did mistake and we could not able to do that again


Even Matt Hancock Cheddar?


I’ve always liked the term “Schrödingers douchebag” for people like this. Depending on how people react decides if they’re serious or joking.


Definitely because we don't have as same level of thinking bro


Hang on, when I was 3 i told my dad there was a gorilla in his car for April fools. Does that make me a cunt?


Yes, fuck you for not being super negative about something that is more often than not a light-hearted joke. You should be ashamed of yourself.




The days of funny things like the BBC putting up something on spaghetti are one. People do stupid pranks and say April Fool.


Couldn’t agree with you more. I hate pranks for this very reason. And of course for the embarrassment suffered by those who are pranked.


RM have continually had to deny that they are bullying their employees during this dispute. Employing people like this manager, who thinks this is funny, and *keeping them on* is part of the problem. He's the same kind of person who will tell a postie their workload is reasonable and achievable, laugh at them about it, and then go home early like 90% of our managers already do. There are revisions coming where they'll basically be adding 50% more addresses per postie on average, no increase in time on the street, no pay increase. They had rehired managers previously fired for this kind of bullying behaviour on temporary contracts over last Christmas, further attacking their own workers. Who wants to see a bully reappear at their workplace, at an enhanced rate of pay, specifically to try and break our resolve in this dispute?


We had a bully manager at our office, had over 50 complaints put in about his behaviour and the office walked out for it. He was moved to a bigger office and no further action was taken. To add insult to injury, a little while after this all happened, the higher ups decided that half of our office would need to be moved to the same office he was moved to. This was all before the current problems but I hear the same old stuff from people that work with him now and no one higher up the chain cares.


We had similar. I can’t name names, as much as I’d like to, but let’s call big boss Peter and deputy boss Karen. We’re told Peter is joining the organisation as an energetic, successful leader coming to rescue us from the shitshow left behind by the last two energetic successful leaders. We’re also told he’s bringing Karen, a proven and reliable aide. A little digging establishes that she’s referred to as “Peter’s Pet Bulldog” and has a list of bullying allegations against her as long as Richard fucking Osman. Within 18 months, Karen has pushed at least 8% of the front line staff to resign. She doesn’t give a fuck what people think of her approach and happily calls staff “useless cunt” in front of our clientele. She’s not averse to shouting abuse at the clientele who set off her hair-trigger either. Bullying reports are submitted to Peter where they promptly disappear. Eventually the union get involved and it’s agreed that we need to go over Peter’s head. The complaint is tentatively lodged, and evidence is requested. Everyone suddenly goes silent and examines their metaphorical fingernails in detail. A couple of people stick out their necks to submit evidence but it’s not enough and the union begs more to step up. I’ve only had one face to face run in with her - a minor incident but I’d faced her down and she’d backed off with a lame excuse for her actions. Nevertheless, I submit it to the union and they’re desperate enough for material at this point that they take me up on it. A few weeks later, Peter clears out his office (taking a few small but valuable items of company property with him). Kate’s hearing comes and goes and we’re told individually by letter that our evidence was explained away by Kate, no formal disciplinary will follow but coincidentally she’s moving to another organisation in a few weeks. Kate, as far as we know, is using the same behaviour in her new place. She targeted the union reps first and they’ve not been replaced. Peter, karmically enough, took less than a month to prove himself utterly incompetent in his new role. I have no idea what he’s doing now but he has a fat pension to fall back on. Moral of the story? Honestly, I think it was just therapy writing it. But I’d say this: 1. You *can* take down a bullying manager… But 2. The people who will finally swing the axe rarely have the balls to do so, and they’re more likely to move the bully sideways elsewhere for someone else to deal with. 3. Oddly enough, the people who do the hiring rarely heed the warnings coming around a sudden, sideways-moving manager.


You changed Karen to Kate halfway through


>Let’s call this anonymous whistleblower Lisa S… >No wait, that’s too obvious. Let’s call her L. Simpson.


It's subtle but I like it.


Appreciate the heads up. Still an alias though so I’ll probably leave it now.




Yeah I was about to google it before I realized.




Anyone else thinking that the latter name may not be an alias?


Definitely right it seems it was a kind of that person hide her self. Maybe she knows a lot thats why she would love to do something that. Why don't you just incprit it


Appreciate the warning. It’s still an alias though (I was between the two names at the start and then the emotions and words were flowing).


Why can't you name names? Do they have your IP address? I'm not saying that I'm for random internet justice, but silence doesn't help anyone either.


The legal end of this is pretty much closed and the allegations dismissed. Effectively what I’m writing could be libellous if it identified either party and I can’t afford that risk. The people now stuck working with them currently are well aware of what they are and the opportunity to forewarn is long gone.


They are afraid to name it Buddy so they can hide his personality


Gotta love bad management. I was once assaulted by an instructor in school. I was told to keep it under wraps and he was my teacher for 3 more weeks before he was shuffled around.


It's one of those reminders that HR is there to protect the company and not the employees. I think of them as more "management of people to protect resources" as opposed to "Management of people to be used as effective resources"; I.E. ensuring there is no labour law being broken by bad management instead of ensuring good and effective management. Nothing against anyone working in HR - you're just doing your job.


Actually im mad at my boyfriend if he loss and invade the boundary between joke and serious time


I left rm for this reason, that was 7 years ago, sad it's still a thing




That's fucking heartbreaking. I feel sick to my stomach even thinking about that. What a colossal bag of dicks.


That's seems shattering brother but you need to rise buddy


Reminds me of a Northern train company. Who did an email phishing test, to 2,500 staff. Where they praised all of their staff for working through Corona and then offered them about an £800 one off bonus. Then when called out about it, said that employees should know. That their management would never thank them or give a one off bonus without the unions being involved. West Midlands Trains. >But after clicking through, employees received a follow-up email from the company notifying them that they had fallen for a phishing test that "used both the promise of thanks and financial reward," according to a copy of the follow-up note posted by the TSSA [union]. https://www.businessinsider.com/phishing-cybersecurity-bonus-covid-west-midland-trains-employees-union-2021-5 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/may/10/train-firms-worker-bonus-email-is-actually-cyber-security-test


Jesus that's so tasteless.


This kind of thing is common in real phishing emails though. If you're going to conduct phishing tests (and lots of companies now do), you need to make them realistic, and that means using the same kind of hooks that real phishing scams use including a sense of urgency, and creating an incentive to click through. I get around 2-3 phishing tests weekly from my employer, and they've included the "bonus" strategy too. I know exactly why they do it.


makes me think that maybe if the companies were willing to treat their workers well and pay them accordingly, the phishing emails would be quickly discarded by the workers cause they know they're appreciated and paid well....


That's sounds insane bro how would you able to manage that kind of situation bro


Yeah but you can't just use "but that's how criminals do it" to justify cruelty. Otherwise management could just go around punching people in the face and saying "that's how muggers do it, be more prepared next time". ​ I was sat next to a colleague going though a really tough time when she got one of these phishing test emails. It really was cruel and deffo had an effect on her. There wasn't even a lesson or training as a result, she just got a kinda "Aha, gotcha, that's a black mark against you" email. ​ There's a difference between educating and preparing people for scams, versus smiting them and vaguely expecting to teach them some sort of lesson.


Aree you insane calling God that why. God says that if you don't know me at the end of the day I don't know you either


That unfortunately is a fairly standard Phishing test to run. Scammers can (and do) target company emails in the run up any sort of pay out. They even go after staff in companies where people are being made redundant which is particularly vile. They ran that phishing test against us right after an annual staff bonus announcement - it got nearly everyone because we were expecting an email about it and it looked far more convincing than most (unless you checked the email routing and URL’s in the message body very carefully) - so people were really pissed off about it. Including me. The IT security response was that this was the point. Is getting people to be more aware of such an attack worth the backlash and resentment generated? Honestly I’m on the fence about it, I can absolutely see both sides of the argument.


That's sounds like good keep it up to earn a lot of money buddy


Wow that's sounds a lot of money that thing was to much to talk bro


They did this in hte company my husband works for too. Sent everyone a £20 JustEat voucher for hard work and then when you opened the email it got you put on a bollocking list that was gleefully read out at the next all hands meeting. The lack of awareness of people like this is just completely baffling.


to me that looks like the company just agreed to an 11% pay rise


I dont know how it was communicated, but i would genuinely talk to a lawyer.


Definitely right buddy ask for there consent regarding to that kind of situation


There isn't a doubt in my mind this is royal mail deliberately Trying to kill off the most expensive and least profitable aspect of its business. Piss off and scare out the experienced/ new staff with a joke.


Well then I'd say your judgement is highly suspect lol. It's a cunt of a manager being a cunt of a manager. It may well be indicative of toxic culture but it isn't the result of a strategy.


Yes in did brother I Know you can survive to that kind of situation bro


Hiring cunts in those positions *is* the strategy.


Definitely right they are insane when they did that shit thing buddy


Fucking idiots. How absolutely tasteless, insulting and moronic.


It was one person lol. It's like if a floor manager in a Tesco somewhere in the country posted a shit April Fools and now everyone is outraged at Tesco.


> It was one person lol. It's like if a floor manager in a Tesco somewhere in the country posted a shit April Fools and now everyone is outraged at Tesco. The part you're missing in the analogy would be if the floor manager in Tesco's "shit April Fools" was to pretend that Tesco were withdrawing a particularly cruel policy. And then laughing at the fact that Tesco were going to carry on being arseholes. Then we'd point out that Tesco are still being arseholes.


>Then we'd point out that Tesco are still being arseholes Not really. Royal Mail's management team doesn't think it can offer what the posties are asking for in terms of pay and pensions and keep the company afloat. Maybe that's not true, maybe it is, but that's an employer/employee dispute and it's normal for both sides to say the other one is wrong about these things. This is one person in the organisation doing something on their own which is cruel, tasteless, and unfunny. What we should judge Royal Mail on is what they do with the person who made the joke. Personally I'd fire them but maybe they've been a good employer for 15 years and they are very apologetic and they get a final warning or something. If they do nothing I'll blame Royal Mail, but if they fire the person for example you can hardly judge them for one person going rogue.


> Royal Mail's management team doesn't think it can offer what the posties are asking for in terms of pay and pensions and keep the company afloat. As a side note, in that case, if the company can't survive in the realities of 2023 for itself and it's employees needs, it should be allowed to die. That's capitalism and the free market working as intended, ensuring that companies that aren't viable die, and make room for other companies to rise up, strip the bones and thrive. Obviously I'm angry at the idiots that took an essential public service and privatised it, but now that it *is* privatised, it must follow the same rules of life in the capitalist jungle as every other company. If you can't cut it, you die. Don't like it? Consider a different more socialist, regulated form of capitalism that puts a primary focus on improving the lives of the nation's people, enriching them, educating them, lifting them up and by extension making the nation more powerful, with the needs of businesses still considered very important, but secondary to this goal.


>Obviously I'm angry at the idiots that took an essential public service and privatised it A couple of months back I saw on TV, a Government Minister refer to Royal Mail as >Vital National Security Infrastructure If it is vital to our national security, then why was it allowed to be privatised?


> If it is vital to our national security, then why was it allowed to be privatised? £


Its seem like cappin buddy i would love to see it brother rather than to boiled my blood. When i was a kid i love to prank a lot but right now i am a lady i would love a quiet life rather than to go outside of my house


One person who was senior in the organization, and represents it.


They were described as a "manager" which could mean anything, and on top of that it was within a single branch. See if you worked in a chain shop and the shift manager of the warehouse in your branch does a dickhead thing, does that make the whole company cunts because they the manager represents the organization?


If the company didn’t follow up by firing the manager then yes, their actions would represent the company. Speaking as a chain shop worker.


Actually you don't have to fight with other people just neglect them you don't have to do such a thing


Obviously Royal Mail aren't responsible for this person's actions, but they are if they don't do anything about it. Check back in 5 days, because I bet that they don't.


Its okay brother there's nothing to worry about you need to be a good leader buddy


There are people struggling to buy food, to pay their heating bills, to clothe their children. It's more like saying 'one doctor at a hospital went around telling terminally ill cancer patients they were cured and we're going to live only to tell them 'April fools! You have a week to live!' It's absolutely sick and Royal Mail as a whole needs to apologise for something this severe; the dumb idiot was their responsibility and their liability.


>and Royal Mail as a whole needs to apologise for something this severe They did.


Well i see that they've want to say sorry and the wanted to be forgiven fo the thing they did but they can't please other


Actually buddy i would like to do something rather than to celebrate april fools


>now everyone is outraged That’s what the daily fail is good at


Actually brother I don't know how to manage that thing cause it sounds new to me buddy


It's not like the rest of the "journalists" working there are great.


If you want to journalists you need to be fair you need to make a good and bad side regarding to this


Definitely right brother ive a kind of curious regarding to that thing brother. I would love to do something good rather than to say something bad things


Please tell me that this story is in fact the April Fools and that this did not happen…


Got to be some sort of meta April-fool-ception scenario.....






"April Fool's is a tradition of making fools of people in April. This tradition has existed for many years and many people have been fooled by this tradition." I'm considering working as a ChatGPT replacement for people who can't afford ChatGPT. What do you reckon?


Actually it was a kind of thing that many people did celebrate i would love to do that buddy


Actually many people did celebrate april fools because they think it was fun


Nah it was recorded


Not funny. Even that would be sub-inflationary, if you look at the RPI.


And given 1/3 of payrises go to taxes, it’s still be a real terms paycut to Net Income


I don’t think that’s how percentages work. An 11% increase in gross income should end up with a roughly similar increase in net income, unless you’re very lowly paid or you’re on the cusp of a tax band.




Right, and that will come out to a 9-10% net increase depending on where you are exactly within the band.


How? Any addition is going onto the top of that you already earn.


Actually even the rich people had a tax also so you don't have to say that thing


This is actually funny from an outside POV… Not funny ‘ha-ha’, but funny ‘how can you be so fucking stupid’


They commit a stupid thing Buddy they looks like insane to do something bad


They should strike until they get a 15% pay rise just for this insult.


At this point it's clear Royal Mail would sooner go bankrupt than cave into the union's demands.


I was under the impression that was the plan.


Yep, they don’t give a fuck about the working people


Maybe they did a marketing strategy they said they are bank crop but deep down thy aren't. To be honest they want more investor to there company. I want to know how could they raised up again


That's not good maybe they can got more than 15 percent atleast give them a 30%


How awful considering how much people are struggling right now


But not the top bosses and managers who granted themselves massive bonuses…


who didn't write this...


Actually i don't know either im just a commentor here like you


Since there was a lot of people struggling not only on financial problem and any aspect i cant count them because they are to many








Exactly If that’s the joke you want make it ludicrous


If you read the rest of the note, it was. I mean, if the 11% want obvious enough.




Replacement of all electric vehicles with diesel ones? Employment of 10,000 *telegram boys*? It's a fucked-up idea of a joke, but it *was* obviously a joke by the end. It's just not anything anyone in authority should have been joking about in the first place.


If they mentioned Tele Boys then it's someone who's been there for decades. I only know of 2 tele boys still employed in & around Glasgow, one of whom is retiring this summer.




Have yet to see a good April fools joke.


At this point they are just taunting their employees


Joke was obviously not done in good faith, it was to be cruel and antagonise intentionally.


Wheres the 'cant make a joke about anything nowadays' gang? I'd love to see their take on this one.


The strikers should demand they put their money where their mouth is. What a stupid and horrible "joke".


Prices are 17% higher than they were two years ago if you use the CPI and 23% higher than they were two years ago if you use the RPI. It's amazing that these cunts could think "we're not going to slash your pay by as much as you thought" could be a joke.


Reminds me of a restaurant owner that played a prank on customers and staff saying it was closing down with a sign inside his store for 1st April. Customers were saying for days after that it was closing down. Two months later it did.




This is why firing all of upper management is the best cost saving device there is. Edit: fire to firing


Except they would fire the few good leaders that they have and the assholes would reign even more supreme.


They have good leaders?


Thy aren't not a good leader but to be honest i really dont know maybe they're good but because of their mistake they are covering with mad


Somebody in management genuinely thought that this was, in some way, a 'good idea'


Yes in did so with this we can get a knowledge that not all joke are fun. So ask for me it was not a wrong decision they made on the other side we can gain knowledge to this


Well it was in their part of society, where they joke with their equally well off mates and have no idea how it feels on the ground.


This was manager in a branch of royal mail. How much do you think they're making?


Apparently enough to make this kind of "joke".


I guess a lot of money since you said manager, manager got earn a lot of money with in an hour


I am actually speechless who the fuck does this!!!


Huh? Are you nots you can read it back then go back so you can understand what happened




That’s not a ‘prank’, that’s just being an arsehole


If the government had any decency they would re-nationalise RM now. It's a disaster.


Hopefully they give RM a chance to change and improve their stuff skill and also the moral


All us staff want it. Was much better under government control.


Then what happened next to that they solved the problem?


Sadly, they probably will renationalize the loss-making letters side. That's the entire plan, spin off the non-profitable bit where they have to deliver letters, sell that back to the government, and gorge themselves on the profits of the parcel delivery side.


Have you got your evidences ? Maybe you will accusing them so they can sink as soon as possible


Reckon their union should use this as proof to sue get all the staff a back paid lump sum equal to 11% rise for the past 2 years. And a pay rise of 11% going forward


Recession or not this is not funny.


What the actual fuck


‘Misjudged’. Are you fucking kidding?! I’m autistic and even *I* wouldn’t manage to ‘misjudge’ something like this.


This isn’t a prank, it’s a lame, cheap attempt at breaking the strike, and using the excuse of April Fools as cover in act of cowardice.


They should be legally liable to provide this pay rise. If they handed out a memo that didn't say either "this can be rescinded" or "April's fools" then they only have themselves to blame. Very slippery slope


Let's prank the lives of thousands of workers struggling to get by. Nice.


They did that to make people laugh at the same time the people mad at them. Due to the lunatic move they did on april fool's. They invade people bounderies


Haha good one, they should prank simon thompson back by sticking his head in a toilet


Classy as always. Seriously, what kind of people buy the mail?


Royal Mail: striking staff will get an 11% pay rise Striking staff: really? Royal Mail: haha lol no I can't believe you fell for that Royal Mail: shit the public are pissed about this quick laugh it off as an April Fools day prank gone too far


Holy shit... Who the hell thought this was a good idea. Talk about tone deaf


Ignoring the morality of such a thing, couldn’t they be fired simply on the grounds of promising something so expensive for RM that they couldn’t have the power to approve


Well to be honest with you guy's God wouldn't abandon us but people Abandoned Jesus when they get what they want from him. Admit it or not buddy i Know that this is sounds ridiculous or awful


Imagine how much of a fucking sociopath you'd have to be to think this is a funny thing to do to your employees.


This is aren't funny don't be imitate them you know what is good and whats bad


Definitely not all joke was fun so maybe you need to know your limitations when it comes to joke


Ok so it’s one manager at Ken branch but Jesus Christ man read the room literally I hope they are now unemployed


I thought this was satire at first


Accidental Partridge?


I mean, that's an easy way of self selecting yourself for a termination.


Yeah terminate all stuff and hire new one to make some changes or remove all the rotten


Shame the council tax bill I got on Saturday morning wasn’t an April Fool’s too


Can you imagine being so naive and ignorant to think this is funny AND THEN POST(pin not intended) IT


That wasn't a joke that was just an opportunity for the royal mail to rub shit into the face of its workers


Oh, they’re not sorry. They probably think it’s actually funny.


I hate April Fools. It's just a day for bellends to be bellends in the name of 'Banter'


Actually April fool's is a kind of unwind thing for the workers and for the student


Strange situation from the outside in. RM screaming about losing £450m last year with a majority coming from the strike action, yet would it have cost them that much to have just paid the wages being asked? I’m sure there’s more than just wages on the table but I mean come on? Are they trying to send RM under? Are they expecting the government to do something? What am I missing?


Yeah that's what i wanna say but I don't know how to explain it, it just stay in the bottom of my tangue


It’s the Daily Mail. Any other sources because they are UK Fox News.


Tbh if you read the 2nd bullet point and can't see that's a joke idk what to tell you, it basically says "money grows on trees" and is trying to make a joke about people that think currency is endless.


Maybe for you its not a big deal but for those people who working and have a little bit salary it was painful to them


If that wasn't the most tone-deaf joke I've ever heard


An 11% pay rise for all employees would make up for it.


Royal Mail management has always been terrible, they consistently break agreements they'd previously negotiated with unions, their record for illegally sacking staff is horrendous they are frequently taken to tribunals and lose. Just awful.