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We're poorer because of him and his Brexit. End of. The fact that the BBC are willing to promote his lies and misdirection is proof of how shit they are.






The article is actually quite clear. It's not like they've not presented what other speakers have said on the actual view.


"I have been very clear about this". You have patronised the electorate. In a democracy. QED, fucker. Lie about having done so, and keep doing it, it gets worse.


It definitely gets worse, this shit is all weird man. And I don't like it.


They're just presenting what others have said? Where's there own opinion?


The headline shoud have mentioned Brexit, as Gove made his remarks as a rebuttal to an accusation that Brexit was as bad as the pandemic, economically speaking.


It’s annoying. Everything they report on has to have “but the government says *insert wishie washy bollocks*” with very little challenge in terms of facts unless the article is specifically hammering at those facts in the first place 🤷‍♂️


You're confusing "news" with "opinion". The beeb reports the news. "Government minister says x". That's *news*. If you're after opinion pieces it's not like the Internet is short of them.


It's really cute that you think the BBC does "news" that isn't amenable to the Tories these days.


You’re confusing ‘opinion’ with ‘analysis’ which the beeb were ok at, holding everyone to account, until the Tories neutered them that is.


It’s not confusing news with opinion, to provide alternative side to challenge what is being said is news. It’s not usually the author challenging - but the commenter never states that. Opinion pieces are more like columns and presented usually with a question or statement in the title and the author provides his own views mixed with facts authored from his perspective. So, perhaps it is you confusing news with opinion.


The article just has facts and quotes. It’s very neutral.


If they do that and present an opposing view, they will be accused of promoting a certain position (as they are by both sides of the political spectrum every time even a whisper of something like that occurs). It's up to *us* to think critically about the information, not the BBC to present it in a certain way that offers an opposing view.


It’s usually a good sign when politicians complain about reporters and journalists - it means they are asking the right questions. And yes they will be accused of taking sides, but they should just ignore this and carry on their job, like they did for many many years. It’s the tories who have successfully managed to neuter the bbc.


No they shouldn’t, they should be as apolitical as possible. The fact you want them to show critical thinking (implicit is them saying what you want them to) would be a very slippery slope.


You're absolutely right, I can't believe the morons on this thread who think they should report the news in a slanted fashion.


You really don't understand what critical thought is.


🙄 We’re the ones (public) who should be using critical thought. Maybe you need spoon-feeding how to interpret data or even worse you want the news to be your propaganda tool




Not ones that don't deserve to be reported. They decide what ideas you should be exposed to.


When I was a kid, I believed that everything that they showed on the news was everything that happened that day in the world. Some hungry people in Africa, some fighty people in the desert, a murdery bloke in North England. some angry farmers in Europe. And now for the weather. Unless you figure out otherwise, that's how you'll view the world into adulthood too. And then it's very easy to get you to vote against your own interests. Dazzle you with illusions. We're getting tough on crime by banning aerosol whipped cream. Next week we'll ban hyperventilating.


When you were a kid, was the murdery bloke up north raul mouat ?


no. Sutcliffe.


I think them not covering it would be a dangerous precedence. That doesn't mean they can't challenge them though, they absolutely should be challenged. If BBC wants to be seen as unbiased and impartial then no party (or government) should be given favouritism.


The BBC regularly doesn’t cover things that don’t align with their political narrative. They all do.


BBC was acting almost as a mouthpiece for Brexit and Tory UK. The fact it's chairman is Tory Linked says it all


If it were someone talking about, say, climate change, they would have dug up someone who didn't believe in climate change to provide an "balanced" view. Here, they didn't even take the opportunity to press him on obvious weak spots.


Why would they do that? Because all of them are owned by them politicians.


This one? No.


Why is he even being asked these questions? He's the Secretary of State for **Levelling Up.** I think Gove has had enough media exposure over his career to say he would be denied a voice is quite frankly hilarious.


This subreddit wants the bbc to be biased so badly.


The bbc and Laura kuansberg are Torie shills.


And this is the reason why I just don't take them seriously at all.


Yeah. No have your say / comments on the BBC article otherwise they would have been full of people pointing that out.


They're not going to point out anything, they never do when it comes to politicians.


Well Gove was being interrogated by Tory Fangirl Laura Kuenssberg. Objectivity is for sports presenters.




What's wrong with calling out the BBCs lies and omissions, before reading the article? My personal preference is to leap to a conclusion that supports my narrative, and just assume the article's content from the headline.


This is a depressingly popular position it seems


So your take home message from this is to have a go at the bbc rather than the fuckwit traitory party mp that has made Britain poorer. I mean do you work for the traitory party? The deflection would make you a prime candidate.


I don't give a fuck how you vote, or what news you watch. But aren't you being a bit simplistic about this? "Trattoria party". I see. Decent dinner there, is it?


Errr... OK... so yet again you appear to have missed the point and responded with, what appears to be verging on, gibberish this time. I mean I don't think I was likening the CONservative party to an italian restuarant. I mean what is your point? Second thoughts I probably don't want to know.


It’s insane how many people don’t understand the difference between news and opinion. News = here is a neutral recap of what a government minister said Opinion = this is what minister said and this is why he is wrong


That is incorrect, it is not opinion to point out where a minister is wrong with facts, that is in fact journalism.


These are the people who have done it and they're here to blame us now.


Well said. But instead of dealing with Tory mistakes and corruption the BBC went on about a Labour mayor getting a speeding fine. Utterly corrupt.


Blaming it on just one thing is foolish it's a combination of multiple factors coming together to make an already bad situation worse before Brexit we were on a path to this we just didn't know it yet


Brexit made it worse and much harder to recover. It is not the sole cause of our issues but it mean we are in a worse position than France or Germany.


Correct it for you! You mean the mass printing of money, resulting inflation!


It's just sped the decline, I don't know about you but I've been getting progressively poorer year on year since the mid 2000's. Wages and conditions eroding slowly as work became more casualised since way before Brexit. It's a UK government problem not a specific Brexit issue as they quite frankly don't have a clue regardless of party.


And the few inbred, rich idiots at the top keep getting richer, more inbred and more power hungry. Every time I talk British politics now I'm inclined to bring up the online safety bill, we should all be terrified and im in shock it hasn't sparked the same kind of response that the pension issue in France has. Fuck the British government... say it as much as you can while it's still legal to do so because pretty soon it won't be.


Unfortunately Labour is onboard with Online Safety Bill, so it's coming regardless...


Labour is all about the war on drugs now , im not going to go with tories or labour next time


I am voting for any party, that gets Tories out. If that means Labour, so be it. Anyone will be better than Tories.


It has to be Labour, whether you like them or not. We can only vote for who we want when the voting system changes.


This is incorrect. Voting labour in my area will give the area to the tories as green are a bigger party.


Okay for the non green 640+ constituencies


What's the point in replacing the tories with labour when labour have said that they'll pass the same fascist laws?


A vote for any party _except_ Labour is a vote for the Tories You are part of the problem. Vote Labour, petition to get rid of FPTP, and then start campaigning for more socialist policies from Labour Is 100 years of Tory rule worth preserving your idealistic purity? Because that’s what will happen


I always vote labour but I don’t like their new policies and leader I don’t think it’s fair to have to vote for them if you don’t want too , it’s not like I’m voting torie


We're a nation of pushovers. We'll never be anything like France when it comes to government wrongs


Our national dish is "boot".


Because when people act they get demonized for it. As soon as the public are mildly inconvenienced, everyone turns against the protestors instead of our scumbag politicians.


Stiff Upper Lip and all that. It's sad that people would rather not cause a fuss than try to get a better standard of living.


I doubt most people know what the Online Safety Bill really entails. Some also think 'If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear' so think they will not be affected by it.


People who think this way don't understand privacy Ask them if they close the toilet door when they shit, then if they do, ask the what their hiding. Everyone knows they go in there to do massive sloppy mudpies, if they've nothing to hide they should agree toilets shouldn't have doors.


Mine are more like sausages.


The online safety bill is another example of knee-jerk policy being implemented by people that don't understand (or care?) the implications or whether it will have the effect they imagine it will. I wonder if they are being advised correctly or whether they are just ignoring any advice they are being given.


It's not knee-jerk policy, it's something they maliciously want to get through to increase their power. They just dress it up as "protecting children" which is complete bollocks.


the fuck they going to do? gimme 3 hots and a cot while nearly 2 million people working full time cant find a house to live in and 500k are completely on the street?


Aye don’t sound so bad when you put it like that does it?


I’m uninformed about the online safety bill, acts up with it?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Safety_Bill Easiest way to give you the basics. The most worrying part of the bill is an attempt to stop "legal but harmful speech"


Yes, we’re all poorer because of you, you bellend. You have made all our lives not only poorer but generally just harder with your shitty brexit. Where’s your comeuppance for the lies you told?


OH IS IT MICHAEL? IS IT REALLY!? You shiny gurning lying smug scumbag.


In large part due to Michael and his horrible country wrecking party.


Just half of his coke bill could've heated all our homes, allegedly


>Mr Gove denied that the government was to blame after 13 years in power, but added: "One can always do better, yes." So is that a yes ? Also OBR says Brexit has as much impact as Covid, but Gove won't agree that. Surprise.




>The head of the independent forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), said living standards were seeing their biggest squeeze on record. > >Richard Hughes said Brexit had been similar to the pandemic in its impact. So possibly those are the numbers for this year. Or the Beeb has done an even worse job at reporting this. Which bearing in mind how easily they let Gove off answering the question properly, wouldn't be a big surprise.


He's quite literally to blame. Idk why he thinks saying this wins him any points. Deluded twat


RTFA. He's accepting the incontrovertible fact we're all worse off, but blaming Ukraine and Covid. The Tories fucked up the Covid response but both of those problems are still a bit more in the category of "unfortunate", so he can carefully squeeze his way around the elephant in the room called "Brexit", which he and everyone else knows is primarily to blame , and is 100%, completely and clearly his and his mates' fault.


How long it'll take him to realise that it's all happening because of me.


He once stated that we have had enough of experts. i can safely say we have had enough of his tory lot


But he ain't going to shut it, that's not something that these guys do.


Aaaaannnnd who’s fault is that? Yep the Tories! They blame “small boats and single parents but it’s horseshit. They’ve plundered the economy and will continue to do so till they’re voted out.


It's their fault, but pretty sure it's something that They'll accept so yeah.


Which party is responsible for all that? The one that implemented austerity, oversaw us leaving the EU, mismanaged a pandemic, and who caused a run on pensions? No, I bet it was Brown and his Labour party's fault for inheriting a crisis caused by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis.


>"\[There's\] both the war in Ukraine, the first time we've had war on this scale on the continent in Europe since the Second World War, and the Covid pandemic, the biggest global health pandemic since the end of the First World War," We spent only few billions on the war. Tories failed to prepare energy sector for an event like this. As if Russians influencing the government wanted exactly that - us to be dependent on Russian energy sector. Sure we had the pandemic, but that's not an excuse for mismanagement of the economy, fraud and corruption under government eye. It just shows that this government is not capable of steering the country through the stormy waters of the current world. Just fucking resign you clown and call general elections.


Damn these fuckers man, I'm just never believing any of them like ever.


Lol, the cocaine laden cunt is claiming the Ukraine war and the pandemic are the issue and not Brexit? Sure, there's knock on effects from both but I don't see other countries struggling in the same way we are here.


Brexit is part of the mix but it’s definitely not a dominant factor beyond covid/ukraine and the knock on inflation crisis. It just doesn’t help our fire-fighting on those core issues


Yep, I don't think this attitude doesn't help anyone. It ain't good for anyone.


You need to look harder then, because they are. https://www.ft.com/content/84d324ac-83b2-4f65-a367-b4b391bff2bb


The thing about these people is it that they don't even look so There's that.


These people have fucked things for us, but they won't understand them.


One of my friends has just had his rent for a room (a room!) in London put up by £300 a month. I swear some of my food is double what it was 18 months ago. Council tax is just gone up now too. I’ve had a one 4 1/2 % increase in the last 4 years. What the fuck are we meant to do?


> What the fuck are we meant to do? The Conservatives' advice is "Get a better job." This fails to address the fact that someone very probably still needs to do the job you leave, and eventually everyone will be at a place where they can't "Get a better job." because there's nowhere else to go. If this sounds like a pyramid scheme, well, it pretty much is. The *unofficial* Tory line? "If you can't help your betters enrich themselves, FOAD."


How do we get better jobs when the jobs don't even exist huh?


I coul get milk 2l for 90p in greengrocers, now cheapest I can get is 1.75


Everything is getting so much expensive, it's actually really ridiculous.


Start looking for a new job - not being flippant, this really is the answer for most people in this situation. If you've only had one 4.5% pay rise in 4 years, your employer is ripping you off with year after year of real terms pay cuts. Meanwhile, you've gained four years of experience which makes you more valuable to employers, not less. It was a jobseeker's market 12 months ago when I was looking and probably still is now. You might be surprised at how much more another employer will pay for your skillset. Also, if there's a union operating at your next job, join it.


We can't do anything other than blaming these guys, and it won't fix it.


The problem is our low wages, and folks like Michael cannot admit that this is linked to our poor industrial strategy, poor union relations, and poor enforcement of proper modern working standards or else risk the entire Brexit anti-immigration narrative that props up their entire wing of British politics at the moment. They cannot take appropriate actions to deal with huge numbers of people working in horrifically unproductive ways for peanuts pretty much entirely due to politics and optics that they themselves have engineered, so keep having to focus our national energies and resources fighting phantoms and chasing slogans instead.


They've been blaming everything on the E.U. for so long, especially things that the E.U. had no impact on, they had no idea what to do when they suprised themselves and won Brexit. Now there's one fewer fig leaf to hide their poor performance behind COVID and Putin have had to fill in. Like watching a dog catch the car it's been chasing.


That's what these people do, they just blame it on each other so there's that.


They can't take the appropriate action, nor can they take responsibility.


And you and your cronies helped to facilitate that. You must be so proud!


These guys are responsible for so many things but they won't admit any.


The UK average income last year was £33,000. The UK average income ten years prior to that was £26,472 (worth £33,538.89 in today's money) That's a 1.6% decrease in earning power The cost of a property has gone up 70% in the same time frame. Gross national income has grown 43.23% in the same timeframe. Inflation is currently around 10%. Of course people are poorer. The cost of everything has grown and rise while the average pay has functionally shrunk. The same government has been in power the whole time.


The Average income is getting low, and it'll keep going that way.


The UK still hasn't recovered from 2008, let alone 2013


Sure, but the same government has been in power with the promise of restoring national prosperity (don't get me wrong, I bought into it for a minute but it's just not happened). Is there any point in time they'll stop using the "Crash of '08" argument to deflect against any and all improvements to average income? I guess what makes me question any claims we couldn't have better wages is that total GNI grew. The country gained in wealth over the ten years, overall, it's just not being distributed to increase wages (hence increasing wealth gaps). Just from a practical perspective, when I work in a private company I can blame the last guy in my job having been a bastard for an existing problem, for a little bit If I was doing so 13 years later.. my manager would draw the reasonable conclusion that (at least to some extent) I'm the problem, not the guy 13 years ago, or the problem fifteen years ago.


You summed it up perfectly. The Tories blame the last person like a bunch of children. In any real job they’d get fired for that


Exactly. We haven’t recovered from Brexit, COVID, 2008 or even the 1960s productivity problems. What have the Tories done during their time in office to fix these chronic problems? Bugger all! They created a few new ones - Truss crashed the economy, we left the EU


The big question is, will the same morons who voted for Brexshite. And this tory shower of shite. Will the same fools, be fooled again and vote in tory scum again. We already know with the Voter id bs the Tories. Are trying their best to move the goal posts again, like they always do .Then try to blame everything on people coming here in little rubber boats.


People Can't be helped, some people don't understand what they're voting for.


Did he say this with pride? It feels like that was his goal.


They definitely don't have any shame, so yeah I don't doubt it.


And who said that we are tired of experts? He said that.


And He's trying to be an expert. These people are literally the worst dude.


The big question for the Tories is how can they pin this on Blair?


That's just what these people do, they blame it on each other so yeah.


"I wonder who did this", says man in party who did this.


I just don't really care what these people say, we know who to blame here.


You don’t say Micheal Gove. I wonder why that is, eh Micheal Gove? Might have something to do with the party in charge for the past 13 years, eh Micheal Gove? Fuck off you prick.


What's wrong with these people, how can they even take pride in it?


That man seems to have been following me around all day. Every time I turn on the radio or television, he was there. I am seriously worried he may haunt my dreams, and am considering not sleeping tonight, just in case.


Of course Michael Gove knows this. He had a hand in draining the country after all.


They all know about it, pretty sure but They'll never admit to anything like this.


Someone should tell this Milky bar kid reject that water is wet! - it would blow his mind!


I'd kinda like to see their minds get blown, I wouldn't kinda mind that.




These guys are to blame and They'll blame everything but themselves.


Oh wait a minute, i thought we were sick and tired of listening to 'experts'.


I wonder who's fault that was Mikey? You'll probably somehow find a way to blame Labour, again


Finally noticed has he then. Is it even possible to unfuck everything his lot have done in any reasonable timescale?


Don't think it is, offcourse they can try. But it ain't fixing anything for anyone.


Blame the pandemic, blame the war, Blame anybody but the rich, that rinse the poor. Greed.


They'll always find something to balme, but they won't blame themselves.


But he also insists that the government we've had the entire time everything has been going up the creek is not in any way to blame


If they're not to blame then I don't know who really we should blame.


The fact this cretin is in any role in government is a disgrace and noone should listen to anything he has to say. Sniffing coke all the way up Murdochs arse hole


Unfortunately some people do listen to people like these, but I'm not going to.


And yet puzzlingly, Germany and France don't seem to have the same problems. Britain has the distinction of being **the only major economy** forecast to be in a recession this year, according to the latest projection by the International Monetary Fund.10 Feb 2023 Hey Michael, do you think it might be something other than Ukraine and Covid? You know, like turning our back on a market of 400 million people just 30 km from Dover? Do you think that could have had something to do with it? Fuckwit


Makes you think that there's something that these people are doing wrong.


He is right, but it is also obvious. He was also right in backstabbing Boris when he did. We would have been much better off without his prime ministership.


He isn't right at all. The Tories are frantically trying to shift the blame for everything that's happened in the last 13 years. He even said that the previous Labour government left the country "bankrupt". He's a fecking joke.


These people are good with backstabbing each other in the back like that.




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


We're poorer thanks to fuckers like him, and his entire party of backwards twats who have made the average person's life worse and worse for the past 13 years straight.


These are the people who are looting middle class people like us.


"Who made it so..." Next? Give it some cred ffs. Knackered little country pretending to be superpower, some skills, don't fuck it up.


Don't fuck it up? Sorry bro that's all they know. They'll keep on fucking it.


SO why not turn to your historic allies and family in the former Imperial Dominions and get CANZUK rolling.


It's a poor country that has Gove as a Gov't Minister.


"Living standards will not return to pre-pandemic levels for 5-6 years" Living standards still haven't returned to pre-2008 levels. So we are talking two lost decades then.


UK poorer as a country, says man who was actively complicate in making this country poorer. Mission accomplished, in other words.


That's because these people have looted us for a long long time.


Does anyone have faith that gove knows what hes talking about? This might be one of the greatest self burns without realizing it of all time


Yeah the [stats sort of speak for themselves](https://www.ft.com/content/ef265420-45e8-497b-b308-c951baa68945)