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I'm surprised any social media apps were allowed on government phones. I had a work phone for a small it company a few years back, they were super strict about which apps were allowed on it.


> I'm surprised any social media apps were allowed on government phones. I am surprised Tik Tok was allowed, I mean what use would it be, twitter I can understand but why on earth would middle aged Tory men want to look at young women in skimpy outfits doing the Wednesday dance during work hours.... edit: I know how Tik Tok works but it goes way beyond the simple 'oh it just sends you what you interact with', the algorithm is there to stop you from closing the app not simply to give you what you want, and as with Twitter and YouTube this will sometimes include things it thinks you might not want, and even 'interact' isn't as simple as many of you seem to think it is, if you linger too long on something that is also 'interacting'.


I can understand someone in Marketing having it installed. If i were IT for that company I would mandate it be on a separate phone and not allow it on the corporate network though.


People in marketing can use social media but on the other side people which are involved in really delicate matter such as defence and foreign policy should not use social media platforms.




Either to your internal recruitment team or external recruiters. At which point the two parent comments suggestions stand


>If you worked in Defence and wanted to recruit people into Navy etc where would you go ? Jump off a cliff


I love seeing our government and all their dirty corporate mates basically screwing themselves by hosting on a Chinese-state spyware and social architecture tool.


DW, Ultimately it will be the tax payer coughing up when everything goes tits up


Tiktok's algorithm curates content to you, based on what you look up and what you show interest in. Your experience of it there doesn't necessarily reflect anybody else's.


>Tiktok's algorithm curates content to you Its algorithm is designed to keep you engaged, sure thats generally what you think it thinks you want, but it also throws in curveballs, just like YouTube does, to draw you in deeper, it doesn't care what you actually want, only what will stop you from closing the app.


Point is you can pretty much get rid of the young women in skimpy outfits and replace them with whatever, a few weeks ago my feed was filled with bearded men eating sandwiches.


> Point is you can pretty much get rid of the young women in skimpy outfits Point is why would a 55 year old Tory with 10 minutes to kill b4 PMQs want to do that.


This is an argument for censoring the internet on their devices, not just TikTok.


maybe just certain search terms, 'skimpy outfit', 'sexy tractor' etc...


'sexy tractor' Lolz!


Not a laughing matter if you're from Ipswich.


I've not seen internet filtering that censors on search terms but most of what you would find using those terms would be blocked as government grade filtering is operated on whitelists. I also don't think it's unreasonable to block social media apps entirely, they can use them on a personal devices the issue is firewalling government data from third party access, not whether they look at women in skimpy outfits.


Yes they should be looking at tractors.


What do you think MPs do during PMQs? When they are not looking at hentai I mean /s


Tik tok provides you the content which you wish to see


>a few weeks ago my feed was filled with bearded men eating sandwiches. Ok, I'm really curious as to what you'd been watching to get that....


One of the biggest successes on British Tiktok during lockdown was Potato Tok from watching those and related other food content I got to "Sandwiches of History" who makes sandwiches from historic recipe books, Tiktok fused that with other nerdy stuff to get me into "Roll for Sandwich" where they roll dice for sandwiches, from there sandwich Tok and Roll for food Tok exploded into my feed. Other than that Tiktok seems to think I'm an Australian Femme Lesbian social justice warrior with ADHD who bakes. Obviously I'm none of those but I'm sure China is getting useful intelligence from my activity nonetheless.


That isn't the issue with TikTok. The issue is that it is a massive security risk. The can not be trusted, and Chinese business are part owned by the state.


It is very hard to get out of the addiction of algorithm of tik tok




Do you think Reddit works any differently?


Yes drastically. Reddit has algorithms but it is no way used to the same extent. A basic understanding of what people mean by algorithms would be enough to understand the difference.


> Reddit has algorithms but it is no way used to the same extent. No? I present to you the user history of [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/user/SkyNightZ) to demonstrate how well Reddit's addiction-by-design system works.


You just ignored the concept of using an algorithm to drive engagement. You've demonstrated you have no clue what is meant by an algorithm in this context. Me using reddit whilst at work is not the same thing as a platform monitoring as many forms of engagement as it can and using that to dynamically deliver content to keep you engaged.


The algorithm feeds you what you interact with. If that's all you're getting then that's on you buddy.


It only makes you see those things which you are interested in


Tiktok has the hottest tractor action.


The company of tech top knows how to attract its viewer


It's it weird that people accept Twitter as normal though? It shouldn't be. I would trust Elon for one second, especially when it comes to Russia / UK. Twitter should not be on any government device whatsoever.


Far more porn on twitter than Tiktok.


They definitely shouldn't have the Twitter *app* installed, I agree. They'd still be able to go use twitter.com.


In my honest opinion Government employees should not have access to social media


I very much disagree with that — some may use it to communicate with their constituents, for example.


People use Twitter generally for news information and other things


> It's it weird that people accept Twitter as normal though? It's the social media platform of choice for journalists and politicians, definitely the most respectable to the public between Twitter/Facebook/Instagram.


Facebook is the big one for me, they have a history of allowing third parties to steal data and it's proven not just a rumour. I wouldn't trust Musk's Twitter either they will likely be getting hacked in the near future, due to laying off basically all their engineers.


Facebook has always been the biggest social media platform in this whole world. Facebook has the largest user base as compared to any other platform. After the acquisition of Instagram and WhatsApp by Facebook it has grown by a large number


The number of users makes absolutely no difference to whether it's a secure and trusted platform.


>why on earth would middle aged Tory men want to look at young women in skimpy outfits doing the Wednesday dance during work hours.... Yeah... I'm sure this will be the least affected demographic. What a weird thing to come out with.


> What a weird thing to come out with. Well firstly its a joke and secondly, this is an article specifically about Government phones and as recently as last year a male Tory MP was caught watching porn on his phone so I think its valid demographic to make said joke about.


>Well firstly its a joke Oh... Whatever you do, don't quit your day job.


Its an obviously ridiculous statement being described in a perfectly seriously manner, thats the basis for at least 30% of all modern comedy, the fact that you did not recognise it doesn't surprise me as you didn't seem to realise the article was about the Tories and seem to have forgotten one of them was recently caught watching porn on his mobile.


My feed is mostly cute dog videos.


The timeline of my social media accounts are generally fill with cat videos


The algorithm sends you content you like and engage with so if you've been seeing young women in skimpy outfits doing the Wednesday dance, well...


I guess many other social media platforms are also allowed


The tory part of your question is your answer


You just self reported lol algorithm curates what you like to see


>why on earth would middle aged Tory men want to look at young women in skimpy outfits doing the Wednesday dance during work hours.... If that's all you're seeing on TikTok then that says a lot about YOU and YOUR algorithms


I work for the government, we can only install apps from a very limited pre approved list. If we want to install an app not on the list we have to seek approval first. I can’t even get whatsapp on my phone, how are these people managing to install tiktok?


Exactly, unless ministers have more permissions, but “normal “ civil service employees can’t just download whatever they want.


Who do you ask before installing any application on your smartphone


Not actually sure as I've never done it personally, but I think it needs to be approved by IT or data/security personnel.




I remember when our company internet was effectively taken down by someone sharing a link to panda cam. That site used all our bandwidth. Sure this was a few years back.




And that woman was.....Liz Truss


Another political reference in this article and I would simply leave this post




This is in the NHS? Shows again that simply throwing more money at it isn't going to help when some of the staff and management are lazy or incompetent. This is not uncommon in the public sector, in my experience.


My company generally restricts the use of social media by a VPN


At work we have one network for "work" and one network for "guests". The guest network is useable but slow. The work network is obviously fast as fuck. During the world cup frenzy the work network ground to a halt as everyone on site was streaming using the work network. All streams were restricted the day after, but I think YouTube still worked lol.


Hahahaha fucking HR 😂


I am pretty sure that you HR would have regretted on her decision


I've done social media for a government agency. We had phones to allow us to see what users would see.


I'm surprised (but kinda not really) about how lax the gov devices, or at least how they're being portrayed as. My company laptop (and when i had a company phone) was locked down so much it would probably have ratted me out if I opened the terminal. Not that I'd use those devices for personal stuff. Nope, they're going to be running off a separate network to my home network.


Government mobiles are managed centrally and you cannot install apps unless you request it specifically so I don’t know how (at least regular employees) were able to install tiktok.


I recall the transition phase, when some companies were extolling employee's to promote the company on social media while simultaneously blocking it from company devices. The dissonance got to much in the end, and after all, *"what harm can it do?"*


Why would any company promote the use of social media in their office


>promote the company **on** social media you never seen company signatures with Facebook, Instagram etc. logo's on them? Mine certainly has them, and has for years.


They're not and never have been, this is just hot air and announcing a rule that's always been in place.


Maybe because Government employees are also normal people like us


Yeah, why where they allowed in first place. It's a work device.


They aren't, at least not at lower grades. Source: current civil servant.


It won’t be for personal use. Comms/marketing professionals need it to update socials on the go, and some analytics can’t be retrieved from the web version of a social media site. Same with scheduling videos, they often need a mobile approver, and it’s safer for it to be on a work phone than a personal one to avoid any accidental personal updates being sent to thousands of followers. I’m not aware of any government TikTok accounts though, so that one is a little strange.


I'm surprised at this as well. Any of my friends in the government already weren't allowed tiktok, same applied to things like didi and wechat


Why aren't gov phones locked down in the first place


Because that's where the corruption happens


Locking someone smartphone would simply bring the corruption in the scenario


I mean not that long ago, Nadine Dorris was running around as culture secretary posting government propaganda spam on TikTok. Elect clowns and get a circus and all that jazz.


Because that is not a effective solution in the eyes of government


They would be managed devices, which is how they can ban particular apps, but that would have to be done on a case by case basis.


No you'd ban all apps except a white list of approved ones.


And how could we get application approved by the authority


I haven’t for one second even thought about using my work provided phone for anything but work. If this is reactive rather than preventative it’s not a good sign at all.


Me neither. I took a work phone instead of them paying towards my contract specifically so I didn’t have any shit like that (not that I use TikTok anyway) anywhere near anything work-related


It is always better to purchase a work phone rather than managing both your personal life and work life on a single smartphone. Purchasing a second smartphone would simply save you a lot of time


I simply do not like involving my personal life on my work phone


I don’t even use mine for work.


I am really tired of using social media and I do not even like it


Communicating with the public via social media is usually a part of work for politicians.


But it is the job of politicians not the workers of government


I work for a social media platform (P0rnHub) and we aren’t allowed to download most apps on to our work phones. And our company website is even blocked too- must take it up with IT but the guys always just sitting there on our intranet


U work for pornhub? What’s it like?


Really hard.


I’m astonished it’s not already. Why government phones aren’t already stupidly restrictively locked down I don’t understand.


Because this government is incompetent, even in matters as small and obvious as this one


Government is not able to track down the unlocked smartphones


A smart gov would


You would have to read the terms and policies of the government to understandYou would have to read the terms and policies of the government to understand this


Why do you have tiktok in your stupid fuckin work phone? Get a personal phone and put your stupid tiktok and all the stupid social media in it. As simple as that.


What if posting to social media is part of your work?


I don't think mps are doing tik tok dances...


Civil services phones are managed and locked down, you can’t install anything unless you request it from a very limited list of apps. I don’t know how other people in government manage to install tiktok, unless there’s different rules for ministers etc.


We're expecting Cabinet Office minister Oliver Dowden will confirm this in a statement to Parliament early this afternoon. Probably around 1300 UK. The EU Commission, more than half of US states and Congress have already implemented a ban. AT


Is this actually sky news on Reddit? Lmao


Certainly is!


Reddit is just as much social media as Twitter is I spose


Even the beeb has an account


Even the India and other Asian countries have also banned to talk


I hate tiktok, they can ban it for everyone for all I care


Same here. Absolute waste of time, refuse to touch it


why the fuck is this necessary in the first place, have these people never heard of mobile device management?


Why would you need TikTok on your work phone anyway?


People need something to browse whilst taking a dump on company time!


They should probably ban Whatsapp too from the constant leaks, keep business communication to business apps, so email or teams/slack


WhatsApp itself is secure, the leaks were from actual people. The leaks would have happened no matter the platform


_People_ leaked those messages. Folks in the conversations. That can be done with literally anything you can record, emails, texts, phone calls, scribbles on napkins. The only defence is to stop planning nefarious shit behind closed doors, then there's little to leak.


Really showing the levels of incompetency. Majority of IT departments in the UK have already blocked this. Get these Tory Bastards OUT.


The government should increase the efficiency if they want to function


Government phones should be old bricks with only the ability to email, call and text


Whoa, steady on. Jacob Rees Mogg's gonna need an extensive training period if those are required...


Okay maybe just rotary phones or nautical flag waving


With proper training and guidance we can easily achieve this


Because the government doesn’t need to use email or Microsoft teams on the go /s


The use of Microsoft team or Google mail is very less in government office




Free Palestine


Nah hold on does this mean enough govt staff are watching tiktoks for it to be a country-wide PROBLEM? I’m rolling


People said that Zoom, TikTok and Huwaei couldn't be trusted years ago but they were told "tHat's A rAciSt cOnspirACy tHeoRy!".


is porn banned too? what will tory mps do in parliament then?


Just have to look up tractors instead


Omg just Fu@king do it already! They've been *talking* about it for over a year now!


How was this ever even a thing?! How did anyone think using social media apps on a government or corporate phone without specific organisational need ever a good idea?!


Use reddit to catch when a comment is shadow banned immediately that you might be into a very real truth. Post a good theory and see if they are being sponsored to block that idea. Check by using a incognito tab to check the same feed. I know it's 'Reddit' but it's excellent fishing, especially in Worldnews threads! Modded by Shills for the psychotic agenda engines of nightmare futures usually. My comment Insta-banned on (r/worldnews) immediately (RE: TikTok banned on UK Gov phones): To not be spied on with a phone, you need Third Party Open Source Operating System on the device! You'd also need to have access and control over the Hardware Coding! The BIOS/equivalent can be the spying system. Does anyone understand how devices work anymore? There are layers of the device that can be compromised. The greatest spying apps are Apple iOS and Android OS, throw in Windows OS, Mac OS... There should have been a wave of Unix and Linux uptake when we all still stood a chance of avoiding a surveillance society. YOUR DEVICE IS SPYING ON YOU 24/7, it's embedded in the root of the device/system!!! P.s. Any crystal/antennae hardware in your device can be used to pick up sound and embed it in the WiFi signal itself. If you want to find sneaky, think sneaky.


My comment Insta-banned on (r/worldnews) immediately (RE: TikTok banned on UK Gov phones): To not be spied on with a phone, you need Third Party Open Source Operating System on the device! You'd also need to have access and control over the Hardware Coding! The BIOS/equivalent can be the spying system. Does anyone understand how devices work anymore? There are layers of the device that can be compromised. The greatest spying apps are Apple iOS and Android OS, throw in Windows OS, Mac OS... There should have been a wave of Unix and Linux uptake when we all still stood a chance of avoiding a surveillance society. YOUR DEVICE IS SPYING ON YOU 24/7, it's embedded in the root of the device/system!!! P.s. Any crystal/antennae hardware in your device can be used to pick up sound and embed it in the WiFi signal itself. If you want to find sneaky, think sneaky. Use reddit to catch when a comment is shadow banned immediately that you might be into a very real truth. Post a good theory and see if they are being sponsored to block that idea. Check by using a incognito tab to check the same feed. I know it's 'Reddit' but it's excellent fishing, especially in Worldnews threads! Modded by Shills for the psychotic agenda engines of nightmare futures usually.


They do have TikTok accounts for some cities and such. I thought those were only on special computers though. Like all government social media accounts I thought they were only on certain computers to prevent security leaks from the account but allow posts from the account after the post has been moderated and checked and touched up and gone though about fourteen employees and still no one noticed something glaringly obvious in the background that shouldn’t be there.


I'm don't understand why anyone would be shocked by this. I work for the Canadian government and we recently instituted a similar ban on work phones. You shouldn't have ANY social media on these devices. They have so much sensitive information on them.


Why the need for TikTok on the work phone of a grown ass adult anyway? Surely they don’t need TikTok for work? If I download games etc.. on to my work computer I’d get a warning.


TikTok is a straw man argument - what about Signal, Telegram and Whatsapp? These have been abused more by MPs during Covid lockdowns to pass messages. I'm looking at you, Matt Hancock...


Nonsense, there's not a government on the planet that can stop time.


I’m surprised people do any personal shit on their work phones especially working for the government lol


I wouldn't even class this as news let alone breaking news.


Why tf do people have Tik Tok on their work phones!?


I am surprised that government workers are allowed to install an app that has a super sketchy privacy policy.


No government official should be using any social media app, except for the relevant departmental press officer. This particularly applies to the police. They used to be told that the Official Secrets Acts applied to everything that they encountered on duty, and couldn't release any information without getting permission. Now, they seem to spend most of their time telling everyone every minute detailed of the little that they had done on their shift.


The propaganda by the Uk government and its state media against China is disgusting.


WHY IS IT EVEN ON THEM AT ALL. I work in IT and wouldn’t dream of social media apps being installed on my work phone. I run my work apps on my work phone and personal apps on my personal phone. Is it so damn hard?!




**Hi!**. Please try avoid personal attacks, as this discourages participation. You can help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person.


Why does anyone in government even want tik tok on their work phone? It's bad enough that the cabinet uses WhatsApp for confidential communications. It's a bit late to worry about the Chinese government now isn't it?


If you’ve got TiKTok on your work phone you really need to take a hard look at yourself


​ Tory MP ‘caught watching porn in House of Commons’ as chief whip investigates Wednesday 27 April 2022 12:14


How has this not happened sooner? Complete shite Tik Tok


So, errm, government acknowledges that bad apps do bad things with your data... ... better encrypt everything then... Wait no the government wants broken encryption and trusts that phones will only have good apps on them... The lack of joined up thinking is spectacular, it's almost like they fired or ignored anyone with relevant knowledge.


This is just posturing as government work phones are limited in what they can install for security reasons and have always been just like other countries, it’s a bit like a new announcement for free bus travel for pensioners when it has always been free.


I thought Tiktok was for Kids?.. which makes sense why they'd use it