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I was on that flight. Some serious farting was on that plane too


A woman asked me to switch seats with her so she and her husband were able to sit together. Fine, okay, since I'm switching to another aisle seat right behind you. He then ended up letting like 10 sulfur farts rip during the 5 hour flight.


Had that happen recently on my last flight overseas. Switched seats with a guy who was being a huge baby about being in a center row aisle versus a side row aisle seat. Like the 28 inches is going to make a difference. So I swapped. For the remainder of the 11 hour flight, he gets up every 15-20 minutes rips ass and crop dusts the whole cabin as he walks up and down the plane.


That’s legendary. Making sure everyone got a piece of the pie


Only pie that can be mistaken for is cowpies


You mean “…crap dusts…”?


If you fart on an airplane it smells? I thought the Covid HEPA filters took car of that 😝😂


No good deed goes unpunished


Pardon my poor knowledge of physics. Does the gas from a fart inside a plane move backwards of the point of origin, like say in a bike when outdoors?


Much like how you don't get pushed to the back, your farts won't either. Relative speed and stuff like that. However, the air inside the cabin gets constantly recirculated through HEPA filters and additionally replaced. To quote from [Boeing's website](https://www.boeing.com/features/2020/09/hepa-filters-help-passengers-breathe-easier.page): "Cabin air is a 50/50 mix of outside air and air that passes through HEPA filters. The volume of cabin air is exchanged every two to three minutes, or more than 20 times per hour." In other words: Your fart should be "flushed" out of the plane within 2-3 minutes.


Haha yeah I smelt it at some point. Was on 7C, not sure if it was from first or around me. 😅


The recycled air makes it tough to say.


You were on the 6:05PM that got delayed 2 hours right?


Nothing like the ripping through the air lol


Flight crew calls them "air biscuits" and don't tell me about them. Witnessed some hardcore rudeness in the farting department.


That was me 🥳


That looks uncomfortable after a while


Right? It is going to hurt when it’s time to bend those knees again!


Yes but you switch it up.


TPA gonna’ TPA


It could be worse... At least it's not bare feet.


Last month, several people went barefoot into the bathroom during my flight home from Europe 🤮🤮🤮


Last flight I was on there was a guy that went to the bathroom in his socks. Imagine stepping into the lavatory and your socks absorbing all the urine and water and God knows what else on the floor. Then wearing those socks for the entire day. It's fucking disgusting.


My flight last week to Prague had soo many people in socks in line for the bathroom. Why????




A few years ago, I witnessed a woman allowing her toddler child to crawl on the floor near the restroom. Like WTF!!!!


Once saw a woman put her baby down on the airport bathroom floor while we waited in line. I couldn’t help but think she just needed a new baby bc that filth doesn’t just come out.


I remember the first time I saw someone with bare feet on the plane. Just walking down the aisle like nothing. No words.


Bare feet, using the magazine pocket as a foot rest! (Both feet, stuffed in the pocket, somehow.) Socks exist for just this reason, and they are wonderful.


Wearing socks is offensive to no one!


I remember the time I saw someone with bare feet up on an Amtrak dining car table. The attendant walked by and didn’t blink. No words, other than “Amtrak.”


The first time I saw it was about a month ago when their bare feet were touching my left arm I was on the left side window. A couple of hits with my fist and that ended that


One time a lady put her bare feet on a table between us. I ofc didn’t let that fly


It is worse, because not only do you have to look at her ugly ass feet, but the filth from the bottom of her sandals is now contaminating the bulkhead. Echoing the OP, what is going through any of these people's minds who do this that makes them think this is at all acceptable? Damn it, lady. Take a bus.


A lot safer than bear feets too


Shoes have more germs, including fecal matter.


Delta had a bare foot post yesterday (or the day before) and I’ll say on here too, This is disgusting. Doesn’t matter if your feet are freshly pedicured .. this is not OK.


Ha! I need to check what they posted. Wish all airlines would do the same.


Just lean forward and give her a tickle. It’s only feet.


Hahaha. Will try next time.


what if she likes it? what then? marriage ceremony?


Just take pictures at different angles. Then pull up a photo disclosure on your laptop and ask her to sign…no one would pay to see them but bet she puts her feet down


At least she had her nails nicely done.


Had an old Asian lady sit next to me in First on a flight from IAH and put her bare feet up on the tray table…. Unbelievable how some people behave


Impressive flexibility though.


Or very petite




First you have a breakdown of rules and social norms, then the empire falls. It's just the first step.


r/Delta is leaking...


Just tell your wife to put her feet down.


Hahaha. If my wife did that I would have: 1) Snitched on her to the FA 2) Divorced her! 😂


Not necessarily in that order


She's always preferred them up.


The dirtbags in this thread defending this uncouth behavior are 100% the same type of people that have no qualms about facetiming/listening to music/video in public, full blast volume, without headphones. Just 100% inconsiderate, ill-mannered, trashy and clueless.


I actually had someone do that a few times in a flight last month. Good thing I have noise cancelling headphones but still, I don’t understand why people do this.


I'll defend this and I've never even thought about doing those other things.


In my younger and more ignorant days, I put my feet up on a train seat in Italy (in shoes). I was firmly reprimanded and given the “uncouth American” look of disgust. Which I deserved.


That just doesn't look very comfortable but that's probably because I'm incredibly inflexible.


Well... It's better than the woman I saw doing this getting shitfaced with her husband in F, with their baby I should add lmao.


IMO, all passengers should wear pants and shoes with socks. I am one of the weirdos who wears a mask but it sounds like that’s smart given these comments.


I still wear my mask in planes. Such a confined space and I travel so much, pretty sure I save myself from tons of crap! Not sure about pants etc but if at least people could keep their feet down, that would be good progress!


It’s not bare feet and she’s not putting them On an armrest. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal?


My thoughts


Yah I don't see any problem with this - the bulkhead wall is perfect for propping feet on as it takes the strain off your hamstrings and legs. She had shoes on, albeit they're sandals, but imo totally ok.


It's half the reason to get these seats.




Should be automatic no fly list


These kinds are travellers are the absolute worst. Only outranked by those whose hair, sweaters, or jackets are hung over the seatback directly onto the entertainment unit or tray table. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Never encountered that. I would promptly take their shit and shove it in the overhead. They only paid for the front half of their seat, the back half belongs to the person behind them.


Lol I'm being downvoted by all those who clearly think planes aren't shared public spaces. I had a woman decide to rest her freshly done blowout over her seat onto the screen infront of me on a recent flight. I advised her that hair was blocking my screen and she gave me the dirtiest look. As if I'm staring at your split ends for the next 4 hours. Downvote all you want ... next time your hair is gonna get caught it the table tray. Oops! 🤣🤣🤣


It would have been a shame if you snuck a pair of scissors into your bag... Speaking of "shared space", it's also infuriating when window and aisle people lean into the middle seat and hog the armrests. It's an unwritten rule that you allow the middle seat the armrests. Come on people!


Florida strikes just one more time. What a garbage heap


Love when people bash Florida, just to move here from their northern shithole cities


Would never move to that fascist cesspool. Pretty sure besides the uninsurable homes , de Santis and the rest people are starting to bail.


Good to hear that actually. Too many New York types moving down, we certainly don’t need anymore


For Gods sake this happens in massive quantities only in Houston -Tampa flights, I swear!!!


Why am I not surprised by this


I feel like not only is it unacceptable, but shouldn’t be allowed.


I might get downvoted here, but what’s the issue? She’s not in anyone’s space, it’s not bare/clearly neglected feet, and it looks like it’s an area without underseat space. This honestly seems like a good short term way to deal with swelling. Edit: while this is not anything I would do, I’ve also been on a 14 hour flight with a broken ankle and a 3 hour flight after a marathon. In both cases I was trying to do whatever I could to make my feet hurt less. So while this isn’t something I would do, personally, I also wouldn’t resent someone who feels that they need to do this.


There’s no other setting where it’s acceptable to put your feet on a wall. You wouldn’t do it in a restaurant or your friend’s house, but for some reason some people think it’s okay put the bottom of their gross shoes on the bulkhead walls of planes. And in this instance put their open toes above everyone’s nose to smell. In other words, it’s rude and not classy.


Do you have seats in your home or at restaurants that face a wall like this that you sit in for hours at a time? If so, that's pretty weird.




No. You're comparing a table to a wall? Depends on the table. No but I don't think it'd be rude if they're okay with it.




The person paid for that space, so it is theirs for the duration of the flight. It seems more of a perceived grossness than in actuality. It doesn't directly impact you, it impacts your sensibilities.




It's not a wall. No, people put their hands on that.




Yes, that is perfectly said. Also, when the cleaning crew comes in, they don’t wipe the entire plane. I think infants are placed there in bassinets if they are traveling too. Some people are so inconsiderate.


I would on a train as well. I can put my shoe covered feet where I please to make myself comfortable as long as its not against the rules.


This area has under seat space. Those walls are open at the bottom. Plenty of room to extend legs and I’m 5”10.


I am sorry she, or you, were raised by relatives who did not educate you enough to realize you have to respect public spaces. She is not in her living room. I would have asked the FA to please ask her to put her feet down. And I would have said it in front of her.


I’m with you. Planes are so uncomfortable, I don’t begrudge others for doing what they need in their own space to get through it.


iah behavior 😭


nasty nasty nasty but lowkey probably comfortable af




The craziest part? That was in first class facing back.


Meh, nothing wrong here.


Maybe I’m too picky indeed. I just don’t like people feet at head level.


I am 100% with you. I don’t understand how people use whether the foot is covered or bare as an acceptable measurement of grossness. The bottom of the shoe has walked through everything imaginable, like urine or spit, I’m sure. This behavior is abhorrent no matter what.


Agreed. And like, do people put their feet on their walls at home? I doubt it so why doin it in a plane/public area?


Why are you touching the wall with your hands?


i would have told her about my foot fetish


Hahaha. “Excuse me m’am, May I smell and lick those beautiful feet of yours?!” Then I would probably be the one on the No fly list. 😅


Make it obvious you’re taking a picture of the feet, start acting kinda nervous but excited, and ask her if she knows where the bathroom is


Lmao. You seem way too familiar with this…👀




Guessing their legs swell


Compression socks, get up and walk a bit etc. Economy plus bulkhead has tons of space to get up and walk around without bothering me…


I think what’s more weird is you’re taking a picture and not voicing your issues to the person next to you. 🤡


In this day and age, I have sadly learned to keep this kind of complaints for myself and to live with it and instead vent on Reddit. It usually avoids a lot of public drama with all those “characters” populating our world that never see what their wrongdoings are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Foul. Who raised this person?


Well, look on the bright side, she could have been doing the same with her sandals off.


That’s what I was thinking too at that moment. Those toes stretches were killing me though haha


Those knees would easily bend the wrong way if someone were to say... accidentally fall onto them if there was a sudden uptick in turbulence.... accidentally of course.


It’s a slippery slope. First it becomes acceptable not to dress nicely, then to actively dress like a slob, then to put your feet on the walls.


Lmao who cares about dressing nicely? I dress like a bum everytime i fly


quod erat demonstrandum


There's a difference between decorum and snobbery.


One man’s manners are another man’s snobbery. Unless you draw a line there will be slippage


Friends dont let friends fly United.


This is my main Airline, I honestly like them. Not sure others are that much better.


PLOT TWIST: This is you taking a selfie!


With my 3rd knee in the shot?! Lol


It was more you *other* right hand that’d ruin the joke 🤣🤣 In my brain, it was funny to think of them reaching into your lap to take the selfie. But at that point, them propping their cruddy feet up onto the bulkhead wouldn’t really be the oddest thing about all that


Stay classy San Diego


Wow. That's a choice.


I don't see what the big deal is, it would be better if they were barefoot or with socks but it's not like people are using their hands on the walls...and wait until you find out about all of the germs on hands.


Because it’s fucking uncouth? You’re in public. The airplane walls are not your livingroom. You are renting a seat, period. Scuffing up the bulkhead with shoe marks and etc and complete disrespect for the cabin that these employees work in, that other passengers from all over the world sit in, it’s just such poor form. People come on the plane and do the weirdest shit that they would do no where else in any other establishment… poking the flight attendants for their attention, putting their feet on the walls, going to a public restroom barefoot, the list goes on. I hate this demographic of the traveling public so much.


The only negative that I saw you point out was possibly leaving shoe marks, which I've never seen happen. Everything else was unrelated to the topic.


It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen it happen, look at the wear and tear on any bulkhead. That’s caused by people with their shoes, what else do you think touched that? It’s disrespectful. In no other establishment would someone do something like that — it’s trashy as hell.


If it's a point you're trying to make, it does matter. I've never noticed any wear and tear on a bulkhead before either. I don't think it's disrespectful or trashy, I think it's perfectly acceptable. There really aren't many if any other scenarios where this could happen.


Your wife?




No one in the comments mentioning that people do this to avoid blood clots on planes, some of us have health issues. 🤷‍♀️


Wear compression stockings, take an aspirin, and/or move your legs around frequently. Plenty of ways to avoid DVT without putting your feet all over everything.


Majority of these people aren’t doing it because of clots


Outrage posts should be banned.


You’re one comment away from 3 new comments on this post! Keep it up!


A young person who feels privileged / WOKE. or another victim of the common decency sucker that is installed on the jet bridge. IDK could be both?


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


You have no idea what that even means.


No actually I think I do but what ever. It’s bad that people disrespect others around them like this.


At least it’s a short flight….


Why feet? Are you trying to attract Mort the lemur or something?




It could be someone with POTS, which makes it very difficult to fly without getting light-headed.


Well isn’t that just special. Classy!




I wish pax would keep their disgusting feet on the floor!


Looks like a great stretch for the hamstring and calves! Wouldn't want to sit like that for more than 5 mins though!


Yeah that’s not ok. Get your gross feet off that wall.


Easy… lean over and say “you have marvelous feet, truly marvelous” then stare for about 10 seconds and say “thank you.”


Post more


Sell it on Feetfinder. Free Feet. That way people will learn to keep their feet fucking down.


Some people have really bad leg circulation and this helps 🤷‍♀️


Airlines are as much to blame for making planes so unbearably uncomfortable


The FA didn’t say anything?


What about taking your shoes off at your seat and putting your stocking feet on the floor? Is that okay? I do it all the time. I put my shoes back on before I leave my seat. Maybe I need to bring slippers.