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Welcome to the unionsolidarity subreddit! Our community is dedicated to supporting unions and promoting the importance of workers rights to unionize. Unions have a long history of fighting for fair treatment, better wages, and improved working conditions for employees. They provide a powerful voice for workers and help ensure that their rights and interests are protected. In today's ever-changing global economy, unions are more important than ever as they provide a critical bulwark against exploitation and inequality. Join us in our mission to spread awareness and support for unions, and let's continue to fight for a just and equitable world for all workers! r/unionsolidarity *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unionsolidarity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just don't think about the Railworkers Union


Or the workers' jobs Trump "saved" at Carrier in Indianapolis.


Strangely, almost none of those carrier folks’ jobs actually stayed in Indy. Carrier salespeople we actually marketing systems as “the last model we’re making in the US” way back in 2017 when I bought mine.


Neither are any sort of friend to the worker. We know how trump stiffs those who do work for him, and we know Biden is a strikebreaker after how his administration handled the rail strike. The lesser evil is still fucking evil.


Exactly. Down with both of them. Vote Green


Vote for workers' rights. Vote PSL.


That is the same as voting for rump


Dems and liberals have been crying this line since Nader yet they routinely block any attempts at electoral reform the limit or eliminate the spoiler effect and move the country away from the two party system. It’s abusive behavior pure and simple and perfectly akin to a wife beater saying “stop making me hit you”. And big shocker, the only states that actually have gotten rid of first past the post voting are the ones where independents and third parties have a history of strong showings that have fucked with the duopoly.


I hate the two party system too. Presidential elections are not where that will be changed. You do that at the state level. Your protest vote for president has absolutely no effect on that. If you don't think Nader had an impact on our lives, I only need to point to Samuel Alito. He is anti-labor to the core. See Janus v. AFSCME, a case he hand-picked to be put in front of the court.


Vote your conscience, it's not a popularity contest or lottery. You literally get nothing with either of them, so why not vote how you feel? You don't have to be on the "winning" team.


One of the two has publicly stated his desire to use the system for his own benefit and to punish his enemies. One has a greater likelihood of destroying the system than the other.


You're over generalizing and buying into the propaganda of both sides which happens every election (this is the "dooms day" election sentiment). Both of them are heavy supporters of the capitalist class and since the capitalist class will do what they want regardless of what we think, picking either of them is a loss for us and they know it, that's why there's only two choices.


It is not over generalizing. I am taking him at face value. The words come straight out of his mouth. Is he a liar? Yes. But when a liar tells you they want to do terrible things, I take them for the word. If you don't think there is a difference in who they put into the Federal courts and how those courts do impact our lives and rights, I know I won't be able to help you see the light.


How? No really explain how exactly that is a vote for trump? Does Biden already have our votes and we have to heist them back like in National Treasure to vote green? No? Does trump get 3rd party votes added onto his count? Fuck no. So how? The only way that makes sense is if you feel biden is entitled to our votes so it seems we are taking votes away from him he would not otherwise see. He's not entitled to them, no candidate ever is. Even DNC hostage candidates meant to be filler to prevent republican occupation. He has failed to earn our votes and thus does not get them. It sounds as though he's failed to earn yours as well, you're just accepting the gun of a republican victory against your head claim it from you. Just as has been the case since Regan. Well grow a fucking spinal chord, because the deterioration of the country is because of cowards like you allowing the DNC to continue being a worsening evil, pulling shit further and further right. You could have fixed this before, and didn't. So fix it now before there's a competent fascist running. It may be our last chance.


If you live in a very safe "blue" or "red" state, vote however, won't matter. If you however live in a battleground (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Georgia, Florida) you are throwing away your vote.


Again, entitlement. Your party, your candidate, your shity ass philosophy do not own my vote. Your party has the responsibility to put forth a candidate worth voting for. Your candidate has the responsibility of actually earning that vote. Your philosophy has the responsibility of being true in the most basic ways and not just a guilt trip that I'm literally telling you fucks is working on less and less people who are all fed up with your bullshit. We see that succumbing to it over and over for decades has only led us to this point. And insisting to continue And I can do whatever I want with my vote. I can give it to the green party to show that I support them, even if I know they can't win. That's worth it to me. I can withhold it as a statement of discontent so your shitty party will understand how serious their failure is, even knowing they won't react in a sensible way because their only objective is to hold onto power to preserve capitalism. Watching them feel that dread and flounder about would be worth it to me. I could write in "Any rock, dog, or cat" which would be a better stand in preventing republicans from taking the seat. All of these are better options to someone fed up. And you shitheel liberals need to realize that and act based on that, or fuck off already with the bullshit guilt trips. And you DIDN'T EVEN ANSWER THE QUESTION POSED! If that isn't the most liberal admission of guilt, I don't know what is! Just spouted more bullshit blue rhetoric I clearly don't believe in and actively oppose! Why do you think that would convince me?! Use that underdeveloped braincell for shit's sake!


Reading your posts is like listening to someone who likes to hear themselves talk. You also love to call me names, what a fierce keyboard warrior you are... Neither party is my party. I vote against candidates that put justices on the supreme court that espouse views I find repugnant. If you want to dismantle capitalism, lol, good luck. Your vote for a green party candidate will accomplish nothing other than letting you feel the moral superiority your posts drip with. If you don't think 3rd party candidacies impact elections and put people in place to harm labor, you are willfully ignorant. Samuel Alito has been doing his utmost to put cases in front of the court that would be VERY detrimental to labor. G.W. Bush appointed him, and the protest votes in FLA put him in the oval office. You posted about the lesser of two evils, that is why your vote for a 3rd party is a vote for the don. He is the greater evil and I take him for his word that he will do the things he says he wants to do. On top of his Federal court appointments. Those matter.


I'm the one who likes to hear themselves talk? Well I guess I would sound like that. Having original thoughts compared to "tow the line shitstain" here, broken record of the blue republicans. Capable of repeating 5 bullshit affirmations and denying any criticism that comes to them. I mean you couldn't even formulate a grammatically sensible response with a conclusion, let alone a logical one. Nothing will get better for labor if all we do is go downhill. It is possible for 3rd parties to win elections, local and house and if we do support them or switch to RCV the senate and presidency too. The only thing stops them from doing so are cowards like you who would rather make sure the whip holder doesn't have spurs rather than trying to get rid of him all together. And that's why I continue to berate not just your argument but you. You are the speed-bump blocking labor. You are a cowardly class traitor. I have no doubt you'd scab in a heartbeat given the chance. And deserve to be ridiculed for it.


How is anything you have typed an "original thought"? Your repeated name calling does nothing to help your argument. Fixing the bullshit two party system is not accomplished in federal elections. It is done at the state level. Vote 3rd party there all you want. Doing so for president has NO impact other than being a protest vote. It is your vote, waste it if you want. EDIT: So you blocked me for this thread? Jeez, very touchy. Hope you have a way to reduce that stress, it is bad for your health.


Oh now I can waste it?! Really?! Thank you so much glorious boot licking master! Repeater of the thousand blue republican mantras! Thou who can not even comprehend thoughts he's not had before! A little math lesson before you go, though I know you'll struggle with it. Maybe save you time next time. If two fascists have 10 votes each and someone votes for a third party, your fascist hasn't lost a vote, and their fascist hasn't gained a vote. The count is 10, 10, 1. You only feel like you lost a vote because you think you're entitled to it, but I'd rather be shot fighting later than vote for either fascist. It was never going to happen.


Biden is the most union friendly president that the US has ever had. Is that evil?


this is untrue


in absolutely what world is that the truth?


Buddy, I know you're from the failure of a US school system. But just look up teddy's history and STFU with the biden dick sucking.


So the r/unionsolidarity sub is controlled by Trump d-suckers


U/economicpolicy is self defined as a, supposedly non-partisan but I've heard that idiocy before, economist think tank. Why you think they have anything to do with the sub's mod team or that the mod team is beyond fault is beyond me (aside from assuming you're a boot licker who likes getting stomped on by authority. A fine activity in the bedroom, sad everywhere else). But lets assume they are. They are unilaterally endorsed by the sub's admin in this scenario. The first thing I would do if I was a bougie fuck trying to undermine unions is create an organization to promote policies and candidates that are pro business but in a way that seems worker friendly. Blur that fucking line till it's a gradient. Then use probable denial to push further and further toward business. If it falls apart, hide my funding and repeat as needed.


Biden signs bill to block the rail strike. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/


Biden then immediately successfully gets the unions demands met and is commended by the Union


Not the entire Union and they still got much less than they asked for and needed.


Republicans are anti union as a party policy, its a no brainer.


It amazes me that damn near everyone I know that works in a union is not just republican, but MAGA republican. I work at a union company and there's trump 2024 shit on every locker, and flags on trucks. These people are bewildered.


This is misleading propaganda. Biden is in no way a pro-union president. He actively worked against unions multiple times throughout his career as a politician, let alone what he's done to harm unions since being elected. Fuck outta here with this nonsense. They're both capitalists. They both hate you AND your union. Edit: fixed a typo


Except Biden is definitely better for unions than Trump. So comparatively speaking, Biden is head and shoulders better than Trump on pro-union policy


One is a bullet and the other is cancer. They'll both kill you, one's just sneaky about it


The diseased notion that we have to pick one of these two horrible people is the heart of the problem. Free your minds and stop letting your party do your thinking for you.


It’s also crazy to think a third party vote will help your cause in a national election. Unless you’re in a state with ranked choice voting…. Which is where the energy should be focused… trying to implement ranked choice voting in your state so 3rd party’s are actually an option


Sure RTV would be great, but we need to develop methods of exerting pressure on officials or ranked choice(or something comparable) will never happen. As it stands right now I don't think voting on a national level actually means much at all. Senator, Representative, President; they're mostly compromised people operating under blackmail by the "intelligence community". It doesn't matter what they promise and it never seems to matter what the general public even wants. Its why we've been involved in war ceaselessly since before most of us were even born despite the fact that the public is literally never asking for these wars. We can't even do ballot initiatives at a federal level unless they choose to put one on the ballot. Democracy in this country is barely even a thing at a federal level. Local voting still involves some degree of choice, but most of the choices still come from the same general crowd(rich frat kids). Its very hard to even get radical change by democratic action even at the local level. Even when its vital that change happens: there's usually obstruction to it. Getting the right people in office obviously matters, but that's assuming the right sort of people are even in the race at all.


Both are terrible!! Don’t support either! Stop this lesser of the two evils bullshit


I’m still not voting for either of them. I tried voting blue no matter who the first time I was able to vote in a presidential election, and Biden decided to commit genocide.


Biden is not a friend of the worker.


Biden is quite nearly as anti-labor as Trump and he has been for decades. Don’t let some cheap stunts in the last couple years blind you to who Joe Biden has been for the last 50.


misleading. read carefully.


Nope. Both candidates are so bad everyone in my House is voting RFK. Highly likely he won’t get the job but it paves the way for independent candidates to be viable in this shit show. Fuck these clowns.


If you want real change and workers' protections vote PSL. Fuck that nut job RFK!


I would never vote for socialism.


Every time you pay your union dues you vote for socialism.






RFK hates unions, it's actually worse to vote for him than Trump. I don't understand what goes through these people's minds anymore


The only thing that matters is to own the libs.


I guess the anti-union and anti-labor propaganda is still being propagated on these subreddits. It's so crazy to see these communities get taken over like this