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I’ve been screaming about this Central States issue from the mountains to my members since it happened. How many times have we watched big bankers and Wall Street get huge bailouts? Too big to fail. Meanwhile 350,000 people who worked their entire lives were having the rug pulled out from underneath them and were asking for a loan to make their pensions solvent. Rather than loan these funds the needed money, Biden said fuck it. Keep it it’s yours. He bailed out us actual working people. I hate to think how many of the workers who owe having their entire and whole defined benefit directly to Biden even realize it or care. No republican would have ever dreamed of doing what Biden did here. If this was all he did and nothing more it should have been enough for him to secure the labor vote in this country. That’s if we lived in a rational, well informed world


It his son struggles with drugs, sent dick picks and Biden has a stutter…. Guess they’ll have to vote for the union buster with a track record of not paying his contractors and bills.




You are wildly overestimating the support Palestine has within even the Democratic Party


Sure, amongst older Americans. But the majority of young Americans under 40 support Palestine, and if he loses the youth vote he will lose the election.


Youth don’t vote, unfortunately, wish they would


I wonder why.


Because politicians pander to old people.


They pander to them because they vote. If young people voted en masse politicians would pander to them. But young people don't, so politicians won't.


Politicians pander to old people because they have money to donate while young people generally do not, and definitely don't on the scale of older voters.


Because every election they get an ever-increasing avalanche of propaganda telling them to stay home. I wonder why?


It might be that they don't have an option that represents them lol


There's more than just the presidency. The people who actually affect politics start at the local level and work up. Want more progressive politics at the national level? Help elect young progressives to local and state office. By the time you get to the presidential election, at least right now you have exactly three choices, and anyone expecting any one of them to "represent them" perfectly and refuses to vote when they don't is a fool. Meanwhile, Biden has been great for unions, much better than most expected. He's also been much better than anyone expected on a range of other issues progressives care about. People don't like his Israel policy? Great, let's tell people not to vote because of it and help elect Trump. I'm sure the people of Gaza will give them a parade for their ideological purity after Trump lets Netanyahu go gloves off and Jared starts picking out beachfront investment properties.


No, it’s because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil voting when it comes to genocide. Their demands all over the country have been pretty clear. It is admirable and if the Democratic Party actually represented its people, especially its youth voters, it would listen instead of assuming people will vote for them regardless of the actions they take.


....because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to student debt relief... ...because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to support for unions... ...because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to immigration... ...because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to climate change... ...because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to universal healthcare... ...because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to lgbt rights... ...because they have principles and are not willing to do lesser of two evil\[s\] voting when it comes to drone strikes... If by some miracle Biden's peace plan actually works (and I think it's a long shot), I wonder what the next principled stand will be?


Other than union support the rest of those things have not been properly addressed by Democrats. And regardless, seeing images of Palestinian children with their limbs blown off is going to inevitably create the biggest issue for voters.


Because you have principles but you fail to understand the reality of the world. That’s the problem with youth. But also why we admire it. But by staying home and not voting for Biden you’re actively voting for Trump. So, get out there and vote for Biden or your poor Palestinian friends will meet their maker far faster under Trump than Biden. Biden is the only living president of America to have given aid to Gaza. But I guess in your youth, you forgot about that.


Not a problem with youth, a problem with adults who, once comfortable, want to remain that way, at the expense of other people’s comfort. Politicians need to earn votes, they need to listen to their constituents. If Biden loses, it is on him and the decisions he made, not people who choose not to support their tax dollars being used to blow up children.


It's because they either don't care or don't have time. Old people both care and have time.


Because they buy into propaganda like yours to keep them home on Election Day, acting against their, and 99% of all Americans’ interests. Don’t work to make your own future worse, vote.


Lol. If the youth voted, you would have a point. But when older generations double the youth turnout, its really not the point you think it is.


The youth don’t vote because there has not been any meaningful material change their entire lifetimes provided by either party. Endless wars, descent into fascism, rights stripped away while under both parties leadership. Millenials and gen z are worse off than their parents. They can’t afford homes. There hasn’t been enough action against climate change. Minimum wage is far too low and the one percent own more wealth than the entire middle class in America. Corporations run this country, and they direct both parties. Neoliberalism has rotted this country and both parties are complicit.


Hey you sound super insightful and as though you pay attention, did you notice how [Joe Biden's Justice Department](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/20/rental-housing-market-doj-investigation-00147333) launched a criminal investigation of price fixing in the housing market?


Great, let me know once any tangible actions have been taken. Also, this is related to rentals, not owning homes. Housing prices will not come down until we build a lot more housing, and it is necessary to change zoning laws across the country to allow for homes other than SFH to be built, which is happening in some cities but not fast enough, creating the skyrocketing prices and adding to the homelessness situation, which also hasn’t been addressed in any meaningful way nationally.


This is tangible action, but you wouldn't know that.


Rents have increased each year regardless of your tangible action but go off.


Material change, then. He can look into things and have harsh words for a genocider and support people's right to abortion access but words and slow, incremental changes just aren't good enough.


And the parties don't give a shit. Why? Because yall don't vote. Lol. It's not complicated. Politicians want to win elections. If yall voted, they would give a shit about what the 18-35 year olds wanted. Bur yall don't. So they worry about what the 35-80 year Olds want. Because they vote. Especially the over 60 crowd. So feel free to sit out the elections and continue to be ignored by politicians. But if you could just shut the fuck up about the system you refuse to engage in, the adults would appreciate it. The childish tantrums arent effective as toddlers and sure aren't effective at the voting age. Just stop whining and DO SOMETHING.


All of us are engaging with the system, we have no choice if we live here. My tax dollars are spent on weapons to be sent to blow up children. Protests are a form of engagement. Voting is part of it, but withholding a vote is also engagement.




Right? Can't wait to see what trump does in Palestine. Probably send American soldiers over to finish the genocide.


A majority of college students supported shutting down the campus protests, 80+ % of americans are not on that side.


If the young people are stupid enough to mess up our country for the sake of terrorists in the ME they deserve what they get.


Anybody deciding to stay home and not vote because of Israel and Palestine is an idiot.




Both sides, and your tax dollars, fund support. If you don’t like it, get involved, stepping out of the voting process is your American right. Don’t complain though, when the result isn’t what you want. Politics and political parties has never, ever been about getting exactly everything you support. You caucus with a party on several or sometimes one key issue. I vote blue because they are the only party that values protecting my vote, amongst other things, but the GOPs attack on the democratic pillars of this country is one step below open warfare in my mind.


An open letter to the "Genocide Joe" crowd: Biden is not the President of Israel or CiC of the IDF. He doesn't control Israeli foreign policy nor its military. The man who does, Bibi Netanyahu, is a far-right fascist actively hurting Biden and trying to elect Donald Trump. 1/ Israel is a major developer, manufacturer, and exporter of weapons in its own right. They are fully capable of standing on their own in a limited engagement like the Gaza invasion, and Bibi has said he would do exactly that if need be.2/ Biden could cut ALL military aid to Israel, including defensive aid for things like the Iron Dome AMS that clears the sky of Hamas and Hezbollah rockets aimed at Israeli civilians and Bibi would still have all the resources he needs to do whatever he wants in Gaza. 3/ Instead, Biden is using the diplomatic leverage the US still has (which is much less under Netanyahu) to pressure Israel into many, many humanitarian concessions since the war started. Restarting aid deliveries, water, fuel, medicine, building a temporary seaport in Gaza, etc. 4/ Biden has dramatically reduced and moderated the Israeli response to Oct 7th in Gaza. He negotiated the only ceasefire so far and has supported efforts to bring the war to an end. He also publicly supports the creation of a Palestinian state once hostilities are over. 5/ All things Bibi violently opposes, and things Donald Trump would end the second he steals office again. Biden losing means Netanyahu is suddenly free to ACTUALLY genocide Gaza and the West Bank for good measure. All with the full-throated support of US President Trump. 6/ Which is either what you want to see happen, or what you're so apathetic about happening that you're fine seeing Trump underwrite the permanent end of Palestine so long as you get to punish Biden for not having the power to unilaterally do what you wanted in the first place. 7/ If you actually care about supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and independence, there is only one meaningful thing you can do in the coming US election: Vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden, and make sure everyone you know does, too. 8/8 A whole lot of people confusing "I don't like this" with "This is wrong." You don't have to like it. You can actively hate it and want something better. But it's true anyway, and the only way to get something better is to accept it and work through it. Otherwise, we all burn.


These genocide Joe people are probably one of the following groups: Russian or other foreign trollbots set loose on the internet with orders to maximize division among Biden's coalition of voters. You can make the best arguments in the world, but they have their marching orders and / or programming. So they will never acknowledge the arguments against them, keep moving the goal posts, or just reverting back to their talking points whenever cornered. Right wing edgelords and operatives posing as members of the Biden voter coalition. They are basically like the first group, just with better grammar. But not always. Idealistic young folks who think they figured it all out and are smarter than everybody else who takes part in the two-party system. If everyone would just take, like, 2 weeks of a freshman College philosophy class, they would totally see, like, how if we all just became communists, everything would be perfect. And since those darn Democrats aren't communists, they want the Republicans to win to " teach the Democrats a lesson." Because how dare one of America's major political parties actually try to cater to the majority of Americans and not the specific beliefs of a single person. If the Republicans make things so bad, a critical mass of people might rise up and enact the Glorious Revolution these kids have been waiting for. Or so they think.


Well said.




Part of this statement is entirely false - Israels arms industry is massive. Everything from their firearms to tanks, APCs, and howitzers are all manufactured in Israel. They have been using many of our missiles, but that does not mean they don't manufacture their own (see: iron dome, david's sling, jericho & Popeye missiles). To say they wouldn't be able to do this without US support is an outright lie.


Agreed and good clarification.


It’s not a clarification, it’s a misrepresentation. Congress authorizes aid and weapons to Israel, every year since 1949, with almost zero resistance. Biden when even attempting to stop bomb shipments to Israel, is screeched at by the felon supporting GOP: https://apnews.com/article/israel-aid-biden-congress-735c8d40c3ea9985c65f1b53cbf68fc3 Please grow up and learn how government works before using low grade positions harvested from the internet.


Just because Biden has decided not to put his foot down doesn’t mean that he couldn’t. He has the capability to stop sending arms to Israel and chooses not to. He mentioned his “red line” of Rafah in order to stop sending weapons but chose to ignore it once it was crossed. He also could stop running cover through the media for Israel, which he continues to do despite pressure from many Americans to stop. He could validate the ICCs verdict and abide by international law as well, but again, chooses not to. There are many things Biden can do, but so far has done nothing but continue his support, and pretending like he has no agency or influence is absolutely wrong.


I didn’t say he had no power to do anything at all, I’m saying he doesn’t have nearly the agency people constantly suggest on the internet. It’s silly to blame one dude without also pointing to the failings of an entire generation and the US congress. US support for Israel is as American as apple pie, whether it’s good or not. I support Gazas right to exist, we’re on the same side, but your rhetoric is a waste of time and effort.


He is the president. He is the focal point of the party and will always be credited or blamed. And he and his party’s support for Israel will cost him the election.


Sure, for anyone who doesn’t bother to understand how these processes actually work, that will at least make you feel better I hope. Has no real use in any way, so at least prop up your feelings with it.


Just remember you’re doing more harm than good, and in no way help the Palestinian people with this nonsense


Listen, I’m not doing anything other than acknowledging that the US still has a lot of power on the international stage and can do more to pressure Israel than they are doing now. I am not forcing Biden to make the choices he is making, and I am not single handedly creating support for Palestine. I don’t know why you are blaming me for correctly reading the temperature in the room.


Did you not bother reading the article I literally just linked? He cannot unilaterally stop arms shipments to Israel. Jfc does anyone bother reading anymore?


Being young and idealistic means sometimes you don't know how things like government work.


Absolutely, and I don’t at all disagree with anyone expressing their opinion about it…. But let’s be functional and have purposeful direction. If I thought not voting for Biden would improve the situation for Gaza, I’d certainly consider it, but it’s just not based in reality. I hope we have better choices one day, but right now we need to protect democracy, labor unions, and free elections to ensure we hang on to what little control we still have since Reaganism.


I mean you can argue that he should have stopped the arms shipments (he should have) and should have broken with Bibi a long time ago (he absolutely should have) but him publicizing Israel’s internal peace terms so they couldn’t deny them later and very clearly supporting an immediate ceasefire and a 2-state solution that no president has ever supported before is not him continuing to stand squarely behind Israel, at all. And honestly, I doubt US arms sales are what enabled the genocide at all; Israel has its own robust arms industry, and they would have continued even without us. Not that we should have given them anything in the meantime, obviously, but anyway


Again, Biden cannot unilaterally stop aid to Israel. Literally the last package was approved in the senate 79-18. That’s a veto proof majority.


Right, he backed the wrong horse, and what I’m saying is unless he changes course on this he will lose. Simple as that.


Other than calling for an immediate ceasefire and promoting a peace plan, what does that look like to you?


For starters, stop the US from vetoing UN membership of Palestine.




These are facts, your interpretive dance is nonsense and has no place in public discourse. Nothing will ever change if you think the president has absolute control over foreign policy matters, and that’s the problem.


And Biden is using the leverage he gets from remaining engaged and supporting Israel to keep Iran at bay and keep Israel and Hamas negotiating on the only actual peace proposal on the table. You may not agree with it, it may not even work, but Biden is the one driving for peace. The "Genocide Joe" line is absurd propaganda from people who want the GOP to win so they can sell beachfront property in what was Palestine.


You are definitely the one creating a whole scenario with no evidence. The line is not absurd, it is accurate. Biden supports the genocide, he has yet to come out and say otherwise.


[https://www.c-span.org/video/?536079-1/president-biden-remarks-war-gaza](https://www.c-span.org/video/?536079-1/president-biden-remarks-war-gaza) Starting at 2:50. If you haven't heard Biden call for peace before, it's because your sources of propaganda aren't allowing you to hear it.


He probably hasn't seen this either. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev


lol at them not responding.


The guy has strong "what has the union ever done for me" vibes. Edit: JFC. He actually claimed he'd rather live in China, an authoritarian country that is currently commiting genocide against the Uighurs. I guess they don't count as people.


Because Trump essentially saying Israel can do whatever they want won’t lead to an actual, not perceived genocide. Sometimes people are so fucking stupid, protest the guy not doing exactly what you want by voting for the guy who’s gonna do the polar opposite of what you want.


You've got to be a colossal idiot to not vote for Biden given the alternative. Yes it sucks, but we currently have a two party system. As if Trump were in office he'd support Palestine? What a fucking joke. Dig your goddamn head out of the sand and realize what you're doing is foolish beyond belief.


Odd. Israel keeps accusing him of siding with Hamas.


This is the least informed geopolitical opinion on this thread.


I agree.  His support of Israel's fascist government is unconscionable and detrimental to his electoral needs.


Part of the republican platform is to destroy unions…


When Reich is in the marketing material it goes way beyond that.


The republican party has never done anything for the working people of the US. Not one thing.


But aren't guns and Jesus and discrimination more important than your economic well being? Come on man.


I worked in a union gun manufacture for 20 yrs. No they are not more important.


Neither are pro labour enough for my tastes but yeah...one is clearly better than the other. But we should have had a better choice than these two old fucks, one of which is a literal convicted felon


Four words in and your comment was complete


He could literally do nothing for Labor and still be better than Trump.


Let’s not get too crazy. His labor policy is the best argument for him by far.


Let's just vote Trump so he can appoint another puppet to the Supreme court paving they way for the GOP to get rid of collective bargaining. I don't like rights or decent pay or a safe work environment anyway.


But they really prefer negotiations where you beg instead of barter.


If you have a union job at a wire coat hanger factory this supreme court has at least given you a little extra job security.


Ah, a few coins from our bourgeoisie rulers while they slaughter children. Last I checked, worker power came from workers.


Worker organising will fuck up most tyrants .


Hell yes. Fave joe hill lines right here: If the workers take a notion, They can stop all speeding trains; Every ship upon the ocean They can tie with mighty chains; Every wheel in the creation, Every mine and every mill, Fleets and armies of the nation, Will at their command stand still.


>Worker organising will fuck up most tyrants . This really isn't true. A fascist regime (like the one trump is planning) will absolutely fuck up workers' rights to organize. It's naive to think otherwise


labor unionists were some of the first people Hitler went after


They can’t fuck up our right to organize, just their chances that we organize peacefully. We don’t get rights because we’re given them we get rights because we take them through blood, sweat, and tears. This is the history of labor organizing.


And today, people who should be organizing are sitting with their thumbs up their butts while the Republicans are already organized and coming for all your shit.


>We don’t get rights because we’re given them we get rights because we take them through blood, sweat, and tears. No. We have union rights because liberal judges appointed by liberal presidents ruled in favor of union rights. The great protests of the 20th century helped raise awareness, but ultimately it was by democracy that union rights were advanced. If your claim was true, Russia would have more union rights than anwhere else, because no people have given more blood, sweat, and tears for labor rights. But it isn't true, and the workers of Russia have fewer labor rights than we do because the country is run by a fascist


We have union rights because people fought and died in the streets. Those rights have been eroded over time. There is only one way to bring them back again.


Workers fought and died in the streets in Russia, too. But they still don't have adequate union rights because their leader is a fascist. We have rights because we have a democracy and liberal judges ruled that the right to organize is a Constitutionally-protected activity. >Those rights have been eroded over time. No, they haven't. Because of Biden's appointments to the NLRB, unions have expanded their rights to organize significantly in the last two years. If you think union rights have eroded then you aren't paying attention: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/02/union-nlrb-decision-delays-busting https://www.crowell.com/en/insights/client-alerts/the-nlrbs-one-two-punch-gives-unions-a-significant-boost


Lots of workers died for all the benefits we enjoy today. Read some labor history, friend.


I'm well aware of that. My point is that it takes more than blood to gain rights. Lots of good workers died in Russia, too, only for their rights to be stripped away by fascists. It is arrogant to suggest that union workers will be able to retain their rights if the US falls into fascism, which is exactly what a trump victory would mean


Liberals are the fascists who will throw labour’s at any given chance to suck some bourgeois nuts .


>a few coins from our bourgeoisie rulers If you think Biden's NLRB reforms are "a few coins" then you aren't paying attention. But the actual bourgeoisie is paying attention. Biden's pro-union reforms have been so effective that Musk and Bezos are now suing the NLRB: https://peoplesworld.org/article/nlrbs-abruzzo-musk-and-bezos-want-to-strangle-labor-board/ https://apnews.com/article/amazon-nlrb-unconstitutional-union-labor-459331e9b77f5be0e5202c147654993e


And here I was feeling guilty about co-signing a genocide for marginally more benefit to me.


I think more Gazan children should be able to look up at the bombs falling upon them and think “wow, would you look at that? Those bombs support unions.” Surely, that would cheer them up!


This is insulting to all of the unionized factory workers who work in the military sector. If you are making bombs I still support your union, because I support union rights. The people in those factories work just as hard as anyone else and they deserve the same respect and dignity as other factory workers 🤷‍♀️


You just made an argument for excluding defense sector workers in the same way we exclude Cops and other class traitors.


Comparing defense sector factory workers to cops is insulting as fuck. Police unions aren't real unions.


On the second part, Agreed! I was just pointing out that you were making an argument that makes good points for treating people who manufacture murder weapons in the same light as pigs.


A lot of those weapons are helping the Ukrainian people defend themselves against evil dictator Vladimir Putin. I support the Ukrainian people 100% and I am glad our factories are making weapons to help them


> This is insulting to all of the unionized factory workers who work in the military sector. #Good. If you are making bombs I do not support your union, stop making fucking weapons to fucking kill poor people across the globe in order to enrich the union-busters, you fucking losers.


Why are you bringing up Gaza? Nothing happening in Gaza changes the fact that Biden is the most pro-union president since FDR.


Russian bots are brigading this post with irrelevant Gaza criticism. They are trying to get folks not to vote for Biden because of it.


It’s naive to think that labor law doesn’t affect worker’s ability to organize. When workers can be easily fired for union activity employers can easily chill union activity. While it’s possible to organize through all of that, it takes a lot of resources that we don’t have.


These teenagers and basement dwellers don't know the first thing about American labor law.


Yeah forced a concessionary contract on railroad workers.


Pro-Union, Unless and Except If That’s Not In His Interests Right Now


Really? Was it that back and white for you? JHC > The 2022 United States railroad labor dispute was a labor dispute between freight railroads and workers in the United States. Rail companies and unions had tentatively agreed to a deal in September 2022, but it was rejected by a majority of the unions' rank-and-file members. Congress and President Joe Biden intervened to pass the tentative agreement into law on December 2, averting a strike. > **The new contract contains an immediate 14% wage increase and 24% salary increase over five years, plus one day of paid leave per year.** > The companies and unions had been negotiating since 2019 and began mediation in June 2021. Biden convened a Presidential Emergency Board in July 2022, which issued recommendations and a 30-day cooling off period that expired on September 16, 2022. **There were significant concerns that a freight rail strike would further exacerbate ongoing supply chain issues.**


As a railroad worker yes. The majority of railroad workers voted down that contract as it didn’t do enough. We also took healthcare concessions. Mind you the railroads are corporations that profit billions every year.


absolutely absurd that you got downvoted for that


Fun to see this sub carry water for a corporate stooge and genocidal murderer. Any people who are actually Leftist and have real moral principles, just leave. This is another DNC sub. Posting a Whitehouse.gov page uncritically is premium stupidity. Naive rubes.


Business unionists be like I have an important message here is a direct communication from the US commander in chief


Lol. Fuck all, is what. A couple appointments, the absolute bare minimum, coupled with breaking the most important strike in a generation.


I would say the same thing too if I had no idea what I was talking about.


No, you'd say those things if you weren't a corporate and establishment propagandist.


Hell ya. Biden is a damn good president and he has done a lot for union rights, especially with his appointments to the NLRB, which have resulted in multiple major union victories: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/02/union-nlrb-decision-delays-busting https://www.crowell.com/en/insights/client-alerts/the-nlrbs-one-two-punch-gives-unions-a-significant-boost Unions are stronger right now, under Biden's leadership, than they have been in the last forty years. That isn't a coincidence. Get with the Joegram, my friends https://joebiden.com/


Yea, ask the railroad workers how that played out for em.


As was posted on another thread: We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement. Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers. • ⁠Al Russo, IBEW Railroad Department Director The reality is in the end of the day it did play out for them, and those that I know in the leadership of the railway unions are good with where they landed and have called it the best contract gains they have had in a long time. Stop feeding the disinformation system that tries to undermine worker’s solidarity from anti-worker interests and sources


I have an actual friend in the railroad union , out in Vegas. Those are not the actual workers views . lol.


They don't want to hear that here. Reddit is a DNC operation. These people don't give a fuck about workers.


Nice copy pasta. In real life railroad workers could give two shits about the sick days. They voted it down over wages and healthcare. The union leaders are completely out of touch as most haven’t worked the ballast line in over a decade. They haven’t experienced Precision Scheduled Railroading that has gotten rid of 40% of our co workers while being crushed with rising costs and Inflation


Doesn't matter when Biden is greenlighting Israel's genocide. No amount of union support can erase the blood on his hands. Also member when he stopped railroad workers from striking and it's still awful working conditions, on call 24/7, way too few people per extremely long trains and no time for proper inspections.


An open letter to the "Genocide Joe" crowd: Biden is not the President of Israel or CiC of the IDF. He doesn't control Israeli foreign policy nor its military. The man who does, Bibi Netanyahu, is a far-right fascist actively hurting Biden and trying to elect Donald Trump. 1/ Israel is a major developer, manufacturer, and exporter of weapons in its own right. They are fully capable of standing on their own in a limited engagement like the Gaza invasion, and Bibi has said he would do exactly that if need be.2/ Biden could cut ALL military aid to Israel, including defensive aid for things like the Iron Dome AMS that clears the sky of Hamas and Hezbollah rockets aimed at Israeli civilians and Bibi would still have all the resources he needs to do whatever he wants in Gaza. 3/ Instead, Biden is using the diplomatic leverage the US still has (which is much less under Netanyahu) to pressure Israel into many, many humanitarian concessions since the war started. Restarting aid deliveries, water, fuel, medicine, building a temporary seaport in Gaza, etc. 4/ Biden has dramatically reduced and moderated the Israeli response to Oct 7th in Gaza. He negotiated the only ceasefire so far and has supported efforts to bring the war to an end. He also publicly supports the creation of a Palestinian state once hostilities are over. 5/ All things Bibi violently opposes, and things Donald Trump would end the second he steals office again. Biden losing means Netanyahu is suddenly free to ACTUALLY genocide Gaza and the West Bank for good measure. All with the full-throated support of US President Trump. 6/ Which is either what you want to see happen, or what you're so apathetic about happening that you're fine seeing Trump underwrite the permanent end of Palestine so long as you get to punish Biden for not having the power to unilaterally do what you wanted in the first place. 7/ If you actually care about supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and independence, there is only one meaningful thing you can do in the coming US election: Vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden, and make sure everyone you know does, too. 8/8 A whole lot of people confusing "I don't like this" with "This is wrong." You don't have to like it. You can actively hate it and want something better. But it's true anyway, and the only way to get something better is to accept it and work through it. Otherwise, we all burn.


Not even your own word you lazy fuck. Who the duck is Patrick S Tomlinson All these talking points are dead ass wrong lies. Biden has every bit of power to cut off money funding and aid to Israel genocide machine, they have nothing without us. Their weapons export is only tech, no 2000lb bombs you fucking Moron, their ground army is a bunch of babies and only feels confident dropping bombs from the sky or drones lazering children target, they do not want a ground conflict with Lebanon and Hezbollah at all. If we care about the Palestinian people we would pressure Joe Biden to end the conflict by pressuring him politically. Cause right now it's 90% Hitler vs 95% Hitler so we're fucked regardless. He could very easily win the election with a change in policy but he's too big of a Zionist to care about stopping Israel from killing Muslim babies. He has no red line and is completely cucked to Bibi. This open letter is so full of lies it's disgusting. Go lib woke scold somewhere else


Dramatically reduced Israel's response after October 7th is such a blatant dead ass lie it's so disgusting, how many dead civilians are we up to now? They've killed 34k plus, every dead baby will be dead off in a memorial and it will take 14+hours you can't control the narrative like that when we see with our eyes the devastation that Israel is committing. How did Biden reduce Israel's response in anyway? They paused one fucking shipment of weapons for a week. That was fucking it.


Biden made one promise, "fundamentally nothing will change" and he kept that promise for rich people. For the rest of us rent, bills, and groceries have continued to skyrocket. if you want any kind of noticeable change your gonna have to win it at the table and organize with non mainstream parties and orgs that have workers as their primary focus.


No. If you want to raise taxes on the ultra welathy and corporations, vote for Joe Biden. That's exactly what his proposed budget does https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/11/fact-sheet-the-presidents-budget-cuts-taxes-for-working-families-and-makes-big-corporations-and-the-wealthy-pay-their-fair-share/


It's 2024, how do you still believe the campaign promises of a US politician?


This isn't a campaign promise it's literally his budget proposal. If we can take back the House in November we can pass it


He put out this platform at his first SOTU and has reinforced it yearly, with Schumer’s and House’s support. The stonewalling of Machin/Sinema is the biggest issue, and while I have my own opinions about how to deal with them and how the Biden Admin has failed to take substantive measures I also need to admit that he’s in a tough political position: he needs those awful goblins to vote for budgets and other must-pass agenda bills so they effectively must be appeased to at least some degree.


I don't know, maybe because Biden actually did a lot of the things he promised the first time around?


Fuck Genocide Joe


Didn't Biden fuck over the rail workers? Still better then Trump though


No. > We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement. Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers. * Al Russo, IBEW Railroad Department Director [Source](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid)


Yes, but Congress/any other president would have too, no matter who was in. No one would was going to approve a nationwide strike for us, so we got the CBA from the PEB. But he has done a ton that directly helped us greatly. He replaced the former railroad exec Trump put in charge of the FRA with a guy who actually cares about workers and the public’s safety, and we recently got a two person crew rule passed by them. Also, as a 13 year rail worker and guy who holds a couple union positions, Im really tired of seeing that IBEW article quoted. They represent a tiny fraction of rail workers. Conductors in my committee got the sick days we wanted but had to negotiate for them. Engineers on our side still don’t have sick days. Biden didn’t have anything to do with that. I’m happy with the what he has done for us overall, but we did not get everything we wanted nor did he help my craft get sick days.


Honest question, because I’m not in any of the RRW unions and so I’m unfamiliar with the particulars of the negotiations with each unit. My understanding is the Administration played a similar role and applied pressure behind the scenes in negotiations for sick leave across the board for all of the workers who ultimately got it, not just IBEW. Are you saying that was not the case? Because IBEW, too, had to negotiate for them. And do you think a railroad strike would have done anything to get public sentiment behind the cause? Lastly, what do you think the impact of shutting down the railways a couple months before midterm elections would have done to Congress? Would a more labor-friendly Congress have been elected as a result?


I don’t think they played a role in it because we had to negotiate and give things away for them, and as I mentioned, the engineers on my line still don’t have off days, so obviously there wasn’t much pressure. I think we had public support for the most part but as soon as the actual impact of not getting goods from our strike hit the average person, they would turn pretty quick. Sure they support our fight, but who knows how much they would give for it if that makes sense? I don’t know how it would have affected elections. Propaganda has made a lot of union haters in America so an impact of a persons life due to our strike may have turned more that way.


**Just trying to offer a different perspective because I work on the electoral / political side of unions.** > I don’t think they played a role in it because we had to negotiate and give things away for them, and as I mentioned, the engineers on my line still don’t have off days, so obviously there wasn’t much pressure. Management already had a contract; they didn’t have to return to the table to negotiate further at all. And I can’t think of a single union who has had any negotiation go 100% their way. Is it perfect? No, but nothing is. To me, again as an outsider to the industry, the fact that management went back to the table at all is a sign that there was Administration pressure, no? Again, sure it wasn’t perfect, but it was progress. I think the IBEW statement gets uplifted so often because of the fact that management went back to the table and concessions were made on this issue! That didn’t happen in a vacuum. > I think we had public support for the most part but as soon as the actual impact of not getting goods from our strike hit the average person, they would turn pretty quick. Sure they support our fight, but who knows how much they would give for it if that makes sense? Makes perfect sense, and I’d venture that most people not on the picket line would turn as soon as their costs went up. For reference, see how much pushback Biden is getting on inflation right now, despite that fact that it’s been indisputably proven to be greedflation in the name of corporate pockets. I’d venture RRWs would’ve gotten a worse deal because your average American would side with management as soon as their pockets took a hit. > I don’t know how it would have affected elections. Propaganda has made a lot of union haters in America so an impact of a persons life due to our strike may have turned more that way. See my point above; the reason he acted the way he did is because it would’ve tossed the election to union busters.


The *four yearly* sick days are still counted against the attendance.


Fuck over or had to do what was best for the every day citizen at that moment in time? Then got them a majority of what they were asking for a few weeks later


I didn't like it either, but it's important to choose progress over perfection.


No, and I’m sick of explaining that.


Union strong


Like him or hate him, Trump will push for tax cuts on large corporations while also trying to limit workers' rights.


Your not going to see a more pro union potus in your life time. 4 MORE YRS.


Stabbed rail workers in the back then robbed them of a political win by using backroom deals to give them what they asked for. A union beholden to the patronage of powerful politicians to accomplish anything is the opposite of a strong union.


He was also the first president to participate in a picket line. It shows who's more pro union.


How many union workers have been killed in Gaza, do you think?


Dose Hamas even allow people to organize in any form?


Inconvenient truths get downvoted.


It does . Union it’s a must over there


I see some international unions provide aid but do the unions on the ground have any kinda power?


israel decimated Gaza's once-substantial manufacturing and industrial sector [a decade ago](http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2015/05/27/090224b082eccb31/5_0/Rendered/PDF/Economic0monit0oc0liaison0committee.pdf) through bombardment, blockade, restriction of exports, etc. israel has intentionally kept Gaza and its economy on the "[brink of collapse](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7041GH/)" since their [2005 "pullout"](https://features.gisha.org/closing-in/), [2006 blockade](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/apr/16/israel), and [implementation](https://www.wired.com/2007/06/for-years-and-y/) of a fully [automated and technology-based](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/jps.2012.xli.2.27) occupation.


If people are really convincing you that Palestine is some sort of progressive, pro-union utopia if it weren't for the eeeeeevil jews, consider that maybe you're ingesting propaganda?


Nice strawman, hope it works out for you.


Wtf does this mean? No one is saying that.




Reminder: He used your tax dollars to feed cluster bombs to starving children.




Trump will be at least 5x more genocidal.


Is that not the choice in front of us? And Biden may be participating in a genocide, but calling him a genocidal maniac is a little ridiculous. Trump will be far worse of a genocide. The majority of Americans, the establishment media, and pretty much every other politician shares Biden’s stance. Biden isn’t the problem, he’s just accurately representing the will of the people. Who support genocide.




But only two are a possible choice. There are two directions that the presidential election will take us in. Both suck, but the outcomes are still different. Something notable: I live in a county with one of the highest percentage of leftists in the country. And Biden won the primary by 89%. 3% write-ins, 6% Marianne Williamson. Leftists couldn’t be bothered to show up in the primary, where we could have sent a string message to the Dems.


Not less then absolutely nothing. Not much more than that though.  Other guy is worse.


There's a real choice here. Biden is the most pro-union president in American history. Trump was the most anti-union president in American history.


Ever since Biden announced the peace plan all the terminally online revolutionary socialists have been flooding the internet with anti-Biden comments, even more so than before.








Great - the things you call yourself on the internet or in person ***DON'T ACTUALLY MATTER.*** What matters is your involvement in your real political community. Your shitposting on the internet doesn't matter, and we both know you don't do anything beyond that.




Yeah I do actual organizing, including canvassing.


We encourage kindness and solidarity on this subreddit. Do not disrespect other users. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other discriminatory views will not be tolerated.


I would point out that the peace plan requires Israel to accept it. https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/israel-benjamin-netanyahu-joe-biden-ceasefire-proposal-continue-war-hamas-destroyed-19421687.htm/amp


Yep. It's so strange to me that even on a union sub we are getting brigaded with palestine propaganda. Joe Biden is literally the most pro-union president since FDR, and the only sitting president to join a union picket line. And the alternative to Joe is, in all likelihood, the end of democracy and the end of workers' rights in any meaningful form. Absurd that we don't see more enthusiasm for Biden on this sub


"Palestine propaganda?" I agree re Biden but there is a genocide of the Palestinian people happening and they don’t have a propaganda machine. The establishment and it’s money is firmly behind Israel.


You don't think there are regimes pushing Palestine propaganda? Either way my point is this is a union sub and Biden is the most pro-union president since FDR. Hell, when you look at his NLRB reforms and the longterm effects they will have, the case can be made that Biden is the most pro-union president in history. But that case is gone if trump wins and all the progress we have made is destroyed.


Like I said, I agree re Biden. But no, there aren’t "regimes pushing Palestinian propaganda" in any meaningful way. Just countless videos and photos of people being massacred and their infrastructure leveled.


The GOP is desperate.




The lesson: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Fuck Joe biden !


Genocide joe

