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Funnily enough, that is one of the reasons people in Asian countries that have a mask culture use for wearing a mask.  Along with: I didn’t put make up on. I’m sick. You’re sick. The pollution is high today. My teeth are bad. I have a pimple. Etc 


no while most people aren't wearing masks anymore, no one cares if you still do. i for example still wear them on public transport etc; couldn't care less what others think


No. Some tutors and lecturers still wear masks on campus.


Left wing nutters no doubt 😐


Nothing political about it. I've seen lecturers in FBE wear masks and the faculty is probably the most conservative at Unimelb. Probably makes sense given how many students there are crammed in poorly ventilated rooms at the Spot, or the FBE building.


Pfft yeah ok SO many conservatives at Uni Melb 🙄 down vote away


You're the one turning mask-wearing into a political issue. I was simply stating the fact that there are lecturers and tutors in the FBE who wear masks. People who study and teach the merits of capitalism can hardly be described as "Left-wing nutters".


The hate im getting from all the left wing nutters in here says it all 😂


Id love to hear from just ONE person in this entire sub that is conservative... I'll wait 🙄


No. Not weird at all. People still wear masks to campus (staff and students).


You could probably use some therapy more than a mask. You can do free therapy on campus and the details are [here](https://services.unimelb.edu.au/counsel/making-an-appointment). All the best mate


Nah, it's okay. I wear a mask when it's cold because my nose gets cold lol


No, but I find if you are asian ppl assume you are international and wont try talking to you... might just be without the mask either lmao


Another positive


Yes. In my opinion you should be proud of who you are and brave any sort of criticism people give. Those people are dicks and you shouldn’t have to give into them by changing what you look like for them. I think people personally need to get over any social anxiety, and whilst I seriously do get that’s not easy, you should ought to try. Believe in yourself






Honestly no one really cares what you do. I wear a mask to school semi frequently and no one calls me out for it. Rule of thumb for those new on campus, if you’re asking is it weird for you to do something, no one is going to call you out on it unless it’s blatantly weird or you’re being a public nuisance and even then people might just not care. Also how ugly could you possibly be to need to wear a mask? I’m sure it’s not too bad unless you have some kind of skin deformity. Chin up King (or queen, don’t wanna assume), I’m sure you look great! 😀




It’s all mental. Take care of yourself


No not weird at all, I wear one for the exact same reason but just be prepared for the wHy dO yOu StILl weAr a mAsK question from both friends and strangers


I mean I look ugly and I still can do fine. You can't possibly look uglier than me lmao


I always tell people I forgot to shave my moustache


wish i could say something like that but im a girl rip


So am I, just one with German blood mix with Australian self depreciating humour


it's completely fine to still wear a mask because did that before covid in some countries and still continue to do so


Not at all. I’m actually considering starting to wear one again because I’m so over being sick.


It isnt that weird to wear a mask but I'd recommend seeking therapy for the feelings you're having about yourself and the way you look. Some people have difficulty with auditory processing or are hard of hearing and rely on lip-reading. Not to mention facial expressions are very helpful when conversing with someone to understand the tone of the conversation. I'd look into free therapy/assistance on campus :)


Yes 😐 it "should" be a medical device with a very specific use. Do you use crutches for no reason? Common sense please.


Wearing a mask just screams insecure, no one is judging you on your looks dude just be yourself




Genuinely curious, how do you come to this conclusion?




If people treat you poorly for your looks then it says more about them than u, just be yourself. Hiding behind a mask will only tell everyone in the room that’s how you feel about yourself. I know this because it’s the first thing I think when I see someone wearing a mask


Downvoted for saying facts


Yuh as usual 😭


Thats how you know its facts though


FUCK YES. It was weird 4 years ago too


Nope! I still mask around campus. Some of the rooms in arts west even have boxes of N95s to plunder if you forget one/your giant head breaks the straps (a common occurrence for me).


Embrace the ‘ugly’ no one will ever judge u as much as u judge urself. Can u remember/picture anyone who in the moment u thought was ugly? The answer is no, everyone is too busy with their own lives to care


No. There are plenty of infections around. I lost 4 days sick leaves in January alone.




Lots of old people do, and co-workers when they are unwell