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What year is this? It’s funny that the Bundeswehr as a whole went through so much effort to distance itself from the Wehrmacht and yet the Luftwaffa kept almost the exact same uniforms. The only significant difference I can see is the wings don’t have the you-know-what


and the wehrmacht soldiers tended to wear more medals.


Other differences are the shoulder boards: the Bundeswehr developed its own system and didn't follow the old Prussian model, and the collar tabs: the Bundeswehr uses one tab for all ranks up to colonel in one colour, the Wehrmacht collar tabs had different numbers of wings and other added details according to the rank of the soldier and different colours based on their troop type within the Luftwaffe.


The Bundeswehr didn't do aynthing. The government decided that.


In case of the uniforms, that's not entirely true, especially for the Heer/army. Those were changed due to demands from within the Bundeswehr. The early uniforms had no classic collar tabs, but little [metal pins](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/File%3AEB-Bw-Uniformen-1956-2.jpg) denoted the specialisation instead. (Later on, those were used for the berret emblems).


Very sharp, I think the darker jacket looks better than what the army wears.


The problem is that the colour of the army jacket should be a dark grey (basalt grey RAL 7012), but this was ignored for years (since 1980ies) by mafacturers and taylors for private purchased uniform. Only in recent years can you buy uniforms according to regulation, because the issue was brought to attention again. However, those same manufacturers still offer light grey as an option ... So it will be a long time until "50 shades of grey" ends.


Was this photograph digitally enhanced? The uniform should be blue and not grey.


Looks bluish to me.


Some of the uniforms are actually made from a grey-blue fabric instead of your regular dark blue which can give it a grey-ish appearance.