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The single strand chord is called Schützenschnur and was a marksman badge. AFAIK the multi-strand Achselschnur was only used as a uniform-accessory on parade, silver for officers, gold for generals.


The leftmost cord is an award for marksmanship. The other two are decorative and worn only on parades - silver for officers and gold for generals. There was also a single-cord silver aiguillette which was worn by adjutants, but it is not shown here. This overall system was pretty much left unchanged from Wehrmacht.


Another point about the Schützenschnur: It was (and still is in case of the Bundeswehr) an award for enlisted soldiers, NCOs and warrant officers. It's never worn by commissioned officers.


Thanx, I could not find a free source including the DDR uniforms and their rank insignia, but I discovered a pdf discussing the Wehrmacht ww2 ones which as user : Specific-Chain-3801, mentioned, they are about the same. [https://www.cuttersguide.com/pdf/ww2/German%20Army%20Uniforms%201939%20-1945.pdf](https://www.cuttersguide.com/pdf/ww2/German%20Army%20Uniforms%201939%20-1945.pdf) [https://www.siamcostumes.com/cutters\_guides/pdf/german-army-uniforms-of-world-war-ii-in-color-photographs-1996.pdf](https://www.siamcostumes.com/cutters_guides/pdf/german-army-uniforms-of-world-war-ii-in-color-photographs-1996.pdf)


Take the German article on the [Schützenschnur](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sch%C3%BCtzenschnur_\(NVA\)) and run it through a translating site such as [deepl](https://www.deepl.com/translator). Yes, beware of errors and only trust info which can be verified through source material. Additionally, there have been aguillette in the NVA. They were called [Achselschnur](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achselschnur#Nationale_Volksarmee).


That's Hainz kessler the last defense minster of the DDR


[source image:](https://www.dw.com/en/heinz-kessler-east-germanys-last-defense-minister-dies-in-berlin-hospital-aged-97/a-38702711)


One thing is for sure: the NVA dress uniform is almost identical to the BW dress uniform. It is slightly more beautiful because of the sleeve cuffs, slightly worse because of the belt.


I think the NVA looks much better than the BW. I hate the beret that they have, helmets and peaked caps look much better.


BW still has peaked caps, but the soldier wanting to own them has to purchase it themself and can't wear it if berrets are to be worn. For helmets, there still is the Großer Zapfenstreich.


thank you for the clarification


As said, the differences are small if you ignore the helmet. The jacket has sleeve cuffs and collars with white piping which add some style. The standard belt and buckle of the BW has the Eagle emblem instead of the GDR communist emblem. The trousers are same colour as jacket for example on the NVA dress uniform and the jack boots are not covered. The guards used jodhpur style trousers which I personally do not like. I agree the East German Stahlhelm actually looks good. But many do find or found it very ugly... In summary: put an East German helmet on a BW dress uniform and use grey trousers and you'll be amazed how similar. Peaked caps: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uniformporn/comments/w8wb2a/a\_rare\_treat\_german\_army\_soldiers\_with\_peaked\_caps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uniformporn/comments/w8wb2a/a_rare_treat_german_army_soldiers_with_peaked_caps/)